Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package Evaluator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.correlation.KendallsCorrelation; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import; import; /** * * @author procheta */ class PerQueryRelDocs { String qid; HashMap<String, Integer> relMap; // keyed by docid, entry stores the rel value HashMap<String, Integer> irrelMap; // keyed by docid, entry stores the irrel value ArrayList<Double> relCentroid; ArrayList<Double> irrelCentroid; HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> vectorMap; // keyed by docid, vector ArrayList<String> pool; // list of all the judged docs int numRel; HashMap<String, Double> perQuerydocCosineSim; IndexReader reader; IndexSearcher searcher; public PerQueryRelDocs(String qid, IndexReader reader, String cosineFilename) throws IOException, ParseException { this.qid = qid; numRel = 0; relMap = new HashMap<>(); irrelMap = new HashMap<>(); pool = new ArrayList<>(); this.reader = reader; searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); perQuerydocCosineSim = new HashMap<>(); relCentroid = new ArrayList<Double>(300); irrelCentroid = new ArrayList<Double>(300); vectorMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> h = null; precomputeCosineSim(h); } public PerQueryRelDocs(String qid, IndexReader reader) throws IOException, ParseException { this.qid = qid; numRel = 0; relMap = new HashMap<>(); irrelMap = new HashMap<>(); pool = new ArrayList<>(); this.reader = reader; searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader); relCentroid = new ArrayList<Double>(30); irrelCentroid = new ArrayList<Double>(300); perQuerydocCosineSim = new HashMap<>(); vectorMap = new HashMap<>(); } void addTuple(String docId, int rel, ArrayList<Double> ar) { if (relMap.get(docId) != null) { return; } if (rel > 0) { numRel++; relMap.put(docId, rel); for (int i = 0; i < ar.size(); i++) { try { relCentroid.set(i, relCentroid.get(i) + ar.get(i)); } catch (Exception e) { relCentroid.add(ar.get(i)); } } pool.add(docId); } if (rel == 0) { irrelMap.put(docId, rel); for (int i = 0; i < ar.size(); i++) { try { irrelCentroid.set(i, irrelCentroid.get(i) + ar.get(i)); } catch (Exception e) { irrelCentroid.add(ar.get(i)); } } pool.add(docId); } vectorMap.put(docId, ar); } public void precomputeCosineSim(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> h) throws IOException, ParseException { Iterator it = irrelMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String irrelDocId = (String); DocVector firstDoc = new DocVector(irrelDocId, reader, searcher); firstDoc.vector = h.get(irrelDocId); Iterator it2 = relMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String secondDocName = (String); // DocVector secondDoc = new DocVector(secondDocName, reader, searcher); DocVector secondDoc = new DocVector(secondDocName, reader, searcher); secondDoc.vector = h.get(secondDocName); // perQuerydocCosineSim.put(irrelDocId + "#" + secondDocName, firstDoc.cosineSim(secondDoc, reader)); perQuerydocCosineSim.put(irrelDocId + "#" + secondDocName, firstDoc.computeCosineSim(secondDoc)); // System.out.println(firstDoc.computeCosineSim(secondDoc)); } } it = relMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String relDocId = (String); DocVector firstDoc = new DocVector(relDocId, reader, searcher); Iterator it2 = relMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String secondDocName = (String); DocVector secondDoc = new DocVector(secondDocName, reader, searcher); perQuerydocCosineSim.put(relDocId + "#" + secondDocName, firstDoc.cosineSim(secondDoc, reader)); } } } } class AllRelRcds { String qrelsFile; HashMap<String, PerQueryRelDocs> perQueryRels; int totalNumRel; IndexReader reader; String cosineFile; String cosineMode; public AllRelRcds(String qrelsFile, IndexReader reader, String cosineFile, String mode) { this.qrelsFile = qrelsFile; perQueryRels = new HashMap<>(); totalNumRel = 0; this.reader = reader; this.cosineFile = cosineFile; this.cosineMode = mode; } void load(int startQid, int endQid, String relFileName, String irrelFileName, String vectorFolderLocation) throws Exception { FileReader fr = new FileReader(qrelsFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); FileReader fr1 = new FileReader(vectorFolderLocation + startQid + ".txt"); BufferedReader br1 = new BufferedReader(fr1); String line1; String line; Integer d1 = startQid; line1 = br1.readLine(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line1 != null) { storeRelRcd(line, line1); line1 = br1.readLine(); } else { d1++; br1.close(); fr1.close(); // System.out.println(vectorFolderLocation + d1 + ".txt"); fr1 = new FileReader(vectorFolderLocation + d1 + ".txt"); br1 = new BufferedReader(fr1); line1 = br1.readLine(); storeRelRcd(line, line1); } } Integer d = startQid; for (d = startQid; d <= endQid; d++) { PerQueryRelDocs reldoc = perQueryRels.get(d.toString()); // System.out.println(reldoc); for (int i = 0; i < reldoc.relCentroid.size(); i++) { reldoc.relCentroid.set(i, reldoc.relCentroid.get(i) / reldoc.relMap.size()); } } br.close(); } void storeRelRcd(String line, String line1) throws IOException, ParseException { String[] tokens = line.split("\\s+"); VectorExtractor ve = new VectorExtractor(); ArrayList vector = ve.getVector(line1); String qid = tokens[0]; PerQueryRelDocs relTuple = perQueryRels.get(qid); if (relTuple == null) { relTuple = new PerQueryRelDocs(qid, reader); perQueryRels.put(qid, relTuple); } relTuple.addTuple(tokens[2], Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]), vector); } public void storeCosineSimilarity(String fileName, int startQrelNo, int endQrelNo, String vectorFolderLocation) throws IOException, ParseException { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName), true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.newLine(); VectorExtractor ve = new VectorExtractor(); for (int qid = startQrelNo; qid <= endQrelNo; qid++) { Integer qidValue = qid; PerQueryRelDocs perqd = perQueryRels.get(qidValue.toString()); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> h = ve.extractVector(vectorFolderLocation + qid + ".txt"); perqd.precomputeCosineSim(h); bw.write("#" + qidValue.toString()); bw.newLine(); Iterator it = perqd.perQuerydocCosineSim.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String docPair = (String); String st[] = docPair.split("#"); bw.write(st[0] + " " + st[1] + " " + perqd.perQuerydocCosineSim.get(docPair)); bw.newLine(); } } bw.close(); } public void loadCosineValue(String fileName, int startQid, int endQid) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(fileName)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = br.readLine(); HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, Double>> qidCosineMap = new HashMap<>(); String qid = ""; HashMap<String, Double> docPairCosineMAp = new HashMap(); int flag = 0; int flag2 = 0; int flag3 = 0; Integer start = startQid; Integer end = endQid; while (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) { if (flag != 0) { perQueryRels.get(qid).perQuerydocCosineSim = docPairCosineMAp; docPairCosineMAp = new HashMap(); qid = line.substring(1, line.length()); } else { qid = line.substring(1, line.length()); if (qid.equals(start.toString())) { flag = 1; flag3 = 1; } docPairCosineMAp = new HashMap(); } if (qid.equals(end.toString())) { flag2 = 1; break; } else { } } else if (flag3 == 1) { try { String st[] = line.split(" "); String docPair = st[0] + st[1]; docPairCosineMAp.put(docPair, Double.parseDouble(st[2])); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (flag2 == 1) { break; } line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); perQueryRels.get(qid).perQuerydocCosineSim = docPairCosineMAp; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); for (Map.Entry<String, PerQueryRelDocs> e : perQueryRels.entrySet()) { PerQueryRelDocs perQryRelDocs = e.getValue(); buff.append(e.getKey()).append("\n"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> rel : perQryRelDocs.relMap.entrySet()) { String docName = rel.getKey(); int relVal = rel.getValue(); buff.append(docName).append(",").append(relVal).append("\t"); } buff.append("\n"); } return buff.toString(); } } class ResultTuple implements Comparable<ResultTuple> { String docName; // doc name int rank; // rank of retrieved document int rel; // is this relevant? comes from qrel-info double simvalue; // rsv value public ResultTuple(String docName, int rank, double simvalue) { this.docName = docName; this.rank = rank; this.simvalue = simvalue; } @Override public int compareTo(ResultTuple t) { return rank < t.rank ? -1 : rank == t.rank ? 