Java tutorial
/* * Forge: Play Magic: the Gathering. * Copyright (C) 2011 Forge Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package forge.card; import; import; import; import; import; import forge.card.CardEdition.CardInSet; import forge.card.CardEdition.Type; import forge.deck.generation.IDeckGenPool; import forge.item.PaperCard; import forge.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public final class CardDb implements ICardDatabase, IDeckGenPool { public final static String foilSuffix = "+"; public final static char NameSetSeparator = '|'; // need this to obtain cardReference by name+set+artindex private final ListMultimap<String, PaperCard> allCardsByName = Multimaps.newListMultimap( new TreeMap<String, Collection<PaperCard>>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER), CollectionSuppliers.<PaperCard>arrayLists()); private final Map<String, PaperCard> uniqueCardsByName = new TreeMap<String, PaperCard>( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); private final Map<String, CardRules> rulesByName; private static Map<String, String> artPrefs = new HashMap<String, String>(); private final List<PaperCard> allCards = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(); private final List<PaperCard> roAllCards = Collections.unmodifiableList(allCards); private final CardEdition.Collection editions; public enum SetPreference { Latest(false), LatestCoreExp(true), Earliest(false), EarliestCoreExp(true), Random(false); final boolean filterSets; private SetPreference(boolean filterIrregularSets) { filterSets = filterIrregularSets; } public boolean accept(CardEdition ed) { if (ed == null) return false; return !filterSets || ed.getType() == Type.CORE || ed.getType() == Type.EXPANSION || ed.getType() == Type.REPRINT; } } // NO GETTERS/SETTERS HERE! private static class CardRequest { public String cardName; public String edition; public int artIndex; public boolean isFoil; private CardRequest(String name, String edition, int artIndex, boolean isFoil) { cardName = name; this.edition = edition; this.artIndex = artIndex; this.isFoil = isFoil; } public static CardRequest fromString(String name) { boolean isFoil = name.endsWith(foilSuffix); if (isFoil) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - foilSuffix.length()); } String preferredArt = artPrefs.get(name); if (preferredArt != null) { //account for preferred art if needed name += NameSetSeparator + preferredArt; } String[] nameParts = TextUtil.split(name, NameSetSeparator); int setPos = nameParts.length >= 2 && !StringUtils.isNumeric(nameParts[1]) ? 1 : -1; int artPos = nameParts.length >= 2 && StringUtils.isNumeric(nameParts[1]) ? 1 : nameParts.length >= 3 && StringUtils.isNumeric(nameParts[2]) ? 2 : -1; String cardName = nameParts[0]; if (cardName.endsWith(foilSuffix)) { cardName = cardName.substring(0, cardName.length() - foilSuffix.length()); isFoil = true; } int artIndex = artPos > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(nameParts[artPos]) : 0; String setName = setPos > 0 ? nameParts[setPos] : null; if ("???".equals(setName)) { setName = null; } return new CardRequest(cardName, setName, artIndex, isFoil); } } public CardDb(Map<String, CardRules> rules, CardEdition.Collection editions0) { this.rulesByName = rules; this.editions = editions0; } public void initialize(boolean logMissingPerEdition, boolean logMissingSummary) { Set<String> allMissingCards = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); List<String> missingCards = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CardEdition e : editions.getOrderedEditions()) { boolean isCoreExpSet = e.getType() == CardEdition.Type.CORE || e.getType() == CardEdition.Type.EXPANSION || e.getType() == CardEdition.Type.REPRINT; if (logMissingPerEdition && isCoreExpSet) { System.out.print(e.getName() + " (" + e.getCards().length + " cards)"); } String lastCardName = null; int artIdx = 1; for (CardEdition.CardInSet cis : e.getCards()) { if ( { artIdx++; } else { artIdx = 1; lastCardName =; } CardRules cr = rulesByName.get(lastCardName); if (cr != null) { addCard(new PaperCard(cr, e.getCode(), cis.rarity, artIdx)); } else { missingCards.add(; } } if (isCoreExpSet && logMissingPerEdition) { if (missingCards.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(" ... 