Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2011, FAST Consortium * * This file is part of FAST Platform. * * FAST Platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FAST Platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with FAST Platform. If not, see <>. * * Info about members and contributors of the FAST Consortium * is available at * **/ package fast.servicescreen.client.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fast.common.client.FASTMappingRule; /** * This class contain static versions of helper methods needed * in more than one part of the SSD * */ public class RuleUtil { /** * expands a tree to level 3 * */ public static void expandTree(Tree tree) { TreeItem tempItem = tree.getItem(0); if (tempItem != null) tempItem.setState(true); for (int i = 0; i < tempItem.getChildCount(); i++) { TreeItem tempChild = tempItem.getChild(i); if (tempChild != null) { for (int j = 0; j < tempChild.getChildCount(); j++) { TreeItem tempKid = tempChild.getChild(j); if (tempKid != null) { tempKid.setState(true); } } tempChild.setState(true); } } } /** * Expands the hole Tree (if u give the rootitem of the tree) or even * the subitems of given item. * */ public static void expandItem(TreeItem item) { if (item != null) { item.setState(true); for (int i = 0; i < item.getChildCount(); i++) { TreeItem tempChild = item.getChild(i); tempChild.setState(true); expandItem(tempChild); } } } /** * Recursive method for retrieving all jsonvalues for a specified tagName * */ public static void jsonValuesByTagName(JSONArray elements, JSONValue root, String tagName) { //if object search on first layer. on failure begin depth-search JSONObject object = root.isObject(); if (object != null) { //get (first layer) keys contained in the JSONValue Set<String> keys = object.keySet(); //seek on first layer for (Iterator<String> iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key = (String); //found - add it and stop if (key.equals(tagName)) { int index = elements.size(); elements.set(index, object.get(key)); //stop - key can occur only once on first layer break; } //nothing found - depth-search else { jsonValuesByTagName(elements, object.get(key), tagName); } } } //if it's an array, search among it's children by calling recursive method //for every child JSONArray jsonArray = root.isArray(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { jsonValuesByTagName(elements, jsonArray.get(i), tagName); } } //if it's a matching boolean, number or string: add it JSONBoolean jsonBoolean = root.isBoolean(); if (jsonBoolean != null && tagName.equals(jsonBoolean.booleanValue())) { int index = elements.size(); elements.set(index, jsonBoolean); } JSONNumber jsonNumber = root.isNumber(); if (jsonNumber != null && tagName.equals(jsonNumber.doubleValue())) { int index = elements.size(); elements.set(index, jsonNumber); } JSONString jsonString = root.isString(); if (jsonString != null && tagName.equals(jsonString.stringValue())) { int index = elements.size(); elements.set(index, jsonString); } } /** * Returns the String value of given JSONValue, or "" if * value was emtpy * */ public static String getJSONValue_AsString(JSONValue jsonValue) { if (jsonValue != null) { //Define JSON valuetype. Get its sting value String nodeValue = ""; JSONBoolean attrBoolean = jsonValue.isBoolean(); JSONNumber attrNumber = jsonValue.isNumber(); JSONString attrString = jsonValue.isString(); if (attrBoolean != null) { nodeValue = "" + attrBoolean.booleanValue(); } else if (attrNumber != null) { nodeValue = "" + attrNumber.doubleValue(); } else if (attrString != null) { String stringValue = attrString.stringValue(); if (stringValue != null && !"".equals(stringValue.trim())) { nodeValue = "" + stringValue; } else { nodeValue = ""; } } return nodeValue; } return ""; } /** * Returns true, if given Rule contains source, target and kind * */ public static boolean isCompleteRule(FASTMappingRule checkRule) { if (checkRule != null && isCompleteString(checkRule.getSourceTagname()) && isCompleteString(checkRule.getTargetElemName()) && isCompleteString(checkRule.getKind())) { return true; } //else return false; } public static boolean isCompleteString(String str) { return str != null && !"".equals(str); } /** * Returns false, if given item is null or * his parents text is "Rules:" (means highest item in List) * * Returns true, otherwise * */ public static boolean isNotNullOrRoot(TreeItem item) { if ((item == null) || (item.getParentItem().getText().equals("Rules:"))) return false; return true; } /** * Returns true, if given String equals "true". * False otherwise.. * */ public static boolean getBool(String string) { if ("true".equals(string)) { return true; } //else return