Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2018 Emmanuel BRUN ( * * This file is part of AmapJ. * * AmapJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * AmapJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with AmapJ. If not, see <>. * * */ package; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractField; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox; import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Layout; import com.vaadin.ui.Link; import com.vaadin.ui.Table; import com.vaadin.ui.Table.ColumnHeaderMode; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import fr.amapj.common.AmapjRuntimeException; import fr.amapj.service.engine.generator.CoreGenerator; import fr.amapj.view.engine.excelgenerator.LinkCreator; import fr.amapj.view.engine.searcher.Searcher; import fr.amapj.view.engine.searcher.SearcherDefinition; import; import; import fr.amapj.view.engine.widgets.CurrencyTextFieldConverter; import fr.amapj.view.engine.widgets.IntegerTextFieldConverter; /** * Outil pour crer les tables specifiques avec saisie dans la table * */ public class ComplexTableBuilder<T> { static public interface ToValue<T> { public Object toValue(T t); } static public interface CallBack<T> { public void onClick(T t); } static public interface ToGenerator<T> { public CoreGenerator getGenerator(T t); } private SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); private List<TableColumnInfo<T>> cols; private Table t; private List<T> beans; private int pageLength = 15; public ComplexTableBuilder(List<T> beans) { this.beans = beans; cols = new ArrayList<TableColumnInfo<T>>(); } // public void addString(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.STRING, toVal, null, null, null); } public void addString(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.STRING, toVal, null, null, null); } // public void addInteger(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.INTEGER, toVal, null, null, null); } public void addInteger(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.INTEGER, toVal, null, null, null); } // public void addCurrency(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.CURRENCY, toVal, null, null, null); } public void addCurrency(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.CURRENCY, toVal, null, null, null); } // public void addDate(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.DATE, toVal, null, null, null); } public void addDate(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.DATE, toVal, null, null, null); } // public void addCheckBox(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, CallBack<T> onClic) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.CHECK_BOX, toVal, onClic, null, null); } public void addCheckBox(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, CallBack<T> onClic) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.CHECK_BOX, toVal, onClic, null, null); } // public void addButton(String title, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, CallBack<T> onClic) { addColumn(title, null, false, width, TableColumnType.BUTTON, toVal, onClic, null, null); } public void addButton(String title, String property, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, CallBack<T> onClic) { addColumn(title, property, false, width, TableColumnType.BUTTON, toVal, onClic, null, null); } public void addLink(String title, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, ToGenerator<T> generator) { addColumn(title, null, false, width, TableColumnType.LINK, toVal, null, generator, null); } // public void addSearcher(String title, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, SearcherDefinition searcher) { addColumn(title, null, editable, width, TableColumnType.SEARCHER, toVal, null, null, searcher); } public void addSearcher(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, ToValue<T> toVal, SearcherDefinition searcher) { addColumn(title, property, editable, width, TableColumnType.SEARCHER, toVal, null, null, searcher); } private void addColumn(String title, String property, boolean editable, int width, TableColumnType type, ToValue<T> toVal, CallBack<T> onClic, ToGenerator<T> generator, SearcherDefinition searcher) { cols.add( new TableColumnInfo<T>(title, property, editable, width, type, toVal, onClic, generator, searcher)); } public void buildComponent(Layout contentLayout) { startHeader("tete", 70); for (TableColumnInfo<T> col : cols) { addHeaderBox(col.title, col.width + 13); } contentLayout.addComponent(header1); // Construction du contenu de la table t = new Table(); int index = 0; for (TableColumnInfo<T> col : cols) { String property =; if (property == null) { property = "property" + index; } t.addContainerProperty(property, getClass(col.type, col.editable), null); index++; } // Remplissage des lignes index = 0; for (T bean : beans) { Object[] cells = computeCell(bean); t.addItem(cells, index); index++; } t.setColumnHeaderMode(ColumnHeaderMode.HIDDEN); t.setSelectable(true); t.setSortEnabled(false); t.setPageLength(pageLength); contentLayout.addComponent(t); } private Class<?