Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.*; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.attribute.Cmp; import; import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraph; import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraphFactory; import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.javahandler.JavaHandlerModule; import com.tinkerpop.gremlin.Tokens; import; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.PipeFunction; import com.tinkerpop.pipes.branch.LoopPipe; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityTokenException; import ezbake.configuration.constants.EzBakePropertyConstants; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; import static; public class GraphDb { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphDb.class); private static final String SEARCH_INDEX = "search"; private final TitanGraph graph; private final FramedGraphFactory framedGraphFactory; private final IdProvider idGenerator; public GraphDb(final Properties properties) throws Exception {"Initializing graph db..."); // use ezconfig settings to set storage index search properties String elasticClusterName = properties.getProperty(EzBakePropertyConstants.ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_NAME); String elasticHostname = properties.getProperty(EzBakePropertyConstants.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(elasticClusterName)) { // String clusterKey = joinProperties(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NAMESPACE, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_NAMESPACE, SEARCH_INDEX, ElasticSearchIndex.CLUSTER_NAME_KEY); properties.put(clusterKey, elasticClusterName); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(elasticHostname)) { // String hostKey = joinProperties(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NAMESPACE, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_NAMESPACE, SEARCH_INDEX, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.HOSTNAME_KEY); properties.put(hostKey, elasticHostname); } TitanGraphConfiguration graphConfig = new TitanGraphConfiguration(properties); graphConfig.setTitanAccumuloProperties(); Iterator<String> iter = graphConfig.getKeys(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; logger.debug("graphconfig: " + key + "=" + graphConfig.getString(key)); } this.graph =; framedGraphFactory = new FramedGraphFactory(new JavaHandlerModule()); this.idGenerator = new ZookeeperIdProvider(properties); defineSchema(); /* This addresses an error we ran into when running ezcentos. * The id_generators would start returning ids that already exist * after shutting down ezcentos. This sets the current value of * the id generator to the highest current id for each type. */ for (ID_GENERATOR_TYPE type : ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.values()) { long id = getHighestVertexId(type); long currentId = this.idGenerator.getCurrentValue(type); if (id > currentId) { this.idGenerator.setCurrentValue(type, id);"set current %s id = %d", type, id)); } else {"current %s highest vertex = %d, id = %d", type, id, currentId)); } } } public static String getElasticIndexName(final Properties properties) { String indexNameKey = joinProperties(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NAMESPACE, GraphDatabaseConfiguration.INDEX_NAMESPACE, SEARCH_INDEX, ElasticSearchIndex.INDEX_NAME_KEY); return properties.getProperty(indexNameKey, "provenance"); } private static String joinProperties(String... properties) { return Joiner.on(".").skipNulls().join(properties); } private FramedGraph<TitanGraph> getFramedGraph() { return this.framedGraphFactory.create(this.graph); } // Returns the highest id value of a certain type private long getHighestVertexId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE type) { long id = 0; String idField; switch (type) { case DocumentType: idField = Document.DocumentIdEs; break; case AgeOffRule: idField = AgeOffRule.RuleIdEs; break; case PurgeEvent: idField = PurgeEvent.PurgeIdEs; break; default: logger.error("Invalid type to get highest id"); return 0; } try { Iterator<Vertex> lastVertex = graph.query().has(idField, Cmp.GREATER_THAN, 0L) .orderBy(idField, Order.DESC).limit(1).vertices().iterator(); if (lastVertex.hasNext()) { id =; } else {"no vertex found for type " + type); } // AgeOffEvent share the same id with PurgeEvent. use the bigger one if (type == ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.PurgeEvent) { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Iterator<AgeOffEvent> it = framedGraph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, AgeOffEvent.TYPE).limit(1) .vertices(AgeOffEvent.class).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { long eventId =;"AgeOffEvent max id = " + eventId); id = eventId > id ? eventId : id; } } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); logger.error(String.format("failed to get highest vertex %s id", type), ex); throw ex; } return id; } private synchronized void defineSchema() {"setup graph db schema..."); if (this.graph == null) { return; } // setup kyes/indexes // vertex Type if (graph.getType(BaseVertex.Type) == null) { graph.makeKey(BaseVertex.Type).dataType(String.class).indexed(Vertex.class).make(); } // vertex Application if (graph.getType(BaseVertex.Application) == null) { graph.makeKey(BaseVertex.Application).dataType(String.class).make(); } // vertex User if (graph.getType(BaseVertex.User) == null) { graph.makeKey(BaseVertex.User).dataType(String.class).make(); } // vertex TimeStamp if (graph.getType(BaseVertex.TimeStamp) == null) { graph.makeKey(BaseVertex.TimeStamp).dataType(Date.class).make(); } // vertex Document URI if (graph.getType(Document.URI) == null) { graph.makeKey(Document.URI).dataType(String.class).indexed(Vertex.class).make(); } // vertex Document DocumentId boolean documentIdExist = false; if (graph.getType(Document.DocumentId) == null) { graph.makeKey(Document.DocumentId).dataType(Long.class).indexed(Vertex.class).make(); } else { documentIdExist = true; } // // vertex Document DocumentIdEs -- for elastic search index to speed up orderby query if (graph.getType(Document.DocumentIdEs) == null) { graph.makeKey(Document.DocumentIdEs).dataType(Long.class).indexed(SEARCH_INDEX, Vertex.class).make(); // for upgrade if (documentIdExist) { importSearchIndex(Document.TYPE, Document.DocumentIdEs, Document.DocumentId); } } // vertex Document Aged if (graph.getType(Document.Aged) == null) { graph.makeKey(Document.Aged).dataType(Boolean.class).make(); } // vertex Document InheritanceInfoList if (graph.getType(Document.InheritanceInfoList) == null) { graph.makeKey(Document.InheritanceInfoList).dataType(InheritanceInfo[].class).make(); } // vertex AgeOffRule RuleId boolean ruleIdExist = false; if (graph.getType(AgeOffRule.RuleId) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffRule.RuleId).dataType(Long.class).indexed(Vertex.class).unique().make(); } else { ruleIdExist = true; } // vertex AgeOffRule RuleIdEs -- for elastic search index to speed up orderby query if (graph.getType(AgeOffRule.RuleIdEs) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffRule.RuleIdEs).dataType(Long.class).indexed(SEARCH_INDEX, Vertex.class).make(); // for upgrade if (ruleIdExist) { importSearchIndex(AgeOffRule.TYPE, AgeOffRule.RuleIdEs, AgeOffRule.RuleId); } } // vertex AgeOffRule Name if (graph.getType(AgeOffRule.Name) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffRule.Name).dataType(String.class).indexed(Vertex.class).unique().make(); } // vertex AgeOffRule Duration if (graph.getType(AgeOffRule.Duration) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffRule.Duration).dataType(Long.class).make(); } // vertex AgeOffRule MaximumExecutionPeriod if (graph.getType(AgeOffRule.MaximumExecutionPeriod) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffRule.MaximumExecutionPeriod).dataType(Integer.class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent PurgeId boolean purgeIdExist = false; if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.PurgeId) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.PurgeId).dataType(Long.class).indexed(Vertex.class).unique().make(); } else { purgeIdExist = true; } // vertex PurgeEvent PurgeIdEs -- for elastic search index to speed up orderby query if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.PurgeIdEs) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.PurgeIdEs).dataType(Long.class).indexed(SEARCH_INDEX, Vertex.class).make(); // for upgrade if (purgeIdExist) { importSearchIndex(PurgeEvent.TYPE, PurgeEvent.PurgeIdEs, PurgeEvent.PurgeId); } } // vertex PurgeEvent Name if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.Name) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.Name).dataType(String.class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent Description if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.Description) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.Description).dataType(String.class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent DocumentUris if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.DocumentUris) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.DocumentUris).dataType(String[].class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent DocumentUrisNotFound if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.DocumentUrisNotFound) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.DocumentUrisNotFound).dataType(String[].class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent PurgeDocumentIds if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.PurgeDocumentIds) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.PurgeDocumentIds).dataType(Long[].class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent CompletelyPurgedDocumentIds if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.CompletelyPurgedDocumentIds) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.CompletelyPurgedDocumentIds).dataType(Long[].class).make(); } // vertex PurgeEvent Resolved if (graph.getType(PurgeEvent.Resolved) == null) { graph.makeKey(PurgeEvent.Resolved).dataType(Boolean.class).make(); } // vertex AgeOffEvent EventMaxId if (graph.getType(AgeOffEvent.EventMaxId) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOffEvent.EventMaxId).dataType(Long.class).make(); } // edge AgeOff if (graph.getType(AgeOff.LABEL) == null) { graph.makeLabel(AgeOff.LABEL).make(); } // edge AgeOff Rule(id) if (graph.getType(AgeOff.Rule) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOff.Rule).dataType(Long.class).indexed(Edge.class).make(); } // edge AgeOff AgeOffRelevantDateTime if (graph.getType(AgeOff.AgeOffRelevantDateTime) == null) { graph.makeKey(AgeOff.AgeOffRelevantDateTime).dataType(Date.class).make(); } // edge DerivedFrom if (graph.getType(DerivedFrom.LABEL) == null) { graph.makeLabel(DerivedFrom.LABEL).make(); } graph.commit(); } private void importSearchIndex(String type, String esKey, String idKey) {"importing search index for " + type); int limit = 100; GremlinPipeline pipe = new GremlinPipeline(); pipe.start(this.graph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, type).vertices()); do { Iterator<Vertex> it =; while (it.hasNext()) { Vertex vertex =; vertex.setProperty(esKey, vertex.getProperty(idKey)); } this.graph.commit(); } while (pipe.hasNext()); } public void shutdown() {"shutdown graph db"); this.graph.shutdown();"shutdown idGenerator"); this.idGenerator.shutdown(); } private void validateGraphDb() throws TException { if (this.graph == null || this.framedGraphFactory == null) { throw new TException("graph db not connected"); } } // add AgeOffRule Vertex public long addAgeOffRule(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, String name, long duration, int maxPeriod) throws ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNameExistsException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // verify the name is unique Iterator<AgeOffRule> it = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.Name, name).vertices(AgeOffRule.class) .iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNameExistsException( "This name of the age off rule already exists: " + name); } long id = idGenerator.getNextId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.AgeOffRule); AgeOffRule ageOffRule = framedGraph.addVertex(null, AgeOffRule.class); ageOffRule.updateProperties(securityToken, name, id, duration, maxPeriod); this.graph.commit(); return id; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get AgeOffRule vertex by name public getAgeOffRule(String name) throws ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Iterator<AgeOffRule> it = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.Name, name).vertices(AgeOffRule.class) .iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("Age off rule not found with name: " + name); } AgeOffRule rule =; ezbake.base.thrift.DateTime dateTime = Utils.convertDate2DateTime(rule.getTimeStamp()); this.graph.commit(); return new, rule.getRuleId(), rule.getDuration(), rule.getMaximumExecutionPeriod(), rule.getApplication(), rule.getUser(), dateTime); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get AgeOffRule Vertex by ruleId public getAgeOffRule(long ruleId) throws ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Iterator<AgeOffRule> it = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.RuleId, ruleId).vertices(AgeOffRule.class) .iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("Age off rule not found with id: " + ruleId); } AgeOffRule rule =; ezbake.base.thrift.DateTime dateTime = Utils.convertDate2DateTime(rule.getTimeStamp()); this.graph.commit(); return new, rule.getRuleId(), rule.getDuration(), rule.getMaximumExecutionPeriod(), rule.getApplication(), rule.getUser(), dateTime); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get AgeOffRule vertices with page parameter page + limit public List<> getAllAgeOffRules(int limit, int page) throws TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); List<> results = new ArrayList<>(); GremlinPipeline pipe = new GremlinPipeline(); pipe.start(this.graph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, AgeOffRule.TYPE).orderBy(AgeOffRule.Name, Order.ASC) .vertices()); if (limit > 0 && page > 0) { pipe.range(limit * (page - 1), limit * page - 1); } Iterator<Vertex> it = pipe.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AgeOffRule rule = framedGraph.frame(, AgeOffRule.class); ezbake.base.thrift.DateTime dateTime = Utils.convertDate2DateTime(rule.getTimeStamp()); results.add(new, rule.getRuleId(), rule.getDuration(), rule.getMaximumExecutionPeriod(), rule.getApplication(), rule.getUser(), dateTime)); } this.graph.commit(); return results; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get the count of AgeOffRule vertex public int countAgeOffRules() throws TException { validateGraphDb(); try { GremlinPipeline pipe = new GremlinPipeline(); int count = (int) pipe.start(this.graph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, AgeOffRule.TYPE).vertices()) .count(); this.graph.commit(); return count; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // update AgeOffRule Vertex public void updateAgeOffRule(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, String name, long duration, String adminApp) throws ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, EzSecurityTokenException, TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Iterator<AgeOffRule> it = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.Name, name).vertices(AgeOffRule.class) .iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("Age off rule not found with name: " + name); } ageOffRule =; if (!Utils.isAuthenticatedToUpdate(securityToken, ageOffRule.getApplication(), adminApp)) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new EzSecurityTokenException("Not authorized to update age off rule"); } ageOffRule.updateProperties(securityToken, name, ageOffRule.getRuleId(), duration, ageOffRule.getMaximumExecutionPeriod()); this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { logger.error("updateAgeOffRule TitanException: ", ex); this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // add Document Vertex public long addDocument(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, String uri, List<InheritanceInfo> parents, List<AgeOffMapping> ageOffRules) throws ProvenanceDocumentExistsException, ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, ProvenanceParentDocumentNotFoundException, ProvenanceCircularInheritanceNotAllowedException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { long id = idGenerator.getNextId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.DocumentType); AddDocumentHelper helper = new AddDocumentHelper(securityToken, uri); try { Document doc = helper.createDocumentVertex(this.graph, getFramedGraph(), id); helper.addDocumentInheritance(getFramedGraph(), doc, parents); helper.addAgeOffRules(getFramedGraph(), doc, ageOffRules, false); } catch (ProvenanceDocumentExistsException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw ex; } catch (ProvenanceCircularInheritanceNotAllowedException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw ex; } catch (ProvenanceParentDocumentNotFoundException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw ex; } catch (ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw ex; } this.graph.commit(); return id; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { throw new TException(ex); } } // add Documents in bulk public Map<String, AddDocumentResult> addDocuments(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, Set<AddDocumentEntry> documents, Set<AgeOffMapping> ageOffRulesSet) throws ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityTokenException, ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.start(); Map<String, AddDocumentResult> results = new HashMap<>(); AddDocumentHelper helper = new AddDocumentHelper(securityToken, "BULK"); List<AgeOffMapping> ageOffRules = ageOffRulesSet == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(ageOffRulesSet); Map<AgeOffMapping, AgeOffRule> rules = null; try { rules = helper.addAgeOffRules(getFramedGraph(), null, ageOffRules, true); } catch (ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw ex; } this.graph.commit(); // uri to its entry. build a map for easy retrieval Map<String, AddDocumentEntry> documentsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (AddDocumentEntry document : documents) { String uri = document.getUri(); if (documentsMap.containsKey(uri)) { documentsMap.get(uri).getParents().addAll(document.getParents()); } else { documentsMap.put(document.getUri(), document); } } List<String> validUris = helper.getValidDocumentEntriesInOrder(documentsMap); try { long nextNId = this.idGenerator.getNextNId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.DocumentType, validUris.size()); long currentId = nextNId - validUris.size() + 1; for (String uri : validUris) { AddDocumentEntry entry = documentsMap.get(uri); AddDocumentResult result = addDocument(securityToken, uri, currentId++, entry.getParents(), rules); results.put(uri, result); //"adding bulk document %s result: %s", entry.getUri(), result.getStatus())); documentsMap.remove(uri); } // all remaining uris were involved in circular inheritance for (AddDocumentEntry entry : documentsMap.values()) { AddDocumentResult result = new AddDocumentResult( AddDocumentStatus.CIRCULAR_INHERITANCE_NOT_ALLOWED); results.put(entry.getUri(), result); //"adding bulk document %s result: %s", entry.getUri(), AddDocumentStatus.CIRCULAR_INHERITANCE_NOT_ALLOWED)); } documentsMap.clear(); try { this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); for (AddDocumentResult result : results.values()) { if (result.status == AddDocumentStatus.SUCCESS) { result.setStatus(AddDocumentStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR); } } logger.error("addDocuments exception: ", ex); } watch.stop();" *** add %d documents took %d ms", validUris.size(), watch.getNanoTime() / 1000000)); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { throw new TException(ex); } return results; } // add document from bulk private AddDocumentResult addDocument(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, String uri, long id, Set<InheritanceInfo> parentsSet, Map<AgeOffMapping, AgeOffRule> rules) throws TException { AddDocumentResult result = new AddDocumentResult(AddDocumentStatus.SUCCESS); AddDocumentHelper helper = new AddDocumentHelper(securityToken, uri); // create the Document vertex Document doc = null; try { doc = helper.createDocumentVertex(this.graph, getFramedGraph(), id); } catch (ProvenanceDocumentExistsException ex) { result.setStatus(AddDocumentStatus.ALREADY_EXISTS); return result; } try { List<InheritanceInfo> parents = parentsSet == null ? null : new ArrayList<>(parentsSet); helper.addDocumentInheritance(getFramedGraph(), doc, parents); } catch (ProvenanceParentDocumentNotFoundException ex) { result.setStatus(AddDocumentStatus.PARENT_NOT_FOUND); result.setParentsNotFound(ex.getParentUris()); return result; } catch (ProvenanceCircularInheritanceNotAllowedException ex) { result.setStatus(AddDocumentStatus.CIRCULAR_INHERITANCE_NOT_ALLOWED); return result; } for (Map.Entry<AgeOffMapping, AgeOffRule> entry : rules.entrySet()) { helper.addAgeOffEdge(getFramedGraph(), entry.getValue(), doc, entry.getKey()); } result.setDocumentId(id); return result; } // get the DocumentIds that will be aged against the ruleId and effectiveTime public AgeOffInitiationResult ageOff(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, long ruleId, ezbake.base.thrift.DateTime effectiveTime) throws ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> docIds = new HashSet<Long>(); // find AgeOffRule vertex Iterator<AgeOffRule> ruleIt = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.RuleId, ruleId) .vertices(AgeOffRule.class).iterator(); if (!ruleIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("Age off rule not found with id: " + ruleId); } long duration =; long effectTime; if (effectiveTime != null) { effectTime = Utils.convertDateTime2Date(effectiveTime).getTime(); } else { effectTime = Utils.getCurrentDate().getTime(); } Date compare = new Date(effectTime - duration); int limit = 100; // number of records to retrieve per page GremlinPipeline pipe = new GremlinPipeline(); // query all Document vertex that has incoming AgeOff edge with ruleId and AgeOffRelevantDateTime less than (effectiveTime - duration) pipe.start(this.graph.query().has(AgeOff.Rule, ruleId).edges()) .has(AgeOff.AgeOffRelevantDateTime,, compare).inV() .has(BaseVertex.Type, Document.TYPE); do { Iterator<Vertex> it =; while (it.hasNext()) { Document doc = framedGraph.frame(, Document.class); docIds.add(doc.getDocumentId()); } } while (pipe.hasNext()); this.graph.commit(); long eventId = this.idGenerator.getNextId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.PurgeEvent); try { // record the AgeOffEvent.EventMaxId, so when service restarts, we won't lose information and generate duplicate id. Iterator<AgeOffEvent> it = framedGraph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, AgeOffEvent.TYPE).limit(1) .vertices(AgeOffEvent.class).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { AgeOffEvent event =; if (eventId > event.getEventMaxId()) { event.setEventMaxId(eventId); } } else { AgeOffEvent event = framedGraph.addVertex(null, AgeOffEvent.class); event.setType(AgeOffEvent.TYPE); event.setEventMaxId(eventId); } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); logger.error("Set AgeOffEvent EventMaxId exception: ", ex); } return new AgeOffInitiationResult(eventId, docIds); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { throw new TException(ex); } } // mark document vertex as aged public void markAsAged(List<Long> agedDocumentIds) throws ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { if (agedDocumentIds == null) { return; } if (agedDocumentIds.size() == 0) { return; } Collections.sort(agedDocumentIds); // compare the biggest doc Id with the id generator value long maxDocId = this.idGenerator.getCurrentValue(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.DocumentType); if (agedDocumentIds.get(agedDocumentIds.size() - 1) > maxDocId) { throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document Id too big"); } FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); for (Long docId : agedDocumentIds) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, docId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { logger.warn(String.format("Document %d does not exist when markAsAged. Ignore this document.", docId)); continue; } // set aged property Document doc =; doc.setAged(true); // remove all incoming AgeOff edges Iterator<AgeOff> edgeIt = doc.getInAgeOffEdges(); while (edgeIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.removeEdge(; } } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { throw new TException(ex); } } // get Document Vertex properties. When id is supplied, use it, otherwirse, use uri public DocumentInfo getDocumentInfo(long id, String uri) throws ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Iterator<Document> it; if (id > 0) { it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, id).