Java tutorial
/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of * the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of * the MPL was not distributed with this file, You * can obtain one at */ package fr.efl.chaine.xslt; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.utils.ParameterValue; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.CfgFile; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.ChooseStep; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Config; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.ConfigUtil; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.JavaStep; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Listener; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Output; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.ParametrableStep; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Pipe; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Tee; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.WhenEntry; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.config.Xslt; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.listener.HttpListener; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.utils.ParametersMerger; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.utils.ParametrableFile; import fr.efl.chaine.xslt.utils.TeeDebugDestination; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.Duration; import; import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; import net.sf.saxon.event.ProxyReceiver; import net.sf.saxon.event.Receiver; import net.sf.saxon.lib.StandardLogger; import net.sf.saxon.trace.XSLTTraceListener; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import; import org.xmlresolver.Resolver; import top.marchand.xml.gaulois.impl.DefaultSaxonConfigurationFactory; import top.marchand.xml.protocols.ProtocolInstaller; /** * The saxon pipe. */ public class GauloisPipe { /** * Logger. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GauloisPipe.class); public static final String INSTANCE_DEFAULT_NAME = "instance1"; private String instanceName; private Config config; private final Map<String, XsltExecutable> xslCache; private Processor processor; private final SaxonConfigurationFactory configurationFactory; /** * Message listener for XSLT-SAXON messages (xsl:message) */ private Class<MessageListener> messageListenerclass; private MessageListener messageListener = null; private XSLTTraceListener traceListener = null; private DocumentCache documentCache; private XsltCompiler xsltCompiler; private DocumentBuilder builder = null; private URIResolver uriResolver; private static transient boolean protocolInstalled = false; private List<Exception> errors; private XPathCompiler xpathCompiler; private File debugDirectory; private String currentDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); /** * The property name to specify the debug output directory */ public static final transient String GAULOIS_DEBUG_DIR_PROPERTY = "gaulois.debug.dir"; private ThreadFactory threadFactory; /** * Constructs a new GauloisPipe. * This constructor is the main one, the other one is only for backward compatibility. * @param configurationFactory The configuration factory to use */ @SuppressWarnings("OverridableMethodCallInConstructor") public GauloisPipe(final SaxonConfigurationFactory configurationFactory) { super(); if (!protocolInstalled) { ProtocolInstaller.registerAdditionalProtocols(); protocolInstalled = true; } this.configurationFactory = configurationFactory; Configuration saxonConfig = configurationFactory.getConfiguration(); saxonConfig.setURIResolver(getUriResolver()); xslCache = new HashMap<>(); } /** * The constructor with detail config. * It shouldn't be used anymore. * * @param configurationFactory The Saxon's Configuration factory to use * @param inputs the input files * @param outputDirectory the output directory * @param templatePaths the template paths * @param nbThreads the nbThreads * @param instanceName The instance name to use in the logs * @throws fr.efl.chaine.xslt.InvalidSyntaxException If config's syntax is incorrect */ public GauloisPipe(final SaxonConfigurationFactory configurationFactory, List<String> inputs, String outputDirectory, List<String> templatePaths, int nbThreads, String instanceName) throws InvalidSyntaxException { this(configurationFactory); this.instanceName = instanceName; Config cfg = new Config(); for (String input : inputs) { ConfigUtil.addInputFile(cfg, input); } ConfigUtil.setOutput(cfg, outputDirectory); for (String templatePath : templatePaths) { ConfigUtil.addTemplate(cfg, templatePath); } ConfigUtil.setNbThreads(cfg, Integer.toString(nbThreads)); cfg.verify(); this.config = cfg; documentCache = new DocumentCache(config.getMaxDocumentCacheSize()); } /** * Launch the pipe. * * @throws fr.efl.chaine.xslt.InvalidSyntaxException If config's syntax is incorrect * @throws If a file is not found... * @throws net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException If a SaxonApi problem occurs * @throws Because MVN forces to have comments... */ @SuppressWarnings("ThrowFromFinallyBlock") public void launch() throws InvalidSyntaxException, FileNotFoundException, SaxonApiException, URISyntaxException, IOException { initDebugDirectory(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new ErrorCollector(errors))); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); errors = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Exception>()); documentCache = new DocumentCache(config.getMaxDocumentCacheSize()); if (this.messageListenerclass != null) { try { this.messageListener = this.messageListenerclass.