Java tutorial
/** * Title: Force Field X. * * Description: Force Field X - Software for Molecular Biophysics. * * Copyright: Copyright (c) Michael J. Schnieders 2001-2017. * * This file is part of Force Field X. * * Force Field X is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by * the Free Software Foundation. * * Force Field X is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * Force Field X; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a * combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the * GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. * * As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and * to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, * provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms * and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a * module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this * library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but * you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. */ package ffx.potential.bonded; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; import ffx.potential.ForceFieldEnergy; import ffx.potential.MolecularAssembly; import static ffx.potential.bonded.AminoAcidUtils.assignAminoAcidAtomTypes; import ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.MissingAtomTypeException; import ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.MissingHeavyAtomException; import static ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.buildBond; import static ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.buildHydrogenAtom; import static ffx.potential.bonded.BondedUtils.intxyz; import ffx.potential.bonded.ResidueEnumerations.AminoAcid3; import ffx.potential.bonded.ResidueEnumerations.NucleicAcid3; import ffx.potential.parameters.ForceField; import static ffx.potential.bonded.Residue.origAtEnd; import ffx.potential.parameters.AngleType; import ffx.potential.parameters.AtomType; import ffx.potential.parameters.BondType; import ffx.potential.parameters.TorsionType; import ffx.potential.utils.PotentialsUtils; import static ffx.utilities.HashCodeUtil.SEED; import static ffx.utilities.HashCodeUtil.hash; import static ffx.utilities.HashCodeUtil.hash; import java.util.logging.Level; import static ffx.utilities.HashCodeUtil.hash; import static ffx.utilities.HashCodeUtil.hash; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode; import static org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.sqrt; /** * The MultiResidue class allows switching between residues for uses such as * sequence optimization. * * @author Will Tollefson * @author Michael J. Schnieders */ public class MultiTerminus extends Residue { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MultiResidue.class.getName()); private final ForceField forceField; private final ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy; private final MolecularAssembly mola; public final END end; public boolean isCharged; public static final double kB = 0.83144725; private final static boolean DEBUG = false; public MultiTerminus(Residue residue, ForceField forceField, ForceFieldEnergy forceFieldEnergy, MolecularAssembly mola) { super(residue.getName(), residue.getResidueNumber(), residue.residueType, residue.getChainID(), residue.getChainID().toString()); try { String ffString = forceField.getString(ForceField.ForceFieldString.FORCEFIELD); if (ForceField.ForceFieldName.valueOf(ffString) != ForceField.ForceFieldName.AMOEBA_PROTEIN_2013) { logger.severe("MultiTerminus supported only under AMOEBA_PROTEIN_2013."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(MultiTerminus.