Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Adele Team/LIG/Grenoble University, France
package fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.eclipse;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.IJavaRefactorings;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors.RenameJavaElementDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.refactoring.RenameSupport;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ProgressMonitorDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbench;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;

import fede.workspace.tool.eclipse.MappingManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.contents.CadseDefinitionContent;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.generate.GenerateJavaIdentifier;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.CadseDefinitionManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.actions.MenuAbstractManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.attributes.AttributeManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.attributes.LinkTypeManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.content.ManagerManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.dataModel.DataModelManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.dataModel.EnumTypeManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.dataModel.ItemTypeManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.ui.DListManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.ui.DisplayManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.managers.ui.FieldManager;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.CadseException;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.CadseGCST;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.CadseRuntime;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.Item;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.ItemType;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.Link;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.LinkType;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.LogicalWorkspace;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.content.ContentItem;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.transaction.AbstractLogicalWorkspaceTransactionListener;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.transaction.LogicalWorkspaceTransaction;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.util.Convert;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.var.ContextVariable;
import fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.var.ContextVariableImpl;

class RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion extends RenameMappingOperation {

    public RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion(ItemDelta parent, ContextVariable oldCxt, ContextVariable newCxt)
            throws CadseException {
        super(parent, oldCxt, newCxt, "rename class");

    public void commit(LogicalWorkspace wl, Item goodItem) {

    protected IJavaElement getJavaElement(ContextVariable context) {
        JavaFileContentManager cm = (JavaFileContentManager) ((ItemDelta) _parent).getBaseItem().getContentItem();
        return cm.getCompilationUnit(context);

class RenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion extends RenameMappingOperation {
    IJavaElement _oldE;
    IJavaElement _newE;

    public RenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion(ItemDelta parent, ContextVariable oldCxt, ContextVariable newCxt,
            IFile oldF, IFile newF) throws CadseException {
        super(parent, oldCxt, newCxt, "rename class");
        _oldE = JavaCore.create(oldF);
        if (_oldE == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot find java element form file " + oldF);
        _newE = JavaCore.create(newF);
        if (_newE == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Cannot find java element form file " + newF);

    public void commit(LogicalWorkspace wl, Item goodItem) {

    protected IJavaElement getJavaElement(ContextVariable context) {
        return (context == _newcontext) ? _newE : _oldE;

abstract class RenameMappingOperation extends MappingOperation {
    final protected ContextVariable _newcontext;
    final protected ContextVariable _oldcontext;
    final protected String _desc;

    public RenameMappingOperation(ItemDelta parent, ContextVariable oldCxt, ContextVariable newCxt, String desc)
            throws CadseException {
        _oldcontext = oldCxt;
        _newcontext = newCxt;
        _desc = desc;

    protected void refactoringRename(String id, String... params) {
        try {
            IJavaElement oldElement = getJavaElement(_oldcontext);
            IJavaElement newElement = getJavaElement(_newcontext);

            Map<String, String> arguments = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (int i = 0; i < params.length;) {
                String k = params[i++];
                String v = params[i++];
                arguments.put(k, v);
            arguments.put("name", newElement.getElementName());
            arguments.put("input", oldElement.getHandleIdentifier());

            RenameJavaElementDescriptor javaElementDescriptor = new RenameJavaElementDescriptor(id,
                    id == IJavaRefactorings.RENAME_JAVA_PROJECT ? null
                            : oldElement.getResource().getProject().getName(),
                    _desc, _desc, arguments, 0);

            int type = oldElement.getElementType();
            switch (type) {
            case IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT:
            case IJavaElement.TYPE:
            if (oldElement.getElementType() != IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT_ROOT) {

            RenameSupport renameSupport = RenameSupport.create(javaElementDescriptor);
            Shell parent = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
            renameSupport.perform(parent, new ProgressMonitorDialog(parent));

        } catch (CoreException e1) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    protected abstract IJavaElement getJavaElement(ContextVariable context);

    protected String getLabel() {
        return _desc + " " + getJavaElement(_oldcontext).getElementName() + " to "
                + getJavaElement(_newcontext).getElementName();

class RenamePackageMappingOperartion extends RenameMappingOperation {
    boolean _renameSubpackages = true;

    public RenamePackageMappingOperartion(ItemDelta parent, ContextVariable oldCxt, ContextVariable newCxt)
            throws CadseException {
        super(parent, oldCxt, newCxt, "rename all package");

    public void commit(LogicalWorkspace wl, Item goodItem) {
        refactoringRename(IJavaRefactorings.RENAME_PACKAGE, "hierarchical", Boolean.toString(_renameSubpackages));

    private String getPackageName(ContextVariable cxt) {
        return cxt.getAttribute((Item) _parent, CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_at_PACKAGENAME_);

    protected IJavaElement getJavaElement(ContextVariable context) {
        JavaProjectContentManager cm = (JavaProjectContentManager) ((ItemDelta) _parent).getBaseItem()
        return cm.createPackage(context, getPackageName(context));


class RenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion extends RenameMappingOperation {

    public RenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion(ItemDelta parent, ContextVariable oldCxt, ContextVariable newCxt)
            throws CadseException {
        super(parent, oldCxt, newCxt, "rename project");

    public void commit(LogicalWorkspace wl, Item goodItem) {

    protected IJavaElement getJavaElement(ContextVariable context) {
        JavaProjectContentManager cm = (JavaProjectContentManager) ((ItemDelta) _parent).getBaseItem()
        return cm.getJavaProject(context);

public final class CadseG_WLWCListener extends AbstractLogicalWorkspaceTransactionListener {

    private final class CustomManagerOperation extends MappingOperation {
        private CustomManagerOperation(ItemDelta parent) throws CadseException {

        protected String getLabel() {
            return "custom manager";

        public void commit(LogicalWorkspace wl, Item theItemType) {
            ItemType it = (ItemType) theItemType;
            Item cm = ItemTypeManager.getCadseDefinition(theItemType);
            CadseDefinitionContent contentcm = (CadseDefinitionContent) cm.getContentItem();
            String qClass = it.getItemManagerClass();
            IFile f = contentcm.getCustomJavaSourceElementContainer(wl.getContext())
                    .getFile(new Path(qClass.replace('.', '/') + ".java"));
            if (!f.exists()) {
                String superQClass = GenerateJavaIdentifier.getQualifiedManager(wl.getContext(), it,
                        ItemTypeManager.getManager(it), false);
                String superCN = JavaIdentifier.getlastclassName(superQClass);
                String superPN = JavaIdentifier.getPackageName(superQClass);

                String cn = JavaIdentifier.getlastclassName(qClass);
                String pn = JavaIdentifier.getPackageName(qClass);
                try {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.append("package ").append(pn).append(";\n");
                    if (!superPN.equals(pn))
                        sb.append("import ").append(superQClass).append(";\n\n");
                    sb.append("public class ").append(cn).append(" extends ").append(superCN).append(" {\n");