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { System.err.println("[WARN] Fail to instanciate " + this.messageListenerclass.getName()); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); } } boolean retCode = true; try { Configuration saxonConfig = configurationFactory.getConfiguration(); LOGGER.debug("configuration is a " + saxonConfig.getClass().getName()); // this is now done in constructor // saxonConfig.setURIResolver(buildUriResolver(saxonConfig.getURIResolver())); processor = new Processor(saxonConfig); xsltCompiler = processor.newXsltCompiler(); builder = processor.newDocumentBuilder(); List<CfgFile> sourceFiles = config.getSources().getFiles();"[" + instanceName + "] works on {} files", sourceFiles.size()); if (config.getPipe().getTraceOutput() != null) { traceListener = buildTraceListener(config.getPipe().getTraceOutput()); } if (config.getPipe().getNbThreads() > 1) { if (config.hasFilesOverMultiThreadLimit()) { List<ParametrableFile> files = new ArrayList<>(sourceFiles.size()); for (CfgFile f : config.getSources() .getFilesOverLimit(config.getPipe().getMultithreadMaxSourceSize())) { files.add(resolveInputFile(f)); } if (!files.isEmpty()) {"[" + instanceName + "] Running mono-thread for {} huge files", files.size()); retCode = executesPipeOnMultiThread(config.getPipe(), files, 1, config.getSources().getListener()); } } List<ParametrableFile> files = new ArrayList<>(sourceFiles.size()); for (CfgFile f : config.getSources() .getFilesUnderLimit(config.getPipe().getMultithreadMaxSourceSize())) { files.add(resolveInputFile(f)); } if (!files.isEmpty() || config.getSources().getListener() != null) {"[" + instanceName + "] Running multi-thread for {} regular-size files", files.size()); retCode = executesPipeOnMultiThread(config.getPipe(), files, config.getPipe().getNbThreads(), config.getSources().getListener()); } } else { List<ParametrableFile> files = new ArrayList<>(sourceFiles.size()); for (CfgFile f : sourceFiles) { files.add(resolveInputFile(f)); }"[" + instanceName + "] Running mono-thread on all {} files", files.size()); retCode = executesPipeOnMultiThread(config.getPipe(), files, 1, config.getSources().getListener()); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.warn("[" + instanceName + "] " + e.getMessage(), e); // on sort avec des codes d'erreur non-zero throw e; } finally { if (!retCode) { throw new SaxonApiException("An error occurs. See previous logs."); } } try { if (config.getSources().getListener() == null) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; Duration duree = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newDuration(duration);"[" + instanceName + "] Process terminated: " + duree.toString()); } } catch (Exception ex) {"[" + instanceName + "] Process terminated."); } } /** * Returns ... * @return the size of the document cache. Mainly used for UT */ public int getDocumentCacheSize() { return documentCache.size(); } /** * Returns... * @return the size of XSLT cache. Mainly used by UT */ public int getXsltCacheSize() { return xslCache.size(); } private ParametrableFile resolveInputFile(CfgFile file) { ParametrableFile ret = new ParametrableFile(file.getSource()); ret.getParameters().putAll(file.getParams()); return ret; } /** * Execute the specified templates on the specified files to the specified * output directory on the specified number of threads. * * @param templates the specified templates * @param inputs the specified input files * @param outputDirectory the specified output directory * @param nbThreads the specified number of thread * @param processor the processor * @param listener The listener to start, if not null * @return <tt>false</tt> if an error occurs while processing. */ private boolean executesPipeOnMultiThread(final Pipe pipe, List<ParametrableFile> inputs, int nbThreads, Listener listener) { ExecutorService service = (nbThreads == 1) ? Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(getThreadFactory()) : Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nbThreads, getThreadFactory()); // a try to solve multi-thread compiling problem... // that's a pretty dirty hack, but just a try, to test... if (xslCache.isEmpty() && !inputs.isEmpty()) { // in the opposite case, there is only a listener, and probably the first // file will be proccess alone... try { XsltTransformer transformer = buildTransformer(pipe, inputs.get(0).getFile(), inputs.get(0).getFile().toURI().toURL().toExternalForm(), ParametersMerger.merge(inputs.get(0).getParameters(), config.getParams()), messageListener, null); } catch (IOException | InvalidSyntaxException | URISyntaxException | SaxonApiException ex) { String msg = "while pre-compiling for a multi-thread use..."; LOGGER.error(msg); errors.add(new GauloisRunException(msg, ex)); } } for (ParametrableFile pf : inputs) { final ParametrableFile fpf = pf; Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { execute(pipe, fpf, messageListener); } catch (SaxonApiException | IOException | InvalidSyntaxException | URISyntaxException ex) { String msg = "[" + instanceName + "] while processing " + fpf.getFile().getName(); LOGGER.error(msg, ex); errors.add(new GauloisRunException(msg, fpf.getFile())); } } }; service.execute(r); } if (listener == null) { // on ajoute plus rien service.shutdown(); try { service.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.HOURS); return true; } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.error("[" + instanceName + "] multi-thread processing interrupted, 5 hour limit exceed."); return false; } } else { ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(this, pipe, messageListener, service); final HttpListener httpListener = new HttpListener(listener.getPort(), listener.getStopKeyword(), context); Runnable runner = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; } }; new Thread(runner).start(); return true; } } /** * Execute the specified templates on the specified files to the specified * output directory in a single thread. * * @param templates the specified templates * @param inputs the specified input files * @param outputDirectory the specified output directory * @param test the test value "oui" or "non" * @throws SaxonApiException when a problem occurs * @throws IOException when a problem occurs * @Deprecated Do not use anymore, prefer <tt>executePipeOnMultiThread(Pipe, List&t;ParametrableFile>,1,Listener)</tt> */ @Deprecated private boolean executesPipeOnMonoThread(Pipe pipe, List<ParametrableFile> inputs) { boolean ret = true; for (ParametrableFile inputFile : inputs) { try { execute(pipe, inputFile, messageListener); } catch (SaxonApiException | InvalidSyntaxException | URISyntaxException | IOException ex) { LOGGER.error( "[" + instanceName + "] while mono-thread processing of " + inputFile.getFile().getName(), ex); errors.add(new GauloisRunException(ex.getMessage(), inputFile.getFile())); ret = false; } } return ret; } public List<Exception> getErrors() { return errors; } /** * Execute the pipe for the specified input stream to the specified * serializer.<br> * <b>Warning</b>: this method is public for implementation reasons, * and <b>must not</b> be called outside of GauloisPipe * * @param pipe the pipe to run * @param input the specified input stream * @param listener the message listener to use * @throws SaxonApiException when a problem occurs * @throws When an URL is not correctly formed * @throws fr.efl.chaine.xslt.InvalidSyntaxException When config file is invalid * @throws When URI is invalid * @throws And when the file can not be found ! */ public void execute(Pipe pipe, ParametrableFile input, MessageListener listener) throws SaxonApiException, MalformedURLException, InvalidSyntaxException, URISyntaxException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { boolean avoidCache = input.getAvoidCache(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String key = input.getFile().getAbsolutePath().intern(); XdmNode source = documentCache.get(key); if (source == null || avoidCache) { if (!avoidCache && documentCache.isLoading(instanceName)) { source = documentCache.waitForLoading(key); } if (source == null || avoidCache) { synchronized (key) { if (!avoidCache) { source = documentCache.get(key); } if (source == null) { documentCache.setLoading(key); if (config.isLogFileSize()) {"[" + instanceName + "] " + input.toString() + " as input: " + input.getFile().length()); } source =; if (!avoidCache && config.getSources().getFileUsage(input.getFile()) > 1) { // on ne le met en cache que si il est utilis plusieurs fois ! LOGGER.debug("[" + instanceName + "] caching " + key); documentCache.put(key, source); } else { documentCache.ignoreLoading(key); if (avoidCache) { LOGGER.trace("[" + instanceName + "] " + key + " exclued from cache"); } else { LOGGER.trace("[" + instanceName + "] " + key + " used only once, no cache"); } } } } } } HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters = ParametersMerger.addInputInParameters( ParametersMerger.merge(input.getParameters(), config.getParams()), input.getFile()); XsltTransformer transformer = buildTransformer(pipe, input.getFile(), input.getFile().toURI().toURL().toExternalForm(), parameters, listener, source); LOGGER.debug("[" + instanceName + "] transformer build"); transformer.setInitialContextNode(source); transformer.transform(); long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; String distinctName = input.toString(); try { Duration duree = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newDuration(duration); "[" + instanceName + "] - " + distinctName + " - transform terminated: " + duree.