Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Vitam Project. * * Copyright 2010, Frederic Bregier, and individual contributors by the @author * tags. See the COPYRIGHT.txt in the distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * All Vitam Project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Vitam is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Vitam. If not, see * <>. */ package fr.gouv.culture.vitam.utils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Attribute; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Namespace; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.dom4j.QName; import; import; import fr.gouv.culture.vitam.droid.DroidFileFormat; import fr.gouv.culture.vitam.gui.VitamGui.RunnerLongTask; /** * XML manipulation class using DOM (dom4j in particular) * * @author "Frederic Bregier" * */ public class XmlDom { // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD example: //Document // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/ATTACHMENT_FIELD example: //Document/Attachment // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/ATTACHMENT_FIELD/FILENAME_ATTRIBUTE example: // //Document/Attachment/@filename // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/ATTACHMENT_FIELD/MIMECODE_ATTRIBUTE example: // //Document/Attachment/@mimeCode // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/ATTACHMENT_FIELD/FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE example: // //Document/Attachment/@format // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/INTEGRITY_FIELD example: //Document/Integrity // XPATH //DOCUMENT_FIELD/INTEGRITY_FIELD/ALGORITHME_ATTRIBUTE example: // //Document/Integrity/@algorithme public static DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); /** * * @param current_file * @param config * @return the number of Document in the XML file */ static final public int countDocument(File current_file, ConfigLoader config) { SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); Document document; try { document =; } catch (DocumentException e) { System.err.println(StaticValues.LBL.error_error.get() + " " + e + " - " + StaticValues.LBL.error_parser.get() + " (" + SAXReader.class.getName() + ")"); return 0; } removeAllNamespaces(document); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Node> nodes = document.selectNodes("//" + config.DOCUMENT_FIELD); if (nodes == null) { return 0; } else { return nodes.size(); } } public static enum AllTestsItems { SystemError, GlobalError, GlobalWarning, FileError, FileWarning, FileSuccess, DigestError, DigestWarning, DigestSuccess, FormatError, FormatWarning, FormatSuccess, ShowError, ShowWarning, ShowSuccess } /** * Attached file accessibility test * * @param current_file * @param task * optional * @param config * @param argument * @param checkDigest * @param checkFormat * @param showFormat * @return VitamResult */ static final public VitamResult all_tests_in_one(File current_file, RunnerLongTask task, ConfigLoader config, VitamArgument argument, boolean checkDigest, boolean checkFormat, boolean showFormat) { SAXReader saxReader = new SAXReader(); VitamResult finalResult = new VitamResult(); Element root = initializeCheck(argument, finalResult, current_file); try { Document document =; removeAllNamespaces(document); Node nodesrc = document.selectSingleNode("/digests"); String src = null; String localsrc = current_file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; if (nodesrc != null) { nodesrc = nodesrc.selectSingleNode("@source"); if (nodesrc != null) { src = nodesrc.getText() + "/"; } } if (src == null) { src = localsrc; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Node> nodes = document.selectNodes("//" + config.DOCUMENT_FIELD); if (nodes == null) { Element result = fillInformation(argument, root, "result", "filefound", "0"); addDate(argument, config, result); } else { String number = "" + nodes.size(); Element result = fillInformation(argument, root, "result", "filefound", number); XMLWriter writer = null; writer = new XMLWriter(System.out, StaticValues.defaultOutputFormat); int currank = 0; for (Node node : nodes) { currank++; Node attachment = node.selectSingleNode(config.ATTACHMENT_FIELD); if (attachment == null) { continue; } Node file = attachment.selectSingleNode(config.FILENAME_ATTRIBUTE); if (file == null) { continue; } Node mime = null; Node format = null; if (checkFormat) { mime = attachment.selectSingleNode(config.MIMECODE_ATTRIBUTE); format = attachment.selectSingleNode(config.FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE); } String sfile = null; String smime = null; String sformat = null; String sintegrity = null; String salgo = null; if (file != null) { sfile = file.getText(); } if (mime != null) { smime = mime.getText(); } if (format != null) { sformat = format.getText(); } // Now check // first existence check String ficname = src + sfile; Element check = fillInformation(argument, root, "check", "filename", sfile); File fic1 = new File(ficname); File fic2 = new File(localsrc + sfile); File fic = null; if (fic1.canRead()) { fic = fic1; } else if (fic2.canRead()) { fic = fic2; } if (fic == null) { fillInformation(argument, check, "find", "status", StaticValues.LBL.error_filenotfile.get()); addDate(argument, config, result); finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.FileError.