fNIRs.FNIRsStats.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for fNIRs.FNIRsStats.java


 * File: FNIRsStats.java                                                      *
 * Author: Nicholas Kolesar                                                   *
 * Hamilton College                                                           *
 * Fall 2013                                                                  *
 * Description: Mostly averages data sequences together. Averages             *
 *    element-wise among different sequences and among chunks of the same     *
 *    sequences, and calculates average values for all the values contained   *
 *    in chunks of the same sequence. Once these averages--grouping channels, *
 *    averaging together all sequences of data for a particular condition     *
 *    within the average sequence for each particular channel group, and      *
 *    "chunking" the resulting average sequence--are complete, ANOVA p-values *
 *    are calculated. This could be supplemented with other statistical       *
 *    analyses on the same chunked data sets later.                           *

// the static keyword lets me instantiate GroupedChannels without having an 
//    instance of HelloWorldNick first...Object Oriented is hard....

package fNIRs;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.inference.OneWayAnova;
import java.util.Scanner; // to read doubles simply
import java.util.Locale; // for Scanner (defines character encoding)
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.ArrayList; // like C++ Vector and like Java Vector, which is
//    apparently deprecated
import java.util.LinkedList; // like C++ Deque; implements List interface
import java.util.TreeSet; // a sorted tree-based set implementation--for storing
//    the list of channels not in any group and the 
//    list of channels which are in multiple groups
import java.util.Collections; // for max(Collection) method
import java.io.File; // included elsewhere in project?
import java.io.FileReader; // for making the BufferedReader
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; // in case creating a FileReader fails
import java.io.BufferedReader; // for making the Scanner
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
//import java.io.IOException;
//import java.util.Collection; // for sillily general Group constructor
import java.util.List; // for generalized findNextOccurrence method

public class FNIRsStats {
    private static void localError(String errMsg) {
        System.out.println("Error: " + errMsg);
        // System.exit(1); // PROBABLY DON'T WANT THIS IN FINAL PROGRAM--

     * makeScanner IN: a File object Throws a FileNotFoundException if the file
     * does not exist. OUT: a Scanner for the input File
    private static Scanner makeScanner(File file) {
        FileReader reader;
        try { // the file may or may not exist at this point
            reader = new FileReader(file);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf_exception) {
            // Print the name of the missing file:
            return null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            localError("unknown problem creating FileReader for \"" + file + "\": " + ex.getMessage());
            return null;
        // create Scanner to read easily from the input files:
        Scanner s = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(reader));
        s.useLocale(Locale.US); // tell the scanner that numbers in the input
        // are formatted with decimal points, not
        // commas, etc.
        return s;

    private static PrintWriter makePWriter(File file) {
        FileWriter w = null;
        try {
            w = new FileWriter(file);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            localError("unknown problem creating PrintWriter: " + ex.getMessage());
        PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(w, true); // set autoflush to true
        return p;

    public static void printList(List<?> lst) {
        System.out.println("Index\t Value");
        for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println(i + "\t " + lst.get(i));

    public static <T> void printAry(T[] ary) {
        System.out.println("Index\t Value");
        int i = 0;
        for (T x : ary) {
            System.out.println(i++ + "\t " + x);

    public static void printDoubleAry(double[] ary) {
        System.out.println("Index\t Value");
        int i = 0;
        for (double x : ary) {
            System.out.println(i++ + "\t " + x);

     * processAllSubjectData IN: dataFiles, a nonempty List of data files to
     * process together for statistical analysis groupFile, a group file that
     * applies to all the files in dataFiles Creates a GroupedChannels object
     * containing, for each channel grouping specified in the group file, the
     * average sequence produced by averaging all subjects' data for the
     * specified channels. OUT: the GroupedChannels object thus created
    public static GroupedChannels processAllSubjectData(List<File> dataFiles, File groupFile) {
        // initialize output data with the data from the first data file and the
        // appropriate channel grouping information:
        GroupedChannels output = new GroupedChannels(dataFiles.get(0), groupFile);
        // iterate through the remaining subjects' data files:
        for (File dataFile : dataFiles.subList(1, dataFiles.size())) {
            GroupedChannels subjectData = new GroupedChannels(dataFile, groupFile);
        return output;

    // this should chunk the data, too
    public static void writeANOVAs(File outFile, GroupedChannels data, List<String> groupNames,
            List<Integer> conditions, int numChunks, int precision) {
        // open file for writing with a nice print stream object:
        PrintWriter ostream = makePWriter(outFile); // OKAY VAR NAME?
        // get all condition-group sequences:
        ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> allTDSs = data.getAllSelectedTDSs(groupNames, conditions);

        // chunkData(allTDSs, numChunks); // COMMENT THIS LATER

        int idFieldWidth = getIdFieldWidth(groupNames, conditions, precision);
        String idFieldFormat = "%-" + idFieldWidth + "s"; // format string
        String separator = " , "; // what goes between columns of output

