Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.BatchWriter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.Connector; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MultiTableBatchWriter; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException; import org.apache.accumulo.core.client.TableNotFoundException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Lists; import; import ezbake.configuration.ClasspathConfigurationLoader; import ezbake.configuration.EzConfiguration; import; import; import; import ezbake.thrift.ThriftServerPool; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import ezbakehelpers.accumulo.AccumuloHelper; public class AutoSecurityTest { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AutoSecurityTest.class); public static final String LOOKUP_TABLE = "ezsecurity_lookup"; public static final String REG_TABLE = "ezsecurity_reg"; private static ThriftServerPool serverPool; private static Properties configuration; private static Random random = new Random(); private static int port; private static String id = "securityId"; private static String id1 = "EzPy"; private static String x509_cert_app; private static String x509_cert_ca; private static String app_pk; private static String app_public; @BeforeClass public static void init() throws Exception { InputStream is = AutoSecurityTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pki/application.crt"); x509_cert_app = read(is); x509_cert_ca = read(AutoSecurityTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pki/ezbakeca.crt")); app_pk = read(AutoSecurityTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pki/application.priv")); app_public = read(AutoSecurityTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("pki/")); log.debug("Using App Cert {}", x509_cert_app); log.debug("Using Ca Cert {}", x509_cert_ca); log.debug("Using Private Key {}", app_pk); log.debug("Using Public Key {}", app_public); configuration = new EzConfiguration(new ClasspathConfigurationLoader()).getProperties(); Connector c = new AccumuloHelper(configuration).getConnector(); AccumuloRegistrationManager arm = new AccumuloRegistrationManager(configuration); arm.register("5000", "owner", "appName", "visibilityLevel", Lists.newArrayList("U"), new HashSet<String>(), "appDn"); AppPersistenceModel app = arm.getRegistration(new String[] { "U" }, "5000", "owner", RegistrationStatus.PENDING); app.setX509Cert(x509_cert_app); app.setPrivateKey(app_pk); app.setPublicKey(app_public); arm.register("6000", "owner", "sappName", "visibilityLevel", Lists.newArrayList("U"), new HashSet<String>(), "appDn"); AppPersistenceModel app1 = arm.getRegistration(new String[] { "U" }, "6000", "owner", RegistrationStatus.PENDING); app1.setX509Cert(x509_cert_app); app1.setPrivateKey(app_pk); app1.setPublicKey(app_public); arm.update(app, RegistrationStatus.PENDING); arm.update(app1, RegistrationStatus.PENDING); } @Test public void test() throws RegistrationException, SecurityIDNotFoundException, IOException, AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { AutoSecurity autoSecurity = new AutoSecurity(configuration, true); log.debug("Value {}", SecurityID.ReservedSecurityId.EzSecurity.getId()); AppPersistenceModel secModel = new AppPersistenceModel(); secModel.setId(SecurityID.ReservedSecurityId.EzSecurity.getId()); secModel.setOwner("owner"); secModel.setPublicKey(app_public); secModel.setStatus(RegistrationStatus.PENDING); secModel.setAppName("Security App"); secModel.setFormalAuthorizations(Lists.newArrayList("U")); secModel.setAuthorizationLevel("U"); secModel.setAppDn("Fake Dn"); writeRegistration(secModel); AppPersistenceModel caModel = new AppPersistenceModel(); caModel.setId(SecurityID.ReservedSecurityId.CA.getId()); caModel.setOwner("owner"); caModel.setStatus(RegistrationStatus.PENDING); caModel.setAppName("Ca App Name"); caModel.setFormalAuthorizations(Lists.newArrayList("U")); caModel.setAuthorizationLevel("U"); caModel.setAppDn("Fake Dn"); caModel.setX509Cert(x509_cert_ca); writeRegistration(caModel); Map<String, Path> map = autoSecurity.downloadCerts(new String[] { "U" }, "owner", RegistrationStatus.PENDING); Set<String> keySet = map.keySet(); for (String k : keySet) { File[] certs = new File(map.get(k).toString()).listFiles(); assertTrue(certs != null); assertTrue(certs.length == 7); } } /** * Serialize an application registration to accumulo * * @param registration the record to be written * @return true if there were no errors */ protected boolean writeRegistration(AppPersistenceModel registration) throws RegistrationException { boolean status = false; try { Connector connector = new AccumuloHelper(configuration).getConnector(); MultiTableBatchWriter bw = connector.createMultiTableBatchWriter(1000000L, 1000L, 10); bw.getBatchWriter(REG_TABLE).addMutations(registration.getObjectMutations()); bw.getBatchWriter(LOOKUP_TABLE).addMutations(registration.getLookupMutations()); bw.close(); status = true; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IO Exception" + e); throw new RegistrationException("Error: IOException " + e); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { log.error("Table not found for registration" + e); throw new RegistrationException("Error: Accumulo Misconfigured - table is not found " + e); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { log.error("Invalid mutation" + e); throw new RegistrationException("Error: Mutation Rejected " + e); } catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Accumulo Security Exception: " + e); } catch (AccumuloException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Accumulo : " + e); } catch (AppPersistCryptoException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return status; } protected void writeRow(Map.Entry<Key, Value> row, Text value) throws RegistrationException { Connector connector = null; BatchWriter writer = null; try { connector = new AccumuloHelper(configuration).getConnector(); writer = connector.createBatchWriter(REG_TABLE, 1000000L, 1000L, 10); Mutation m = new Mutation(row.getKey().getRow()); m.put(row.getKey().getColumnFamily(), row.getKey().getColumnQualifier(), new ColumnVisibility("U"), new Value(value.getBytes())); writer.addMutation(m); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Error: IOException " + e); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Error: Accumulo Misconfigured - table is not found " + e); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Error: Mutation Rejected " + e); } finally { if (writer != null) { try { writer.close(); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { throw new RegistrationException("Error: Mutation Rejected " + e); } } } } protected static String read(InputStream is) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); String file = ""; String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { file += line + "\n"; } return file; } }