Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package Export; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import conexao.Call; import dao.ViagemDao; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.primefaces.context.RequestContext; import static Export.GenericExcel.createCell; import static Export.GenericExcel.createCellM; /** * * @author ahmedjorge */ public class ExportViagemSemanaExcel { static final String DATA = "DATA", APOLICE = "APOLICE", INICIO = "INICIO", FIM = "FIM", DIAS = "DIAS", CLIENTE = "CLIENTE", RECIBO = "RECIBO", PREMIO = "PREMIO", CONSUMO = "CONSUMO", SELO = "SELO", NETOUT = "NET OUT", TOTAL = "TOTAL", COMISSAO = "COMISAO", IMP_CONSUMO = "IMP_CONSUMO", IMP_SELO = "IMP_SELO", NUMEROAPOLICE = "NUMERO APOLICE", PAISDESTINO = "PAIS DESTINO", CIDADEDESTINO = "CIDADE DESTINO", ZONADESTINO = "ZONA DESTINO", DATANASCIMENTO = "DATA NASCIMENTO", TELEFONE = "TELEFONE", ENDERECO = "ENDERECO", LOCALNASCIMENTO = "LOCAL NASCIMENTO", NACIONALIDADE = "NACIONALIDADE"; public static void criarDoc(Date dataInicio, Date dateFim, String user, String nomeFuncinario) { Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); Font fTitulo = wb.createFont(); fTitulo.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); fTitulo.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 14); Font fTituloP = wb.createFont(); fTituloP.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); fTituloP.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 12); // fTituloP.setStrikeout(true); fTituloP.setUnderline(Font.U_SINGLE); Font fTituloTabela = wb.createFont(); fTituloTabela.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); fTituloTabela.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 8); Font fCorpoTabela = wb.createFont(); fCorpoTabela.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL); fCorpoTabela.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 8.5); Font fRodapeTabela = wb.createFont(); fRodapeTabela.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); fRodapeTabela.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 8.5); Font fNormal = wb.createFont(); fNormal.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); fNormal.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 8.5); CellStyle csTitulo = wb.createCellStyle(); csTitulo.setFont(fTitulo); csTitulo.setAlignment((short) 1); csTitulo.setVerticalAlignment(CellStyle.VERTICAL_BOTTOM); csTitulo.setBorderBottom((short) 0); csTitulo.setBorderTop((short) 0); csTitulo.setBorderRight((short) 0); csTitulo.setBorderLeft((short) 0); csTitulo.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csTituloP = wb.createCellStyle(); csTituloP.setFont(fTituloP); csTituloP.setAlignment((short) 1); csTituloP.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csTituloP.setBorderBottom((short) 0); csTituloP.setBorderTop((short) 0); csTituloP.setBorderRight((short) 0); csTituloP.setBorderLeft((short) 0); csTituloP.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csTituloT = wb.createCellStyle(); csTituloT.setFont(fTituloP); csTituloT.setAlignment((short) 1); csTituloT.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csTituloT.setBorderBottom((short) 0); csTituloT.setBorderTop((short) 0); csTituloT.setBorderRight((short) 0); csTituloT.setBorderLeft((short) 0); csTituloT.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csTituloTabela = wb.createCellStyle(); csTituloTabela.setFont(fTituloTabela); csTituloTabela.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); csTituloTabela.setVerticalAlignment((short) 2); csTituloTabela.setBorderBottom((short) 2); csTituloTabela.setBorderTop((short) 2); csTituloTabela.setBorderRight((short) 2); csTituloTabela.setBorderLeft((short) 2); csTituloTabela.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csTituloTabelaNBorder = wb.createCellStyle(); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setFont(fTituloTabela); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setVerticalAlignment((short) 2); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setBorderBottom((short) 2); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setBorderTop((short) 2); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setBorderRight((short) 2); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setBorderLeft((short) 2); csTituloTabelaNBorder.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csCorpoTabela = wb.createCellStyle(); csCorpoTabela.setFont(fCorpoTabela); csCorpoTabela.setAlignment((short) 2); csCorpoTabela.