Java tutorial
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: GPL 2.0 * * The contents of this file are subject to the GNU General Public * License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"). * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * project members * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package fr.aliasource.webmail.client.reader.invitation; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.I18N; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.View; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.lang.Strings; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.shared.ClientMessage; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.shared.ConversationId; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.shared.InvitationInfo; import fr.aliasource.webmail.client.shared.SimpleEvent; public class InvitationPanel extends HorizontalPanel { private final static String INVITATION_ACCEPT = "yes"; private final static String INVITATION_REFUSE = "no"; private final static String INVITATION_MAYBE = "maybe"; private ClientMessage cm; private InvitationInfo invitationInfo; private FlexTable infoEventPanel; private VerticalPanel agendaPanel; private Strings strings; private ControllerInvitation ctrlInvitation; private Anchor accept; private Anchor maybe; private Anchor refuse; public InvitationPanel(View ui, ClientMessage cm) { strings = I18N.strings; = cm; ctrlInvitation = new ControllerInvitation(ui, this); this.setWidth("100%"); this.setVisible(false); this.addStyleName("invitationPanel"); } public void init() { ConversationId convId = cm.getConvId(); if (convId.hasFolder()) { ctrlInvitation.requestGetInvitationData(cm.getUid(), convId.getSourceFolder()); } } public void update(InvitationInfo invitationInfo) { if (invitationInfo != null) { this.invitationInfo = invitationInfo; VerticalPanel vpInfoEvent = fillInfoEventPanel(); agendaPanel = fillAgendaPanel(); this.add(vpInfoEvent); this.add(agendaPanel); updateGoingLink(invitationInfo.getEvent().getGoing()); this.setVisible(true); } } public void updateGoingLink(String going) { HTML goingLabel = new HTML(strings.invitationGoing() + " "); HorizontalPanel hsp = new HorizontalPanel(); hsp.addStyleName("going"); hsp.add(goingLabel); if (INVITATION_ACCEPT.equals(going)) { HTML label = new HTML(accept.getText()); hsp.add(label); } else { hsp.add(accept); } hsp.add(new HTML(" - ")); if (INVITATION_MAYBE.equals(going)) { HTML label = new HTML(maybe.getText()); hsp.add(label); } else { hsp.add(maybe); } hsp.add(new HTML(" - ")); if (INVITATION_REFUSE.equals(going)) { HTML label = new HTML(refuse.getText()); hsp.add(label); } else { hsp.add(refuse); } infoEventPanel.setWidget(5, 1, hsp); } private VerticalPanel fillInfoEventPanel() { VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setStyleName("detailEvent noWrap"); Label lb = new Label(strings.newEvent()); vp.add(lb); this.infoEventPanel = new FlexTable(); infoEventPanel.addStyleName("leftPanel"); infoEventPanel.setText(0, 0, strings.invitationTitle() + ":"); infoEventPanel.setText(0, 1, invitationInfo.getEvent().getTitle()); infoEventPanel.setText(1, 0, strings.invitationOwner() + ":"); infoEventPanel.setText(1, 1, invitationInfo.getEvent().getOwner()); infoEventPanel.setText(2, 0, strings.invitationWhen() + ":"); if (invitationInfo.getEvent().getDtStart() != null) { DateTimeFormat dtfStart = DateTimeFormat.getShortDateTimeFormat(); String sStart = dtfStart.format(invitationInfo.getEvent().getDtStart()); DateTimeFormat dtfEnd = DateTimeFormat.getShortTimeFormat(); String sEnd = dtfEnd.format(invitationInfo.getEvent().getDtEnd()); infoEventPanel.setText(2, 1, sStart + " - " + sEnd); } infoEventPanel.setText(3, 0, strings.invitationWhere() + ":"); infoEventPanel.setText(3, 1, invitationInfo.getEvent().getLocation()); String who = getWho(); if (!"".endsWith(who)) { infoEventPanel.setText(4, 0, strings.invitationWho() + ":"); infoEventPanel.setText(4, 1, who); } Element moreDetail = DOM.createElement("a"); moreDetail.setAttribute("href", invitationInfo.getCalendarUrl()); moreDetail.setInnerText(strings.moreActions()); HTML linkMoreDetail = new HTML(); linkMoreDetail.getElement().appendChild(moreDetail); infoEventPanel.setWidget(5, 1, linkMoreDetail); accept = getGoingLink(strings.invitationYes(), "invitationYes", INVITATION_ACCEPT); maybe = getGoingLink(strings.invitationMaybe(), "invitationMaybe", INVITATION_MAYBE); refuse = getGoingLink(strings.invitationNo(), "invitationNo", INVITATION_REFUSE); updateGoingLink(""); for (int i = 0; i < infoEventPanel.getRowCount(); ++i) { infoEventPanel.getCellFormatter().setStyleName(i, 0, "keys"); } infoEventPanel.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(0, "titleEvent"); infoEventPanel.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(1, "ownerEvent"); infoEventPanel.getRowFormatter().addStyleName(2, "startEvent"); vp.add(infoEventPanel); return vp; } private Anchor getGoingLink(String title, String targetHistoryToken, final String going) { Anchor link = new Anchor(title); ClickHandler handler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { ctrlInvitation.requestGoingEvent(invitationInfo.getEvent().getExtId(), going); } }; link.addClickHandler(handler); return link; } private String getWho() { StringBuffer who = new StringBuffer(); int nbAttendee = 0; List<String> listAttende = invitationInfo.getEvent().getAttendees(); for (int i = 0; i < listAttende.size() && nbAttendee < 2; ++i) { if (!listAttende.get(i).equals(invitationInfo.getEvent().getOwner())) { who.append(listAttende.get(i)); if (i != (listAttende.size() - 1)) { who.append(", "); } nbAttendee++; } } if (invitationInfo.getEvent().getAttendees().size() > 2) { who.append((" ...")); } return who.toString(); } private VerticalPanel fillAgendaPanel() { agendaPanel = new VerticalPanel(); agendaPanel.setStyleName("agendaPanel"); agendaPanel.setBorderWidth(1); if (invitationInfo.getEvent().getDtStart() != null) { Date when = invitationInfo.getEvent().getDtStart(); DateTimeFormat dtf = DateTimeFormat.getMediumDateFormat(); HTML day = new HTML(strings.invitationDay(dtf.format(when))); day.setStyleName("invitationDay"); agendaPanel.add(day); } for (SimpleEvent sEvent : invitationInfo.getEventOfDay()) { String sStart = ""; if (sEvent.isAllDay()) { sStart = strings.eventAllDay(); } else if (sEvent.getStart() != null) { DateTimeFormat dtfStart = DateTimeFormat.getShortTimeFormat(); sStart = dtfStart.format(sEvent.getStart()); } InvitationAgendaLine line = new InvitationAgendaLine(sStart, sEvent.getTitle()); agendaPanel.add(line); } Anchor a = new Anchor(strings.invitationGoToCalendar()); a.setHref(invitationInfo.getCalendarUrl()); a.setTarget("_blank"); agendaPanel.add(a); return agendaPanel; } }