100% "); } else { int missing = (e.getCards().length - missingCards.size()) * 10000 / e.getCards().length; System.out.printf(" ... %.2f%% (%s missing: %s)%n", missing * 0.01f, Lang.nounWithAmount(missingCards.size(), "card"), StringUtils.join(missingCards, " | ")); } } if (isCoreExpSet && logMissingSummary) { allMissingCards.addAll(missingCards); } missingCards.clear(); } if (logMissingSummary) { System.out.printf("Totally %d cards not implemented: %s\n", allMissingCards.size(), StringUtils.join(allMissingCards, " | ")); } for (CardRules cr : rulesByName.values()) { if (!allCardsByName.containsKey(cr.getName())) { System.err.println("The card " + cr.getName() + " was not assigned to any set. Adding it to UNKNOWN set... to fix see res/cardeditions/ folder. "); addCard(new PaperCard(cr, CardEdition.UNKNOWN.getCode(), CardRarity.Special, 1)); } } reIndex(); } private void addCard(PaperCard paperCard) { allCardsByName.put(paperCard.getName(), paperCard); if (paperCard.getRules().getSplitType() == CardSplitType.None) { return; } //allow looking up card by the name of other faces allCardsByName.put(paperCard.getRules().getOtherPart().getName(), paperCard); if (paperCard.getRules().getSplitType() == CardSplitType.Split) { //also include main part for split cards allCardsByName.put(paperCard.getRules().getMainPart().getName(), paperCard); } } private void reIndex() { uniqueCardsByName.clear(); allCards.clear(); for (Entry<String, Collection<PaperCard>> kv : allCardsByName.asMap().entrySet()) { uniqueCardsByName.put(kv.getKey(), getFirstWithImage(kv.getValue())); allCards.addAll(kv.getValue()); } } private static PaperCard getFirstWithImage(final Collection<PaperCard> cards) { //NOTE: this is written this way to avoid checking final card in list final Iterator<PaperCard> iterator = cards.iterator(); PaperCard pc =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { if (pc.hasImage()) { return pc; } pc =; } return pc; } public boolean setPreferredArt(String cardName, String preferredArt) { CardRequest request = CardRequest.fromString(cardName + NameSetSeparator + preferredArt); PaperCard pc = tryGetCard(request); if (pc != null) { artPrefs.put(cardName, preferredArt); uniqueCardsByName.put(cardName, pc); return true; } return false; } @Override public PaperCard getCard(String cardName) { CardRequest request = CardRequest.fromString(cardName); return tryGetCard(request); } @Override public PaperCard getCard(final String cardName, String setCode) { CardRequest request = CardRequest.fromString(cardName); if (setCode != null) { request.edition = setCode; } return tryGetCard(request); } @Override public PaperCard getCard(final String cardName, String setCode, int artIndex) { CardRequest request = CardRequest.fromString(cardName); if (setCode != null) { request.edition = setCode; } if (artIndex > 0) { request.artIndex = artIndex; } return tryGetCard(request); } private PaperCard tryGetCard(CardRequest request) { Collection<PaperCard> cards = allCardsByName.get(request.cardName); if (cards == null) { return null; } PaperCard result = null; String reqEdition = request.edition; if (reqEdition != null && !editions.contains(reqEdition)) { CardEdition edition = editions.get(reqEdition); if (edition != null) { reqEdition = edition.getCode(); } } if (request.artIndex <= 0) { // this stands for 'random art' Collection<PaperCard> candidates; if (reqEdition == null) { candidates = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(cards); } else { candidates = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(); for (PaperCard pc : cards) { if (pc.getEdition().equalsIgnoreCase(reqEdition)) { candidates.add(pc); } } } if (candidates.isEmpty()) { return null; } result = Aggregates.random(candidates); //if card image doesn't exist for chosen candidate, try another one if possible while (candidates.size() > 1 && !result.hasImage()) { candidates.remove(result); result = Aggregates.random(candidates); } } else { for (PaperCard pc : cards) { if (pc.getEdition().equalsIgnoreCase(reqEdition) && request.artIndex == pc.getArtIndex()) { result = pc; break; } } } if (result == null) { return null; } return request.isFoil ? getFoiled(result) : result; } @Override public PaperCard getCardFromEdition(final String cardName, SetPreference fromSet) { return getCardFromEdition(cardName, null, fromSet); } @Override public PaperCard getCardFromEdition(final String cardName, final Date