Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014, Jari Hmlinen, Carita Kiili and Julie Coiro * All rights reserved. * * See LICENSE for full license text. * * @author Jari Hmlinen */ package fi.jyu.student.jatahama.onlineinquirytool.client; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fi.jyu.student.jatahama.onlineinquirytool.shared.Argument; /** * */ public class ArgumentEditor extends Composite implements ClickHandler, FocusHandler, BlurHandler, CloseHandler<PopupPanel>, HasHandlers { // Event stuff private final HandlerManager handlerManager = new HandlerManager(this); /** * Some help with Argument editor layout. * TODO: Layout things should really be rationalized. They're everywhere now! */ public static final int DEFAULT_EDITOR_WIDTH = 240; /** * Main content panel for argument editor. */ private final FlowPanel panelMain = new FlowPanel(); /** * Container div for argument text. This is needed to get layout working cross-browser. */ private final SimplePanel argTextWrapper = new SimplePanel(); /** * TextArea for arguments */ private final TextArea argumentsText = new TextArea(); /** * Container div for source text. */ private final SimplePanel sourceWrapper = new SimplePanel(); /** * TextBox for source */ private final TextBox source = new TextBox(); /** * Container div for traffic lights. */ private final SimplePanel lightsContainer = new SimplePanel(); /** * Traffic lights for source reliability */ private final Label[] lights = new Label[] { new Label(), new Label(), new Label(), }; private static String[][] lightStyles = { { "argedit-light-red-dark", "argedit-light-red" }, { "argedit-light-yellow-dark", "argedit-light-yellow" }, { "argedit-light-green-dark", "argedit-light-green" }, }; private boolean[] lightStatus = new boolean[] { false, false, false }; /** * Label for remove button */ private final Button removeButton = new Button(); /** * Is remove button enabled or not. */ private boolean removeEnabled = true; /** * PX width used for width calculation. */ private int pxWidth; /** * Enabled or not. */ private boolean enabled = true; /** * Argument where changes in this editor are reflected. */ private Argument argument = null; /** * Default argument which is used in case no argument is set. */ private Argument defaultArgument = new Argument(); /** * Popup for reliability rationale */ private final PopupPanel popupPanel = new PopupPanel(true, true); /** * TextArea for reliability rationale */ private final TextArea popupPromptText = new TextArea(); /** * Is rationale text touched this time */ private boolean rationaleTouched = false; /** * ArgumentEditor is a composite of TextArea, TextBox and "Traffic lights". * TextArea is for collecting argument from the source. TextBox is used to store source. * "Traffic lights" are for describing source reliability. */ public ArgumentEditor() { // Place the check above the text box using a vertical panel. panelMain.setStyleName("argedit-main-container"); // Add arguments text box argTextWrapper.setStyleName("argedit-arg-text-wrapper"); argumentsText.setStyleName("argedit-arg-text"); argumentsText.addBlurHandler(this); argumentsText.addFocusHandler(this); argTextWrapper.add(argumentsText); panelMain.add(argTextWrapper); // Add trafic lights. lightsPadContainer is needed to get layout working cross-browser. final FlowPanel lightsPadWrapper = new FlowPanel(); lightsContainer.setStyleName("argedit-lights-container"); lightsPadWrapper.setStyleName("argedit-lights-pad-wrapper"); updateLights(); for (int i = 0; i < lights.length; i++) { lights[i].addClickHandler(this); lights[i].setTitle(OnlineInquiryTool.messages.tmBtnSetSourceReliabilityToN(i)); lightsPadWrapper.add(lights[i]); } lightsContainer.add(lightsPadWrapper); panelMain.add(lightsContainer); // Add source sourceWrapper.setStyleName("argedit-source-text-wrapper"); sourceWrapper.add(source); source.setStyleName("argedit-source-text"); source.addBlurHandler(this); source.addFocusHandler(this); panelMain.add(sourceWrapper); // Remove button removeButton.addClickHandler(this); removeButton.setStylePrimaryName("close-button-box"); panelMain.add(removeButton); // Cleaner div to fix the messing up the layout Label cleaner = new Label(); cleaner.setStyleName("clearer"); panelMain.add(cleaner); // Reliability rationale popup final Label popupPrompt = new Label(OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcLblReliabilityRationalePrompt()); popupPrompt.setStyleName("argedit-popup-prompt"); popupPromptText.setText(OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcPromptReliabilityRationale()); final SimplePanel textWrapper = new SimplePanel(); textWrapper.setStyleName("argedit-popup-prompt-text-wrapper"); popupPromptText.setStyleName("argedit-popup-prompt-text"); popupPromptText.addBlurHandler(this); popupPromptText.addFocusHandler(this); textWrapper.add(popupPromptText); popupPanel.addCloseHandler(this); final VerticalPanel popContent = new VerticalPanel(); final ClickHandler closeHandler = new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { popupPanel.hide(); } }; final Button popClose = new Button(OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcBtnOk(), closeHandler); final SimplePanel holder = new SimplePanel(); holder.setStyleName("popup-button-holder"); holder.add(popClose); popContent.setStyleName("black-border argedit-popup-wrapper"); popContent.add(popupPrompt); popContent.add(textWrapper); popContent.add(holder); popupPanel.setWidget(popContent); popupPanel.setStyleName("popup-z", true); /* Hack to get add argument/perspective button working when clicking them while pop-up is show. */ /* Let's use 0 opacity glass :-) */ popupPanel.setGlassEnabled(true); popupPanel.setGlassStyleName("popup-trans-glass"); // All composites must call initWidget() in their constructors. initWidget(panelMain); setPxWidth(ArgumentEditor.DEFAULT_EDITOR_WIDTH); // Update subcomponents to default values setArgument(null); } /** * Set width in px. Automatically resizes subcomponents to fit/fill. Note: Borders are added to this when rendering! * * @param px Width in px */ public void setPxWidth(int px) { pxWidth = px; panelMain.setWidth(px + "px"); argTextWrapper.setWidth((px - 22) + "px"); lightsContainer.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(px - 20, Unit.PX); lightsContainer.getElement().getStyle().setTop(0, Unit.PX); sourceWrapper.setWidth(px + "px"); removeButton.