Java tutorial
/* * Data Hub Service (DHuS) - For Space data distribution. * Copyright (C) 2013,2014,2015 GAEL Systems * * This file is part of DHuS software sources. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package fr.gael.dhus.database; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.IllegalParameterException; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.ActionRecordReaderDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.CollectionDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.CountryDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.FileScannerDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.NetworkUsageDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.ProductCartDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.ProductDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.SearchDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.UserDao; import fr.gael.dhus.database.dao.interfaces.DaoUtils; import fr.gael.dhus.database.object.Collection; import fr.gael.dhus.database.object.MetadataIndex; import fr.gael.dhus.database.object.Product; import fr.gael.dhus.database.object.User; import fr.gael.dhus.datastore.HierarchicalDirectoryBuilder; import fr.gael.dhus.datastore.IncomingManager; import fr.gael.dhus.datastore.exception.DataStoreLocalArchiveNotExistingException; import fr.gael.dhus.datastore.processing.ProcessingUtils; import fr.gael.dhus.server.http.web.WebPostProcess; import fr.gael.dhus.service.ProductService; import fr.gael.dhus.service.SearchService; import fr.gael.dhus.system.config.ConfigurationManager; /** * Initialization to be executed of database when all the service started */ @Component public class DatabasePostInit extends WebPostProcess { private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DatabasePostInit.class); @Autowired private CountryDao countryDao; @Autowired private ProductService productService; @Autowired private ProductDao productDao; @Autowired private CollectionDao collectionDao; @Autowired private SearchService searchService; @Autowired private UserDao userDao; @Autowired private FileScannerDao fileScannerDao; @Autowired private NetworkUsageDao networkUsageDao; @Autowired private ActionRecordReaderDao actionRecordDao; @Autowired private SearchDao searchDao; @Autowired private ProductCartDao cartDao; @Autowired private TaskExecutor taskExecutor; @Autowired private IncomingManager incomingManager; @Autowired private ConfigurationManager cfgManager; @Override public void launch() { initDefaultArchiveSettings(); } /** * Initializes archive settings: at this step, we consider only one archive * is configured into the system. If an archive is already present in the * database, methods checks if it is present. If configured archive not * available, it is removed and a new archive is created. If the archive path * was changed, is is upgraded accordingly. */ private void initDefaultArchiveSettings() { // Update User table with countries synonyms updateUserCountries(); // Reset the file scanners fileScannerDao.resetAll(); // Displays database raws statistics printDatabaseRowCounts(); // Not processed product management: when ingestion has been stopped // software stop, reprocessed products... processUnprocessed(); // User startup commands doIncomingRepopulate(); if (!doForceReset()) doProductReindex(); // Reload the archive on user request doSynchronizeLocalArchive(); doArchiveCheck(); // delete old search queries inactiveOldSearchQueries(); doforcePublic(); } private void printDatabaseRowCounts() {"Database tables rows :");" Products = " + productDao.count() + " rows.");" Collections = " + collectionDao.count() + " rows.");" Users = " + userDao.count() + " rows.");" Network Usage = " + networkUsageDao.count() + " rows.");" Logs = " + actionRecordDao.count() + " rows.");" Logons = " + actionRecordDao.countLogons() + " rows.");" Downloads = " + actionRecordDao.countDownloads() + " rows.");" Searches = " + actionRecordDao.countSearches() + " rows.");" Uploads = " + actionRecordDao.countUploads() + " rows.");" File scanners = " + fileScannerDao.count() + " rows.");" Saved searches = " + searchDao.count() + " rows.");" User carts = " + cartDao.count() + " rows."); } /** * Run recovery of stopped scanners. * WARNING: do never perform Archive.check when recovery is expected. This * may cause data lost. */ private void processUnprocessed() { boolean clean_processings = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.processings.clean");"Archives processing clean instead of recovery " + "(Archive.processings.clean) requested by user (" + clean_processings + ")"); productService.processUnprocessed(!clean_processings); } private boolean doIncomingRepopulate() { boolean force_relocate = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.incoming.relocate");"Archives incoming relocate (Archive.incoming.relocate)" + " requested by user (" + force_relocate + ")"); if (!force_relocate) return false; String incoming_path = System.getProperty("Archive.incoming.relocate.path", incomingManager.getIncomingBuilder().getRoot().getPath()); // Force reset the counter. HierarchicalDirectoryBuilder output_builder = new HierarchicalDirectoryBuilder(new File(incoming_path), cfgManager.getArchiveConfiguration().getIncomingConfiguration().getMaxFileNo()); Iterator<Product> products = productDao.getAllProducts(); while (products.hasNext()) { Product product =; boolean shared_path = false; // Copy the product path File old_path = new File(product.getPath().getPath()); File new_path = null; // Check is same products are use for path and download if (product.getDownloadablePath().equals(old_path.getPath())) shared_path = true; if (incomingManager.isInIncoming(old_path)) { new_path = getNewProductPath(output_builder); try {"Relocate " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath()); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(old_path, new_path, true); File path = old_path; while (!incomingManager.isAnIncomingElement(path)) { path = path.getParentFile(); } FileUtils.cleanDirectory(path); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot move directory " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath(), e); logger.error("Aborting relocation process."); return false; } URL product_path = null; try { product_path = new File(new_path, old_path.getName()).toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.error("Unrecoverable error : aboting relocate.", e); return false; } product.setPath(product_path); // Commit this change productDao.update(product); searchService.index(product); } // copy the downloadable path if (product.getDownload().getPath() != null) { if (shared_path) { product.getDownload().setPath(product.getPath().getPath()); } else { new_path = getNewProductPath(output_builder); old_path = new File(product.getDownload().getPath()); try {"Relocate " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath()); FileUtils.moveFileToDirectory(old_path, new_path, false); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( "Cannot move downloadable file " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath(), e); logger.error("Aborting relocation process."); return false; } product.getDownload().setPath(new File(new_path, old_path.getName()).getPath()); // Commit this change } productDao.update(product); } // Copy Quicklooks new_path = null; if (product.getQuicklookFlag()) { old_path = new File(product.getQuicklookPath()); if (new_path == null) new_path = output_builder.getDirectory(); try {"Relocate " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath()); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(old_path, new_path, false); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot move quicklook file " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath(), e); logger.error("Aborting relocation process."); return false; } File f = new File(new_path, old_path.getName()); product.setQuicklookPath(f.getPath()); product.setQuicklookSize(f.length()); productDao.update(product); } // Copy Thumbnails in the same incoming path as quicklook if (product.getThumbnailFlag()) { old_path = new File(product.getThumbnailPath()); if (new_path == null) new_path = output_builder.getDirectory(); try {"Relocate " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath()); FileUtils.moveToDirectory(old_path, new_path, false); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot move thumbnail file " + old_path.getPath() + " to " + new_path.getPath(), e); logger.error("Aborting relocation process."); return false; } File f = new File(new_path, old_path.getName()); product.setThumbnailPath(f.getPath()); product.setThumbnailSize(f.length()); productDao.update(product); } } // Remove unused directories try { cleanupIncoming(incomingManager.getIncomingBuilder().getRoot()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot cleanup incoming folder", e); } return true; } private File getNewProductPath(HierarchicalDirectoryBuilder builder) { File file = new File(builder.getDirectory(), IncomingManager.INCOMING_PRODUCT_DIR); file.mkdirs(); return file; } /** * Recursively walk a directory tree and remove all the empty directory if * they are a part of {@link HierarchicalDirectoryNode} tree. * * @param aStartingDir is a valid directory, which can be read. */ private void cleanupIncoming(File starting_dir) { if (!starting_dir.isDirectory() && !starting_dir.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalParameterException("starting dir shall be a writable directory."); } File[] files = starting_dir.listFiles(); for (File file : files) { if (incomingManager.isAnIncomingElement(file)) cleanupIncoming(file); } // recheck the children list to know if this direct can be removed. files = starting_dir.listFiles(); if (files.length == 0) {"deleting empty folder :" + starting_dir.getPath()); starting_dir.delete(); } } private boolean doForceReset() { // Case of user force reset requested. boolean force_reset = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.forceReset");"Archives Reset (Archive.forceReset) " + "requested by user (" + force_reset + ")"); if (!force_reset) { return false; } productDao.deleteAll(); return true; } private boolean doProductReindex() { boolean force_reindex = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.forceReindex");"Archives Reindex (Archive.forceReindex) " + "requested by user (" + force_reindex + ")"); if (!force_reindex) { return false; } Iterator<Product> products = productDao.getAllProducts(); while (products.hasNext()) { Product product =; int retry = 10; while (retry > 0) { try { // Must read the product again because // ScrollableResultsIterator // use its own session. taskExecutor.execute(new IndexProductTask(; retry = 0; } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) { retry--; if (retry <= 0) throw ree; try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Current thread has interrupted by another", e); } } } } return true; } private void doSynchronizeLocalArchive() { boolean synchronizeLocal = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.synchronizeLocal");"Local archive synchronization " + "(Archive.synchronizeLocal) requested by user (" + synchronizeLocal + ")"); if (!synchronizeLocal) return; try { productService.processArchiveSync(); } catch (DataStoreLocalArchiveNotExistingException e) { logger.warn(e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Process interrupted by user."); } } private void doArchiveCheck() { boolean force_check = Boolean.getBoolean("Archive.check");"Archives check (Archive.check) requested