0 : 1; } } class RetrievedResults implements Comparable<RetrievedResults> { int qid; List<ResultTuple> rtuples; int numRelRet; HashMap<String, Double> docIdSimValueMap; float avgP; ArrayList<String> pool; double maxSimValue; double minSimValue; public RetrievedResults(String qid) throws IOException { this.qid = Integer.parseInt(qid); this.rtuples = new ArrayList<>(1000); avgP = -1; numRelRet = -1; pool = new ArrayList<>(); docIdSimValueMap = new HashMap<>(); minSimValue = 99999; maxSimValue = -9999999; } void addTuple(String docName, int rank, double simvalue) { rtuples.add(new ResultTuple(docName, rank, simvalue)); docIdSimValueMap.put(docName, simvalue); if (maxSimValue < simvalue) { maxSimValue = simvalue; } if (minSimValue > simvalue) { minSimValue = simvalue; } } public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); for (ResultTuple rt : rtuples) { buff.append(qid).append("\t").append(rt.docName).append("\t").append(rt.rank).append("\t") .append(rt.rel).append("\n"); } return buff.toString(); } void fillRelInfo(PerQueryRelDocs relInfo) { String qid = relInfo.qid; for (ResultTuple rt : rtuples) { Integer relIntObj = relInfo.relMap.get(rt.docName); rt.rel = relIntObj == null ? 0 : relIntObj.intValue(); } } @Override public int compareTo(RetrievedResults that) { return this.qid < that.qid ? -1 : this.qid == that.qid ? 0 : 1; } } class AllRetrievedResults { Map<String, RetrievedResults> allRetMap; String resFile; AllRelRcds allRelInfo; public AllRetrievedResults(String resFile) { this.resFile = resFile; allRetMap = new TreeMap<>(); } public void load() { String line; try (FileReader fr = new FileReader(resFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);) { while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { storeRetRcd(line); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } void storeRetRcd(String line) throws IOException { String[] tokens = line.split("\\s+"); String qid = tokens[0]; RetrievedResults res = allRetMap.get(qid); if (res == null) { res = new RetrievedResults(qid); allRetMap.put(qid, res); } res.addTuple(tokens[2], Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]), Double.parseDouble(tokens[4])); res.pool.add(tokens[2]); } public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); for (Map.Entry<String, RetrievedResults> e : allRetMap.entrySet()) { RetrievedResults res = e.getValue(); buff.append(res.toString()).append("\n"); } return buff.toString(); } } class AveragePrecision implements APComputer { PerQueryRelDocs reldocList; RetrievedResults retriveList; HashMap<Integer, ApCalData> rankData; //ontains mber of rdoc, irrdoc upto a rank String qrelno; String runNo; HashSet reldoc; IndexReader reader; public AveragePrecision(String qrelString, String run, Evaluator eval, IndexReader reader) { this.qrelno = qrelString; this.runNo = run; this.reldocList = eval.relRcds.perQueryRels.get(qrelString); this.retriveList = eval.retRcds.allRetMap.get(qrelString); this.reader = reader; this.rankData = new HashMap<>(); this.reldoc = new HashSet(); } public void processRetrievedResult() { int r = 0; int n = 0; int d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < retriveList.rtuples.size(); i++) { if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName)) { r++; d++; rankData.put(i, new ApCalData(r, n, d)); } else if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName)) { d++; n++; rankData.put(i, new ApCalData(r, n, d)); } } } @Override public double evaluateAP() { processRetrievedResult(); double sum = 0; int numberofRecords = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < retriveList.rtuples.size(); pos++) { if ((reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(pos).docName))) { sum += (double) (rankData.get(pos).relDocNo) / (double) (pos + 1); } } return sum / reldocList.relMap.size(); } } class ApCalData { int relDocNo; int irrelDocNo; int dValue; //Number of docs within depth 100 pool upto that rank public ApCalData(int relDocNo, int irrelDocNo, int dValue) { this.dValue = dValue; this.relDocNo = relDocNo; this.irrelDocNo = irrelDocNo; } } class InferredAp extends AveragePrecision implements APComputer { int maxIter; HashSet<String> sampledData; HashMap<Integer, ApCalData> rankData; String samplingMode; public InferredAp(String qrelString, int maxIter, String run, Evaluator eval, IndexReader reader, double percentage) { super(qrelString, run, eval, reader); this.maxIter = maxIter; sampledData = new HashSet<>(); rankData = new HashMap<Integer, ApCalData>(); this.samplingMode = eval.samplingMode; if (samplingMode.equals("load")) { loadsampling(eval.samplingFileName); } else { sampling(percentage); } this.processRetrievedResult(); } public void sampling(double percentage) { Random ran = new Random(); ArrayList<String> pool = reldocList.pool; int iter = 0; int rel_exists = 0; int irrel_exists = 0; int count = 0; int sampleSize = (int) (pool.size() * percentage); while (iter < maxIter) { count = 0; this.reldoc = new HashSet(); while (count < sampleSize) { int random = ran.nextInt(pool.size()); sampledData.add(pool.get(random)); if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(pool.get(random))) { rel_exists = 1; reldoc.add(pool.get(random)); } if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(pool.get(random))) { irrel_exists = 1; } count++; } if (rel_exists == 1 && irrel_exists == 1) { break; } iter++; } } public void loadsampling(String FileName) { try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(FileName); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); int startflag = 0; int endflag = 0; String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { String st[] = line.split(" "); if (st[0].equals(qrelno)) { startflag = 1; } if (startflag == 1 && !st[0].equals(qrelno)) { break; } if ((st[3].equals("0") || st[3].equals("1")) && startflag == 1) { sampledData.add(st[2]); if (st[3].equals("1")) { reldoc.add(st[2]); } } line = br.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { System.out.println("File Not found!!"); } catch (IOException fe) { System.out.println("File Not found!!"); } } public void processRetrievedResult() { int r = 0; int n = 0; int d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < retriveList.rtuples.size(); i++) { if (sampledData.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName) && reldoc.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName)) { r++; d++; rankData.put(i, new ApCalData(r, n, d)); } else if (sampledData.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName) && reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName)) { d++; n++; rankData.put(i, new ApCalData(r, n, d)); } else { if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName) || reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(i).docName)) { d++; } rankData.put(i, new ApCalData(r, n, d)); } } } // Function to create doc array for rel docs within sample public DocVector[] creatRelDocArray() throws IOException, ParseException { Iterator it = sampledData.iterator(); int index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String docId = (String); if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(docId)) { index++; } } it = sampledData.iterator(); DocVector[] docArray = new DocVector[index]; index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String docId = (String); if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(docId)) { docArray[index++] = new DocVector(docId, reader, reldocList.searcher); } } return docArray; } // Function to create doc array for irrel docs within sample public DocVector[] creatIrelDocArray() throws IOException, ParseException { Iterator it = sampledData.iterator(); int index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String docId = (String); if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(docId)) { index++; } } it = sampledData.iterator(); DocVector[] docArray = new DocVector[index]; index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String docId = (String); if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(docId)) { docArray[index++] = new DocVector(docId, reader, reldocList.searcher); } } return docArray; } @Override public double evaluateAP() { double sum = 0; int numberofRecords = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < retriveList.rtuples.size(); pos++) { double rank = pos + 1; if (sampledData.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(pos).docName) && (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(pos).docName))) { if (pos != 0) { sum += (1 / rank) + (pos / rank) * (rankData.get(pos - 1).dValue / (double) (pos)) * ((rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + .00001) / (rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo + rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + 2 * .00001)); } else { sum += (1 / rank); } } } Iterator it = sampledData.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(st)) { numberofRecords++; } } if (numberofRecords == 0) { return 0; } else { return sum / numberofRecords; } } } class InferredApKDE extends InferredAp implements APComputer { HashMap<String, Double> KDEValues; static final double val = Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI); double h; double sigma; String cosineFolderPath; double lambda; HashMap<String, Double> probValues; IndexSearcher searcher; public void loadCosineValuePerQid() { try { FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(cosineFolderPath + qrelno + ".txt")); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { String st[] = line.split(" "); reldocList.perQuerydocCosineSim.put(st[0] + st[1], Double.parseDouble(st[2])); line = br.