Java tutorial
package europarl; /* Copyright (C) 2010 Davide Lo Re This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import*; import*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.SparseInstance; import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver; import weka.core.stemmers.Stemmer; /* * Since the alignment files also contains complete sentences and translation, * it is easier to read directly that. * FILE STRUCTURE: * It is made of triples like this below: * # Sentence pair ($n) source length $l_s target length $l_t alignment scor : $score * $phrase_ in_target_lang * $source_word1 ({ $corr $esponding $words }) $source_word2 ({ $corr $esponding $words }) */ /* * Represent a single phrase, with alignment. It KNOWS NOTHING OF STEMMING */ class PhraseTranslation { private ArrayList<String> phraseWords; private String translatedWord; public PhraseTranslation(ArrayList<String> aPhraseWords, String aTranslatedWord) { setPhraseWords(aPhraseWords); setTranslatedWord(aTranslatedWord); } private void setPhraseWords(ArrayList<String> phraseWords) { this.phraseWords = phraseWords; } public ArrayList<String> getPhraseWords() { return phraseWords; } private void setTranslatedWord(String translatedWord) { this.translatedWord = translatedWord; } public String getTranslatedWord() { return translatedWord; } public void removeWord(String word) { /* This is useful to do "pruning" on the dataset */ int index; while ((index = phraseWords.indexOf(word)) != -1) phraseWords.remove(index); } } public class WordAlignment { private ArrayList<AlignedPhrase> phrases = new ArrayList<AlignedPhrase>(); private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WordAlignment.class); private HashSet<String> stopwordsList = new HashSet<String>(); private Stemmer stemmer = null; private Instances dataSet; public void setStemmer(Stemmer s) { stemmer = s; } public void readStopwords(String fileName) { try { stopwordsList.addAll(Stopwords.read_from_txt(fileName)); } catch (Exception e) { // just pass } } public boolean getFromGz(String fileName, String targetWord) { return getFromGz(fileName, targetWord, -1); } public boolean getFromGz(String fileName, String targetWord, int limit) { String strLine; ArrayList<String> line_triple = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader gzipReader; Pattern word_align = Pattern.compile("(\\w+) \\(\\{(.*?)\\}\\) "); Bag<String> words_list = new Bag<String>(); //Set of ALL words: it will be the list of attributes ArrayList<PhraseTranslation> translations = new ArrayList<PhraseTranslation>(); try { gzipReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)))); while ((strLine = gzipReader.readLine()) != null) //read-everything { line_triple.add(strLine); if (line_triple.size() == 3) //triple finished { //TODO: match only complete words //TODO: stem it before doing this Matcher matcher = word_align.matcher(line_triple.get(2)); String[] foreign_words = line_triple.get(1).split(" "); line_triple.clear(); if (!strLine.contains(targetWord)) //skip it continue; ArrayList<String> e_phrase = new ArrayList<String>(); String translation = ""; while (matcher.find()) //each iteration is word +alignment { assert matcher.groupCount() == 2; String e_word =; if (e_word.equals("NULL")) e_word = ""; if (stopwordsList.contains(e_word)) continue; if (stemmer != null) e_word = stemmer.stem(e_word); e_phrase.add(e_word); words_list.add(e_word); //we don't care about the alignment of non-target words if (!e_word.equals(targetWord)) continue; //parse the { x y z } alignment part ArrayList<Integer> f_words = new ArrayList<Integer>(); translation = ""; //for each number between curly brackets for (String number :" ")) { if (!number.isEmpty()) { int n_word = Integer.parseInt(number) - 1; f_words.add(n_word); translation += foreign_words[n_word] + " "; } } // end of curly brackets for } //end of word+alignment while if (!translation.isEmpty()) { PhraseTranslation trans = new PhraseTranslation(e_phrase, translation); translations.add(trans); } line_triple.clear(); } //end of triple-finished if if (translations.size() == limit) break; //stop collecting! } //end of the read-everything while } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } //what we NOW have: a set of attributes in HashSet<String>words_list //a ArrayList<PhraseTranslation> translations"Collected " + translations.size() + " phrases and " + words_list.size() + " words"); postProcessData(translations, words_list); //now convert the data we collected to Weka data //we needed to do "double passing" because we need to initialize //the dataset with the complete list of attributes //this will convert word to attributes: they are all "boolean" ArrayList<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); HashMap<String, Attribute> attrs_map = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); Attribute att; for (String word : words_list) { att = new Attribute(word); attrs.add(att); attrs_map.put(word, att); } //now we need to manage class. //each translation is a class, so we need to get all of them HashMap<String, Integer> class_map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); ArrayList<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PhraseTranslation phraseTranslation : translations) { if (!class_map.containsKey(phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord())) { class_map.put(phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord(), classes.size()); classes.add(phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord()); } } + " has " + classes.size() + " translations:"); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) for (String translation : classes) System.out.println(translation); att = new Attribute("%class", classes); attrs.add(att); attrs_map.put("%class", att); dataSet = new Instances("dataset", attrs, 0); for (PhraseTranslation phraseTranslation : translations) { SparseInstance inst = new SparseInstance(attrs.size()); //set everything to 0 for (int i = 0; i < attrs.size(); i++) inst.setValue(i, 0); //set present word to 1 for (String word : phraseTranslation.getPhraseWords()) inst.setValue(attrs_map.get(word), 1); //set class of instance inst.setValue(attrs_map.get("%class"), class_map.get(phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord())); dataSet.add(inst); } return true; } private void postProcessData(ArrayList<PhraseTranslation> translations, Bag<String> words_list) { //it can remove useless attributes (in a COHERENT way: both from words_list and from translations) //it can remove instances (so it can even remove whole classes) log.debug("Start preprocessing"); HashSet<String> to_remove = new HashSet<String>(); //BEGIN removing too many classes Bag<String> classes = new Bag<String>(); for (PhraseTranslation phraseTranslation : translations) { classes.add(phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) for (String translation : classes) if (classes.getCount(translation) > 2) System.out.println("Class " + translation + " : " + classes.getCount(translation)); ArrayList<Integer> class_occurrencies = new ArrayList<Integer>(classes.values()); java.util.Collections.sort(class_occurrencies); System.out.println("CLASS OCC " + class_occurrencies); ArrayList<PhraseTranslation> tr_to_remove = new ArrayList<PhraseTranslation>(); for (String cl : classes) { if (classes.getCount(cl) < class_occurrencies .get(class_occurrencies.size() - Cfg.cfg.getInt("target_classes", 4))) { for (PhraseTranslation phraseTranslation : translations) { if (phraseTranslation.getTranslatedWord().equals(cl)) tr_to_remove.add(phraseTranslation); } } } for (PhraseTranslation phraseTranslation : tr_to_remove) { for (String word : phraseTranslation.getPhraseWords()) { words_list.countdown(word); } translations.remove(phraseTranslation); } System.out.println(translations.size()); //END removing too many classes //BEGIN removing "useless" words, ie words with less than K occurrences for (String word : words_list) { assert 2 == Cfg.cfg.getInt("minimum_word_occurrencies"); if (words_list.getCount(word) <= Cfg.cfg.getInt("minimum_word_occurrencies") || words_list.getCount(word) >= translations.size() * 50 / 100) { log.debug(word + "occurs only" + words_list.getCount(word) + " times"); to_remove.add(word); } } for (String word : to_remove) { words_list.remove(word); for (PhraseTranslation trans : translations) trans.removeWord(word); }"Useless words: " + to_remove.size() + ". Now: " + words_list.size()); to_remove.clear(); //END removing "useless" words } public void saveToArff(String fileName) { ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(dataSet); try { saver.setFile(new File(fileName));"started saving"); saver.writeBatch();"saved"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Errore nella scrittura del file: " + e); } } public void print() { for (AlignedPhrase phrase : this.getPhrases()) { System.out.println(phrase.toString()); } } public ArrayList<AlignedPhrase> getPhrases() { return phrases; } public Instances getDataSet() { return dataSet; } }