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) {"[" + instanceName + "] - " + distinctName + " - transform terminated"); } } private XsltTransformer buildTransformer(Pipe pipe, File inputFile, String inputFileUri, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters, MessageListener listener, XdmNode documentTree, boolean... isFake) throws InvalidSyntaxException, URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, SaxonApiException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { LOGGER.trace("in buildTransformer(Pipe,...)"); XsltTransformer first = null; Iterator<ParametrableStep> it = pipe.getXslts(); Object previousTransformer = null; while (it.hasNext()) { LOGGER.trace(" buildTransformer.tee.while"); ParametrableStep step =; if (step instanceof Xslt) { Xslt xsl = (Xslt) step; XsltTransformer currentTransformer = getXsltTransformer(xsl.getHref(), parameters); Destination currentDestination = currentTransformer; if (xsl.isTraceToAdd()) { currentTransformer.setTraceListener(traceListener); } if (listener != null) { LOGGER.trace(xsl.getHref() + " setting messageListener " + listener); currentTransformer.setMessageListener(listener); } for (ParameterValue pv : xsl.getParams()) { // on substitue les paramtres globaux dans ceux de la XSL String value = ParametersMerger.processParametersReplacement(pv.getValue(), parameters); LOGGER.trace("Setting parameter (" + pv.getKey() + "," + value + ")"); currentTransformer.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue(value)); } for (ParameterValue pv : parameters.values()) { // substitution has been before, in merge, but there is input-file relative parameters... currentTransformer.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue( ParametersMerger.processParametersReplacement(pv.getValue(), parameters))); } if (xsl.isDebug()) { File debugFile; if (debugDirectory != null) { debugFile = new File(debugDirectory, xsl.getId() + "-" + inputFile.getName()); } else { debugFile = new File(xsl.getId() + "-" + inputFile.getName()); } Serializer debug = processor.newSerializer(debugFile); // here currentTransformer==currentDestination currentTransformer.setDestination(currentDestination = new TeeDebugDestination(debug)); } if (first == null) { first = currentTransformer; } if (previousTransformer != null) { assignStepToDestination(previousTransformer, currentDestination); } previousTransformer = currentDestination; LOGGER.trace(xsl.getHref() + " constructed and added to pipe"); } else if (step instanceof ChooseStep) { ChooseStep cStep = (ChooseStep) step; XPathCompiler xpc = getXPathCompiler(); if (documentTree == null) { // here, we are in a pre-compile xsl step, ignore the choose... } else { for (WhenEntry when : cStep.getConditions()) { XPathSelector select = xpc.compile(when.getTest()).load(); select.setContextItem(documentTree); XdmValue result = select.evaluate(); if (result.size() != 1) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException( when.getTest() + " does not produce a xs:boolean result"); } if ("true".equals(result.itemAt(0).getStringValue())) { // use this WHEN ! // on ne peut pas faire a, il n'y a pas de terminal step. Pipe fakePipe = new Pipe(); for (ParametrableStep innerStep : when.getSteps()) { fakePipe.addXslt(innerStep); } Destination currentDestination = buildTransformer(fakePipe, inputFile, inputFileUri, parameters, listener, documentTree, true); if (previousTransformer != null) { assignStepToDestination(previousTransformer, currentDestination); } previousTransformer = currentDestination; break; } } } } else if (step instanceof JavaStep) { JavaStep javaStep = (JavaStep) step; LOGGER.debug("creating " + javaStep.getStepClass().getName()); try { LOGGER.debug("[JAVA-STEP] Creating " + javaStep.getStepClass().getName()); StepJava stepJava = javaStep.getStepClass().newInstance(); for (ParameterValue pv : javaStep.getParams()) { stepJava.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue( ParametersMerger.processParametersReplacement(pv.getValue(), parameters))); } for (ParameterValue pv : parameters.values()) { // la substitution a t faite avant, dans le merge stepJava.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue( ParametersMerger.processParametersReplacement(pv.getValue(), parameters))); } if (previousTransformer != null) { assignStepToDestination(previousTransformer, stepJava); } previousTransformer = stepJava; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException(ex); } } else if (step instanceof Tee) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException("A tee can not be the root of a pipe"); } } Destination nextStep = null; if (pipe.getTee() != null) { LOGGER.trace("after having construct xslts, build tee"); nextStep = buildTransformer(pipe.getTee(), inputFile, inputFileUri, parameters, listener, documentTree); } else if (pipe.getOutput() != null) { LOGGER.trace("after having construct xslts, build output"); nextStep = buildSerializer(pipe.getOutput(), inputFile, parameters); } if (nextStep != null) { assignStepToDestination(previousTransformer, nextStep); } else if (isFake.length == 0 || !isFake[0]) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException("Pipe " + pipe.toString() + " has no terminal Step."); } return first; } private void assignStepToDestination(Object assignee, Destination assigned) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (assignee == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("assignee must not be null"); if (assigned == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("assigned must not be null"); if (assignee instanceof XsltTransformer) { ((XsltTransformer) assignee).setDestination(assigned); } else if (assignee instanceof StepJava) { ((StepJava) assignee).setDestination(assigned); } else if (assignee instanceof TeeDebugDestination) { ((TeeDebugDestination) assignee).setDestination(assigned); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("assignee must be either a XsltTransformer or a StepJava instance"); } } private XsltTransformer getXsltTransformer(String href, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters) throws MalformedURLException, SaxonApiException, URISyntaxException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { // TODO : rewrite this, as cp: and jar: protocols are availabe and one can use new URL(cp:/...).getInputStream() String __href = ParametersMerger.processParametersReplacement(href, parameters); LOGGER.debug("loading " + __href); XsltExecutable xsl = xslCache.get(__href); if (xsl == null) { LOGGER.trace(__href + " not in cache"); try { InputStream input; if (__href.startsWith("file:")) { File f = new File(new URI(__href)); input = new FileInputStream(f); } else if (__href.startsWith("jar:")) { input = new URL(__href).openStream(); } else if (__href.startsWith("cp:")) { input = GauloisPipe.class.getResourceAsStream(__href.substring(3)); } else { File f = new File(__href); input = new FileInputStream(f); } LOGGER.trace("input is " + input); StreamSource source = new StreamSource(input); source.setSystemId(__href); xsl = xsltCompiler.compile(source); xslCache.put(__href, xsl); } catch (SaxonApiException ex) { LOGGER.error("while compiling " + __href); LOGGER.error("SaxonAPIException: " + href + ": [" + ex.getErrorCode() + "]:" + ex.getMessage()); if (ex.getCause() != null) { LOGGER.error(ex.getCause().getMessage()); } throw ex; } catch (URISyntaxException | FileNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.error("while compiling " + __href); throw ex; } } return xsl.load(); } private Destination buildTransformer(Tee tee, File inputFile, String inputFileUri, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters, MessageListener listener, XdmNode documentTree) throws InvalidSyntaxException, URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, SaxonApiException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { LOGGER.trace("in buildTransformer(Tee,...)"); List<Destination> dests = new ArrayList<>(); if (tee == null) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException("tee est null !"); } if (tee.getPipes() == null) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException("tee.getPipes() est null !"); } for (Pipe pipe : tee.getPipes()) { dests.add(buildShortPipeTransformer(pipe, inputFile, inputFileUri, parameters, listener, documentTree)); } while (dests.size() > 1) { Destination d1 = dests.remove(0); Destination d2 = dests.remove(0); if (d1 == d2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("d1 et d2 sont la meme destination"); dests.add(new TeeDestination(d2, d1)); } return dests.get(0); } private Destination buildShortPipeTransformer(Pipe pipe, File inputFile, String inputFileUri, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters, MessageListener listener, XdmNode documentTree) throws InvalidSyntaxException, URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, SaxonApiException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { if (!pipe.getXslts().hasNext()) { if (pipe.getOutput() != null) { return buildSerializer(pipe.getOutput(), inputFile, parameters); } else { return buildTransformer(pipe.getTee(), inputFile, inputFileUri, parameters, listener, documentTree); } } else { return buildTransformer(pipe, inputFile, inputFileUri, parameters, listener, documentTree); } } private Destination buildSerializer(Output output, File inputFile, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> parameters) throws InvalidSyntaxException, URISyntaxException { if (output.isNullOutput()) { return processor.newSerializer(new NullOutputStream()); } else if (output.isConsoleOutput()) { return processor.newSerializer("out".equals(output.getConsole()) ? System.out : System.err); } final File destinationFile = output.getDestinationFile(inputFile, parameters); final Serializer ret = processor.newSerializer(destinationFile); Properties outputProps = output.getOutputProperties(); for (Object key : outputProps.keySet()) { ret.setOutputProperty(Output.VALID_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES.get(key.toString()).getSaxonProperty(), outputProps.getProperty(key.toString())); } if (config.isLogFileSize()) { Destination dest = new Destination() { @Override public Receiver getReceiver(Configuration c) throws SaxonApiException { return new ProxyReceiver(ret.getReceiver(c)) { @Override public void close() throws XPathException { super.close();"[" + instanceName + "] Written " + destinationFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + destinationFile.length()); } }; } @Override public void close() throws SaxonApiException { ret.close(); } }; return dest; } else { return ret; } } /** * Build the uri resolver. * * @param defaultUriResolver Default Saxon's URIResolver * @return the uri resolver built */ protected URIResolver buildUriResolver(URIResolver defaultUriResolver) { return new Resolver(); } public void doPostCloseService(ExecutionContext context) { try { context.getService().