Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Technische Universitt Darmstadt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package exec.csharp.evaluation.impl; import java.util.Map; import; import; import cc.recommenders.assertions.Asserts; import; import cc.recommenders.usages.Usage; import exec.csharp.evaluation.AbstractEvaluationConsumer; import exec.csharp.evaluation.IEvaluation; import exec.csharp.queries.QueryMode; import exec.csharp.utils.QueryUtils; public class F1Details extends AbstractEvaluationConsumer { private final IEvaluation eval; private Map<QueryMode, Map<String, BoxplotData>> res; private Map<String, Integer> counts; @Inject public F1Details(IEvaluation eval) { this.eval = eval; } @Override public void run() { res = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); counts = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();; } @Override public void addResult(Usage start, Usage end, QueryMode queryMode, double f1) { System.out.printf("."); String key = getKey(start, end); storeResult(queryMode, key, f1); if (QueryMode.LINEAR == queryMode) { count(key); } } private String getKey(Usage start, Usage end) { int numStart = start.getReceiverCallsites().size(); int numAdded = QueryUtils.countAdditions(start, end); int numRemoved = QueryUtils.countRemovals(start, end); int numStartWithoutNoise = numStart - numRemoved; Asserts.assertGreaterOrEqual(numStartWithoutNoise, 0); int numEnd = end.getReceiverCallsites().size(); Asserts.assertEquals(numStartWithoutNoise + numAdded, numEnd); return getStringKey(numStartWithoutNoise, numEnd); } private String getStringKey(int numStartWithoutNoise, int numEnd) { String first = numStartWithoutNoise < 4 ? Integer.toString(numStartWithoutNoise) : "4+"; String second = numEnd < 5 ? Integer.toString(numEnd) : "5+"; return String.format("%s|%s", first, second); } private void storeResult(QueryMode queryMode, String key, double f1) { Map<String, BoxplotData> keys = res.get(queryMode); if (keys == null) { keys = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); res.put(queryMode, keys); } BoxplotData f1s = keys.get(key); if (f1s == null) { f1s = new BoxplotData(); keys.put(key, f1s); } f1s.add(f1); } private void count(String key) { Integer count = counts.get(key); if (count == null) { counts.put(key, 1); } else { counts.put(key, count + 1); } } @Override public void finish() { System.out.printf("\n\n## counts ############\n\n"); for (int second = 1; second <= 5; second++) { System.out.printf("\t%s", nMax(second, 5)); } System.out.println(); for (int first = 0; first <= 4; first++) { System.out.printf("%s", nMax(first, 4)); for (int second = 1; second <= 5; second++) { String key = getStringKey(first, second); if (counts.containsKey(key)) { int count = counts.get(key); System.out.printf("\t%d", count); } else { System.out.print("\t-"); } } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); for (QueryMode qm : QueryMode.values()) { System.out.printf("## %s ############\n\n", qm); Map<String, BoxplotData> keys = res.get(qm); if (keys == null) { System.out.printf("no data\n\n"); continue; } for (int second = 1; second <= 5; second++) { System.out.printf("\t%s", nMax(second, 5)); } System.out.println(); for (int first = 0; first <= 4; first++) { System.out.printf("%s", nMax(first, 4)); for (int second = 1; second <= 5; second++) { String key = getStringKey(first, second); if (keys.containsKey(key)) { BoxplotData bp = keys.get(key); double f1 = bp.getBoxplot().getMean(); System.out.printf("\t%.4f", f1); } else { System.out.printf("\t-"); } } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } } private static String nMax(int num, int max) { if (num < max) { return Integer.toString(num); } return Integer.toString(max) + "+"; } }