by user (" + force_check + ")"); if (!force_check) return; try {"Control of Database coherence..."); long start = new Date().getTime(); productService.checkDBProducts();"Control of Database coherence spent " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + " ms");"Control of Indexes coherence..."); start = new Date().getTime(); searchService.checkIndex();"Control of Indexes coherence spent " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + " ms");"Control of incoming folder coherence..."); start = new Date().getTime(); incomingManager.checkIncomming();"Control of incoming folder coherence spent " + (new Date().getTime() - start) + " ms");"Optimizing database..."); DaoUtils.optimize(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot check DHus Archive.", e); } } private void doforcePublic() { boolean force_public = Boolean.getBoolean("force.public");"Force public (force.public) requested by user (" + force_public + ")"); if (!force_public) return; Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Iterator<Collection> collections = collectionDao.getAllCollectons(); while (collections.hasNext()) { Collection collection =; List<User> authUsers = collectionDao.getAuthorizedUsers(collection); if (collection.getId() == collectionDao.getRootCollection().getId()) { if (authUsers.contains(userDao.getPublicData())) { authUsers.remove(userDao.getPublicData()); } else { continue; } } else { if (!authUsers.contains(userDao.getPublicData())) { authUsers.add(userDao.getPublicData()); } else { continue; } } collection.setAuthorizedUsers(new HashSet<User>(authUsers)); collectionDao.update(collection); }"Force public (force.public) ended."); } }); t.start(); } private class IndexProductTask implements Runnable { private Product product; public IndexProductTask(Product product) { this.product = product; } public void run() {"Re-indexing Product " + product.getPath().getFile() + "..."); // retrieve ingestion Date MetadataIndex ingestion_date = null; for (MetadataIndex idx : productService.getIndexes(product.getId())) { if ("ingestionDate".equals(idx.getQueryable())) { ingestion_date = new MetadataIndex(idx); break; } } if (ingestion_date == null) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); ingestion_date = new MetadataIndex("Ingestion Date", null, "product", "ingestionDate", df.format(product.getUpdated() != null ? product.getUpdated() : new Date())); } MetadataIndex identifier = new MetadataIndex("Identifier", null, "", "identifier", product.getIdentifier()); List<MetadataIndex> indexes = ProcessingUtils.getIndexesFrom(product.getPath()); if (indexes == null) { logger.error("Index cannot be extracted from " + product.getPath()); logger.error("Removing Product from database..."); try { productService.systemDeleteProduct(product.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot remove product " + product.getPath(), e); } return; } indexes.add(ingestion_date); indexes.add(identifier); product.setIndexes(indexes); // Footprint shall also be re-processed. for (MetadataIndex index : indexes) { // Check GML footprint if (index.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("footprint")) { String gml_footprint = index.getValue(); if ((gml_footprint != null) && ProcessingUtils.checkGMLFootprint(gml_footprint)) { product.setFootPrint(gml_footprint); } else { logger.error("Incorrect on empty footprint for product " + product.getPath()); } } // Check JTS footprint if (index.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("jts footprint")) { String jts_footprint = index.getValue(); if ((jts_footprint != null) && !ProcessingUtils.checkJTSFootprint(jts_footprint)) { // If JTS footprint is wrong; remove the corrupted footprint. product.getIndexes().remove(index); } } } productDao.update(product); // save the reprocessed index searchService.index(product); } } private void updateUserCountries() { String synonymsFile = System.getProperty("country.synonyms"); if (synonymsFile == null) { // TODO test it return; }"Loading country synonyms from '" + synonymsFile + "'"); List<String> countriesNames = countryDao.readAllNames(); HashMap<String, List<String>> synonyms = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(synonymsFile), "UTF-8")); String sCurrentLine; while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) { if (sCurrentLine.startsWith("#")) { // comments continue; } String[] split1 = sCurrentLine.split(": "); if (split1.length > 1) { String[] split2 = split1[1].split(", "); List<String> syns = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : split2) { syns.add(s.toLowerCase()); } if (countriesNames.contains(split1[0])) { synonyms.put(split1[0], syns); } } } br.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Can not load country synonyms"); return; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Can not load country synonyms"); return; } Iterator<User> users = userDao.getAllUsers(); while (users.hasNext()) { User u =; if (cfgManager.getAdministratorConfiguration().getName().equals(u.getUsername()) || userDao.getPublicData().getUsername().equals(u.getUsername())) { continue; } if (!countriesNames.contains(u.getCountry())) { boolean found = false; for (String country : synonyms.keySet()) { if (synonyms.get(country).contains(u.getCountry().toLowerCase())) { u.setCountry(country); userDao.update(u); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { logger.warn("Unknown country for '" + u.getUsername() + "' : " + u.getCountry()); } } } } private void inactiveOldSearchQueries() { boolean inactiveSearchNotification = Boolean .parseBoolean(System.getProperty("", "false"));"Inactive all saved search notifications (" + " requested by " + "user (" + inactiveSearchNotification + ")"); if (inactiveSearchNotification) { searchDao.disableAllSearchNotifications(); } } }