Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by Object Mentor, Inc. All rights reserved. // Released under the terms of the CPL Common Public License version 1.0. package fitnesseMain.ant; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; /** * Task to start fitnesse. * <p/> * <pre> * Usage: * <taskdef name="start-fitnesse" classname="fitnesse.ant.StartFitnesseTask" classpathref="classpath" /> * OR * <taskdef classpathref="classpath" resource="" /> * * <start-fitnesse wikidirectoryrootpath="." fitnesseport="8082" /> * </pre> */ public class StartFitnesseTask extends Task { private String wikiDirectoryRootPath; private int fitnessePort = 8082; private Reference classpathRef; @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { Java java = new Java(); java.setProject(getProject()); java.setOwningTarget(getOwningTarget()); java.setFailonerror(true); java.setClassname("fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain"); java.setClasspathRef(getClasspathRef()); String[] argv = { "-p", String.valueOf(getFitnessePort()), "-d", getWikiDirectoryRootPath(), "-e", "0", "-o" }; java.setArgs(StringUtils.join(argv, " ")); super.execute(); } /** * Port on which fitnesse would run. Defaults to <b>8082</b>. * * @return fitnessePort */ public int getFitnessePort() { return fitnessePort; } public void setFitnessePort(int fitnessePort) { this.fitnessePort = fitnessePort; } /** * Path to the FitnesseRoot filder which contains all the wiki pages. <b>MUST SET</b>. * * @return wikiDirectoryRootPath */ public String getWikiDirectoryRootPath() { return wikiDirectoryRootPath; } public void setWikiDirectoryRootPath(String wikiDirectoryRootPath) { this.wikiDirectoryRootPath = wikiDirectoryRootPath; } /** * FitNesse's classpath. * * @return a Reference representing the complete classpath for FitNesse */ public Reference getClasspathRef() { return classpathRef; } public void setClasspathRef(Reference classpathRef) { this.classpathRef = classpathRef; } }