Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


Copyright 2012 Nick Malleson
This file is part of RepastCity.
RepastCity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RepastCity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RepastCity.  If not, see <>.

package foodsimulationmodel.pathmapping;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.geotools.referencing.GeodeticCalculator;

import cern.colt.Arrays;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.distance.DistanceOp;

import foodsimulationmodel.agents.IAgent;
import foodsimulationmodel.environment.ContextManager;
import foodsimulationmodel.environment.GlobalVars;
import foodsimulationmodel.exceptions.RoutingException;

 * Create routes around a GIS road network. The <code>setRoute</code> function actually finds the route and can be
 * overridden by subclasses to create different types of Route. See the method documentation for details of how routes
 * are calculated.
 * <p>
 * A "unit of travel" is the distance that an agent can cover in one iteration (one square on a grid environment or the
 * distance covered at walking speed in an iteration on a GIS environment). This will change depending on the type of
 * transport the agent is using. E.g. if they are in a car they will be able to travel faster, similarly if they are
 * travelling along a transort route they will cover more ground.
 * </p>
 * @author Nick Malleson
public class Route implements Cacheable {

    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Route.class.getName());

    static {
        // Route.routeCache = new Hashtable<CachedRoute, CachedRoute>();

    private IAgent agent;
    private Coordinate destination;
    private IAgent destinationAgent;

     * The route consists of a list of coordinates which describe how to get to the destination. Each coordinate might
     * have an attached 'speed' which acts as a multiplier and is used to indicate whether or not the agent is
     * travelling along a transport route (i.e. if a coordinate has an attached speed of '2' the agent will be able to
     * get to the next coordinate twice as fast as they would do if they were walking). The current position incicate
     * where in the lists of coords the agent is up to. Other attribute information about the route can be included as
     * separate arrays with indices that match those of the 'route' array below.
    private int currentPosition;
    private List<Coordinate> routeX;
    private List<Double> routeSpeedsX;
     * This maps route coordinates to their containing Road, used so that when travelling we know which road/community
     * the agent is on. private
    private List<Road> roadsX;

    // Record which function has added each coord, useful for debugging
    private List<String> routeDescriptionX;

     * Cache every coordinate which forms a road so that Route.onRoad() is quicker. Also save the Road(s) they are part
     * of, useful for the agent's awareness space (see getRoadFromCoordCache()).
    private static volatile Map<Coordinate, List<Road>> coordCache;
     * Cache the nearest road Coordinate to every building for efficiency (agents usually/always need to get from the
     * centroids of houses to/from the nearest road).
    private static volatile NearestRoadCoordCache nearestRoadCoordCache;
     * Store which road every building is closest to. This is used to efficiently add buildings to the agent's awareness
     * space
    private static volatile BuildingsOnRoadCache buildingsOnRoadCache;
    // To stop threads competing for the cache:
    private static Object buildingsOnRoadCacheLock = new Object();

     * Store a route once it has been created, might be used later (note that the same object acts as key and value).
    // TODO Re-think route caching, would be better to cache the whole Route object
    // private static volatile Map<CachedRoute, CachedRoute> routeCache;
    // /** Store a route distance once it has been created */
    // private static volatile Map<CachedRouteDistance, Double> routeDistanceCache;

     * Keep a record of the last community and road passed so that the same buildings/communities aren't added to the
     * cognitive map multiple times (the agent could spend a number of iterations on the same road or community).
    private Road previousRoad;
    private Area previousArea;

     * Creates a new Route object.
     * @param agent
     *            The agent which this Route will control.
     * @param destination
     *            The agent's destination.
     * @param destinationAgent
     *            The agent they're heading to.
    public Route(IAgent agent, Coordinate destination, IAgent destinationAgent) {
        this.destination = destination;
        this.agent = agent;
        this.destinationAgent = destinationAgent;

     * Find a route from the origin to the destination. A route is a list of Coordinates which describe the route to a
     * destination restricted to a road network. The algorithm consists of three major parts:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Find out if the agent is on a road already, if not then move to the nearest road segment</li>
     * <li>Get from the current location (probably mid-point on a road) to the nearest junction</li>
     * <li>Travel to the junction which is closest to our destination (using Dijkstra's shortest path)</li>
     * <li>Get from the final junction to the road which is nearest to the destination
     * <li>
     * <li>Move from the road to the destination</li>
     * </ol>
     * @throws Exception
    protected void setRoute() throws Exception {
        long time = System.nanoTime();
        // this.routeX = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
        // this.roadsX = new ArrayList<Road>();
        // this.routeDescriptionX = new ArrayList<String>();
        // this.routeSpeedsX = new ArrayList<Double>();
        this.routeX = new Vector<Coordinate>();
        this.roadsX = new Vector<Road>();
        this.routeDescriptionX = new Vector<String>();
        this.routeSpeedsX = new Vector<Double>();

                "Planning route for: " + this.agent.toString() + " to: " + this.destinationAgent.toString());
        if (atDestination()) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Already at destination, cannot create a route for " + this.agent.toString());

        Coordinate currentCoord = ContextManager.getAgentGeometry(this.agent).getCoordinate();
        Coordinate destCoord = this.destination;

        // See if a route has already been cached.
        // CachedRoute cachedRoute = new CachedRoute(currentCoord, destCoord, this.agent.getTransportAvailable());
        // synchronized (Route.routeCache) {
        // if (Route.routeCache.containsKey(cachedRoute)) {
        // TempLogger.out("Route.setRoute, found a cached route from " + currentCoord + " to " + destCoord
        // + " using available transport " + this.agent.getTransportAvailable() + ", returning it.");
        // // Return a clone of the route that is stored in the cache
        // // TODO do we need clones here? I don't think so...
        // CachedRoute cr = Route.routeCache.get(cachedRoute);
        // // this.routeX = Cloning.copy(cr.getRoute());
        // // this.roadsX = new ArrayList<Road>(cr.getRoads());
        // // this.routeSpeedsX = new ArrayList<Double>(cr.getRouteSpeeds());
        // // this.routeDescriptionX = new ArrayList<String>(cr.getDescriptions());
        // this.routeX = new Vector<Coordinate>(cr.getRoute());
        // this.roadsX = new Vector<Road>(cr.getRoads());
        // this.routeSpeedsX = new Vector<Double>(cr.getRouteSpeeds());
        // this.routeDescriptionX = new Vector<String>(cr.getDescriptions());
        // return;
        // }
        // } // synchronized

        // No route cached, have to create a new one (and cache it at the end).
        try {
             * See if the current position and the destination are on road segments. If the destination is not on a road
             * segment we have to move to the closest road segment, then onto the destination.
            boolean destinationOnRoad = true;
            Coordinate finalDestination = null;
            if (!coordOnRoad(currentCoord)) {
                 * Not on a road so the first coordinate to add to the route is the point on the closest road segment.
                currentCoord = getNearestRoadCoord(currentCoord);
                addToRoute(currentCoord, Road.nullRoad, 1, "setRoute() initial");
            if (!coordOnRoad(destCoord)) {
                 * Not on a road, so need to set the destination to be the closest point on a road, and set the
                 * destinationOnRoad boolean to false so we know to add the final dest coord at the end of the route
                destinationOnRoad = false;
                finalDestination = destCoord; // Added to route at end of alg.
                destCoord = getNearestRoadCoord(destCoord);

             * Find the nearest junctions to our current position (road endpoints)

            // Start by Finding the road that this coordinate is on
             * TODO EFFICIENCY: often the agent will be creating a new route from a building so will always find the
             * same road, could use a cache. Even better, could implement a cache in FindNearestObject() method!
            Road currentRoad = Route.findNearestObject(currentCoord, ContextManager.roadProjection, null,
            // Find which Junction is closest to us on the road.
            List<Junction> currentJunctions = currentRoad.getJunctions();

            /* Find the nearest Junctions to our destination (road endpoints) */

            // Find the road that this coordinate is on
            Road destRoad = Route.findNearestObject(destCoord, ContextManager.roadProjection, null,
            // Find which Junction connected to the edge is closest to the coordinate.
            List<Junction> destJunctions = destRoad.getJunctions();
             * Now have four possible routes (2 origin junctions, 2 destination junctions) need to pick which junctions
             * form shortest route
            Junction[] routeEndpoints = new Junction[2];
            List<RepastEdge<Junction>> shortestPath = getShortestRoute(currentJunctions, destJunctions,
            // NetworkEdge<Junction> temp = (NetworkEdge<Junction>)
            // shortestPath.get(0);
            Junction currentJunction = routeEndpoints[0];
            Junction destJunction = routeEndpoints[1];

            /* Add the coordinates describing how to get to the nearest junction */
            List<Coordinate> tempCoordList = new Vector<Coordinate>();
            this.getCoordsAlongRoad(currentCoord, currentJunction.getCoords(), currentRoad, true, tempCoordList);
            addToRoute(tempCoordList, currentRoad, 1, "getCoordsAlongRoad (toJunction)");

             * Add the coordinates and speeds etc which describe how to move along the chosen path
            this.getRouteBetweenJunctions(shortestPath, currentJunction);

             * Add the coordinates describing how to get from the final junction to the destination.

                    destCoord, destRoad, false, tempCoordList);
            addToRoute(tempCoordList, destRoad, 1, "getCoordsAlongRoad (fromJunction)");

            if (!destinationOnRoad) {
                addToRoute(finalDestination, Road.nullRoad, 1, "setRoute final");

            // Check that a route has actually been created

            // If the algorithm was better no coordinates would have been duplicated
            // removePairs();

            // Check lists are still the same size.

