Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2011, FAST Consortium * * This file is part of FAST Platform. * * FAST Platform is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FAST Platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with FAST Platform. If not, see <>. * * Info about members and contributors of the FAST Consortium * is available at * **/ package fast.mediation.client.gui; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fast.common.client.BuildingBlock; import fast.common.client.FASTMappingRule; import fast.common.client.FactPort; import fast.servicescreen.client.gui.RuleGUI; import fast.servicescreen.client.gui.RuleUtil; import fast.servicescreen.client.gui.codegen_js.CodeGenViewer.WrappingType; import fast.servicescreen.client.gui.parser.OperationHandler; import fast.servicescreen.client.rpc.SendRequestHandler; /** * Specifies the RuleGUI working with JSON instead XML. * Define RessourceType first, then initial this GUI, or the common * RuleGUI * */ public class MediationRuleGUI extends RuleGUI { public MediationRuleGUI(WrappingType reqType, BuildingBlock buildingBlock, SendRequestHandler rh) { super(buildingBlock, rh); this.reqType = reqType; } //The JSON resource and result - Tree public Tree jsonTree; public WrappingType reqType; private JSONValue jsonValue; /** * Returns the current json value from the RuleGUI * */ public JSONValue getJSONValue() { return jsonValue; } /** * creates and returns a flextable containing the trees * for translation design * */ @Override public Widget createTranslationTable() { final FlexTable translationTable = new FlexTable(); int rowCount = translationTable.getRowCount(); // headlines, labels and buttons in first row translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 0, new Label("Result:")); translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 1, createRulesHeadlineTable()); translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 2, new Label("Facts:")); rowCount++; // add result tree ScrollPanel resultScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); resultScrollPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); resultScrollPanel.setSize("11cm", "11cm"); //create Tree and add a selection/PropertyChange - handler jsonTree = new Tree(); jsonTree.addSelectionHandler(new JsonTreeHandler()); resultScrollPanel.setWidget(jsonTree); translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 0, resultScrollPanel); // add rule table ScrollPanel rulesScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); rulesScrollPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); rulesScrollPanel.setSize("11cm", "11cm"); rulesScrollPanel.setWidget(createRulesTree()); translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 1, rulesScrollPanel); // add facts tree ScrollPanel factsScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); factsScrollPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); factsScrollPanel.setSize("11cm", "11cm"); factsTree = new Tree(); factsScrollPanel.setWidget(factsTree); translationTable.setWidget(rowCount, 2, factsScrollPanel); //build the result tree //if DataMTool -> overtake example values if (reqType == WrappingType.WRAP_JSON) { setJsonExampleValue("{}"); createResultTree(); updateFactsTree(); } // return the table translationTable.ensureDebugId("cwFlexTable"); return translationTable; } /** * Called to build the result tree * */ public void createResultTree() { jsonTree.clear(); TreeItem rootJsonItem = jsonTree.addItem("JSONValue:"); rootJsonItem.setState(true); buildJsonTree(rootJsonItem, jsonValue, "JSONValue"); RuleUtil.expandItem(jsonTree.getItem(0)); } @Override public void updateFactsTree() { //transforms the rule hierarchy to Strings in facts - tree if (rootRule == null) { rootRule = (FASTMappingRule) buildingBlock.iteratorOfMappingRules().next(); } createResultTree(); buildFactsTree(factsTree); } @Override public void buildFactsTree(Tree aFactsTree) { //(re)build the facts tree aFactsTree.clear(); TreeItem rootItem = aFactsTree.addItem("Facts:"); transform(jsonValue, rootRule, rootItem); //This expand the HOLE tree RuleUtil.expandItem(aFactsTree.getItem(0)); } /** * This method transforms the data with the rules * to the this.factsTree (JSON) * */ public void transform(JSONValue rootJsonValue, FASTMappingRule rule, TreeItem treeItem) { if (RuleUtil.isCompleteRule(rule)) { String kind = rule.getKind(); String targetElemName = rule.getTargetElemName(); //create a handler for operations in the decoded fromField OperationHandler opHandler = new OperationHandler(rule.getSourceTagname()); String sourceTagname = opHandler.getLastSourceTagname(); //add the handler within parse results into the rule rule.setOperationHandler(opHandler); JSONArray elements = new JSONArray(); //for normal sourceTagnames retrieve the elements recursive if (!sourceTagname.endsWith("_Item")) { RuleUtil.jsonValuesByTagName(elements, rootJsonValue, sourceTagname); } //special case: array items else { JSONObject obj = rootJsonValue.isObject(); if (obj != null) { String jsonString = rootJsonValue.toString(); jsonString = jsonString.substring(jsonString.indexOf("["), jsonString.lastIndexOf("]") + 1); rootJsonValue = JSONParser.parse(jsonString); } //add children to elements directly JSONArray jsonArray = rootJsonValue.isArray(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JSONValue kid = jsonArray.get(i); int index = elements.size(); elements.set(index, kid); } } } //"createObject" creates an object for every element in the list //and starts recursive call of transform if (kind.equals("createObject")) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { JSONValue tmpElement = elements.get(i); TreeItem kidItem = treeItem.addItem(targetElemName); transformKids(tmpElement, rule, kidItem); } } //"fillAttribute" fills attribute strings on right position else if (kind.equals("fillAttributes")) { String nodeValue = opHandler.executeOperations(rootJsonValue); treeItem.addItem(targetElemName + ": " + nodeValue); } else if (rule.getKind().equals("dummyRule")) { //TODO dk dummyRule .. i think, searchin in JSON //is not depended to a reduced JSONValue, so we do not //need to cut first lvl.. or?!?!? } } } /** * calls transform for all children of a rule * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void transformKids(JSONValue rootJsonValue, FASTMappingRule rule, TreeItem treeItem) { for (Iterator<FASTMappingRule> kidIter = rule.iteratorOfKids(); kidIter.hasNext();) { FASTMappingRule kid = (FASTMappingRule); //call transform for the kid transform(rootJsonValue, kid, treeItem); } } /** * handles the json tree (Selection and PropChange) * */ class JsonTreeHandler implements SelectionHandler<TreeItem> { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { //print first part ("name" from "name : value") of selected element in rule area TreeItem selectedItem = event.getSelectedItem(); String name = selectedItem.getText().split(":")[0].trim(); if (selectedRule != null) { selectedRule.setSourceTagname(name); } updateFactsTree(); } } /** * Setting up JSON vlue from request as input value * */ public void setJsonRequestetValue(String value) { try { jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(value); } catch (Exception e) { jsonValue = JSONParser.parse("{}"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Setting up JSON example values as input value * */ public void setJsonExampleValue(String value) { String jsonValueString = value; if (buildingBlock.getPreconditions() != null) { for (Iterator<FactPort> iterator = buildingBlock.getPreconditions().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { FactPort factPort = (FactPort); String exampleValueString = factPort.getExampleValue(); if (exampleValueString != null && !"".equals(exampleValueString)) { jsonValueString = exampleValueString; } } } try { jsonValue = JSONParser.parse(jsonValueString); } catch (Exception e) { jsonValue = JSONParser.parse("{}"); } } /** * recursive method to generate a tree that represents a json value * */ private void buildJsonTree(TreeItem parentItem, JSONValue node, String parentName) { //if it's an object, build the tree for all children JSONArray jsonArray = node.isArray(); if (jsonArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { //add a section item for every child TreeItem treeSection = parentItem.addItem(parentName + "_Item:"); treeSection.setState(true); buildJsonTree(treeSection, jsonArray.get(i), parentName); } } //if it's a string add the leaf (maybe for isNumber() too) JSONString jsonString = node.isString(); if (jsonString != null) { String parentText = parentItem.getText(); String attributeText = jsonString.stringValue(); parentItem.setText(parentText + " " + attributeText); } //if it's an object, build the tree for all children JSONObject operator = node.isObject(); if (operator != null) { Set<String> keys = operator.keySet(); for (Iterator<String> iterator = keys.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String key = (String); TreeItem treeSection = parentItem.addItem(key + ":"); treeSection.setState(true); JSONValue child = operator.get(key); buildJsonTree(treeSection, child, key); } } } }