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.HOURS); if (config.getSources().getListener().getJavastep() != null) { JavaStep javaStep = config.getSources().getListener().getJavastep(); LOGGER.debug("creating " + javaStep.getStepClass().getName()); try { StepJava stepJava = javaStep.getStepClass().newInstance(); for (ParameterValue pv : javaStep.getParams()) { stepJava.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue(pv.getValue())); } for (ParameterValue pv : config.getParams().values()) { // la substitution a t faite avant, dans le merge stepJava.setParameter(pv.getKey(), new XdmAtomicValue(pv.getValue())); } Receiver r = stepJava.getReceiver(configurationFactory.getConfiguration());; r.close(); } catch (XPathException | SaxonApiException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { LOGGER.error("while preparing doPostCloseService", ex); } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.error("[" + instanceName + "] multi-thread processing interrupted, 5 hour limit exceed."); } } /** * Main entry point of saxon xslt pipe.<br> * The arguments are : * <ul> * <li><tt>--config * config-file.xml </tt>the * pipe-definition config file (optional)</li> * <li><tt>-o, --output outputDirectory </tt>the output * directory</li> * <li><tt>-n,--nbthreads * n </tt>the * number of threads</li> * <li><tt>PARAMS p1=v1 * p2=v2 </tt>the * parameters to give to XSL * <li><tt>XSL f1.xsl f2.xsl * ... </tt>the * stylesheets list used by the pipe</li> * <li><tt>FILES file1.xml file2.xml ... </tt>the files to process</li> * </ul> * <p> * If <tt>--config</tt> option is given, it must be in first position, and * all other options may be ignored. It is impossible to overwrite a * config-file.xml option via command-line option, but it is possible to add * XSL, input files and parameters</p> * <p> * It is possible to define a pipe parameter for a single input file or a * single XSL : just add parenthesis after the file/xsl URI, with * comma-separated list of parameter=value</p> * <p> * Command samples :</p> * <ul> * <li><tt>SaxonPipe -o path/to/out -n 4 PARAMS p1=xxx p2=yyy XSL * path/to/xslt1 ... path/to/xsltN FILES path/to/input1 ... * path/to/inputN</tt> * <ul><li>Executes with 4 threads the pipe <tt>xslt1 to xsltN</tt> on * <tt>input1 to inputN</tt>, and writes output to * <tt>path/to/out</tt></li></ul></li> * <li><tt>SaxonPipe --config config.xml FILES f12.xml(foo=bar)</tt> * <ul><li>Executes pipe defined in <tt>config.xml</tt> on files defined in * <tt>config.xml</tt> <b>AND</b> on <tt>f12.xml</tt>, with param * <tt>foo</tt>=<tt>bar</tt></li></ul></li> * </ul> * <p> * Files whom size is over multi-thread limit (default is 10Mb) are * processed first, on a single-thread waiting queue. Then, files whom size * is under limit are processed on the multi-threaded waiting queue.</p> * <p> * Using config file gives much more control on Saxon-pipe on things taht * can't be set via command-line :</p> * <ul><li>pipe definition is enhanced</li> * <li>output naming strategy can be defined</li> * <li>pattern-matching and recursion can be applied on input-files</li> * <li>file-process order and on multi-thread limit size can be defined</li> * </ul> * * @param args the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (!protocolInstalled) { ProtocolInstaller.registerAdditionalProtocols(); protocolInstalled = true; } LOGGER.debug("Additionals protocols installed"); GauloisPipe gauloisPipe = new GauloisPipe(new DefaultSaxonConfigurationFactory()); try { LOGGER.debug("gauloisPipe instanciated"); Config config = gauloisPipe.parseCommandLine(args); gauloisPipe.setConfig(config); gauloisPipe.setInstanceName(config.