ffx.xray.Looptimizer.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for ffx.xray.Looptimizer.java


 * Title: Force Field X.
 * Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics.
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2017.
 * This file is part of Force Field X.
 * Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
 * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a
 * combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the
 * GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
 * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
 * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
 * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and
 * to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,
 * provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms
 * and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a
 * module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this
 * library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but
 * you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
 * exception statement from your version.
package ffx.xray;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import static java.util.Arrays.fill;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.CompositeConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;

import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.PI;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.exp;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.floor;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sin;
import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt;

import edu.rit.mp.DoubleBuf;
import edu.rit.pj.Comm;
import edu.rit.pj.cluster.JobBackend;

import ffx.algorithms.AlgorithmListener;
import ffx.algorithms.Minimize;
import ffx.algorithms.Thermostat;
import ffx.numerics.Potential;
import ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly;
import ffx.potential.bonded.LambdaInterface;
import ffx.potential.parsers.PDBFilter;

 * An implementation of the Orthogonal Space Random Walk algorithm.
 * @author Michael J. Schnieders, Wei Yang and Pengyu Ren
public class Looptimizer implements Potential {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Looptimizer.class.getName());
     * A potential energy that implements the LambdaInterface.
    private final LambdaInterface lambdaInterface;
     * The potential energy of the system.
    private final Potential potential;
     * The AlgorithmListener is called each time a count is added.
    private final AlgorithmListener algorithmListener;
     * Number of variables.
    private final int nVariables;
     * Each walker has a unique lambda restart file.
    private final File lambdaFile;
     * Each walker reads the same histogram restart file. Only the walker of
     * rank 0 writes the histogram restart file.
    private final File histogramFile;
     * State variable lambda ranges from 0.0 .. 1.0.
    private double lambda;
     * Flag to indicate that the Lambda particle should be propogated.
    private boolean propagateLambda = true;
     * Number of times the OSRW biasing potential has been evaluated with the
     * "propagateLambda" flag true.
    private int energyCount;
     * The first Lambda bin is centered on 0.0 (-0.005 .. 0.005). The final
     * Lambda bin is centered on 1.0 ( 0.995 .. 1.005).
     * With this scheme, the maximum of biasing Gaussians is at the edges.
    private int lambdaBins = 201;
     * It is useful to have an odd number of bins, so that there is a bin from
     * FL=-dFL/2 to dFL/2 so that as FL approaches zero its contribution to
     * thermodynamic integration goes to zero. Otherwise a contribution of zero
     * from a L bin can only result from equal sampling of the ranges -dFL to 0
     * and 0 to dFL.
    private int FLambdaBins = 401;
     * The recursion kernel stores the number of visits to each
     * [lambda][Flambda] bin.
    private int recursionKernel[][];
     * The recursionCount stores the [Lambda, FLambda] count for each process.
     * Therefore the array is of size [number of Processes][2]. Each 2 entry
     * array must be wrapped inside a Parallel Java IntegerBuf for the
     * All-Gather communication calls.
    private final double recursionCounts[][];
    private final double myRecursionCount[];
     * These DoubleBufs wrap the recusionCount arrays.
    private final DoubleBuf recursionCountsBuf[];
    private final DoubleBuf myRecursionCountBuf;
     * Parallel Java world communicator.
    private final Comm world;
     * Number of processes.
    private final int numProc;
     * Rank of this process.
    private final int rank;
     * A reference to the JobBackend to log messages for the Webserver.
    private final JobBackend jobBackend;
     * When evaluating the biasing potential, contributions from Gaussians
     * centered more the "biasCutoff" away will be neglected.
    private int biasCutoff = 5;
     * Width of the lambda bin.
    private double dL = 1.0 / (lambdaBins - 1);
     * Half the width of a lambda bin.
    private double dL_2 = dL / 2.0;
     * The width of the F_lambda bin.
    private double dFL = 2.0;
     * Half the width of the F_lambda bin.
    private double dFL_2 = dFL / 2.0;
     * The minimum value of the first lambda bin.
    private double minLambda = -dL_2;
     * The minimum value of the first F_lambda bin.
    private double minFLambda = -(dFL * FLambdaBins) / 2.0;
     * The maximum value of the last F_lambda bin.
    private double maxFLambda = minFLambda + FLambdaBins * dFL;
     * Total partial derivative of the potential being sampled w.r.t. lambda.
    private double dEdLambda;
     * 2nd partial derivative of the potential being sampled w.r.t lambda.
    private double d2EdLambda2;
    private double dUdXdL[] = null;
    private double biasMag = 0.002;
    private final double FLambda[];
     * Gas constant (in Kcal/mole/Kelvin).
    public static final double R = 1.9872066e-3;
    private double theta;
     * Reasonable thetaFriction is 60 1/ps.
    private double thetaFriction = 1.0e-19;
     * Reasonable thetaMass is 100 a.m.u.
    private double thetaMass = 1.0e-18;
    private double halfThetaVelocity = 0.0;
    private final Random stochasticRandom;
     * Random force conversion to kcal/mol/A;
    private static final double randomConvert = sqrt(4.184) / 10e9;
     * randomConvert squared.
    private static final double randomConvert2 = randomConvert * randomConvert;
     * Time step in picoseconds.
    private final double dt;
     * Temperature in Kelvin.
    private double temperature;
     * Interval between adding a count to the Recursion kernel in steps.
    private int countInterval = 10;
     * Interval between printing information on the lambda particle in steps.
    private int printFrequency = 100;
     * Whether to write out lambda-traversal snapshots.
    private boolean writeTraversalSnapshots = false;
     * Keeps track of full lambda-traversals for snapshot output.
    private int traversalSnapshotTarget = -1;
     * Ensemble files containing full-traversal snapshots, plus an assembly,
     * filter, and counter for each.
    private File lambdaOneFile;
    private int lambdaOneStructures = 0;
    private MolecularAssembly lambdaOneAssembly;
    private PDBFilter lambdaOneFilter;
    private File lambdaZeroFile;
    private int lambdaZeroStructures = 0;
    private MolecularAssembly lambdaZeroAssembly;
    private PDBFilter lambdaZeroFilter;
     * Once the lambda reset value is reached, OSRW statistics are reset.
    private final double lambdaResetValue = 0.99;
     * Flag set to false once OSRW statistics are reset at lambdaResetValue.
    private boolean resetStatistics = false;
     * Stores a traversal snapshot that has not yet been written to file.
    private ArrayList<String> traversalInHand = new ArrayList<>();
     * Holds the lowest potential-energy parameters from among all visits to
     * lambda < 0.1 and > 0.9
    private double lowEnergyCoordsZero[], lowEnergyCoordsOne[];
    private double lowEnergyZero = Double.MAX_VALUE, lowEnergyOne = Double.MAX_VALUE;