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { System.out.println("File Not found!!"); } catch (IOException io) { io.printStackTrace(); } } public InferredApKDE(String qrelString, int maxIter, String run, Evaluator eval, IndexReader reader, double percentage, double h, double sigma, String cosineFolderPath, double lambda, IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { super(qrelString, maxIter, run, eval, reader, percentage); this.cosineFolderPath = cosineFolderPath; // loadCosineValuePerQid(); this.h = h; this.sigma = sigma; this.lambda = lambda; this.searcher = searcher; probValues = new HashMap<>(); } //store the centroid vector public void writeCentroid(HashMap<String, Double> termMap, String fileName) throws IOException { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName), true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); Iterator it = termMap.keySet().iterator(); ArrayList ar = new ArrayList(); bw.write("#" + qrelno); bw.newLine(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); bw.write(st + " " + termMap.get(st)); bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); fw.close(); } //compute probabities using similarity with the centroid vectors public void computeprob(ArrayList<String> unjudged) throws IOException, ParseException { for (String docid : unjudged) { double score = 0; ArrayList<Double> ar = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(docid) || reldocList.relMap.containsKey(docid)) { double dist1 = computeRelSim(docid); double dist2 = computeIrrelSim(docid); probValues.put(docid, dist1 / (dist2 + dist1)); } } Iterator it = probValues.keySet().iterator(); double sum = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); sum += probValues.get(st); } it = probValues.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); probValues.put(st, probValues.get(st) / sum); } } //+++Debasis: I've cleaned up this function. Please stick to this cleanliness for the rest //of the functions... public HashMap<String, Double> computeKde(Set<String> judgedRel, ArrayList<String> unjudged, IndexReader reader, int qid, HashMap<String, Double> docPairCosineMap) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Double> estmatedList = new HashMap<String, Double>(); double score, score1; double sim, dist; String docidair; for (String docid : unjudged) { score = 0; score1 = 0; ArrayList<Double> ar = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(docid) || reldocList.relMap.containsKey(docid)) { for (String docId2 : judgedRel) { sim = 0; docidair = docid + docId2; sim = docPairCosineMap.get(docidair); ar.add(sim); dist = 1 - sim; score += Math.exp(-((dist * dist) / h) / (2 * sigma * sigma)); } Collections.sort(ar); Collections.reverse(ar); score1 = Math.exp(-(((1 - ar.get(0)) * (1 - ar.get(0))) / h)) + Math.exp(-(((1 - ar.get(1)) * (1 - ar.get(1))) / h)) + Math.exp(-(((1 - ar.get(2)) * (1 - ar.get(2))) / h)); score1 = score1 / 3; score1 = score1 / (2 * sigma * sigma); score = score / judgedRel.size(); score = score / (val * h); estmatedList.put(docid, score1); } } return estmatedList; } public HashMap<String, Double> computeWeightedKde(Set<String> judgedRel, ArrayList<String> unjudged, IndexReader reader, int qid, HashMap<String, Double> docPairCosineMap, HashMap<String, Double> docRankMap) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Double> estmatedList = new HashMap<String, Double>(); double score, score1; double sim, dist; String docidair; for (String docid : unjudged) { score = 0; score1 = 0; int index = 0; if (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(docid) || reldocList.relMap.containsKey(docid)) { for (String docId2 : judgedRel) { sim = 0; docidair = docid + docId2; sim = docPairCosineMap.get(docidair); dist = 1 - sim; score += docRankMap.get(docId2) * Math.exp(-((dist * dist) / h) / (2 * sigma * sigma)); } score = score / judgedRel.size(); score = score / (val * h); estmatedList.put(docid, score); } } return estmatedList; } public void storeKDE(String fileName) throws IOException { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); Iterator it = KDEValues.keySet().iterator(); bw.write("#" + qrelno); bw.newLine(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); bw.write(st + " " + KDEValues.get(st)); bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } public HashMap<String, Double> computeKdeWithRsv(Set<String> judgedRel, ArrayList<String> unjudged, IndexReader reader, int qid, HashMap<String, Double> docPairCosineMap) throws IOException { HashMap<String, Double> estmatedList = new HashMap<String, Double>(); double score; double sim, dist; String docidair; int