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } else { it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("The document cannot be found"); } Document doc =; List<Map<Long, String>> parents = new ArrayList<Map<Long, String>>(); List<Map<Long, String>> children = new ArrayList<Map<Long, String>>(); List<DocumentAgeOffInfo> ageOffInfo = new ArrayList<DocumentAgeOffInfo>(); // get all parents -- derivedFrom edge in vertex Iterator<Document> parentIt = doc.getParentDocuments(); while (parentIt.hasNext()) { Document parent =; Map<Long, String> p = new HashMap<Long, String>(); p.put(parent.getDocumentId(), parent.getUri()); parents.add(p); } // get all children -- derivedFrom edge out vertex Iterator<Document> childIt = doc.getChildDocuments(); while (childIt.hasNext()) { Document child =; Map<Long, String> c = new HashMap<Long, String>(); c.put(child.getDocumentId(), child.getUri()); children.add(c); } // get all ageOffInfo -- get AgeOff edge in first Iterator<AgeOff> ageOffIt = doc.getInAgeOffEdges(); while (ageOffIt.hasNext()) { AgeOff ageOff =; // get vertex out, either AgeOff or Document Vertex ageOffOut = ageOff.asEdge().getVertex(Direction.OUT); boolean inherited = false; long inheritedFromId = 0; String inheritedFromUri = ""; int maximumExecutionTime = 0; // vertex is Document, set inherited properties if (ageOffOut.getProperty(BaseVertex.Type).equals(Document.TYPE)) { Document document = framedGraph.frame(ageOffOut, Document.class); inherited = true; inheritedFromId = document.getDocumentId(); inheritedFromUri = document.getUri(); // query the AgeOffRule to get MaximumExecutionPeriod Iterator<AgeOffRule> ruleIt = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.RuleId, ageOff.getRuleId()) .vertices(AgeOffRule.class).iterator(); if (ruleIt.hasNext()) { maximumExecutionTime =; } } else if (ageOffOut.getProperty(BaseVertex.Type).equals(AgeOffRule.TYPE)) { AgeOffRule rule = framedGraph.frame(ageOffOut, AgeOffRule.class); maximumExecutionTime = rule.getMaximumExecutionPeriod(); } DocumentAgeOffInfo info = new DocumentAgeOffInfo(ageOff.getRuleId(), Utils.convertDate2DateTime(ageOff.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime()), maximumExecutionTime, Utils.convertDate2DateTime(ageOff.getTimeStamp()), ageOff.getApplication(), ageOff.getUser(), inherited); if (inherited) { info.setInheritedFromId(inheritedFromId); info.setInheritedFromUri(inheritedFromUri); } ageOffInfo.add(info); } this.graph.commit(); return new DocumentInfo(doc.getUri(), doc.getDocumentId(), doc.getApplication(), Utils.convertDate2DateTime(doc.getTimeStamp()), doc.getUser(), parents, children, ageOffInfo, doc.getAged()); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // helper function to get ancestor documentId private Set<Long> getAncestors(Document document) { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> documentIds = new HashSet<Long>(); // add self first documentIds.add(document.getDocumentId()); // loop through all ancestores Iterator<Vertex> iter = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(document.asVertex()).as("documents") .inE(DerivedFrom.LABEL).outV() .loop("documents", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) { return true; } }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) { return true; } }).dedup(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Document doc = framedGraph.frame(, Document.class); documentIds.add(doc.getDocumentId()); } return documentIds; } // get all Document ancestors fo the given uris public DerivedResult getAncestors(List<String> uris) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> documentIds = new HashSet<Long>(); DerivedResult result = new DerivedResult(); result.setUrisNotFound(new ArrayList<String>()); for (String uri : uris) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { documentIds.addAll(getAncestors(; } else { result.addToUrisNotFound(uri); } } result.setDerivedDocs(documentIds); // check if to set immediateChildren if (uris.size() == 1) { setImmediateChildren(result, uris.get(0)); } this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // help to set the DerivedResult.ImmediateChildren private void setImmediateChildren(DerivedResult result, String uri) { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); result.setImmediateChildren(new ArrayList<Long>()); Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { Document document =; Iterator<Document> children = document.getChildDocuments(); while (children.hasNext()) { result.addToImmediateChildren(; } } } // helper function to get all descendant documentId private Set<Long> getDescendants(Document document) { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> documentIds = new HashSet<Long>(); // add self first documentIds.add(document.getDocumentId()); // loop through all descendants Iterator<Vertex> iter = new GremlinPipeline<Vertex, Vertex>(document.asVertex()).as("documents") .outE(DerivedFrom.LABEL).inV() .loop("documents", new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) { return true; } }, new PipeFunction<LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex>, Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute(LoopPipe.LoopBundle<Vertex> vertexLoopBundle) { return true; } }).dedup(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Document doc = framedGraph.frame(, Document.class); documentIds.add(doc.getDocumentId()); } return documentIds; } // get all descendant documentIds of the given uris public DerivedResult getDescendants(List<String> uris) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> documentIds = new HashSet<Long>(); DerivedResult result = new DerivedResult(); result.setUrisNotFound(new ArrayList<String>()); for (String uri : uris) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { documentIds.addAll(getDescendants(; } else { result.addToUrisNotFound(uri); } } result.setDerivedDocs(documentIds); // check if to set immediateChildren if (uris.size() == 1) { setImmediateChildren(result, uris.get(0)); } this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // prepare a Document for later purge public PurgeInitiationResult markForPurge(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, List<String> uris, String name, String description) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Set<Long> documentIds = new HashSet<Long>(); List<String> docNotFound = new ArrayList<String>(); // get all descendants for (String uri : uris) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { documentIds.addAll(getDescendants(; } else { docNotFound.add(uri); } } // create PurgeEvent vertex long id = idGenerator.getNextId(ID_GENERATOR_TYPE.PurgeEvent); PurgeEvent purgeEvent = framedGraph.addVertex(null, PurgeEvent.class); purgeEvent.updateProperties(securityToken, id, name, description, uris, docNotFound, documentIds, new HashSet<Long>(), false); this.graph.commit(); return new PurgeInitiationResult(documentIds, docNotFound, id); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } catch (IdGeneratorException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // map DocumentId in list to URI public PositionsToUris getUriFromId(List<Long> positionsList) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); PositionsToUris result = new PositionsToUris(); result.setMapping(new HashMap<Long, String>()); result.setUnfoundPositionList(new ArrayList<Long>()); if (positionsList != null) { // retrieve the uri maps to id for (long docId : positionsList) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, docId) .vertices(Document.class).iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { result.getMapping().put(docId,; } else { result.addToUnfoundPositionList(docId); } } } this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // convert ids to ConvertedUris public ConversionResult getConvertedUrisFromIds(Set<Long> ids) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { ConversionResult result = new ConversionResult(); result.setConvertedUris(new ArrayList<Long>()); // check if vertex exists for (long docId : ids) { Iterator<Vertex> it = this.graph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, docId).vertices().iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { result.addToConvertedUris(docId); } else { result.addToIdsNotFound(docId); } } this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // convert uris to ConvertedUris public ConversionResult getConvertedUrisFromUris(Set<String> uris) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); ConversionResult result = new ConversionResult(); result.setConvertedUris(new ArrayList<Long>()); // check if vertex exists for (String uri : uris) { Iterator<Document> it = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, uri).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { result.addToConvertedUris(; } else { result.addToUrisNotFound(uri); } } this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get PurgeEvent vertex matching purgeId public PurgeInfo getPurgeInfo(long purgeId) throws ProvenancePurgeIdNotFoundException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // check if vertex exists Iterator<PurgeEvent> it = framedGraph.query().has(PurgeEvent.PurgeId, purgeId) .vertices(PurgeEvent.class).iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenancePurgeIdNotFoundException( String.format("Purge Event with id %d not found", purgeId)); } PurgeEvent event =; List<String> uris = event.getDocumentUris(); if (uris == null) { uris = new ArrayList<>(); } List<String> urisNotFound = event.getDocumentUrisNotFound(); if (urisNotFound == null) { urisNotFound = new ArrayList<>(); } String user = event.getUser(); if (user == null) { user = "NOT SET"; } PurgeInfo result = new PurgeInfo(event.getPurgeId(), Utils.convertDate2DateTime(event.getTimeStamp()), uris, urisNotFound, event.getPurgeDocumentIds(), event.getCompletelyPurgedDocumentIds(), user, event.getResolved()); result.setName(event.getName()); result.setDescription(event.getDescription()); this.graph.commit(); return result; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // get PurgeId of all PurgeEvent vertex public List<Long> getAllPurgeIds() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); Iterator<PurgeEvent> it = framedGraph.query().has(BaseVertex.Type, PurgeEvent.TYPE) .vertices(PurgeEvent.class).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ids.add(; } this.graph.commit(); return ids; } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // update PurgeEvent vertex public void updatePurge(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, long purgeId, Set<Long> completelyPurged, String note, boolean resolved) throws ProvenancePurgeIdNotFoundException, ProvenanceDocumentNotInPurgeException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // check if vertex exists Iterator<PurgeEvent> it = framedGraph.query().has(PurgeEvent.PurgeId, purgeId) .vertices(PurgeEvent.class).iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenancePurgeIdNotFoundException( String.format("Purge Event with id %d not found", purgeId)); } PurgeEvent event =; if (!event.getPurgeDocumentIds().containsAll(completelyPurged)) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotInPurgeException( "Document not found in PurgeEvent vertex's PurgeDocumentIds"); } // combine the existing completed set with the new one Set<Long> complelted = event.getCompletelyPurgedDocumentIds(); complelted.addAll(completelyPurged); event.setCompletelyPurgedDocumentIds(complelted); event.setResolved(resolved); // format description as // description \n\nNote: <timestamp> <applicationId> <userPrincipal>\n note if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(note)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String