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalError.ordinal()]++; } else { Element find = fillInformation(argument, check, "find", "status", "ok"); addDate(argument, config, find); finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.FileSuccess.ordinal()]++; if (checkDigest) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Node> integrities = node.selectNodes(config.INTEGRITY_FIELD); for (Node integrity : integrities) { Node algo = integrity.selectSingleNode(config.ALGORITHME_ATTRIBUTE); salgo = null; sintegrity = null; if (integrity != null) { sintegrity = integrity.getText(); if (algo != null) { salgo = algo.getText(); } else { salgo = config.DEFAULT_DIGEST; } } // Digest check if (salgo == null) { // nothing } else if (salgo.equals(StaticValues.XML_SHA1)) { salgo = "SHA-1"; } else if (salgo.equals(StaticValues.XML_SHA256)) { salgo = "SHA-256"; } else if (salgo.equals(StaticValues.XML_SHA512)) { salgo = "SHA-512"; } else { salgo = null; } if (algo != null) { Element eltdigest = Commands.checkDigest(fic, salgo, sintegrity); if (eltdigest.selectSingleNode(".[@status='ok']") != null) { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.DigestSuccess.ordinal()]++; } else { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.DigestError.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalError.ordinal()]++; } addDate(argument, config, eltdigest); addElement(writer, argument, check, eltdigest); } } } // Check format if (checkFormat && config.droidHandler != null) { try { // Droid List<DroidFileFormat> list = config.droidHandler.checkFileFormat(fic, argument); Element cformat = Commands.droidFormat(list, smime, sformat, sfile, fic); if (config.droidHandler != null) { cformat.addAttribute("pronom", config.droidHandler.getVersionSignature()); } if (config.droidHandler != null) { cformat.addAttribute("droid", "6.1"); } if (cformat.selectSingleNode(".[@status='ok']") != null) { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.FormatSuccess.ordinal()]++; } else if (cformat.selectSingleNode(".[@status='warning']") != null) { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.FormatWarning.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalWarning.ordinal()]++; } else { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.FormatError.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalError.ordinal()]++; } addDate(argument, config, cformat); addElement(writer, argument, check, cformat); } catch (Exception e) { Element cformat = fillInformation(argument, check, "format", "status", "Error " + e.toString()); addDate(argument, config, cformat); finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.SystemError.ordinal()]++; } } // Show format if (showFormat && config.droidHandler != null) { Element showformat = Commands.showFormat(sfile, smime, sformat, fic, config, argument); if (showformat.selectSingleNode(".[@status='ok']") != null) { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.ShowSuccess.ordinal()]++; } else if (showformat.selectSingleNode(".[@status='warning']") != null) { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.ShowWarning.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalWarning.ordinal()]++; } else { finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.ShowError.ordinal()]++; finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.GlobalError.ordinal()]++; } addDate(argument, config, showformat); addElement(writer, argument, check, showformat); } } addDate(argument, config, result); root = finalizeOneCheck(argument, finalResult, current_file, number); if (root != null) { result = root.element("result"); } if (task != null) { float value = ((float) currank) / (float) nodes.size(); value *= 100; task.setProgressExternal((int) value); } } } document = null; } catch (DocumentException e1) { Element result = fillInformation(argument, root, "result", "parsererror", StaticValues.LBL.error_error.get() + " " + e1 + " - " + StaticValues.LBL.error_parser.get() + " (" + SAXReader.class.getName() + ")"); addDate(argument, config, result); finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.SystemError.ordinal()]++; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { Element result = fillInformation(argument, root, "result", "parsererror", StaticValues.LBL.error_error.get() + " " + e1 + " - " + StaticValues.LBL.error_parser.get() + " (" + XMLWriter.class.getName() + ")"); addDate(argument, config, result); finalResult.values[AllTestsItems.SystemError.ordinal()]++; } finalizeAllCheck(argument, finalResult); return finalResult; } public final static void removeAllNamespaces(Document doc) { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); Namespace namespace = root.getNamespace(); if (namespace != Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE) { root.remove(namespace); removeNamespaces(root.content()); } } public final static void unfixNamespaces(Document doc, Namespace original) { Element root = doc.getRootElement(); if (original != null) { setNamespaces(root.content(), original); } } private final static void setNamespace(Element elem, Namespace ns) { elem.setQName(QName.get(elem.getName(), ns, elem.getQualifiedName())); } /** * Recursively removes the namespace of the element and all its children: sets to * Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE */ public final static void removeNamespaces(Element elem) { setNamespaces(elem, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } /** * Recursively removes the namespace of the list and all its children: sets to * Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE */ private final static void removeNamespaces(List<?> l) { setNamespaces(l, Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE); } /** * Recursively sets the namespace of the element and all its children. */ private final static void setNamespaces(Element elem, Namespace ns) { setNamespace(elem, ns); setNamespaces(elem.content(), ns); } /** * Recursively sets the namespace of the List and all children if the current namespace is match */ private final static void setNamespaces(List<?