                    String str = sb.toString();
                    MappingManager.createContainer(f.getParent(), View.getDefaultMonitor());
                    f.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes(f.getProject().getDefaultCharset())), true,
                } catch (CoreException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    //   private static final String   CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX   = "Create ";
    //   private static final String   MODIFICATION_PAGE_PREFIX   = "modification-page-";
    //   private static final String   CREATION_PAGE_PREFIX      = "creation-page-";
    //   // private static final String PARENT_NAME = "#invert_part_";
    //   private static final String   EMPTY_PAGE_CREATION_ID      = "creation-page1";
    //   private static final String   EMPTY_PAGE_MODIFICATION_ID   = "modification-page1";
    private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger("fr.imag.adele.cadse.cadseg.CadseG_WLWCListener");

    public CadseG_WLWCListener() {

    public void notifyCreatedItem(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item) throws CadseException {
        if (!isInCadseDefinition(item))
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
            ItemDelta linkType = (ItemDelta) item
            if (linkType == null) {
                Item itemType = item.getPartParent();
                if (itemType.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.MANAGER)) {
                    itemType = ManagerManager.getItemType(itemType);
                linkType = wc.createItem(CadseGCST.CONTENT_LINK_TYPE, itemType,
            LinkTypeManager.setDestination(linkType, CadseGCST.CONTENT_ITEM);
            LinkTypeManager.setMaxAttribute(linkType, 1);
            LinkTypeManager.setMinAttribute(linkType, 0);
            LinkTypeManager.setShowInDefaultMpAttribute(linkType, false);
            LinkTypeManager.setShowInDefaultCpAttribute(linkType, false);
            linkType.createLink(CadseGCST.CONTENT_LINK_TYPE_lt_CONTENT_DEFINITION, item);

         * Create dialog item and first page
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION)) {
            //   createDialogAndPages(wc, item);

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.EXT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
            if (item.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_SUPER_TYPE) == null)
                item.setOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_SUPER_TYPE, CadseGCST.EXT_ITEM);

        /* the attribute package name */
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE)) {
            Item parent = item.getPartParent();
            if (parent != null && parent.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.DATA_MODEL)) {
                item.setAttribute(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_at_PACKAGE_NAME_, DataModelManager.getQualifiedDM(parent));

            Item cr = null;
            if (parent != null) {
                if (parent.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CADSE))
                    cr = parent;
                    cr = parent.getPartParent(CadseGCST.CADSE);
                if (cr != null)
                    item.createLink(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_CADSE, cr);

            if (item.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_SUPER_TYPE) == null)
                item.setOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_SUPER_TYPE, CadseGCST.ITEM);

            if (cr.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION) && item.getType() != CadseGCST.EXT_ITEM_TYPE) { // manager
                // seul les items des Cadse Definition(cadseg) et non pas des
                // extention peuvent avoir des manager
                try {
                    // / TODO Test remove this line
                    // /ItemTypeManager.setIsAbstractAttribute(item, false);

                    Item mappingModel = CadseDefinitionManager.getMappingModel(cr);

                    Item managerItem = wc.createItem(CadseGCST.MANAGER, mappingModel,

                    // ManagerManager.setManagerType(managerItem, "default");
                    ManagerManager.setHumanNameAttribute(managerItem, item.getName());
                    ManagerManager.setUniqueNameTemplate(managerItem, "${#parent.qualified-name}{.}${#name}");
                    ManagerManager.setDisplayNameTemplateAttribute(managerItem, "${#name}");
                    // create a link form manager to theitemtype
                    ManagerManager.setItemType(managerItem, item);

                } catch (CadseException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

         * The manager is created in the dialog action. Not here.
        // manager in ItemType creation page
         * A CADSE definition is been created. Create items data model,
         * configuration model, build model, view model, mapping model.
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION)) {
            createdCadseDefintionItem(wc, item);

        //      /*
        //       * Create a field from an attribute
        //       */
        //      if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE) {
        //         final ItemDelta itemType = item.getPartParent();
        //         syncFieldFromAttribute(wc, itemType, item, false);
        //      }

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
            Item parent = item.getPartParent();
            if (parent != null) {
                item.createLink(CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_SOURCE, parent);


    //   /**
    //    * An item of type TYPE_DEFINITION is been created. You must create a
    //    * creation dialog, a modification dialog, a first creation dialog page and
    //    * a first modification dialog page...
    //    */
    //   private void createDialogAndPages(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item) throws CadseException {
    //      ItemDelta itemType = item;
    //      ItemDelta itemCreationDialog = createCreationDialog(wc, itemType);
    //      ItemDelta itemModificationDialog = createModificationDialog(wc, itemType);
    //      createFirstCreationPage(wc, itemCreationDialog);
    //      createFirstModificationPage(wc, itemModificationDialog, true);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Create a modification dialog
    //    * 
    //    * @param wc
    //    *            the working copy where create it
    //    * @param itemType
    //    *            the parent of the new modification dialog
    //    * @return the new modification dialog
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    */
    //   private ItemDelta createModificationDialog(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemType) throws CadseException {
    //      ItemDelta itemModificationDialog = wc.createItemIfNeed(null, ModificationDialogManager.DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME,
    //      return itemModificationDialog;
    //   }
    //   /**
    //    * Create a creation dialog
    //    * 
    //    * @param wc
    //    *            the working copy where create it
    //    * @param itemType
    //    *            the parent of the new creation dialog
    //    * @return the new creation dialog
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    */
    //   private ItemDelta createCreationDialog(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemType) throws CadseException {
    //      ItemDelta itemCreationDialog = wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CreationDialogManager.DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME,
    //      return itemCreationDialog;
    //   }

     * A CADSE definition is been created. Create items data model,
     * configuration model, build model, view model, mapping model.
     * @param wc
     *            the current working copy
     * @param cadseDefinition
     *            the new cadse definition, the parent of new items
     * @throws CadseException
    private void createdCadseDefintionItem(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta cadseDefinition)
            throws CadseException {
        wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseDefinitionManager.DATA_MODEL, CadseGCST.DATA_MODEL, cadseDefinition,
        // june 09, 2009 removed configuration model
        // wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseDefinitionManager.CONFIGURATION_MODEL,
        // cadseDefinition, CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_lt_CONFIGURATION);
        wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseDefinitionManager.BUILD_MODEL, CadseGCST.BUILD_MODEL, cadseDefinition,
        wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseDefinitionManager.VIEW_MODEL, CadseGCST.VIEW_MODEL, cadseDefinition,
        wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseDefinitionManager.MAPPING, CadseGCST.MAPPING_MODEL, cadseDefinition,
    //   /**
    //    * Create a first creation page
    //    * 
    //    * @param wc
    //    *            the current working copy
    //    * @param itemCreationDialog
    //    *            the creation dialog, the parent of the page which create
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    */
    //   private ItemDelta createFirstCreationPage(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemCreationDialog)
    //         throws CadseException {
    //      Item abstype = itemCreationDialog.getPartParent();
    //      String name = CREATION_PAGE_PREFIX + abstype.getName();
    //      return wc.createItemIfNeed(null, name, CadseGCST.PAGE, itemCreationDialog, CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_CREATION_PAGES,
    //            CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE,
    //            CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX + abstype.getName(), CadseGCST.PAGE_at_IS_REMOVED_, false,
    //            CadseGCST.PAGE_at_DESCRIPTION_, "");
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Create a first modification page
    //    * 
    //    * @param wc
    //    *            the current working copy
    //    * @param modificationDialog
    //    *            the modification dialog, the parent of the page which create
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    */
    //   private ItemDelta createFirstModificationPage(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item modificationDialog,
    //         boolean doCreatefield) throws CadseException {
    //      Item abstype = modificationDialog.getPartParent();
    //      String name = MODIFICATION_PAGE_PREFIX + abstype.getName();
    //      ItemDelta modificationPage1Item = wc.createItemIfNeed(null, name, CadseGCST.PAGE, modificationDialog,
    //            CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_MODIFICATION_PAGES, CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE_, abstype.getName(),
    //            CadseGCST.PAGE_at_LABEL_, abstype.getName(), CadseGCST.PAGE_at_IS_REMOVED_, false,
    //            CadseGCST.PAGE_at_DESCRIPTION_, "");
    //      if (doCreatefield) {
    //         Item[] attributes = ItemTypeManager.getAllAttributes(null, abstype, null, true);
    //         for (Item attribute : attributes) {
    //            Item itemType = PageManager.getItemTypeFromPage(modificationPage1Item);
    //            doCreateField(wc, itemType, attribute, modificationPage1Item);
    //         }
    //      }
    //      return modificationPage1Item;
    //   }