description = event.getDescription(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(description)) { sb.append(description); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); } sb.append("Note: "); sb.append(Utils.getCurrentDate().toString()); sb.append(" "); sb.append(Utils.getApplication(securityToken)); sb.append(" "); sb.append(Utils.getUser(securityToken)); sb.append(System.lineSeparator()); sb.append(note); event.setDescription(sb.toString()); } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // remove document ageOff inheritance from parent document public void removeDocAgeOffRuleInheritance(long documentId, String documentUri, long parentId, String parentUri) throws ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // get document Iterator<Document> docIt = null; if (documentId > 0) { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, documentId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); } else { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, documentUri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!docIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document not found"); } Document document =; if (document.getAged()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException("Document already aged"); } // get parent Iterator<Document> parentIt = null; if (documentId > 0) { parentIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, parentId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); } else { parentIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, parentUri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!parentIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document not found"); } Document parent =; // is there inheritance between the document and parent if (document.getInheritanceInfoOfParent(parent.getUri()) == null) { this.graph.rollback(); return; } // get AgeOff edges from this parent Iterator<AgeOff> ageOffIt = document.getInAgeOffEdgesFromParent(parent.getUri()); while (ageOffIt.hasNext()) { // reset inheritanceInfo and update vertex document.resetInheritanceInfo(parent.getUri()); // remove the edge AgeOff ageOff =; this.graph.removeEdge(ageOff.asEdge()); // examine child removeAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(document, ageOff); } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // helper to recursively remove AgeOff edge or adjust RelevantDateTime private void removeAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(Document document, AgeOff theTarget) throws TException { // figure out if this is the only edge with ruleId or the oldest AgeOfReleventDate Date oldestRelevantDate = document.getInAgeOffOldestRelevantDateHasRule(theTarget.getRuleId()); boolean isOnlyEdge = oldestRelevantDate == null; // don't have any edge now boolean hasOldestRelevantDate = oldestRelevantDate != null && oldestRelevantDate.after(theTarget.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime()); // no need to go further if (!isOnlyEdge && !hasOldestRelevantDate) { return; } // find the out ageOff edge with same ruleId Iterator<AgeOff> outIt = document.getOutAgeOffEdgesHasRule(theTarget.getRuleId()); while (outIt.hasNext()) { AgeOff ageOff =; Document child = ageOff.getInDocument(); // the child document to examine InheritanceInfo inheritanceInfo = child.getInheritanceInfoOfParent(document.getUri()); if (inheritanceInfo.inheritParentAgeOff && inheritanceInfo.trackParentAgeOff) { if (isOnlyEdge) { // the only edge // delete the edge this.graph.removeEdge(ageOff.asEdge()); } else if (hasOldestRelevantDate) { // the oldest if (!inheritanceInfo.isSetAgeOffRelevantDateTime()) { // update the edge to the now oldestRelevantDate ageOff.setAgeOffRelevantDateTime(oldestRelevantDate); } } // recursively examine the descendants removeAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(child, ageOff); } } } // remove the AgeOff edge from AgeOffRule identified by ageOffRuldId public void removeDocExplicitAgeOffRule(long documentId, String documentUri, long ageOffRuleId) throws ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // get document Iterator<Document> docIt = null; if (documentId > 0) { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, documentId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); } else { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, documentUri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!docIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document not found"); } Document document =; if (document.getAged()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException("Document already aged"); } // get ageOffRule Iterator<Vertex> ruleIt = this.graph.query().has(AgeOffRule.RuleId, ageOffRuleId).vertices().iterator(); if (!ruleIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("AgeOffRule not found"); } // get AgeOff edges from this AgeOffRule Iterator<AgeOff> ageOffIt = document.getInAgeOffEdgesFromAgeOffRule(ageOffRuleId); while (ageOffIt.hasNext()) { // remove the edge AgeOff ageOff =; this.graph.removeEdge(ageOff.asEdge()); // examine child removeAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(document, ageOff); } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // add ageOff rule to document public void addDocExplicitAgeOffRule(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, long documentId, String documentUri, AgeOffMapping mapping) throws ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException, ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException, ProvenanceAgeOffExistsException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // get document Iterator<Document> docIt = null; if (documentId > 0) { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, documentId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); } else { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, documentUri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!docIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document not found"); } Document document =; if (document.getAged()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException("Document already aged"); } // get ageOffRule