        } catch (RoutingException e) {
                    "Route.setRoute(): Problem creating route for " + this.agent.toString() + " going from "
                            + currentCoord.toString() + " to " + this.destination.toString() + "("
                            + (this.destinationAgent == null ? "" : this.destinationAgent.toString())
                            + ") See earlier messages error messages for more info.");
            throw e;
        // Cache the route and route speeds
        // List<Coordinate> routeClone = Cloning.copy(theRoute);
        // LinkedHashMap<Coordinate, Double> routeSpeedsClone = Cloning.copy(this.routeSpeeds);
        // cachedRoute.setRoute(routeClone);
        // cachedRoute.setRouteSpeeds(routeSpeedsClone);

        // cachedRoute.setRoute(this.routeX, this.roadsX, this.routeSpeedsX, this.routeDescriptionX);
        // synchronized (Route.routeCache) {
        // // Same cached route is both value and key
        // Route.routeCache.put(cachedRoute, cachedRoute);
        // }
        // TempLogger.out("...Route cacheing new route with unique id " + cachedRoute.hashCode());

        LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Route Finished planning route for " + this.agent.toString() + "with "
                + this.routeX.size() + " coords in " + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms.");

        // Finished, just check that the route arrays are all in sync
        assert this.roadsX.size() == this.routeX.size() && this.routeDescriptionX.size() == this.routeSpeedsX.size()
                && this.roadsX.size() == this.routeDescriptionX.size();

    private void checkListSizes() {
        assert this.roadsX.size() > 0 && this.roadsX.size() == this.routeX.size()
                && this.routeDescriptionX.size() == this.routeSpeedsX.size()
                && this.roadsX.size() == this.routeDescriptionX.size() : this.routeX.size() + ","
                        + this.roadsX.size() + "," + this.routeDescriptionX.size() + "," + this.routeSpeedsX.size();


     * Convenience function that can be used to add details to the route. This should be used rather than updating
     * individual lists because it makes sure that all lists stay in sync
     * @param coord
     *            The coordinate to add to the route
     * @param road
     *            The road that the coordinate is part of
     * @param speed
     *            The speed that the road can be travelled along
     * @param description
     *            A description of why the coordinate has been added
    private void addToRoute(Coordinate coord, Road road, double speed, String description) {

     * A convenience for adding to the route that will add a number of coordinates with the same description, road and
     * speed.
     * @param coord
     *            A list of coordinates to add to the route
     * @param road
     *            The road that the coordinates are part of
     * @param speed
     *            The speed that the road can be travelled along
     * @param description
     *            A description of why the coordinates have been added
    private void addToRoute(List<Coordinate> coords, Road road, double speed, String description) {
        for (Coordinate c : coords) {

     * Travel towards our destination, as far as we can go this turn.
     * <p>
     * Also adds houses to the agent's cognitive environment. This is done by saving each coordinate the person passes,
     * creating a polygon with a radius given by the "cognitive_map_search_radius" and adding all houses which touch the
     * polygon.
     * <p>
     * Note: the agent might move their position many times depending on how far they are allowed to move each turn,
     * this requires many calls to geometry.move(). This function could be improved (quite easily) by working out where
     * the agent's final destination will be, then calling move() just once.
     * @param housesPassed
     *            If not null then the buildings which the agent passed during their travels this iteration will be
     *            calculated and stored in this array. This can be useful if a agent needs to know which houses it has
     *            just passed and, therefore, which are possible victims. This isn't done by default because it's quite
     *            an expensive operation (lots of geographic tests which must be carried out in each iteration). If the
     *            array is null then the houses passed are not calculated.
     * @return null or the buildings passed during this iteration if housesPassed boolean is true
     * @throws Exception
    public void travel() throws Exception {
        // Check that the route has been created
        if (this.routeX == null) {
        try {
            if (this.atDestination()) {
            double time = System.nanoTime();

            // Store the roads the agent walks along (used to populate the awareness space)
            // List<Road> roadsPassed = new ArrayList<Road>();
            double distTravelled = 0; // The distance travelled so far
            Coordinate currentCoord = null; // Current location
            Coordinate target = null; // Target coordinate we're heading for (in route list)
            boolean travelledMaxDist = false; // True when travelled maximum distance this iteration
            double speed; // The speed to travel to next coord
            GeometryFactory geomFac = new GeometryFactory();
            currentCoord = ContextManager.getAgentGeometry(this.agent).getCoordinate();

            while (!travelledMaxDist && !this.atDestination()) {
                target = this.routeX.get(this.currentPosition);
                speed = this.routeSpeedsX.get(this.currentPosition);
                 * TODO Remember which roads have been passed, used to work out what should be added to cognitive map.
                 * Only add roads once the agent has moved all the way down them
                // roadsPassed.add(this.roads.get(this.previousRouteCoord()));
                // Work out the distance and angle to the next coordinate
                double[] distAndAngle = new double[2];
                Route.distance(currentCoord, target, distAndAngle);
                // divide by speed because distance might effectively be shorter

                double distToTarget = distAndAngle[0] / speed;
                // If we can get all the way to the next coords on the route then just go there
                if (distTravelled + distToTarget < GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.TRAVEL_PER_TURN) {

                    distTravelled += distToTarget;
                    currentCoord = target;

                    // See if agent has reached the end of the route.
                    if (this.currentPosition == (this.routeX.size() - 1)) {
                        ContextManager.moveAgent(this.agent, geomFac.createPoint(currentCoord));
                        // ContextManager.agentGeography.move(this.agent, geomFac.createPoint(currentCoord));
                        break; // Break out of while loop, have reached end of route.
                    // Haven't reached end of route, increment the counter
                } // if can get all way to next coord

                // Check if dist to next coordinate is exactly same as maximum
                // distance allowed to travel (unlikely but possible)
                else if (distTravelled + distToTarget == GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.TRAVEL_PER_TURN) {
                    travelledMaxDist = true;
                    ContextManager.moveAgent(agent, geomFac.createPoint(target));
                    // ContextManager.agentGeography.move(agent, geomFac.createPoint(target));
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Travel(): UNUSUAL CONDITION HAS OCCURED!");
                } else {
                    // Otherwise move as far as we can towards the target along the road we're on.
                    // Move along the vector the maximum distance we're allowed this turn (take into account relative
                    // speed)
                    double distToTravel = (GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.TRAVEL_PER_TURN - distTravelled) * speed;
                    // Move the agent, first move them to the current coord (the first part of the while loop doesn't do
                    // this for efficiency)
                    // ContextManager.agentGeography.move(this.agent, geomFac.createPoint(currentCoord));
                    ContextManager.moveAgent(this.agent, geomFac.createPoint(currentCoord));
                    // Now move by vector towards target (calculated angle earlier).
                    ContextManager.moveAgentByVector(this.agent, distToTravel, distAndAngle[1]);
                    // ContextManager.agentGeography.moveByVector(this.agent, distToTravel, distAndAngle[1]);

                    travelledMaxDist = true;
                } // else
            } // while

            //         this.printRoute();

