Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ezbake.groups.service; import; import; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityToken; import ezbake.base.thrift.EzSecurityTokenException; import ezbake.base.thrift.TokenType; import ezbake.base.thrift.metrics.MetricRegistryThrift; import ezbake.groups.common.GroupNameHelper; import ezbake.groups.graph.exception.VertexNotFoundException; import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.*; import ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User; import ezbake.groups.graph.query.GroupMembersQuery; import ezbake.groups.service.caching.CacheLayer; import ezbake.groups.service.query.AuthorizationQuery; import ezbake.groups.thrift.*; import ezbake.groups.thrift.Group; import; import ezbake.thrift.authentication.EzX509; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This implementation of the EzGroups Service implements a caching layer in front of the basic implementation */ public class CachingEzGroupsService extends BaseGroupsService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CachingEzGroupsService.class); private EzGroupsService impl; private CacheLayer<Set<Long>> cache; private GroupMembersQuery groupMembersQuery; private boolean logTimer; public CachingEzGroupsService(EzGroupsService impl, CacheLayer<Set<Long>> cache, Properties configuration, EzbakeSecurityClient securityClient, GroupMembersQuery groupMembersQuery) { this(impl, cache, configuration, securityClient, groupMembersQuery, false); } @Inject public CachingEzGroupsService(EzGroupsService impl, CacheLayer<Set<Long>> cache, Properties configuration, EzbakeSecurityClient securityClient, GroupMembersQuery groupMembersQuery, @Named(GroupsServiceModule.LOG_TIMER_STATS_NAME) Boolean shouldLogTimers) { super(configuration, securityClient); this.impl = impl; this.cache = cache; this.groupMembersQuery = groupMembersQuery; this.logTimer = shouldLogTimers; } @Override public long createGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String parent, String name, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { return createAndGetGroup(ezSecurityToken, parent, name, inheritance).getId(); } @Override public Group createAndGetGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String parent, String name, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { // Create the group then perform the actual update final Group group = impl.createAndGetGroup(ezSecurityToken, parent, name, inheritance); // Rebuild cache for members of the group markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(group.getGroupName()); return group; } @Override public long createGroupWithInclusion(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String parent, String name, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, boolean includeOnlyRequiresUser, boolean includeOnlyRequiresApp) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { return createAndGetGroupWithInclusion(ezSecurityToken, parent, name, inheritance, includeOnlyRequiresUser, includeOnlyRequiresApp).getId(); } @Override public Group createAndGetGroupWithInclusion(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String parent, String name, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance, boolean includeOnlyRequiresUser, boolean includeOnlyRequiresApp) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { // Create the group then perform the actual update final Group group = impl.createAndGetGroupWithInclusion(ezSecurityToken, parent, name, inheritance, includeOnlyRequiresUser, includeOnlyRequiresApp); // Rebuild cache for members of the group markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(group.getGroupName()); return group; } @Override public void deactivateGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean andChildren) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.deactivateGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, andChildren); // Rebuild cache for users markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(groupName); } @Override public void activateGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean andChildren) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.activateGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, andChildren); // Rebuild cache for users markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(groupName); } /** * Change which permissions are inherited from the parent to the given group * * This must also update caches for members who were members of the group, or are now members of it * * @param ezSecurityToken security token to validate query * @param groupName name of group who's inheritance to change * @param inheritance new inheritance permissions * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws EzGroupOperationException */ @Override public void changeGroupInheritance(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, GroupInheritancePermissions inheritance) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { // Get group members before changing inheritance. These are the users who's caches need to be updated Set<User> oldMembers; try { oldMembers = getGroupMembers(groupName); } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Failed to get group members, unable to change group inheritance. Group Name: {}", groupName); throw new EzGroupOperationException("Unable to get group members", OperationError.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR); } // update inheritance impl.changeGroupInheritance(ezSecurityToken, groupName, inheritance); Set<User> newMembers; try { newMembers = getGroupMembers(groupName); } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Failed to get group members, unable to change group inheritance. Group Name: {}", groupName); throw new EzGroupOperationException("Unable to get group members", OperationError.UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR); } // Rebuild cache for members markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(Sets.union(oldMembers, newMembers)); } /** * Doesn't have any effect on group id numbers, so no cache update * * @param ezSecurityToken token * @param oldName old group name * @param newName new group name * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws EzGroupOperationException */ @Override public void changeGroupName(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String oldName, String newName) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.changeGroupName(ezSecurityToken, oldName, newName); } /** * This currently has no caching. It appears to perform pretty well * * @param ezSecurityToken calling token * @param groupNames name of groups requested * @param userIds name of users requested * @param appIds name of app users requested * * @return the set of group and/or user index numbers * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws EzGroupOperationException */ @Override public Set<Long> getGroupsMask(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, Set<String> groupNames, Set<String> userIds, Set<String> appIds) throws EzSecurityTokenException, EzGroupOperationException { return impl.getGroupsMask(ezSecurityToken, groupNames, userIds, appIds); } /** * Create a new User with the given id and name * * This method just calls down to the base implementation to create the User. It then runs a query to get the * user's authorizations and set them in the cache * * @param ezSecurityToken user of token performing the action * @param id security id of the new user. This will be their user id in EzGroups * @param name the user's name for display purposes. can be blank * @return the group index number of the new app user * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws EzGroupOperationException */ @Override public long createUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String id, String name) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { long index = impl.createUser(ezSecurityToken, id, name); try { // Run a query to populate the cache for the new user cache.updateAll(buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, id, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO? } return index; } @Override public void modifyUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String id, String newId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.modifyUser(ezSecurityToken, id, newId); } @Override public void deactivateUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String id) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.deactivateUser(ezSecurityToken, id); // Invalidate caches, user should have no cached values anymore cache.invalidateAll(buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, id, null).getWildCardKey()); } @Override public void activateUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String id) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.activateUser(ezSecurityToken, id); // Rebuild caches try { cache.updateAll(buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, id, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Do something about it - probably just del the key } } @Override public void deleteUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String id) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.deleteUser(ezSecurityToken, id); // Remove caches cache.invalidateAll(buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, id, null).getWildCardKey()); } /** * This method should be constant time (titan indices) so not caching * * @param ezSecurityToken caller token * @param type type of user to get * @param id the user's EzBake id * @return the user object * @throws EzSecurityTokenException */ @Override public ezbake.groups.thrift.User getUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, UserType type, String id) throws EzSecurityTokenException { return impl.getUser(ezSecurityToken, type, id); } /** * Create a new App User with the given securityId and name * * This method just calls down to the base implementation to create the App User. It then runs a query to get the * user's authorizations and set them in the cache * * @param ezSecurityToken user of token performing the action * @param securityId security id of the new app. This will be their user id in EzGroups * @param name name of the application. Used for the "app.appname" groups * @return the group index number of the new app user * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws EzGroupOperationException */ @Override public long createAppUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String securityId, String name) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { long id = impl.createAppUser(ezSecurityToken, securityId, name); try { // Run a query to populate the cache for the new user cache.updateAll(buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO? } return id; } @Override public Set<Long> createAppUserAndGetAuthorizations(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, List<String> chain, String securityId, String name) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException, GroupQueryException { validatePrivilegedPeer(ezSecurityToken, new EzX509()); // Check caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, chain); try { return cache.get(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // not in cache, call down to base impl logger.error("Failed to get authorizations for app user", e); return impl.createAppUserAndGetAuthorizations(ezSecurityToken, chain, securityId, name); } } @Override public void modifyAppUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String securityId, String newSecurityId, String newName) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.modifyAppUser(ezSecurityToken, securityId, newSecurityId, newName); } @Override public void deactivateAppUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String securityId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.deactivateAppUser(ezSecurityToken, securityId); // Delete caches for user cache.invalidateAll( new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null) .getWildCardKey()); } @Override public void activateAppUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String securityId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.activateAppUser(ezSecurityToken, securityId); // Rebuild caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null); try { cache.updateAll(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Do something about it - or just ignore? } } @Override public void deleteAppUser(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String securityId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.deleteAppUser(ezSecurityToken, securityId); // Delete caches for user cache.invalidateAll( new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null) .getWildCardKey()); } @Override public void addUserToGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, String userId, UserGroupPermissions userPermissions) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.addUserToGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, userId, userPermissions); // Update user caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, userId, null); try { cache.updateAll(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // If the update failed, then invalidate the cache since it's bad now cache.invalidateAll(authQuery.getWildCardKey()); } } @Override public void removeUserFromGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, String userId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.removeUserFromGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, userId); // Update user caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, userId, null); try { cache.updateAll(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // If the update failed, then invalidate the cache since it's bad now cache.invalidateAll(authQuery.getWildCardKey()); } } @Override public void addAppUserToGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, String securityId, UserGroupPermissions userPermissions) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.addAppUserToGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, securityId, userPermissions); // Update user caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null); try { cache.updateAll(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // If the update failed, then invalidate the cache since it's bad now cache.invalidateAll(authQuery.getWildCardKey()); } } @Override public void removeAppUserFromGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, String securityId) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException { impl.removeAppUserFromGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName, securityId); // Update user caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.APP_USER, securityId, null); try { cache.updateAll(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // If the update failed, then invalidate the cache since it's bad now cache.invalidateAll(authQuery.getWildCardKey()); } } @Override public GroupsRequestResponse getGroups(EzSecurityToken token, GroupsRequest groupsRequest) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { //TODO: Add caching? return impl.getGroups(token, groupsRequest); } @Override public Set<Group> getChildGroups(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean recursive) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getChildGroups(ezSecurityToken, groupName, recursive); } /** * This method should be constant time (titan indices) so not caching * * @param ezSecurityToken querying user token * @param groupName name of group to query * @return the group object * @throws EzSecurityTokenException */ @Override public Group getGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName) throws EzSecurityTokenException { return impl.getGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName); } @Override public Map<Long, String> getGroupNamesByIndices(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, Set<Long> ids) throws EzSecurityTokenException, GroupQueryException { //TODO: Should this cache? return impl.getGroupNamesByIndices(ezSecurityToken, ids); } /** * Get all users of the given group, both USER and APP_USER types. * * TODO: This should cache group members, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @param groupName name of group to query * @param explicitMembersOnly if true, return group members who have explicit access to the group (not inherited) * @return all group memebrs * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public AllGroupMembers getGroupMembers(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean explicitMembersOnly) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getGroupMembers(ezSecurityToken, groupName, explicitMembersOnly); } /** * Get all APP_USERs of the given group * * TODO: This should cache group members, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @param groupName name of group to query * @param explicitMembersOnly if true, return group members who have explicit access to the group (not inherited) * @return all group memebrs * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<String> getGroupApps(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean explicitMembersOnly) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getGroupApps(ezSecurityToken, groupName, explicitMembersOnly); } /** * Get all USERs of the given group * * TODO: This should cache group members, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @param groupName name of group to query * @param explicitMembersOnly if true, return group members who have explicit access to the group (not inherited) * @return all group memebrs * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<String> getGroupUsers(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName, boolean explicitMembersOnly) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getGroupUsers(ezSecurityToken, groupName, explicitMembersOnly); } /** * Return authorizations for the user/app chain given in the token * * Will hit cache first, building if necessary. If fails at caching layer, will query base impl directly * * @param ezSecurityToken token to query auths for * @return the token user's auths * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<Long> getAuthorizations(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { validateToken(ezSecurityToken); try { AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), userTypeFromToken(ezSecurityToken), ezSecurityToken.getTokenPrincipal().getPrincipal(), requestChainFromToken(ezSecurityToken)); return cache.get(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { return impl.getAuthorizations(ezSecurityToken); } } /** * Get user's Groups * * TODO: This should cache, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @param explicitGroupsOnly optionally, only return groups user has explicit membership of * @return user's groups * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<UserGroup> getUserGroups(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, boolean explicitGroupsOnly) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getUserGroups(ezSecurityToken, explicitGroupsOnly); } @Override public Set<UserGroup> requestUserGroups(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, UserGroupsRequest userGroupsRequest) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException, TException { // TODO: Determine if caching would be beneficial return impl.requestUserGroups(ezSecurityToken, userGroupsRequest); } /** * Get user's Diagnostic Apps - app.<app name>.ezbDiagnostics * * TODO: This should cache, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @return the app names of user diagnostic apps * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<String> getUserDiagnosticApps(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { Stopwatch timer = getStopwatch(); try { return impl.getUserDiagnosticApps(ezSecurityToken); } finally { logStopwatch(timer, "getUserDiagnosticApps for user: %s type: %s", ezSecurityToken.getType(), ezSecurityToken.getTokenPrincipal().getPrincipal()); } } /** * Get user's Metrics Apps - app.<app name>.ezbMetrics * * TODO: This should cache, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @return the app names of user diagnostic apps * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<String> getUserMetricsApps(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { Stopwatch timer = getStopwatch(); try { return impl.getUserMetricsApps(ezSecurityToken); } finally { logStopwatch(timer, "getUserMetricsApps user: %s type: %s", ezSecurityToken.getType(), ezSecurityToken.getTokenPrincipal().getPrincipal()); } } /** * Get user's Auditor Apps - app.<app name>.ezbAudits * * TODO: This should cache, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @return the app names of user diagnostic apps * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<String> getUserAuditorApps(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { Stopwatch timer = getStopwatch(); try { return impl.getUserAuditorApps(ezSecurityToken); } finally { logStopwatch(timer, "getUserAuditorApps user: %s type: %s", ezSecurityToken.getType(), ezSecurityToken.getTokenPrincipal().getPrincipal()); } } /** * Get app user's Groups * * TODO: This should cache, because the query could be slow * * @param ezSecurityToken token of querying user * @param explicitGroupsOnly optionally, only return groups app user was explicitly added to * @return user's groups * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public Set<UserGroup> getAppUserGroups(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, boolean explicitGroupsOnly) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.getAppUserGroups(ezSecurityToken, explicitGroupsOnly); } /** * Check if a user is a member of a particular group. * * TODO: this can be done by querying for the group id, and checking if it exists in the user's cache * * @param ezSecurityToken security token of user being queried * @param groupName group name to check user accesss to * @return true if the user has data access * @throws EzSecurityTokenException * @throws AuthorizationException * @throws GroupQueryException */ @Override public boolean checkUserAccessToGroup(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, String groupName) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { return impl.checkUserAccessToGroup(ezSecurityToken, groupName); } @Override public Set<Long> createUserAndGetAuthorizations(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, List<String> chain, String id, String name) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, EzGroupOperationException, GroupQueryException { validatePrivilegedPeer(ezSecurityToken, new EzX509()); // Check caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), BaseVertex.VertexType.USER, id, chain); try { return cache.get(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // not in cache, call down to base impl (do create) return impl.createUserAndGetAuthorizations(ezSecurityToken, chain, id, name); } } @Override public Set<Long> getUserAuthorizations(EzSecurityToken ezSecurityToken, TokenType userType, String userId, List<String> chain) throws EzSecurityTokenException, AuthorizationException, GroupQueryException { validatePrivilegedPeer(ezSecurityToken, new EzX509()); // Check caches AuthorizationQuery authQuery = new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), vertexTypeFromTokenType(userType), userId, chain); try { return cache.get(authQuery); } catch (Exception e) { // not in cache, call down to base impl (do create) return impl.getUserAuthorizations(ezSecurityToken, userType, userId, chain); } } @Override public boolean ping() { return; } @Override public MetricRegistryThrift getMetricRegistryThrift() { return impl.getMetricRegistryThrift(); } /** * Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated * with it. If the stream is already closed then invoking this * method has no effect. * * @throws if an I/O error occurs */ @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (impl != null) { impl.close(); } if (cache != null) { cache.close(); } } /** * Helper method to build an authorization query for different user types * * @param userType type from user token * @param id user identifier * @param chain list of applications to include in the query * @return an authorization query for the user */ private AuthorizationQuery buildQueryForUser(BaseVertex.VertexType userType, String id, List<String> chain) { return new AuthorizationQuery(impl.getGraph(), userType, id, chain); } /** * Get members of the group, given the un-prefixed group name * * @param group un-prefixed group name * @return the set of users */ private Set<User> getGroupMembers(String group) throws VertexNotFoundException { return groupMembersQuery.getGroupMembers(new GroupNameHelper().addRootGroupPrefix(group)); } /** * Update cache for all group members * * @param group un-prefixed group name */ private void updateCacheForGroupMembers(String group) { try { updateCacheForGroupMembers(getGroupMembers(group)); } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Failed to get members of group: {}. Group not found", group, e); } } /** * Update cache for the given group members * * @param groupMembers users for whom to update the cache */ private void updateCacheForGroupMembers(Set<ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User> groupMembers) { Stopwatch watch = getStopwatch();"Begin update cache for all group members"); for (ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User member : groupMembers) { try {"Updating cache for: {}:{}", member.getType(), member.getPrincipal()); cache.updateAll(buildQueryForUser(member.getType(), member.getPrincipal(), null)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to update cache for: {}:{}", member.getType(), member.getPrincipal(), e); } } logStopwatch(watch, "End update cache for all group members"); } private void markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(String group) { try { markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(getGroupMembers(group)); } catch (VertexNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Failed to get members of group: {}. Group not found", group, e); } } private void markCacheNeedsUpdateForGroupMembers(Set<ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User> groupMembers) { Stopwatch watch = getStopwatch();"Begin cache mark for update for all group members"); for (ezbake.groups.graph.frames.vertex.User member : groupMembers) { try {"Mark all for update: {}:{}", member.getType(), member.getPrincipal()); cache.markAllForUpdate( buildQueryForUser(member.getType(), member.getPrincipal(), null).getWildCardKey()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to mark for update: {}:{}", member.getType(), member.getPrincipal(), e); } } logStopwatch(watch, "End mark for update for all group members"); } private Stopwatch getStopwatch() { Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); if (logTimer) { watch.start(); } return watch; } private void logStopwatch(String messageFormat, Object... args) { if (logTimer) {, args); } } public void logStopwatch(Stopwatch timer, String message, Object... args) { if (logTimer) { message = String.format(message, args);"TIMER: {} ----------> {}ms", message, timer.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } } }