Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package fr.calamus.common.db.core; import fr.calamus.common.db.model.RequestBuilder; import fr.calamus.common.model.BaseEntityMap; import fr.calamus.common.model.EntityMap; import fr.calamus.common.model.EntityMapWithIntId; import fr.calamus.common.model.EntityMapWithStringId; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * * @author haerwynn */ public class EntitiesAccess { //private static SimpleDateFormat pgDateFormatter; //private static SimpleDateFormat pgTimestampFormatter; protected final Log log; private final String table; private DbAccess dba; private int maxLines; public EntitiesAccess(String table, DbAccess dba) { log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); this.table = table; this.dba = dba; maxLines = 0; } public void setMaxLines(int maxLines) { this.maxLines = maxLines; } public int getMaxLines() { return maxLines; } public String escapeString(String s) { return ToolBox.echapperStringPourHSql(s); } protected boolean stringIsEmpty(Object s) { if (s == null) { return true; } return ("" + s).trim().length() < 1; } public RequestBuilder newRequestBuilder() { RequestBuilder r = new RequestBuilder(table); if (maxLines > 0) r.setLimit(maxLines); return r; } protected RequestBuilder newRequestBuilder(String other) { RequestBuilder r = new RequestBuilder(other); if (maxLines > 0) r.setLimit(maxLines); return r; } protected DbAccess dba() { return dba; } public String getTable() { return table; } protected RequestBuilder maybeAddOffsetAndLimit(RequestBuilder rb, Integer offset, Integer limit) { if (rb == null) { return null; } if (offset != null) { rb.setOffset(offset); } if (limit != null) { rb.setLimit(limit); } return rb; } protected List<BaseEntityMap> toBaseEntityMaps(List<Map<String, Object>> lm) { if (lm == null) { return null; } List<BaseEntityMap> l = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < lm.size(); i++) { l.add(new BaseEntityMap(lm.get(i))); } return l; } protected String getInsertValues(List<String> colonnes, EntityMap e) { List<String> vals = new ArrayList<>(); boolean logDates = false; for (int i = 0; i < colonnes.size(); i++) { String v; String c = colonnes.get(i); if (logDates && c.startsWith("date")) { log.debug("colonne " + c + " : "); if (e.get(c) != null) { log.debug(" " + e.get(c).getClass().getName()); } } if (e.get(c) == null) { v = "null"; } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Number) { v = "" + e.get(c); } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Date) { v = escapeString(CommonDateFormats.pgDateFormatter().format(e.get(c))); } else if (e.get(c) instanceof String) { v = escapeString((String) e.get(c)); } else { v = escapeString("" + e.get(c)); } vals.add(v); } return ListsAndArrays.mergeList(vals, ","); } protected String getUpdateValues(List<String> colonnes, EntityMap e) { List<String> vals = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < colonnes.size(); i++) { String v; String c = colonnes.get(i); if (e.get(c) == null) { v = "null"; } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Long || e.get(c) instanceof Integer) { v = "" + e.get(c); } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Boolean) { v = ((Boolean) e.get(c)) ? "true" : "false"; } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Timestamp) { v = escapeString(CommonDateFormats.pgTimestampFormatter().format(e.get(c))); } else if (e.get(c) instanceof Date) { v = escapeString(CommonDateFormats.pgDateFormatter().format(e.get(c))); } else if (e.get(c) instanceof String) { v = escapeString((String) e.get(c)); } else { v = escapeString("" + e.get(c)); } vals.add(c + "=" + v); } return ListsAndArrays.mergeList(vals, ","); } public int count() { RequestBuilder r = new RequestBuilder(table).select("count(*)"); Map m = dba().selectOne(r.request()); return extractCountFromMap(m); } public int extractCountFromMap(Map<String, Object> m) { try { return ((Long) m.get("count")).