false; } /** * recursively parses rule structure into a JSONValue * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static JSONValue rulesToJsonValue(FASTMappingRule parentRule) { JSONObject resultValue = new JSONObject(); if (parentRule == null) { return resultValue; } JSONString sourceTagname = new JSONString(parentRule.getSourceTagname()); JSONString targetElemName = new JSONString(parentRule.getTargetElemName()); JSONString kind = new JSONString(parentRule.getKind()); resultValue.put("sourceTagname", sourceTagname); resultValue.put("targetElemName", targetElemName); resultValue.put("kind", kind); JSONArray childrenArray = new JSONArray(); for (Iterator<FASTMappingRule> childRuleIterator = parentRule.iteratorOfKids(); childRuleIterator .hasNext();) { FASTMappingRule childRule = (FASTMappingRule); childrenArray.set(childrenArray.size(), rulesToJsonValue(childRule)); } resultValue.put("kids", childrenArray); return resultValue; } /** * Returns the NodeList containing values founded with given tagName * in given Node xmlDoc * */ public static NodeList get_ElementsByTagname(Node xmlDoc, String tagName) { NodeList elements = null; if (xmlDoc instanceof Document) { elements = ((Document) xmlDoc).getElementsByTagName(tagName); } else if (xmlDoc instanceof Element) { elements = ((Element) xmlDoc).getElementsByTagName(tagName); } return elements; } /** * This method watch for Attr. (exactly) in given xmlDoc * */ public static String get_AttributeByName(Node xmlDoc, String tagName) { String nodeValue = null; NamedNodeMap attributes = xmlDoc.getAttributes(); Node namedItem = attributes.getNamedItem(tagName); if (namedItem != null) { nodeValue = namedItem.getNodeValue(); } return nodeValue; } //extended operations// /** * Returns a String reduced at wordsCount. * * Notice: wordsCount = 1 means first word * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static String getWords(String nodeValue, int wordsCount_from, int wordsCount_to) { nodeValue = deleteWhiteSpaces(nodeValue); String result = ""; ArrayList<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); int pos = 0; //finds and saves all words while (pos < nodeValue.length()) { //build a word if (!Character.isSpace((nodeValue.charAt(pos)))) { result += nodeValue.charAt(pos); pos++; } else { //add word words.add(result); result = ""; pos++; } } //add last word words.add(result); //build result String result = ""; wordsCount_from--; wordsCount_to--; if (wordsCount_to < words.size()) // if a word is ordered, which index is to much { for (; wordsCount_from <= wordsCount_to; ++wordsCount_from) { String currentWord = words.get(wordsCount_from); if (currentWord != null) { result += currentWord + " "; } } return result; } //else return nodeValue; } /** * This method returns the given String words, * but cut anything after the @sepNr time * of occurrence of @untilSign. * */ public static String wordsUnitl(String words, String untilSign, int sepNr) { String result = ""; while (words.contains(untilSign) && sepNr > 0) { result += words.substring(0, words.indexOf(untilSign) + untilSign.length()); words = words.substring(words.indexOf(untilSign) + untilSign.length(), words.length()); sepNr--; } if (result.length() > 1) { return result.substring(0, result.length()); } //else return words; } /** * This method returns the given String words, * but cut anything before the @sepNr time * of occurrence of @untilSign. * */ public static String wordsFrom(String words, String fromSign, int sepNr) { String save = ""; while (words.contains(fromSign) && sepNr > 0) { save = words.substring(words.indexOf(fromSign), words.indexOf(fromSign) + fromSign.length()); words = words.substring(words.indexOf(fromSign) + fromSign.length(), words.length()) + " "; sepNr--; } words = save + words; return words; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static String deleteWhiteSpaces(String nodeValue) { //jump over first whitespaces, if there are some int pos = 0; while (Character.isSpace(nodeValue.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } return nodeValue.substring(pos, nodeValue.length()); } /** * Returns a String from 0 till charsCount. Returns the original string, * if count was more then origString.length. * * Notice charsCount_from = 1 means the first char at given String * */ public static String getChars(String nodeValue, int charsCount_from, int charsCount_to) { nodeValue = deleteWhiteSpaces(nodeValue); //if more count then signs, give untill last sign if (charsCount_to > nodeValue.length()) { charsCount_to = nodeValue.length(); } if (charsCount_from <= charsCount_to && charsCount_from > 0) { return nodeValue.substring(charsCount_from - 1, charsCount_to); } return nodeValue; } }