Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2018 Emmanuel BRUN ( * * This file is part of AmapJ. * * AmapJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * AmapJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with AmapJ. If not, see <>. * * */ package fr.amapj.view.views.mescontrats; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Link; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import fr.amapj.common.AmapjRuntimeException; import fr.amapj.model.models.param.paramecran.PEMesContrats; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.amapj.view.engine.excelgenerator.LinkCreator; import; import fr.amapj.view.engine.popup.suppressionpopup.PopupSuppressionListener; import fr.amapj.view.engine.popup.suppressionpopup.SuppressionPopup; import fr.amapj.view.engine.popup.suppressionpopup.UnableToSuppressException; import; import fr.amapj.view.engine.widgets.CurrencyTextFieldConverter; /** * Page permettant l'utilisateur de grer son adhesion * */ public class MesContratsViewAdhesionPart implements PopupSuppressionListener { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE dd MMMMM yyyy"); private MesContratsView view; /** * */ public MesContratsViewAdhesionPart(MesContratsView view) { this.view = view; } private Button addButtonAdhesionAdherer(String str) { Button b = new Button(str); b.addClickListener(e -> handleAdhesionAdherer()); return b; } private void handleAdhesionAdherer() { PopupAdhesion adhesion = new PopupAdhesion(view.mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO, true);, this); } private Button addButtonAdhesionVoir(String str) { Button b = new Button(str); b.addClickListener(e -> handleAdhesionVoir()); return b; } private void handleAdhesionVoir() { PopupAdhesion adhesion = new PopupAdhesion(view.mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO, false);, this); } private Button addButtonAdhesionSupprimer(String str) { Button b = new Button(str); b.addClickListener(e -> handleAdhesionSupprimer()); return b; } private void handleAdhesionSupprimer() { String text = "Etes vous sr de vouloir supprimer votre adhsion?"; Long idAdhesion =; SuppressionPopup confirmPopup = new SuppressionPopup(text, idAdhesion);, this); } @Override public void deleteItem(Long idItemToSuppress) throws UnableToSuppressException { new GestionCotisationService().deleteAdhesion(idItemToSuppress); } public void addAhesionInfo(VerticalLayout layout) { MesContratsDTO mesContratsDTO = view.mesContratsDTO; // Cas classique de renouvellement de l'adhsion if (mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO.displayAdhesionTop()) { Label lab = new Label("Renouvellement de votre adhsion l'AMAP"); lab.addStyleName(MesContratsView.LABEL_RUBRIQUE); layout.addComponent(lab); Panel p = new Panel(); p.addStyleName(MesContratsView.PANEL_UNCONTRAT); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setMargin(true); hl.setSpacing(true); hl.setWidth("100%"); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); Label lab1 = new Label("Adhsion pour " + mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO.periodeCotisationDTO.nom); lab1.addStyleName(MesContratsView.LABEL_TITRECONTRAT); vl.addComponent(lab1); String str = formatLibelleAdhesion(mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO); BaseUiTools.addHtmlLabel(vl, str, "libelle-contrat"); addLinkImpressionBulletin(mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO, vl); hl.addComponent(vl); hl.setExpandRatio(vl, 1); VerticalLayout vl2 = new VerticalLayout(); vl2.setWidth("115px"); vl2.setSpacing(true); hl.addComponent(vl2); hl.setComponentAlignment(vl2, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); if (mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO.isCotisant()) { Button b = addButtonAdhesionAdherer("Modifier"); b.setWidth("100%"); vl2.addComponent(b); b = addButtonAdhesionSupprimer("Supprimer"); b.setWidth("100%"); vl2.addComponent(b); Button v = addButtonAdhesionVoir("Voir"); v.setWidth("100%"); v.addStyleName(MesContratsView.BUTTON_PRINCIPAL); vl2.addComponent(v); } else { Button b = addButtonAdhesionAdherer("Adhrer"); b.addStyleName(MesContratsView.BUTTON_PRINCIPAL); b.setWidth("100%"); vl2.addComponent(b); } p.setContent(hl); layout.addComponent(p); } // Cas