             * TODO Agent has finished moving, now just add all the buildings and communities passed to their awareness
             * space (unless they're on a transport route). Note also that if on a transport route without an associated
             * road no roads are added to the 'roads' map so even if the check wasn't made here no buildings would be
             * added anyway.
            // Community c = null;
            // if (!this.onTransportRoute) {
            // String outputString = " adding following to awareness space for '"
            // + this.agent.toString() + "':";
            // // roadsPassed will have duplicates, this is used to ignore them
            // Road current = roadsPassed.get(0);
            // // TODO The next stuff is a mess when it comes to adding communities to the memory. Need to go
            // // through and make sure communities aren't added too many times (i.e. more than once for each journey)
            // // and that they are always added when they should be.
            // for (Road r : roadsPassed) { // last road in list is the one the
            // // agent finishes iteration on
            // if (r != null && roadsPassed.get(0) != null && !current.equals(r)) {
            // // Check road isn't null () and that buildings on road haven't already been added
            // // (road can be null when coords that aren't part of a road are added to the route)
            // current = r;
            // if (r.equals(this.previousRoad)) {
            // // The agent has just passed over this road, don't add the buildings or communities again
            // } else {
            // outputString += "\n\t" + r.toString() + ": ";
            // List<Building> passedBuildings = getBuildingsOnRoad(r);
            // List<Community> passedCommunities = new ArrayList<Community>();
            // if (passedBuildings != null) { // There might not be any buildings close to the road (unlikely)
            // outputString += passedBuildings.toString();
            // this.passedObjects(passedBuildings, Building.class);
            // // For efficiency just find one of the building's communities and hope no other
            // // communities were passed through - NO! I'VE CHANGED THIS BELOW!
            // c = passedBuildings.get(0).getCommunity();
            // // Check all buildings to make sure that if the agent has passed more than one community
            // // then they are all added.
            // for (Building b : passedBuildings) {
            // if (!passedCommunities.contains(b.getCommunity())) {
            // passedCommunities.add(b.getCommunity());
            // }
            // }
            // for (Community com : passedCommunities) {
            // if (com != null) {
            // this.passedObject(com, Community.class);
            // }
            // }
            // } else { // Community won't have been added because no buildings passed, use slow method
            // c = GlobalVars.COMMUNITY_ENVIRONMENT.getObjectAt(Community.class, currentCoord);
            // if (c != null) {
            // this.passedObject(c, Community.class);
            // }
            // // TODO I think the following line is wrong, if the agent has made
            // // a long move they might have passed right through a community that doesn't
            // // have any buildings, perhaps this should check *all* the communities that touch
            // // the road, not just the community the agent finished the move in (i.e. currentCoord)
            // passedCommunities.add(GlobalVars.COMMUNITY_ENVIRONMENT.getObjectAt(Community.class,
            // currentCoord));
            // }
            // }
            // }
            // } // for roadsPassed
            // TempLogger.out(outputString + "\n");
            // } // if !onTransportRoute
            // else {
            // TempLogger.out(" not adding to burglar '" + this.agent.toString()
            // + "' awareness space beecause on transport route: ");
            // }
            // // Finally set the previousRoad and previousCommunity so that if these haven't changed in the next
            // iteration they're not added to
            // // the cognitive map again.
            // this.previousRoad = roadsPassed.get(roadsPassed.size() - 1);
            // // this.previousCommunity = c; // This was the most recent community passed over
            // TempLogger.out("...Finished Travelling(" + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms)");
            // // } // synchronized GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentBurglar
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Route.trave(): Caught error travelling for " + this.agent.toString() + " going to "
                            + "destination "
                            + (this.destinationAgent == null ? "" : this.destinationAgent.toString() + ")"));
            throw e;
        } // catch exception

     * Get the distance (on a network) between the origin and destination. Take into account the Burglar because they
     * might be able to speed up the route by using different transport methods. Actually calculates the distance
     * between the nearest Junctions between the source and destination. Note that the GRID environment doesn't have any
     * transport routes in it so all distances will always be the same regardless of the agent.
     * @param agent
     * @param destination
     * @return
    public double getDistance(IAgent theBurglar, Coordinate origin, Coordinate destination) {

        // // See if this distance has already been calculated
        // if (Route.routeDistanceCache == null) {
        // Route.routeDistanceCache = new Hashtable<CachedRouteDistance, Double>();
        // }
        // CachedRouteDistance crd = new CachedRouteDistance(origin, destination, theBurglar.getTransportAvailable());
        // synchronized (Route.routeDistanceCache) {
        // Double dist = Route.routeDistanceCache.get(crd);
        // if (dist != null) {
        // TempLogger.out("Route.ggetDistance, found a cached route distance from " + origin + " to "
        // + destination + " using available transport " + theBurglar.getTransportAvailable()
        // + ", returning it.");
        // return dist;
        // }
        // }
        // No distance in the cache, calculate it
        synchronized (GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentBurglarLock) {
            GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentAgent = theBurglar;
            // Find the closest Junctions to the origin and destination
            double minOriginDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double minDestDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double dist;
            Junction closestOriginJunc = null;
            Junction closestDestJunc = null;
            DistanceOp distOp = null;
            GeometryFactory geomFac = new GeometryFactory();
            // TODO EFFICIENCY: here could iterate over near junctions instead of all?
            for (Junction j : ContextManager.junctionContext.getObjects(Junction.class)) {
                // Check that the agent can actually get to the junction (if might be part of a transport route
                // that the agent doesn't have access to)
                Point juncPoint = geomFac.createPoint(j.getCoords());

                distOp = new DistanceOp(juncPoint, geomFac.createPoint(origin));
                dist = distOp.distance();
                if (dist < minOriginDist) {
                    minOriginDist = dist;
                    closestOriginJunc = j;
                // Destination
                distOp = new DistanceOp(juncPoint, geomFac.createPoint(destination));
                dist = distOp.distance();
                if (dist < minDestDist) {
                    minDestDist = dist;
                    closestDestJunc = j;
            } // for Junctions
              // Return the shortest path plus the distance from the origin/destination to their junctions
              // TODO NOTE: Bug in ShortestPath so have to make finalize is called, otherwise following lines are
              // neater
              // return (new ShortestPath<Junction>(EnvironmentFactory.getRoadNetwork(),
              // closestOriginJunc)).getPathLength(closestDestJunc)+ minOriginDist + minDestDist ;
              // TODO : using non-deprecated methods don't work on NGS, probably need to update repast libraries
            ShortestPath<Junction> p = new ShortestPath<Junction>(ContextManager.roadNetwork, closestOriginJunc);
            double theDist = p.getPathLength(closestDestJunc);
            // ShortestPath<Junction> p = new
            // ShortestPath<Junction>(EnvironmentFactory.getRoadNetwork());
            // double theDist = p.getPathLength(closestOriginJunc,closestDestJunc);
            p = null;
            double finalDist = theDist + minOriginDist + minDestDist;
            // // Cache this distance
            // synchronized (Route.routeDistanceCache) {
            // Route.routeDistanceCache.put(crd, finalDist);
            // }
            return finalDist;
        } // synchronized


     * Find the nearest coordinate which is part of a Road. Returns the coordinate which is actually the closest to the
     * given coord, not just the corner of the segment which is closest. Uses the DistanceOp class which finds the
     * closest points between two geometries.
     * <p>
     * When first called, the function will populate the 'nearestRoadCoordCache' which calculates where the closest road
     * coordinate is to each building. The agents will commonly start journeys from within buildings so this will
     * improve efficiency.
     * </p>
     * @param inCoord
     *            The coordinate from which to find the nearest road coordinate
     * @return the nearest road coordinate
     * @throws Exception
    private synchronized Coordinate getNearestRoadCoord(Coordinate inCoord) throws Exception {
        // double time = System.nanoTime();

        synchronized (buildingsOnRoadCacheLock) {
            if (nearestRoadCoordCache == null) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Route.getNearestRoadCoord called for first time, "
                        + "creating cache of all roads and the buildings which are on them ...");
                // Create a new cache object, this will be read from disk if
                // possible (which is why the getInstance() method is used
                // instead of the constructor.
                String gisDir = ContextManager.getProperty(GlobalVars.GISDataDirectory);
                File buildingsFile = new File(gisDir + ContextManager.getProperty(GlobalVars.BuildingShapefile));
                File roadsFile = new File(gisDir + ContextManager.getProperty(GlobalVars.RoadShapefile));
                File serialisedLoc = new File(
                        gisDir + ContextManager.getProperty(GlobalVars.BuildingsRoadsCoordsCache));

                nearestRoadCoordCache = NearestRoadCoordCache.getInstance(ContextManager.agentGeography,
                        buildingsFile, ContextManager.roadProjection, roadsFile, serialisedLoc,
                        new GeometryFactory());
            } // if not cached
        } // synchronized
        return nearestRoadCoordCache.get(inCoord);