     * The value of attribute definition {@link CadseGCST#ITEM_TYPE_at_NAME_} is
     * changed. if the type of the item where the value is changed is
     * CadseGCST.EXT_ITEM_TYPE, you must change the name of first modification
     * page and first creation page.
    public void notifyChangeAttribute(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item,
            SetAttributeOperation attOperation) throws CadseException {

        if (!isInCadseDefinition(item))

        if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_at_CUSTOM_MANAGER_) {
            try {
                                item.getAdapter(ItemType.class), ItemTypeManager.getManager(item),
                                attOperation.getCurrentValue() == Boolean.TRUE));
            } catch (Throwable e1) {
            if (attOperation.getCurrentValue() == Boolean.TRUE) {
                item.addMappingOperaion(new CustomManagerOperation(item));
        if (!item.isAdded() && item.getType() == CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_at_PACKAGENAME_) {
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();

            IFile oldCst = CadseDefinitionManager.getCSTCU(oldContext, item);
            IFile newCst = CadseDefinitionManager.getCSTCU(oldContext, item);
            if (!(oldCst.equals(newCst))) {
                try {
                    addRenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion(item, oldContext, newContext, oldCst, newCst);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
            addRenamePackageOperation(item, oldContext, newContext);

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
            if (item.isAdded()) {
                if (((String) attOperation.getCurrentValue()).contains(".")) {
                    item.setQualifiedName((String) attOperation.getCurrentValue());
                } else {
                    item.setQualifiedName(CadseRuntime.CADSE_NAME_SUFFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());

            } else {
                String name = item.getAttribute(CadseGCST.ITEM_at_QUALIFIED_NAME_);

                if (name.startsWith(CadseRuntime.CADSE_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
                    item.setQualifiedName(CadseRuntime.CADSE_NAME_SUFFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_QUALIFIED_NAME_) {
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();
            addRenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion(item, oldContext, newContext);
            if (item.isAdded()) {
                String newCadseName = "Cadse " + attOperation.getCurrentValue();
                String oldCadseName = "Cadse " + attOperation.getPrecCurrentValue();
                String currentCadseName = item.getAttribute(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_at_CADSE_NAME_);
                if (currentCadseName == null || currentCadseName.length() == 0
                        || currentCadseName.equals(oldCadseName)) {
                    item.setAttribute(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_at_CADSE_NAME_, newCadseName);

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION)
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
            syncCompositeType(wc, null, item, null);
            //syncPages(wc, item, attOperation);

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE)
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {

            ItemDelta manager = (ItemDelta) ManagerManager.getManagerFromItemType(item);
            if (manager != null) {
                manager.setName(attOperation.getCurrentValue() + "-manager");
                String oldHn = manager.getAttribute(CadseGCST.MANAGER_at_HUMAN_NAME_);
                if (oldHn == null || oldHn.equals(attOperation.getPrecCurrentValue()))
                    ManagerManager.setHumanNameAttribute(manager, item.getName());
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();
            addRenameOperation(manager, oldContext, newContext);

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.PAGE & attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();
            addRenameOperation(item, oldContext, newContext);

        //      if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME_) {
        //         if (attOperation.getCurrentValue() == null || ((String) attOperation.getCurrentValue()).isEmpty()) {
        //            ItemDelta itemType = item.getPartParent();
        //            if (itemType.exists())
        //               syncFieldName(wc, getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, true));
        //         }
        //      }
        //      if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_AUTOMATIC_SHORT_NAME_) {
        //         if (attOperation.getCurrentValue() == Boolean.FALSE) {
        //            ItemDelta itemType = item.getPartParent();
        //            if (itemType.exists())
        //               syncFieldName(wc, getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, true));
        //         }
        //      }
        // if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.MANAGER)
        // && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() ==
        // CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
        // ItemDelta manager = item;
        // if (manager != null && !manager.isAdded()) {
        // ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
        // ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();
        // final RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion renameOper = new
        // RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion(manager);
        // renameOper.setCn(GenerateJavaIdentifier.getManagerClassName(newContext,
        // manager));
        // renameOper.setOldcn(GenerateJavaIdentifier.getManagerPackage(oldContext,
        // manager));
        // manager.addMappingOperaion(renameOper);
        // // manager.getContentItem().migrateContentItem(manager,
        // // oldContext, newContext);
        // // (attOperation.getCurrentValue() + "-manager");
        // /*
        // * it --> listener
        // *
        // * item -> modified item
        // *
        // * modified-item.setAttribute(item.getShortName()+"-manager")
        // */
        // // /*
        // // * (non-Javadoc)
        // // *
        // // * @see
        // //
        // fede.workspace.model.manager.DefaultItemManager#computeRenameAnnotationChange(org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange,
        // // * fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.Item,
        // // fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.Item,
        // // * fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.var.ContextVariable,
        // // * fr.imag.adele.cadse.core.var.ContextVariable)
        // // */
        // // @Override
        // // public RefactoringStatus
        // // computeRenameAnnotationChange(CompositeChange
        // // change, Item itemAnnotation,
        // // Item itemAnnoted, ContextVariable newCxt, ContextVariable
        // // oldCxt) {
        // // if (itemAnnoted.getType() == CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE) {
        // // return itemAnnotation.computeRenameChange(change,
        // // itemAnnoted.getShortName() + "-manager", newCxt, oldCxt);
        // // }
        // // return null;
        // // }
        // }
        // }

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
            // Display name

            Item manager = ManagerManager.getManagerFromItemType(item);
            if (manager != null) {
                if (ManagerManager.getHumanNameAttribute(manager).equals(attOperation.getPrecCurrentValue())) {
                    ManagerManager.setHumanNameAttribute(manager, (String) attOperation.getCurrentValue());


        //      if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE)) {
        //         ItemDelta itemType = item.getPartParent();
        //         if (itemType.exists()) {
        //            if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE_at_MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_) {
        //               syncFieldFromAttribute(wc, itemType, item, false);
        //            }
        //            if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
        //               syncFieldFromAttribute(wc, itemType, item, false);
        //            }
        //         }
        ////         if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE_at_IS_LIST_) {
        ////            syncDisplayFromAttribute(wc, item);
        ////         }
        ////         if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.LINK_at_MAX_) {
        ////            syncDisplayFromAttribute(wc, item);
        ////         }
        //      }

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE)) {
            if (attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_at_COMPOSITION_) {
                syncCompositeType(wc, item, null, attOperation);

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.MENU_ACTION)
                && attOperation.getAttributeDefinition() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_) {
            if (Convert.equals(attOperation.getPrecCurrentValue(), MenuAbstractManager.getLabelAttribute(item))) {
                MenuAbstractManager.setLabelAttribute(item, (String) attOperation.getCurrentValue());


    private boolean isInCadseDefinition(ItemDelta item) {
        return item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION)
                || item.getPartParent(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION) != null;

    private void addRenameOperation(ItemDelta anItemDelta, ContextVariable oldContext, ContextVariable newContext)
            throws CadseException {
        if (anItemDelta == null || anItemDelta.isAdded()) {

        RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion renameOper = anItemDelta
        if (renameOper == null) {
            renameOper = new RenameJavaClassMappingOperartion(anItemDelta, oldContext, newContext);

    private void addRenamePackageOperation(ItemDelta anItemDelta, ContextVariable oldContext,
            ContextVariable newContext) throws CadseException {
        if (anItemDelta == null || anItemDelta.isAdded()) {

        RenamePackageMappingOperartion renameOper = anItemDelta
        if (renameOper == null) {
            renameOper = new RenamePackageMappingOperartion(anItemDelta, oldContext, newContext);

    private void addRenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion(ItemDelta anItemDelta, ContextVariable oldContext,
            ContextVariable newContext) throws CadseException {
        if (anItemDelta == null || anItemDelta.isAdded()) {

        RenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion renameOper = anItemDelta
        if (renameOper == null) {
            renameOper = new RenameCadseDefinitionMappingOperartion(anItemDelta, oldContext, newContext);

    private void addRenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion(ItemDelta anItemDelta, ContextVariable oldContext,
            ContextVariable newContext, IFile oldF, IFile newF) throws CadseException {
        if (anItemDelta == null || anItemDelta.isAdded()) {

        RenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion renameOper = anItemDelta
        if (renameOper == null) {
            renameOper = new RenameJavaClassRefMappingOperartion(anItemDelta, oldContext, newContext, oldF, newF);

    //   /**
    //    * 
    //    * @param item
    //    *            an itemtype or an extension
    //    * @param attOperation
    //    *            an attribute opertion sur un name
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    */
    //   private void syncPages(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item, SetAttributeOperation attOperation)
    //         throws CadseException {
    //      // change id of the first creation page if added
    //      ItemDelta itemCreationDialog = item.getOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_CREATION_DIALOG, false);
    //      ItemDelta itemFirstCreationPage = itemCreationDialog.getOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES, false);
    //      if (itemFirstCreationPage.isAdded()) {
    //         itemFirstCreationPage.setName(CREATION_PAGE_PREFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         itemFirstCreationPage.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE_, CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX
    //               + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         itemFirstCreationPage.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_LABEL_, CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX
    //               + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         syncFieldName(wc, itemFirstCreationPage);
    //      }
    //      // change id of the first modification page if added
    //      ItemDelta itemModificationDialog = item.getOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_MODIFICATION_DIALOG,
    //            false);
    //      ItemDelta itemFirstModificationPage = itemModificationDialog.getOutgoingItem(
    //            CadseGCST.MODIFICATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES, false);
    //      if (itemFirstModificationPage != null && itemFirstModificationPage.isAdded()) {
    //         itemFirstModificationPage.setName(MODIFICATION_PAGE_PREFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         itemFirstModificationPage.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE_, attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         itemFirstModificationPage.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_LABEL_, attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //         syncFieldName(wc, itemFirstCreationPage);
    //      }
    //      // rename pages
    //      if (!item.isAdded()) {
    //         String oldName = (String) attOperation.getPrecCurrentValue();
    //         for (Item p : CreationDialogManager.getPages(itemCreationDialog)) {
    //            ItemDelta pageDelta = (ItemDelta) p;
    //            if (pageDelta.isAdded()) {
    //               continue;
    //            }
    //            String namePage = pageDelta.getName();
    //            if (namePage.equals(CREATION_PAGE_PREFIX + oldName)) {
    //               pageDelta.setName(CREATION_PAGE_PREFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //            }
    //            // rename the title attribute of page
    //            String pageTitle = PageManager.getTitle(pageDelta);
    //            if (pageTitle.equals(CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX + oldName)) {
    //               pageDelta.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE_, CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX
    //                     + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //               pageDelta.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_LABEL_, CREATION_PAGE_TITLE_PREFIX
    //                     + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //            }
    //         }
    //         for (Item p : ModificationDialogManager.getPages(itemModificationDialog)) {
    //            ItemDelta pageDelta = (ItemDelta) p;
    //            if (pageDelta.isAdded()) {
    //               continue;
    //            }
    //            String namePage = pageDelta.getName();
    //            if (namePage.equals(MODIFICATION_PAGE_PREFIX + oldName)) {
    //               pageDelta.setName(MODIFICATION_PAGE_PREFIX + attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //            }
    //            // rename the title attribute of page
    //            String pageTitle = PageManager.getTitle(pageDelta);
    //            if (pageTitle.equals(oldName)) {
    //               pageDelta.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_TITLE_, attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //               pageDelta.setAttribute(CadseGCST.PAGE_at_LABEL_, attOperation.getCurrentValue());
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

    //   private void syncDisplayFromAttribute(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item) throws CadseException {
    //      Collection<Item> fields = item.getIncomingItems(CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE);
    //      for (Item f : fields) {
    //         try {
    //            syncDisplay(wc, f);
    //         } catch (RuntimeException e) {
    //            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //            e.printStackTrace();
    //         }
    //      }
    //   }

     * Delete the manager associated at an item type
    public void notifyDeletedItem(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item) throws CadseException {
        if (!isInCadseDefinition(item))

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
            Item linkType = item.getIncomingItem(CadseGCST.CONTENT_LINK_TYPE_lt_CONTENT_DEFINITION);
            if (linkType != null) {

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION)) {
            ItemDelta manager = (ItemDelta) ManagerManager.getManagerFromItemType(item);
            if (manager != null && !manager.isDeleted()) {
                manager.delete(item.getDeleteOperation(), 0);

            // delete link which point to this
            Collection<Item> links = item.getIncomingItems(CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_DESTINATION);
            for (Item linkTothis : links) {
                ((ItemDelta) linkTothis).delete(item.getDeleteOperation(), 0);

        if (item.getType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
            Item composerlink = ComposerLinkManager.getComposerLinkFromLink(item);
            if (composerlink != null) {
                try {
                } catch (CadseException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            syncCompositeType(wc, item, null, null);

            if (LinkTypeManager.isPart(item)) {
                Item inverseLink = LinkTypeManager.getInverseLink(item);
                if (inverseLink != null) {

        //      if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE)) {
        //         ItemDelta partParent = item.getPartParent(false, true);
        //         if (partParent != null)
        //            syncFieldFromAttribute(wc, partParent, item, true);
        //      }

     * manage double click
    public void notifyDoubleClick(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta item) {
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE)) {
            Item manager = ManagerManager.getManagerFromItemType(item);
            if (manager != null) {
                IFile jf = manager.getContentItem().getMainMappingContent(IFile.class);
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.EXT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
            IFile jf = item.getContentItem().getMainMappingContent(IFile.class);
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.PAGE)) {
            IFile jf = item.getContentItem().getMainMappingContent(IFile.class);
        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.MANAGER)) {
            IFile jf = item.getContentItem().getMainMappingContent(IFile.class);

        if (item.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ENUM_TYPE)) {
            IType type = EnumTypeManager.getEnumQualifiedClass(ContextVariableImpl.DEFAULT, item);
            if (type != null) {
                IResource jf = type.getResource();
                if (jf != null && jf instanceof IFile) {
                    openFile((IFile) jf);

