Java tutorial
// Copyright 2011-2014, Esko Luontola <> // This software is released under the Apache License 2.0. // The license text is at package fi.jumi.launcher; import fi.jumi.core.config.*; import fi.jumi.launcher.ui.*; import fi.jumi.launcher.util.Classpath; import*; import javax.annotation.WillClose; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import*; @NotThreadSafe public class JumiBootstrap { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { JumiBootstrap bootstrap = new JumiBootstrap(); bootstrap.suite.addJvmOptions("-ea").setTestClasses(args); bootstrap.runSuite(); } catch (AssertionError e) { System.exit(1); } } public SuiteConfigurationBuilder suite = new SuiteConfigurationBuilder() .setClasspath(Classpath.currentClasspath()); public DaemonConfigurationBuilder daemon = new DaemonConfigurationBuilder(); private boolean passingTestsVisible = false; private Appendable textUiOutput = System.out; private OutputStream daemonOutput = new NullOutputStream(); public JumiBootstrap setPassingTestsVisible(boolean passingTestsVisible) { this.passingTestsVisible = passingTestsVisible; return this; } public JumiBootstrap setTextUiOutput(Appendable textUiOutput) { this.textUiOutput = textUiOutput; return this; } public JumiBootstrap setDaemonOutput(@WillClose OutputStream daemonOutput) { this.daemonOutput = daemonOutput; return this; } public JumiBootstrap enableDebugMode() { return enableDebugMode(new CloseShieldOutputStream(System.err)); } public JumiBootstrap enableDebugMode(@WillClose OutputStream daemonOutput) { setDaemonOutput(daemonOutput); this.daemon.setLogActorMessages(true); return this; } public void runSuite() throws IOException, InterruptedException { runSuite(suite.freeze(), daemon.freeze()); } public void runSuite(SuiteConfiguration suite, DaemonConfiguration daemon) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try (JumiLauncher launcher = createLauncher()) { launcher.start(suite, daemon); TextUI ui = new TextUI(launcher.getEventStream(), new PlainTextPrinter(textUiOutput)); ui.setPassingTestsVisible(passingTestsVisible); ui.updateUntilFinished(); if (ui.hasFailures()) { throw new AssertionError("There were test failures"); } } } private JumiLauncher createLauncher() { return new JumiLauncherBuilder() { @Override protected OutputStream createDaemonOutputListener() { return daemonOutput; } }.build(); } }