i; for (String docid : unjudged) { score = 0; if (sampledData.contains(docid)) { for (String docId2 : judgedRel) { sim = 0; if (retriveList.docIdSimValueMap.containsKey(docId2)) { dist = (retriveList.docIdSimValueMap.get(docid) - retriveList.docIdSimValueMap.get(docId2)) / (retriveList.maxSimValue - retriveList.minSimValue); } else { dist = (retriveList.docIdSimValueMap.get(docid) - retriveList.minSimValue) / (retriveList.maxSimValue - retriveList.minSimValue); } if (dist < 0) { dist = -dist; } score += Math.exp(-((dist * dist / h) / (2 * sigma * sigma))); } score = score / judgedRel.size(); score = score / (val * h); estmatedList.put(docid, score); } } return estmatedList; } //compute similarity with rel docs public double computeRelSim(String docid) throws IOException, ParseException { double dist = 0; double dist1 = 0; double dist2 = 0; ArrayList<Double> ar = reldocList.vectorMap.get(docid); VectorExtractor ve = new VectorExtractor(); double sim = ve.computeSimilarity(reldocList.relCentroid, ar); return sim; } public double computeIrrelSim(String docid) throws IOException, ParseException { double dist = 0; double dist1 = 0; double dist2 = 0; ArrayList<Double> ar = reldocList.vectorMap.get(docid); VectorExtractor ve = new VectorExtractor(); double sim = ve.computeSimilarity(reldocList.irrelCentroid, ar); return sim; } @Override public double evaluateAP() { double sum = 0; HashMap<String, Double> docProbmap = new HashMap<>(); int flag1 = 0; int numberofRecords = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < retriveList.rtuples.size(); pos++) { double rank = pos + 1; if (sampledData.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(pos).docName) && (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(pos).docName))) { sum += (1 / rank); double probabilitySum = 0; for (int j = 0; j < pos; j++) { if (!sampledData.contains(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName) && ((reldocList.relMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName)) || (reldocList.irrelMap.containsKey(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName)))) { try { probabilitySum += probValues.get(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } double probability = lambda * ((rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + .0001) / (rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo + 2 * .0001)) + (1 - lambda) * probValues.get(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName); ; docProbmap.put(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName, probValues.get(retriveList.rtuples.get(j).docName)); } } if (pos != 0) { sum += (1 / (double) rank) * ((rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo) * ((rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + .0001) / (rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo + 2 * .0001)) + (lambda * (rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + .0001) * (rankData.get(pos - 1).dValue - rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo - rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo) / (double) (rankData.get(pos - 1).irrelDocNo + rankData.get(pos - 1).relDocNo + 2 * .0001)) + ((1 - lambda) * probabilitySum)); } } } Iterator it = sampledData.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); if (reldocList.relMap.containsKey(st)) { numberofRecords++; } } reldocList.perQuerydocCosineSim = new HashMap<>(); if (numberofRecords == 0) { return 0; } else { return sum / numberofRecords; } } } interface APComputer { double evaluateAP(); } class EvaluateAll extends Evaluator { String runFileList; HashMap<String, Double> runApMap; String resultFolderPath; String runFileFolderPath; String cosineFolderPath; String kdeMode; public EvaluateAll(Properties prop) throws IOException, Exception { super(prop); runApMap = new HashMap<>(); this.runFileList = prop.getProperty("run.file"); this.resultFolderPath = prop.getProperty("resultFolderLocation"); this.runFileFolderPath = prop.getProperty("runfileFolderLocation"); this.cosineFolderPath = prop.getProperty("cosineFolderLocation"); this.kdeMode = prop.getProperty("KDEmode"); } public void computeMeanAp() throws FileNotFoundException, Exception { FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(runFileList)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { retRcds.resFile = runFileFolderPath + "/" + line; retRcds.allRetMap = new TreeMap<>(); retRcds.load(); double apValue = evaluateQueries(.30); runApMap.put(line, apValue); line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); } public void storeRunMeanAp(String fileName) throws