Java tutorial
/* * Forge: Play Magic: the Gathering. * Copyright (c) 2013 Forge Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package forge.gui; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JScrollBar; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import javax.swing.Timer; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import forge.UiCommand; import forge.assets.FSkinProp; import forge.error.BugReporter; import forge.gui.ImportSourceAnalyzer.OpType; import; import forge.toolbox.FButton; import forge.toolbox.FCheckBox; import forge.toolbox.FComboBoxWrapper; import forge.toolbox.FLabel; import forge.toolbox.FOptionPane; import forge.toolbox.FOverlay; import forge.toolbox.FPanel; import forge.toolbox.FScrollPane; import forge.toolbox.FSkin; import forge.toolbox.FTextField; import forge.toolbox.SmartScroller; /** * This class implements an overlay-based dialog that imports data from a user-selected directory * into the correct locations in the user and cache directories. There is a lot of I/O and data * processing done in this class, so most operations are asynchronous. */ public class ImportDialog { private final FButton _btnStart; private final FButton _btnCancel; private final FLabel _btnChooseDir; private final FPanel _topPanel; private final JPanel _selectionPanel; private final FTextField _txfSrc; private final String forcedSrcDir; private final boolean isMigration; // volatile since it is checked from multiple threads private volatile boolean _cancel; private static final ImmutableList<String> fixOrContinue = ImmutableList.of("Whoops, let me fix that!", "Continue with the import, I know what I'm doing."); @SuppressWarnings("serial") public ImportDialog(final String forcedSrcDir, final Runnable onDialogClose) { this.forcedSrcDir = forcedSrcDir; _topPanel = new FPanel(new MigLayout("insets dialog, gap 0, center, wrap, fill")); _topPanel.setOpaque(false); _topPanel.setBackgroundTexture(FSkin.getIcon(FSkinProp.BG_TEXTURE)); isMigration = !StringUtils.isEmpty(forcedSrcDir); // header _topPanel.add(new FLabel.Builder().text((isMigration ? "Migrate" : "Import") + " profile data").fontSize(15) .build(), "center"); // add some help text if this is for the initial data migration if (isMigration) { final FPanel blurbPanel = new FPanel(new MigLayout("insets panel, gap 10, fill")); blurbPanel.setOpaque(false); final JPanel blurbPanelInterior = new JPanel( new MigLayout("insets dialog, gap 10, center, wrap, fill")); blurbPanelInterior.setOpaque(false); blurbPanelInterior.add(new FLabel.Builder().text("<html><b>What's this?</b></html>").build(), "growx, w 50:50:"); blurbPanelInterior.add(new FLabel.Builder() .text("<html>Over the last several years, people have had to jump through a lot of hoops to" + " update to the most recent version. We hope to reduce this workload to a point where a new" + " user will find that it is fairly painless to update. In order to make this happen, Forge" + " has changed where it stores your data so that it is outside of the program installation directory." + " This way, when you upgrade, you will no longer need to import your data every time to get things" + " working. There are other benefits to having user data separate from program data, too, and it" + " lays the groundwork for some cool new features.</html>") .build(), "growx, w 50:50:"); blurbPanelInterior.add( new FLabel.Builder().text("<html><b>So where's my data going?</b></html>").build(), "growx, w 50:50:"); blurbPanelInterior.add(new FLabel.Builder().text( "<html>Forge will now store your data in the same place as other applications on your system." + " Specifically, your personal data, like decks, quest progress, and program preferences will be" + " stored in <b>" + ForgeConstants.USER_DIR + "</b> and all downloaded content, such as card pictures," + " skins, and quest world prices will be under <b>" + ForgeConstants.CACHE_DIR + "</b>. If, for whatever" + " reason, you need to set different paths, cancel out of this dialog, exit Forge, and find the <b>" + ForgeConstants.PROFILE_TEMPLATE_FILE + "</b> file in the program installation directory. Copy or rename" + " it to <b>" + ForgeConstants.PROFILE_FILE + "</b> and edit the paths inside it. Then restart Forge and use" + " this dialog to move your data to the paths that you set. Keep in mind that if you install a future" + " version of Forge into a different directory, you'll need to copy this file over so Forge will know" + " where to find your data.