     * Holds the lowest potential-energy parameters for loopBuilder runs from
     * all visits to lambda > 0.9
    private double osrwOptimumCoords[];
    private double osrwOptimum = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    * Holds x-ray data for RefinementMinimize
    private DiffractionData diffractionData;
    private boolean useXRayMinimizer = false;

     * Interval between how often the free energy is updated from the count
     * matrix.
    private final int fLambdaPrintInterval = 10;
    private int fLambdaUpdates = 0;
     * Interval between writing an OSRW restart file in steps.
    private int saveFrequency = 1000;
     * Print detailed energy information.
    private final boolean print = false;
     * Total system energy.
    private double totalEnergy;
     * Free energy at Lambda=1.
    private double totalFreeEnergy;
     * Total histogram counts.
    private int totalCounts;
     * Equilibration counts
    private int equilibrationCounts = 0;
     * Are FAST varying energy terms being computed, SLOW varying energy terms,
     * or BOTH. OSRW is not active when only FAST varying energy terms are being
     * propagated.
    private Potential.STATE state = Potential.STATE.BOTH;
     * Flag to indicate if OSRW should send and receive counts between processes
     * synchronously or asynchronously. The latter is faster by ~40% because
     * simulation with Lambda > 0.75 must compute two condensed phase
     * self-consistent fields to interpolate polarization.
    private final boolean asynchronous;
     * An energy-value positive scalar parameter in the units of temperature
    private final double dT = 1;
     * The ReceiveThread accumulates OSRW statistics from multiple asynchronous
     * walkers.
    private final ReceiveThread receiveThread;
     * Running average and standard deviation
    private double totalAverage = 0;
    private double totalSquare = 0;
    private int periodCount = 0;
    private int window = 1000;

    private boolean osrwOptimization = false;
    private int osrwOptimizationFrequency = 500;
    private double osrwOptimizationLambdaCutoff = 0.5;
    private double osrwOptimizationEps = 0.1;
    private double osrwOptimizationTolerance = 1.0e-8;
    private MolecularAssembly molecularAssembly;
    private PDBFilter pdbFilter = null;
    private File pdbFile = null;

     * OSRW Asynchronous MultiWalker Constructor.
     * @param lambdaInterface defines Lambda and dU/dL.
     * @param potential defines the Potential energy.
     * @param lambdaFile contains the current Lambda particle position and
     * velocity.
     * @param histogramFile contains the Lambda and dU/dL histogram.
     * @param properties defines System properties.
     * @param temperature the simulation temperature.
     * @param dt the time step.
     * @param printInterval number of steps between logging updates.
     * @param saveInterval number of steps between restart file updates.
     * @param asynchronous set to true if walkers run asynchronously.
     * @param algorithmListener the AlgorithmListener to be notified of
     * progress.
    public Looptimizer(LambdaInterface lambdaInterface, Potential potential, File lambdaFile, File histogramFile,
            CompositeConfiguration properties, double temperature, double dt, double printInterval,
            double saveInterval, boolean asynchronous, AlgorithmListener algorithmListener) {
        this.lambdaInterface = lambdaInterface;
        this.potential = potential;
        this.lambdaFile = lambdaFile;
        this.histogramFile = histogramFile;
        this.temperature = temperature;
        this.asynchronous = asynchronous;
        this.algorithmListener = algorithmListener;

        nVariables = potential.getNumberOfVariables();
        lowEnergyCoordsZero = new double[nVariables];
        lowEnergyCoordsOne = new double[nVariables];

         * Convert the time step to picoseconds.
        this.dt = dt * 0.001;

         * Convert the print interval to a print frequency.
        printFrequency = 100;
        if (printInterval >= this.dt) {
            printFrequency = (int) (printInterval / this.dt);

         * Convert the save interval to a save frequency.
        saveFrequency = 1000;
        if (saveInterval >= this.dt) {
            saveFrequency = (int) (saveInterval / this.dt);

        biasCutoff = properties.getInt("lambda-bias-cutoff", 5);
        biasMag = properties.getDouble("bias-gaussian-mag", 0.002);
        dL = properties.getDouble("lambda-bin-width", 0.005);
        dFL = properties.getDouble("flambda-bin-width", 2.0);

         * Require modest sampling of the lambda path.
        if (dL > 0.1) {
            dL = 0.1;

         * Many lambda bin widths do not evenly divide into 1.0; here we correct
         * for this by computing an integer number of bins, then re-setting the
         * lambda variable appropriately. Note that we also choose to have an
         * odd number of lambda bins, so that the centers of the first and last
         * bin are at 0 and 1.
        lambdaBins = (int) (1.0 / dL);
        if (lambdaBins % 2 == 0) {

         * The initial number of FLambda bins does not really matter, since a
         * larger number is automatically allocated as needed. The center of the
         * central bin is at 0.
        FLambdaBins = 401;
        minFLambda = -(dFL * FLambdaBins) / 2.0;

         * Allocate space for the recursion kernel that stores counts.
        recursionKernel = new int[lambdaBins][FLambdaBins];

         * Load the OSRW histogram restart file if it exists.
        boolean readHistogramRestart = false;
        if (histogramFile != null && histogramFile.exists()) {
            try {
                OSRWHistogramReader osrwHistogramReader = new OSRWHistogramReader(new FileReader(histogramFile));
                logger.info(String.format("\n Continuing OSRW histogram from %s.", histogramFile.getName()));
                readHistogramRestart = true;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                logger.info(" Histogram restart file could not be found and will be ignored.");

         * Load the OSRW lambda restart file if it exists.
        if (lambdaFile != null && lambdaFile.exists()) {
            try {
                OSRWLambdaReader osrwLambdaReader = new OSRWLambdaReader(new FileReader(lambdaFile));
                logger.info(String.format("\n Continuing OSRW lambda from %s.", lambdaFile.getName()));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                logger.info(" Lambda restart file could not be found and will be ignored.");

        dL = 1.0 / (lambdaBins - 1);
        dL_2 = dL / 2.0;
        minLambda = -dL_2;
        dFL_2 = dFL / 2.0;
        maxFLambda = minFLambda + FLambdaBins * dFL;
        FLambda = new double[lambdaBins];
        dUdXdL = new double[nVariables];
        energyCount = -1;
        stochasticRandom = new Random(0);

         * Set up the multi-walker communication variables for Parallel Java
         * communication between nodes.
        world = Comm.world();
        numProc = world.size();
        rank = world.rank();
        jobBackend = JobBackend.getJobBackend();

        if (asynchronous) {
             * Use asynchronous communication.
            myRecursionCount = new double[2];
            myRecursionCountBuf = DoubleBuf.buffer(myRecursionCount);
            receiveThread = new ReceiveThread();
            recursionCounts = null;
            recursionCountsBuf = null;
        } else {
             * Use synchronous communication.
            recursionCounts = new double[numProc][2];
            recursionCountsBuf = new DoubleBuf[numProc];
            for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) {
                recursionCountsBuf[i] = DoubleBuf.buffer(recursionCounts[i]);
            myRecursionCount = recursionCounts[rank];
            myRecursionCountBuf = recursionCountsBuf[rank];
            receiveThread = null;

         * Log OSRW parameters.
        logger.info(" Orthogonal Space Random Walk Parameters");
        logger.info(String.format(" Gaussian Bias Magnitude:        %6.5f (kcal/mole)", biasMag));
        logger.info(String.format(" Gaussian Bias Cutoff:           %6d bins", biasCutoff));

         * Update and print out the recursion slave.
        if (readHistogramRestart) {


    public void setPropagateLambda(boolean propagateLambda) {
        this.propagateLambda = propagateLambda;

    private int binForLambda(double lambda) {
        int lambdaBin = (int) floor((lambda - minLambda) / dL);
        if (lambdaBin < 0) {
            lambdaBin = 0;
        if (lambdaBin >= lambdaBins) {
            lambdaBin = lambdaBins - 1;
        return lambdaBin;

    private int binForFLambda(double dEdLambda) {
        int FLambdaBin = (int) floor((dEdLambda - minFLambda) / dFL);
        if (FLambdaBin == FLambdaBins) {
            FLambdaBin = FLambdaBins - 1;
        assert (FLambdaBin < FLambdaBins);
        assert (FLambdaBin >= 0);
        return FLambdaBin;

    public double energyAndGradient(double[] x, double[] gradient) {

        double e = potential.energyAndGradient(x, gradient);

         * OSRW is propagated with the slowly varying terms.
        if (state == STATE.FAST) {
            return e;

        if (osrwOptimization && lambda > osrwOptimizationLambdaCutoff) {
            if (energyCount % osrwOptimizationFrequency == 0) {
                logger.info(String.format(" OSRW Minimization (Step %d)", energyCount));

                // Set Lambda value to 1.0.

                RefinementMinimize refinementMinimize = null;
                Minimize minimize = null;
                double xStart[] = null;
                double xFinal[] = null;

                // Optimize the system.
                if (useXRayMinimizer) {
                    refinementMinimize = new RefinementMinimize(diffractionData);
                    int n = refinementMinimize.refinementEnergy.getNumberOfVariables();
                    xStart = new double[n];
                    xStart = refinementMinimize.refinementEnergy.getCoordinates(xStart);
                    xFinal = new double[n];
                    xFinal = refinementMinimize.refinementEnergy.getCoordinates(xFinal);
                } else {
                    minimize = new Minimize(null, potential, null);
                    int n = potential.getNumberOfVariables();
                    xStart = new double[n];
                    xStart = potential.getCoordinates(xStart);
                    xFinal = new double[n];
                    xFinal = potential.getCoordinates(xFinal);

                double minValue;
                if (useXRayMinimizer) {
                    // Collect the minimum R value.
                    minValue = diffractionData.getRCrystalStat();
                } else {
                    // Collect the minimum energy.
                    minValue = potential.getTotalEnergy();

                // If a new minimum has been found, save its coordinates.
                if (minValue < osrwOptimum) {
                    osrwOptimum = minValue;
                    if (useXRayMinimizer) {
                                String.format(" New minimum R found: %16.8f (Step %d).", osrwOptimum, energyCount));
                    } else {
                        logger.info(String.format(" New minimum energy found: %16.8f (Step %d).", osrwOptimum,
                    osrwOptimumCoords = xFinal;
                    if (pdbFilter.writeFile(pdbFile, false)) {
                        logger.info(String.format(" Wrote PDB file to " + pdbFile.getName()));

                 * Reset coordinates for X-ray minimization (parameters may
                 * include B-Factors).
                if (useXRayMinimizer) {

                 * Revert to the coordinates, gradient lambda, and RESPA State
                 * prior to optimization.

                double eCheck = potential.energyAndGradient(x, gradient);

                if (abs(eCheck - e) > osrwOptimizationTolerance) {
                            " OSRW optimization could not revert coordinates %16.8f vs. %16.8f.", e, eCheck));

        double biasEnergy = 0.0;
        dEdLambda = lambdaInterface.getdEdL();
        d2EdLambda2 = lambdaInterface.getd2EdL2();
        int lambdaBin = binForLambda(lambda);
        int FLambdaBin = binForFLambda(dEdLambda);
        double dEdU = dEdLambda;

        if (propagateLambda) {

         * Calculate recursion kernel G(L, F_L) and its derivatives with respect
         * to L and F_L.
        double dGdLambda = 0.0;
        double dGdFLambda = 0.0;
        double ls2 = (2.0 * dL) * (2.0 * dL);
        double FLs2 = (2.0 * dFL) * (2.0 * dFL);
        for (int iL = -biasCutoff; iL <= biasCutoff; iL++) {
            int lcenter = lambdaBin + iL;
            double deltaL = lambda - (lcenter * dL);
            double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;
            // Mirror conditions for recursion kernel counts.
            int lcount = lcenter;
            double mirrorFactor = 1.0;
            if (lcount == 0 || lcount == lambdaBins - 1) {
                mirrorFactor = 2.0;
            } else if (lcount < 0) {
                lcount = -lcount;
            } else if (lcount > lambdaBins - 1) {
                // Number of bins past the last bin
                lcount -= (lambdaBins - 1);
                // Mirror bin
                lcount = lambdaBins - 1 - lcount;
            for (int iFL = -biasCutoff; iFL <= biasCutoff; iFL++) {
                int FLcenter = FLambdaBin + iFL;
                 * If either of the following FL edge conditions are true, then
                 * there are no counts and we continue.
                if (FLcenter < 0 || FLcenter >= FLambdaBins) {
                double deltaFL = dEdLambda - (minFLambda + FLcenter * dFL + dFL_2);
                double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
                double weight = mirrorFactor * recursionKernel[lcount][FLcenter];
                double bias = weight * biasMag * exp(-deltaL2 / (2.0 * ls2)) * exp(-deltaFL2 / (2.0 * FLs2));
                biasEnergy += bias;
                dGdLambda -= deltaL / ls2 * bias;
                dGdFLambda -= deltaFL / FLs2 * bias;

         * Lambda gradient due to recursion kernel G(L, F_L).
        dEdLambda += dGdLambda + dGdFLambda * d2EdLambda2;

         * Cartesian coordinate gradient due to recursion kernel G(L, F_L).
        fill(dUdXdL, 0.0);
        for (int i = 0; i < nVariables; i++) {
            gradient[i] += dGdFLambda * dUdXdL[i];

        if (propagateLambda && energyCount > 0) {
             * Update free energy F(L) every ~10 steps.
            if (energyCount % 10 == 0) {
                boolean printFLambda = fLambdaUpdates % fLambdaPrintInterval == 0;
                totalFreeEnergy = updateFLambda(printFLambda);
                 * Calculating Moving Average & Standard Deviation
                totalAverage += totalFreeEnergy;
                totalSquare += Math.pow(totalFreeEnergy, 2);
                if (periodCount == window - 1) {
                    double average = totalAverage / window;
                    double stdev = Math.sqrt((totalSquare - Math.pow(totalAverage, 2) / window) / window);
                            " The running average is %12.4f kcal/mol and the stdev is %8.4f kcal/mol.", average,
                    totalAverage = 0;
                    totalSquare = 0;
                    periodCount = 0;
            if (energyCount % saveFrequency == 0) {
                if (algorithmListener != null) {
                 * Only the rank 0 process writes the histogram restart file.
                if (rank == 0) {
                    try {
                        OSRWHistogramWriter osrwHistogramRestart = new OSRWHistogramWriter(
                                new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(histogramFile)));
                        logger.info(String.format(" Wrote OSRW histogram restart file to %s.",
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        String message = " Exception writing OSRW histogram restart file.";
                        logger.log(Level.INFO, message, ex);
                 * All ranks write a lambda restart file.
                try {
                    OSRWLambdaWriter osrwLambdaRestart = new OSRWLambdaWriter(
                            new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(lambdaFile)));
                    logger.info(String.format(" Wrote OSRW lambda restart file to %s.", lambdaFile.getName()));
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    String message = " Exception writing OSRW lambda restart file.";
                    logger.log(Level.INFO, message, ex);

             * Write out snapshot upon each full lambda traversal.
            if (writeTraversalSnapshots) {
                double heldTraversalLambda = 0.5;
                if (!traversalInHand.isEmpty()) {
                    heldTraversalLambda = Double.parseDouble(traversalInHand.get(0).split(",")[0]);
                    if ((lambda > 0.2 && traversalSnapshotTarget == 0)
                            || (lambda < 0.8 && traversalSnapshotTarget == 1)) {
                        int snapshotCounts = Integer.parseInt(traversalInHand.get(0).split(",")[1]);
                        File fileToWrite;
                        int numStructures;
                        if (traversalSnapshotTarget == 0) {
                            fileToWrite = lambdaZeroFile;
                            numStructures = ++lambdaZeroStructures;
                        } else {
                            fileToWrite = lambdaOneFile;
                            numStructures = ++lambdaOneStructures;
                        try {
                            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fileToWrite, true);
                            BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
                            bw.write(String.format("MODEL        %d          L=%.4f  counts=%d", numStructures,
                                    heldTraversalLambda, snapshotCounts));
                            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
                                bw.write(" ");
                            for (int i = 0; i < traversalInHand.size(); i++) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) {
                                bw.write(" ");
                            logger.info(String.format(" Wrote traversal structure L=%.4f", heldTraversalLambda));
                        } catch (Exception exception) {
                            logger.warning(String.format("Exception writing to file: %s", fileToWrite.getName()));
                        heldTraversalLambda = 0.5;
                        traversalSnapshotTarget = 1 - traversalSnapshotTarget;
                if (((lambda < 0.1 && traversalInHand.isEmpty())
                        || (lambda < heldTraversalLambda - 0.025 && !traversalInHand.isEmpty()))
                        && (traversalSnapshotTarget == 0 || traversalSnapshotTarget == -1)) {
                    if (lambdaZeroFilter == null) {
                        lambdaZeroFilter = new PDBFilter(lambdaZeroFile, lambdaZeroAssembly, null, null);
                            new StringBuilder(String.format("%.4f,%d,", lambda, totalCounts)));
                    traversalInHand = lambdaZeroFilter.getListOutput();
                    traversalSnapshotTarget = 0;
                } else if (((lambda > 0.9 && traversalInHand.isEmpty())
                        || (lambda > heldTraversalLambda + 0.025 && !traversalInHand.isEmpty()))
                        && (traversalSnapshotTarget == 1 || traversalSnapshotTarget == -1)) {
                    if (lambdaOneFilter == null) {
                        lambdaOneFilter = new PDBFilter(lambdaOneFile, lambdaOneAssembly, null, null);
                            new StringBuilder(String.format("%.4f,%d,", lambda, totalCounts)));
                    traversalInHand = lambdaOneFilter.getListOutput();
                    traversalSnapshotTarget = 1;

         * Compute the energy and gradient for the recursion slave at F(L) using
         * interpolation.
        double freeEnergy = currentFreeEnergy();
        biasEnergy += freeEnergy;

        if (print) {
            logger.info(String.format(" %s %16.8f", "Bias Energy       ", biasEnergy));
            logger.info(String.format(" %s %16.8f  %s", "OSRW Potential    ", e + biasEnergy, "(Kcal/mole)"));

        if (propagateLambda && energyCount > 0) {
             * Log the current Lambda state.
            if (energyCount % printFrequency == 0) {
                if (lambdaBins < 1000) {
                    logger.info(String.format(" L=%6.4f (%3d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f", lambda,
                            lambdaBin, dEdU, dEdLambda - dEdU, dEdLambda));
                } else {
                    logger.info(String.format(" L=%6.4f (%4d) F_LU=%10.4f F_LB=%10.4f F_L=%10.4f", lambda,
                            lambdaBin, dEdU, dEdLambda - dEdU, dEdLambda));

             * Metadynamics grid counts (every 'countInterval' steps).
            if (energyCount % countInterval == 0) {
                if (jobBackend != null) {
                    if (world.size() > 1) {
                                "Overall dG=%10.4f at %7.3e psec, Current: [L=%6.4f, F_L=%10.4f, dG=%10.4f] at %7.3e psec",
                                totalFreeEnergy, totalCounts * dt * countInterval, lambda, dEdU, -freeEnergy,
                                energyCount * dt));
                    } else {
                                "Overall dG=%10.4f at %7.3e psec, Current: [L=%6.4f, F_L=%10.4f, dG=%10.4f]",
                                totalFreeEnergy, totalCounts * dt * countInterval, lambda, dEdU, -freeEnergy));
                if (asynchronous) {
                    asynchronousSend(lambda, dEdU);
                } else {
                    synchronousSend(lambda, dEdU);

         * Propagate the Lambda particle.
        if (propagateLambda) {
        } else {
            if (jobBackend != null) {
                jobBackend.setComment(String.format("Equilibration [L=%6.4f, F_L=%10.4f]", lambda, dEdU));
            if (equilibrationCounts % 10 == 0) {
                logger.info(String.format(" L=%6.4f, F_L=%10.4f", lambda, dEdU));

        totalEnergy = e + biasEnergy;

        return totalEnergy;

     * Send an OSRW count to all other processes while also receiving an OSRW
     * count from all other processes.
     * @param lambda
     * @param dEdU
    private void synchronousSend(double lambda, double dEdU) {
         * All-Gather counts from each walker.
        myRecursionCount[0] = lambda;
        myRecursionCount[1] = dEdU;
        try {
            world.allGather(myRecursionCountBuf, recursionCountsBuf);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            String message = " Multi-walker OSRW allGather failed.";
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);

         * Find the minimum and maximum FLambda bin for the gathered counts.
        double minRequired = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxRequired = Double.MIN_VALUE;
        for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) {
            minRequired = Math.min(minRequired, recursionCounts[i][1]);
            maxRequired = Math.max(maxRequired, recursionCounts[i][1]);

         * Check that the FLambda range of the Recursion kernel includes both
         * the minimum and maximum FLambda value.

