exm.stc.common.lang.ForeignFunctions.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for exm.stc.common.lang.ForeignFunctions.java


 * Copyright 2013 University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License
package exm.stc.common.lang;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap;

import exm.stc.common.exceptions.STCRuntimeError;
import exm.stc.common.lang.Operators.BuiltinOpcode;
import exm.stc.common.util.TwoWayMap;

 * Static class to track info about semantics of foreign functions.
 * Currently it is sufficient to have this as a static class.
public class ForeignFunctions {

     * Functions that have special handling in STC, e.g. if the optimizer
     * can exploit the particular semantics of them.
    public static enum SpecialFunction {

        /** List of functions that do not need initialized output mapping for
         * unmapped files (but will accept one if the file is mapped)*/
        public static final SpecialFunction CAN_INIT_OUTPUT_MAPPING[] = new SpecialFunction[] { UNCACHED_INPUT_FILE,
                INPUT_FILE, INPUT_URL };

    private static enum Prop {
        IS_ALREADY_DEFINED, // If already defined
        IS_PURE, // If has no side-effects and is deterministic
        IS_COMMUTATIVE, // Order of arguments doesn't matter
        IS_COPY, // Functions which copy value of input to output

     * Track all foreign functions used in the program
    private final SetMultimap<FnID, Prop> props = HashMultimap.create();

     * Map from implementation function name to special function name
    private final TwoWayMap<FnID, SpecialFunction> specialImpls = new TwoWayMap<FnID, SpecialFunction>();

    /** Names of built-ins which have a local equivalent operation */
    private TwoWayMap<FnID, BuiltinOpcode> equivalentOps = new TwoWayMap<FnID, BuiltinOpcode>();

     * Functions that have a local implementation
     * Map from Swift function name to function name of local
    private TwoWayMap<FnID, FnID> localImpls = new TwoWayMap<FnID, FnID>();

    private HashMap<FnID, ExecTarget> taskModes = new HashMap<FnID, ExecTarget>();

    private void addProp(FnID id, Prop prop) {
        props.put(id, prop);

    private boolean hasProp(FnID id, Prop prop) {
        return props.get(id).contains(prop);

    public void copyProperties(FnID newID, FnID oldID) {

        props.putAll(newID, props.get(oldID));
        SpecialFunction special = specialImpls.get(oldID);
        if (special != null) {
            addSpecialImpl(special, newID);

        BuiltinOpcode equiv = equivalentOps.get(oldID);
        if (equiv != null) {
            addOpEquiv(newID, equiv);

        FnID localID = getLocalImpl(oldID);
        if (localID != null) {
            addLocalImpl(newID, localID);

        ExecTarget taskMode = taskModes.get(oldID);
        if (taskMode != null) {
            addTaskMode(newID, taskMode);

    public void addForeignFunction(FnID id) {
        if (hasProp(id, Prop.IS_ALREADY_DEFINED)) {
            throw new STCRuntimeError("Tried to add foreign function " + id + " twice");

        addProp(id, Prop.IS_ALREADY_DEFINED);

    public boolean isForeignFunction(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_ALREADY_DEFINED);

     * @param id
     * @return true if the function expects inputs and outputs to be recursively
     *              unpacked for local version (i.e. no ADLB ids in input)
    public boolean recursivelyUnpackedInOut(FnID id) {
        // For now, all foreign functions expect this
        return isForeignFunction(id);

     * @param sourceName name of function in source
     * @return enum value if this is a valid name of a special function,
     *         otherwise null
    public SpecialFunction findSpecialFunction(String sourceName) {
        try {
            return SpecialFunction.valueOf(sourceName.toUpperCase());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            return null;

    public void addSpecialImpl(SpecialFunction special, FnID implID) {
        specialImpls.put(implID, special);

     * Check if a given function is an implementation of any of the given
     *  special functions
     * @param function
     * @param specials
     * @return
    public boolean isSpecialImpl(FnID id, SpecialFunction... specials) {
        SpecialFunction act = specialImpls.get(id);
        if (act != null) {
            for (SpecialFunction special : specials) {
                if (act == special) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    public boolean canInitOutputMapping(FnID id) {
        return isSpecialImpl(id, SpecialFunction.CAN_INIT_OUTPUT_MAPPING);

     * True if it is a funciton that never will initialize an output file's mapping,
     * so generated code must do it for it
    public boolean neverInitsOutputMapping(FnID id) {
        return !canInitOutputMapping(id);

     * Find an implementation of the special operation
     * @param special
     * @return
    public FnID findSpecialImpl(SpecialFunction special) {
        Collection<FnID> impls = specialImpls.getByValue(special);
        return Iterables.getFirst(impls, null);

    public void addPure(FnID id) {
        addProp(id, Prop.IS_PURE);

    public boolean isPure(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_PURE);

    public void addOpEquiv(FnID id, BuiltinOpcode op) {
        equivalentOps.put(id, op);

    public boolean hasOpEquiv(FnID builtinFunction) {
        return equivalentOps.containsKey(builtinFunction);

    public BuiltinOpcode getOpEquiv(FnID builtinFunction) {
        return equivalentOps.get(builtinFunction);

     * Find an implementation of a built-in op
    public List<FnID> findOpImpl(BuiltinOpcode op) {
        return (List<FnID>) equivalentOps.getByValue(op);

    public void addCommutative(FnID id) {
        addProp(id, Prop.IS_COMMUTATIVE);

    public boolean isCommutative(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_COMMUTATIVE);

    public void addCopy(FnID id) {
        addProp(id, Prop.IS_COPY);

    public boolean isCopyFunction(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_COPY);

    public void addMinMax(FnID id) {
        addProp(id, Prop.IS_MINMAX);

    public boolean isMinMaxFunction(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_MINMAX);

    public void addAssertVariant(FnID id) {
        addProp(id, Prop.IS_ASSERT_VARIANT);

     * @param id true if the named builtin is some kind of assert statemetn
     * @return
    public boolean isAssertVariant(FnID id) {
        return hasProp(id, Prop.IS_ASSERT_VARIANT);

     * Mark that there is a local version of function
     * @param swiftFunction
     * @param localFunction
    public void addLocalImpl(FnID swiftFunction, FnID localFunction) {
        localImpls.put(swiftFunction, localFunction);

    public boolean hasLocalImpl(FnID swiftFunction) {
        return localImpls.containsKey(swiftFunction);

    public FnID getLocalImpl(FnID swiftFunction) {
        return localImpls.get(swiftFunction);

    public boolean isLocalImpl(FnID localFunction) {
        return localImpls.containsValue(localFunction);

    public Set<FnID> getLocalImplKeys() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(localImpls.keySet());

    public void addTaskMode(FnID id, ExecTarget mode) {
        taskModes.put(id, mode);

     * Return the intended task mode for the function (e.g. if it should run on worker
     * or locally)
     * @param id
     * @return non-null target
    public ExecTarget getTaskMode(FnID id) {
        ExecTarget mode = taskModes.get(id);
        if (mode != null) {
            return mode;
        } else {
            return ExecTarget.DEFAULT_BUILTIN_MODE;