     * Finds the shortest route between multiple origin and destination junctions. Will return the shortest path and
     * also, via two parameters, can return the origin and destination junctions which make up the shortest route.
     * @param currentJunctions
     *            An array of origin junctions
     * @param destJunctions
     *            An array of destination junctions
     * @param routeEndpoints
     *            An array of size 2 which can be used to store the origin (index 0) and destination (index 1) Junctions
     *            which form the endpoints of the shortest route.
     * @return the shortest route between the origin and destination junctions
     * @throws Exception
    private List<RepastEdge<Junction>> getShortestRoute(List<Junction> currentJunctions,
            List<Junction> destJunctions, Junction[] routeEndpoints) throws Exception {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        synchronized (GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentBurglarLock) {
            // This must be set so that NetworkEdge.getWeight() can adjust the weight depending on how this
            // particular agent is getting around the city
            GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentAgent = this.agent;
            double shortestPathLength = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double pathLength = 0;
            ShortestPath<Junction> p;
            List<RepastEdge<Junction>> shortestPath = null;
            for (Junction o : currentJunctions) {
                for (Junction d : destJunctions) {
                    if (o == null || d == null) {
                                "Route.getShortestRoute() error: either the destination or origin "
                                        + "junction is null. This can be caused by disconnected roads. It's probably OK"
                                        + "to ignore this as a route should still be created anyway.");
                    } else {
                        p = new ShortestPath<Junction>(ContextManager.roadNetwork);
                        pathLength = p.getPathLength(o, d);
                        if (pathLength < shortestPathLength) {
                            shortestPathLength = pathLength;
                            shortestPath = p.getPath(o, d);
                            //                     ShortestPath<Junction> p2 = new ShortestPath<Junction>(ContextManager.roadNetwork);
                            //                     shortestPath = p2.getPath(o, d);
                            //                     p2.finalize();
                            //                     p2 = null;
                            // shortestPath = p1.getPath(o, d);
                            // p1.finalize(); p1 = null;
                            routeEndpoints[0] = o;
                            routeEndpoints[1] = d;
                        // TODO See if the shortestpath bug has been fixed, would make this unnecessary
                        p = null;
                    } // if junc null
                } // for dest junctions
            } // for origin junctions
            if (shortestPath == null) {
                String debugString = "Route.getShortestRoute() could not find a route. Looking for the shortest route between :\n";
                for (Junction j : currentJunctions)
                    debugString += "\t" + j.toString() + ", roads: " + j.getRoads().toString() + "\n";
                for (Junction j : destJunctions)
                    debugString += "\t" + j.toString() + ", roads: " + j.getRoads().toString() + "\n";
                throw new RoutingException(debugString);
                    "Route.getShortestRoute (" + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time))
                            + "ms) found shortest path " + "(length: " + shortestPathLength + ") from "
                            + routeEndpoints[0].toString() + " to " + routeEndpoints[1].toString());
            return shortestPath;
        } // synchronized

     * Calculates the coordinates required to move an agent from their current position to the destination along a given
     * road. The algorithm to do this is as follows:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Starting from the destination coordinate, record each vertex and check inside the booundary of each line
     * segment until the destination point is found.</li>
     * <li>Return all but the last vertex, this is the route to the destination.</li>
     * </ol>
     * A boolean allows for two cases: heading towards a junction (the endpoint of the line) or heading away from the
     * endpoint of the line (this function can't be used to go to two midpoints on a line)
     * @param currentCoord
     * @param destinationCoord
     * @param road
     * @param toJunction
     *            whether or not we're travelling towards or away from a Junction
     * @param coordList
     *            A list which will be populated with the coordinates that the agent should follow to move along the
     *            road.
     * @param roadList
     *            A list of roads associated with each coordinate.
     * @throws Exception
    private void getCoordsAlongRoad(Coordinate currentCoord, Coordinate destinationCoord, Road road,
            boolean toJunction, List<Coordinate> coordList) throws RoutingException {

        Route.checkNotNull(currentCoord, destinationCoord, road, coordList);

        double time = System.nanoTime();
        Coordinate[] roadCoords = ContextManager.roadProjection.getGeometry(road).getCoordinates();

        // Check that the either the destination or current coordinate are actually part of the road
        boolean currentCorrect = false, destinationCorrect = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < roadCoords.length; i++) {
            if (toJunction && destinationCoord.equals(roadCoords[i])) {
                destinationCorrect = true;
            } else if (!toJunction && currentCoord.equals(roadCoords[i])) {
                currentCorrect = true;
        } // for

        if (!(destinationCorrect || currentCorrect)) {
            String roadCoordsString = "";
            for (Coordinate c : roadCoords)
                roadCoordsString += c.toString() + " - ";
            throw new RoutingException("Neigher the origin or destination nor the current"
                    + "coordinate are part of the road '" + road.toString() + "' (person '" + this.agent.toString()
                    + "').\n" + "Road coords: " + roadCoordsString + "\n" + "\tOrigin: " + currentCoord.toString()
                    + "\n" + "\tDestination: " + destinationCoord.toString() + " ( "
                    + this.destinationAgent.toString() + " )\n " + "Heading " + (toJunction ? "to" : "away from")
                    + " a junction, so " + (toJunction ? "destination" : "origin")
                    + " should be part of a road segment");

        // Might need to reverse the order of the road coordinates
        if (toJunction && !destinationCoord.equals(roadCoords[roadCoords.length - 1])) {
            // If heading towards a junction, destination coordinate must be at end of road segment
        } else if (!toJunction && !currentCoord.equals(roadCoords[0])) {
            // If heading away form junction current coord must be at beginning of road segment
        GeometryFactory geomFac = new GeometryFactory();
        Point destinationPointGeom = geomFac.createPoint(destinationCoord);
        Point currentPointGeom = geomFac.createPoint(currentCoord);
        // If still false at end then algorithm hasn't worked
        boolean foundAllCoords = false;
        search: for (int i = 0; i < roadCoords.length - 1; i++) {
            Coordinate[] segmentCoords = new Coordinate[] { roadCoords[i], roadCoords[i + 1] };
            // Draw a small buffer around the line segment and look for the coordinate within the buffer
            Geometry buffer = geomFac.createLineString(segmentCoords)
            if (!toJunction) {
                /* If heading away from a junction, keep adding road coords until we find the destination */
                if (destinationPointGeom.within(buffer)) {
                    foundAllCoords = true;
                    break search;
            } else if (toJunction) {
                 * If heading towards a junction: find the curent coord, add it to the route, then add all the remaining
                 * coords which make up the road segment
                if (currentPointGeom.within(buffer)) {
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < roadCoords.length; j++) {
                    foundAllCoords = true;
                    break search;
        } // for
        if (foundAllCoords) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "getCoordsAlongRoad (" + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms)");
        } else { // If we get here then the route hasn't been created
            // A load of debugging info
            String error = "Route: getCoordsAlongRoad: could not find destination coordinates "
                    + "along the road.\n\tHeading *" + (toJunction ? "towards" : "away from")
                    + "* a junction.\n\t Person: " + this.agent.toString() + ")\n\tDestination building: "
                    + destinationAgent.toString() + "\n\tRoad causing problems: " + road.toString()
                    + "\n\tRoad vertex coordinates: " + Arrays.toString(roadCoords);
            throw new RoutingException(error);
             * Hack: ignore the error, printing a message and just returning the origin destination and coordinates.
             * This means agent will jump to/from the junction but I can't figure out why the fuck it occasionally
             * doesn't work!! It's so rare that hopefully this isn't a problem.
            // TempLogger.err("Route: getCoordsAlongRoad: error... (not debugging).");
            // List<Coord> coords = new ArrayList<Coord>();
            // coords.add(currentCoord);
            // coords.add(destinationCoord);
            // for (Coord c : coords)
            // this.roads.put(c, road); // Remember the roads each coord is
            // // part of
            // return coords;


    private static void checkNotNull(Object... args) throws RoutingException {
        for (Object o : args) {
            if (o == null) {
                throw new RoutingException("An input argument is null");

     * Returns all the coordinates that describe how to travel along a path, restricted to road coordinates. In some
     * cases the route wont have an associated road, this occurs if the route is part of a transport network. In this
     * case just the origin and destination coordinates are added to the route.
     * @param shortestPath
     * @param startingJunction
     *            The junction the path starts from, this is required so that the algorithm knows which road coordinate
     *            to add first (could be first or last depending on the order that the road coordinates are stored
     *            internally).
     * @return the coordinates as a mapping between the coord and its associated speed (i.e. how fast the agent can
     *         travel to the next coord) which is dependent on the type of edge and the agent (e.g.
     *         driving/walking/bus). LinkedHashMap is used to guarantee the insertion order of the coords is maintained.
     * @throws RoutingException
    private void getRouteBetweenJunctions(List<RepastEdge<Junction>> shortestPath, Junction startingJunction)
            throws RoutingException {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        if (shortestPath.size() < 1) {
            // This could happen if the agent's destination is on the same road
            // as the origin
        // Lock the currentAgent so that NetworkEdge obejcts know what speed to use (depends on transport available to
        // the specific agent).
        synchronized (GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentBurglarLock) {
            GlobalVars.TRANSPORT_PARAMS.currentAgent = this.agent;