d'affichage uniquement, pendant 30 jours apres la fin des inscriptions if (mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO.affichageOnly != null) { AffichageOnly aff = mesContratsDTO.adhesionDTO.affichageOnly; Label lab = new Label("Votre adhsion l'AMAP"); lab.addStyleName(MesContratsView.LABEL_RUBRIQUE); layout.addComponent(lab); Panel p = new Panel(); p.addStyleName(MesContratsView.PANEL_UNCONTRAT); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setMargin(true); hl.setSpacing(true); hl.setWidth("100%"); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); Label lab1 = new Label("Adhsion pour " + aff.nomPeriode); lab1.addStyleName(MesContratsView.LABEL_TITRECONTRAT); vl.addComponent(lab1); String str = "Vous avez renouvel votre adhsion l'AMAP. Montant : " + new CurrencyTextFieldConverter().convertToString(aff.montantAdhesion) + " "; BaseUiTools.addHtmlLabel(vl, str, "libelle-contrat"); if (shouldDisplayLinkBulletinInAffichageOnly(aff)) { Link l = LinkCreator .createLink(new PGBulletinAdhesion(aff.idPeriode, aff.idPeriodeUtilisateur, null)); l.setCaption("Imprimer mon bulletin d'adhsion"); l.setStyleName("adhesion"); vl.addComponent(l); } hl.addComponent(vl); hl.setExpandRatio(vl, 1); VerticalLayout vl2 = new VerticalLayout(); vl2.setWidth("115px"); vl2.setSpacing(true); hl.addComponent(vl2); hl.setComponentAlignment(vl2, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); p.setContent(hl); layout.addComponent(p); } } private boolean shouldDisplayLinkBulletinInAffichageOnly(AffichageOnly aff) { // si il n'y a pas de modele de bulletin : on ne met pas le lien if (aff.idBulletin == null) { return false; } PEMesContrats peMesContrats = (PEMesContrats) new ParametresService().loadParamEcran(MenuList.MES_CONTRATS); switch (peMesContrats.canPrintAdhesion) { case JAMAIS: return false; case APRES_DATE_FIN_DES_INSCRIPTIONS: // On est dans le cas ou on est aprs la fin des inscriptions return true; case TOUJOURS: return true; default: throw new AmapjRuntimeException(); } } /** * Ajoute si cela est ncessaire le lien vers l'impression des bulletins d'adhesion * @param adhesionDTO * @param vl */ private void addLinkImpressionBulletin(AdhesionDTO adhesionDTO, VerticalLayout vl) { if (shouldDisplayLinkBulletin(adhesionDTO) == false) { return; } Long idPeriode =; Long idPeriodeUtilisateur =; Link l = LinkCreator.createLink(new PGBulletinAdhesion(idPeriode, idPeriodeUtilisateur, null)); l.setCaption("Imprimer mon bulletin d'adhsion"); l.setStyleName("adhesion"); vl.addComponent(l); } private boolean shouldDisplayLinkBulletin(AdhesionDTO adhesionDTO) { // Si il n'est pas cotisant ou si il n'y a pas de modele de bulletin : on ne met pas le lien if (adhesionDTO.isCotisant() == false || adhesionDTO.periodeCotisationDTO.idBulletinAdhesion == null) { return false; } PEMesContrats peMesContrats = (PEMesContrats) new ParametresService().loadParamEcran(MenuList.MES_CONTRATS); switch (peMesContrats.canPrintAdhesion) { case JAMAIS: return false; case APRES_DATE_FIN_DES_INSCRIPTIONS: // On est dans le cas ou on est avant la fin des inscriptions return false; case TOUJOURS: return true; default: throw new AmapjRuntimeException(); } } private String formatLibelleAdhesion(AdhesionDTO adhesionDTO) { SimpleDateFormat df2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); PeriodeCotisationDTO p = adhesionDTO.periodeCotisationDTO; // Ligne 0 String str = ""; // Ligne 1 // if (adhesionDTO.isCotisant()) { str = str + "Vous avez renouvel votre adhsion l'AMAP. Montant : " + new CurrencyTextFieldConverter() .convertToString(adhesionDTO.periodeCotisationUtilisateurDTO.montantAdhesion) + " " + "<br/>Vous pouvez modifier votre choix jusqu'au " + df.format(p.dateFinInscription) + " minuit."; } else { str = str + "Il est temps d'adhrer pour la nouvelle saison !<br/>"; str = str + "<b>Cette adhsion couvre la priode du " + df2.format(p.dateDebut) + " au " + df2.format(p.dateFin) + "</b>"; str = str + "<br/>"; str = str + "Vous avez jusqu'au " + df.format(p.dateFinInscription) + " minuit pour adhrer l'AMAP."; } str = str + "<br/>"; return str; } @Override public void onPopupClose() { view.refresh(); } }