Java tutorial
package eu.uqasar.util; /* * #%L * U-QASAR * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 U-QASAR Consortium * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.inject.Singleton; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.jena.riot.RDFDataMgr; import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel; import org.jboss.solder.logging.Logger; import org.topbraid.spin.arq.ARQ2SPIN; import org.topbraid.spin.arq.ARQFactory; import org.topbraid.spin.model.Select; import org.topbraid.spin.system.SPINModuleRegistry; import thewebsemantic.Bean2RDF; import thewebsemantic.Sparql; import; import; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolutionMap; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileUtils; import eu.uqasar.model.formula.Formula; import eu.uqasar.model.measure.MetricSource; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.ContinuousIntegrationTool; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.CustomerType; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.IssueTrackingTool; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.MetaData; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.ProgrammingLanguage; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.ProjectType; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.QModelTagData; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.SoftwareDevelopmentMethodology; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.SoftwareLicense; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.SoftwareType; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.SourceCodeManagementTool; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.StaticAnalysisTool; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.TestManagementTool; import eu.uqasar.model.meta.Topic; import eu.uqasar.model.notification.INotification; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.Metric; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.Project; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.QualityIndicator; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.QualityObjective; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.QualityStatus; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.TreeNode; import eu.uqasar.model.user.User; import eu.uqasar.service.dataadapter.AdapterDataService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.ContinuousIntegrationToolService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.CustomerTypeService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.IssueTrackingToolService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.ProgrammingLanguageService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.ProjectTypeService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.QModelTagDataService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.SoftwareDevelopmentMethodologyService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.SoftwareLicenseService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.SoftwareTypeService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.SourceCodeManagementToolService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.StaticAnalysisToolService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.TestManagementToolService; import eu.uqasar.service.meta.TopicService; import eu.uqasar.service.similarity.ProjectSimilarityService; import eu.uqasar.service.similarity.QualityObjectiveSimilarityService; import eu.uqasar.service.tree.TreeNodeService; import eu.uqasar.service.user.UserService; import eu.uqasar.util.resources.ResourceBundleLocator; /** * Various utilities used on the platform * */ @Setter @Getter @Singleton public class UQasarUtil { final static String SEPARATOR = java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator(); final static String ONTOLOGYFILE = "uq-ontology-model.rdf"; protected static ResourceBundle res = null; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UQasarUtil.class); // List containing the notifications triggered by the rules' engine @Setter @Getter private static List<INotification> notifications = new ArrayList<>(); @Setter @Getter private static Date latestTreeUpdateDate = new Date(); @Setter @Getter private static Model uqModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); // Enumeration for the various suggestion types public enum SuggestionType { NO_SUGGESTION("no_suggestion"), QO_REMOVE("qo.remove"), QO_REPLACE("qo.replace"), METRIC_REMOVE( "metric.remove"), ; private final String labelKey; SuggestionType(final String labelKey) { this.labelKey = labelKey; } @Override public String toString() { return getLabelModel().getObject(); } public IModel<String> getLabelModel() { return ResourceBundleLocator.getLabelModel(UQasarUtil.class, "suggestion." + labelKey); } public static List<SuggestionType> getAllSuggestionTypes() { return Arrays.asList(values()); } } /** * Get the temp directory to be used; in case JBoss is used, use * its temp dir, otherwise the user temp. * @return */ public static String getTempDirPath() { String tempDirectory = null; Properties systemProp = System.getProperties(); // In case JBoss is used, use the JBoss temp dir if (systemProp.containsKey("jboss.server.temp.dir")) { tempDirectory = systemProp.getProperty("jboss.server.temp.dir"); if (!tempDirectory.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { tempDirectory += SEPARATOR; } } // Otherwise use a temp directory else { tempDirectory = System.getProperty(""); if (!tempDirectory.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { tempDirectory += SEPARATOR; } } return tempDirectory; } /** * Get the data dir to be used; in case JBoss is used, use its data dir, * otherwise the user temp. * @return */ public static String getDataDirPath() { String dataDirectory = null; Properties systemProp = System.getProperties(); // In case JBoss is used if (systemProp.containsKey("")) { dataDirectory = systemProp.getProperty(""); if (!dataDirectory.