Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016. Created by Bystander from Nexus. License - the same as the one of SkyProc, whatever it is. * I don't really care. Would be nice to be mentioned if you create some derived work */ package ffdammit; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import ffdammit.NBWSaveFile.Settings; import ffdammit.dto.RaceData; import lev.gui.LSaveFile; import skyproc.*; import skyproc.genenums.Gender; import skyproc.gui.SPMainMenuPanel; import skyproc.gui.SUM; import skyproc.gui.SUMGUI; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; /** * @author Bystander */ public class SkyProcMain implements SUM { /* * The important functions to change are: * - getStandardMenu(), where you set up the GUI * - runChangesToPatch(), where you put all the processing code and add records to the output patch. */ public static String myPatchName = "NPCProc"; public static String authorName = "Bystander"; public static String version = "1.5"; public static String welcomeText = "Removes opposite gender animations flag from all NPCs, optionally fixes races models, heights"; public static String descriptionToShowInSUM = welcomeText; public static Color headerColor = new Color(66, 181, 184); // Teal public static Color settingsColor = new Color(72, 179, 58); // Green public static Font settingsFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 15); public static SkyProcSave save = new NBWSaveFile(); public static String racesDataPath = "races.json"; /* * The types of records you want your patcher to import. Change this to * customize the import to what you need. */ GRUP_TYPE[] importRequests = new GRUP_TYPE[] { GRUP_TYPE.NPC_, GRUP_TYPE.RACE }; // Do not write the bulk of your program here // Instead, write your patch changes in the "runChangesToPatch" function // at the bottom public static void main(String[] args) { try { SPGlobal.createGlobalLog(); SkyProcMain(), args); } catch (Exception e) { // If a major error happens, print it everywhere and display a message box. System.err.println(e.toString()); SPGlobal.logException(e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There was an exception thrown during program execution: '" + e + "' Check the debug logs or contact the author."); SPGlobal.closeDebug(); } } @Override public String getName() { return "NoButchWalk"; } // This function labels any record types that you "multiply". // For example, if you took all the armors in a mod list and made 3 copies, // you would put ARMO here. // This is to help monitor/prevent issues where multiple SkyProc patchers // multiply the same record type to yeild a huge number of records. @Override public GRUP_TYPE[] dangerousRecordReport() { // None return new GRUP_TYPE[0]; } @Override public GRUP_TYPE[] importRequests() { return importRequests; } @Override public boolean importAtStart() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasStandardMenu() { return true; } // This is where you add panels to the main menu. // First create custom panel classes (as shown by YourFirstSettingsPanel), // Then add them here. @Override public SPMainMenuPanel getStandardMenu() { SPMainMenuPanel settingsMenu = new SPMainMenuPanel(getHeaderColor()); settingsMenu.setWelcomePanel(new WelcomePanel(settingsMenu)); settingsMenu.addMenu(new GeneralSettingsPanel(settingsMenu), false, save, Settings.GENERAL_SETTINGS); settingsMenu.addMenu(new VisualSettingsPanel(settingsMenu), false, save, Settings.VISUAL_SETTINGS); settingsMenu.addMenu(new CombatSettingsPanel(settingsMenu), false, save, Settings.COMBAT_SETTINGS); return settingsMenu; } // Usually false unless you want to make your own GUI @Override public boolean hasCustomMenu() { return false; } @Override public JFrame openCustomMenu() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public boolean hasLogo() { return false; } @Override public URL getLogo() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public boolean hasSave() { return true; } @Override public LSaveFile getSave() { return save; } @Override public String getVersion() { return version; } @Override public ModListing getListing() { return new ModListing(getName(), false); } @Override public Mod getExportPatch() { Mod out = new Mod(getListing()); out.setAuthor(authorName); return out; } @Override public Color getHeaderColor() { return headerColor; } // Add any custom checks to determine if a patch is needed. // On Automatic Variants, this function would check if any new packages were // added or removed. @Override public boolean needsPatching() { return false; } // This function runs when the program opens to "set things up" // It runs right after the save file is loaded, and before the GUI is displayed @Override public void onStart() throws Exception { } // This function runs right as the program is about to close. @Override public void onExit(boolean patchWasGenerated) throws Exception { } // Add any mods that you REQUIRE to be present in order to patch. @Override public ArrayList<ModListing> requiredMods() { return new ArrayList<>(0); } @Override public String description() { return descriptionToShowInSUM; } public List<String> loadTextArray(String fileName) { try { return Files.readAllLines(new File(fileName).toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()).stream() .map(String::trim).