</html>") .build(), "growx, w 50:50:"); blurbPanelInterior.add(new FLabel.Builder().text( "<html><b>Remember, your data won't be available until you complete this step!</b></html>") .build(), "growx, w 50:50:"); final FScrollPane blurbScroller = new FScrollPane(blurbPanelInterior, true, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); blurbPanel.add(blurbScroller, "hmin 150, growy, growx, center, gap 0 0 5 5"); _topPanel.add(blurbPanel, "gap 10 10 20 0, growy, growx, w 50:50:"); } // import source widgets final JPanel importSourcePanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 10")); importSourcePanel.setOpaque(false); importSourcePanel.add(new FLabel.Builder().text("Import from:").build()); _txfSrc = new FTextField.Builder().readonly().build(); importSourcePanel.add(_txfSrc, "pushx, growx"); _btnChooseDir = new FLabel.ButtonBuilder().text("Choose directory...").enabled(!isMigration).build(); final JFileChooser _fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); _fileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); _fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); _btnChooseDir.setCommand(new UiCommand() { @Override public void run() { // bring up a file open dialog and, if the OK button is selected, apply the filename // to the import source text field if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == _fileChooser.showOpenDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame())) { final File f = _fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (!f.canRead()) { FOptionPane.showErrorDialog("Cannot access selected directory (Permission denied)."); } else { _txfSrc.setText(f.getAbsolutePath()); } } } }); importSourcePanel.add(_btnChooseDir, "h pref+8!, w pref+12!"); // add change handler to the import source text field that starts up a // new analyzer. it also interacts with the current active analyzer, // if any, to make sure it cancels out before the new one is initiated _txfSrc.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() { boolean _analyzerActive; // access synchronized on _onAnalyzerDone String prevText; private final Runnable _onAnalyzerDone = new Runnable() { @Override public synchronized void run() { _analyzerActive = false; notify(); } }; @Override public void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { } @Override public void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { } @Override public void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent e) { // text field is read-only, so the only time this will get updated // is when _btnChooseDir does it final String text = _txfSrc.getText(); if (text.equals(prevText)) { // only restart the analyzer if the directory has changed return; } prevText = text; // cancel any active analyzer _cancel = true; if (!text.isEmpty()) { // ensure we don't get two instances of this function running at the same time _btnChooseDir.setEnabled(false); // re-disable the start button. it will be enabled if the previous analyzer has // already successfully finished _btnStart.setEnabled(false); // we have to wait in a background thread since we can't block in the GUI thread final SwingWorker<Void, Void> analyzerStarter = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { // wait for active analyzer (if any) to quit synchronized (_onAnalyzerDone) { while (_analyzerActive) { _onAnalyzerDone.wait(); } } return null; } // executes in gui event loop thread @Override protected void done() { _cancel = false; synchronized (_onAnalyzerDone) { // this will populate the panel with data selection widgets final _AnalyzerUpdater analyzer = new _AnalyzerUpdater(text, _onAnalyzerDone, isMigration);; _analyzerActive = true; } if (!isMigration) { // only enable the directory choosing button if this is not a migration dialog // since in that case we're permanently locked to the starting directory _btnChooseDir.setEnabled(true); } } }; analyzerStarter.execute(); } } }); _topPanel.add(importSourcePanel, "gaptop 20, pushx, growx"); // prepare import selection panel (will be cleared and filled in later by an analyzer) _selectionPanel = new JPanel(); _selectionPanel.setOpaque(false); _topPanel.add(_selectionPanel, "growx, growy, gaptop 10"); // action button widgets final Runnable cleanup = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SOverlayUtils.hideOverlay(); } }; _btnStart = new FButton("Start import"); _btnStart.setEnabled(false); _btnCancel = new FButton("Cancel"); _btnCancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { _cancel = true;; if (null != onDialogClose) {; } } }); final JPanel southPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("ax center")); southPanel.setOpaque(false); southPanel.add(_btnStart, "center, w pref+144!, h pref+12!"); southPanel.add(_btnCancel, "center, w pref+144!, h pref+12!, gap 72"); _topPanel.add(southPanel, "growx"); } public void show() { final JPanel overlay = FOverlay.SINGLETON_INSTANCE.getPanel(); overlay.setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 0, wrap, ax center, ay center")); overlay.add(_topPanel, "w 500::90%, h 100::90%"); SOverlayUtils.showOverlay(); // focus cancel button after the dialog is shown SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { _btnCancel.requestFocusInWindow(); } }); // if our source dir is provided, set the text, which will fire off an analyzer if (isMigration) { final File srcDirFile = new File(forcedSrcDir); _txfSrc.setText(srcDirFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } // encapsulates the choices in the combobox for choosing the destination paths for // decks of unknown type private class _UnknownDeckChoice { public final String name; public final String path; public _UnknownDeckChoice(final String name0, final String path0) { name = name0; path = path0; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } // this class owns the import selection widgets and bridges them with the running // MigrationSourceAnalyzer instance private class _AnalyzerUpdater extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> { // associates a file operation type with its enablement checkbox and the set // of file move/copy operations that enabling it would entail private final Map<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> _selections = new HashMap<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>>(); // attached to all changeable widgets to keep the UI in sync private final ChangeListener _stateChangedListener = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(final ChangeEvent arg0) { _updateUI(); } }; private final String _srcDir; private final Runnable _onAnalyzerDone; private final boolean _isMigration; private final FLabel _unknownDeckLabel; private final FComboBoxWrapper<_UnknownDeckChoice> _unknownDeckCombo; private final FCheckBox _moveCheckbox; private final FCheckBox _overwriteCheckbox; private final JTextArea _operationLog; private final JScrollPane _operationLogScroller; private final JProgressBar _progressBar; // updates the _operationLog widget asynchronously to keep the UI responsive private final _OperationLogAsyncUpdater _operationLogUpdater; public _AnalyzerUpdater(final String srcDir, final Runnable onAnalyzerDone, final boolean isMigration) { _srcDir = srcDir; _onAnalyzerDone = onAnalyzerDone; _isMigration = isMigration; _selectionPanel.removeAll(); _selectionPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5, wrap, fill")); final JPanel cbPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5")); cbPanel.setOpaque(false); // add deck selections final JPanel knownDeckPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5, wrap 2")); knownDeckPanel.setOpaque(false); knownDeckPanel.add(new FLabel.Builder().text("Decks").build(), "wrap"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.CONSTRUCTED_DECK, "Constructed decks"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.DRAFT_DECK, "Draft decks"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.PLANAR_DECK, "Planar decks"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.SCHEME_DECK, "Scheme decks"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.SEALED_DECK, "Sealed decks"); _addSelectionWidget(knownDeckPanel, OpType.UNKNOWN_DECK, "Unknown decks"); final JPanel unknownDeckPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5")); unknownDeckPanel.setOpaque(false); _unknownDeckCombo = new FComboBoxWrapper<_UnknownDeckChoice>(); _unknownDeckCombo.addItem(new _UnknownDeckChoice("Constructed", ForgeConstants.DECK_CONSTRUCTED_DIR)); _unknownDeckCombo.addItem(new _UnknownDeckChoice("Draft", ForgeConstants.DECK_DRAFT_DIR)); _unknownDeckCombo.addItem(new _UnknownDeckChoice("Planar", ForgeConstants.DECK_PLANE_DIR)); _unknownDeckCombo.addItem(new _UnknownDeckChoice("Scheme", ForgeConstants.DECK_SCHEME_DIR)); _unknownDeckCombo.addItem(new _UnknownDeckChoice("Sealed", ForgeConstants.DECK_SEALED_DIR)); _unknownDeckCombo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) { _updateUI(); } }); _unknownDeckLabel = new FLabel.Builder().text("Treat unknown decks as:").build(); unknownDeckPanel.add(_unknownDeckLabel); _unknownDeckCombo.addTo(unknownDeckPanel); knownDeckPanel.add(unknownDeckPanel, "span"); cbPanel.add(knownDeckPanel, "aligny top"); // add other userDir data elements final JPanel dataPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5, wrap")); dataPanel.setOpaque(false); dataPanel.add(new FLabel.Builder().text("Other data").build()); _addSelectionWidget(dataPanel, OpType.GAUNTLET_DATA, "Gauntlet data"); _addSelectionWidget(dataPanel, OpType.QUEST_DATA, "Quest saves"); _addSelectionWidget(dataPanel, OpType.PREFERENCE_FILE, "Preference files"); cbPanel.add(dataPanel, "aligny top"); // add cacheDir data elements final JPanel cachePanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 5, wrap 2")); cachePanel.setOpaque(false); cachePanel.add(new FLabel.Builder().text("Cached data").build(), "wrap"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.DEFAULT_CARD_PIC, "Default card pics"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.SET_CARD_PIC, "Set-specific card pics"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.TOKEN_PIC, "Card token pics"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.QUEST_PIC, "Quest-related pics"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.DB_FILE, "Database files", true, null, "wrap"); _addSelectionWidget(cachePanel, OpType.POSSIBLE_SET_CARD_PIC, "Import possible set pics from as-yet unsupported cards", false, "<html>Picture files that are not recognized as belonging to any known card.<br>" + "It could be that these pictures belong to cards that are not yet supported<br>" + "by Forge. If you know this to be the case and want the pictures imported for<br>" + "future use, select this option.<html>", "span"); cbPanel.add(cachePanel, "aligny top"); _selectionPanel.add(cbPanel, "center"); // add move/copy and overwrite checkboxes final JPanel ioOptionPanel = new JPanel(new MigLayout("insets 0, gap 10")); ioOptionPanel.setOpaque(false); _moveCheckbox = new FCheckBox("Remove source files after copy"); _moveCheckbox.setToolTipText("Move files into the data directories instead of just copying them"); _moveCheckbox.setSelected(isMigration); _moveCheckbox.addChangeListener(_stateChangedListener); ioOptionPanel.add(_moveCheckbox); _overwriteCheckbox = new FCheckBox("Overwrite files in destination"); _overwriteCheckbox.setToolTipText("Overwrite existing data with the imported data"); _overwriteCheckbox.addChangeListener(_stateChangedListener); ioOptionPanel.add(_overwriteCheckbox); _selectionPanel.add(ioOptionPanel); // add operation summary textfield _operationLog = new JTextArea(); _operationLog.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 10)); _operationLog.setOpaque(false); _operationLog.setWrapStyleWord(true); _operationLog.setLineWrap(true); _operationLog.setEditable(false); // autoscroll when we set/add text unless the user has intentionally scrolled somewhere else _operationLogScroller = new JScrollPane(_operationLog); _operationLogScroller.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); new SmartScroller(_operationLogScroller).attach(); _selectionPanel.add(_operationLogScroller, "w 400:400:, hmin 60, growy, growx"); // add progress bar _progressBar = new JProgressBar(); _progressBar.setString("Preparing to analyze source directory..."); _progressBar.setStringPainted(true); _selectionPanel.add(_progressBar, "w 100%!"); // start the op log updater _operationLogUpdater = new _OperationLogAsyncUpdater(_selections, _operationLog); _operationLogUpdater.start(); // set initial checkbox labels _updateUI(); // resize the panel properly now that the _selectionPanel is filled in _selectionPanel.getParent().validate(); _selectionPanel.getParent().invalidate(); } private void _addSelectionWidget(final JPanel parent, final OpType type, final String name) { _addSelectionWidget(parent, type, name, true, null, null); } private void _addSelectionWidget(final JPanel parent, final OpType type, final String name, final boolean selected, final String tooltip, final String constraints) { final FCheckBox cb = new FCheckBox(); cb.setName(name); cb.setSelected(selected); cb.setToolTipText(tooltip); cb.addChangeListener(_stateChangedListener); // use a skip list map instead of a regular hashmap so that the files