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } this.forceField = forceField; this.forceFieldEnergy = forceFieldEnergy; this.mola = mola; if (residue.getNextResidue() == null) { end = END.CTERM; isCharged = (residue.getAtomNode("HO") == null); } else if (residue.getPreviousResidue() == null) { end = END.NTERM; isCharged = (residue.getAtomNode("H3") != null); } else { end = null; logger.severe("MultiTerminus constructed for non-terminal residue."); } // removeLeaves(); } @Override public void revertState(ResidueState state) { if (state.getIsNeutralTerminus() && this.isCharged == true) { titrateTerminus_v1(298.15); // TODO generalize } super.revertState(state); } /** * Useful for locating backbone atom nodes that share a name with side-chain atoms. */ private Atom getBBAtom(String name) { ArrayList<Atom> list = this.getAtomList(); for (Atom atom : list) { if (atom.getName().equals(name)) { //" Found: " + atom.getName()); return atom; // try { // BB_TYPE bbType = BB_TYPE.valueOf(name); // AtomType type = atom.getAtomType(); // if ((type.type == bbType.chrgType && type.atomClass == bbType.chrgClass) // || (type.type == bbType.neutType && type.atomClass == bbType.neutClass)) { // return atom; // } // } catch (Exception ex) {} } } return null; } private void updateBondedTerms() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("Updating bonded terms: \n")); List<ROLS> bonds = getBondList(); for (int i = 0; i < bonds.size(); i++) { Bond bond = (Bond) bonds.get(i); BondType oldType = bond.bondType; int c[] = new int[2]; c[0] = bond.atoms[0].getAtomType().atomClass; c[1] = bond.atoms[1].getAtomType().atomClass; String key = BondType.sortKey(c); BondType newType = forceField.getBondType(key); if (oldType != newType) { sb.append(String.format(" Bond: %s --> %s \n", bond.bondType, newType)); bond.setBondType(newType); if (newType.distance < 0.9 * oldType.distance || newType.distance > 1.1 * oldType.distance) {" Large bond distance change: %s %s, %.2f --> %.2f ", bond.atoms[0].toShortString(), bond.atoms[1].toShortString(), oldType.distance, newType.distance)); } } } List<ROLS> angles = getAngleList(); for (int i = 0; i < angles.size(); i++) { Angle angle = (Angle) angles.get(i); AngleType oldType = angle.angleType; if (DEBUG) {" %d ( %s %s %s ) ( %d %d %d )", i, angle.atoms[0].toShortString(), angle.atoms[1].toShortString(), angle.atoms[2].toShortString(), angle.atoms[0].getAtomType().atomClass, angle.atoms[1].getAtomType().atomClass, angle.atoms[2].getAtomType().atomClass)); } Angle dummy = Angle.angleFactory(angle.bonds[0], angle.bonds[1], forceField); AngleType newType = dummy.angleType; if (oldType != newType) { sb.append(String.format(" Angle: %s --> %s \n", angle.angleType, dummy.angleType)); angle.setAngleType(dummy.angleType); if (newType.angle[0] < 0.9 * oldType.angle[0] || newType.angle[0] > 1.1 * oldType.angle[0]) {" Large angle change: %s %s %s, %.2f --> %.2f ", angle.atoms[0].toShortString(), angle.atoms[1].toShortString(), angle.atoms[2].toShortString(), oldType.angle[0], newType.angle[0])); } } } List<ROLS> torsions = getTorsionList(); for (int i = 0; i < torsions.size(); i++) { Torsion tors = (Torsion) torsions.get(i); TorsionType oldType = tors.torsionType; Torsion dummy = Torsion.torsionFactory(tors.bonds[0], tors.bonds[1], tors.bonds[2], forceField); TorsionType newType = dummy.torsionType; if (oldType != newType) { sb.append(String.format(" Torsion: %s --> %s \n", tors.torsionType, dummy.torsionType)); tors.torsionType = dummy.torsionType; } } if (DEBUG) {; } } private Atom uberH3; private Atom uberHO; private Bond bondH3; private Bond bondHO; private List<ROLS> rolsH3 = new ArrayList<>(); private List<ROLS> rolsHO = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Changes the charge state of this MultiTerminus. * Keep existing Atom objects but updates types, bonded terms, and builds new proton if necessary. */ public void titrateTerminus_v1(double temperature) {" Titrating residue %s (currently %d).", this.toString(), (isCharged ? 1 : 0))); // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append(" Contents of children: "); // for (Atom atom : this.getAtomList()) { // sb.append(String.format("%s, ", atom.getName())); // } //; /** * Get references to the backbone atoms. */ Atom N = getBBAtom("N"); Atom CA = getBBAtom("CA"); Atom C = getBBAtom("C"); Atom O = getBBAtom("O"); Atom OXT = getBBAtom("OXT"); Atom H1 = getBBAtom("H1"); Atom H2 = getBBAtom("H2"); Atom H3 = getBBAtom("H3"); Atom HA = getBBAtom("HA"); Atom OH = getBBAtom("OH"); Atom HO = getBBAtom("HO"); String resName = C.getResidueName(); int resSeq = C.getResidueNumber(); Character chainID = C.getChainID(); List<Atom> typeChanged = new ArrayList<>(); if (DEBUG) { printBonds(); } if (end == END.NTERM) { if (isCharged) { if (rolsH3.isEmpty()) { for (Angle a : H3.getAngles()) { rolsH3.add(a); } for (Torsion t : H3.getTorsions()) { rolsH3.add(t); } } N.