Java tutorial
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright 2013 Joseph Yuan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package excelUtils; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * class Helper * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Helper methods and miscellaneous tools for Extension of Apache POI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To do: * [ ] work on date handling * [ ] work on CSV parsing to further generalize * [ ] String < - > Date * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ public class Helper { public final static String DATE_REGEX_4_DIGIT_YEAR = "(" + "(19|20)[0-9]{2}" + "([-/.\\\\]{1})" + "[0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[012]]{1,2}" + "\\3" + "([0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]]{1,2})" + ")" + "|" + "(" + "[0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[012]]{1,2}" + "([-/.\\\\]{1})" + "([0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]]{1,2})" + "\\6" + "(19|20)[0-9]{2}" + ")"; public final static String DATE_REGEX_2_DIGIT_YEAR = "(" + "[0-9]{2}" + "([-/.\\\\]{1})" + "[0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[012]]{1,2}" + "\\3" + "([0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]]{1,2})" + ")" + "|" + "(" + "[0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[012]]{1,2}" + "([-/.\\\\]{1})" + "([0?[1-9]|[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]]{1,2})" + "\\6" + "[0-9]{2}" + ")"; /* Date Handling tools */ public static boolean isWeekend(Calendar date) { return date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY || date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY; } public static Calendar getToday() { return Calendar.getInstance(); } public static Calendar getYesterday() { Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); return date; } public static Calendar getLastWeekday() { return getLastWeekday(getYesterday()); } public static Calendar getLastWeekday(Calendar date) { Calendar _date = Calendar.getInstance(); _date.setTime(date.getTime()); while (isWeekend(_date)) { _date.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); } return _date; } public static boolean isDate(String s) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(DATE_REGEX_4_DIGIT_YEAR); String[] terms = s.split(" "); Matcher matcher; for (String term : terms) { matcher = pattern.matcher(term); while (matcher.matches()) { return true; } } pattern = Pattern.compile(DATE_REGEX_2_DIGIT_YEAR); terms = s.split(" "); for (String term : terms) { matcher = pattern.matcher(term); while (matcher.matches()) { return true; } } return false; } public static String parseDate(String entry) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(DATE_REGEX_4_DIGIT_YEAR); String[] terms = entry.split(" "); Matcher matcher; for (String term : terms) { matcher = pattern.matcher(term); while (matcher.matches()) { return; } } pattern = Pattern.compile(DATE_REGEX_2_DIGIT_YEAR); terms = entry.split(" "); for (String term : terms) { matcher = pattern.matcher(term); while (matcher.matches()) { return; } } return ""; } public static int compareDates(String date1, String date2, String format) { /* // A Nice Regex Dream, maybe one day * CHANGE TO THE FILE System.out.println("ORIGINAL: " + format); String format_regex = format.replaceAll("(yy(yy)?)", "(?<year>$1)"); format_regex = format_regex.replaceAll("(mm(mm)?)","(?<month>$1)"); format_regex = format_regex.replaceAll("(d(d)?)", "(?<day>$1)"); format_regex = format_regex.replaceAll("(?<!\\<)d","\\\\\\\\d"); TESTING ON MAC SIDE LOUD AND CLEAR TESTING ON PC SIDE OVER AND OUT AND CHANGE format_regex = format_regex.replaceAll("(?<!\\<)m","\\\\\\\\d"); format_regex = format_regex.replaceAll("(?<!\\<)y","\\\\\\\\d"); System.out.println("FINAL: " + format_regex); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(format_regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(date1); while (m.find()){ System.out.println(; }*/ if (format.length() == 0) { return 0; } char c; int m_start = 0, m_count = 0, d_start = 0, d_count = 0, y_start = 0, y_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < format.length(); i++) { c = format.charAt(i); if (c == 'm') { if (m_count == 0) { m_start = i; } m_count++; } if (c == 'd') { if (d_count == 0) { d_start = i; } d_count++; } if (c == 'y') { if (y_count == 0) { y_start = i; } y_count++; } } if (y_count > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(y_start, y_start + y_count)) > Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(y_start, y_start + y_count))) { return 1; } else