     * Open a file
     * @param jf
    private void openFile(IFile jf) {
        if (jf != null) {
            try {
                IWorkbench workbench = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
                IWorkbenchPage activePage = workbench.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage();
                IDE.openEditor(activePage, jf, true);
            } catch (PartInitException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    public void notifyCreatedLink(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, LinkDelta link) throws CadseException {
        if (!isInCadseDefinition(link.getSource()))
        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE) {
        //         ItemDelta field = link.getSource();
        //         syncDisplay(wc, field);
        //      }

        if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_DESTINATION) {
            ItemDelta linkType = link.getSource();

        if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_INVERSE_LINK) {
            Item link1 = link.getSource();
            Item inverseLink = link.getResolvedDestination();
            Link inverseLink_link = LinkTypeManager.getInverseLinkLink(inverseLink);
            if (inverseLink_link == null) {
                inverseLink.createLink(CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_INVERSE_LINK, link1);
            } else {
                // if (inverseLink_link.getResolvedDestination() != null) {
                // } else {
                // }
        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
        //         link.getSource().getPartParent().createLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_CREATION_PAGES, link.getDestination());
        //      }
        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.MODIFICATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
        //         link.getSource().getPartParent().createLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_MODIFICATION_PAGES,
        //               link.getDestination());
        //      }
        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_SUPER_TYPE) {
        //         ItemDelta item = link.getSource();
        //         ItemDelta itemCreationDialog = item.getOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_lt_CREATION_DIALOG, false);
        //         ItemDelta itemFirstCreationPage = itemCreationDialog.getOutgoingItem(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES,
        //               false);
        //         if (itemFirstCreationPage.isAdded()) {
        //            syncFieldName(wc, itemFirstCreationPage);
        //         }
        //      }

    private void syncDisplay(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta displayField) throws CadseException {
        Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(displayField);

        if (attribute == null) {
            return; // error cannot find the attribute...
        //ItemType attribute_type = attribute.getType();
        //ItemType goodDisplayType = getDisplayTypeFromAttribute(attribute, attribute_type);

        //      if (goodDisplayType != null) {
        //         ItemDelta displayField = (ItemDelta) FieldManager.getDisplay(field);
        //         ItemType displayType = displayField == null ? null : displayField.getType();
        //         if (displayType != null) {
        //            if (displayType != goodDisplayType) {
        //               displayField.delete(true);
        //               Link field_to_display = field.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_DISPLAY);
        //               if (field_to_display != null) {
        //                  field_to_display.delete();
        //               }
        //               displayField = null;
        //            } else {
        //               // nothing
        //            }
        //         }
        //         if (displayField == null) {
        //            displayField = wc.createItemIfNeed(null, DisplayManager.DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME, goodDisplayType, field,
        //                  CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_DISPLAY);
        //         }
        //      }
        if (displayField.getType() == CadseGCST.DBROWSER) {
            sync_IC_and_MC(wc, displayField, getMCType(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_MC,
                    getICTypeForDBrowserUI(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_IC);

        } else if (displayField.getType() == CadseGCST.DCOMBO) {
            sync_IC_and_MC(wc, displayField, getMCType(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_MC,
                    getICTypeForDCombo(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_IC);
        } else if (displayField.getType() == CadseGCST.DTEXT) {
            sync_IC_and_MC(wc, displayField, getMCType(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_MC, null,
        } else if (displayField.getType() == CadseGCST.DLIST) {
            if (displayField.isAdded()) {
                DListManager.setEditableButtonAttribute(displayField, true);
            sync_IC_and_MC(wc, displayField, getMCType(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_MC,
                    getICTypeForDList(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_IC);
        } else if (displayField.getType() == CadseGCST.DCHECK_BOX) {
            sync_IC_and_MC(wc, displayField, getMCType(displayField), CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_MC, null,

    public void notifyDeletedLink(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, LinkDelta link) throws CadseException {
        if (!isInCadseDefinition(link.getSource()))
        if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE) {
            ItemDelta display = link.getSource();
            if (display instanceof ItemDelta) {
        if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_DESTINATION && link.getDestination().isDeleted()) {
            // the destination is deleted, the link must be delete
            link.getSource().delete(link.getDeleteOperation(), 0);

        if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE_lt_INVERSE_LINK) {
            Item inverseLink = link.getResolvedDestination();
            LinkDelta inverseLink_link = (LinkDelta) LinkTypeManager.getInverseLinkLink(inverseLink);
            if (inverseLink_link != null) {
            } else {
                // if (inverseLink_link.getResolvedDestination() != null) {
                // } else {
                // }

        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
        //         ItemDelta s;
        //         ItemDelta p;
        //         if (((s = link.getSource()) != null) && ((p = s.getPartParent()) != null)) {
        //            LinkDelta l = p.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_CREATION_PAGES, link.getDestination().getId());
        //            if (l != null)
        //               l.delete();
        //         }
        //      }
        //      if (link.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.MODIFICATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
        //         ItemDelta s;
        //         ItemDelta p;
        //         if (((s = link.getSource()) != null) && ((p = s.getPartParent()) != null)) {
        //            LinkDelta l = p.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE_lt_MODIFICATION_PAGES, link.getDestination()
        //                  .getId());
        //            if (l != null)
        //               l.delete();
        //         }
        //      }

    private ItemType getDisplayTypeFromAttribute(Item attribute, ItemType attribute_type) throws CadseException {

        if (AttributeManager.isIsListAttribute(attribute)) {
            return CadseGCST.DLIST;
        } else {
            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.BOOLEAN) {
                return CadseGCST.DCHECK_BOX;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.DOUBLE) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.DBROWSER;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.INTEGER) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                final int max = LinkTypeManager.getMax(attribute);
                if (max == 0 || max == 1) {
                    return CadseGCST.DBROWSER;
                } else {
                    return CadseGCST.DLIST;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.DATE) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LONG) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.URL) {
                return CadseGCST.DBROWSER;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.UUID) {
                return CadseGCST.DTEXT;
        return null;

    //   /**
    //    * Do create field.
    //    * 
    //    * @param attribute
    //    *            the attribute
    //    * @param creationPage
    //    *            the page
    //    * 
    //    * @return the item
    //    * 
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    *             the melusine exception
    //    */
    //   private void syncFieldFromAttribute(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta itemType, ItemDelta attribute,
    //         boolean force) throws CadseException {
    //      if (attribute.isDeleted()) {
    //         Item pc1 = getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, false);
    //         Item pm1 = getFirstModificationPage(wc, itemType, false);
    //         Item field_pc1 = getFieldFromAttribute(attribute, pc1);
    //         if (field_pc1 != null) {
    //            field_pc1.delete(true);
    //         }
    //         Item field_pm1 = getFieldFromAttribute(attribute, pm1);
    //         if (field_pm1 != null) {
    //            field_pm1.delete(true);
    //         }
    //         return;
    //      }
    //      Item pc1 = getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, false);
    //      Item pm1 = getFirstModificationPage(wc, itemType, true);
    //      Item field_pc1 = getFieldFromAttribute(attribute, pc1);
    //      Item field_pm1 = getFieldFromAttribute(attribute, pm1);
    //      String shortName = doShortName(attribute);
    //      String label = attribute.getName();
    //      if (field_pm1 != null) {
    //         field_pm1.setName(shortName);
    //         field_pm1.setAttribute(CadseGCST.FIELD_at_LABEL_, label);
    //      }
    //      if (field_pc1 != null) {
    //         field_pc1.setName(shortName);
    //         field_pc1.setAttribute(CadseGCST.FIELD_at_LABEL_, label);
    //      }
    //      if (force || AttributeManager.isMustBeInitializedAttribute(attribute)) {
    //         if (field_pc1 == null) {
    //            // create la page de creation if need
    //            if (pc1 == null) {
    //               pc1 = getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, true);
    //            }
    //            syncFieldName(wc, pc1);
    //            // create field in creation page if the field must be
    //            // initialized at creation time or force flag is true
    //            field_pc1 = doCreateField(wc, itemType, attribute, pc1);
    //         }
    //      } else {
    //         if (field_pc1 != null && field_pc1 instanceof ItemDelta) {
    //            if (((ItemDelta) field_pc1).isAdded()) {
    //               field_pc1.delete(false);
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }
    //      if (field_pm1 == null) {
    //         // create field in modification page
    //         field_pm1 = doCreateField(wc, itemType, attribute, pm1);
    //      }
    //   }