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.N.neutType))); H1.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H1.neutType))); H2.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H2.neutType))); // intxyz(H1, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 180.0, 0); // intxyz(H2, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 0.0, 0); bondH3 = N.getBond(H3); bondH3.removeFromParent(); for (Angle a : H3.getAngles()) { a.removeFromParent(); } for (Torsion t : H3.getTorsions()) { t.removeFromParent(); } H3.removeFromParent(); H3.setParent(null); H3.setUse(false); uberH3 = H3; typeChanged.add(N); typeChanged.add(H1); typeChanged.add(H2); //" Finished titration. H3 status: %b %b %b", // N.getBond(H3) == null, this.getAtomNode().contains(H3) == null, H3.getParent() == null)); } else { if (H3 != null) { logger.severe("N-terminal found in incorrect charge state."); } if (uberH3 == null || bondH3 == null) { logger.severe("Please start with (N-)termini in the charged state."); } H3 = uberH3; N.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.N.chrgType))); H1.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H1.chrgType))); H2.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H2.chrgType))); intxyz(H1, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 180.0, 0); intxyz(H2, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 60.0, 0); intxyz(H3, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, -60.0, 0); maxwellMe(H3, temperature); this.getAtomNode().add(H3); this.add(bondH3); //"Number of rolsH3 terms: " + rolsH3.size()); for (ROLS rols : rolsH3) { if (rols instanceof Angle) { this.add((Angle) rols); } else if (rols instanceof Torsion) { this.add((Torsion) rols); } } H3.setParent(this.getAtomNode()); H3.setUse(true); typeChanged.add(N); typeChanged.add(H1); typeChanged.add(H2); typeChanged.add(H3); //" Finished titration. H3 statuses: " // + "(They have each other: %b %b) (I have them: %b %b) (I have bond: %b)", // N.getBond(H3) != null, H3.getBond(N) != null, // this.getAtomNode().contains(H3) != null, H3.getParent() == this.getAtomNode(), // this.getBondList().contains(bondH3))); //" Bonds from H3: %s %s", // H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3).toShortString(), // H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3).getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3)).toShortString())); } } else if (end == END.CTERM) { if (isCharged) { OXT.setName("OH"); OH = OXT; if (HO != null) { logger.warning("C-terminal in unusual charge state."); } C.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.C.neutType))); O.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.O.neutType))); OH.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.OH.neutType))); if (uberHO == null) { // Gotta build the HO and all its bonded terms. uberHO = new Atom(mola.getAtomArray().length, "HO", OH.getAltLoc(), new double[3], resName, resSeq, chainID, OH.getOccupancy(), OH.getTempFactor(), OH.getSegID(), true); uberHO.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.HO.neutType))); bondHO = new Bond(OH, uberHO); bondHO.setBondType(forceField.getBondType( String.format("%d %d", OH.getAtomType().atomClass, uberHO.getAtomType().atomClass))); Angle a1 = Angle.angleFactory(bondHO, OH.getBond(C), forceField); Torsion t1 = Torsion.torsionFactory(O.getBond(C), C.getBond(OH), bondHO, forceField); Torsion t2 = Torsion.torsionFactory(CA.getBond(C), C.getBond(OH), bondHO, forceField); this.add(a1); this.add(t1); this.add(t2); } HO = uberHO; intxyz(HO, OXT, 1.02, C, 109.5, CA, -1.7, 0); maxwellMe(HO, temperature); this.getAtomNode().add(HO); this.add(bondHO); HO.setParent(this.getAtomNode()); HO.setUse(true); //"Number of rolsHO terms: " + rolsHO.size()); for (ROLS rols : rolsHO) { if (rols instanceof Angle) { this.add((Angle) rols); } else if (rols instanceof Torsion) { this.add((Torsion) rols); } } typeChanged.add(C); typeChanged.add(O); typeChanged.add(OH); typeChanged.add(HO); } else { if (rolsHO.isEmpty()) { rolsHO = new ArrayList<>(); for (Angle a : HO.getAngles()) { rolsHO.add(a); } for (Torsion t : HO.getTorsions()) { rolsHO.add(t); } } C.