printedBefore, final SetPreference fromSet) { return getCardFromEdition(cardName, printedBefore, fromSet, -1); } @Override public PaperCard getCardFromEdition(final String cardName, final Date printedBefore, final SetPreference fromSet, int artIndex) { final CardRequest cr = CardRequest.fromString(cardName); List<PaperCard> cards = this.allCardsByName.get(cr.cardName); boolean cardsListReadOnly = true; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cr.edition)) { cards = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(cards, new Predicate<PaperCard>() { @Override public boolean apply(PaperCard input) { return input.getEdition().equalsIgnoreCase(cr.edition); } })); } if (artIndex == -1 && cr.artIndex > 0) { artIndex = cr.artIndex; } int sz = cards.size(); if (fromSet == SetPreference.Earliest || fromSet == SetPreference.EarliestCoreExp) { PaperCard firstWithoutImage = null; for (int i = sz - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PaperCard pc = cards.get(i); CardEdition ed = editions.get(pc.getEdition()); if (!fromSet.accept(ed)) { continue; } if ((artIndex <= 0 || pc.getArtIndex() == artIndex) && (printedBefore == null || ed.getDate().before(printedBefore))) { if (pc.hasImage()) { return pc; } else if (firstWithoutImage == null) { firstWithoutImage = pc; //ensure first without image returns if none have image } } } return firstWithoutImage; } else if (fromSet == SetPreference.LatestCoreExp || fromSet == SetPreference.Latest || fromSet == null || fromSet == SetPreference.Random) { PaperCard firstWithoutImage = null; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { PaperCard pc = cards.get(i); CardEdition ed = editions.get(pc.getEdition()); if (fromSet != null && !fromSet.accept(ed)) { continue; } if ((artIndex < 0 || pc.getArtIndex() == artIndex) && (printedBefore == null || ed.getDate().before(printedBefore))) { if (fromSet == SetPreference.LatestCoreExp || fromSet == SetPreference.Latest) { if (pc.hasImage()) { return pc; } else if (firstWithoutImage == null) { firstWithoutImage = pc; //ensure first without image returns if none have image } } else { while (sz > i) { int randomIndex = i + MyRandom.getRandom().nextInt(sz - i); pc = cards.get(randomIndex); if (pc.hasImage()) { return pc; } else { if (firstWithoutImage == null) { firstWithoutImage = pc; //ensure first without image returns if none have image } if (cardsListReadOnly) { //ensure we don't modify a cached collection cards = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(cards); cardsListReadOnly = false; } cards.remove(randomIndex); //remove card from collection and try another random card sz--; } } } } } return firstWithoutImage; } return null; } public PaperCard getFoiled(PaperCard card0) { // Here - I am still unsure if there should be a cache Card->Card from unfoiled to foiled, to avoid creation of N instances of single plains return new PaperCard(card0.getRules(), card0.getEdition(), card0.getRarity(), card0.getArtIndex(), true); } @Override public int getPrintCount(String cardName, String edition) { int cnt = 0; for (PaperCard pc : allCardsByName.get(cardName)) { if (pc.getEdition().equals(edition)) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } @Override public int getMaxPrintCount(String cardName) { int max = -1; for (PaperCard pc : allCardsByName.get(cardName)) { if (max < pc.getArtIndex()) { max = pc.getArtIndex(); } } return max; } @Override public int getArtCount(String cardName, String setName) { int cnt = 0; Collection<PaperCard> cards = allCardsByName.get(cardName); if (null == cards) { return 0; } for (PaperCard pc : cards) { if (pc.getEdition().equalsIgnoreCase(setName)) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } // returns a list of all cards from their respective latest (or preferred) editions @Override public Collection<PaperCard> getUniqueCards() { return uniqueCardsByName.values(); } @Override public List<PaperCard> getAllCards() { return roAllCards; } @Override public List<PaperCard> getAllCards(String cardName) { return allCardsByName.get(cardName); } /** Returns a modifiable list of cards matching the given predicate */ @Override public List<PaperCard> getAllCards(Predicate<PaperCard> predicate) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(this.roAllCards, predicate)); } @Override public Iterator<PaperCard> iterator() { return this.roAllCards.iterator(); } public