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(px - 9, Unit.PX); } /** * Returns width in px. Note: Does not include borders! * * @return Width in px */ public int getPxWidth() { return pxWidth; } /** * Update lights according to internal boolean table. */ private void updateLights() { for (int i = 0; i < lights.length; i++) { lights[i].setStyleName(lightStatus[i] ? lightStyles[i][1] : lightStyles[i][0]); } } @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == removeButton) { fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.REMOVE_CLICKED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); } else { boolean lit = false; // Check if source was one of our lights for (int i = 0; i < lights.length && enabled; i++) { if (event.getSource() == lights[i]) { lightStatus[i] = !lightStatus[i]; lit = lightStatus[i]; for (int j = 0; j < lights.length && lightStatus[i]; j++) { if (j != i && lightStatus[j]) { lightStatus[j] = false; } } if (argument != null) { argument.setIntReliabilityValue(lit ? i : -1); } fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.RELIABILITY_CHANGED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); updateLights(); break; } } // Show pop-up if a light was lit if (lit) { rationaleTouched = false; popupPanel.showRelativeTo(lightsContainer); } } } public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; this.argumentsText.setEnabled(enabled); this.source.setEnabled(enabled); this.removeButton.setEnabled(enabled); this.panelMain.setStyleName(enabled ? "argedit-main-container" : "argedit-main-container-disabled"); } /** * Returns current argument. If no argument has been given returns the default argument. * * @return Returns current argument. If no argument has been given returns the default argument. */ public Argument getArgument() { return argument; } /** * Sets new argument where changes are to be reflected. If set to null default argument will be reset and taken into use. * * @param arg New argument where changes are to be reflected. */ public void setArgument(Argument arg) { if (arg != null) { argument = arg; } else { defaultArgument.reset(); argument = defaultArgument; } for (int i = 0; i < lightStatus.length; i++) { lightStatus[i] = false; } if (argument.reliability != null) { lightStatus[argument.getIntReliabilityValue()] = true; } updateWidgets(); } private void updateWidgets() { if (argument.argument != null) { argumentsText.setText(argument.argument); } else { argumentsText.setText( argument.counterArgument ? OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcPromptWriteCounterArgumentsHere() : OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcPromptWriteArgumentsHere()); } if (argument.sourceURL != null) { source.setText(argument.sourceURL); } else { source.setText(OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcPromptInsertSourceHere()); } if (argument.reliabilityRationale != null) { popupPromptText.setText(argument.reliabilityRationale); } else { popupPromptText.setText(OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcPromptReliabilityRationale()); rationaleTouched = false; } updateLights(); removeButton.setTitle(argument.counterArgument ? OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcBtnRemoveCounterArgument() : OnlineInquiryTool.constants.tcBtnRemoveArgument()); } @Override public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == argumentsText) { // Clear text if we don't have arguments (default text shown when not focused) if (argument.argument == null) { argumentsText.setText(""); } } else if (event.getSource() == source) { // Clear text if we don't have source (default text shown when not focused) if (argument.sourceURL == null) { source.setText(""); } } else if (event.getSource() == popupPromptText) { // Clear text if we don't have rationale (default text shown when not focused) if (argument.reliabilityRationale == null) { popupPromptText.setText(""); rationaleTouched = true; } } } @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == argumentsText) { String text = argumentsText.getText(); boolean change = false; if ("".equals(text)) { // If no text set argument to null if (argument.argument != null) { change = true; } argument.argument = null; updateWidgets(); } else { if (argument.argument == null || !text.equals(argument.argument)) { argument.argument = text; change = true; } } if (change) { fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.ARGUMENTS_CHANGED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); } } else if (event.getSource() == source) { String text = source.getText(); boolean change = false; if ("".equals(text)) { // If no text set source to null if (argument.sourceURL != null) { change = true; } argument.sourceURL = null; updateWidgets(); } else { if (argument.sourceURL == null || !text.equals(argument.sourceURL)) { argument.sourceURL = text; change = true; } } if (change) { fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.SOURCE_CHANGED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); } } else if (event.getSource() == popupPromptText) { boolean change = updateRationaleFromPopup(); if (change) { fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.RATIONALE_CHANGED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); } } } @Override public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) { handlerManager.fireEvent(event); } public void addArgumentEditorEventHandler(ArgumentEditorEventHandler h) { handlerManager.addHandler(ArgumentEditorEvent.getType(), h); } public boolean isRemoveEnabled() { return removeEnabled; } public void setRemoveEnabled(boolean removeEnabled) { this.removeEnabled = removeEnabled; this.removeButton.setVisible(removeEnabled); } private boolean updateRationaleFromPopup() { String text = popupPromptText.getText(); boolean change = false; if ("".equals(text)) { // If no text set rationale to null if (argument.reliabilityRationale != null) { change = true; } argument.reliabilityRationale = null; updateWidgets(); } else { if ((argument.reliabilityRationale == null || !text.equals(argument.reliabilityRationale)) && rationaleTouched) { argument.reliabilityRationale = text; change = true; } } return change; } @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { if (event.getSource() == popupPanel) { boolean change = updateRationaleFromPopup(); if (change) { fireEvent(new ArgumentEditorEvent(this, ArgumentEditorEvent.EventType.RATIONALE_CHANGED, (UIObject) event.getSource())); } } } }