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.C.chrgType))); O.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.O.chrgType))); OH.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.OH.chrgType))); OH.setName("OXT"); OXT = OH; bondHO = OH.getBond(HO); bondHO.removeFromParent(); for (Angle a : HO.getAngles()) { a.removeFromParent(); } for (Torsion t : HO.getTorsions()) { t.removeFromParent(); } HO.removeFromParent(); HO.setParent(null); HO.setUse(false); uberHO = HO; typeChanged.add(C); typeChanged.add(O); typeChanged.add(OH); } } updateGeometry(); updateBondedTerms(); isCharged = !isCharged; forceFieldEnergy.reInit(); if (DEBUG) { printBonds(); } } private void printBonds() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(String.format("BondList: %s\n", this.toString())); for (ROLS rols : getBondList()) { Bond bond = (Bond) rols; sb.append(String.format(" %s\n", bond.toString())); }; } @Override public void add(MutableTreeNode mtn) { super.add(mtn); if (DEBUG) {"Adding to terminus: " + mtn.toString()); } } /** * Changes the charge state of this MultiTerminus. * Keep existing Atom objects but updates types, bonded terms, and builds new proton if necessary. */ public void titrateTerminus_v0() {" Titrating residue %s (currently %d).", this.toString(), (isCharged ? 1 : 0))); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" Contents of children: "); for (Atom atom : this.getAtomList()) { sb.append(String.format("%s, ", atom.getName())); }; /** * Get references to the backbone atoms. */ Atom N = getBBAtom("N"); Atom CA = getBBAtom("CA"); Atom C = getBBAtom("C"); Atom O = getBBAtom("O"); Atom OXT = getBBAtom("OXT"); Atom H1 = getBBAtom("H1"); Atom H2 = getBBAtom("H2"); Atom H3 = getBBAtom("H3"); Atom HA = getBBAtom("HA"); Atom OH = getBBAtom("OH"); Atom HO = getBBAtom("HO"); String resName = C.getResidueName(); int resSeq = C.getResidueNumber(); Character chainID = C.getChainID(); if (end == END.NTERM) { if (isCharged) { N.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.N.neutType))); H1.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H1.neutType))); H2.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H2.neutType))); intxyz(H1, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 180.0, 0); intxyz(H2, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 0.0, 0); Bond bondH3 = N.getBond(H3); bondH3.removeFromParent(); H3.removeFromParent(); H3.setParent(null); // N.getBondList().remove(bondH3); // oughtta be in updateGeometry() // N.removeBond(bondH3); // this.getBondList().remove(bondH3); // returns false // this.getAtomNode().remove(H3); // throws "is not a child" updateGeometry();" Finished titration. H3 status: %b %b %b", N.getBond(H3) == null, this.getAtomNode().contains(H3) == null, H3.getParent() == null)); } else { if (H3 != null) { logger.warning("N-terminal use state toggled."); } N.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.N.chrgType))); H1.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H1.chrgType))); H2.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H2.chrgType))); H3 = new Atom(mola.getAtomArray().length, "H3", N.getAltLoc(), new double[3], resName, resSeq, chainID, N.getOccupancy(), N.getTempFactor(), N.getSegID(), true); H3.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.H3.chrgType))); intxyz(H1, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 180.0, 0); intxyz(H2, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, 60.0, 0); intxyz(H3, N, 1.02, CA, 109.5, C, -60.0, 0); double vel[] = new double[3]; N.getVelocity(vel); H3.setVelocity(vel); // Bond bondH3 = buildBond(N, H3, forceField, null); // try manually Bond bondH3 = new Bond(N, H3); bondH3.setBondType(forceField.getBondType( String.format("%d %d", N.getAtomType().atomClass, H3.getAtomType().atomClass))); this.getAtomNode().add(H3); this.getBondList().add(bondH3); this.add(bondH3); updateGeometry(); " Finished titration. H3 statuses: " + "(They have each other: %b %b) (I have them: %b %b) (I have bond: %b)", N.getBond(H3) != null, H3.getBond(N) != null, this.getAtomNode().contains(H3) != null, H3.getParent() == this.getAtomNode(), this.getBondList().contains(bondH3)));" Bonds from H3: %s %s", H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3).toShortString(), H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3).getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3.getBonds().get(0).get1_2(H3)) .toShortString())); } } else if (end == END.CTERM) { if (isCharged) { if (HO != null) { logger.warning("C-terminal in unusual charge state."); } C.