> l, Namespace ns) { Node n = null; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { n = (Node) l.get(i); if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { Namespace namespace = ((Attribute) n).getNamespace(); if (!namespace.equals(ns)) { ((Attribute) n).setNamespace(ns); } } if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Namespace namespace = ((Element) n).getNamespace(); if (!namespace.equals(ns)) { if (ns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) { ((Element) n).remove(namespace); } setNamespaces((Element) n, ns); } } } } public final static Element fillInformation(VitamArgument argument, Element parent, String name, String attribut, String info) { Element element = null; switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: System.out.println("\t" + name.toUpperCase() + ": " + attribut + " = " + info); break; case MultipleXML: case OneXML: element = factory.createElement(name); element.addAttribute(attribut, info); parent.add(element); break; } return element; } public final static void addElement(XMLWriter writer, VitamArgument argument, Element parent, Element sub) { switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: try { if (writer != null) { writer.write(sub); } } catch (IOException e) { } break; case MultipleXML: case OneXML: if (sub != null) { parent.add(sub); } } } public final static void addAttribute(VitamArgument argument, Element element, String attribut, String info) { switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: System.out.println("\t\t" + attribut + " = " + info); break; case MultipleXML: case OneXML: element.addAttribute(attribut, info); break; } } public final static Element initializeCheck(VitamArgument argument, VitamResult result, File current_file) { Element root = null; AllTestsItems[] allTestsItems = AllTestsItems.values(); result.labels = new String[allTestsItems.length]; result.values = new int[allTestsItems.length]; for (int i = 0; i < allTestsItems.length; i++) { result.labels[i] = allTestsItems[i].name(); } switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: System.out.println("XMLFILE: file = " + current_file.getAbsolutePath() + "\n"); break; case MultipleXML: result.multiples = new ArrayList<Document>(); case OneXML: root = factory.createElement("vitam"); result.unique = factory.createDocument(root); Element element = factory.createElement("xmlfile"); element.addAttribute("file", current_file.getAbsolutePath()); root.add(element); break; } return root; } public final static Element finalizeOneCheck(VitamArgument argument, VitamResult result, File current_file, String number) { Element root = null; switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: System.out.println("\n\n======================================================================\n"); break; case MultipleXML: result.multiples.add(result.unique); root = factory.createElement("vitam"); result.unique = factory.createDocument(root); fillInformation(argument, root, "xmlfile", "file", current_file.getAbsolutePath()); fillInformation(argument, root, "result", "filefound", number); break; case OneXML: root = result.unique.getRootElement(); break; } return root; } public final static void finalizeAllCheck(VitamArgument argument, VitamResult result) { switch (argument.outputModel) { case TXT: break; case MultipleXML: result.unique = null; break; case OneXML: break; } } public final static void addDate(VitamArgument argument, ConfigLoader config, Element root) { addAttribute(argument, root, "date", config.dateFormat.format(new Date())); } public final static void removeEmptyDocument(Document doc) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Node> nodes = doc.nodeIterator(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Node node = (Node); if (node instanceof Element) { removeEmptyElement((Element) node); } else if (node instanceof Attribute) { removeEmptyAttribute((Attribute) node); } } } public final static void removeEmptyAttribute(Attribute attrib) { if (attrib.getValue().length() == 0) { attrib.detach(); } } public final static void removeEmptyElement(Element root) { // look first at attribute if (root.attributeCount() > 0) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Attribute> attribs = root.attributeIterator(); while (attribs.hasNext()) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute); removeEmptyAttribute(attribute); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Element> elements = root.elementIterator(); while (elements.hasNext()) { Element elt = (Element); // look at its descendant removeEmptyElement(elt); if (elt.attributeCount() > 0) { continue; } if (elt.hasContent()) { continue; } elt.detach(); } } /** * * @param source * what we are going to add * @param target * where we are going to add */ public static void checkPresence(Element source, Element target) { if (target.selectSingleNode("./" + source.getName()) != null) { // node already there so checking sub node if any @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> listElements = source.elements(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Attribute> listAttributes = source.attributes(); Element newSource = (Element) target.selectSingleNode("./" + source.getName()); if (newSource != null) { for (Attribute attribute : listAttributes) { checkPresence(attribute, newSource); } for (Element element : listElements) { checkPresence(element, newSource); } } } else { source.detach(); target.add(source); } } /** * * @param source * what we are going to add * @param target * where we are going to add */ public static void checkPresence(Attribute source, Element target) { if (target.selectSingleNode("./@" + source.getName()) != null) { // not ignoring this attribute source.detach(); target.add(source); } } }