Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ezbake.locksmith.service; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Random; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import ezbake.configuration.ClasspathConfigurationLoader; import ezbake.configuration.EzConfiguration; import ezbake.locksmith.service.EzLocksmithHandler; import; import ezbake.crypto.AESCrypto; import ezbakehelpers.ezconfigurationhelpers.application.EzBakeApplicationConfigurationHelper; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.junit.*; import ezbake.thrift.ThriftClientPool; import ezbake.thrift.ThriftServerPool; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken; import ezbake.locksmith.db.MongoDBService; import; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; public class EzLocksmithHandlerTest extends BaseTest { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EzLocksmithHandlerTest.class); private static ThriftServerPool serverPool; private static ThriftClientPool clientPool; private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "SERVICE_NAME"; private static MongoDBService mongo; private static String rsaTable; private static String aesTable; @BeforeClass public static void init() throws Exception { BaseTest.init(); Random portChooser = new Random(); int port = portChooser.nextInt((23999 - 22999) + 1) + 22999; serverPool = new ThriftServerPool(ezConfiguration, port); serverPool.startCommonService(new EzLocksmithHandler(), SERVICE_NAME, "gibberish1234"); clientPool = new ThriftClientPool(ezConfiguration); mongo = new MongoDBService(ezConfiguration); EzBakeApplicationConfigurationHelper appConfig = new EzBakeApplicationConfigurationHelper(ezConfiguration); rsaTable = String.format("lock_smith_%s_%s_%s", appConfig.getApplicationName(), appConfig.getServiceName(), "rsa_keys"); aesTable = String.format("lock_smith_%s_%s_%s", appConfig.getApplicationName(), appConfig.getServiceName(), "aes_keys"); } @Before public void clean() throws UnknownHostException { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", port); mongoClient.dropDatabase("db"); } @Test(expected = KeyExistsException.class) public void testAESGenerateKeyDuplicatedId() throws TException, KeyExistsException {"Test Generate AES"); EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES, Collections.<String>emptyList()); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES, Collections.<String>emptyList()); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test(expected = KeyExistsException.class) public void testRSAGenerateKeyDuplicatedId() throws TException, KeyExistsException {"Test Generate RSA"); EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA, Collections.<String>emptyList()); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA, Collections.<String>emptyList()); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test(expected = KeyExistsException.class) public void testAESUploadKeyDuplicatedId() throws TException, KeyExistsException {"Test Upload"); EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.uploadKey(ezToken, keyId, new String(), KeyType.AES); client.uploadKey(ezToken, keyId, new String(), KeyType.AES); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test(expected = KeyExistsException.class) public void testRSAUploadKeyDuplicatedId() throws TException, KeyExistsException {"Test RSA Upload Key Duplicated Id"); EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.uploadKey(ezToken, keyId, new String(), KeyType.RSA); client.uploadKey(ezToken, keyId, new String(), KeyType.RSA); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testRetrieveGeneratesIfNotExists() throws TException { String keyId = "RETRIEVE_KEY"; EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); String keyData = client.retrieveKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES); // Make sure it's a valid AES key SecretKey keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(keyData), "AES"); String data = "encrypt this"; AESCrypto crypto = new AESCrypto(); byte[] enc = crypto.encrypt(keySpec, data.getBytes()); assertEquals(data, new String(crypto.decrypt(keySpec, enc))); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testAESGetGeneratedData() throws TException, KeyExistsException, KeyNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {"Test AES Get Generated Data"); EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES, Collections.<String>emptyList()); String keyData = client.retrieveKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES); assertTrue(keyData != null); // Make sure it's a valid AES key SecretKey keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(Base64.decodeBase64(keyData), "AES"); String data = "encrypt this"; AESCrypto crypto = new AESCrypto(); byte[] enc = crypto.encrypt(keySpec, data.getBytes()); assertEquals(data, new String(crypto.decrypt(keySpec, enc))); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testRSAGetGeneratedData() throws TException, KeyExistsException, KeyNotFoundException { EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA, Collections.<String>emptyList()); String keyData = client.retrieveKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA); assertTrue(keyData != null); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testAESRemoveGeneratedData() throws KeyExistsException, TException, KeyNotFoundException { EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES, Collections.<String>emptyList()); client.removeKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.AES); assertTrue(mongo.collectionCount(aesTable) == 0); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testRSARemoveGeneratedData() throws TException, KeyExistsException, KeyNotFoundException { EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; try { client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); client.generateKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA, Collections.<String>emptyList()); client.removeKey(ezToken, keyId, KeyType.RSA); assertTrue(mongo.collectionCount(rsaTable) == 0); } finally { clientPool.returnToPool(client); } } @Test public void testRSAGenerateData() throws TException { EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); String pk = client.retrievePublicKey(ezToken, keyId, ezToken.getValidity().getIssuedTo()); assertTrue(pk != null); } @Test public void testRSANonOwnerGeneratesPrivate() throws TException { EzSecurityToken ezToken = getTestEzSecurityToken(); EzLocksmith.Client client = null; String keyId = "keyId"; // Somebody accesses the public key first client = clientPool.getClient(SERVICE_NAME, EzLocksmith.Client.class); String pk = client.retrievePublicKey(MockEzSecurityToken.getMockUserToken("Not Owner"), keyId, null); assertTrue(pk != null); // Now attempt to retrieve the String priv = client.retrieveKey(MockEzSecurityToken.getMockUserToken("Key Owner"), keyId, KeyType.RSA); assertTrue(priv != null); } public EzSecurityToken getTestEzSecurityToken() { return MockEzSecurityToken.getMockUserToken("Key Owner"); } }