if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(y_start, y_start + y_count)) < Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(y_start, y_start + y_count))) { return -1; } } if (m_count > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(m_start, m_start + m_count)) > Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(m_start, m_start + m_count))) { return 1; } else if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(m_start, m_start + m_count)) < Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(m_start, m_start + m_count))) { return -1; } } if (d_count > 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(d_start, d_start + d_count)) > Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(d_start, d_start + d_count))) { return 1; } else if (Integer.parseInt(date1.substring(d_start, d_start + d_count)) < Integer .parseInt(date2.substring(d_start, d_start + d_count))) { return -1; } } return 0; } public static Calendar stringToCalendar(String date) { return stringToCalendar(date, "mm/dd/yy"); } public static Calendar stringToCalendar(String date, String pattern) { return null; } public static Date stringToDate(String date) { return stringToDate(date, "mm/dd/yy"); } public static Date stringToDate(String date, String pattern) { return null; } /* Parsers */ public static ArrayList<String> parseCSVLine(String CSVLine, char delimChar, char quotChar) { char itr; boolean inQuotedValue = false; String buffer = ""; ArrayList<String> parsedLine = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < CSVLine.length(); i++) { itr = CSVLine.charAt(i); if (itr == delimChar) { if (!inQuotedValue) { parsedLine.add(buffer); buffer = ""; } } else if (itr == quotChar) { inQuotedValue = !inQuotedValue; } else { buffer += itr; } } if (buffer.length() > 0) { parsedLine.add(buffer); } String entry; for (int i = 0; i < parsedLine.size(); i++) { entry = parsedLine.get(i); entry.trim(); if (entry.startsWith("(") && entry.endsWith(")") && isNumeric(entry.substring(1, entry.length() - 1))) { parsedLine.set(i, "-" + entry.substring(1, entry.length() - 1)); } } return parsedLine; } public static class HTMLNode { HTMLNode firstChild; HTMLNode firstNeighbor; String tag; String attr; String content; public HTMLNode() { } public HTMLNode(HTMLNode firstChild, HTMLNode firstNeighbor, String tag, String attr, String content) { this.tag = tag; this.attr = attr; this.firstChild = firstChild; this.firstNeighbor = firstNeighbor; this.content = content; } @Override public String toString() { return "<" + tag + ">"; } } private static int prevIndex(String str, char c) { return prevIndex(str, c, str.length() - 1); } private static int prevIndex(String str, char c, int fromIndex) { for (int i = fromIndex; i >= 0; i--) { if (str.charAt(i) == c) { return i; } } return -1; } public static int max(int a, int b) { if (a > b) { return a; } else { return b; } } public static int min(int a, int b) { if (a < b) { return a; } else { return b; } } public static int minPos(int a, int b) { if (a >= 0 && b >= 0) { return min(a, b); } else if (a >= 0 && b < 0) { return a; } else if (b >= 0 && a < 0) { return b; } else { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } public static String safeSubstring(String str, int i, int f) { try { i = max(0, i); i = min(i, str.length()); // Limit to 0 f = max(0, f); f = min(f, str.length()); return str.substring(i, f); } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public static boolean isHTMLTag(HTMLNode n, String... tags) { return isHTMLTag(n.tag, tags); } public static boolean isHTMLTag(String tag, String... tags) { tag = tag.toLowerCase(); for (String tagItr : tags) { if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase(tagItr)) { return true; } } return false; } public static ArrayList<HTMLNode> getChildren(HTMLNode n) { ArrayList<HTMLNode> children = new ArrayList<HTMLNode>(); HTMLNode itr = n.firstChild; while (itr != null) { children.add(itr); itr = itr.firstNeighbor; } return children; } private static boolean isSingleton(String tagName) { return isHTMLTag(tagName, "meta", "br", "hr", "link", "area", "base", "col", "command", "input", "embed", "img", "param", "source"); } public static HTMLNode parseHTML(String html) { html = html.trim(); if (html.length() == 0) return null; char c; String tagName = "", childContent = "", attr = "", lastTag = "", content = ""; int n, lastIndex = 0, remainderIndex = -1, contentStartIndex = -1, contentEndIndex = -1; boolean isSingleton = false; for (int i = 0, L = html.length(), depth = 0; i < L && i >= 0; lastIndex = i, i = minPos(html.indexOf('<', i + 1), L)) { c = html.charAt(i); if (i == 0) { if (c != '<') { childContent = safeSubstring(html, 0, (remainderIndex = minPos(html.indexOf('<'), L))); tagName = "text"; break; } else { if (i < L - 1 && html.charAt(i + 1) == '!') { // Comment if (safeSubstring(html, i + 2, (n = i + 4)).equals("--")) { // <!