are sorted // alphabetically in the logs. note that this is a concurrent data structure // since it will be modified and read simultaneously by different threads _selections.put(type, Pair.of(cb, new ConcurrentSkipListMap<File, File>())); parent.add(cb, constraints); } // must be called from GUI event loop thread private void _updateUI() { // update checkbox text labels with current totals final Set<OpType> selectedOptions = new HashSet<OpType>(); for (final Map.Entry<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> entry : _selections .entrySet()) { final Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>> selection = entry.getValue(); final FCheckBox cb = selection.getLeft(); if (cb.isSelected()) { selectedOptions.add(entry.getKey()); } cb.setText(String.format("%s (%d)", cb.getName(), selection.getRight().size())); } // asynchronously update the text in the op log, which may be many tens of thousands of lines long // if this were done synchronously the UI would slow to a crawl _operationLogUpdater.requestUpdate(selectedOptions, _unknownDeckCombo.getSelectedItem(), _moveCheckbox.isSelected(), _overwriteCheckbox.isSelected()); } @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { Timer timer = null; try { final Map<OpType, Map<File, File>> selections = new HashMap<OpType, Map<File, File>>(); for (final Map.Entry<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> entry : _selections .entrySet()) { selections.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getRight()); } final ImportSourceAnalyzer.AnalysisCallback cb = new ImportSourceAnalyzer.AnalysisCallback() { @Override public boolean checkCancel() { return _cancel; } @Override public void addOp(final OpType type, final File src, final File dest) { // add to concurrent map _selections.get(type).getRight().put(src, dest); } }; final ImportSourceAnalyzer msa = new ImportSourceAnalyzer(_srcDir, cb); final int numFilesToAnalyze = msa.getNumFilesToAnalyze(); // update only once every half-second so we're not flooding the UI with updates timer = new Timer(500, null); timer.setInitialDelay(100); final Timer finalTimer = timer; timer.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) { if (_cancel) { finalTimer.stop(); return; } // timers run in the gui event loop, so it's ok to interact with widgets _progressBar.setValue(msa.getNumFilesAnalyzed()); _updateUI(); // allow the the panel to resize to accommodate additional text _selectionPanel.getParent().validate(); _selectionPanel.getParent().invalidate(); } }); // update the progress bar widget from the GUI event loop SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (_cancel) { return; } _progressBar.setString("Analyzing..."); _progressBar.setMaximum(numFilesToAnalyze); _progressBar.setValue(0); _progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); // start update timer finalTimer.start(); } }); // does not return until analysis is complete or has been canceled msa.doAnalysis(); } catch (final Exception e) { _cancel = true; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { _progressBar.setString("Error"); BugReporter.reportException(e); } }); } finally { // ensure the UI update timer is stopped after analysis is complete if (null != timer) { timer.stop(); } } return null; } // executes in gui event loop thread @Override protected void done() { if (!_cancel) { _progressBar.setValue(_progressBar.getMaximum()); _updateUI(); _progressBar.setString("Analysis complete"); // clear any previously-set action listeners on the start button // in case we've previously completed an analysis but changed the directory // instead of starting the import for (final ActionListener a : _btnStart.getActionListeners()) { _btnStart.removeActionListener(a); } // deselect and disable all options that have 0 operations associated with // them to highlight the important options for (final Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>> p : _selections.values()) { final FCheckBox cb = p.getLeft(); if (0 == p.getRight().size()) { cb.removeChangeListener(_stateChangedListener); cb.setSelected(false); cb.setEnabled(false); } } if (0 == _selections.get(OpType.UNKNOWN_DECK).getRight().size()) { _unknownDeckLabel.setEnabled(false); _unknownDeckCombo.setEnabled(false); } // set up the start button to start the prepared import on click _btnStart.