            // Iterate over all edges in the route adding coords and weights as appropriate
            NetworkEdge<Junction> e;
            Road r;
            // Use sourceFirst to represent whether or not the edge's source does actually represent the start of the
            // edge (agent could be going 'forwards' or 'backwards' over edge
            boolean sourceFirst;
            for (int i = 0; i < shortestPath.size(); i++) {
                e = (NetworkEdge<Junction>) shortestPath.get(i);
                if (i == 0) {
                    // No coords in route yet, compare the source to the starting junction
                    sourceFirst = (e.getSource().equals(startingJunction)) ? true : false;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise compare the source to the last coord added to the list
                    sourceFirst = (e.getSource().getCoords().equals(this.routeX.get(this.routeX.size() - 1))) ? true
                            : false;
                 * Now add the coordinates describing how to move along the road. If there is no road associated with
                 * the edge (i.e. it is a transport route) then just add the source/dest coords. Note that the shared
                 * coordinates between two edges will be added twice, these must be removed later
                r = e.getRoad();
                 * Get the speed that the agent will be able to travel along this edge (depends on the transport
                 * available to the agent and the edge). Some speeds will be < 1 if the agent shouldn't be using this
                 * edge but doesn't have any other way of getting to the destination. in these cases set speed to 1
                 * (equivalent to walking).
                double speed = e.getSpeed();
                if (speed < 1)
                    speed = 1;

                if (r == null) { // No road associated with this edge (it is a
                                 // transport link) so just add source
                    if (sourceFirst) {
                        this.addToRoute(e.getSource().getCoords(), r, speed, "getRouteBetweenJunctions - no road");
                        this.addToRoute(e.getTarget().getCoords(), r, -1, "getRouteBetweenJunctions - no road");
                        // (Note speed = -1 used because we don't know the weight to the next
                        // coordinate - this can be removed later)
                    } else {
                        this.addToRoute(e.getTarget().getCoords(), r, speed, "getRouteBetweenJunctions - no road");
                        this.addToRoute(e.getSource().getCoords(), r, -1, "getRouteBetweenJunctions - no road");
                } else {
                    // This edge is a road, add all the coords which make up its geometry
                    Coordinate[] roadCoords = ContextManager.roadProjection.getGeometry(r).getCoordinates();
                    if (roadCoords.length < 2)
                        throw new RoutingException("Route.getRouteBetweenJunctions: for some reason road " + "'"
                                + r.toString() + "' doesn't have at least two coords as part of its geometry ("
                                + roadCoords.length + ")");
                    // Make sure the coordinates of the road are added in the correct order
                    if (!sourceFirst) {
                    // Add all the road geometry's coords
                    for (int j = 0; j < roadCoords.length; j++) {
                        this.addToRoute(roadCoords[j], r, speed, "getRouteBetweenJuctions - on road");
                        // (Note that last coord will have wrong weight)
                    } // for roadCoords.length
                } // if road!=null
            // Check all lists are still the same size.
            assert this.roadsX.size() == this.routeX.size()
                    && this.routeDescriptionX.size() == this.routeSpeedsX.size()
                    && this.roadsX.size() == this.routeDescriptionX.size();

            // Check all lists are still the same size.
            assert this.roadsX.size() == this.routeX.size()
                    && this.routeDescriptionX.size() == this.routeSpeedsX.size()
                    && this.roadsX.size() == this.routeDescriptionX.size();

            // Finished!
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "getRouteBetweenJunctions (" + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms");
        } // synchronized
    } // getRouteBetweenJunctions

     * Determine whether or not the person associated with this Route is at their destination. Compares their current
     * coordinates to the destination coordinates (must be an exact match).
     * @return True if the person is at their destination
    public boolean atDestination() {
        return ContextManager.getAgentGeometry(this.agent).getCoordinate().equals(this.destination);

    // /**
    // * Removes any duplicate coordinates from the curent route (coordinates which
    // * are the same *and* next to each other in the list).
    // * <p>
    // * If my route-generating algorithm was better this would't be necessary.
    // */
    // @Deprecated
    // private void removePairs() throws RoutingException {
    // if (this.routeX.size() < 1) {
    // // No coords to iterate over, probably something has gone wrong
    // throw new RoutingException("Route.removeDuplicateCoordinates(): WARNING an empty list has been "
    // + "passed to this function, something has probably gone wrong");
    // }
    // TempLogger.out("ROUTE BEFORE REMOVING PAIRS");
    // this.printRoute();
    // // (setRoute() has already checked that lists are same size)
    // // Iterate over the list, removing coordinates that are the same as their neighbours.
    // // (and associated objects in other lists)
    // Iterator<Road> roadIt = this.roadsX.iterator();
    // Iterator<Coordinate> routeIt = this.routeX.iterator();
    // Iterator<Double> routeSpeedIt = this.routeSpeedsX.iterator();
    // Iterator<String> routeDescIt = this.routeDescriptionX.iterator();
    // Coordinate c1, c2;
    // Road currentRoad =;
    // Road nextRoad = null;
    // while ( roadIt.hasNext() ) {
    // nextRoad =;
    // c1 = currentRoad.getCoords();
    // c2 = nextRoad.getCoords();
    // if (c1.equals(c2)) {
    // // Remove objects from the lists
    // roadIt.remove();
    // routeIt.remove();
    // routeSpeedIt.remove();
    // routeDescIt.remove();
    // }
    // else {
    // currentRoad = nextRoad;
    // }
    // }
    // TempLogger.out("ROUTE AFTER REMOVING PAIRS");
    // this.printRoute();
    // }

    private void printRoute() {
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        out.append("Printing route (" + this.agent.toString() + "). Current position in list is "
                + this.currentPosition + " ('" + this.routeDescriptionX.get(this.currentPosition) + "')");
        for (int i = 0; i < this.routeX.size(); i++) {
            out.append("\t(" + this.agent.toString() + ") " + this.routeX.get(i).toString() + "\t"
                    + this.routeSpeedsX.get(i).toString() + "\t" + this.roadsX.get(i) + "\t"
                    + this.routeDescriptionX.get(i));

     * Find the nearest object in the given geography to the coordinate.
     * @param <T>
     * @param x
     *            The coordinate to search from
     * @param geography
     *            The given geography to look through
     * @param closestPoints
     *            An optional List that will be populated with the closest points to x (i.e. the results of
     *            <code>distanceOp.closestPoints()</code>.
     * @param searchDist
     *            The maximum distance to search for objects in. Small distances are more efficient but larger ones are
     *            less likely to find no objects.
     * @return The nearest object.
     * @throws RoutingException
     *             If an object cannot be found.
    public static synchronized <T> T findNearestObject(Coordinate x, Geography<T> geography,
            List<Coordinate> closestPoints, GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.BUFFER_DISTANCE searchDist)
            throws RoutingException {
        if (x == null) {
            throw new RoutingException("The input coordinate is null, cannot find the nearest object");

        T nearestObject = SpatialIndexManager.findNearestObject(geography, x, closestPoints, searchDist);

        // Old way without using spatial index:
        // GeometryFactory geomFac = new GeometryFactory();
        // Point point = geomFac.createPoint(x);
        // // TODO Use an expanding buffer that starts small but gets bigger if no object is found.
        // Geometry buffer = point.buffer(searchDist.dist);
        // double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        // T nearestObject = null;
        // for (T t : geography.getObjectsWithin(buffer.getEnvelopeInternal())) {
        // DistanceOp distOp = new DistanceOp(point, geography.getGeometry(t));
        // double thisDist = distOp.distance();
        // if (thisDist < minDist) {
        // minDist = thisDist;
        // nearestObject = t;
        // // Optionally record the closest points
        // if (closestPoints != null) {
        // closestPoints.clear();
        // // TODO clean conversion of array to List (don't have access
        // // to internet!)
        // Coordinate[] crds = distOp.closestPoints();
        // List<Coordinate> temp = new ArrayList(crds.length);
        // for (Coordinate c : crds)
        // temp.add(c);
        // closestPoints.addAll(temp);
        // }
        // } // if thisDist < minDist
        // } // for nearRoads
        if (nearestObject == null) {
            throw new RoutingException("Couldn't find an object close to these coordinates:\n\t" + x.toString());
        } else {
            return nearestObject;

     * Returns the angle of the vector from p0 to p1 relative to the x axis
     * <p>
     * The angle will be between -Pi and Pi. I got this directly from the JUMP program source.
     * @return the angle (in radians) that p0p1 makes with the positive x-axis.
    public static synchronized double angle(Coordinate p0, Coordinate p1) {
        double dx = p1.x - p0.x;
        double dy = p1.y - p0.y;

        return Math.atan2(dy, dx);

     * The building which this Route is targeting
     * @return the destinationHouse
    public IAgent getDestinationAgent() {
        if (this.destinationAgent == null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Route: getDestinationBuilding(), warning, no destination building has "
                    + "been set. This might be ok, the agent might be supposed to be heading to a coordinate "
                    + "not a particular building(?)");
            return null;
        return destinationAgent;

     * The coordinate the route is targeting
     * @return the destination
    public Coordinate getDestination() {
        return this.destination;

     * Maintain a cache of all coordinates which are part of a road segment. Store the coords and all the road(s) they
     * are part of.
     * @param coord
     *            The coordinate which should be part of a road geometry
     * @return The road(s) which the coordinate is part of or null if the coordinate is not part of any road
    private List<Road> getRoadFromCoordCache(Coordinate coord) {

        populateCoordCache(); // Check the cache has been populated
        return coordCache.get(coord);

     * Test if a coordinate is part of a road segment.
     * @param coord
     *            The coordinate which we want to test
     * @return True if the coordinate is part of a road segment
    private boolean coordOnRoad(Coordinate coord) {
        populateCoordCache(); // check the cache has been populated
        return coordCache.containsKey(coord);

    private synchronized static void populateCoordCache() {

        double time = System.nanoTime();
        if (coordCache == null) { // Fist check cache has been created
            coordCache = new HashMap<Coordinate, List<Road>>();
                    "Route.populateCoordCache called for first time, creating new cache of all Road coordinates.");
        if (coordCache.size() == 0) { // Now popualte it if it hasn't already
            // been populated
                    "Route.populateCoordCache: is empty, creating new cache of all Road coordinates.");

            for (Road r : ContextManager.roadContext.getObjects(Road.class)) {
                for (Coordinate c : ContextManager.roadProjection.getGeometry(r).getCoordinates()) {
                    if (coordCache.containsKey(c)) {
                    } else {
                        List<Road> l = new ArrayList<Road>();
                        // TODO Need to put *new* coordinate here? Not use
                        // existing one in memory?
                        coordCache.put(new Coordinate(c), l);

            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "... finished caching all road coordinates (in "
                    + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms)");

     * Find the buildings which can be accessed from the given road (the given road is the closest to the buildings).
     * Uses a separate cache object which can be serialised so that the cache doesn't need to be rebuilt every time.
     * @param road
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private List<IAgent> getBuildingsOnRoad(Road road) throws Exception {
        if (buildingsOnRoadCache == null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Route.getBuildingsOnRoad called for first time, "
                    + "creating cache of all roads and the buildings which are on them ...");
            // Create a new cache object, this will be read from disk if possible (which is why the
            // getInstance() method is used instead of the constructor.
            String gisDir = GlobalVars.GISDataDirectory;
            File buildingsFile = new File(gisDir + GlobalVars.BuildingShapefile);
            File roadsFile = new File(gisDir + GlobalVars.RoadShapefile);
            File serialLoc = new File(gisDir + ContextManager.getProperty(GlobalVars.BuildingsRoadsCache));
            buildingsOnRoadCache = BuildingsOnRoadCache.getInstance(ContextManager.agentGeography, buildingsFile,
                    ContextManager.roadProjection, roadsFile, serialLoc, new GeometryFactory());
        } // if not cached
        return buildingsOnRoadCache.get(road);

     * Calculate the distance (in meters) between two Coordinates, using the coordinate reference system that the
     * roadGeography is using. For efficiency it can return the angle as well (in the range -0 to 2PI) if returnVals
     * passed in as a double[2] (the distance is stored in index 0 and angle stored in index 1).
     * @param c1
     * @param c2
     * @param returnVals
     *            Used to return both the distance and the angle between the two Coordinates. If null then the distance
     *            is just returned, otherwise this array is populated with the distance at index 0 and the angle at
     *            index 1.
     * @return The distance between Coordinates c1 and c2.
    public static synchronized double distance(Coordinate c1, Coordinate c2, double[] returnVals) {
        // TODO check this now, might be different way of getting distance in new Simphony
        GeodeticCalculator calculator = new GeodeticCalculator(ContextManager.roadProjection.getCRS());
        calculator.setStartingGeographicPoint(c1.x, c1.y);
        calculator.setDestinationGeographicPoint(c2.x, c2.y);
        double distance = calculator.getOrthodromicDistance();
        if (returnVals != null && returnVals.length == 2) {
            returnVals[0] = distance;
            double angle = Math.toRadians(calculator.getAzimuth()); // Angle in range -PI to PI
            // Need to transform azimuth (in range -180 -> 180 and where 0 points north)
            // to standard mathematical (range 0 -> 360 and 90 points north)
            if (angle > 0 && angle < 0.5 * Math.PI) { // NE Quadrant
                angle = 0.5 * Math.PI - angle;
            } else if (angle >= 0.5 * Math.PI) { // SE Quadrant
                angle = (-angle) + 2.5 * Math.PI;
            } else if (angle < 0 && angle > -0.5 * Math.PI) { // NW Quadrant
                angle = (-1 * angle) + 0.5 * Math.PI;
            } else { // SW Quadrant
                angle = -angle + 0.5 * Math.PI;
            returnVals[1] = angle;
        return distance;

     * Converts a distance lat/long distance (e.g. returned by DistanceOp) to meters. The calculation isn't very
     * accurate because (probably) it assumes that the distance is between two points that lie exactly on a line of
     * longitude (i.e. one is exactly due north of the other). For this reason the value shouldn't be used in any
     * calculations which is why it's returned as a String.
     * @param dist
     *            The distance (as returned by DistanceOp) to convert to meters
     * @return The approximate distance in meters as a String (to discourage using this approximate value in
     *         calculations).
     * @throws Exception
     * @see com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.distance.DistanceOp
    public static synchronized String distanceToMeters(double dist) throws Exception {
        // Works by creating two coords (close to a randomly chosen object) which are a certain distance apart
        // then using similar method as other distance() function
        GeodeticCalculator calculator = new GeodeticCalculator(ContextManager.roadProjection.getCRS());
        Coordinate c1 = ContextManager.agentContext.getRandomObject().getCoords();
        calculator.setStartingGeographicPoint(c1.x, c1.y);
        calculator.setDestinationGeographicPoint(c1.x, c1.y + dist);
        return String.valueOf(calculator.getOrthodromicDistance());

    public void clearCaches() {
        if (coordCache != null)
        if (nearestRoadCoordCache != null) {
            nearestRoadCoordCache = null;
        if (buildingsOnRoadCache != null) {
            buildingsOnRoadCache = null;
        // if (routeCache != null) {
        // routeCache.clear();
        // routeCache = null;
        // }
        // if (routeDistanceCache != null) {
        // routeDistanceCache.clear();
        // routeDistanceCache = null;
        // }

    // /**
    // * Will add the given buildings to the awareness space of the Burglar who is
    // * being controlled by this Route. Also tells the burglar which buildings
    // * have been passed if appropriate, this is needed for agents who are
    // * currently looking for a burglary target.
    // *
    // * @param buildings
    // * A list of buildings
    // */
    // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    // protected <T> void passedObjects(List<T> objects, Class<T> clazz) {
    // this.agent.addToMemory(objects, clazz);
    // if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(Building.class)) {
    // // System.out.println("Route.passedObjects(): "+objects.toString());
    // this.agent.buildingsPassed((List<Building>) objects);
    // }
    // }

     * Will add the given buildings to the awareness space of the Burglar who is being controlled by this Route.
     * @param buildings
     *            A list of buildings
    protected <T> void passedObject(T object, Class<T> clazz) {
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(1);


/* ************************************************************************ */

 * Class can be used to store a cache of all roads and the buildings which can be accessed by them (a map of
 * Road<->List<Building>. Buildings are 'accessed' by travelling to the road which is nearest to them.
 * <p>
 * This class can be serialised so that if the GIS data doesn't change it doesn't have to be re-calculated each time.
 * However, the Roads and Buildings themselves cannot be serialised because if they are there will be two sets of Roads
 * and BUildings, the serialised ones and those that were created when the model was initialised. To get round this, an
 * array which contains the road and building ids is serialised and the cache is re-built using these caches ids after
 * reading the serialised cache. This means that the id's given to Buildings and Roads must not change (i.e.
 * auto-increment numbers are no good because if a simulation is restarted the static auto-increment variables will not
 * be reset to 0).
 * @author Nick Malleson
class BuildingsOnRoadCache implements Serializable {

    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BuildingsOnRoadCache.class.getName());

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    // The actual cache, this isn't serialised
    private static transient Hashtable<Road, ArrayList<IAgent>> theCache;
    // The 'reference' cache, stores the building and road ids and can be
    // serialised
    private Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>> referenceCache;

    // Check that the road/building data hasn't been changed since the cache was
    // last created
    private File buildingsFile;
    private File roadsFile;
    // The location that the serialised object might be found.
    private File serialisedLoc;
    // The time that this cache was created, can be used to check data hasn't
    // changed since
    private long createdTime;

    // Private constructor because getInstance() should be used
    private BuildingsOnRoadCache(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnvironment, File buildingsFile,
            Geography<Road> roadEnvironment, File roadsFile, File serialisedLoc, GeometryFactory geomFac)
            throws Exception {
        // this.buildingEnvironment = buildingEnvironment;
        // this.roadEnvironment = roadEnvironment;
        this.buildingsFile = buildingsFile;
        this.roadsFile = roadsFile;
        this.serialisedLoc = serialisedLoc;
        theCache = new Hashtable<Road, ArrayList<IAgent>>();
        this.referenceCache = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>>();