-- ...comment... --> tagName = "comment"; childContent = safeSubstring(html, n, (remainderIndex = html.indexOf("-->", n))); remainderIndex += "-->".length(); break; } else { // <!DOCTYPE html> childContent = safeSubstring(html, i, (remainderIndex = html.indexOf('>', i) + 1)); } } tagName = safeSubstring(html, i + 1, (n = minPos(html.indexOf('>', i + 1), html.indexOf(' ', i + 1)))).toLowerCase(); attr = safeSubstring(html, n, (n = html.indexOf('>', n))); contentStartIndex = n + 1; // Check for singleton isSingleton = isSingleton(tagName); if (isSingleton) { contentStartIndex = -1; remainderIndex = html.indexOf('>') + 1; break; } depth++; } } else { if (c == '<') { if (i < L - 1 && html.charAt(i + 1) == '/') { lastTag = safeSubstring(html, i + 2, (n = html.indexOf('>', i + 2))).toLowerCase(); if (lastTag.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { depth--; } if (depth <= 0) { contentEndIndex = i; remainderIndex = n + 1; if (lastIndex > 0) { childContent += safeSubstring(html, lastIndex, i); } break; } } else { if (safeSubstring(html, i + 1, (n = i + 4)).equals("!")) { // Comment lastTag = "comment"; // Comment if (safeSubstring(html, i + 2, (n = i + 4)).equals("--")) { // <!-- ...comment... --> n = html.indexOf("-->", n) + "-->".length(); } else { // <!DOCTYPE html> n = html.indexOf('>', i) + 1; } } else { lastTag = safeSubstring(html, i + 1, (n = min(html.indexOf('>', i + 1), html.indexOf(' ', i + 1)))).toLowerCase(); } if (lastTag.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) { depth++; } } if (lastIndex > 0) { childContent += safeSubstring(html, lastIndex, i); } } } } String remainder = safeSubstring(html, remainderIndex, html.length()); if (contentStartIndex > 0) { childContent = safeSubstring(html, contentStartIndex, minPos(contentEndIndex, html.length())); } content = childContent; if (isSingleton || isHTMLTag(tagName, "comment", "text")) { childContent = ""; // Have no children } return new HTMLNode(parseHTML(childContent), parseHTML(remainder), tagName, attr, content); } public static HTMLNode searchHTML(HTMLNode n, String tag) { return searchHTMLBreadthFirst(n, tag); } public static HTMLNode searchHTMLDepthFirst(HTMLNode n, String tag) { HTMLNode itr; if (n == null) return null; else if (n.tag.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) return n; else if ((itr = searchHTML(n.firstChild, tag)) != null) return itr; else if ((itr = searchHTML(n.firstNeighbor, tag)) != null) return itr; else return null; } public static HTMLNode searchHTMLBreadthFirst(HTMLNode n, String tag) { HTMLNode itr; if (n == null) return null; else if (n.tag.equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) return n; else if ((itr = searchHTML(n.firstNeighbor, tag)) != null) return itr; else if ((itr = searchHTML(n.firstChild, tag)) != null) return itr; else return null; } public static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> flattenHTML(HTMLNode node) { ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> rows = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); if (node != null) { if (node.tag.equalsIgnoreCase("body")) { rows.addAll(flattenHTML(node.firstChild)); } else if (node.tag.equalsIgnoreCase("table")) { rows.addAll(flattenHTML(node.firstChild)); } else if (node.tag.equalsIgnoreCase("tr")) { rows = reconcileArrays(rows, flattenHTML(node.firstChild)); rows.addAll(flattenHTML(node.firstNeighbor)); } else if (node.tag.equalsIgnoreCase("td")) { rows = reconcileArrays(rows, flattenHTML(node.firstChild)); rows = reconcileArrays(rows, flattenHTML(node.firstNeighbor)); } else { ArrayList<String> row = new ArrayList<String>(); row.add(HTMLToString(node)); rows.add(row); } pp(rows); } return rows; } private static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> reconcileArrays(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> existingList, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> additionList) { if (existingList.size() == 0 && additionList.size() == 0) { return existingList; } else if (existingList.size() == 0) { return additionList; } else if (additionList.size() == 0) { return existingList; } pp(existingList); pp(additionList); while (existingList.size() < additionList.size()) { existingList.add(new ArrayList<String>()); } int i, padDepth = getMaxEntryLength(existingList); ArrayList<String> itr = null; for (i = 0; i < existingList.size(); i++) { itr = existingList.get(i); while (itr.size() < padDepth) { itr.add(""); } existingList.get(i).addAll(additionList.get(i)); } return existingList; } private static int getMaxEntryLength(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dArr) { int i, depth = 0; ArrayList<String> itr = null; for (i = 0; i < dArr.size(); i++) { itr = dArr.get(i); depth = max(itr.size(), depth); } return depth; } private static int getLongestEntry(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dArr) { int max = 0; for (ArrayList<String> arr : dArr) { max = max(getLongestEntry1D(arr), max); } return max; } private static int getLongestEntry1D(ArrayList<String> arr) { int max = 0; for (String s : arr) { max = max(max, s.length()); } return max; } private static void pp(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dArr) { int depth = getMaxEntryLength(dArr), padTo = getLongestEntry(dArr); System.out.println("Double Array of size " + dArr.size() + " " + depth); ArrayList<String> itr; for (int i = 0; i < dArr.size(); i++) { itr = dArr.get(i); System.out.print("|"); for (int j = 0; j < depth; j++) { if (j < itr.size()) { System.out.print(padString(itr.get(j), padTo)); } else { System.out.print(padString("", padTo)); } System.out.print("|"); } System.out.println(); } } private static String padString(String str, int padTo) { return padString(str, padTo - str.length(), ' ', true); } private static String padString(String str, int padBy, char padChar, boolean padLeft) { String padding = ""; for (int i = 0; i < padBy; i++) { padding += padChar; } return padLeft ? padding + str : str + padding; } public static String HTMLToString(HTMLNode n) { String buf = ""; if (n != null) { if (n.tag.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) { buf += n.content; } buf += HTMLToString(n.firstChild); if (isHTMLTag(n, "tr", "p", "br")) { buf += '\n'; } buf += HTMLToString(n.firstNeighbor); } return buf; } public static void printHTML(HTMLNode n) { printHTML(n, 0); } public static void printHTML(HTMLNode n, int level) { if (n != null) { String prefix = ""; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { prefix += '\t'; } System.out.print(prefix + "<" + n.tag + n.attr + ">"); if (n.firstChild != null) { System.out.println(); } if (n.firstChild == null) { System.out.print(n.content); } printHTML(n.firstChild, level + 1); if (n.firstChild != null) { System.out.print(prefix); } System.out.println("</" + n.tag + ">"); printHTML(n.firstNeighbor, level); } } public static boolean isNumeric(String str) { String s = str; if (s.startsWith("-")) { s = s.substring(1); } char c; int i, L = s.length(), sinceLastComma = 0; boolean decimalHit = false, commaHit = false; for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { if (c == '.' && !decimalHit) { decimalHit = true; if (commaHit && sinceLastComma != 3) { return false; } continue; } else if (c == ',' && !decimalHit) { if (commaHit) { if (sinceLastComma != 3) { return false; } sinceLastComma = 0; } commaHit = true; continue; } return false; } else { if (commaHit) sinceLastComma++; } } return true; } public static boolean isUpperAlpha(char c) { return 'A' <= c && 'Z' >= c; } public static boolean isLowerAlpha(char c) { return 'a' <= c && 'z' >= c; } public static boolean isAlpha(char c) { return isUpperAlpha(c) || isLowerAlpha(c); } public static boolean isNumeric(char c) { return '0' <= c && '9' >= c; } public static String formatYesterday() { return formatDate("MM.dd.yy", 0, 0, -1); } public static String formatYesterday(String format) { return formatDate(format, 0, 0, -1); } public static String formatToday() { return formatDate("MM.dd.yy", 0, 0, 0); } public static String formatToday(String format) { return formatDate(format, 0, 0, 0); } public static String formatLastWeekday() { return formatDate("MM.dd.yy", Helper.getLastWeekday()); } public static String formatLastWeekday(String format) { return formatDate(format, Helper.getLastWeekday()); } public static String formatDate(String format, int offset_years, int offset_months, int offset_days) { Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.add(Calendar.YEAR, offset_years); date.add(Calendar.MONTH, offset_months); date.add(Calendar.DATE, offset_days); return formatDate(format, date); } public static String formatDate(Calendar c) { return (new SimpleDateFormat("MM.dd.yy")).format(c.getTime()); } public static String formatDate(String format, Calendar c) { return (new SimpleDateFormat(format)).format(c.getTime()); } public static String parseToRegExcel(String