        // output the first row, containing identifying information for each
        // group-condition combination:
        // first, output spaces to take the place of the identifier column:
        ostream.printf("%" + idFieldWidth + "s" + separator, ""); // TOO HACKY??
        // then, output all tds identifiers:
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : allTDSs) {
            ostream.printf(idFieldFormat + separator, tds.getGroupName() + " c" + tds.getCondition());
        ostream.println(); // print newline
        // output ANOVA values line by line:
        OneWayAnova myANOVA = new OneWayAnova(); // this object will do the
        // ANOVAs
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence first : allTDSs) {
            // output tds identifier in first column:
            ostream.printf(idFieldFormat + separator, first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition());
            // create Collection to send to the ANOVA object:
            LinkedList<double[]> dataSets = new LinkedList<double[]>();
            // convert first's data sequence to an array, then add it to
            // dataSets
            dataSets.add(null); // placeholder for second's data sequence
            for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence second : allTDSs) {
                // convert and add second's data sequence to position one in
                // dataSets:
                dataSets.set(1, toPrimitiveDoubleArray(second.getData()));
                double result = -1; // not a valid ANOVA value so we know if
                // something went wrong
                try {
                    result = myANOVA.anovaPValue(dataSets);
                    // if (first == second) { // if the two TDSs are the same
                    // TDS,
                    // result = 1; // then the ANOVA value should be 1, even
                    // though a divide-by-zero
                    // }
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    localError("unknown problem calculating ANOVA: " + ex.getMessage());
                    for (double[] set : dataSets) {
                if (result != result) { // if result is NaN
                    System.out.println("NaN on " + first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition() + " and "
                            + second.getGroupName() + " c" + second.getCondition());
                ostream.printf("%-" + idFieldWidth + "." + precision + "f" + separator, result);
            ostream.println(); // print newline

    private static int getIdFieldWidth(List<String> groupNames, List<Integer> conditions, int precision) {
        // calculate required widths for printed names and condition numbers:
        int nameWidth = longestLength(groupNames); // length of longest name
        int conditionWidth = // number of digits in the largest condition number
        // make sure the fields will be wide enough to hold the ANOVA values,
        // which will consist of a 0 or 1 followed by a . and precision 0s:
        int result = nameWidth + 2 + conditionWidth; // 2 == " c".length()
        if (result < precision + 2) { // 2 == "1.".length()
            // if not, increase the condition width so the total field width is
            // large enough:
            // System.out.println("ANOVA values are wider than identifiers.");
            result = precision + 2;
        return result;

    public static void outputANOVAs(GroupedChannels data, List<String> groupNames, List<Integer> conditions,
            int numChunks, int precision) {
        // get all condition-group sequences:
        ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> allTDSs = data.getAllSelectedTDSs(groupNames, conditions);

        chunkData(allTDSs, numChunks); // COMMENT THIS LATER

        int idFieldWidth = getIdFieldWidth(groupNames, conditions, precision);
        // create a format string for the group/condition combination identifier
        // fields in the output:
        String idFieldFormat = "%-" + idFieldWidth + "s"; // format string
        String separator = " , "; // what goes between columns of output

        // output the first row, containing identifying information for each
        // group-condition combination:
        // first, output proper-width placeholder for the identifier column:
        System.out.printf("%" + idFieldWidth + "s" + separator, ""); // TOO
        // HACKY??
        // then, output all tds identifiers:
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : allTDSs) {
            System.out.printf(idFieldFormat + separator, tds.getGroupName() + " c" + tds.getCondition());
            // System.out.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ",
            // tds.getGroupName(),
            // tds.getCondition());
        System.out.println(); // print newline
        // output ANOVA values line by line:
        OneWayAnova myANOVA = new OneWayAnova();
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence first : allTDSs) {
            // output tds identifier in first column:
            System.out.printf(idFieldFormat + separator, first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition());
            // create Collection to send to the ANOVA object:
            LinkedList<double[]> dataSets = new LinkedList<double[]>();
            // convert first's data sequence to an array, then add it to
            // dataSets
            dataSets.add(null); // placeholder for second's data sequence
            for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence second : allTDSs) {
                // convert and add second's data sequence to position one in
                // dataSets:
                // dataSets.add(second.getData().toArray());
                dataSets.set(1, toPrimitiveDoubleArray(second.getData()));
                double result = -1; // so it'll be obvious something's wrong
                // later if this doesn't get changed
                try {
                    result = myANOVA.anovaPValue(dataSets);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    localError("unknown problem calculating ANOVA: " + ex.getMessage());
                System.out.printf("%-" + idFieldWidth + "." + precision + "f" + separator, result);
                // dataSets.remove(1); // remove second's data from dataSets
            System.out.println(); // print newline

    public static void oldWriteANOVAs(File outFile, GroupedChannels data, List<String> groupNames,
            List<Integer> conditions, int numChunks, int precision) {
        // open file for writing with a nice print stream object:
        PrintWriter ostream = makePWriter(outFile); // OKAY VAR NAME?
        // get all condition-group sequences:
        ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> allTDSs = data.getAllSelectedTDSs(groupNames, conditions);

        // chunkData(allTDSs, numChunks); // COMMENT THIS LATER

        // calculate required widths for printed names and condition numbers:
        int nameWidth = longestLength(groupNames); // length of longest name
        int conditionWidth = // number of digits in the largest condition number
        // make sure the fields will be wide enough to hold the ANOVA values,
        // which will consist of a 0 or 1 followed by a . and precision 0s:
        int idFieldWidth = nameWidth + 2 + conditionWidth; // 2 == " c".length()
        if (idFieldWidth < precision + 2) { // 2 == "1.".length()
            // if not, increase the condition width so the total field width is
            // large enough:
            // System.out.println("ANOVA values are wider than identifiers.");
            idFieldWidth = precision + 2;
        String idFieldFormat = "%-" + idFieldWidth + "s"; // format string