Iterator<AgeOffRule> ruleIt = framedGraph.query().has(AgeOffRule.RuleId, mapping.getRuleId()) .vertices(AgeOffRule.class).iterator(); if (!ruleIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffRuleNotFoundException("AgeOffRule not found"); } // make sure there is no edge from the AgeOffRule already Iterator<AgeOff> ageOffIt = document.getInAgeOffEdgesFromAgeOffRule(mapping.getRuleId()); if (ageOffIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffExistsException( "There is already AgeOff edge from the AgeOffRule to Document"); } // get the oldestRelevantDate before we add the new edge Date oldestRelevantDate = document.getInAgeOffOldestRelevantDateHasRule(mapping.ruleId); // add the AgeOff edge AgeOffRule rule =; AgeOff ageOff = framedGraph.addEdge(null, rule.asVertex(), document.asVertex(), AgeOff.LABEL, AgeOff.class); // use mapping relevantDate if set. otherwise, use current time. ageOff.updateProperties(securityToken, mapping.getRuleId(), Utils.convertDateTime2Date(mapping.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime())); // figure out if this is the only edge with ruleId or the oldest AgeOfReleventDate boolean isOnlyEdge = oldestRelevantDate == null; // don't have any edge yet boolean hasOldestRelevantDate = oldestRelevantDate != null && oldestRelevantDate.after(ageOff.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime()); // examine child if either true if (isOnlyEdge || hasOldestRelevantDate) { addAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(securityToken, document, mapping.ruleId); } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } // helper to recursively add AgeOff edge or adjust RelevantDateTime private void addAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, Document document, long ruleId) throws TException { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); Date oldestRelevantDate = document.getInAgeOffOldestRelevantDateHasRule(ruleId); // find all children Document vertex Iterator<Document> children = document.getChildDocuments(); while (children.hasNext()) { Document child =; InheritanceInfo info = child.getInheritanceInfoOfParent(document.getUri()); if (info.inheritParentAgeOff && info.trackParentAgeOff) { // check if this child already has AgeOff edge with ruleId from this parent Iterator<AgeOff> ageOffIt = child.getInAgeOffEdgesFromParentHasRule(document.getUri(), ruleId); if (ageOffIt.hasNext()) { // ensure the relevant time .setAgeOffRelevantDateTime(info.isSetAgeOffRelevantDateTime() ? Utils.convertDateTime2Date(info.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime()) : oldestRelevantDate); } else { // create new edge AgeOff ageOff = framedGraph.addEdge(null, document.asVertex(), child.asVertex(), AgeOff.LABEL, AgeOff.class); // use mapping relevantDate if set. otherwise, use current time. ageOff.updateProperties(securityToken, ruleId, info.isSetAgeOffRelevantDateTime() ? Utils.convertDateTime2Date(info.getAgeOffRelevantDateTime()) : oldestRelevantDate); } // recursively examine descendant addAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(securityToken, child, ruleId); } } } // add new inheritanceInfo to document public void addDocumentInheritanceInfo(ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken securityToken, long documentId, String documentUri, InheritanceInfo inheritanceInfo) throws ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityTokenException, ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException, ProvenanceCircularInheritanceNotAllowedException, ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException, ProvenanceAgeOffInheritanceExistsException, org.apache.thrift.TException { validateGraphDb(); try { FramedGraph<TitanGraph> framedGraph = getFramedGraph(); // get document Iterator<Document> docIt = null; if (documentId > 0) { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.DocumentId, documentId).vertices(Document.class) .iterator(); } else { docIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, documentUri).vertices(Document.class).iterator(); } if (!docIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Document not found"); } Document document =; if (document.getAged()) { throw new ProvenanceAlreadyAgedException("Document already aged"); } // get parent Iterator<Document> parentIt = framedGraph.query().has(Document.URI, inheritanceInfo.parentUri) .vertices(Document.class).iterator(); if (!parentIt.hasNext()) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceDocumentNotFoundException("Parent document not found"); } Document parent =; // make sure there is no InheritanceInfo from parent already if (document.getInheritanceInfoOfParent(inheritanceInfo.parentUri) != null) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceAgeOffInheritanceExistsException( "Document already has inheritanceInfo from this parent"); } // make sure this will not create a circular inheritance if (getDescendants(document).contains(parent.getDocumentId())) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new ProvenanceCircularInheritanceNotAllowedException( "Add this parent will cause circular inheritance"); } // the original <RuleId, RelevantDate> map HashMap<Long, Date> originMap = document.getInAgeOffEdgeRuleOldestRelevantDateMap(); // add the inheritanceInfo first document.addInheritanceInfo(inheritanceInfo.deepCopy()); // create DeriveFrom the AgeOff edges from parent to child AddDocumentHelper helperAdd = new AddDocumentHelper(securityToken, documentUri); helperAdd.addInheritanceEdges(getFramedGraph(), parent, document, inheritanceInfo); HashMap<Long, Date> newMap = document.getInAgeOffEdgeRuleOldestRelevantDateMap(); // compare the maps to decide if need to examine child for (Long ruleId : newMap.keySet()) { boolean isOnlyEdge = !originMap.containsKey(ruleId); boolean hasOldestRelevantDate = originMap.containsKey(ruleId) && originMap.get(ruleId).after(newMap.get(ruleId)); // need to examine child if is the only edge or introduced new if (isOnlyEdge || hasOldestRelevantDate) { addAgeOffEdgeExamineChild(securityToken, document, ruleId); } } this.graph.commit(); } catch (TitanException ex) { this.graph.rollback(); throw new TException(ex); } } }