         * Increment the Recursion Kernel based on the input of each walker.
        for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) {
            int walkerLambda = binForLambda(recursionCounts[i][0]);
            int walkerFLambda = binForFLambda(recursionCounts[i][1]);

            if (resetStatistics && recursionCounts[i][0] > lambdaResetValue) {
                recursionKernel = new int[lambdaBins][FLambdaBins];
                resetStatistics = false;
                logger.info(String.format(" Cleared OSRW histogram (Lambda = %6.4f).", recursionCounts[i][0]));


     * Send an OSRW count to all other processes.
     * @param lambda
     * @param dEdU
    private void asynchronousSend(double lambda, double dEdU) {
        myRecursionCount[0] = lambda;
        myRecursionCount[1] = dEdU;
        for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++) {
            try {
                world.send(i, myRecursionCountBuf);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                String message = " Asynchronous Multiwalker OSRW send failed.";
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex);

    public double getTotaldEdLambda() {
        return dEdLambda;

     * If necessary, allocate more space.
    private void checkRecursionKernelSize(double dEdLambda) {
        if (dEdLambda > maxFLambda) {
            logger.info(String.format(" Current F_lambda %8.2f > maximum historgram size %8.2f.", dEdLambda,

            double origDeltaG = updateFLambda(false);

            int newFLambdaBins = FLambdaBins;
            while (minFLambda + newFLambdaBins * dFL < dEdLambda) {
                newFLambdaBins += 100;
            int newRecursionKernel[][] = new int[lambdaBins][newFLambdaBins];
             * We have added bins above the indeces of the current counts just
             * copy them into the new array.
            for (int i = 0; i < lambdaBins; i++) {
                System.arraycopy(recursionKernel[i], 0, newRecursionKernel[i], 0, FLambdaBins);
            recursionKernel = newRecursionKernel;
            FLambdaBins = newFLambdaBins;
            maxFLambda = minFLambda + dFL * FLambdaBins;
            logger.info(String.format(" New historgram %8.2f to %8.2f with %d bins.\n", minFLambda, maxFLambda,

            assert (origDeltaG == updateFLambda(false));

        if (dEdLambda < minFLambda) {
            logger.info(String.format(" Current F_lambda %8.2f < minimum historgram size %8.2f.", dEdLambda,

            double origDeltaG = updateFLambda(false);

            int offset = 100;
            while (dEdLambda < minFLambda - offset * dFL) {
                offset += 100;
            int newFLambdaBins = FLambdaBins + offset;
            int newRecursionKernel[][] = new int[lambdaBins][newFLambdaBins];
             * We have added bins below the current counts, so their indeces
             * must be increased by: offset = newFLBins - FLBins
            for (int i = 0; i < lambdaBins; i++) {
                System.arraycopy(recursionKernel[i], 0, newRecursionKernel[i], offset, FLambdaBins);
            recursionKernel = newRecursionKernel;
            minFLambda = minFLambda - offset * dFL;
            FLambdaBins = newFLambdaBins;
            logger.info(String.format(" New historgram %8.2f to %8.2f with %d bins.\n", minFLambda, maxFLambda,

            assert (origDeltaG == updateFLambda(false));

     * Eq. 7 from the Xtal Thermodynamics paper.
     * @param print
     * @return the current free energy.
    private double updateFLambda(boolean print) {
        double freeEnergy = 0.0;
        totalCounts = 0;
        if (print) {
            logger.info(" Count   Lambda Bins    F_Lambda Bins   <   F_L  >       dG        G");
        for (int iL = 0; iL < lambdaBins; iL++) {
            int ulFL = -1;
            int llFL = -1;

            // Find the smallest FL bin.
            for (int jFL = 0; jFL < FLambdaBins; jFL++) {
                int count = recursionKernel[iL][jFL];
                if (count > 0) {
                    llFL = jFL;

            // Find the largest FL bin.
            for (int jFL = FLambdaBins - 1; jFL >= 0; jFL--) {
                int count = recursionKernel[iL][jFL];
                if (count > 0) {
                    ulFL = jFL;

            int lambdaCount = 0;
            // The FL range sampled for lambda bin [iL*dL .. (iL+1)*dL]
            double lla = 0.0;
            double ula = 0.0;
            if (ulFL == -1) {
                FLambda[iL] = 0.0;
            } else {
                double ensembleAverageFLambda = 0.0;
                double partitionFunction = 0.0;
                for (int jFL = llFL; jFL <= ulFL; jFL++) {
                    double currentFLambda = minFLambda + jFL * dFL + dFL_2;
                    double weight = exp(evaluateKernel(iL, jFL) / (R * temperature));
                    ensembleAverageFLambda += currentFLambda * weight;
                    partitionFunction += weight;
                    lambdaCount += recursionKernel[iL][jFL];
                FLambda[iL] = ensembleAverageFLambda / partitionFunction;
                lla = minFLambda + llFL * dFL;
                ula = minFLambda + (ulFL + 1) * dFL;

            // The first and last lambda bins are half size.
            double delta = dL;
            if (iL == 0 || iL == lambdaBins - 1) {
                delta = dL_2;
            double deltaFreeEnergy = FLambda[iL] * delta;
            freeEnergy += deltaFreeEnergy;
            totalCounts += lambdaCount;

            if (print) {
                double llL = iL * dL - dL_2;
                double ulL = llL + dL;
                if (llL < 0.0) {
                    llL = 0.0;
                if (ulL > 1.0) {
                    ulL = 1.0;
                logger.info(String.format(" %6d  %5.3f %5.3f   %7.1f %7.1f   %8.3f  %8.3f %8.3f", lambdaCount, llL,
                        ulL, lla, ula, FLambda[iL], deltaFreeEnergy, freeEnergy));
        logger.info(String.format(" The free energy is %12.4f kcal/mol from %d counts.", freeEnergy, totalCounts));

        return freeEnergy;