        // output the first row, containing identifying information for each
        // group-condition combination:
        // first, output proper-width placeholder for the identifier column:
        ostream.printf("%" + idFieldWidth + "s  ", ""); // TOO HACKY??
        // then, output all tds identifiers:
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : allTDSs) {
            ostream.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ", tds.getGroupName() + " c" + tds.getCondition());
            // ostream.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ",
            // tds.getGroupName(),
            // tds.getCondition());
        ostream.println(); // print newline
        // output ANOVA values line by line:
        OneWayAnova myANOVA = new OneWayAnova();
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence first : allTDSs) {
            // output tds identifier in first column:
            ostream.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ", first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition());
            // create Collection to send to the ANOVA object:
            LinkedList<double[]> dataSets = new LinkedList<double[]>();
            // convert first's data sequence to an array, then add it to
            // dataSets
            dataSets.add(null); // placeholder for second's data sequence
            for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence second : allTDSs) {
                // convert and add second's data sequence to position one in
                // dataSets:
                dataSets.set(1, toPrimitiveDoubleArray(second.getData()));
                double result = -1; // not a valid ANOVA value so we know if
                // something went wrong
                try {
                    result = myANOVA.anovaPValue(dataSets);
                    // if (first == second) { // if the two TDSs are the same
                    // TDS,
                    // result = 1; // then the ANOVA value should be 1, even
                    // though a divide-by-zero
                    // }
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    localError("unknown problem calculating ANOVA: " + ex.getMessage());
                if (result != result) { // if result is NaN
                    System.out.println("NaN on " + first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition() + " and "
                            + second.getGroupName() + " c" + second.getCondition());
                ostream.printf("%-" + idFieldWidth + "." + precision + "f  ", result);
            ostream.println(); // print newline

    // this should chunk the data, too
    public static void oldOutputANOVAs(GroupedChannels data, List<String> groupNames, List<Integer> conditions,
            int numChunks, int precision) {
        // get all condition-group sequences:
        ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> allTDSs = data.getAllSelectedTDSs(groupNames, conditions);

        chunkData(allTDSs, numChunks); // COMMENT THIS LATER

        // calculate required widths for printed names and condition numbers:
        int nameWidth = longestLength(groupNames); // length of longest name
        int conditionWidth = // number of digits in the largest condition number
        // make sure the fields will be wide enough to hold the ANOVA values,
        // which will, in the widest case, consist of a 1 followed by a . and
        // precision 0s: // AM I USING "PRECISION" RIGHT?
        int idFieldWidth = nameWidth + conditionWidth + 2;
        if (idFieldWidth < precision + 2) { // for the "1."
            // if not, increase the condition width so the total field width is
            // large enough:
            idFieldWidth = precision + 2;

        String idFieldFormat = "%-" + idFieldWidth + "s";

        // output the first row, containing identifying information for each
        // group-condition combination:
        // first, output proper-width placeholder for the identifier column:
        System.out.printf("%" + idFieldWidth + "s  ", ""); // TOO HACKY??
        // then, output all tds identifiers:
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : allTDSs) {
            System.out.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ", tds.getGroupName() + " c" + tds.getCondition());
        System.out.println(); // print newline
        // output ANOVA values line by line:
        OneWayAnova myANOVA = new OneWayAnova();
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence first : allTDSs) {
            // output tds identifier in first column:
            System.out.printf(idFieldFormat + "  ", first.getGroupName() + " c" + first.getCondition());
            // create Collection to send to the ANOVA object:
            LinkedList<double[]> dataSets = new LinkedList<double[]>();
            // convert first's data sequence to an array, then add it to
            // dataSets
            dataSets.add(null); // placeholder for second's data sequence
            for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence second : allTDSs) {
                // convert and add second's data sequence to position one in
                // dataSets:
                dataSets.set(1, toPrimitiveDoubleArray(second.getData()));
                double result = -1; // not a valid ANOVA value so we know if
                // something went wrong
                try {
                    result = myANOVA.anovaPValue(dataSets);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    localError("unknown problem calculating ANOVA: " + ex.getMessage());
                System.out.printf("%-" + idFieldWidth + "." + precision + "f  ", result);
                // dataSets.remove(1); // remove second's data from dataSets
            System.out.println(); // print newline

    public static void chunkData(List<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> data, int numChunks) {
        for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : data) {
            averageChunks(tds.getData(), numChunks);

    // public static void
    // chunkData(List<List<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence>> data,
    // int numChunks) {
    // for (List<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> lst : data) {
    // //for (List<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> inner : outer) {
    // for (GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence tds : lst) {
    // averageChunks(tds.getData(), numChunks);
    // }
    // //}
    // }
    // }
     * longestLength IN: lst, a List of Strings OUT: returns the length of the
     * longest string in lst
    private static int longestLength(List<String> lst) {
        int longest = 0;
        for (String s : lst) {
            if (s.length() > longest) {
                longest = s.length();
        return longest;

     * combineArrayLists IN: lst_of_lsts, an List of Lists OUT: returns a list
     * containing all the elements in lst_of_lsts's sublists
    private static <T> ArrayList<T> combineArrayLists(ArrayList<ArrayList<T>> lst_of_lsts) {
        ArrayList<T> output = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (ArrayList<T> lst : lst_of_lsts) {
        return output;

     * combineLists IN: lst_of_lsts, a List of Lists OUT: returns a list
     * containing all the elements in lst_of_lsts's sublists
    private static double[] toPrimitiveDoubleArray(ArrayList<Double> lst) {
        double[] result = new double[lst.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = lst.get(i);
        return result;

    public static ArrayList<Double> averageChunks(List<Double> ary, int numChunks) {
        ArrayList<Double> result = new ArrayList<Double>();
        double chunkSize = ((double) ary.size()) / (double) numChunks;
        int start = 0; // index of start of current chunk
        double bound = 0; // decimal value of upper bound for current chunk
        while (start < ary.size()) { // REDUNDANT??
            bound += chunkSize; // get upper bound for next chunk
            double sum = 0; // to store sum of values in the chunk
            double numValues = 0; // number of values in the chunk (to divide by
            // to get the average value for the chunk)
            for (int i = start; i < bound && i < ary.size(); i++) {
                sum += ary.get(i);
            result.add(sum / numValues);
            start += numValues;
        return result;