__instanceName); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); System.exit(1); } try { gauloisPipe.launch(); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException | SaxonApiException | URISyntaxException | IOException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); gauloisPipe.getErrors().add(ex); } } /** * Set the MessageListener class to use. * The only way to set a message listener is to define its class. Gaulois-pipe * wille create an instance of this class, calling the default constructor. * This method must be called before the {@link #launch() } call. * @param messageListenerclass The class of the listener to use */ public void setMessageListenerclass(Class messageListenerclass) { if (MessageListener.class.isAssignableFrom(messageListenerclass)) { this.messageListenerclass = messageListenerclass; } } @SuppressWarnings("LocalVariableHidesMemberVariable") public Config parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws InvalidSyntaxException { List<String> inputFiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> inputParams = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> inputXsls = new ArrayList<>(); String nbThreads = null; String inputOutput = null; String _messageListener = null; String configFileName = null; String __instanceName = INSTANCE_DEFAULT_NAME; boolean logFileSize = false; boolean skipSchemaValidation = false; int inputMode = -1; for (String argument : args) { if (null != argument) { switch (argument) { case "PARAMS": inputMode = INPUT_PARAMS; continue; case "FILES": inputMode = INPUT_FILES; continue; case "XSL": inputMode = INPUT_XSL; continue; case "--output": case "-o": inputMode = INPUT_OUTPUT; continue; case "--nbthreads": case "-n": inputMode = INPUT_THREADS; continue; case "--msg-listener": inputMode = MESSAGE_LISTENER; continue; case "--instance-name": case "-iName": inputMode = INSTANCE_NAME; continue; case "--config": inputMode = CONFIG; continue; case "--logFileSize": logFileSize = true; continue; case "--skipSchemaValidation": skipSchemaValidation = true; continue; case "--working-dir": case "-wd": inputMode = CURRENT_DIR; continue; } } switch (inputMode) { case INPUT_FILES: inputFiles.add(argument); break; case INPUT_PARAMS: inputParams.add(argument); break; case INPUT_XSL: inputXsls.add(argument); break; case INPUT_THREADS: nbThreads = argument; break; case INPUT_OUTPUT: inputOutput = argument; break; case MESSAGE_LISTENER: _messageListener = argument; break; case INSTANCE_NAME: __instanceName = argument; break; case CONFIG: configFileName = argument; break; case CURRENT_DIR: currentDir = argument; break; } } HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> inputParameters = new HashMap<>(inputParams.size()); for (String paramPattern : inputParams) { LOGGER.debug("parsing parameter " + paramPattern); ParameterValue pv = ConfigUtil.parseParameterPattern(paramPattern); inputParameters.put(pv.getKey(), pv); } LOGGER.debug("parameters from command line are : " + inputParameters); Config config; if (configFileName != null) { LOGGER.debug("loading config file " + configFileName); config = parseConfig(configFileName, inputParameters, configurationFactory.getConfiguration(), skipSchemaValidation); LOGGER.debug("computed parameters in config are :" + config.getParams()); } else { config = new Config(currentDir); } for (String inputFile : inputFiles) ConfigUtil.addInputFile(config, inputFile); for (String inputXsl : inputXsls) ConfigUtil.addTemplate(config, inputXsl); if (nbThreads != null) ConfigUtil.setNbThreads(config, nbThreads); if (inputOutput != null) ConfigUtil.setOutput(config, inputOutput); config.setLogFileSize(logFileSize); config.skipSchemaValidation(skipSchemaValidation); config.verify(); LOGGER.debug("merged parameters into config are : " + config.getParams()); config.__instanceName = __instanceName; if (_messageListener != null) { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(_messageListener); messageListenerclass = clazz.asSubclass(MessageListener.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.warn(_messageListener + " is not a " + MessageListener.class.getName()); } } return config; } private Config parseConfig(String fileName, HashMap<QName, ParameterValue> inputParameters, Configuration saxonConfig, final boolean skipSchemaValidation) throws InvalidSyntaxException { try { return new ConfigUtil(saxonConfig, getUriResolver(), fileName, skipSchemaValidation, currentDir) .buildConfig(inputParameters); } catch (SaxonApiException ex) { throw new InvalidSyntaxException(ex); } } public URIResolver getUriResolver() { if (uriResolver == null) { uriResolver = buildUriResolver(configurationFactory.getConfiguration().getURIResolver()); } return uriResolver; } private static final transient String USAGE_PROMPT = "\nUSAGE:\njava " + GauloisPipe.class.getName() + "\n" + "\t--config config.xml\tthe config file to use\n" + "\t--msg-listener package.of.MessageListener The class to use as MessageListener\n" + "\t{--instance-name | -iName} <name>\t\tthe instance name to use in logs\n" + "\t{--working-dir | -wd} <cwd>\t\t\tThe director to use as current directory ; ${user.dir} if missing\n" + "\t{--output | -o} <outputfile>\t\t\toutput directory\n" + "\t{--nbthreads | -n} <n>\t\t\tnumber of threads to use\n" + "\t{--logFileSize}\t\t\tdisplays intput and output files size in logs as INFO\n" + "\txsl_file[ xsl_file]*\t\tthe XSLs to pipe\n" + "\t[PARAMS p1=xxx[ p2=yyy]*]\tthe params to give to XSLs\n" + "\tFILES file1[ filen]*\t\tthe files to apply pipe on\n.\n" + "\tAn XSL may be specified as this, if it needs specials parameters :\n" + "\t\txsl_file(param1=value1,param2=value2,...)\n" + "\tA source file may be specified as this, if it needs special parameters :\n" + "\t\tfile(param1=value1,param2=value2,...)