> getClass(TableColumnType type, boolean editable) { switch (type) { case STRING: case INTEGER: case DATE: case CURRENCY: if (editable) { return TextField.class; } else { return Label.class; } case CHECK_BOX: return CheckBox.class; case BUTTON: return Button.class; case LINK: return Link.class; case SEARCHER: return ComboBox.class; default: throw new AmapjRuntimeException(); } } private Object[] computeCell(T bean) { Object[] cells = new Object[cols.size()]; int index = 0; for (TableColumnInfo<T> col : cols) { cells[index] = createPart(col, bean); index++; } return cells; } private Object createPart(TableColumnInfo<T> col, T bean) { switch (col.type) { case STRING: Object o = col.toVal.toValue(bean); if (o == null) { o = ""; } return createLabel(o.toString(), col.width); case DATE: return createLabel(df.format((Date) col.toVal.toValue(bean)), col.width); case INTEGER: Integer cVal = (Integer) col.toVal.toValue(bean); if (col.editable) { return createIntegerEditableField(cVal, col.width); } else { return createLabel(Integer.toString(cVal), col.width); } case CURRENCY: Integer currentVal = (Integer) col.toVal.toValue(bean); if (col.editable) { return createCurrencyEditableField(currentVal, col.width); } else { return createLabel(new CurrencyTextFieldConverter().convertToString(currentVal), col.width); } case CHECK_BOX: return createCheckBox((Boolean) col.toVal.toValue(bean), col.width); case BUTTON: String str = (String) col.toVal.toValue(bean); if (str != null) { return createButton(str, col.width, col.onClic, bean); } else { return null; } case LINK: return createLink(col.toVal.toValue(bean).toString(), col.width, col.generator, bean); case SEARCHER: return createSearcher((Long) col.toVal.toValue(bean), col.searcher, col.editable, col.width, bean); default: throw new AmapjRuntimeException(); } } private ComboBox createSearcher(Long value, SearcherDefinition searcher, boolean editable, int width, T bean) { Searcher box = new Searcher(searcher, null); box.setConvertedValue(value); /**if (s.params!=null) { box.setParams(s.params); } if (s.linkedSearcher!=null) { box.setLinkedSearcher(s.linkedSearcher); } box.addStyleName("searcher");*/ return box; } private TextField createIntegerEditableField(Integer currentVal, int taille) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.addStyleName("align-center"); tf.setConverter(new IntegerTextFieldConverter()); tf.setConvertedValue(currentVal); tf.setNullRepresentation(""); tf.setWidth(taille + "px"); tf.setImmediate(true); return tf; } private TextField createCurrencyEditableField(Integer currentVal, int taille) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.addStyleName("align-center"); tf.setConverter(new CurrencyTextFieldConverter(true)); tf.setConvertedValue(currentVal); tf.setNullRepresentation(""); tf.setWidth(taille + "px"); tf.setImmediate(true); return tf; } private Label createLabel(String msg, int taille) { Label l = new Label(msg); l.addStyleName("align-center"); l.setWidth(taille + "px"); return l; } private CheckBox createCheckBox(boolean value, int taille) { CheckBox cb = new CheckBox(); cb.addStyleName("align-center"); cb.setValue(value); cb.setWidth(taille + "px"); cb.setImmediate(true); return cb; } private Button createButton(String msg, int taille, CallBack<T> onClic, T t) { Button cb = new Button(msg); cb.addStyleName("align-center"); cb.setWidth(taille + "px"); cb.setImmediate(true); cb.addClickListener(e -> onClic.onClick(t)); return cb; } private Link createLink(String msg, int taille, ToGenerator<T> generator, T t) { Link l = LinkCreator.createLink(generator.getGenerator(t)); l.setCaption(msg); l.addStyleName("align-center"); l.setWidth(taille + "px"); l.setImmediate(true); return l; } private TextField createTextField(String value, int taille) { TextField tf = new TextField(); tf.setValue(value); tf.setWidth(taille + "px"); tf.setNullRepresentation(""); tf.setImmediate(true); return tf; } /** * PARTIE HEADER */ HorizontalLayout header1; String styleName; int height; private void startHeader(String styleName, int height) { header1 = new HorizontalLayout(); header1.setHeight(null); header1.setWidth(null); this.styleName = styleName; this.height = height; } private void addHeaderBox(String msg, int taille) { Label hLabel = new Label(msg); hLabel.setWidth((taille + 13) + "px"); hLabel.setHeight(height + "px"); hLabel.addStyleName(styleName); header1.addComponent(hLabel); } /** * Retourne le composant la ligne lineNumber et la colonne property */ public AbstractField getComponent(int lineNumber, String property) { Item item = t.getItem(lineNumber); AbstractField tf = (AbstractField) item.getItemProperty(property).getValue(); return tf; } /** * Retourne le Button la ligne lineNumber et la colonne property */ public Button getButton(int lineNumber, String property) { Item item = t.getItem(lineNumber); Button tf = (Button) item.getItemProperty(property).getValue(); return tf; } /** * Retourne le Button correspondant la ligne t et la colonne property */ public Button getButton(T t, String property) { int lineNumber = beans.indexOf(t); return getButton(lineNumber, property); } /** * Retourne le Label la ligne lineNumber et la colonne property */ public Label getLabel(int lineNumber, String property) { Item item = t.getItem(lineNumber); Label tf = (Label) item.getItemProperty(property).getValue(); return tf; } /** * Retourne le Label correspondant la ligne t et la colonne property */ public Label getLabel(T t, String property) { int lineNumber = beans.indexOf(t); return getLabel(lineNumber, property); } public void reload(List<T> beans) { this.beans = beans; t.removeAllItems(); // Remplissage des lignes int index = 0; for (T bean : beans) { Object[] cells = computeCell(bean); t.addItem(cells, index); index++; } } public void setPageLength(int pageLength) { this.pageLength = pageLength; } /** * @return la ligne slectionne, retourne null si aucune ligne selectionne */ public T getSelectedLine() { Integer index = (Integer) t.getValue(); if (index == null) { return null; } T dto = beans.get(index); return dto; } public void addStyleName(String styleName) { t.addStyleName(styleName); } }