                "BuildingsOnRoadCache() creating new cache with data (and modification date):\n\t"
                        + this.buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + new Date(this.buildingsFile.lastModified())
                        + ")\n\t" + this.roadsFile.getAbsolutePath() + " ("
                        + new Date(this.roadsFile.lastModified()) + ")\n\t" + this.serialisedLoc.getAbsolutePath());

        populateCache(buildingEnvironment, roadEnvironment, geomFac);
        this.createdTime = new Date().getTime();

    public void clear() {


    private void populateCache(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnvironment, Geography<Road> roadEnvironment,
            GeometryFactory geomFac) throws Exception {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        for (IAgent b : buildingEnvironment.getAllObjects()) {
            // Find the closest road to this building
            Geometry buildingPoint = geomFac.createPoint(b.getCoords());
            double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            Road closestRoad = null;
            double distance;
            Envelope e = buildingPoint.buffer(GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.BUFFER_DISTANCE.LARGE.dist)
            for (Road r : roadEnvironment.getObjectsWithin(e)) {
                distance = DistanceOp.distance(buildingPoint, ContextManager.roadProjection.getGeometry(r));
                if (distance < minDistance) {
                    minDistance = distance;
                    closestRoad = r;
            } // for roads
              // Found the closest road, add the information to the cache
            if (theCache.containsKey(closestRoad)) {
            } else {
                ArrayList<IAgent> l = new ArrayList<IAgent>();
                theCache.put(closestRoad, l);
                ArrayList<String> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();
                this.referenceCache.put(closestRoad.getIdentifier(), l2);
        } // for buildings
        int numRoads = theCache.keySet().size();
        int numBuildings = 0;
        for (List<IAgent> l : theCache.values())
            numBuildings += l.size();
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Finished caching roads and buildings. Cached " + numRoads + " roads and "
                + numBuildings + " buildings in " + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms");

    public List<IAgent> get(Road r) {
        return theCache.get(r);

    private void serialise() throws IOException {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        ObjectOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            if (!this.serialisedLoc.exists())
            fos = new FileOutputStream(this.serialisedLoc);
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            if (serialisedLoc.exists())
                serialisedLoc.delete(); // delete to stop problems loading incomplete file next time
            throw ex;
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "Serialised BuildingsOnRoadCache to " + this.serialisedLoc.getAbsolutePath()
                + " in (" + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms)");

     * Used to create a new BuildingsOnRoadCache object. This function is used instead of the constructor directly so
     * that the class can check if there is a serialised version on disk already. If not then a new one is created and
     * returned.
     * @param buildingEnv
     * @param buildingsFile
     * @param roadEnv
     * @param roadsFile
     * @param serialisedLoc
     * @param geomFac
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized static BuildingsOnRoadCache getInstance(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnv, File buildingsFile,
            Geography<Road> roadEnv, File roadsFile, File serialisedLoc, GeometryFactory geomFac) throws Exception {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        // See if there is a cache object on disk.
        if (serialisedLoc.exists()) {
            FileInputStream fis = null;
            ObjectInputStream in = null;
            BuildingsOnRoadCache bc = null;
            try {
                fis = new FileInputStream(serialisedLoc);
                in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                bc = (BuildingsOnRoadCache) in.readObject();

                // Check that the cache is representing the correct data and the
                // modification dates are ok
                // (WARNING, if this class is re-compiled the serialised object
                // will still be read in).
                if (!buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(bc.buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath())
                        || !roadsFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(bc.roadsFile.getAbsolutePath())
                        || buildingsFile.lastModified() > bc.createdTime
                        || roadsFile.lastModified() > bc.createdTime) {
                            "BuildingsOnRoadCache, found serialised object but it doesn't match the "
                                    + "data (or could have different modification dates), will create a new cache.");
                } else {
                    // Have found a useable serialised cache. Now use the cached
                    // list of id's to construct a
                    // new cache of buildings and roads.
                    // First need to buld list of existing roads and buildings
                    Hashtable<String, Road> allRoads = new Hashtable<String, Road>();
                    for (Road r : roadEnv.getAllObjects())
                        allRoads.put(r.getIdentifier(), r);
                    Hashtable<String, IAgent> allBuildings = new Hashtable<String, IAgent>();
                    for (IAgent b : buildingEnv.getAllObjects())
                        allBuildings.put(b.getIdentifier(), b);

                    // Now create the new cache
                    theCache = new Hashtable<Road, ArrayList<IAgent>>();

                    for (String roadId : bc.referenceCache.keySet()) {
                        ArrayList<IAgent> buildings = new ArrayList<IAgent>();
                        for (String buildingId : bc.referenceCache.get(roadId)) {
                        theCache.put(allRoads.get(roadId), buildings);
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "BuildingsOnRoadCache, found serialised cache, returning it (in "
                            + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms)");
                    return bc;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                if (serialisedLoc.exists())
                    serialisedLoc.delete(); // delete to stop problems loading incomplete file next tinme
                throw ex;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                if (serialisedLoc.exists())
                throw ex;


        // No serialised object, or got an error when opening it, just create a
        // new one
        return new BuildingsOnRoadCache(buildingEnv, buildingsFile, roadEnv, roadsFile, serialisedLoc, geomFac);

/* ************************************************************************ */

 * Caches the nearest road Coordinate to every building for efficiency (agents usually/always need to get from the
 * centroids of houses to/from the nearest road).
 * <p>
 * This class can be serialised so that if the GIS data doesn't change it doesn't have to be re-calculated each time.
 * @author Nick Malleson
class NearestRoadCoordCache implements Serializable {

    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(NearestRoadCoordCache.class.getName());

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Hashtable<Coordinate, Coordinate> theCache; // The actual cache
    // Check that the road/building data hasn't been changed since the cache was
    // last created
    private File buildingsFile;
    private File roadsFile;
    // The location that the serialised object might be found.
    private File serialisedLoc;
    // The time that this cache was created, can be used to check data hasn't
    // changed since
    private long createdTime;

    private GeometryFactory geomFac;

    private NearestRoadCoordCache(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnvironment, File buildingsFile,
            Geography<Road> roadEnvironment, File roadsFile, File serialisedLoc, GeometryFactory geomFac)
            throws Exception {

        this.buildingsFile = buildingsFile;
        this.roadsFile = roadsFile;
        this.serialisedLoc = serialisedLoc;
        this.theCache = new Hashtable<Coordinate, Coordinate>();
        this.geomFac = geomFac;

        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "NearestRoadCoordCache() creating new cache with data (and modification date):\n\t"
                + this.buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + new Date(this.buildingsFile.lastModified())
                + ") \n\t" + this.roadsFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + new Date(this.roadsFile.lastModified())
                + "):\n\t" + this.serialisedLoc.getAbsolutePath());

        populateCache(buildingEnvironment, roadEnvironment);
        this.createdTime = new Date().getTime();

    public void clear() {

    private void populateCache(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnvironment, Geography<Road> roadEnvironment)
            throws Exception {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        theCache = new Hashtable<Coordinate, Coordinate>();
        // Iterate over every building and find the nearest road point
        for (IAgent b : buildingEnvironment.getAllObjects()) {
            List<Coordinate> nearestCoords = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
            Route.findNearestObject(b.getCoords(), roadEnvironment, nearestCoords,
            // Two coordinates returned by closestPoints(), need to find the one
            // which isn't the building coord
            Coordinate nearestPoint = null;
            for (Coordinate c : nearestCoords) {
                if (!c.equals(b.getCoords())) {
                    nearestPoint = c;
            } // for nearestCoords
            if (nearestPoint == null) {
                throw new Exception("Route.getNearestRoadCoord() error: couldn't find a road coordinate which "
                        + "is close to building " + b.toString());
            theCache.put(b.getCoords(), nearestPoint);
        } // for Buildings
                "Finished caching nearest roads (" + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms)");
    } // if nearestRoadCoordCache = null;

     * @param c
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Coordinate get(Coordinate c) throws Exception {
        if (c == null) {
            throw new Exception("Route.NearestRoadCoordCache.get() error: the given coordinate is null.");
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        Coordinate nearestCoord = this.theCache.get(c);
        if (nearestCoord != null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "NearestRoadCoordCache.get() (using cache) - ("
                    + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms)");
            return nearestCoord;
        // If get here then the coord is not in the cache, agent not starting their journey from a house, search for
        // it manually. Search all roads in the vicinity, looking for the point which is nearest the person
        double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        Coordinate nearestPoint = null;
        Point coordGeom = this.geomFac.createPoint(c);