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csCorpoTabela.setBorderBottom((short) 1); csCorpoTabela.setBorderTop((short) 1); csCorpoTabela.setBorderRight((short) 1); csCorpoTabela.setBorderLeft((short) 1); csCorpoTabela.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csCorpoTabelaR = wb.createCellStyle(); csCorpoTabelaR.setFont(fCorpoTabela); csCorpoTabelaR.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); csCorpoTabelaR.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaR.setBorderBottom((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaR.setBorderTop((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaR.setBorderRight((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaR.setBorderLeft((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaR.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csCorpoTabelaL = wb.createCellStyle(); csCorpoTabelaL.setFont(fCorpoTabela); csCorpoTabelaL.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT); csCorpoTabelaL.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaL.setBorderBottom((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaL.setBorderTop((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaL.setBorderRight((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaL.setBorderLeft((short) 1); csCorpoTabelaL.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csRodapeTabela = wb.createCellStyle(); csRodapeTabela.setFont(fRodapeTabela); csRodapeTabela.setAlignment((short) 1); csRodapeTabela.setVerticalAlignment((short) 2); csRodapeTabela.setBorderBottom((short) 2); csRodapeTabela.setBorderTop((short) 2); csRodapeTabela.setBorderRight((short) 2); csRodapeTabela.setBorderLeft((short) 2); csRodapeTabela.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csRodapeTabelaR = wb.createCellStyle(); csRodapeTabelaR.setFont(fRodapeTabela); csRodapeTabelaR.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT); csRodapeTabelaR.setVerticalAlignment((short) 2); csRodapeTabelaR.setBorderBottom((short) 2); csRodapeTabelaR.setBorderTop((short) 2); csRodapeTabelaR.setBorderRight((short) 2); csRodapeTabelaR.setBorderLeft((short) 2); csRodapeTabelaR.setWrapText(true); CellStyle csNomal = wb.createCellStyle(); csNomal.setFont(fCorpoTabela); csNomal.setAlignment((short) 1); csNomal.setVerticalAlignment((short) 1); csNomal.setBorderBottom((short) 0); csNomal.setBorderTop((short) 0); csNomal.setBorderRight((short) 0); csNomal.setBorderLeft((short) 0); csNomal.setWrapText(true); OutputStream outputStraem; try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); SimpleDateFormat sdfTitile = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); File ff = new File(ConfigDoc.Fontes.getDiretorio() + "/" + user + "/Seguro Viagem/"); ff.mkdirs(); String Ddata = sdf.format(new Date()); ff = new File(ff.getAbsoluteFile() + "/" + "Export Mapa Viagem Semanal " + Ddata + ".xls"); String reString = "../Documentos/" + user + "/Seguro Viagem/" + "Export Mapa Viagem Semanal " + Ddata + ".xls"; outputStraem = new FileOutputStream(ff); int linha = 0; Sheet s = wb.createSheet("RELATORIO SEMANAL"); Row r = s.createRow(linha); Cell c = r.createCell(2); createCellM(c, r, s, csTitulo, linha, linha + 3, ConfigDoc.Empresa.NOME, 1, 22); linha += 4; r = s.createRow(linha); createCellM(c, r, s, csTituloP, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.Empresa.ENDERECO, 1, 22); linha++; r = s.createRow(linha); createCellM(c, r, s, csTituloP, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.Empresa.CAIXAPOSTAL, 1, 22); linha++; r = s.createRow(linha); createCellM(c, r, s, csTituloP, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.Empresa.TELEFAX + " " + ConfigDoc.Empresa.EMAIL, 1, 22); linha++; r = s.createRow(linha); createCellM(c, r, s, csTituloP, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.Empresa.SOCIEDADE, 1, 22); linha += 3; r = s.createRow(linha); createCellM(c, r, s, csTituloTabelaNBorder, linha, linha + 1, "RELATORIO SEMANAL NO. " + "" + "\n" + ((dataInicio != null) ? sdfTitile.format(dataInicio) + " - " : "") + ((dateFim != null) ? sdfTitile.format(dateFim) : ""), 1, 10); linha += 3; r = s.createRow(linha); c = r.createCell(2); createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(0), 1, 4); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(1), 2, 6); //2 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(2), 