    //   private void syncFieldName(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item page) throws CadseException {
    //      // if (page == null)
    //      // page = attribute.getPartParent(CadseGCST.PAGE);
    //      boolean addInternalShortName = PageManager.addInternalShortName(page);
    //      boolean addInternalAttribute = PageManager.addInternalAttribute(page);
    //      if (addInternalShortName || addInternalAttribute) {
    //         // if (pc1 == null) {
    //         // pc1 = getFirstCreationPage(wc, itemType, true);
    //         // }
    //         Item nameField = getFieldFromAttribute(wc, CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_, page);
    //         if (nameField == null) {
    //            // create name field if not exists
    //            nameField = wc.createItemIfNeed(null, CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME, CadseGCST.FIELD, page,
    //                  CadseGCST.PAGE_lt_FIELDS, CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE, CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_,
    //                  CadseGCST.FIELD_at_LABEL_, CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME, CadseGCST.FIELD_at_POSITION_,
    //                  EPosLabel.defaultpos);
    //            List<Link> pageToFields = page.getOutgoingLinks(CadseGCST.PAGE_lt_FIELDS);
    //            if (pageToFields.get(0).getDestination() != nameField) {
    //               int i = pageToFields.indexOf(page.getOutgoingLink(CadseGCST.PAGE_lt_FIELDS, nameField.getId()));
    //               if (i != -1)
    //                  ((LinkDelta) pageToFields.get(i)).moveBefore(pageToFields.get(0));
    //            }
    //         }
    //      } else {
    //         ItemDelta nameField = getFieldFromAttribute(wc, CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_, page);
    //         if (nameField != null && nameField.isAdded())
    //            nameField.delete(true);
    //      }
    //   }

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * fede.workspace.model.manager.DefaultItemManager#createdItem(fr.imag.adele
     * .cadse.core.Item)
    private void sync_IC_and_MC(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item dbrowser, ItemType mcType, LinkType display_mc,
            ItemType icType, LinkType display_ic) throws CadseException {

        sync_IC_and_MC(wc, dbrowser, DisplayManager.MC_DEFAULT_NAME, DisplayManager.getItemMC(dbrowser), mcType,
        sync_IC_and_MC(wc, dbrowser, DisplayManager.IC_DEFAULT_NAME, DisplayManager.getItemIC(dbrowser), icType,

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * fede.workspace.model.manager.DefaultItemManager#createdItem(fr.imag.adele
     * .cadse.core.Item)
    private void sync_IC_and_MC(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item displayItem, String shortName,
            Item ic_or_mc_foundItem, ItemType mc_or_ic_ItemType, LinkType display_lt_ic_or_mc)
            throws CadseException {

        if (mc_or_ic_ItemType != null) {
            if (ic_or_mc_foundItem != null && ic_or_mc_foundItem.getType() != mc_or_ic_ItemType) {
                ic_or_mc_foundItem = null;
            if (ic_or_mc_foundItem == null) {
                wc.createItemIfNeed(null, shortName, mc_or_ic_ItemType, displayItem, display_lt_ic_or_mc);
        } else if (ic_or_mc_foundItem != null) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * fede.workspace.model.manager.DefaultItemManager#createdItem(fr.imag.adele
     * .cadse.core.Item)
    private ItemType getMCType(Item displayItem) throws CadseException {

        Item field = displayItem.getPartParent();
        Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(field);

        if (attribute == null) {
            return null;
        ItemType attribute_type = attribute.getType();
        if (AttributeManager.isIsListAttribute(attribute)) {
            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_STRING_LIST_TO_ENUM_LIST;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_LINK;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_LIST_OF_STRING;
            return CadseGCST.MC_LIST_OF_STRING;
        } else {
            if (attribute == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_ || attribute.getBaseItem() == CadseGCST.ITEM_at_NAME_)
                return CadseGCST.MC_NAME_ATTRIBUTE;

            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.BOOLEAN) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_BOOLEAN;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.DOUBLE) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_ENUM;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                if (displayItem.getType() == CadseGCST.DCHECK_BOX) {
                    return CadseGCST.MC_LINK_TO_BOOLEAN;
                return CadseGCST.MC_LINK;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute.getType() == CadseGCST.INTEGER) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_INTEGER;
            } else if (attribute.getType() == CadseGCST.DATE) {
                return CadseGCST.MC_DATE;

        return null;

    private ItemType getICTypeForDList(Item item) throws CadseException {
        Item field = item.getPartParent();
        Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(field);

        if (attribute == null) {
            return null;

        ItemType attribute_type = attribute.getType();
        if (AttributeManager.isIsListAttribute(attribute)) {
            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_ENUM_FOR_LIST;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_LINK_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO_LIST;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_STRING_LIST_FOR_LIST;
            return CadseGCST.IC_STRING_LIST_FOR_LIST;
        } else {
            // it's not possible
            return null;

    private ItemType getICTypeForDBrowserUI(Item dbrowser) throws CadseException {

        Item field = dbrowser.getPartParent();
        Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(field);

        if (attribute == null) {
            return null;
        ItemType attribute_type = attribute.getType();
        if (AttributeManager.isIsListAttribute(attribute)) {
            // it's not possible
            return null;
        } else {
            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.BOOLEAN) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.DOUBLE) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_ENUM_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO;

            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.INTEGER) {
                return null;

            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                Item itemtypedest = LinkTypeManager.getDestination(attribute);

                Item[] incomingLinkType = ItemTypeManager.getIncomingLinkTypesOfPart(itemtypedest);

                if (incomingLinkType.length == 1 && incomingLinkType[0] != attribute) {
                    return CadseGCST.IC_PART_LINK_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO_LIST;
                } else {
                    return CadseGCST.IC_LINK_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO_LIST;

            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {

        return null;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * fede.workspace.model.manager.DefaultItemManager#createdItem(fr.imag.adele
     * .cadse.core.Item)
    private ItemType getICTypeForDCombo(Item item) throws CadseException {
        // TODO:
        Item field = item.getPartParent();
        Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(field);

        if (attribute == null) {
            return null;
        ItemType attribute_type = attribute.getType();
        if (AttributeManager.isIsListAttribute(attribute)) {
            // it's not possible
            return null;
        } else {
            if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.BOOLEAN) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.DOUBLE) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.ENUM) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_ENUM_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.INTEGER) {
                return null;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE) {
                return CadseGCST.IC_LINK_FOR_BROWSER_COMBO_LIST;
            } else if (attribute_type == CadseGCST.STRING) {
                return null;
        return null;

     * Do short name.
     * @param attribute
     *            the attribute
     * @return the string
    public static String doShortName(Item attribute) {
        return attribute.getName();

    //   private ItemDelta getFieldFromAttribute(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item attribute, Item p1) {
    //      return getFieldFromAttribute(wc.getItem(attribute), p1);
    //   }