    private double currentFreeEnergy() {
        double biasEnergy = 0.0;
        for (int iL0 = 0; iL0 < lambdaBins - 1; iL0++) {
            int iL1 = iL0 + 1;
             * Find bin centers and values for interpolation / extrapolation
             * points.
            double L0 = iL0 * dL;
            double L1 = L0 + dL;
            double FL0 = FLambda[iL0];
            double FL1 = FLambda[iL1];
            double deltaFL = FL1 - FL0;
             * If the lambda is less than or equal to the upper limit, this is
             * the final interval. Set the upper limit to L, compute the partial
             * derivative and break.
            boolean done = false;
            if (lambda <= L1) {
                done = true;
                L1 = lambda;
             * Upper limit - lower limit of the integral of the extrapolation /
             * interpolation.
            biasEnergy += (FL0 * L1 + deltaFL * L1 * (0.5 * L1 - L0) / dL);
            biasEnergy -= (FL0 * L0 + deltaFL * L0 * (-0.5 * L0) / dL);
            if (done) {
                 * Compute the gradient d F(L) / dL at L.
                dEdLambda -= FL0 + (L1 - L0) * deltaFL / dL;
        return -biasEnergy;

    public void evaluatePMF() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int lambdaBin = 0; lambdaBin < lambdaBins; lambdaBin++) {
            for (int fLambdaBin = 0; fLambdaBin < FLambdaBins; fLambdaBin++) {
                sb.append(String.format(" %16.8f", evaluateKernel(lambdaBin, fLambdaBin)));

    private double evaluateKernel(int cLambda, int cF_Lambda) {
         * Compute the value of L and FL for the center of the current bin.
        double vL = cLambda * dL;
        double vFL = minFLambda + cF_Lambda * dFL + dFL_2;
         * Set the variances for the Gaussian bias.
        double Ls2 = 2.0 * dL * 2.0 * dL;
        double FLs2 = 2.0 * dFL * 2.0 * dFL;
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int iL = -biasCutoff; iL <= biasCutoff; iL++) {
            int Lcenter = cLambda + iL;
            double deltaL = vL - Lcenter * dL;
            double deltaL2 = deltaL * deltaL;

            // Mirror condition for Lambda counts.
            int lcount = Lcenter;
            double mirrorFactor = 1.0;
            if (lcount == 0 || lcount == lambdaBins - 1) {
                 * The width of the first and last bins is dLambda_2, so the
                 * mirror condition is to double their counts.
                mirrorFactor = 2.0;
            } else if (lcount < 0) {
                lcount = -lcount;
            } else if (lcount > lambdaBins - 1) {
                // number of bins past the last bin.
                lcount -= (lambdaBins - 1);
                // mirror bin
                lcount = lambdaBins - 1 - lcount;

            for (int jFL = -biasCutoff; jFL <= biasCutoff; jFL++) {
                int FLcenter = cF_Lambda + jFL;
                 * For FLambda outside the count matrix the weight is 0 so we
                 * continue.
                if (FLcenter < 0 || FLcenter >= FLambdaBins) {
                double deltaFL = vFL - (minFLambda + FLcenter * dFL + dFL_2);
                double deltaFL2 = deltaFL * deltaFL;
                double weight = mirrorFactor * recursionKernel[lcount][FLcenter];
                if (weight > 0) {
                    double e = weight * biasMag * exp(-deltaL2 / (2.0 * Ls2)) * exp(-deltaFL2 / (2.0 * FLs2));
                    sum += e;
        return sum;

    public void setLambda(double lambda) {
        this.lambda = lambda;
        theta = Math.asin(Math.sqrt(lambda));

    public LambdaInterface getLambdaInterface() {
        return lambdaInterface;

    public void setTraversalOutput(File lambdaOneFile, MolecularAssembly topology1, File lambdaZeroFile,
            MolecularAssembly topology2) {
        this.writeTraversalSnapshots = true;
        this.lambdaOneFile = lambdaOneFile;
        this.lambdaOneAssembly = topology1;
        this.lambdaZeroFile = lambdaZeroFile;
        this.lambdaZeroAssembly = topology2;

    public void setThetaMass(double thetaMass) {
        this.thetaMass = thetaMass;

    public void setResetStatistics(boolean resetStatistics) {
        this.resetStatistics = resetStatistics;

    public void setThetaFrication(double thetaFriction) {
        this.thetaFriction = thetaFriction;

     * Set the OSRW Gaussian biasing potential magnitude (kcal/mole).
     * @param biasMag Gaussian biasing potential magnitude (kcal/mole)
    public void setBiasMagnitude(double biasMag) {
        this.biasMag = biasMag;

     * Set the OSRW count interval. Every 'countInterval' steps the
     * recursionKernel will be incremented based on the current value of the
     * lambda state variable and the derivative of the energy with respect to
     * lambda (dU/dL).
     * @param countInterval Molecular dynamics steps between counts.
    public void setCountInterval(int countInterval) {
        if (countInterval > 0) {
            this.countInterval = countInterval;
        } else {
            logger.info(" OSRW count interval must be greater than 0.");

     * Propagate Lambda using Langevin dynamics.
    private void langevin() {
        double rt2 = 2.0 * Thermostat.R * temperature * thetaFriction / dt;
        double randomForce = sqrt(rt2) * stochasticRandom.nextGaussian() / randomConvert;
        double dEdL = -dEdLambda * sin(2.0 * theta);
        halfThetaVelocity = (halfThetaVelocity * (2.0 * thetaMass - thetaFriction * dt)
                + randomConvert2 * 2.0 * dt * (dEdL + randomForce)) / (2.0 * thetaMass + thetaFriction * dt);
        theta = theta + dt * halfThetaVelocity;

        if (theta > PI) {
            theta -= 2.0 * PI;
        } else if (theta <= -PI) {
            theta += 2.0 * PI;

        double sinTheta = sin(theta);
        lambda = sinTheta * sinTheta;

    public void setScaling(double[] scaling) {

    public double[] getScaling() {
        return potential.getScaling();

    public double[] getCoordinates(double[] doubles) {
        return potential.getCoordinates(doubles);