3, 6); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(3), 4, 6); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(4), 5, 6); //2 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(5), 6, 20); //3 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(6), 7, 4); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(7), 8, 4); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(8), 9, 8); //2 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(9), 10, 8); //1 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(10), 11, 6); //2 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(11), 12, 6); //2 createCell(c, r, s, csTituloTabela, linha, linha + 1, titileTable(12), 13, 6); //2 dataViagem(dataInicio, dateFim); float premiototal = 0; linha++; for (HashMap<String, Object> data : hasList) { linha++; r = s.createRow(linha); c = r.createCell(2); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(DATA)), 1, 4); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(NUMEROAPOLICE)), 2, 6); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.toFormat(toString(data.get(INICIO)), "dd-MM-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"), 3, 6); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.toFormat(toString(data.get(FIM)), "dd-MM-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"), 4, 6); premiototal += toFloat(data.get(PREMIO)); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaR, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.toMoeda(toFloat(data.get(PREMIO)), ""), 5, 6); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(CLIENTE)), 6, 20); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(DATANASCIMENTO)), 7, 4); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(TELEFONE)), 8, 4); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(ENDERECO)), 9, 8); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(LOCALNASCIMENTO)), 10, 8); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(PAISDESTINO)), 11, 6); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(CIDADEDESTINO)), 12, 6); createCell(c, r, s, csCorpoTabelaL, linha, linha, toString(data.get(ZONADESTINO)), 13, 6); } linha++; r = s.createRow(linha); c = r.createCell(2); createCellM(c, r, s, csRodapeTabela, linha, linha, "AL AMOUNT..........................................", 1, 5); createCellM(c, r, s, csRodapeTabelaR, linha, linha, ConfigDoc.toMoeda(premiototal, ""), 6, 7); createCellM(c, r, s, csRodapeTabela, linha, linha, " ", 8, 13); try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(ff)) { wb.write(out); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(GenericExcel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().execute("openAllDocument('" + reString + "')"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ExportViagemSemanaExcel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } public static void main(String[] args) { ExportViagemSemanaExcel.criarDoc(null, null, "Ah", "Ahmed Ferreira"); // ExportDocViagemSemanal.criarDoc(new Date(), new Date(), "Ah", "Ahmed Ferreira"); } public static String titileTable(int i) { if (i == 0) { return "DATA"; } else if (i == 1) { return "APOLICE"; } else if (i == 2) { return "DATA INICIO"; } else if (i == 3) { return "DATA FIM"; } else if (i == 4) { return "PROPOSTA DE EUROP ASSIST."; } else if (i == 5) { return "NOME"; } else if (i == 6) { return "DATA NASC"; } else if (i == 7) { return "TELEFONE"; } else if (i == 8) { return "MORADA"; } else if (i == 9) { return "NACIONALIDADE"; } else if (i == 10) { return "DESTINO-PAIS"; } else if (i == 11) { return "DESTINO-CIDADE"; } else { return "DESTINO-ZONA"; } } private static PdfPTable cellEspecial(PdfPCell cellEspcial) { PdfPTable pTable = new PdfPTable(1); pTable.addCell(cellEspcial); cellEspcial.setPadding(3f); return pTable; } static ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> hasList = new ArrayList<>(); static private void dataViagem(Date dataInicio, Date dataFim) { hasList = new ArrayList<>(); ResultSet rs = ViagemDao.relatorioTravel(dataInicio, dataFim); Consumer<HashMap<String, Object>> act = (map) -> { hasList.add(new LinkedHashMap<>(map)); }; Call.forEchaResultSet(act, rs); } static private Float toFloat(Object o) { return ((o != null && !o.toString().isEmpty()) ? Float.valueOf(o.toString().replace(",", ".").replace(" ", "0")) : 0f); } static private String toString(Object o) { return ((o == null) ? " " : o.toString()); } }