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent arg0) { // if this is a migration, warn if active settings will not complete a migration and give the // user an option to fix if (_isMigration) { // assemble a list of selections that need to be selected to complete a full migration final List<String> unselectedButShouldBe = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Map.Entry<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> entry : _selections .entrySet()) { if (OpType.POSSIBLE_SET_CARD_PIC == entry.getKey()) { continue; } // add name to list if checkbox is unselected, but contains operations final Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>> p = entry.getValue(); final FCheckBox cb = p.getLeft(); if (!cb.isSelected() && 0 < p.getRight().size()) { unselectedButShouldBe.add(cb.getName()); } } if (!unselectedButShouldBe.isEmpty() || !_moveCheckbox.isSelected()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<html>"); if (!unselectedButShouldBe.isEmpty()) { sb.append( "It looks like the following options are not selected, which will result in an incomplete migration:"); sb.append("<ul>"); for (final String cbName : unselectedButShouldBe) { sb.append("<li><b>").append(cbName).append("</b></li>"); } sb.append("</ul>"); } if (!_moveCheckbox.isSelected()) { sb.append(unselectedButShouldBe.isEmpty() ? "It " : "It also ") .append("looks like the <b>"); sb.append(_moveCheckbox.getText()) .append("</b> option is not selected.<br><br>"); } sb.append( "You can continue anyway, but the migration will be incomplete, and the data migration prompt<br>"); sb.append( "will come up again the next time you start Forge in order to migrate the remaining files<br>"); sb.append("unless you move or delete them manually.</html>"); final int chosen = FOptionPane.showOptionDialog(sb.toString(), "Migration warning", FOptionPane.WARNING_ICON, fixOrContinue); if (chosen != 1) { // i.e. option 0 was chosen or the dialog was otherwise closed return; } } } // ensure no other actions (except for cancel) can be taken while the import is in progress _btnStart.setEnabled(false); _btnChooseDir.setEnabled(false); for (final Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>> selection : _selections.values()) { selection.getLeft().setEnabled(false); } _unknownDeckCombo.setEnabled(false); _moveCheckbox.setEnabled(false); _overwriteCheckbox.setEnabled(false); // stop updating the operation log -- the importer needs it now _operationLogUpdater.requestStop(); // jump to the bottom of the log text area so it starts autoscrolling again // note that since it is controlled by a SmartScroller, just setting the caret position will not work final JScrollBar scrollBar = _operationLogScroller.getVerticalScrollBar(); scrollBar.setValue(scrollBar.getMaximum()); // start importing! final _Importer importer = new _Importer(_srcDir, _selections, _unknownDeckCombo, _operationLog, _progressBar, _moveCheckbox.isSelected(), _overwriteCheckbox.isSelected());; _btnCancel.requestFocusInWindow(); } }); // import ready to proceed: enable the start button _btnStart.setEnabled(true); } // report to the Choose Directory button that this analysis run has stopped; } } // asynchronously iterates through the given concurrent maps and populates the operation log with // the proposed operations private class _OperationLogAsyncUpdater extends Thread { final Map<OpType, Map<File, File>> _selections; final JTextArea _operationLog; // safe to set text from another thread // synchronized-access data private int _updateCallCnt = 0; private Set<OpType> _selectedOptions; private _UnknownDeckChoice _unknownDeckChoice; private boolean _isMove; private boolean _isOverwrite; private boolean _stop; // only accessed from the event loop thread int _maxLogLength = 0; public _OperationLogAsyncUpdater(final Map<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> selections, final JTextArea operationLog) { super("OperationLogUpdater"); setDaemon(true); _selections = new HashMap<OpType, Map<File, File>>(); _operationLog = operationLog; // remove references to FCheckBox when populating map -- we can't safely access it from a thread // anyway and it's better to keep our data structure clean to prevent mistakes for (final Map.Entry<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> entry : selections .entrySet()) { _selections.