     * Return a copy of the parameter array containing lowest-energy parameters
     * from amongst visits to the specified end state (either 0 or 1).
     * @param endState
     * @return a double array of parameters
    public double[] getLowEnergyCoordinates(int endState) {
        if (endState == 0) {
            return lowEnergyCoordsZero;
        } else if (endState == 1) {
            return lowEnergyCoordsOne;
        } else {
            logger.severe("Improper function call.");
            return null;

    public void setOSRWOptimum(double prevOSRWOptimum) {
        osrwOptimum = prevOSRWOptimum;

    public double getOSRWOptimum() {
        return osrwOptimum;

    public double[] getLowEnergyLoop() {
        if (osrwOptimum < Double.MAX_VALUE) {
            return osrwOptimumCoords;
        } else {
            logger.info("Lambda > 0.9 was not reached. Try increasing number of timesteps.");
            return null;

    public void setOptimization(boolean osrwOptimization, MolecularAssembly molAss) {
        this.osrwOptimization = osrwOptimization;
        this.molecularAssembly = molAss;
        File file = molecularAssembly.getFile();
        String fileName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file.getAbsolutePath());
        if (pdbFilter == null) {
            pdbFile = new File(fileName + "_opt.pdb");
            pdbFilter = new PDBFilter(new File(fileName + "_opt.pdb"), molecularAssembly, null, null);


    public double[] getMass() {
        return potential.getMass();

     * Return a reference to each variables type.
     * @return the type of each variable.
    public Potential.VARIABLE_TYPE[] getVariableTypes() {
        return potential.getVariableTypes();

    public double getTotalEnergy() {
        return totalEnergy;

    public int getNumberOfVariables() {
        return potential.getNumberOfVariables();

    public void setEnergyTermState(Potential.STATE state) {
        this.state = state;

    public void setVelocity(double[] velocity) {

    public void setAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {

    public void setPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {

    public double[] getVelocity(double[] velocity) {
        return potential.getVelocity(velocity);

    public double[] getAcceleration(double[] acceleration) {
        return potential.getAcceleration(acceleration);

    public double[] getPreviousAcceleration(double[] previousAcceleration) {
        return potential.getPreviousAcceleration(previousAcceleration);

    public double energy(double[] x) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

    public Potential.STATE getEnergyTermState() {
        return state;

    public void setData(DiffractionData diffractionData) {
        this.diffractionData = diffractionData;
        this.useXRayMinimizer = true;

    private class OSRWHistogramWriter extends PrintWriter {

        public OSRWHistogramWriter(Writer writer) {

        public void writeHistogramFile() {
            printf("Temperature     %15.3f\n", temperature);
            printf("Lambda-Mass     %15.8e\n", thetaMass);
            printf("Lambda-Friction %15.8e\n", thetaFriction);
            printf("Bias-Mag        %15.8e\n", biasMag);
            printf("Bias-Cutoff     %15d\n", biasCutoff);
            printf("Count-Interval  %15d\n", countInterval);
            printf("Lambda-Bins     %15d\n", lambdaBins);
            printf("FLambda-Bins    %15d\n", FLambdaBins);
            printf("Flambda-Min     %15.8e\n", minFLambda);
            printf("Flambda-Width   %15.8e\n", dFL);
            for (int i = 0; i < lambdaBins; i++) {
                printf("%d", recursionKernel[i][0]);
                for (int j = 1; j < FLambdaBins; j++) {
                    printf(" %d", recursionKernel[i][j]);

    private class OSRWLambdaWriter extends PrintWriter {

        public OSRWLambdaWriter(Writer writer) {

        public void writeLambdaFile() {
            printf("Lambda          %15.8f\n", lambda);
            printf("Lambda-Velocity %15.8e\n", halfThetaVelocity);

    private class OSRWHistogramReader extends BufferedReader {

        public OSRWHistogramReader(Reader reader) {

        public void readHistogramFile() {
            try {
                temperature = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                thetaMass = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                thetaFriction = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                biasMag = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                biasCutoff = Integer.parseInt(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                countInterval = Integer.parseInt(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                lambdaBins = Integer.parseInt(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                FLambdaBins = Integer.parseInt(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                minFLambda = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                dFL = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                // Allocate memory for the recursion kernel.
                recursionKernel = new int[lambdaBins][FLambdaBins];
                for (int i = 0; i < lambdaBins; i++) {
                    String counts[] = readLine().split(" +");
                    for (int j = 0; j < FLambdaBins; j++) {
                        recursionKernel[i][j] = Integer.parseInt(counts[j]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String message = " Invalid OSRW Histogram file.";
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);

    private class OSRWLambdaReader extends BufferedReader {

        public OSRWLambdaReader(Reader reader) {

        public void readLambdaFile() {
            try {
                lambda = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
                halfThetaVelocity = Double.parseDouble(readLine().split(" +")[1]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String message = " Invalid OSRW Lambda file.";
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);

    class ReceiveThread extends Thread {

        final double recursionCount[];
        final DoubleBuf recursionCountBuf;

        public ReceiveThread() {
            recursionCount = new double[2];
            recursionCountBuf = DoubleBuf.buffer(recursionCount);

        public void run() {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    world.receive(null, recursionCountBuf);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String message = e.getMessage();
                    logger.log(Level.WARNING, message, e);
                 * Check that the FLambda range of the Recursion kernel includes
                 * both the minimum and maximum FLambda value.

                 * Increment the Recursion Kernel based on the input of current
                 * walker.
                int walkerLambda = binForLambda(recursionCount[0]);
                int walkerFLambda = binForFLambda(recursionCount[1]);

                if (resetStatistics && recursionCount[0] > lambdaResetValue) {
                    recursionKernel = new int[lambdaBins][FLambdaBins];
                    resetStatistics = false;
                    logger.info(String.format(" Cleared OSRW histogram (Lambda = %6.4f).", recursionCount[0]));

                 * Increment the Recursion Kernel based on the input of current
                 * walker.