    //   private ItemDelta getFieldFromAttribute(ItemDelta attribute, Item p1) {
    //      if (p1 == null) {
    //         return null;
    //      }
    //      Collection<ItemDelta> fields = getFieldsFromAttribute(attribute);
    //      if (fields == null || fields.size() == 0) {
    //         return null;
    //      }
    //      for (ItemDelta f : fields) {
    //         if (f.getPartParent() == p1) {
    //            return f;
    //         }
    //      }
    //      return null;
    //   }
    //   private Collection<ItemDelta> getFieldsFromAttribute(ItemDelta attribute) {
    //      return attribute.getIncomingItems(CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE, false, true);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Do create field.
    //    * 
    //    * @param attribute
    //    *            the attribute
    //    * @param page
    //    *            the page
    //    * 
    //    * @return the new field
    //    * 
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    *             the melusine exception
    //    */
    //   public static ItemDelta doCreateField(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemType, Item attribute, Item page)
    //         throws CadseException {
    //      // Item itemType = PageManager.getItemTypeFromPage(page);
    //      String shortName = doShortName(attribute);
    //      String label = attribute.getName();
    //      EPosLabel pos = EPosLabel.defaultpos;
    //      return wc.createItemIfNeed(null, shortName, CadseGCST.FIELD, page, CadseGCST.PAGE_lt_FIELDS,
    //            CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE, attribute, CadseGCST.FIELD_at_LABEL_, label,
    //            CadseGCST.FIELD_at_POSITION_, pos);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Cherche la premier page rsolu. Si il y en a aucune, il en cree une.
    //    * 
    //    * @param modificationDialog
    //    *            the modification dialog
    //    * 
    //    * @return the or create first page
    //    * 
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    *             the melusine exception
    //    */
    //   public Item getFirstModificationPage(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemType, boolean createIt)
    //         throws CadseException {
    //      Item modificationDialog = ItemTypeManager.getModificationDialog(itemType);
    //      if (modificationDialog == null) {
    //         if (!createIt) {
    //            return null;
    //         }
    //         modificationDialog = createModificationDialog(wc, itemType);
    //      }
    //      for (Link l : modificationDialog.getOutgoingLinks()) {
    //         // Select link has kind Part and destination.
    //         if (l.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.MODIFICATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
    //            // if l is resovled, take this destination to return list.
    //            if (l.isLinkResolved()) {
    //               return l.getResolvedDestination();
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }
    //      if (!createIt) {
    //         return null;
    //      }
    //      return createFirstModificationPage(wc, modificationDialog, false);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Cherche la premier page rsolu. Si il y en a aucune, il en cree une.
    //    * 
    //    * @param modificationDialog
    //    *            the modification dialog
    //    * 
    //    * @return the first page or null if not found and createIt is false
    //    * 
    //    * @throws CadseException
    //    *             the melusine exception
    //    */
    //   public Item getFirstCreationPage(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, Item itemType, boolean createIt)
    //         throws CadseException {
    //      Item creationDialog = ItemTypeManager.getCreationDialog(itemType);
    //      if (creationDialog == null) {
    //         if (!createIt) {
    //            return null;
    //         }
    //         creationDialog = createCreationDialog(wc, itemType);
    //      }
    //      for (Link l : creationDialog.getOutgoingLinks()) {
    //         // Select link has kind Part and destination.
    //         if (l.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_lt_PAGES) {
    //            // if l is resovled, take this destination to return list.
    //            if (l.isLinkResolved()) {
    //               final Item page = l.getResolvedDestination();
    //               if (PageManager.isIsRemovedAttribute(page)) {
    //                  continue;
    //               }
    //               return page;
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }
    //      if (!createIt) {
    //         return null;
    //      }
    //      return createFirstCreationPage(wc, creationDialog);
    //   }

    public void notifyLoadedItem(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction workspaceLogiqueWorkingCopy,
            List<ItemDelta> loadedItems) {
        for (ItemDelta oper : loadedItems) {
            if (oper.getType() != CadseGCST.FIELD) {

        for (ItemDelta oper : loadedItems) {
            if (oper.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE)) {
                try {
                    ItemDelta linkType = (ItemDelta) oper
                    if (linkType == null) {
                        Item itemType = oper.getPartParent();
                        if (itemType == null)
                        if (itemType.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.MANAGER)) {
                            itemType = ManagerManager.getItemType(itemType);
                        if (!itemType.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE))
                        linkType = workspaceLogiqueWorkingCopy.createItem(CadseGCST.CONTENT_LINK_TYPE, itemType,
                        LinkTypeManager.setDestination(linkType, CadseGCST.CONTENT_ITEM);
                        LinkTypeManager.setMaxAttribute(linkType, 1);
                        LinkTypeManager.setMinAttribute(linkType, 0);
                        AttributeManager.setShowInDefaultCpAttribute(linkType, false);
                        AttributeManager.setShowInDefaultMpAttribute(linkType, false);
                        linkType.createLink(CadseGCST.CONTENT_LINK_TYPE_lt_CONTENT_DEFINITION, oper);
                    } else {
                        AttributeManager.setShowInDefaultCpAttribute(linkType, false);
                        AttributeManager.setShowInDefaultMpAttribute(linkType, false);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
            // remove this code (present in import code)
            //         if (oper.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE)) {
            //            String uuid = oper.getAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE");
            //            if (uuid != null && uuid.length() != 0)
            //               try {
            //                  oper.setAttribute(CadseGCST.ATTRIBUTE_at_ID_RUNTIME_, uuid);
            //               } catch (CadseException e) {
            //                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //                  e.printStackTrace();
            //               }
            //            try {
            //               oper.setAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE", null);
            //            } catch (CadseException e) {
            //               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //               e.printStackTrace();
            //            }
            //            continue;
            //         }
            //         if (oper.isInstanceOf(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION)) {
            //            String uuid = oper.getAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE");
            //            if (uuid != null && uuid.length() != 0)
            //               try {
            //                  oper.setAttribute(CadseGCST.TYPE_DEFINITION_at_ID_RUNTIME_, uuid);
            //               } catch (CadseException e) {
            //                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //                  e.printStackTrace();
            //               }
            //            try {
            //               oper.setAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE", null);
            //            } catch (CadseException e) {
            //               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //               e.printStackTrace();
            //            }
            //            continue;
            //         }
            if (oper.getType() == CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION) {
                String qname = oper.getQualifiedName();
                if (qname == null || !qname.contains("."))
                    try {
                        oper.setQualifiedName(CadseRuntime.CADSE_NAME_SUFFIX + oper.getName());
                    } catch (CadseException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                // remove this code (present in import code)
                //            String uuid = oper.getAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE");
                //            if (uuid != null && uuid.length() != 0)
                //               try {
                //                  oper.setAttribute(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION_at_ID_RUNTIME_, uuid);
                //               } catch (CadseException e) {
                //                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                //                  e.printStackTrace();
                //               }
                //            try {
                //               oper.setAttribute("UUID_ATTRIBUTE", null);
                //            } catch (CadseException e) {
                //               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                //               e.printStackTrace();
                //            }
            if (oper.getType() == CadseGCST.DATA_MODEL) {
                Collection<LinkDelta> extLinks = oper.getOutgoingLinkOperations();
                for (LinkDelta linkDelta : extLinks) {
                    if (linkDelta.getLinkTypeName().equals("ext-types")) {
                        try {
                            oper.createLink(CadseGCST.DATA_MODEL_lt_TYPES, linkDelta.getDestination());
                        } catch (CadseException ignored) {
                        try {
                        } catch (CadseException ignored) {
            //         if (oper.getType() == CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG) {
            //            String dv = oper.getAttribute(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME_);
            //            if (dv != null && dv.length() != 0) {
            //               String gv = oper.getAttribute(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_GENERATE_AUTOMATIC_SHORT_NAME_);
            //               if (gv != null && gv.length() != 0) {
            //                  _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot set generated value to " + dv + " for item "
            //                        + oper.getDisplayName(), " : gv exists : " + gv);
            //               } else {
            //                  try {
            //                     oper.setAttribute(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_GENERATE_AUTOMATIC_SHORT_NAME_, dv);
            //                  } catch (CadseException e) {
            //                     _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot set generated value to " + dv + " for item "
            //                           + oper.getDisplayName(), e);
            //                  }
            //               }
            //            }
            //            try {
            //               oper.setAttribute(CadseGCST.CREATION_DIALOG_at_DEFAULT_SHORT_NAME_, null);
            //            } catch (CadseException e) {
            //               // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            //               e.printStackTrace();
            //            }
            //            continue;
            //         }


