Java tutorial
package eulermind.importer; import; import; import com.optimaize.langdetect.DetectedLanguage; import com.optimaize.langdetect.LanguageDetector; import com.optimaize.langdetect.LanguageDetectorBuilder; import com.optimaize.langdetect.ngram.NgramExtractors; import com.optimaize.langdetect.profiles.LanguageProfile; import com.optimaize.langdetect.profiles.LanguageProfileReader; import com.optimaize.langdetect.text.CommonTextObjectFactories; import com.optimaize.langdetect.text.TextObject; import com.optimaize.langdetect.text.TextObjectFactory; import eulermind.Utils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import; import java.util.*; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2012-2014 wangxuguang Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ class LineNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode { //7???20? static final int MAX_CHILD_COUNT = 20; static Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Importer.class); int m_indent; String m_trimLine; int m_blankLines; LineNode(String line) { super(); int textStart = 0; int textEnd = 0; for (textStart = 0; textStart < line.length() && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(textStart)); textStart++) { m_indent += (line.charAt(textStart) == '\t') ? 4 : 1; } for (textEnd = line.length(); textEnd > textStart && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(textEnd - 1)); textEnd--) { } m_trimLine = line.substring(textStart, textEnd); m_blankLines = m_trimLine.length() == 0 ? 1 : 0; } LineNode(int blankLines) { assert blankLines > 0; m_indent = 0; m_trimLine = ""; m_blankLines = blankLines; } public String toString() { if (isBlank()) { return ((Integer) m_blankLines).toString() + " blankLine"; } else { return m_trimLine; } } public LineNode getChildAt(int i) { return (LineNode) super.getChildAt(i); } public LineNode getParent() { return (LineNode) super.getParent(); } public LineNode getFirstChild() { return (LineNode) super.getFirstChild(); } public LineNode getLastChild() { return (LineNode) super.getLastChild(); } boolean isBlank() { return m_blankLines > 0; } private static List<LineNode> splitTextToLines(String text) { String lines[] = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(text, '\n'); ArrayList<LineNode> compressedLines = new ArrayList<>(); //? ? for (String line : lines) { LineNode curNode = new LineNode(line); if (curNode.isBlank()) { if (compressedLines.size() == 0) { continue; } LineNode last = compressedLines.get(compressedLines.size() - 1); if (last.isBlank()) { last.m_blankLines++; } else { compressedLines.add(curNode); } } else { compressedLines.add(curNode); } } return compressedLines; } //???? private static LinkedList<LineNode> popSameBlankLineNodes(LinkedList<LineNode> stack) { int lastBlankLines = stack.peekLast().m_blankLines; LinkedList<LineNode> lastSameLineNodes = new LinkedList<LineNode>(); while (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peekLast().m_blankLines == lastBlankLines) { //pollLast? addFirst?? lastSameLineNodes.addFirst(stack.pollLast()); } return lastSameLineNodes; } //????? private static LineNode reduceToChapterTreeByBlankLine(List<LineNode> lineNodes) { LinkedList<LineNode> newlineNodes = new LinkedList<LineNode>(); //??, for (LineNode lineNode : lineNodes) { if (lineNode.m_blankLines > 200) { lineNode.m_blankLines = 200; } } Iterator<LineNode> iterator = lineNodes.iterator(); newlineNodes.add(; //lineNode ?????newLineNodes // //????? { int maxBlankLines = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { LineNode lineNode =; maxBlankLines = Math.max(maxBlankLines, lineNode.m_blankLines); // for (int i = newlineNodes.peekLast().m_blankLines + 1; i < lineNode.m_blankLines; i++) { newlineNodes.add(new LineNode(i)); } newlineNodes.add(lineNode); } // for (int i = newlineNodes.peekLast().m_blankLines + 1; i <= maxBlankLines + 1; i++) { newlineNodes.add(new LineNode(i)); } } //? LinkedList<LineNode> stack = new LinkedList<LineNode>(); for (LineNode newLineNode : newlineNodes) { if (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peekLast().m_blankLines < newLineNode.m_blankLines) { List<LineNode> reducedLineNodes = popSameBlankLineNodes(stack); for (LineNode reducedLineNode : reducedLineNodes) { newLineNode.add(reducedLineNode); } } stack.add(newLineNode); } assert stack.size() == 1; return stack.peekFirst(); } //?????? private static void removeRedundantBlankLineNodes(LineNode root) { int childCount = root.getChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { removeRedundantBlankLineNodes(root.getChildAt(i)); } //??? //????? boolean anyChildHasOneLeaf = true; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { LineNode child = root.getChildAt(i); if (!(child.getChildCount() == 1 && child.getChildAt(0).isBlank() == false)) { anyChildHasOneLeaf = false; } } //????? if (root.getChildCount() > 0 && anyChildHasOneLeaf) { ArrayList<LineNode> leaves = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { leaves.add(root.getChildAt(i).getChildAt(0)); } root.removeAllChildren(); for (LineNode leaf : leaves) { root.add(leaf); } } } private static void moveChildrenToList(LineNode from, List list) { for (int i = 0; i < from.getChildCount(); i++) { list.add(from.getChildAt(i)); } from.removeAllChildren(); } //?? private static LineNode removeBlankNodeWithSingleChild(LineNode lineNode) { if (lineNode.getChildCount() == 1 && lineNode.m_blankLines > 0) { return removeBlankNodeWithSingleChild(lineNode.getFirstChild()); } if (lineNode.getChildCount() == 0) { return lineNode; } ArrayList<LineNode> oldChildren = new ArrayList<LineNode>(); moveChildrenToList(lineNode, oldChildren); for (LineNode oldChild : oldChildren) { lineNode.add(removeBlankNodeWithSingleChild(oldChild)); } return lineNode; } //??? private static LineNode tooManySiblingsToSubTree(LineNode root) { if (root.getChildCount() == 0) { return root; } ArrayList<LineNode> children = new ArrayList<LineNode>(); moveChildrenToList(root, children); ArrayList<LineNode> newParents = new ArrayList<LineNode>(); // ???? while (children.size() > MAX_CHILD_COUNT) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (i / MAX_CHILD_COUNT >= newParents.size()) { int childBlankLines = children.get(i).m_blankLines; newParents.add(new LineNode(childBlankLines > 0 ? childBlankLines : 1)); } newParents.get(newParents.size() - 1).add(children.get(i)); } children.clear(); ArrayList<LineNode> tmp = children; children = newParents; newParents = tmp; } for (LineNode child : children) { root.add(tooManySiblingsToSubTree(child)); } return root; } private static List<LanguageProfile> s_languageProfiles = null; private static LanguageDetector s_languageDetector = null; private static TextObjectFactory s_textObjectFactory = null; private static void initLanguageDetector() { if (s_textObjectFactory != null) { return; } //IBM ICU CharsetDetector ?unicodetika??. //?language-detector try { //s_languageProfiles = new LanguageProfileReader().readAll(); ArrayList<String> languages = new ArrayList<>(); languages.add("en"); languages.add("zh-cn"); languages.add("zh-tw"); s_languageProfiles = new LanguageProfileReader().read(languages); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //build language detector: s_languageDetector = LanguageDetectorBuilder.create(NgramExtractors.standard()) .withProfiles(s_languageProfiles).build(); //create a text object factory s_textObjectFactory = CommonTextObjectFactories.forDetectingOnLargeText(); } private static ULocale getStringULocale(String str) { initLanguageDetector(); TextObject textObject = s_textObjectFactory.forText(str); //?s_languageDetector.detect(textObject); ??? List<DetectedLanguage> languages = s_languageDetector.getProbabilities(textObject); if (languages.size() > 0) { return ULocale.forLanguageTag(languages.get(0).getLanguage()); } else { return ULocale.getDefault(); } } private static void brokenSentencesToTree(LineNode root) { //???? ArrayList<Integer> lineStarts = new ArrayList<>(); String combinedLine = ""; for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { lineStarts.add(combinedLine.length()); combinedLine += root.getChildAt(i).m_trimLine + (i < root.getChildCount() - 1 ? " " : ""); } lineStarts.add(combinedLine.length()); // //??? BreakIterator boundary = BreakIterator.getSentenceInstance(getStringULocale(combinedLine)); boundary.setText(combinedLine); ArrayList<Integer> icuSentenceStarts = new ArrayList<>(); for (int icuSentenceStart = boundary.first(); icuSentenceStart != BreakIterator.DONE; //icuSentenceStartcombinedLine.length() icuSentenceStart = { icuSentenceStarts.add(icuSentenceStart); } //??? Iterator<Integer> lineStartIter = lineStarts.iterator(); while (lineStartIter.hasNext()) { Integer lineStart =; if (!(icuSentenceStarts.contains(lineStart - 1) || icuSentenceStarts.contains(lineStart))) { lineStartIter.remove(); } } assert (lineStarts.contains(combinedLine.length())); //??? //1 ????, ?linsStarts.size == 2 (0combinedLine.length()) root.getChildCount >= 2 //2 ???? if (lineStarts.size() == 2 && root.getChildCount() >= 2 || lineStarts.size() - 1 == root.getChildCount()) { return; } assert (lineStarts.size() - 1 < root.getChildCount()); root.removeAllChildren(); //?? // ?? // ???? for (int lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < lineStarts.size() - 1; lineIdx++) { int lineStart = lineStarts.get(lineIdx); int lineEnd = lineStarts.get(lineIdx + 1); int firstSentenceInThisLine = 0; int firstSentenceInNextLine = 0; for (firstSentenceInThisLine = 0; firstSentenceInThisLine < icuSentenceStarts.size() - 1; firstSentenceInThisLine++) { int sentenceStart = icuSentenceStarts.get(firstSentenceInThisLine); if (lineStart <= sentenceStart && sentenceStart < lineEnd) { break; } } for (firstSentenceInNextLine = firstSentenceInThisLine + 1; firstSentenceInNextLine < icuSentenceStarts.size() - 1; firstSentenceInNextLine++) { int sentenceStart = icuSentenceStarts.get(firstSentenceInNextLine); if (sentenceStart >= lineEnd) { break; } } assert firstSentenceInNextLine - firstSentenceInThisLine >= 1; if (firstSentenceInNextLine - firstSentenceInThisLine == 1) { int sentenceStart = icuSentenceStarts.get(firstSentenceInThisLine); int sentenceEnd = icuSentenceStarts.get(firstSentenceInNextLine); LineNode lineNode = new LineNode(combinedLine.substring(sentenceStart, sentenceEnd)); root.add(lineNode); } else { LineNode lineNode = new LineNode("p"); for (int sentence = firstSentenceInThisLine; sentence < firstSentenceInNextLine; sentence++) { int sentenceStart = icuSentenceStarts.get(sentence); int sentenceEnd = icuSentenceStarts.get(sentence + 1); LineNode sentenceNode = new LineNode(combinedLine.substring(sentenceStart, sentenceEnd)); lineNode.add(sentenceNode); } root.add(lineNode); } } //"ccccccccccc: {}", lineTreeToString(root)); } private static void nestingListToTree(LineNode root, int maxIndent, int minIndent) { ArrayList<LineNode> detachedChildren = new ArrayList<LineNode>(); moveChildrenToList(root, detachedChildren); if (detachedChildren.get(0).m_indent > minIndent) { LineNode fakeFirstLine = new LineNode("fake first node"); fakeFirstLine.m_indent = minIndent; detachedChildren.add(0, fakeFirstLine); } root.add(detachedChildren.get(0)); for (int i = 1; i < detachedChildren.size(); i++) { LineNode detachedChild = detachedChildren.get(i); //?? // ? //?? for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { LineNode attachedChild = detachedChildren.get(j); if (attachedChild.m_indent < detachedChild.m_indent) { attachedChild.add(detachedChild); break; } else if (attachedChild.m_indent == detachedChild.m_indent) { attachedChild.getParent().add(detachedChild); break; } } assert (detachedChild.getParent() != null); } } private static Object[] getIndentStatistics(LineNode parent) { ArrayList<Integer> indents = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) { LineNode line = parent.getChildAt(i); assert !line.isBlank(); indents.add(line.m_indent); } int minIndent = Utils.getMinimumItem(indents); int maxIndent = Utils.getMaximumItem(indents); LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer> indentCounts = Utils.count(indents); Object ret[] = { minIndent, maxIndent, indentCounts }; return ret; } //???? private static void reduceTextLineSiblingsToSubTree(LineNode root) { if (root.getChildCount() == 0) { return; } if ((root.getChildAt(0)).isBlank()) { for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { reduceTextLineSiblingsToSubTree(root.getChildAt(i)); } return; } Object[] indentStatistics = getIndentStatistics(root); int minIndent = (Integer) indentStatistics[0]; int maxIndent = (Integer) indentStatistics[1]; LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer> indentCountMap = (LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>) indentStatistics[2]; Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> indentCounts[] = indentCountMap.entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]); //? if (indentCounts[indentCounts.length - 1].getKey() == minIndent) { brokenSentencesToTree(root); } else { nestingListToTree(root, maxIndent, minIndent); } } public static LineNode textToLineTree(String text) { List<LineNode> lines = splitTextToLines(text); //"split to : [{}]", lineListToString(lines)); LineNode root = reduceToChapterTreeByBlankLine(lines); //"reduced to : [{}]", lineTreeToString(root)); removeRedundantBlankLineNodes(root); //"removeRedundantBlankLineNodes to : [{}]", lineTreeToString(root)); reduceTextLineSiblingsToSubTree(root); //"reduceTextLineSiblingsToSubTree to : [{}]", lineTreeToString(root)); root = tooManySiblingsToSubTree(root); //"tooManySiblingsToSubTree to : [{}]", lineTreeToString(root)); root = removeBlankNodeWithSingleChild(root); //"removeBlankNodeWithSingleChild to : [{}]", lineTreeToString(root)); return root; } private static String lineTreeToString(LineNode root, int level) { String str = StringUtils.repeat(" ", level); str += root.toString() + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { str += lineTreeToString(root.getChildAt(i), level + 1); } return str; } private static String lineListToString(List<LineNode> list) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append("\n"); for (LineNode node : list) { stringBuilder.append(StringUtils.repeat(" ", node.m_indent)); stringBuilder.append(node.m_trimLine); stringBuilder.append("\n"); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private static String lineTreeToString(LineNode root) { return "\n" + lineTreeToString(root, 0); } public static int getLineTreeNodeCount(LineNode root) { int count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); i++) { count += getLineTreeNodeCount(root.getChildAt(i)); } return count; } public static void main(String argv[]) { /* String ch = "?"; lineTreeToString(textToLineTree(ch)); */ String ch1 = "?\n" + "?\n" + "?\n" + "\n\n" + " 1\n" + "2\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "\n\n" + "1\n" + " 1-1\n" + " 1-2\n" + "2\n" + " 2-1\n"; /* ch1 = " 1\n" + "2\n" + "3\n" + "4\n" + "\n\n"; */ ch1 = " How are \n" + "you. \n" + "Thank you\n" + "very much. We will\n" + "\n\n"; /* ch1 = "1\n" + " 1-1\n" + " 1-2\n" + "2\n" + " 2-1\n"; */ lineTreeToString(textToLineTree(ch1)); } }