Predicate<? super PaperCard> wasPrintedInSets(List<String> setCodes) { return new PredicateExistsInSets(setCodes); } private class PredicateExistsInSets implements Predicate<PaperCard> { private final List<String> sets; public PredicateExistsInSets(final List<String> wantSets) { this.sets = wantSets; // maybe should make a copy here? } @Override public boolean apply(final PaperCard subject) { Collection<PaperCard> cc = allCardsByName.get(subject.getName()); for (PaperCard c : cc) { if (sets.contains(c.getEdition())) { return true; } } return false; } } public StringBuilder appendCardToStringBuilder(PaperCard card, StringBuilder sb) { final boolean hasBadSetInfo = "???".equals(card.getEdition()) || StringUtils.isBlank(card.getEdition()); sb.append(card.getName()); if (card.isFoil()) { sb.append(CardDb.foilSuffix); } if (!hasBadSetInfo) { int artCount = getArtCount(card.getName(), card.getEdition()); sb.append(CardDb.NameSetSeparator).append(card.getEdition()); if (artCount > 1) { sb.append(CardDb.NameSetSeparator).append(card.getArtIndex()); // indexes start at 1 to match image file name conventions } } return sb; } public PaperCard createUnsuportedCard(String cardName) { CardRequest request = CardRequest.fromString(cardName); CardEdition cE = CardEdition.UNKNOWN; CardRarity cR = CardRarity.Unknown; // May iterate over editions and find out if there is any card named 'cardName' but not implemented with Forge script. if (StringUtils.isBlank(request.edition)) { for (CardEdition e : editions) { for (CardInSet cs : e.getCards()) { if ( { cE = e; cR = cs.rarity; break; } } if (cE != CardEdition.UNKNOWN) { break; } } } else { cE = editions.get(request.edition); if (cE != null) { for (CardInSet cs : cE.getCards()) { if ( { cR = cs.rarity; break; } } } else { cE = CardEdition.UNKNOWN; } } // Write to log that attempt, if (cR == CardRarity.Unknown) { System.err.println(String.format( "An unknown card found when loading Forge decks: \"%s\" Forge does not know of such a card's existence. Have you mistyped the card name?", cardName)); } else { System.err.println(String.format( "An unsupported card was requested: \"%s\" from \"%s\" set. We're sorry, but you cannot use this card yet.", request.cardName, cE.getName())); } return new PaperCard(CardRules.getUnsupportedCardNamed(request.cardName), cE.getCode(), cR, 1); } private final Editor editor = new Editor(); public Editor getEditor() { return editor; } public class Editor { private boolean immediateReindex = true; public CardRules putCard(CardRules rules) { return putCard(rules, null); /* will use data from editions folder */ } public CardRules putCard(CardRules rules, List<Pair<String, CardRarity>> whenItWasPrinted) { // works similarly to Map<K,V>, returning prev. value String cardName = rules.getName(); CardRules result = rulesByName.get(cardName); if (result != null && result.getName().equals(cardName)) { // change properties only result.reinitializeFromRules(rules); return result; } result = rulesByName.put(cardName, rules); // 1. generate all paper cards from edition data we have (either explicit, or found in res/editions, or add to unknown edition) List<PaperCard> paperCards = new ArrayList<PaperCard>(); if (null == whenItWasPrinted || whenItWasPrinted.isEmpty()) { for (CardEdition e : editions.getOrderedEditions()) { int artIdx = 1; for (CardInSet cis : e.getCards()) { if (! { continue; } paperCards.add(new PaperCard(rules, e.getCode(), cis.rarity, artIdx++)); } } } else { String lastEdition = null; int artIdx = 0; for (Pair<String, CardRarity> tuple : whenItWasPrinted) { if (!tuple.getKey().equals(lastEdition)) { artIdx = 1; lastEdition = tuple.getKey(); } CardEdition ed = editions.get(lastEdition); if (null == ed) { continue; } paperCards.add(new PaperCard(rules, lastEdition, tuple.getValue(), artIdx++)); } } if (paperCards.isEmpty()) { paperCards.add(new PaperCard(rules, CardEdition.UNKNOWN.getCode(), CardRarity.Special, 1)); } // 2. add them to db for (PaperCard paperCard : paperCards) { addCard(paperCard); } // 3. reindex can be temporary disabled and run after the whole batch of rules is added to db. if (immediateReindex) { reIndex(); } return result; } public boolean isImmediateReindex() { return immediateReindex; } public void setImmediateReindex(boolean immediateReindex) { this.immediateReindex = immediateReindex; } } }