        try {
            for (ItemDelta oper : loadedItems) {
                Collection<LinkDelta> links = oper.getOutgoingLinkOperations();
                for (LinkDelta linkDelta : links) {
                    if (linkDelta.getLinkType() == CadseGCST.ITEM_lt_MODIFIED_ATTRIBUTES) {
                        final ItemDelta destination = linkDelta.getDestination();
                        if (destination == null || destination.getType() == CadseGCST.UNRESOLVED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE
                                || (destination.getName().startsWith("#parent:")
                                        && destination.getType() == CadseGCST.LINK_TYPE)) {
                            try {
                                // System.out.println("cadseg remove " +
                                // linkDelta);
                            } catch (CadseException e) {
                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    public static Item tryToRecreateAttributeLink(Item field) {
        try {
            Item attribute = FieldManager.getAttribute(field);
            if (attribute == null) {
                Item page = field.getPartParent();
                if (page == null) {
                    _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot find the page parent of field " + field.getDisplayName() + "("
                            + field.getId() + ")");
                    return null;
                Item dialog = page.getPartParent();
                Item itemType = dialog.getPartParent();
                attribute = ItemTypeManager.getAttribute(itemType, field.getName());
                if (attribute != null) {
                    field.createLink(CadseGCST.FIELD_lt_ATTRIBUTE, attribute);
            return attribute;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return null;

    private void syncCompositeType(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction workspaceLogiqueWorkingCopy, Item linkDefinition,
            Item itemType, SetAttributeOperation att) {

        if (itemType == null) {
            itemType = linkDefinition.getPartParent();
            if (itemType == null) {
        Item compositeitem = CompositeItemTypeManager.getCompositeItemFromItemType(itemType);
        boolean iscomposition = ItemTypeManager.isComposition(itemType);
        if (compositeitem != null && iscomposition) {
            // set name
            if (att != null) {
                try {
                    compositeitem.setName(itemType.getName() + "-composite");
                } catch (CadseException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        if (compositeitem == null && !iscomposition) {

        if (iscomposition) {
            Item wsmodel = ItemTypeManager.getCadseDefinition(itemType);
            Item buildmodel = CadseDefinitionManager.getBuildModel(wsmodel);
            try {
                compositeitem = workspaceLogiqueWorkingCopy.createItemIfNeed(null,
                        itemType.getName() + "-composite", CadseGCST.COMPOSITE_ITEM_TYPE, buildmodel,
                compositeitem.createLink(CadseGCST.COMPOSITE_ITEM_TYPE_lt_ITEM_TYPE, itemType);
            } catch (CadseException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (CadseException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

     * Migrate item type.
     * @param itemType
     *            the item type
     * @param newCxt
     *            the new cxt
     * @param oldCxt
     *            the old cxt
    public static void migrateManager(ItemDelta manager, Item itemType, ContextVariable newCxt,
            ContextVariable oldCxt) {
        JavaFileContentManager cm = (JavaFileContentManager) manager.getContentItem();
        cm.migrateContentItem(manager, newCxt, oldCxt);

     * Migrate item type.
     * @param p
     *            the p
     * @param newCxt
     *            the new cxt
     * @param oldCxt
     *            the old cxt
    public static void migratePage(ItemDelta p, ContextVariable newCxt, ContextVariable oldCxt) {
        JavaFileContentManager cm = (JavaFileContentManager) p.getContentItem();
        if (cm != null) {
            cm.migrateContentItem(p, newCxt, oldCxt);

    //   /**
    //    * Migrate item type.
    //    * 
    //    * @param createDialog
    //    *            the create dialog
    //    * @param newCxt
    //    *            the new cxt
    //    * @param oldCxt
    //    *            the old cxt
    //    */
    //   public static void migrateCreationDialogManager(ItemDelta createDialog, ContextVariable newCxt,
    //         ContextVariable oldCxt) {
    //      Collection<Item> pages = CreationDialogManager.getPages(createDialog);
    //      JavaFileContentManager cm = (JavaFileContentManager) createDialog.getContentItem();
    //      if (cm != null) {
    //         cm.migrateContentItem(createDialog, newCxt, oldCxt);
    //      }
    //      for (Item p : pages) {
    //         migratePage((ItemDelta) p, newCxt, oldCxt);
    //      }
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Migrate item type.
    //    * 
    //    * @param modificationDialog
    //    *            the modification dialog
    //    * @param newCxt
    //    *            the new cxt
    //    * @param oldCxt
    //    *            the old cxt
    //    */
    //   public static void migrateModificationDialogManager(Item modificationDialog, ContextVariable newCxt,
    //         ContextVariable oldCxt) {
    //      Collection<Item> pages = ModificationDialogManager.getPages(modificationDialog);
    //      for (Item p : pages) {
    //         migratePage((ItemDelta) p, newCxt, oldCxt);
    //      }
    //   }

    // old project
    // new project
    // old package
    // new cmlppackage

    public void notifyMigratePartLink(LogicalWorkspaceTransaction wc, ItemDelta childItem, ItemDelta newPartParent,
            LinkType lt, LinkDelta newPartLink, LinkDelta oldPartLink) throws CadseException {
        if (childItem.getType() == CadseGCST.ITEM_TYPE) {
            ItemDelta itemtype = childItem;
            // L'itemtype migre dans un nouveau cadse?
            ItemDelta manager = (ItemDelta) ManagerManager.getManagerFromItemType(itemtype);
            Item oldCadseDefinition = manager.getPartParent(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION);
            Item newCadseDefinition = newPartParent.getPartParent(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION);
            if (oldCadseDefinition != newCadseDefinition) {
                // new cadse, you must migrate the manager...
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();

            migrateManager(manager, itemtype, newContext, oldContext);
            //         ItemDelta createDialog = (ItemDelta) ItemTypeManager.getCreationDialog(itemtype);
            //         if (createDialog != null) {
            //            migrateCreationDialogManager(createDialog, newContext, oldContext);
            //         }
            //         Item modificationDialog = ItemTypeManager.getModificationDialog(itemtype);
            //         if (modificationDialog != null) {
            //            migrateModificationDialogManager(modificationDialog, newContext, oldContext);
            //         }
        if (childItem.getType() == CadseGCST.MANAGER) {
            ItemDelta manager = childItem;
            ContentItem cm = manager.getContentItem();
            // Item cadseDefinition =
            // manager.getPartParent(CadseGCST.CADSE_DEFINITION);
            ContextVariable oldContext = wc.getOldContext();
            ContextVariable newContext = wc.getNewContext();
            cm.migrateContentItem(manager, newContext, oldContext);