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getRight()); } } // updates the synchronized data with values for the next iteration in _run public synchronized void requestUpdate(final Set<OpType> selectedOptions, final _UnknownDeckChoice unknownDeckChoice, final boolean isMove, final boolean isOverwrite) { ++_updateCallCnt; _selectedOptions = selectedOptions; _unknownDeckChoice = unknownDeckChoice; _isMove = isMove; _isOverwrite = isOverwrite; // notify waiter notify(); } public synchronized void requestStop() { _stop = true; // notify waiter notify(); } private void _run() throws InterruptedException { int lastUpdateCallCnt = _updateCallCnt; Set<OpType> selectedOptions; _UnknownDeckChoice unknownDeckChoice; boolean isMove; boolean isOverwrite; while (true) { synchronized (this) { // can't check _stop in the while condition since we have to do it in a synchronized block if (_stop) { break; } // if we're stopped while looping here, run through the update one last time // before returning while (lastUpdateCallCnt == _updateCallCnt && !_stop) { wait(); } // safely copy synchronized data to local values that we will use for this runthrough lastUpdateCallCnt = _updateCallCnt; selectedOptions = _selectedOptions; unknownDeckChoice = _unknownDeckChoice; isMove = _isMove; isOverwrite = _isOverwrite; } // build operation log final StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); int totalOps = 0; for (final OpType opType : selectedOptions) { final Map<File, File> ops = _selections.get(opType); totalOps += ops.size(); for (final Map.Entry<File, File> op : ops.entrySet()) { File dest = op.getValue(); if (OpType.UNKNOWN_DECK == opType) { dest = new File(unknownDeckChoice.path, dest.getName()); } log.append(op.getKey().getAbsolutePath()).append(" -> "); log.append(dest.getAbsolutePath()).append("\n"); } } // append summary if (0 < totalOps) { log.append("\n"); } log.append("Prepared to ").append(isMove ? "move" : "copy"); log.append(" ").append(totalOps).append(" files\n"); log.append(isOverwrite ? "O" : "Not o").append("verwriting existing files"); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final String logText = log.toString(); // setText is thread-safe, but the resizing is not, so might as well do this in the swing event loop thread _operationLog.setText(log.toString()); if (_maxLogLength < logText.length()) { _maxLogLength = logText.length(); // resize the panel properly for the new log contents _selectionPanel.getParent().validate(); _selectionPanel.getParent().invalidate(); _topPanel.getParent().validate(); _topPanel.getParent().invalidate(); } } }); } } @Override public void run() { try { _run(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { _cancel = true; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // we never interrupt the thread, so this is not expected to happen BugReporter.reportException(e); } }); } } } // asynchronously completes the specified I/O operations and updates the progress bar and operation log private class _Importer extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> { private final String _srcDir; private final Map<File, File> _operations; private final JTextArea _operationLog; private final JProgressBar _progressBar; private final boolean _move; private final boolean _overwrite; public _Importer(final String srcDir, final Map<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> selections, final FComboBoxWrapper<_UnknownDeckChoice> unknownDeckCombo, final JTextArea operationLog, final JProgressBar progressBar, final boolean move, final boolean overwrite) { _srcDir = srcDir; _operationLog = operationLog; _progressBar = progressBar; _move = move; _overwrite = overwrite; // build local operations map that only includes data that we can access from the background thread // use a tree map to maintain alphabetical order _operations = new TreeMap<File, File>(); for (final Map.Entry<OpType, Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>>> entry : selections .entrySet()) { final Pair<FCheckBox, ? extends Map<File, File>> selection = entry.getValue(); if (selection.getLeft().isSelected()) { if (OpType.UNKNOWN_DECK != entry.getKey()) { _operations.putAll(selection.getRight()); } else { // map unknown decks to selected directory for (final Map.Entry<File, File> op : selection.getRight().entrySet()) { final _UnknownDeckChoice choice = unknownDeckCombo.getSelectedItem(); _operations.put(op.getKey(), new File(choice.path, op.getValue().getName())); } } } } // set progress bar bounds _progressBar.setString(_move ? "Moving files..." : "Copying files..."); _progressBar.setMinimum(0); _progressBar.setMaximum(_operations.size()); } @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { try { // working with textbox text is thread safe _operationLog.setText(""); // only update the text box once very half second, but make the first // update after only 100ms final long updateIntervalMs = 500; long lastUpdateTimestampMs = System.currentTimeMillis() - 400; final StringBuffer opLogBuf = new StringBuffer(); // only update the progress bar when we expect the visual value to change final long progressInterval = Math.max(1, _operations.size() / _progressBar.getWidth()); // the length of the prefix to remove from source paths final int srcPathPrefixLen; if (_srcDir.endsWith("/") || _srcDir.endsWith(File.separator)) { srcPathPrefixLen = _srcDir.length(); } else { srcPathPrefixLen = _srcDir.length() + 1; } // stats maintained during import sequence int numOps = 0; int numExisting = 0; int numSucceeded = 0; int numFailed = 0; for (final Map.Entry<File, File> op : _operations.entrySet()) { if (_cancel) { break; } final int curOpNum = ++numOps; if (0 == curOpNum % progressInterval) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (_cancel) { return; } _progressBar.setValue(curOpNum); } }); } final long curTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (updateIntervalMs <= curTimeMs - lastUpdateTimestampMs) { lastUpdateTimestampMs = curTimeMs; // working with textbox text is thread safe _operationLog.append(opLogBuf.toString()); opLogBuf.setLength(0); } final File srcFile = op.getKey(); final File destFile = op.getValue(); try { // simplify logged source path and log next attempted operation String srcPath = srcFile.getAbsolutePath(); // I doubt that the srcPath will start with anything other than _srcDir, even with symlinks, // hardlinks, or Windows junctioned nodes, but it's better to be safe than to have malformed output if (srcPath.startsWith(_srcDir)) { srcPath = srcPath.substring(srcPathPrefixLen); } opLogBuf.append(_move ? "Moving " : "Copying ").append(srcPath).append(" -> "); opLogBuf.append(destFile.getAbsolutePath()).append("\n"); if (!destFile.exists()) { _copyFile(srcFile, destFile, _move); } else { if (_overwrite) { opLogBuf.append(" Destination file exists; overwriting\n"); _copyFile(srcFile, destFile, _move); } else { opLogBuf.append(" Destination file exists; skipping copy\n"); } ++numExisting; } if (_move) { // source file may have been deleted already if _copyFile was called srcFile.delete(); opLogBuf.append(" Removed source file after successful copy\n"); } ++numSucceeded; } catch (final IOException e) { opLogBuf.append(" Operation failed: ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n"); ++numFailed; } } // append summary footer opLogBuf.append("\nImport complete: "); opLogBuf.append(numSucceeded).append(" operation").append(1 == numSucceeded ? "" : "s") .append(" succeeded, "); opLogBuf.append(numFailed).append(" error").append(1 == numFailed ? "" : "s"); if (0 < numExisting) { opLogBuf.append(", ").append(numExisting); if (_overwrite) { opLogBuf.append(" existing destination files overwritten"); } else { opLogBuf.append(" copy operations skipped due to existing destination files"); } } _operationLog.append(opLogBuf.toString()); } catch (final Exception e) { _cancel = true; // report any exceptions in a standard dialog // note that regular I/O errors don't throw, they'll just be mentioned in the log SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { _progressBar.setString("Error"); BugReporter.reportException(e); } }); } return null; } @Override protected void done() { _btnCancel.requestFocusInWindow(); if (_cancel) { return; } _progressBar.setValue(_progressBar.getMaximum()); _progressBar.setString("Import complete"); _btnCancel.setText("Done"); } } // when copying is required, uses java nio classes for ultra-fast I/O private static void _copyFile(final File srcFile, final File destFile, final boolean deleteSrcAfter) throws IOException { destFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // if this is a move, try a simple rename first if (deleteSrcAfter) { if (srcFile.renameTo(destFile)) { return; } } if (!destFile.exists()) { destFile.createNewFile(); } FileChannel src = null; FileChannel dest = null; try { src = new FileInputStream(srcFile).getChannel(); dest = new FileOutputStream(destFile).getChannel(); dest.transferFrom(src, 0, src.size()); } finally { if (src != null) { src.close(); } if (dest != null) { dest.close(); } } if (deleteSrcAfter) { srcFile.delete(); } } }