Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 SirSengir. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v3 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Various Contributors including, but not limited to: * SirSengir (original work), CovertJaguar, Player, Binnie, MysteriousAges ******************************************************************************/ package forestry.core.gui; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import forestry.api.apiculture.EnumBeeChromosome; import forestry.api.genetics.AlleleManager; import forestry.api.genetics.EnumTolerance; import forestry.api.genetics.IAllele; import forestry.api.genetics.IAlleleSpecies; import forestry.api.genetics.IAlleleTolerance; import forestry.api.genetics.IBreedingTracker; import forestry.api.genetics.IChromosomeType; import forestry.api.genetics.IClassification; import forestry.api.genetics.IClassification.EnumClassLevel; import forestry.api.genetics.IIndividual; import forestry.api.genetics.IMutation; import forestry.api.genetics.ISpeciesRoot; import forestry.core.config.Defaults; import forestry.core.gadgets.TileForestry; import forestry.core.genetics.EnumMutateChance; import forestry.core.proxy.Proxies; import forestry.core.utils.StringUtil; public abstract class GuiAlyzer extends GuiForestry<TileForestry> { protected static final int COLUMN_0 = 12; protected static final int COLUMN_1 = 85; protected static final int COLUMN_2 = 150; protected final IInventory inventory; protected final ISpeciesRoot speciesRoot; protected final IBreedingTracker breedingTracker; protected final String guiName; protected HashMap<String, ItemStack> iconStacks = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>(); public GuiAlyzer(String speciesRoot, EntityPlayer player, ContainerForestry container, IInventory inventory, String guiName) { super(Defaults.TEXTURE_PATH_GUI + "/beealyzer2.png", container); this.xSize = 246; this.ySize = 238; this.guiName = guiName; this.inventory = inventory; this.speciesRoot = AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.getSpeciesRoot(speciesRoot); this.breedingTracker = this.speciesRoot.getBreedingTracker(player.worldObj, player.getGameProfile()); } protected final int getColorCoding(boolean dominant) { if (dominant) return fontColor.get("gui.beealyzer.dominant"); else return fontColor.get("gui.beealyzer.recessive"); } protected final void drawLine(String text, int x, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome, boolean inactive) { if (!inactive) drawLine(text, x, getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getActiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant())); else drawLine(text, x, getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getInactiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant())); } protected final void drawSplitLine(String text, int x, int maxWidth, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome, boolean inactive) { if (!inactive) drawSplitLine(text, x, maxWidth, getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getActiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant())); else drawSplitLine(text, x, maxWidth, getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getInactiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant())); } protected final void drawRow(String text0, String text1, String text2, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome) { drawRow(text0, text1, text2, fontColor.get("gui.screen"), getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getActiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant()), getColorCoding(individual.getGenome().getInactiveAllele(chromosome).isDominant())); } protected final void drawChromosomeRow(String chromosomeName, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome) { IAllele active = individual.getGenome().getActiveAllele(chromosome); IAllele inactive = individual.getGenome().getInactiveAllele(chromosome); drawRow(chromosomeName, active.getName(), inactive.getName(), fontColor.get("gui.screen"), getColorCoding(active.isDominant()), getColorCoding(inactive.isDominant())); } protected final void drawSpeciesRow(String text0, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome, String customPrimaryName, String customSecondaryName) { IAlleleSpecies primary = individual.getGenome().getPrimary(); IAlleleSpecies secondary = individual.getGenome().getSecondary(); drawLine(text0, column0); int columnwidth = column2 - column1 - 16; RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); drawItemStack(iconStacks.get(primary.getUID()), adjustToFactor(guiLeft + column1 + columnwidth - 4), adjustToFactor(guiTop + getLineY())); drawItemStack(iconStacks.get(secondary.getUID()), adjustToFactor(guiLeft + column2 + columnwidth - 2), adjustToFactor(guiTop + getLineY())); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); String primaryName; String secondaryName; primaryName = customPrimaryName == null ? primary.getName() : customPrimaryName; secondaryName = customSecondaryName == null ? secondary.getName() : customSecondaryName; drawSplitLine(primaryName, column1, columnwidth, individual, chromosome, false); drawSplitLine(secondaryName, column2, columnwidth, individual, chromosome, true); newLine(); newLine(); } protected final void drawSpeciesRow(String text0, IIndividual individual, IChromosomeType chromosome) { drawSpeciesRow(text0, individual, chromosome, null, null); } protected final String checkCustomName(String key) { if (StringUtil.canTranslate(key)) { return StringUtil.localize(key); } else { return null; } } @Override protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int mouseX, int mouseY) { super.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(f, mouseX, mouseY); widgetManager.clear(); } protected void drawAnalyticsOverview() { startPage(); newLine(); String title = StringUtil.localize(guiName).toUpperCase(); drawCenteredLine(title, 8, 208); newLine(); fontRendererObj.drawSplitString(StringUtil.localize(guiName + ".help"), (int) ((guiLeft + COLUMN_0 + 4) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + 42) * (1 / factor)), (int) (195 * (1 / factor)), fontColor.get("gui.screen")); newLine(); newLine(); newLine(); newLine(); drawLine(StringUtil.localize("gui.alyzer.overview") + ":", COLUMN_0 + 4); newLine(); drawLine("I : " + StringUtil.localize("gui.general"), COLUMN_0 + 4); newLine(); drawLine("II : " + StringUtil.localize("gui.environment"), COLUMN_0 + 4); newLine(); drawLine("III: " + StringUtil.localize("gui.produce"), COLUMN_0 + 4); newLine(); drawLine("IV : " + StringUtil.localize("gui.evolution"), COLUMN_0 + 4); newLine(); String mode = breedingTracker.getModeName(); if (mode != null && !mode.isEmpty()) { newLine(); String rules = StringUtil.localize(guiName + ".behaviour") + ": " + StringUtil.capitalize(mode); drawCenteredLine(rules, 8, 208, fontColor.get(guiName + ".binomial")); } endPage(); } protected final void drawAnalyticsPageClassification(IIndividual individual) { startPage(); drawLine(StringUtil.localize("gui.alyzer.classification") + ":", 12); newLine(); Stack<IClassification> hierarchy = new Stack<IClassification>(); IClassification classification = individual.getGenome().getPrimary().getBranch(); while (classification != null) { if (classification.getScientific() != null && !classification.getScientific().isEmpty()) hierarchy.push(classification); classification = classification.getParent(); } boolean overcrowded = hierarchy.size() > 5; int x = 12; IClassification group = null; while (!hierarchy.isEmpty()) { group = hierarchy.pop(); if (overcrowded && group.getLevel().isDroppable()) continue; drawLine(group.getScientific(), x, group.getLevel().getColour()); drawLine(group.getLevel().name(), 155, group.getLevel().getColour()); newLine(); x += 10; } // Add the species name String binomial = individual.getGenome().getPrimary().getBinomial(); if (group != null && group.getLevel() == EnumClassLevel.GENUS) binomial = group.getScientific().substring(0, 1) + ". " + binomial.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); drawLine(binomial, x, 0xebae85); drawLine("SPECIES", 155, 0xebae85); newLine(); newLine(); drawLine(StringUtil.localize("gui.alyzer.authority") + ": " + individual.getGenome().getPrimary().getAuthority(), 12); if (AlleleManager.alleleRegistry.isBlacklisted(individual.getIdent())) { String extinct = ">> " + StringUtil.localize("gui.alyzer.extinct").toUpperCase() + " <<"; fontRendererObj.drawStringWithShadow(extinct, adjustToFactor(guiLeft + 208) - fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(extinct), adjustToFactor(guiTop + getLineY()), fontColor.get("gui.beealyzer.dominant")); } newLine(); String description = individual.getGenome().getPrimary().getDescription(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(description) || description.startsWith("for.description.")) drawSplitLine(StringUtil.localize("gui.alyzer.nodescription"), 12, 208, 0x666666); else { String tokens[] = description.split("\\|"); drawSplitLine(tokens[0], 12, 208, 0x666666); if (tokens.length > 1) fontRendererObj.drawStringWithShadow("- " + tokens[1], adjustToFactor(guiLeft + 208) - fontRendererObj.getStringWidth("- " + tokens[1]), adjustToFactor(guiTop + 145 - 14), 0x99cc32); } endPage(); } protected void drawAnalyticsPage4(IIndividual individual) { float factor = this.factor; this.setFactor(1.0f); startPage(COLUMN_0, COLUMN_1, COLUMN_2); drawLine(StringUtil.localize("gui.beealyzer.mutations") + ":", COLUMN_0); newLine(); RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting(); HashMap<IMutation, IAllele> combinations = new HashMap<IMutation, IAllele>(); for (IMutation mutation : speciesRoot.getCombinations(individual.getGenome().getPrimary())) combinations.put(mutation, individual.getGenome().getPrimary()); for (IMutation mutation : speciesRoot.getCombinations(individual.getGenome().getSecondary())) combinations.put(mutation, individual.getGenome().getSecondary()); int columnWidth = 50; int x = 0; for (Map.Entry<IMutation, IAllele> mutation : combinations.entrySet()) { if (breedingTracker.isDiscovered(mutation.getKey())) drawMutationInfo(mutation.getKey(), mutation.getValue(), COLUMN_0 + x); else { // Do not display secret undiscovered mutations. if (mutation.getKey().isSecret()) continue; drawUnknownMutation(mutation.getKey(), mutation.getValue(), COLUMN_0 + x); } x += columnWidth; if (x >= columnWidth * 4) { x = 0; newLine(); newLine(); } } endPage(); this.setFactor(factor); } protected void drawMutationInfo(IMutation combination, IAllele species, int x) { ItemStack partnerBee = iconStacks.get(combination.getPartner(species).getUID()); widgetManager.add(new ItemStackWidget(x, getLineY(), partnerBee)); drawProbabilityArrow(combination.getBaseChance(), adjustToFactor(guiLeft) + x + 18, adjustToFactor(guiTop) + getLineY() + 4); IAllele result = combination.getTemplate()[EnumBeeChromosome.SPECIES.ordinal()]; ItemStack resultBee = iconStacks.get(result.getUID()); widgetManager.add(new ItemStackWidget(x + 33, getLineY(), resultBee)); } protected void drawUnknownMutation(IMutation combination, IAllele species, int x) { drawQuestionMark(adjustToFactor(guiLeft) + x, adjustToFactor(guiTop) + getLineY()); drawProbabilityArrow(combination.getBaseChance(), adjustToFactor(guiLeft) + x + 18, adjustToFactor(guiTop) + getLineY() + 4); drawQuestionMark(adjustToFactor(guiLeft) + x + 32, adjustToFactor(guiTop) + getLineY()); } protected void drawQuestionMark(int x, int y) { Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, 78, 240, 16, 16); } protected void drawProbabilityArrow(float chance, int x, int y) { int line = 247; int column = 100; switch (EnumMutateChance.rateChance(chance)) { case HIGHEST: column = 100; break; case HIGHER: column = 100 + 15; break; case HIGH: column = 100 + 15 * 2; break; case NORMAL: column = 100 + 15 * 3; break; case LOW: column = 100 + 15 * 4; break; case LOWEST: column = 100 + 15 * 5; default: break; } // Probability arrow Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect(x, y, column, line, 15, 9); } protected void drawToleranceInfo(IAlleleTolerance toleranceAllele, int x) { int textColor = getColorCoding(toleranceAllele.isDominant()); EnumTolerance tolerance = toleranceAllele.getValue(); String text = "(" + toleranceAllele.getName() + ")"; // Enable correct lighting. GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); switch (tolerance) { case BOTH_1: case BOTH_2: case BOTH_3: case BOTH_4: case BOTH_5: drawBothSymbol(x, getLineY() - 1); drawLine(text, x + (int) (20 * factor), textColor); break; case DOWN_1: case DOWN_2: case DOWN_3: case DOWN_4: case DOWN_5: drawDownSymbol(x, getLineY() - 1); drawLine(text, x + (int) (20 * factor), textColor); break; case UP_1: case UP_2: case UP_3: case UP_4: case UP_5: drawUpSymbol(x, getLineY() - 1); drawLine(text, x + (int) (20 * factor), textColor); break; default: drawNoneSymbol(x, getLineY() - 1); drawLine("(0)", x + (int) (20 * factor), textColor); break; } } private void drawDownSymbol(int x, int y) { Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect((int) ((guiLeft + x) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + getLineY()) * (1 / factor)), 0, 247, 15, 9); } private void drawUpSymbol(int x, int y) { Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect((int) ((guiLeft + x) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + getLineY()) * (1 / factor)), 15, 247, 15, 9); } private void drawBothSymbol(int x, int y) { Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect((int) ((guiLeft + x) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + getLineY()) * (1 / factor)), 30, 247, 15, 9); } private void drawNoneSymbol(int x, int y) { Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect((int) ((guiLeft + x) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + getLineY()) * (1 / factor)), 45, 247, 15, 9); } protected void drawFertilityInfo(int fertility, int x, int textColor, int texOffset) { // Enable correct lighting. GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); Proxies.common.bindTexture(textureFile); drawTexturedModalRect((int) ((guiLeft + x + 14) * (1 / factor)), (int) ((guiTop + getLineY()) * (1 / factor)), 60, 240 + texOffset, 12, 8); drawLine(Integer.toString(fertility) + " x", x, textColor); } }