raw) { char c; String buf = "", regExcel = ""; for (int i = 0; i < raw.length(); i++) { c = raw.charAt(i); if (isNumeric(c) && i + 1 < raw.length() && isNumeric(raw.charAt(i + 1))) { while (isNumeric(c)) { buf += c; i++; c = raw.charAt(i); } regExcel += parseRegExcelNumber(buf) + c; buf = ""; } else { regExcel += c; } } return regExcel; } private static String parseRegExcelNumber(String number) { String today_d = formatToday("dd"), today_m = formatToday("MM"), today_y = formatToday("yyyy"); String regex = "(" + today_y.substring(0, 2) + ")?" + today_y.substring(2) + today_m + today_d; Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(number); String buf = ""; if (m.find()) { if ( == 6) { buf = (m.start() == 0 ? "" : "<NUMBER>") + "<DATE:TODAY:YYMMDD>" + (m.end() == number.length() ? "" : "<NUMBER>"); } else { buf = (m.start() == 0 ? "" : "<NUMBER>") + "<DATE:TODAY:YYYYMMDD>" + (m.end() == number.length() ? "" : "<NUMBER>"); } return buf; } String yesterday_d = formatYesterday("dd"), yesterday_m = formatYesterday("MM"), yesterday_y = formatYesterday("yyyy"); regex = "(" + yesterday_y.substring(0, 2) + ")?" + yesterday_y.substring(2) + yesterday_m + yesterday_d; p = Pattern.compile(regex); m = p.matcher(number); buf = ""; if (m.find()) { if ( == 6) { buf = (m.start() == 0 ? "" : "<NUMBER>") + "<DATE:YESTERDAY:YYMMDD>" + (m.end() == number.length() ? "" : "<NUMBER>"); } else { buf = (m.start() == 0 ? "" : "<NUMBER>") + "<DATE:YESTERDAY:YYYYMMDD>" + (m.end() == number.length() ? "" : "<NUMBER>"); } return buf; } return "<NUMBER>"; } public static String parseToRegex(String raw) { char c; int depth = 0; String buf = "", regex = ""; for (int i = 0; i < raw.length(); i++) { c = raw.charAt(i); if (i > 0 && c == '.' && raw.charAt(i - 1) != '\\') { buf = "\\."; } else if (c == '<') { depth++; buf = ""; while (depth > 0 && i < raw.length()) { i++; c = raw.charAt(i); if (c == '<') { depth++; buf += c; } else if (c == '>') { depth--; if (depth == 0) { break; } } else { buf += c; } } if (buf.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER")) { buf = "\\d+"; } else if (buf.toLowerCase().contains("DATE".toLowerCase())) { buf = "{$@" + buf + "@$}"; } else if (buf.equalsIgnoreCase("RANDOM")) { buf = ".*?"; } else { buf = ".*"; } } else { buf += c; } regex += buf; buf = ""; } int begin, end; String format; String ref_regex = regex.toUpperCase(), ref_format; begin = ref_regex.indexOf("{$@DATE:") + ("{$@DATE:").length(); end = ref_regex.indexOf("@$}", begin); while (begin > 0 && end > 0) { format = regex.substring(begin, end); ref_format = format.toUpperCase(); if (ref_format.startsWith("TODAY:")) { begin += "TODAY:".length(); format = regex.substring(begin, end); format = format.replace('m', 'M').replace('D', 'd').replace('Y', 'y'); regex = regex.substring(0, begin - ("{$@DATE:TODAY:").length()) + formatToday(format) + regex.substring(end + ("@$}").length()); } else if (ref_format.contains("YESTERDAY")) { begin += ("YESTERDAY:").length(); format = regex.substring(begin, end); format = format.replace('m', 'M').replace('D', 'd').replace('Y', 'y'); regex = regex.substring(0, begin - ("{$@DATE:YESTERDAY:").length()) + formatYesterday(format) + regex.substring(end + ("@$}").length()); } else if (ref_format.contains("LASTWEEKDAY")) { begin += ("LASTWEEKDAY:").length(); format = regex.substring(begin, end); format = format.replace('m', 'M').replace('D', 'd').replace('Y', 'y'); regex = regex.substring(0, begin - ("{$@DATE:LASTWEEKDAY:").length()) + formatLastWeekday(format) + regex.substring(end + ("@$}").length()); } else { format = format.replace('m', 'M').replace('D', 'd').replace('Y', 'y'); regex = regex.substring(0, begin - ("{$@DATE:".length())) + formatToday(format) + regex.substring(end + ("@$}").length()); } begin = regex.indexOf("{$@DATE:") + ("{$@DATE:").length(); end = regex.indexOf("@$}", begin); } return regex; } /* Main Method for tests */ public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(Double.parseDouble("1330455.98")); try { //C:\Users\Joe\Desktop\Projects\Rec Workbook wb = ExcelUtils.openWorkbook(FileUtils.joinPath("C:", "Users", "Joe", "Desktop", "Projects", "Rec", "GS-SDI-Account_Balances_By_Currency-08_36_GMT-20140219-17040-0.html")); Cell c = ExcelUtils.getCell(wb.getSheetAt(0), 50, 10, ExcelUtils.CELL_CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK); ExcelUtils.setCellFromString(c, "5555 Canary"); System.out.println(ExcelUtils.saveWorkbook(wb, "HTMLtest.xls", FileUtils.joinPath("C:", "Users", "Joe", "Desktop", "Projects", "Rec"), false, true, true)); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }