Java tutorial
/** * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making TDW available. * Copyright (C) 2014 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS * OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package FormatStorage1; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import Comm.ConstVar; public class IHead implements IPersistable { private int magic = ConstVar.NewFormatMagic; private short ver; private byte var; private byte lineindex = 1; private int primaryIndex = -1; private byte compress; private byte compressStyle; private byte encode; private byte encodeStyle; private IFieldMap fieldMap; private IUserDefinedHeadInfo udi; private int formatfiletype = ConstVar.NewFormatFile; private String key; public IHead() { this(ConstVar.NewFormatFile); } public IHead(int formatfiletype) { this.formatfiletype = formatfiletype; if (this.formatfiletype == ConstVar.OldFormatFile) { this.magic = ConstVar.DataMagic; } ver = ConstVar.Ver; var = 0; lineindex = 1; primaryIndex = -1; compress = 0; encode = 0; udi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo(); } public IHead(IHead head) { this.setMagic(head.magic); this.setCompress(head.compress); this.setCompressStyle(head.compressStyle); this.setEncode(head.encode); this.setEncodeStyle(head.encodeStyle); this.setFormatType(head.formatfiletype); this.setLineindex(head.lineindex); this.setPrimaryIndex(head.primaryIndex); this.setVar(head.var); this.setVer(head.ver); this.udi = head.udi; } @Override public void persistent(DataOutput out) throws IOException { if (this.formatfiletype == ConstVar.OldFormatFile) { magic = ConstVar.DataMagic; out.writeInt(magic); out.writeShort(ver); out.writeByte(var); out.writeByte(compress); out.writeByte(compressStyle); out.writeShort(primaryIndex); out.writeByte(encode); out.writeByte(encodeStyle); if (key == null) { out.writeShort(0); } else { out.writeShort(key.length()); if (key.length() != 0) { out.write(key.getBytes()); } } fieldMap.persistent(out); } else if (this.formatfiletype == ConstVar.NewFormatFile) { magic = ConstVar.NewFormatMagic; out.writeInt(magic); out.writeShort(ver); out.writeByte(var); out.writeByte(lineindex); out.writeShort(primaryIndex); out.writeByte(compress); if (compress == ConstVar.Compressed) out.writeByte(compressStyle); out.writeByte(encode); if (encode == ConstVar.ENCODED) out.writeByte(encodeStyle); fieldMap.persistent(out); udi.persistent(out); } } @Override public void unpersistent(DataInput in) throws IOException { magic = in.readInt(); if (magic == ConstVar.DataMagic) { this.formatfiletype = ConstVar.OldFormatFile; } else { this.formatfiletype = ConstVar.NewFormatFile; } if (this.formatfiletype == ConstVar.OldFormatFile) { if (magic != ConstVar.DataMagic) { throw new IOException("invalid file magic:" + magic); } ver = in.readShort(); var = in.readByte(); compress = in.readByte(); compressStyle = in.readByte(); primaryIndex = in.readShort(); encode = in.readByte(); encodeStyle = in.readByte(); short keyLen = in.readShort(); if (keyLen != 0) { byte[] keyBytes = new byte[keyLen]; in.readFully(keyBytes); key = new String(keyBytes); } fieldMap = new IFieldMap(); fieldMap.unpersistent(in); } else { ver = in.readShort(); var = in.readByte(); lineindex = in.readByte(); primaryIndex = in.readShort(); compress = in.readByte(); if (compress == ConstVar.Compressed) compressStyle = in.readByte(); encode = in.readByte(); if (encode == ConstVar.ENCODED) encodeStyle = in.readByte(); fieldMap = new IFieldMap(); fieldMap.unpersistent(in); udi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo(); udi.unpersistent(in); } } public void setFieldMap(IFieldMap fieldMap) { this.fieldMap = fieldMap; for (IRecord.IFType type : fieldMap.fieldtypes().values()) { if (type.type() == ConstVar.FieldType_String) { this.var = 1; break; } } } public void setUserDefinedInfo(IUserDefinedHeadInfo udi) { this.udi = udi; } public int getMagic() { return magic; } public void setMagic(int magic) { this.magic = magic; } public short getVer() { return ver; } public void setVer(short ver) { this.ver = ver; } public byte getVar() { return var; } public void setVar(byte var) { this.var = var; } public byte getCompress() { return compress; } public void setCompress(byte compress) { this.compress = compress; } public byte getCompressStyle() { return compressStyle; } public void setCompressStyle(byte compressStyle) { this.compressStyle = compressStyle; } public int getPrimaryIndex() { return primaryIndex; } public void setPrimaryIndex(int primaryIndex) { this.primaryIndex = primaryIndex; } public byte getEncode() { return encode; } public void setEncode(byte encode) { this.encode = encode; } public byte getEncodeStyle() { return encodeStyle; } public void setEncodeStyle(byte encodeStyle) { this.encodeStyle = encodeStyle; } public IUserDefinedHeadInfo getUdi() { return udi; } public void setUdi(IUserDefinedHeadInfo udi) { this.udi = udi; } public IFieldMap fieldMap() { return fieldMap; } public void setLineindex(byte lineindex) { this.lineindex = lineindex; } public byte lineindex() { return lineindex; } public void setFormatType(int formatfiletype) { this.formatfiletype = formatfiletype; } public int formatfiletype() { return formatfiletype; } public void fromJobConf(Configuration conf) { this.magic = conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_magic, ConstVar.NewFormatMagic); this.var = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_var, 0); this.ver = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_ver, 0); this.lineindex = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_lineindex, 1); this.primaryIndex = (short) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_primaryIndex, -1); this.compress = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_compress, 0); this.compressStyle = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_compressStyle, 0); this.encode = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_encode, 0); this.encodeStyle = (byte) conf.getInt(ConstVar.HD_encodeStyle, 0); this.fieldMap = new IFieldMap(); String[] fieldStrings = conf.getStrings(ConstVar.HD_fieldMap); if (fieldStrings != null) for (int i = 0; i < fieldStrings.length; i++) { String[] def = fieldStrings[i].split(ConstVar.RecordSplit); byte type = Byte.valueOf(def[0]); int index = Integer.valueOf(def[2]); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IRecord.IFType(type, index)); } this.udi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo(); String[] udistrs = conf.getStrings(ConstVar.HD_udi); if (udistrs != null) for (int i = 0; i < udistrs.length; i++) { String[] def = udistrs[i].split(ConstVar.RecordSplit); udi.addInfo(Integer.valueOf(def[0]), def[1]); } } public void toJobConf(Configuration conf) { conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_magic, magic); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_var, var); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_ver, ver); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_lineindex, lineindex); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_primaryIndex, primaryIndex); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_compress, compress); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_compressStyle, compressStyle); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_encode, encode); conf.setInt(ConstVar.HD_encodeStyle, encodeStyle); if (fieldMap != null) { int fieldNum = fieldMap.fieldtypes().size(); String[] fieldStrings = new String[fieldNum]; int i = 0; for (IRecord.IFType ft : this.fieldMap.fieldtypes().values()) { fieldStrings[i++] = ft.type() + ConstVar.RecordSplit + ft.len() + ConstVar.RecordSplit + ft.idx(); } conf.setStrings(ConstVar.HD_fieldMap, fieldStrings); } if (udi != null && udi.infos.size() > 0) { String[] udistrs = new String[udi.infos.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> en : udi.infos.entrySet()) { udistrs[i++] = en.getKey() + ConstVar.RecordSplit + en.getValue(); } conf.setStrings(ConstVar.HD_udi, udistrs); } } public String show() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("magic:\t" + this.magic + "\r\n").append("ver:\t" + this.ver + "\r\n") .append("var:\t" + this.var + "\r\n").append("lineindex:\t" + this.lineindex + "\r\n") .append("primaryindex:\t" + this.primaryIndex + "\r\n") .append("compress:\t" + this.compress + "\r\n") .append("compresstype:\t" + this.compressStyle + "\r\n").append("encode:\t" + this.encode + "\r\n") .append("encodetype:\t" + this.encodeStyle + "\r\n"); sb.append("fieldMap\t" + this.fieldMap.fieldtypes().size() + "\r\n"); for (IRecord.IFType ift : this.fieldMap.fieldtypes().values()) { sb.append("\t" + ift.type()).append("\t" + ift.idx()).append("\t" + ift.len() + "\r\n"); } if (udi != null && udi.infos.size() > 0) { sb.append("udi:\t" + udi.infos.size()); for (Integer i : udi.infos.keySet()) { sb.append("\t" + i + "\t" + udi.infos.get(i) + "\r\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } public String toStr() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(this.magic + ":").append(this.ver + ":").append(this.var + ":").append(this.lineindex + ":") .append(this.primaryIndex + ":").append(this.compress + ":").append(this.compressStyle + ":") .append(this.encode + ":").append(this.encodeStyle + ":"); sb.append(this.fieldMap.fieldtypes().size() + ":"); for (IRecord.IFType ift : this.fieldMap.fieldtypes().values()) { sb.append(";"); } if (udi != null && udi.infos.size() > 0) { sb.append(":" + udi.infos.size() + ":"); for (Integer i : udi.infos.keySet()) { sb.append(i + "," + udi.infos.get(i) + ";"); } } return sb.toString(); } public boolean fromStr(String str) { String[] strs = str.split(":"); if (strs.length < 9) return false; this.magic = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]); this.ver = Short.parseShort(strs[1]); this.var = Byte.parseByte(strs[2]); this.lineindex = Byte.parseByte(strs[3]); this.primaryIndex = Integer.parseInt(strs[4]); this.compress = Byte.parseByte(strs[5]); this.compressStyle = Byte.parseByte(strs[6]); this.encode = Byte.parseByte(strs[7]); this.encodeStyle = Byte.parseByte(strs[8]); if (this.magic == ConstVar.DataMagic) { this.formatfiletype = ConstVar.OldFormatFile; } int size = Integer.parseInt(strs[9]); String[] strs1 = strs[10].split(";"); this.fieldMap = new IFieldMap(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String[] strs2 = strs1[i].split(","); byte type = Byte.parseByte(strs2[0]); int index = Integer.parseInt(strs2[1]); fieldMap.addFieldType(new IRecord.IFType(type, index)); } if (strs.length > 11) { this.udi = new IUserDefinedHeadInfo(); size = Integer.parseInt(strs[11]); strs1 = strs[12].split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String[] strs2 = strs1[i].split(","); udi.addInfo(Integer.valueOf(strs2[0]), strs2[1]); } } return true; } }