\n\n" // + "\tIt is impossible to override via command-line option something defined in config file, but it is possible to add inputs or templates.\n" + "\tIf a MessageListener is specified, the denoted class must implement net.sf.saxon.s9api.MessageListener"; private static final int INPUT_XSL = 0x00; private static final int INPUT_PARAMS = 0x01; private static final int INPUT_FILES = 0x02; private static final int INPUT_OUTPUT = 0x04; private static final int INPUT_THREADS = 0x08; private static final int MESSAGE_LISTENER = 0x0F; private static final int INSTANCE_NAME = 0x10; private static final int CONFIG = 0x20; private static final int CURRENT_DIR = 0x40; private class DocumentCache extends LinkedHashMap<String, XdmNode> { private final int cacheSize; private List<String> loading; public DocumentCache(final int cacheSize) { super(); if (cacheSize < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cacheSize must be at least 1"); this.cacheSize = cacheSize; loading = new ArrayList<>(10); } @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, XdmNode> eldest) { boolean ret = size() == cacheSize; if (ret) LOGGER.debug("removing entry from documentCache : " + eldest.getKey()); return ret; } public void setLoading(String key) { loading.add(key); } public void ignoreLoading(String key) { loading.remove(key); } public boolean isLoading(String key) { return loading.contains(key); } @Override public XdmNode put(String key, XdmNode value) { XdmNode ret = super.put(key, value); loading.remove(key); return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("SleepWhileInLoop") public XdmNode waitForLoading(String key) { long endDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000; while (isLoading(key)) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Throwable t) { } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > endDate) { return null; } } return get(key); } } private class ErrorCollector implements Runnable { private final List<Exception> errorsContainer; public ErrorCollector(List<Exception> errorsContainer) { super(); this.errorsContainer = errorsContainer; } @Override public void run() { if (errorsContainer == null || errorsContainer.isEmpty()) {"Gaulois-Pipe is exiting without error"); } else { for (Exception ex : errorsContainer) { GauloisPipe.LOGGER.error("", ex); }"Gaulois-Pipe is exiting with error"); Runtime.getRuntime().halt(errorsContainer.size()); } } } public void setInstanceName(String instanceName) { this.instanceName = instanceName; } public void setConfig(Config config) { this.config = config; } public String getInstanceName() { return instanceName; } /** * Sets the ThreadFactory to be used by executors. If not defined, {@link Executors#defaultThreadFactory() } is used. * <b>Warning</b>: if you define your own ThreadFactory, be aware that log messages may change, * as thread names are defined by the ThreadFactory, not by gaulois-pipe. * @param threadFactory The threadFactory to use */ public void setThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) { this.threadFactory = threadFactory; } protected ThreadFactory getThreadFactory() { if (threadFactory == null) { threadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory(); } return threadFactory; } private XSLTTraceListener buildTraceListener(final String outputDest) { if (outputDest == null) return null; net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger logger; switch (outputDest) { case "#default": logger = configurationFactory.getConfiguration().getLogger(); break; case "#logger": logger = new net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger() { @Override public void println(String string, int i) { switch (i) { case net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger.INFO: LOGGER.debug(string); case net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger.WARNING:; case net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger.ERROR: LOGGER.warn(string); case net.sf.saxon.lib.Logger.DISASTER: LOGGER.error(string); } } @Override public StreamResult asStreamResult() { // TODO : make this cleaner ! return new StreamResult(System.out); } }; break; default: try { logger = new StandardLogger(new File(outputDest)); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.error("while creating traceListener output. Traces will be logged to standard output", ex); logger = configurationFactory.getConfiguration().getLogger(); } break; } XSLTTraceListener tracer = new XSLTTraceListener(); tracer.setOutputDestination(logger); return tracer; } private XPathCompiler getXPathCompiler() { if (xpathCompiler == null) { xpathCompiler = processor.newXPathCompiler(); for (String prefix : config.getNamespaces().getMappings().keySet()) { xpathCompiler.declareNamespace(prefix, config.getNamespaces().getMappings().get(prefix)); } } return xpathCompiler; } private void initDebugDirectory() { String property = System.getProperty(GAULOIS_DEBUG_DIR_PROPERTY); if (property != null) { File directory = new File(property); if (!directory.exists()) { directory.mkdirs(); } if (directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory()) { debugDirectory = directory; } } } }