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.C.neutType))); O.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.O.neutType))); OXT.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.OH.neutType))); OXT.setName("OH"); OH = OXT; HO = new Atom(mola.getAtomArray().length, "HO", OXT.getAltLoc(), new double[3], resName, resSeq, chainID, OXT.getOccupancy(), OXT.getTempFactor(), OXT.getSegID(), true); HO.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.HO.neutType))); intxyz(HO, OXT, 1.02, C, 109.5, CA, -1.7, 0); double vel[] = new double[3]; OH.getVelocity(vel); HO.setVelocity(vel); buildBond(OH, HO, forceField, null); this.getAtomNode().add(HO); } else { C.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.C.chrgType))); O.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.O.chrgType))); OH.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(BB_TYPE.OH.chrgType))); OH.setName("OXT"); Bond bondHO = OH.getBond(HO); bondHO.removeFromParent(); HO.removeFromParent(); HO.setParent(null); this.getBondList().remove(bondHO); this.getAtomNode().remove(HO); updateGeometry(); } } isCharged = !isCharged; forceFieldEnergy.reInit(); } /** * For testing. */ private void titrateTerminusByRebuilding() { if (true) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * Get references to the backbone atoms. */ Atom CA = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("CA"); Atom C = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("C"); Atom HA = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("HA"); Atom N = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("N"); Atom O = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("O"); Atom OXT = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("OXT"); Atom NH2 = (Atom) this.getAtomNode("NH2"); if (getNextResidue() == null) { } else if (getPreviousResidue() == null) { String resName = C.getResidueName(); int resSeq = C.getResidueNumber(); Character chainID = C.getChainID(); double Cxyz[] = new double[3]; double Oxyz[] = new double[3]; double OXTxyz[] = new double[3]; C.getXYZ(Cxyz); O.getXYZ(Oxyz); OXT.getXYZ(OXTxyz); int protCkey = 235; int protOkey = 236; int protOHkey = 237; int protHOkey = 238; Atom protC = new Atom(0, "C", C.getAltLoc(), Cxyz, resName, resSeq, chainID, C.getOccupancy(), C.getTempFactor(), C.getSegID(), true); Atom protO = new Atom(0, "O", O.getAltLoc(), Oxyz, resName, resSeq, chainID, O.getOccupancy(), O.getTempFactor(), O.getSegID(), true); Atom protOH = new Atom(0, "OH", OXT.getAltLoc(), OXTxyz, resName, resSeq, chainID, OXT.getOccupancy(), OXT.getTempFactor(), OXT.getSegID(), true); Atom protHO = new Atom(0, "HO", OXT.getAltLoc(), new double[3], resName, resSeq, chainID, OXT.getOccupancy(), OXT.getTempFactor(), OXT.getSegID(), true); intxyz(protHO, protOH, 1.02, protC, 109.5, CA, -1.7, 0); protC.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(protCkey))); protO.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(protOkey))); protOH.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(protOHkey))); protHO.setAtomType(forceField.getAtomType(Integer.toString(protHOkey))); buildBond(CA, protO, forceField, null); buildBond(protC, protO, forceField, null); buildBond(protC, protOH, forceField, null); buildBond(protOH, protHO, forceField, null); } } /** * Update Atom references to local geometry. * * @param residue */ private void updateGeometry() { /** * Update atom references to local geometry. */ ArrayList<Atom> atoms = this.getAtomList(); ArrayList<ROLS> bonds = this.getBondList(); ArrayList<ROLS> angles = this.getAngleList(); ArrayList<ROLS> torsions = this.getTorsionList(); for (Atom atom : atoms) { atom.clearGeometry(); } for (Atom atom : atoms) { for (ROLS bond : bonds) { Bond b = (Bond) bond; if (b.containsAtom(atom)) { atom.setBond(b); } } } for (Atom atom : atoms) { for (ROLS angle : angles) { Angle a = (Angle) angle; if (a.containsAtom(atom)) { atom.setAngle(a); } } } for (Atom atom : atoms) { for (ROLS torsion : torsions) { Torsion t = (Torsion) torsion; if (t.containsAtom(atom)) { atom.setTorsion(t); } } } } // For reference. // public void addResidue(Residue newResidue) { // /** // * Add the new residue to list. // */ // consideredResidues.add(newResidue); // /** // * Get references to nearby residues. // */ // Residue prevResidue = activeResidue.getPreviousResidue(); // Residue nextResidue = activeResidue.getNextResidue(); // Residue prev2Residue = null; // if (prevResidue != null) { // prev2Residue = prevResidue.getPreviousResidue(); // } // Residue next2Residue = null; // if (nextResidue != null) { // next2Residue = nextResidue.getNextResidue(); // } // // /** // * Move atoms from the active Residue to the new Residue. // */ // moveBackBoneAtoms(activeResidue, newResidue); // // /** // * Pass references of the active Residues' joints to the new Residue. // */ // ArrayList<Joint> joints = activeResidue.getJoints(); // for (Joint joint : joints) { // newResidue.addJoint(joint); // } // /** // * Make the new Residue active. // */ // activeResidue.removeFromParent(); // activeResidue = newResidue; // add(activeResidue); // /** // * Build side-chain atoms and assign atom types for the new Residue. // */ // try { // assignAminoAcidAtomTypes(newResidue, prevResidue, nextResidue, forceField, null); // if (nextResidue != null) { // Atom C = (Atom) newResidue.getAtomNode("C"); // Atom nextN = (Atom) nextResidue.getAtomNode("N"); // for (Joint joint : joints) { // Bond bond = (Bond) joint.getBondList().get(0); // if (bond.containsAtom(C) && bond.containsAtom(nextN)) { // C.setBond(bond); // } // } // } // } catch (MissingHeavyAtomException | MissingAtomTypeException exception) { // logger.severe(exception.toString()); // } // newResidue.finalize(true, forceField); // updateGeometry(newResidue, prevResidue, nextResidue, prev2Residue, next2Residue); // } public boolean isCharged() { return isCharged; } public enum BB_TYPE { /** [name from Biotype record appended] atom 233 30 C "C-Terminal COO-" 6 12.0110 3 C atom 234 31 O "C-Terminal COO-" 8 15.9990 1 OXT atom 235 32 C "C-Terminal COOH C=O" 6 12.0110 3 C atom 236 33 O "C-Terminal COOH O=C" 8 15.9990 1 O atom 237 34 OH "C-Terminal COOH OH" 8 15.9990 2 OH atom 238 35 HO "C-Terminal COOH HO" 1 1.0080 1 HO atom 225 1 N "Amide Cap NH2" 7 14.0070 3 N atom 226 4 HN "Amide Cap H2N" 1 1.0080 1 HN atom 231 41 N "N-Terminal NH3+" 7 14.0070 4 N atom 232 42 H "N-Terminal H3N+" 1 1.0080 1 HN **/ N(231, 41, 225, 1), C(233, 30, 235, 32), O(234, 31, 236, 33), OXT(234, 31, 236, 33), // On titration, this'll need renamed. OH(234, 31, 237, 34), // ^ HO(-1, -1, 238, 35), H1(232, 41, 226, 4), // On titration, these'll need removed and rebuilt. H2(232, 41, 226, 4), H3(232, 41, 226, 4); public int chrgType, chrgClass; public int neutType, neutClass; BB_TYPE(int chrgType, int chrgClass, int neutType, int neutClass) { this.chrgType = chrgType; this.chrgClass = chrgClass; this.neutType = neutType; this.neutClass = neutClass; } } public enum END { NTERM, CTERM; } private void maxwellMe(Atom atom, double temperature) { double vv[] = new double[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { vv[i] = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() * sqrt(kB * temperature / atom.getMass()); } atom.setVelocity(vv); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @param object * @return Object equality */ @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (this == object) { return true; } else if (object == null || getClass() != object.getClass()) { return false; } MultiTerminus other = (MultiTerminus) object; if (this.getResidueNumber() == other.getResidueNumber() && this.isCharged == other.isCharged()) { return true; } else { return false; } } }