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); return 0; } } public EntityMap toEntityMap(JSONObject o) { if (o == null) return null; EntityMap e = new EntityMap(new ArrayList<>(o.keySet())); for (String col : e.cols()) { e.put(col, o.opt(col)); } return e; } public EntityMap toEntityMap(JSONObject o, List<String> cols) { if (o == null) return null; EntityMap e = new EntityMap(cols); for (String col : e.cols()) { e.put(col, o.opt(col)); } return e; } public EntityMapWithIntId toEntityMapWithIntId(JSONObject o, String pkCol) { if (o == null) return null; List<String> cols = new ArrayList<>(o.keySet()); cols.remove(pkCol); cols.add(0, pkCol); EntityMapWithIntId e = new EntityMapWithIntId(cols, cols); for (String col : e.cols()) { e.put(col, o.opt(col)); } return e; } public EntityMapWithStringId toEntityMapWithStringId(JSONObject o, String pkCol) { if (o == null) return null; List<String> cols = new ArrayList<>(o.keySet()); cols.remove(pkCol); cols.add(0, pkCol); EntityMapWithStringId e = new EntityMapWithStringId(cols, cols); for (String col : e.cols()) { e.put(col, o.opt(col)); } return e; } public String objectToWildCardedString(Object o) { if (o == null) return "%"; if (("" + o).trim().isEmpty()) return "%"; String s = "%" + o.toString().trim().replaceAll(" +", "%") + "%"; if (s.equals("%%%")) s = "%"; if (s.equals("%%")) s = "%"; return s; } public int stringToInt(String s, int def) { try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (Exception e) { return def; } } public double stringToDouble(String s, double def) { try { return Double.parseDouble(s); } catch (Exception e) { return def; } } public boolean jsonHasNonEmptyValue(JSONObject o, String key) { return o != null && key != null && o.has(key) && !ToolBox.isEmpty(o.optString(key)); } public String objectToSimplifiedString(Object o) { if (o == null) return ""; if (("" + o).trim().isEmpty()) return ""; String s = ToolBox.simplifierString(o.toString()).replaceAll(" +", " "); return s.trim(); } public String objectToWildCardedSimplifiedString(Object o) { if (o == null) return "%"; if (("" + o).trim().isEmpty()) return "%"; String s = "%" + ToolBox.simplifierString(o.toString()).replaceAll(" +", "%") + "%"; if (s.equals("%%%")) s = "%"; if (s.equals("%%")) s = "%"; return s; } /** * * @param col the column * @param val the value (must be escaped if not a number nor null ! ) * @param where * @return true if updated */ public boolean update(String col, String val, String where) { String req = "update " + getTable() + " set " + col + "=" + val; if (where != null) req += " where " + where; return dba().executeUpdate(req) >= 0; } public boolean delete(String where) { String req = "delete from " + getTable() + " where " + where; return dba().executeUpdate(req) >= 0; } public int insert(EntityMapWithIntId e) { if (e.getId() < 0) { int id = dba().getMax(getTable(), e.getIdKey()); if (id < 0) { id = 0; } id++; e.setId(id); } List<String> cols = e.cols(); String req = "insert into " + getTable() + "(" + ListsAndArrays.mergeList(cols, ",") + ")values(" + getInsertValues(cols, e) + ")"; return dba().executeUpdate(req); } public int update(EntityMapWithIntId e) { if (e.getId() < 0) { int id = dba().getMax(getTable(), e.getIdKey()); if (id < 0) { id = 0; } id++; e.setId(id); } List<String> cols = e.colsNoId(); String req = "update " + getTable() + " set " + getUpdateValues(cols, e) + " where " + e.getIdKey() + "=" + e.getId(); return dba().executeUpdate(req); } public int update(EntityMap e, String where) { List<String> cols = e.cols(); String req = "update " + getTable() + " set " + getUpdateValues(cols, e) + " where " + where; return dba().executeUpdate(req); } public int update(EntityMapWithStringId e) { if (e.getId() == null) return -1; List<String> cols = e.colsNoId(); String req = "update " + getTable() + " set " + getUpdateValues(cols, e) + " where " + e.getIdKey() + "=" + escapeString(e.getId()); return dba().executeUpdate(req); } public int insert(EntityMap e) { List<String> cols = e.cols(); String req = "insert into " + getTable() + "(" + ListsAndArrays.mergeList(cols, ",") + ")values(" + getInsertValues(cols, e) + ")"; return dba().executeUpdate(req); } }