     * GroupedChannels class This class is a container for all the data read
     * from an Hb or HbO file, organized within channel groupings represented by
     * Group objects.
    public static class GroupedChannels { // BETTER NAME PROBABLY
         * GroupedChannels IN: groupFile, a File specifying channel groupings
         * for statistical analysis. Format is a string to name the grouping,
         * then natural numbers identifying the channels in that group,
         * terminated by the next grouping's name or EOF. dataFile, a File
         * containing whitespace-delimited columns of preprocessed Hb or HbO
         * values, which correspond to channels from the fNIRs device. The last
         * column must contain an integer condition number for each
         * (newline-delimited) row. This constructor creates all the necessary
         * Groups to read from an Hb or HbO file and checks to see if any
         * channels are specified to be in multiple groups or not specified to
         * be in a group.
        public GroupedChannels(File data, File groups) {
            NumChannels = calcNumChannels(data); // find and store the number of
            // channels in the Hb/HbO
            // file
            GroupList = new ArrayList<Group>(); // initialize the list of Groups
            Conditions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // initialize the list of
            // conditions
            DuplicatedChannels = new TreeSet<Integer>(); // initialize set of
            // channels in
            // multiple groups
            MissingChannels = new TreeSet<Integer>(); // initialize set of
            // channels in no group
            makeGroups(groups); // create a Group for each name and set of
            // channels in the group file
            readData(data); // read the data file and store its values as
            // channel grouping average sequences in the
            // groups just created

         * calcNumChannels() IN: dataFile, a File containing
         * whitespace-delimited columns of preprocessed Hb or HbO values, which
         * correspond to channels from the fNIRs device. The last column must
         * contain an integer condition number for each (newline-delimited) row.
         * OUT: numChannels, the number of channels the Hb or HbO input file has
         * (not counting the extra condition column)
        private int calcNumChannels(File dataFile) {
            Scanner s = makeScanner(dataFile);
            // read one line from the file, then remove leading and trailing
            // whitespace:
            String line = s.nextLine().trim();
            // produce an array by splitting line on whitespace characters:
            String[] columnValues = line.split("\\s+"); // regular expression
            // the number of channels is the number of columns in the input file
            // minus one, because the last column in each row contains the
            // condition number for the row:
            return columnValues.length - 1;

         * makeGroups IN: groupFile, A file specifying channel groupings for
         * statistical analysis. Format is a string to name the grouping, then
         * natural numbers identifying the channels in that group, terminated by
         * the next grouping's name or EOF. Checks to see if any channels are
         * specified to be in multiple groups or not specified to be in any
         * group.
        private void makeGroups(File groupFile) {
            Scanner s = makeScanner(groupFile);
            String groupName;
            ArrayList<Integer> channels = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            while (s.hasNext()) { // checks to see there is a token in the input
                groupName = s.next(); // next() gets the next token
                while (s.hasNextInt()) {
                GroupList.add(new Group(groupName, channels));
                channels.clear(); // empty list for next iteration
            s.close(); // scanner must be closed to signal it's okay to
                       // close its underlying stream

        private void checkForMissingChannels() {
            for (int chan = 1; chan <= NumChannels; chan++) {
                int found = 0; // number of the Groups that contain the channel
                for (Group g : GroupList) {
                    if (g.hasChannel(chan)) {
                switch (found) {
                case 0: // channel is missing from all groups
                case 1: // all is well
            // output errors if the program is running with a console:
            if (channelsDuplicated()) {
            if (channelsMissing()) {

        boolean channelsMissing() {
            return !MissingChannels.isEmpty();

        boolean channelsDuplicated() {
            return !DuplicatedChannels.isEmpty();

        TreeSet<Integer> getMissingChannels() {
            return MissingChannels;

        TreeSet<Integer> getDuplicatedChannels() {
            return DuplicatedChannels;

        String getMissingChannelsMsg() {
            if (MissingChannels.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            String msg = null;
            if (MissingChannels.size() == 1) {
                msg = "Channel " + MissingChannels.first() + " is";
            } else {
                msg = "Channels ";
                for (Integer i : MissingChannels) {
                    if (i == MissingChannels.last()) {
                        msg += ", and ";
                    } else if (i != MissingChannels.first()) {
                        msg += ", ";
                    msg += i;
                msg += " are";
            msg += " not in any group.";
            return msg;

        String getDuplicatedChannelsMsg() {
            if (DuplicatedChannels.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
            String msg = null;
            if (DuplicatedChannels.size() == 1) {
                msg = "Channel " + DuplicatedChannels.first() + " is";
            } else {
                msg = "Channels ";
                for (Integer i : DuplicatedChannels) {
                    if (i == DuplicatedChannels.last()) {
                        msg += ", and ";
                    } else if (i != DuplicatedChannels.first()) {
                        msg += ", ";
                    msg += i;
                msg += " are";
            msg += " in multiple groups!";
            return msg;

         * readData IN: dataFile, a preprocessed Hb or HbO file Reads all the
         * data from the file, averaging channels' values together to produce
         * group average value(s) for each row, which are stored along with the
         * condition that row was part of.
        private void readData(File dataFile) {
            Scanner s = makeScanner(dataFile);
            try { // in case the input doesn't match the specification
                while (s.hasNextDouble()) { // while there is another row of
                    // values
                    Double[] values = new Double[NumChannels];
                    for (int channel = 0; channel < NumChannels; channel++) {
                        values[channel] = s.nextDouble(); // read all data
                    int condition = s.nextInt(); // read condition for this row
                    if (!Conditions.contains(condition))
                        Conditions.add(condition); // store condition number
                    for (int channel = 1; channel <= NumChannels; channel++) {
                        for (Group g : GroupList) {
                            if (g.hasChannel(channel)) {
                                g.addValue(values[channel - 1], condition);
            } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                localError("unknown problem reading data: " + e.getMessage());
            } finally {
                s.close(); // scanner must be closed to signal it's okay to
                           // close its underlying stream

        // public void outputData(GroupedChannels data,
        // List<String> groups,
        // List<Integer> conditions) {
        // // retrieve data for the specified groups and conditions:

        // ArrayList<ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence>> data =
        // getData(groups, conditions);

        // }
         * combineGroups IN: other, a GroupedChannels object whose data should
         * be merged into this object's channel grouping average sequences OUT:
         * The groups in this object which have the same set of channels as a
         * group in other have data sequences which are the length of the
         * shorter of the two original sequences. They contain the averages of
         * all the channels in both groupings as if they were averaged together
         * into the same sequence instead of being put into separate Groups.
        public void combineGroups(GroupedChannels other) {
            if (other == this)
                localError("?????"); // MAYBE FIX THIS OR SOMETHING
            for (Group g : other.getGroups()) {
                // add g's data to the average sequence in the group that
                // matches g in this object:

         * combineGroups IN: other, another Group whose data should be merged
         * into the average sequence of the appropriate Group in this collection
         * of channel groupings OUT: The group in this class with the same set
         * of channels as other has a data sequence the length of the shorter
         * two original sequences. It contains the average of all the channels
         * in both groupings as if they were averaged together into the same
         * sequence instead of being put into separate Groups.
        // broken :(
        // only works for combining two groups!
        public void combineGroups(Group other) {
            // Make sure we have a group with the same channels as the
            // specified one:
            Group ours = getGroup(other.getChannels());
            // (MAKE THIS ERROR BETTER)
            if (ours == null)
                localError("No other group contains those channels.");
            // See which group has a shorter data sequence:
            int combinedSize;
            if (other.getData().size() > ours.getData().size())
                combinedSize = ours.getData().size();
            else { // our group's average sequence is too long
                combinedSize = other.getData().size();
                removeAfter(ours.getData(), combinedSize); // BAD???
            for (int i = 0; i < combinedSize; i++) {
                double ourSum = ours.getData().get(i) * ours.getNumChannels() * ours.NumSubjects;
                double otherSum = other.getData().get(i) * other.getNumChannels();
                // double totalNumChannels = ours.getNumChannels() +
                // other.getNumChannels();
                // Double combinedAverage = (ourSum + otherSum) /
                // totalNumChannels / (ours.NumSubjects + 1);
                Double combinedAverage = (ourSum + otherSum) / (ours.NumSubjects + 1);
                ours.getData().set(i, combinedAverage);
            ours.NumSubjects++; // since we've just added another subject's data
            // to this group's

         * removeAfter IN: ary, a List to remove elements from startIndex, an
         * index at which to start removing elements from the array OUT: ary
         * contains all its old elements up to (startIndex - 1)
        private void removeAfter(List<?> ary, int startIndex) {
            ary.subList(startIndex, ary.size()).clear();

         * getAllTDSs IN: none OUT: returns an ArrayList containing all
         * TaggedDataSequences specified by a condition-group combination
         * contained by the object
        public ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence> getAllTDSs() {
            ArrayList<String> groupNames = getGroupNames();
            ArrayList<Integer> conditions = getConditions();
            return combineArrayLists(selectData(groupNames, conditions));

         * getAllSelectedTDSs IN: groups, a list of group names (strings)
         * conditions, a list of condition identifiers (ints) OUT: returns an
         * ArrayList containing all TaggedDataSequences specified by a
         * condition-group combination from the two input lists.
        public ArrayList<GroupedChannels.TaggedDataSequence> getAllSelectedTDSs(List<String> groupNames,
                List<Integer> conditions) {
            return combineArrayLists(selectData(groupNames, conditions));

         * selectData IN: groupNames, a list of group names (strings)
         * conditions, a list of condition identifiers (ints) OUT: returns an
         * ArrayList of ArrayLists of TaggedDataSequences. This collection of
         * tagged data sequences contains every data sequence specified by a
         * condition-group combination from the two input lists. Note: Each
         * value for the first dimension of the 2D list returned corresponds to
         * a group, and each value for the second dimension of the list
         * corresponds to a condition. Each TaggedDataSequence also contains the
         * name of the group and the number of the condition that produced it.
        public ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence>> selectData(List<String> groupNames,
                List<Integer> conditions) {

            // Initialize two-dimensional array of tagged sequences:
            ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence>>();

            // Iterate through selected groups:
            for (String groupName : groupNames) {
                Group group = getGroup(groupName);
                // Declare the new one-dimensional array of tagged
                // sequences:
                ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence> temp = new ArrayList<TaggedDataSequence>();
                // Iterate through conditions:
                for (Integer condition : conditions) {
                    // get the data from the group for the given condition,
                    // adding it to the temporary 1D result list
                    temp.add(new TaggedDataSequence(group, condition, group.getData(condition)));

                // put list of results for this group in the result 2D list
            return result;

        class TaggedDataSequence {
            TaggedDataSequence(Group sourceGroup, int condition, ArrayList<Double> data) {
                SourceGroup = sourceGroup;
                Condition = condition;
                Data = data;

            public String getGroupName() {
                return SourceGroup.getName();

            public ArrayList<Double> getData() {
                return Data;

            public int getCondition() {
                return Condition;

            public void print() {
                        "Data from group \"" + getGroupName() + "\" under condition " + getCondition() + ":");
                System.out.println("\t Row   Value ");
                for (int i = 0; i < Data.size(); i++)
                    System.out.println("\t " + i + "\t " + Data.get(i));

            private ArrayList<Double> Data;
            private Group SourceGroup;
            private int Condition;

         * getGroupNames IN: none OUT: returns an ArrayList containing the names
         * of all the channel groupings.
        public ArrayList<String> getGroupNames() {
            ArrayList<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (Group g : GroupList) {
            return groupNames;

         * getGroupNames IN: none OUT: returns an ArrayList containing the names
         * of all the channel groupings.
        public ArrayList<Integer> getConditions() {
            return new ArrayList<Integer>(Conditions);

         * getGroup IN: channels, a List of channels the group should be
         * assigned OUT: returns a reference to group whose set of assigned
         * channels is channels
        public Group getGroup(List<Integer> channels) {
            for (Group g : GroupList)
                if (g.sameChannels(channels))
                    return g;
            return null;

         * getGroup IN: groupNum, the number of a group, starting from 1, in the
         * order the groups were specified OUT: a reference to the specified
         * group
        public Group getGroup(int groupNum) {
            if (1 <= groupNum && groupNum <= GroupList.size())
                return GroupList.get(groupNum - 1);
            else {
                localError("Group number " + groupNum + " not found");
                return null; // never executed

         * getGroup IN: name, the name of a channel grouping OUT: a reference to
         * the specified group
        public Group getGroup(String name) {
            for (Group g : GroupList) {
                if (name.equals(g.getName())) {
                    return g;
            localError("Group \"" + name + "\" not found");
            return null; // never executed

        public void print() {
            for (Group g : GroupList) {
                if (g != GroupList.get(GroupList.size() - 1))

        public ArrayList<Group> getGroups() {
            return new ArrayList<Group>(GroupList);

        public void print(String groupName) {

        public void printChannels() {
            for (Group g : GroupList) {

        private class Group {
            public Group(String name, ArrayList<Integer> channels) {
                Name = name;
                DataSequence = new ArrayList<Double>();
                Condition = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                Channels = new ArrayList<Integer>(channels); // copy channels
                // into Channels
                NumChannels = channels.size();
                Sum = 0; // for addValue
                NumVals = 0; // for addValue
                NumSubjects = 1; // for combineGroups

             * addValue IN: value, an Hb/HbO value to be added to the Group's
             * sequence of averages condition, the experimental condition
             * associated with the value Adds the value to the running sum for
             * the current row, and, if enough values have been added to account
             * for all the channels in the group, then they are averaged and the
             * average value is added to the sequence. OUT: If an average value
             * was calculated, Sum is 0. Else it now contains value. If an
             * average value was calcluated, NumVals is 0. Else it is increased
             * by 1 to account for the new value. Condition's value for the
             * current row is set to condition. Note: Sum is initialized to 0 in
             * the constructor.
            public void addValue(double value, int condition) { // BETTER NAME?
                assert (NumVals < NumChannels);
                if (NumVals == 0) // if this is the first value for the current
                    Condition.add(condition); // row, then set row's condition
                // number
                Sum += value; // add this value to the total
                NumVals++; // increase the count of values in the sum
                // if we now have enough data to add another average value...
                if (NumVals == NumChannels) { // ...to the time series,
                    // then average & add it:
                    DataSequence.add(Sum / ((double) NumChannels));
                    Sum = 0; // reset Sum...
                    NumVals = 0; // ...and the number of values in it

            public void print() {
                System.out.print("Group \"" + getName() + "\" has channels: \t");
                System.out.println("\tData: \tRow \tValue    Condition");
                for (int i = 0; i < DataSequence.size(); i++)
                    System.out.println("\t\t " + i + "\t " + DataSequence.get(i) + "\t  " + Condition.get(i));

             * printChannels IN: none OUT: prints the name of the group and its
             * channels, which are tabbed in so that groups' channels can easily
             * be compared when printed on separate lines
            public void printChannels() {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.getNumChannels(); i++) {
                    if (i < this.getNumChannels() - 1)
                        System.out.print(" ");

             * printData IN: none OUT: prints the name of the group followed by
             * its entire data sequence, which begins tabbed in so that, for
             * small test data sequences, groups' data sequences can easily be
             * compared when printed on separate lines
            public void printData() {
                for (Double i : DataSequence) {
                    System.out.print(i + " ");

             * printConditions IN: none OUT: prints the name of the group
             * followed by its condition sequence, which is preceded by a tab
             * character so it lines up with that of another group printed on a
             * separate line
            public void printConditions() {
                for (int c : Condition) {
                    System.out.print(c + " ");

            public String getName() {
                return Name;

            public int getNumChannels() {
                return NumChannels;

             * sameChannels IN: other, a reference to a Group OUT: returns true
             * iff other and this group have the same channels assigned to them
            public Boolean sameChannels(Group other) {
                ArrayList<Integer> othersChannels = other.getChannels();
                // see if other's channels are a subset of ours
                for (Integer chan : othersChannels) {
                    if (!Channels.contains(chan))
                        return false;
                // see if our channels are a subset of other's
                for (Integer chan : Channels) {
                    if (!othersChannels.contains(chan))
                        return false;
                // if both are subsets of each other, then they are equal
                return true;

             * sameChannels IN: channels, a list of channels (Integers) OUT:
             * returns true iff the set of channels assigned to this group is
             * channels
            public Boolean sameChannels(List<Integer> channels) {
                // see if channels is a subset of our set of channels:
                for (Integer chan : channels) {
                    if (!Channels.contains(chan))
                        return false;
                // see if our set of channels is a subset of channels:
                for (Integer chan : Channels) {
                    if (!channels.contains(chan))
                        return false;
                // if both are subsets of each other, then they are equal
                return true;

             * getChannels IN: none OUT: returns an ArrayList of channels
             * contained in the Group
            public ArrayList<Integer> getChannels() {
                return new ArrayList<Integer>(Channels); // deep copy

             * hasChannel IN: channel, an integer specifying an fNIRs device
             * channel in the input file (actually, could be any int) OUT:
             * returns true iff the channel is in this channel grouping
            public boolean hasChannel(int channel) {
                return Channels.contains(channel);

             * getData IN: none OUT: returns this group's data sequence
            public ArrayList<Double> getData() {
                return DataSequence;

             * getData IN: condition, the number of the condition whose trials
             * are to be averaged OUT: returns an ArrayList containing, in
             * sequence, the average of all the first rows of all occurrences of
             * condition in the input, the average of all the second rows, and
             * so on, with the resulting ArrayList only as long as the shortest
             * occurrence of a sequence corresponding to condition. That is, it
             * returns a data sequence that is the average of all the times the
             * given experimental condition occurred in the input sequence.
             * returns an empty ArrayList if there were no occurrences of the
             * condition in the original input Hb or HbO file
            public ArrayList<Double> getData(int condition) {
                ArrayList<Double> avgSequence = new ArrayList<Double>();
                int numOccurrences = 0; // number of separate times we've found
                // the condition in the data sequence
                // (for calculating the averages)
                int i = 0;
                while (true) {
                    // length of current occurrence of condition:
                    int numRowsFound = 0;
                    // find the starting index of the next occurrence of
                    // condition in the sequence:
                    i = myFindNextOccurrence(i, condition);
                    if (i == -1) { // -1 returned if not found
                        // If we found at least one occurrence of the
                        // condition:
                        if (!avgSequence.isEmpty())
                            // To average, divide the sum in each row by the
                            // number of occurrences of the condition
                            // that have been found:
                            for (int j = 0; j < avgSequence.size(); j++)
                                avgSequence.set(j, (avgSequence.get(j) / (double) numOccurrences));
                        // return (possibly empty) average sequence:
                        return avgSequence;
                    do {
                        // If this is the first occurrence of the condition,
                        if (numOccurrences == 0) {
                            // add each row of this occurrence of the condition
                            // to the average by simply copying its value to
                            // the average sequence as a new element:
                            // Else, if this occurrence of the condition is
                            // longer than the shortest one found so far,
                        } else if (numRowsFound >= avgSequence.size()) {
                            // System.out.println("avgSequence: ");
                            // printList(avgSequence);
                            i = skip(i); // skip the rest of it...
                            break; // and find the next occurrence of the
                                   // condition
                        } else {
                            // add each row of this occurrence of the condition
                            // to the average by adding it to the running sum
                            // contained in that row of the average sequence:
                            avgSequence.set(numRowsFound, (avgSequence.get(numRowsFound) + DataSequence.get(i)));
                        // move on to the next row until we reach the next
                        // condition or there are no more rows:
                    } while ((i < Condition.size()) && (Condition.get(i) == condition));
                    // If this interval was shorter than the others:
                    if (numRowsFound < avgSequence.size())
                        // shorten the average sequence to match this one's
                        // length (by removing the extra trailing elements):
                        removeAfter(avgSequence, numRowsFound);
                    // avgSequence.subList(numRowsFound,
                    // avgSequence.size()).clear();

            private int myFindNextOccurrence(int startIndex, int condition) {
                // if we're already past the end of the sequence (as signaled by
                // this function's or skip's earlier return):
                if (startIndex == -1) {
                    return startIndex;
                if (startIndex >= Condition.size() - 1) {
                    return -1;
                while (Condition.get(startIndex) != condition) {
                    if (startIndex >= Condition.size() - 1)
                        return -1;
                return startIndex;

             * findNextOccurrence IN: lst, a collection that implements the List
             * interface (???) startIndex, the first index in the List to check
             * value, the value to search lst for OUT: returns the first index,
             * starting from startIndex, of value in lst returns -1 if value is
             * not found in lst (because indexOf does)
             * private <T> int findNextOccurrence(List<T> lst, int startIndex, T
             * value){ // get the sub-list that we want to search for the value:
             * List<T> toSearch = lst.subList(startIndex, lst.size()); return
             * startIndex + // since the array we're searching starts at // this
             * index in the whole array toSearch.indexOf(value); // first index
             * of value in toSearch }
             * skip IN: startIndex, the index of the condition to skip OUT:
             * returns the index of the first row in the data sequence that is
             * not part of an occurrence of the condition returns -1 if there is
             * no row after startIndex without the same condition as the one at
             * startIndex
            private int skip(int startIndex) {
                // System.out.print("Skipping past index: ");
                // System.out.println(startIndex);
                int condition = -1; // not a valid condition (so we can tell
                // later if
                // something goes wrong)
                try { // in case we throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException on
                      // element
                      // access (which will happen if i goes beyond the end of
                      // the )
                      // store the condition to skip:
                    condition = Condition.get(startIndex);
                    // increment the index until we pass the current condition:
                    while (Condition.get(++startIndex) == condition)
                    // System.out.print("Index is now: ");
                    // System.out.println(startIndex);
                    return startIndex;
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                    // we've gone beyond the end of the sequence
                    // System.out.println("GOTIT!");
                    return -1;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // real problem:
                    localError("unknown problem accessing data for condition " + condition + " from group "
                            + getName() + ": " + ex.getMessage());
                    return -2;

            // class variables for Group:
            private final String Name;
            private final ArrayList<Integer> Channels;
            private double Sum;
            private ArrayList<Double> DataSequence; // contains actual "time
            // series" data
            private ArrayList<Integer> Condition; // stores a condition
            // associated with every
            // row of the time series
            private final int NumChannels;
            private int NumVals;
            private int NumSubjects;

        // class variables for GroupedChannels:
        private final int NumChannels;
        private ArrayList<Group> GroupList;
        private ArrayList<Integer> Conditions;
        private TreeSet<Integer> MissingChannels;
        private TreeSet<Integer> DuplicatedChannels;

    private static void runChunkTests() {
        System.out.println("Running chunk averaging tests.");
        chunkTest("testData1", 3);
        chunkTest("testData1", 4);
        chunkTest("testData2", 3);
        chunkTest("testData3", 3);
        chunkTest("testData1", 2);
        System.out.println("Done testing.");

    private static void chunkTest(String data, int numChunks) {
        File groupFile = new File("c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/ChunkingTests/testGroups");
        File dataFile = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/ChunkingTests/" + data);
        System.out.println("Reading group information from " + data + ".");
        GroupedChannels groups = new GroupedChannels(dataFile, groupFile);
        System.out.println("Average sequence before averaging:");
        ArrayList<Double> output = groups.getGroup("foo").getData(1);

        // test:

        output = averageChunks(groups.getGroup("foo").getData(1), numChunks);
        System.out.println("Average sequence after averaging " + numChunks + " chunks together:");

    private static void runSubjectTests() {
        // test subject combining functions:

        // test files:
        File groupFile = new File("c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/SubjectTests/groups");
        File data1 = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/SubjectTests/testData1");
        File data2 = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/SubjectTests/testData2");
        File data3 = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/SubjectTests/testData3");

        // read channel grouping information:
        System.out.println("Reading group information.");
        GroupedChannels groups1 = new GroupedChannels(data1, groupFile);
        GroupedChannels groups2 = new GroupedChannels(data2, groupFile);
        GroupedChannels groups3 = new GroupedChannels(data3, groupFile);
        System.out.println("Done reading group information.");

        // display contents of groups before combining:

        // two subject test:
        File[] dataFileAry = { data1, data2 }; // files to combine
        subjectTestsHelper(dataFileAry, groupFile);

        // three subject test:
        File[] dataFileAry2 = { data1, data2, data3 }; // files to combine
        subjectTestsHelper(dataFileAry2, groupFile);

    private static void subjectTestsHelper(File[] dataFileAry, File groupFile) {
        // create ArrayList of the files:
        ArrayList<File> dataFileLst = new ArrayList<File>();
        for (File f : dataFileAry) {

        // Combine groups and display contents of combined group:
        System.out.println("result of combining groups:");
        printList(processAllSubjectData(dataFileLst, groupFile).getGroup("foo").getData(1));

    private static void runANOVATests() {
        System.out.println("Running ANOVA tests.");

        File groupFile = new File("c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/ANOVA Testing/legitGroups");
        File hbFile = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/ANOVA Testing/legitHb");
        int precision = 7;
        int numChunks = 10;

        GroupedChannels groups1 = new GroupedChannels(hbFile, groupFile);

        String groupName = "groupOne";
        runANOVATestsHelper(groups1, groupName, 0);
        runANOVATestsHelper(groups1, groupName, 1);

        LinkedList<double[]> container = new LinkedList<double[]>();

        OneWayAnova myANOVA = new OneWayAnova();
        double result = -1;
        result = myANOVA.anovaPValue(container);
        System.out.println("Result: " + result);

        // outputANOVAs(groups1,
        // groups1.getGroupNames(), groups1.getConditions(),
        // numChunks, precision);
        File outFile = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/ANOVA Testing/outputFile.csv");
        writeANOVAs(outFile, groups1, groups1.getGroupNames(), groups1.getConditions(),
                // groupNames, conditions,
                numChunks, precision);

    private static void runANOVATestsHelper(GroupedChannels groups, String groupName, int condition) {
        System.out.println("(" + groupName + ", condition " + condition + ")");

    private static void runChannelsTests() {
        System.out.println("Running channel grouping warnings tests.");
        File hbFile = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/channelWarningsTesting/legitHb");

        // test 1:
        File groupFile = new File(
                "c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/channelWarningsTesting/badGroupFile");
        GroupedChannels foo = new GroupedChannels(hbFile, groupFile);


        // test 2:
        groupFile = new File(
                "c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/channelWarningsTesting/badGroupFile2");
        foo = new GroupedChannels(hbFile, groupFile);


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // runChunkTests();
        // runSubjectTests();
        // runANOVATests();

        File legitGroupsFile = new File("c:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/legitGroups");
        File legitHbFile = new File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/legitHb");
        int precision = 7;
        int numChunks = 10;
        GroupedChannels legitGroups = new GroupedChannels(legitHbFile, legitGroupsFile);
        // ArrayList<String> mylst = legitGroups.getGroupNames();
        // System.out.println(mylst.size());
        // String foo = mylst.get(0);
        // System.out.println(foo);
        // printList(legitGroups.getGroupNames());
        // legitGroups.getGroup("groupOne");
        // legitGroups.getGroup("secondGroup");
        // legitGroups.getGroup("groupThree");
        // legitGroups.getGroup("group4");
        // legitGroups.getGroup("g5");

         * outputANOVAs(legitGroups, legitGroups.getGroupNames(),
         * legitGroups.getConditions(), numChunks, precision); File outFile =
         * new
         * File("C:/Users/nkolesar/Desktop/CS Seminar/fNIRs/sub19/outputFile.csv"
         * ); writeANOVAs(outFile, legitGroups, legitGroups.getGroupNames(),
         * legitGroups.getConditions(), // groupNames, conditions, numChunks,
         * precision);
        // group groupOne condition 0
        // group groupOne condition 1
        // --------------------------
        // ==> ANOVA value of 0.0000...000 (50 decimal places)
        // WHY?
