Java tutorial
/** * $Id$ [$Rev$] * $Author$ * $Date$ * $URL$ * * Copyright (c) 2009 by Andersen (F.C. Huang). * * The contents of this file is available under the MIT License. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ package; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import fc.extensions.itext.Writer; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.LocaleBeanUtils; /** * A PdfPTable wrapper supports more functions. * * @author Administrator */ public final class SmartTable { private boolean created = false, flushed = false; private float borderWidth = 0f; private int columns = 0; private int rows = 0; private PdfPTable table = null; private Writer writer = null; private int[] columnWidthsScale = null; private int cellCounter = 0; private Position position = null; private Position replicatorPosition = null; private int rowFixedHeight = 14; private int cellFontSize = 9; private boolean autoFlush = true; public SmartTable(Writer client, Position position, int columns, int rows, int cellFontSize, float borderWidth) throws Exception { this(client, position, columns, rows, cellFontSize, borderWidth, null); } public SmartTable(Writer client, Position position, int columns, int rows, int cellFontSize, float borderWidth, int[] columnWidthsScale) throws Exception { this.writer = client; this.position = position; this.columns = columns; this.rows = rows; this.borderWidth = borderWidth; this.cellFontSize = cellFontSize; if (columnWidthsScale != null) { if (columnWidthsScale.length != this.columns) { throw new Exception("the number of widths is different than the number of columns"); } this.columnWidthsScale = columnWidthsScale; } } public SmartTable(SmartTable tableObject) throws Exception { LocaleBeanUtils.copyProperties(this, tableObject); this.position = new Position(tableObject.getPosition()); } public boolean isAutoFlush() { return autoFlush; } public void setAutoFlush(boolean autoFlush) { this.autoFlush = autoFlush; } public Writer getWriter() { return writer; } public void setWriter(Writer Writer) { this.writer = Writer; } public int getDefaultFontSize() { return cellFontSize; } public void setDefaultFontSize(int defaultFontSize) { this.cellFontSize = defaultFontSize; } public int getRowFixedHeight() { return rowFixedHeight; } public void setRowFixedHeight(int rowFixedHeight) { this.rowFixedHeight = rowFixedHeight; } public void setReplicatorPosition(Position position) { this.replicatorPosition = position; } public boolean isCreated() { return created; } public void setCreated(boolean created) { this.created = created; } public boolean isFlushed() { return flushed; } public void setFlushed(boolean flushed) { this.flushed = flushed; } public Position getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(Position position) { this.position = position; } public float getBorderWidth() { return borderWidth; } public void setBorderWidth(float borderWidth) { this.borderWidth = borderWidth; } public int getColumns() { return columns; } public void setColumns(int columns) { this.columns = columns; } public int getRows() { return rows; } public void setRows(int rows) { this.rows = rows; } public int[] getColumnWidthsScale() { return columnWidthsScale; } public void setColumnWidthsScale(int[] columnWidthsScale) { this.columnWidthsScale = columnWidthsScale; } private void create() { if (!created) { if (columnWidthsScale == null || columnWidthsScale.length == 0) { columnWidthsScale = new int[columns]; Arrays.fill(columnWidthsScale, 1); } try { table = this.writer.createTable(columns, position.getWidth(), columnWidthsScale); } catch (DocumentException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SmartTable.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } table.getDefaultCell().setBorderWidth(borderWidth); table.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(rowFixedHeight); table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(0.2F); created = true; } } private void checkFlush() { if (autoFlush) { if (cellCounter > columns * rows) { Logger.getLogger(SmartTable.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "this case shouldn't be happened. cellCounter: " + cellCounter + ",columns: " + columns + ",rows:" + rows, new TableFlushedException()); return; } if (!flushed && cellCounter == columns * rows) { flush(); } } } private boolean isFull() { if (autoFlush) { if (flushed) { return true; } if (cellCounter > columns * rows) { flush(); return true; } } return false; } private void checkCreate() { if (!created) { create(); } } /** * add an empty cell * * @throws TableWasFullException */ public void addEmptyCell() throws TableWasFullException { checkCreate(); this.writer.addEmptyCell(table, borderWidth); cellCounter++; checkFlush(); } /** * add a cell with DBCS content, use table's borderwidth, fontsize and etc,. * * @param content * @throws TableWasFullException */ public void addCell(String content) throws TableWasFullException { checkCreate(); if (isFull()) { throw new TableWasFullException(); } else { cellCounter++; this.writer.addCell(table, content, cellFontSize, borderWidth, 1); checkFlush(); } } /** * add a cell with ANSI char content, use table's borderwidth, fontsize and etc,. * * @param content * @throws TableWasFullException */ public void addAnsiCell(String content) throws TableWasFullException { checkCreate(); if (isFull()) { throw new TableWasFullException(); } else { cellCounter++; this.writer.addAnsiCell(table, content, cellFontSize, borderWidth, 1); checkFlush(); } } /** * add a cell by Cell object, use it's attributes. * * @param cell * @throws TableWasFullException */ public void addCell(Cell cell) throws TableWasFullException { checkCreate(); cellCounter += cell.getColspan(); if (isFull()) { throw new TableWasFullException(); } else { this.writer.addCell(table, cell); checkFlush(); } } /** * add a cell, wrap the content into next row. * * @param content * @param maxCellWidth * @throws TableWasFullException */ public void addCrossRowCell(String content, float maxCellWidth) throws TableWasFullException { Cell cell = new Cell(content); cell.setColspan(1); cell.setMaxWidth(maxCellWidth); checkCreate(); float stringWidth = writer.getStringWidth(cell.getContent(), cell.getFontSize()); if (stringWidth > cell.getMaxWidth()) { cellCounter += (1 + (int) (stringWidth / cell.getMaxWidth()) * this.columns); } else { cellCounter++; } if (isFull()) { throw new TableWasFullException(); } else { this.writer.addCell(table, cell); checkFlush(); } } /** * render this table. */ public void flush() { if (!flushed) { float bottom = this.writer.flushTable(table, position.getLeft(), position.getTop()); position.setTop(bottom); if (replicatorPosition != null) { replicatorPosition.setTop(Math.min(replicatorPosition.getTop(), position.getTop())); } flushed = true; } } }