        // Note: could use an expanding envelope that starts small and gets bigger
        double bufferDist = GlobalVars.GEOGRAPHY_PARAMS.BUFFER_DISTANCE.LARGE.dist;
        double bufferMultiplier = 1.0;
        Envelope searchEnvelope = coordGeom.buffer(bufferDist * bufferMultiplier).getEnvelopeInternal();
        StringBuilder debug = new StringBuilder(); // incase the operation fails

        for (Road r : ContextManager.roadProjection.getObjectsWithin(searchEnvelope)) {

            DistanceOp distOp = new DistanceOp(coordGeom, ContextManager.roadProjection.getGeometry(r));
            double thisDist = distOp.distance();
            // BUG?: if an agent is on a really long road, the long road will not be found by getObjectsWithin because
            // it is not within the buffer
            debug.append("\troad ").append(r.toString()).append(" is ").append(thisDist)
                    .append(" distance away (at closest point). ");

            if (thisDist < minDist) {
                minDist = thisDist;
                Coordinate[] closestPoints = distOp.closestPoints();
                // Two coordinates returned by closestPoints(), need to find the
                // one which isn''t the coord parameter
                debug.append("Closest points (").append(closestPoints.length).append(") are: ")
                nearestPoint = (c.equals(closestPoints[0])) ? closestPoints[1] : closestPoints[0];
                debug.append("Nearest point is ").append(nearestPoint.toString());
                nearestPoint = (c.equals(closestPoints[0])) ? closestPoints[1] : closestPoints[0];
            } // if thisDist < minDist

        } // for nearRoads

        if (nearestPoint != null) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "NearestRoadCoordCache.get() (not using cache) - ("
                    + (0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time)) + "ms)");
            return nearestPoint;
        StringBuilder debugIntro = new StringBuilder(); // Some extra info for debugging
        debugIntro.append("Route.NearestRoadCoordCache.get() error: couldn't find a coordinate to return.\n");
        Iterable<Road> roads = ContextManager.roadProjection.getObjectsWithin(searchEnvelope);
        debugIntro.append("Looking for nearest road coordinate around ").append(c.toString()).append(".\n");
        debugIntro.append("RoadEnvironment.getObjectsWithin() returned ")
                .append(ContextManager.sizeOfIterable(roads) + " roads, printing debugging info:\n");
        throw new Exception(debugIntro.toString());


    private void serialise() throws IOException {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        FileOutputStream fos = null;
        ObjectOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            if (!this.serialisedLoc.exists())
            fos = new FileOutputStream(this.serialisedLoc);
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            if (serialisedLoc.exists()) {
                // delete to stop problems loading incomplete file next time
            throw ex;
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "... serialised NearestRoadCoordCache to " + this.serialisedLoc.getAbsolutePath()
                + " in (" + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms)");

     * Used to create a new BuildingsOnRoadCache object. This function is used instead of the constructor directly so
     * that the class can check if there is a serialised version on disk already. If not then a new one is created and
     * returned.
     * @param buildingEnv
     * @param buildingsFile
     * @param roadEnv
     * @param roadsFile
     * @param serialisedLoc
     * @param geomFac
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public synchronized static NearestRoadCoordCache getInstance(Geography<IAgent> buildingEnv, File buildingsFile,
            Geography<Road> roadEnv, File roadsFile, File serialisedLoc, GeometryFactory geomFac) throws Exception {
        double time = System.nanoTime();
        // See if there is a cache object on disk.
        if (serialisedLoc.exists()) {
            FileInputStream fis = null;
            ObjectInputStream in = null;
            NearestRoadCoordCache ncc = null;
            try {

                fis = new FileInputStream(serialisedLoc);
                in = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                ncc = (NearestRoadCoordCache) in.readObject();

                // Check that the cache is representing the correct data and the
                // modification dates are ok
                if (!buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(ncc.buildingsFile.getAbsolutePath())
                        || !roadsFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(ncc.roadsFile.getAbsolutePath())
                        || buildingsFile.lastModified() > ncc.createdTime
                        || roadsFile.lastModified() > ncc.createdTime) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "BuildingsOnRoadCache, found serialised object but it doesn't match the "
                            + "data (or could have different modification dates), will create a new cache.");
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "NearestRoadCoordCache, found serialised cache, returning it (in "
                            + 0.000001 * (System.nanoTime() - time) + "ms)");
                    return ncc;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                if (serialisedLoc.exists())
                    serialisedLoc.delete(); // delete to stop problems loading incomplete file next tinme
                throw ex;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                if (serialisedLoc.exists())
                throw ex;


        // No serialised object, or got an error when opening it, just create a new one
        return new NearestRoadCoordCache(buildingEnv, buildingsFile, roadEnv, roadsFile, serialisedLoc, geomFac);


 * Used to cache routes. Saves the origin and destination coords and the transport available to the agent (if transport
 * changes then the agent might have to create a new route.
 * @author Nick Malleson
class CachedRoute {
    private List<Coordinate> theRoute;
    private List<Double> routeSpeeds;
    private List<String> routeDescriptions;
    private List<Road> roads;
    private Coordinate origin;
    private Coordinate destination;
    private List<String> transportAvailable;
    // Used to generate hash codes (each route must have unique ID)
    private static int uniqueRouteCacheID;
    private int uniqueID;

    public CachedRoute(Coordinate origin, Coordinate destination, List<String> transportAvailable) {
        this.origin = origin;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.transportAvailable = transportAvailable;
        this.uniqueID = CachedRoute.uniqueRouteCacheID++;

    public void setRoute(List<Coordinate> theRoute, List<Road> roads, List<Double> routeSpeeds,
            List<String> routeDescriptions) {
        this.theRoute = theRoute;
        this.roads = roads;
        this.routeSpeeds = routeSpeeds;
        this.routeDescriptions = routeDescriptions;

    public List<Coordinate> getRoute() {
        return this.theRoute;

    public List<Double> getRouteSpeeds() {
        return this.routeSpeeds;

    public List<Road> getRoads() {
        return this.roads;

    public List<String> getDescriptions() {
        return this.routeDescriptions;

    public String toString() {
        return "CachedRoute " + this.uniqueID;

     * Returns true if input object is a CachedRoute and the the origin, destination and transport available are the
     * same as this CachedRoute
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof CachedRoute) {
            CachedRoute r = (CachedRoute) obj;
            return (r.origin.equals(this.origin)) && (r.destination.equals(this.destination))
                    && (r.transportAvailable.equals(this.transportAvailable));
        } else {
            return false;

     * Returns: <code>Float.floatToIntBits((float)(this.origin.getX()+this.origin.getY()))</code>
    public int hashCode() {
        return Float.floatToIntBits((float) (this.origin.x + this.origin.y));

 * Used to cache route distances. Saves the origin and destination coords and the transport available to the agent (if
 * transport changes then the agent might have to create a new route).
 * @author Nick Malleson
class CachedRouteDistance {
    private Coordinate origin;
    private Coordinate destination;
    private List<String> transportAvailable;
    private static int uniqueRouteCacheID; // Used to generate hash codes (each
    // route must have unique ID)
    private int uniqueID;

    // private List<Coord> theRoute; // The actual route (a list of coords)

    public CachedRouteDistance(Coordinate origin, Coordinate destination, List<String> transportAvailable) {
        this.origin = origin;
        this.destination = destination;
        this.transportAvailable = transportAvailable;
        this.uniqueID = CachedRouteDistance.uniqueRouteCacheID++;

    public String toString() {
        return "CachedRouteDistance " + this.uniqueID;

     * Returns true if input object is a CachedRoute and the the origin, destination and transport available are the
     * same as this CachedRoute. Because routes are non-directional the origins and destinations are interchangeable.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof CachedRouteDistance) {
            CachedRouteDistance r = (CachedRouteDistance) obj;
            return ((r.origin.equals(this.origin) && r.destination.equals(this.destination))
                    || (r.origin.equals(this.destination) && r.destination.equals(this.origin)))
                    && r.transportAvailable.equals(this.transportAvailable);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Returns: <code>Float.floatToIntBits((float)(this.origin.getX()+this.origin.getY()))</code>
    public int hashCode() {
        return Float.floatToIntBits((float) (this.origin.x + this.origin.y));

 * Convenience class for creating deep copies of lists/maps (copies the values stored as well). Haven't made this
 * generic because need access to constructors to create new objects (e.g. new Coord(c))
final class Cloning {

    public static List<Coordinate> copy(List<Coordinate> in) {

        List<Coordinate> out = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(in.size());
        for (Coordinate c : in) {
            // TODO Check this Coordinate constructor does what I expect it to
            out.add(new Coordinate(c));
        return out;

    // Not used now that route speeds are a list, not a map
    // public static LinkedHashMap<Coordinate, Double>
    // copy(LinkedHashMap<Coordinate, Double> in) {
    // LinkedHashMap<Coordinate, Double> out = new LinkedHashMap<Coordinate,
    // Double>(in.size());
    // for (Coordinate c : in.keySet()) {
    // out.put(c, in.get(c));
    // }
    // return out;
    // }