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public void copyFaceData(final NPC_ src, NPC_ dest) { dest.setRace(src.getRace()); dest.setSkin(src.getSkin()); dest.setVoiceType(src.getVoiceType()); dest.setAttackDataRace(src.getAttackDataRace()); dest.setEyePreset(src.getEyePreset()); dest.setFaceTint(RGB.Red, dest.getFaceTint(RGB.Red)); dest.setFaceTint(RGB.Green, dest.getFaceTint(RGB.Green)); dest.setFaceTint(RGB.Blue, dest.getFaceTint(RGB.Blue)); for (NPC_.FacePart fp : NPC_.FacePart.values()) { float faceValue = src.getFaceValue(fp); if (faceValue != 0.0f) { dest.setFaceValue(fp, faceValue); } } dest.setHairColor(src.getHairColor()); dest.setHeight(src.getHeight()); dest.setMouthPreset(src.getMouthPreset()); dest.setNosePreset(src.getNosePreset()); dest.setWeight(src.getWeight()); } // This is where you should write the bulk of your code. // Write the changes you would like to make to the patch, // but DO NOT export it. Exporting is handled internally. @Override public void runChangesToPatch() throws Exception { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final Map<String, RaceData> raceData = save.getBool(Settings.PROCESS_RACE_HEIGHTS) ? mapper.readValue(new File(racesDataPath), new TypeReference<HashMap<String, RaceData>>() { }) : null; final List<String> faceModList = save.getBool(Settings.PROCESS_FACE_VISUALS) ? loadTextArray("faces.txt") : null; final List<String> essentialList = save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS) > 0 ? loadTextArray("essential.txt") : null; final List<String> protectedList = save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS) > 0 ? loadTextArray("protected.txt") : null; final List<String> noProtectionList = save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS) > 0 ? loadTextArray("noprotection.txt") : null; Mod patch = SPGlobal.getGlobalPatch(); Mod merger = new Mod(getName() + "Merger", false); merger.addAsOverrides(SPGlobal.getDB()); merger.getNPCs().forEach(n -> { boolean isNPCRecordChanged = false; if (faceModList != null) { ArrayList<MajorRecord> hist = n.getRecordHistory(); if (hist.size() > 1) { // processing face data int idx = 999999; MajorRecord mrr = null; for (MajorRecord mr : hist) { ModListing ml = mr.getModImportedFrom(); Mod mod = SPDatabase.getMod(ml); String modName = mod.getName(); int i = faceModList.indexOf(modName); if (i != -1 && idx > i) { // the mod matching first listed in faces.txt wins mrr = mr; idx = i; } } if (mrr != null && mrr instanceof NPC_) { NPC_ from = (NPC_) mrr; copyFaceData(from, n); isNPCRecordChanged = true; } } } if (save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS) > 0) { boolean isProtected = false; boolean isEssential = false; boolean isProtectionProcessed = false; if (essentialList != null && essentialList.contains(n.getName())) { n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, true); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, false); } else if (protectedList != null && protectedList.contains(n.getName())) { n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, false); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, true); } else if (noProtectionList != null && noProtectionList.contains(n.getName())) { n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, false); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, false); } else if (save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS) > 1) { // don't process if set to 'files only' // try checking record's history ArrayList<MajorRecord> hist = n.getRecordHistory(); for (MajorRecord mr : hist) { if (mr instanceof NPC_) { NPC_ nh = (NPC_) mr; if (nh.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential)) { isEssential = true; isProtectionProcessed = true; } if (nh.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected)) { isProtected = true; isProtectionProcessed = true; } } } if (isProtectionProcessed) { switch (save.getInt(Settings.PRESERVE_PROTECTION_OPTIONS)) { case 2: // Protected/Essential -> Essential isEssential = isEssential | isProtected; if (isEssential) { isNPCRecordChanged = true; n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, false); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, true); } break; case 3: // Protected/Essential -> Protected isProtected = isProtected | isEssential; if (isProtected) { isNPCRecordChanged = true; n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, true); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, false); } break; case 4: // Essential -> Protected isProtected = isProtected | isEssential | n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential) | n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected); if (isProtected) { isNPCRecordChanged = true; n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, true); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, false); } break; case 5: // Protected -> Essential isEssential = isProtected | isEssential | n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential) | n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected); if (isEssential) { isNPCRecordChanged = true; n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Protected, false); n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.Essential, true); } break; } } } } if (save.getBool(Settings.PROCESS_OPPOSITE_GENDER_ANIMS)) { if (n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.Female) && n.get(NPC_.NPCFlag.OppositeGenderAnims)) { n.set(NPC_.NPCFlag.OppositeGenderAnims, false); isNPCRecordChanged = true; } } if (isNPCRecordChanged) { patch.addRecord(n); } }); merger.getRaces().forEach(r -> r.getKeywordSet().getKeywordRefs().forEach(kw -> { boolean isRaceRecordChanged = false; String title = kw.getTitle(); if (save.getBool(Settings.COMBAT_IN_WATER) && r.get(RACE.RACEFlags.NoCombatInWater)) { r.set(RACE.RACEFlags.NoCombatInWater, false); isRaceRecordChanged = true; } if (title != null && title.equals("013794Skyrim.esm")) { // NPC race if (save.getBool(Settings.PROCESS_RACE_MODELS)) { try { Model model = r.getPhysicsModel(Gender.FEMALE); // throws NPE sometimes if (model != null && model.getFileName().equals("Actors\\Character\\DefaultMale.hkx")) { model.setFileName("Actors\\Character\\DefaultFemale.hkx"); isRaceRecordChanged = true; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (save.getBool(Settings.PROCESS_RACE_HEIGHTS) && !r.get(RACE.RACEFlags.Child)) { String name = r.getName(); if (raceData != null && raceData.containsKey(name)) { RaceData rd = raceData.get(name); r.setHeight(Gender.MALE, rd.heightMale); r.setHeight(Gender.FEMALE, rd.heightFemale); isRaceRecordChanged = true; } } } if (isRaceRecordChanged) { patch.addRecord(r); } })); } }