IOException { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); Iterator it = runApMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String run = (String); bw.write(run + " " + runApMap.get(run)); bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } public HashMap<String, Double> computeKDEValues(Set<String> relDOc, HashMap<String, Double> cosineMap, int qid, InferredApKDE iapk, HashMap<String, Double> docRankMap) throws IOException { if (kdeMode.equals("1")) { return iapk.computeKde(relDOc, iapk.retriveList.pool, reader, qid, cosineMap); } else if (kdeMode.equals("2")) { return iapk.computeWeightedKde(relDOc, iapk.retriveList.pool, reader, qid, cosineMap, docRankMap); } else if (kdeMode.equals("3")) { return iapk.computeKdeWithRsv(relDOc, iapk.retriveList.pool, reader, qid, cosineMap); } else { return null; } } public HashMap<String, Double> computeAvgRank(ArrayList runList, int qid, HashSet SampleData) { double rankSum = 0; HashMap<String, Double> docrankMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < runList.size(); i++) { retRcds.resFile = runFileFolderPath + "/" + runList.get(i); retRcds.allRetMap = new TreeMap<>(); retRcds.load(); Iterator it = SampleData.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String docname = (String); Integer h = qid; if (relRcds.perQueryRels.get(h.toString()).relMap.containsKey(docname)) { double rank = retRcds.allRetMap.get(h.toString()).pool.indexOf(docname); if (rank != -1) { if (docrankMap.containsKey(docname)) { docrankMap.put(docname, docrankMap.get(docname) + rank); } else { docrankMap.put(docname, rank); } } else { if (docrankMap.containsKey(docname)) { docrankMap.put(docname, docrankMap.get(docname) + 0); } else { double x = 0; docrankMap.put(docname, x); } } } } } Iterator it = docrankMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); double r = docrankMap.get(st); docrankMap.put(st, (r / 1000) / runList.size()); } return docrankMap; } public void computeCosineValues(String fileName) throws IOException { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>>> cosineMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>>>(); VectorExtractor ve = new VectorExtractor(); for (int i = startQid; i <= endQid; i++) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> h = ve.extractVector(fileName); Integer id = i; cosineMap.put(id.toString(), h); } } public void storeRunQid(String fileName) throws IOException, Exception { FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(runFileList)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = br.readLine(); ArrayList<String> runlist = new ArrayList<>(); while (line != null) { runlist.add(line); line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); HashMap<String, HashMap<Integer, Double>> runQidApMap = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, Double> qidCosineMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int pos = startQid; pos <= endQid; pos++) { Integer qidValue = pos; InferredApKDE iapk = new InferredApKDE(qidValue.toString(), 5, "", this, reader, .30, h, sigma, cosineFolderPath, lambda, relRcds.perQueryRels.get(qidValue.toString()).searcher); System.out.println(pos); qidCosineMap = iapk.reldocList.perQuerydocCosineSim; HashMap<String, Double> docRankMap = null; if (kdeMode.equals("2")) { docRankMap = computeAvgRank(runlist, pos, iapk.sampledData); } for (int j = 0; j < runlist.size(); j++) { retRcds.resFile = runFileFolderPath + "/" + runlist.get(j); retRcds.allRetMap = new TreeMap<>(); retRcds.load(); Set<String> rel = new HashSet<String>(); Iterator it = iapk.sampledData.iterator(); HashMap<String, Integer> rankMap = new HashMap<>(); while (it.hasNext()) { String st = (String); if (iapk.reldoc.contains(st)) { rel.add(st); } } iapk.retriveList = this.retRcds.allRetMap.get(qidValue.toString()); iapk.processRetrievedResult(); iapk.computeprob(iapk.retriveList.pool); double g = iapk.evaluateAP(); // System.out.println("kk" + g); HashMap<Integer, Double> qidApMap = runQidApMap.get(runlist.get(j)); if (qidApMap == null) { qidApMap = new HashMap<>(); } qidApMap.put(qidValue, g); runQidApMap.put(runlist.get(j), qidApMap); } } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); for (int j = 0; j < runlist.size(); j++) { HashMap<Integer, Double> values = runQidApMap.get(runlist.get(j)); double sum = 0; for (int i = startQid; i <= endQid; i++) { sum += values.get(i); } bw.write(runlist.get(j) + " " + sum / (endQid - startQid + 1)); bw.newLine(); // System.out.println(sum / (endQid - startQid + 1)); } bw.close(); } } public class Evaluator { AllRelRcds relRcds; AllRetrievedResults retRcds; int startQid; int endQid; HashMap<Integer, Double> qidApMap; double MeanAp; IndexReader reader; String cosineMode; String cosineSimilarityFile; Properties prop; String flag; double h; double sigma; String samplingMode; String samplingFileName; double lambda; String relCentroidFileName; String irrelCentroidFileName; String vectorFolderLocation; public Evaluator(String qrelsFile, String resFile, String indexPath, String cosineMode, String cosineSimilarityFile, Properties prop) throws IOException { Path p = Paths.get(indexPath); reader =; this.cosineMode = cosineMode; relRcds = new AllRelRcds(qrelsFile, reader, cosineSimilarityFile, cosineMode); retRcds = new AllRetrievedResults(resFile); qidApMap = new HashMap<>(); this.prop = prop; flag = prop.getProperty("flag"); if (flag.equals("1")) { h = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("h")); sigma = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("sigma")); lambda = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("lambda")); } else { h = -1; sigma = -1; } this.samplingMode = prop.getProperty("samplingMode"); this.samplingFileName = prop.getProperty("samplingFileName"); this.relCentroidFileName = prop.getProperty("centroidFile"); this.irrelCentroidFileName = prop.getProperty("irrelcentroidFile"); this.vectorFolderLocation = prop.getProperty("outputVectorfileLocation"); } public Evaluator(Properties prop) throws Exception { String qrelsFile = prop.getProperty("qrels.file"); String resFile = prop.getProperty("res.file"); cosineMode = prop.getProperty("cosinemode"); Path p = Paths.get(prop.getProperty("index.file")); reader =; relRcds = new AllRelRcds(qrelsFile, reader, prop.getProperty("cosine.file"), cosineMode); retRcds = new AllRetrievedResults(resFile); startQid = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("qid.start")); endQid = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("qid.end")); qidApMap = new HashMap<>(); flag = prop.getProperty("flag"); if (flag.equals("1")) { h = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("h")); sigma = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("sigma")); lambda = Double.parseDouble(prop.getProperty("lambda")); } else { h = -1; sigma = -1; } this.samplingMode = prop.getProperty("samplingMode"); this.samplingFileName = prop.getProperty("samplingFileName"); this.prop = prop; this.relCentroidFileName = prop.getProperty("centroidFile"); this.irrelCentroidFileName = prop.getProperty("irrelcentroidFile"); this.vectorFolderLocation = prop.getProperty("outputVectorfileLocation"); } public void load() throws Exception { relRcds.load(startQid, endQid, relCentroidFileName, irrelCentroidFileName, vectorFolderLocation); System.out.println("rel records loaded"); retRcds.load(); System.out.println("ret records loaded"); } public APComputer createAPEvaluator(String qid, int maxIter, double percentage) throws Exception { APComputer iapk; if (flag.equals("1")) { iapk = new InferredApKDE(qid, maxIter, "", this, reader, percentage, h, sigma, cosineSimilarityFile, lambda, relRcds.perQueryRels.get(qid).searcher); } else if (flag.equals("2")) { iapk = new AveragePrecision(qid, "", this, reader); } else { iapk = new InferredAp(qid, maxIter, "", this, reader, percentage); } return iapk; } public double evaluateQueries(double percentage) throws Exception { double sum = 0; APComputer iapk; for (int qid = startQid; qid <= endQid; qid++) { Integer h = qid; double g; iapk = createAPEvaluator(h.toString(), 5, percentage); g = iapk.evaluateAP(); sum += g; Double h1; qidApMap.put(qid, g); } sum /= (endQid - startQid + 1); reader.close(); return sum; } public void storeApValues(String fileName) throws IOException { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(fileName)); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); Iterator it = qidApMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String qid = (String); bw.write(qid + " " + qidApMap.get(qid)); bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); buff.append(relRcds.toString()).append("\n"); buff.append(retRcds.toString()); return buff.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { args = new String[1]; args[0] = "/home/procheta/NetBeansProjects/InferrdAp/src/Evaluator/"; } try { Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(new FileReader(args[0])); EvaluateAll eval = new EvaluateAll(prop); eval.load(); // eval.computeMeanAp(); // eval.storeRunMeanAp(prop.getProperty("storeMeanAp")); eval.storeRunQid(prop.getProperty("storeMeanAp")); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }