Java tutorial
/* * Forge: Play Magic: the Gathering. * Copyright (C) 2011 Forge Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import forge.util.CollectionSuppliers; import forge.util.maps.EnumMapOfLists; import forge.util.maps.MapOfLists; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * <p> * DefaultPlayerZone class. * </p> * * @author Forge * @version $Id: 17582 2012-10-19 22:39:09Z Max mtg $ */ public class Zone implements, Iterable<Card> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5687652485777639176L; private final CardCollection cardList = new CardCollection(); protected final ZoneType zoneType; protected final Game game; protected final transient MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> cardsAddedThisTurn = new EnumMapOfLists<>(ZoneType.class, CollectionSuppliers.<Card>arrayLists()); protected final transient MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> cardsAddedLastTurn = new EnumMapOfLists<>(ZoneType.class, CollectionSuppliers.<Card>arrayLists()); protected final transient MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn = new EnumMapOfLists<>( ZoneType.class, CollectionSuppliers.<Card>arrayLists()); protected final transient MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> latestStateCardsAddedLastTurn = new EnumMapOfLists<>( ZoneType.class, CollectionSuppliers.<Card>arrayLists()); public Zone(final ZoneType zone0, Game game0) { zoneType = zone0; game = game0; } protected void onChanged() { } public Player getPlayer() { // generic zones like stack have no player associated return null; } public final void reorder(final Card c, final int index) { cardList.remove(c); cardList.add(index, c); } public final void add(final Card c) { add(c, null); } public final void add(final Card c, final Integer index) { add(c, null, null); } public void add(final Card c, final Integer index, final Card latestState) { // Immutable cards are usually emblems and effects if (!c.isImmutable()) { final Zone oldZone = game.getZoneOf(c); final ZoneType zt = oldZone == null ? ZoneType.Stack : oldZone.getZoneType(); cardsAddedThisTurn.add(zt, c); latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn.add(zt, latestState != null ? latestState : c); } c.setTurnInZone(game.getPhaseHandler().getTurn()); if (zoneType != ZoneType.Battlefield) { c.setTapped(false); } c.setZone(this); if (index == null) { cardList.add(c); } else { cardList.add(index.intValue(), c); } onChanged(); game.fireEvent(new GameEventZone(zoneType, getPlayer(), EventValueChangeType.Added, c)); } public final boolean contains(final Card c) { return cardList.contains(c); } public final boolean contains(final Predicate<Card> condition) { return Iterables.any(cardList, condition); } public void remove(final Card c) { if (cardList.remove(c)) { onChanged(); game.fireEvent(new GameEventZone(zoneType, getPlayer(), EventValueChangeType.Removed, c)); } } public final void setCards(final Iterable<Card> cards) { cardList.clear(); for (Card c : cards) { c.setZone(this); cardList.add(c); } onChanged(); game.fireEvent(new GameEventZone(zoneType, getPlayer(), EventValueChangeType.ComplexUpdate, null)); } public final boolean is(final ZoneType zone) { return zone == zoneType; } public final boolean is(final ZoneType zone, final Player player) { return zoneType == zone && player == getPlayer(); } public final ZoneType getZoneType() { return zoneType; } public final int size() { return cardList.size(); } public final Card get(final int index) { return cardList.get(index); } public final CardCollectionView getCards() { return getCards(true); } public CardCollectionView getCards(final boolean filter) { return cardList; // Non-Battlefield PlayerZones don't care about the filter } public final boolean isEmpty() { return cardList.isEmpty(); } public final MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> getCardsAddedThisTurn() { return cardsAddedThisTurn; } public final MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> getCardsAddedThisTurn(boolean latestState) { if (latestState) { return latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn; } else { return cardsAddedThisTurn; } } public final MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> getCardsAddedLastTurn() { return cardsAddedLastTurn; } public final MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> getCardsAddedLastTurn(boolean latestState) { if (latestState) { return latestStateCardsAddedLastTurn; } else { return cardsAddedLastTurn; } } public final CardCollectionView getCardsAddedThisTurn(final ZoneType origin) { return getCardsAddedThisTurn(origin, true); } public final CardCollectionView getCardsAddedThisTurn(final ZoneType origin, boolean latestState) { //System.out.print("Request cards put into " + getZoneType() + " from " + origin + ".Amount: "); return getCardsAdded(latestState ? latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn : cardsAddedThisTurn, origin); } public final CardCollectionView getCardsAddedLastTurn(final ZoneType origin) { return getCardsAddedLastTurn(origin, true); } public final CardCollectionView getCardsAddedLastTurn(final ZoneType origin, boolean latestState) { //System.out.print("Last turn - Request cards put into " + getZoneType() + " from " + origin + ".Amount: "); return getCardsAdded(latestState ? latestStateCardsAddedLastTurn : cardsAddedLastTurn, origin); } private static CardCollectionView getCardsAdded(final MapOfLists<ZoneType, Card> cardsAdded, final ZoneType origin) { if (origin != null) { final Collection<Card> cards = cardsAdded.get(origin); return cards == null ? CardCollection.EMPTY : new CardCollection(cards); } // all cards if key == null final CardCollection ret = new CardCollection(); for (final Collection<Card> kv : cardsAdded.values()) { ret.addAll(kv); } return ret; } public final void resetCardsAddedThisTurn() { cardsAddedLastTurn.clear(); latestStateCardsAddedLastTurn.clear(); for (final Entry<ZoneType, Collection<Card>> entry : cardsAddedThisTurn.entrySet()) { cardsAddedLastTurn.addAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for (final Entry<ZoneType, Collection<Card>> entry : latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn.entrySet()) { latestStateCardsAddedLastTurn.addAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } cardsAddedThisTurn.clear(); latestStateCardsAddedThisTurn.clear(); } @Override public Iterator<Card> iterator() { return cardList.iterator(); } public void shuffle() { Collections.shuffle(cardList); onChanged(); } @Override public String toString() { return zoneType.toString(); } }