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { dataDirectory += SEPARATOR; } } // Otherwise use a temp directory else { dataDirectory = System.getProperty(""); if (!dataDirectory.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) { dataDirectory += SEPARATOR; } } return dataDirectory; } /** * Construct a formula string to be evaluated. * @param varsAndOpers * @return */ public static String constructFormula(List<Object> varsAndOpers) { String formula = ""; for (Object object : varsAndOpers) { formula += object; }"Constructed formula to be evaluated: " + formula); return formula; } /** * Get properties resource * @return */ public static ResourceBundle getProperties() { if (res == null) { loadProperties(); } return res; } /** * Load properties file */ private static void loadProperties() { res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("uqasar"); } /** * Round double to two decimals * @param number * @return */ public static Double round(double number) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,##"); df.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.DOWN); String s = df.format(number); return Double.valueOf(s); } /** * Replace whitespace chars with the defined separator and escape the * String * @param name */ public static String sanitizeName(String name) { final String SEPARATOR = "_"; if (name.contains(" ")) { String processed = name.replaceAll(" ", SEPARATOR).concat(SEPARATOR); return StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(processed); } // Otherwise return the actual string return name; } /** * Replace the separator with whitespaces and unescape the String * @param name * @return */ public static String unSanitizeName(String name) { final String SEPARATOR = "_"; if (name.contains(SEPARATOR)) { return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJavaScript(name).replaceAll(SEPARATOR, " ").trim(); } return StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJavaScript(name).trim(); } /** * Get the pwd used for encrypting and decrypting adapter passwords * TODO: Where could this be saved securely * @return */ public static String getEncDecPwd() { return "jvnqeiPIqX_6cpdOYfDc7sHk7nEIv4zRn5984JwIHnq4AX7XQt"; } /** * Get the Jira metric names * TODO: Fetch the list of metrics from uQasarMetric * @return */ public static List<String> getJiraMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "PROJECTS_PER_SYSTEM_INSTANCE", "ISSUES_PER_PROJECTS_PER_SYSTEM_INSTANCE", "FIXED_ISSUES_PER_PROJECT", "UNRESOLVED_ISSUES_PER_PROJECT", "UNRESOLVED_BUG_ISSUES_PER_PROJECT", "UNRESOLVED_TASK_ISSUES_PER_PROJECT" }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } public static List<String> getJiraMetricNamesAbbreviated() { String metrics[] = { "Projects", "Issues", "Fixed issues", "Unresolved issues" }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * TODO: Fetch the list of metrics from uQasarMetric * Get the Sonar metric names * @return */ public static List<String> getSonarMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "NCLOC", // lines of code (NC=non comment) "LINES", // lines (i.e. all lines) "COMMENT_LINES", // number of comment lines "STATEMENTS", // number of statements "CLASSES", // number of classes "FILES", // number of files "DIRECTORIES", // number of directories "FUNCTIONS", // number of functions "COMMENT_LINES_DENSITY", // the density of comment lines (number in [0..100]) "DUPLICATED_LINES", // number of duplicated lines "DUPLICATED_LINES_DENSITY", // the density of duplicated lines (number in [0..100]) "COMPLEXITY", // cyclomatic complexity of the project "FUNCTION_COMPLEXITY", // the average cyclomatic complexity of a function "FILE_COMPLEXITY", // the average cyclomatic complexity of a source code file "CLASS_COMPLEXITY", // the average cyclomatic complexity of a class "UT_COVERAGE", // code coverage by unit tests "AT_COVERAGE", // code coverage by acceptance tests "OVERALL_COVERAGE", // code coverage by both, unit and acceptance tests "PACKAGE_TANGLES", // Number of file dependencies to cut in order to remove all cycles between directories. "PACKAGE_TANGLE_INDEX", // Level of directory interdependency. Best value (0%) means that there is no cycle and worst value (100%) means that directories are really tangled. "TEST_SUCCESS_DENSITY", // ratio of successfully executed tests to the overall number of te "TEST_FAILURES", // number of failed tests (failure = test could be run and is failed) "TEST_ERRORS", // number of errored tests (error = test could not be run) "TESTS", // number of tests // Sonar, available metrics that can be used if they are implemented on the adapter // /* core statistics */ // "LINES", // "NCLOC", // "CLASSES", // "FILES", // "DIRECTORIES", // "PACKAGES", // "FUNCTIONS", // "ACCESSORS", // "STATEMENTS", // "PUBLIC_API", // // /* complexity */ // "COMPLEXITY", // "CLASS_COMPLEXITY", // "FUNCTION_COMPLEXITY", // "FILE_COMPLEXITY", // "CLASS_COMPLEXITY_DISTRIBUTION", // "FUNCTION_COMPLEXITY_DISTRIBUTION", // // /* comments */ // "COMMENT_LINES", // "COMMENT_LINES_DENSITY", // "PUBLIC_DOCUMENTED_API_DENSITY", // "PUBLIC_UNDOCUMENTED_API", // "COMMENTED_OUT_CODE_LINES", // // /* unit tests */ // "TESTS", // "TEST_EXECUTION_TIME", // "TEST_ERRORS", // "SKIPPED_TESTS", // "TEST_FAILURES", // "TEST_SUCCESS_DENSITY", // "TEST_DATA", // // /* code coverage by unit tests */ // "COVERAGE", // "LINES_TO_COVER", // "UNCOVERED_LINES", // "LINE_COVERAGE", // "COVERAGE_LINE_HITS_DATA", // // "CONDITIONS_TO_COVER", // "UNCOVERED_CONDITIONS", // "BRANCH_COVERAGE", // "BRANCH_COVERAGE_HITS_DATA", // // "UNCOVERED_COMPLEXITY_BY_TESTS", // // /* duplicated lines */ // "DUPLICATED_LINES", // "DUPLICATED_BLOCKS", // "DUPLICATED_FILES", // "DUPLICATED_LINES_DENSITY", // "DUPLICATIONS_DATA", // // /* coding rules */ // "USABILITY", // "RELIABILITY", // "EFFICIENCY", // "PORTABILITY", // "MAINTAINABILITY", // // "WEIGHTED_VIOLATIONS", // "VIOLATIONS_DENSITY", // "VIOLATIONS", // "BLOCKER_VIOLATIONS", // "CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS", // "MAJOR_VIOLATIONS", // "MINOR_VIOLATIONS", // "INFO_VIOLATIONS", }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * TODO: Fetch the list of metrics from uQasarMetric * Get the TestLink metric names * @return */ public static List<String> getTestLinkMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "TEST_P", "TEST_F", "TEST_B", "TEST_N", "TEST_TOTAL" }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * TODO: Fetch the list of metrics from uQasarMetric * Get the Cubes direct Metric names * @return Cubes metric Names */ public static List<String> getCubesMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Status:Done", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Type:Bug", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Status:To%20Do", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Priority:Blocker", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Priority:Critical", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Priority:Major", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Priority:Minor", "cube/jira/aggregate?cut=Status:Open&cut=Priority:Major", // "cube/jira/fact/UQ-1", // "cube/jira/model", // "cube/jira/cell", // "cube/jira/members/Status", // "cube/jira/facts", // "cubes" }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } public static List<String> getGitlabMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "GIT_COMMITS", "GIT_PROJECTS" }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * Convert minutes to ms * @param minutes * @return */ public static int minsToMs(int minutes) { final int SEC = 60; final int MS = 1000; return minutes * SEC * MS; } /** * Compare two dates returning true if equal and false if not. This comparison omits milliseconds * @param dateOne * @param dateTwo * @return */ public static boolean isDateEqual(Date dateOne, Date dateTwo) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); String date1 = sdf.format(dateOne); String date2 = sdf.format(dateTwo); if (date1.equals(date2)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Takes care of computing the tree values (update metrics and * compute QO/QI values based on that) starting from the root node. * @param projectRoot Node */ public static void updateTree(TreeNode projectRoot) { // Create a timestamp at the start of the tree update so that // all the updated entities have the same value for the date. setLatestTreeUpdateDate(new Date());"Updating the QA Project tree..."); postorder(projectRoot); } /** * Traverse the tree in postorder and update tree values * @param node */ private static void postorder(TreeNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } logger.debug("------------postorder: " + node.getName() + "---------------"); // Iterate the node children for (Object o : node.getChildren()) { TreeNode nodeChild = (TreeNode) o; UQasarUtil.postorder(nodeChild); } logger.debug("Traversing project tree in postorder..." + node.toString()); // Update the value try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); AdapterDataService adapterDataService = new AdapterDataService(); TreeNodeService treeNodeService = (TreeNodeService) ic.lookup("java:module/TreeNodeService"); if (node instanceof Metric) { Metric metric = (Metric) node; logger.debug("Recomputing the value of the Metric " + node); Float value = null; if (metric.getMetricSource() == MetricSource.Manual) { metric.updateQualityStatus(); } else { value = adapterDataService.getMetricValue(metric.getMetricSource(), metric.getMetricType(), metric.getProject()); metric.setValue(value); } metric.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); metric.addHistoricValue(); // End Metric node treatment } else if (node instanceof QualityIndicator) {"Recomputing the value of the Quality Indicator " + node); QualityIndicator qi = (QualityIndicator) node; if (qi.getUseFormula()) { String formulaToEval = Formula.parseFormula(qi.getViewFormula()); if (formulaToEval != null && !formulaToEval.isEmpty()) { Float computedValue = Formula.evalFormula(formulaToEval); if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN()) { qi.setValue(computedValue); qi.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); treeNodeService.update(qi); } } } else { float achieved = 0; float denominator = 0; for (final TreeNode me : qi.getChildren()) { float weight = ((Metric) me).getWeight(); if (me.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.Green) { achieved += weight; } denominator += weight; } if (denominator == 0) qi.getChildren().size(); qi.setValue(achieved * 100 / denominator); } qi.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); qi.addHistoricValue(); // End Q.Indicator node treatment } else if (node instanceof QualityObjective) {"Recomputing the value of the Quality Objective " + node); QualityObjective qo = (QualityObjective) node; if (qo.getUseFormula()) { String formulaToEval = Formula.parseFormula(qo.getViewFormula()); if (formulaToEval != null && !formulaToEval.isEmpty()) { Float computedValue = Formula.evalFormula(formulaToEval); if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN()) { qo.setValue(computedValue); qo.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); } } } else { float denominator = 0; float achieved = 0; for (final TreeNode qi : qo.getChildren()) { float weight = ((QualityIndicator) qi).getWeight(); if (qi.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.Green) { achieved += weight; } denominator += weight; } qo.setValue(achieved * 100 / denominator); } qo.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); qo.addHistoricValue(); // End Quality Objective node treatment } else if (node instanceof Project) {"Recomputing the value of the Project " + node); Project prj = (Project) node; double qoValueSum = 0; double denominator = 0; for (Object o : node.getChildren()) { QualityObjective qo = (QualityObjective) o; if (qo.getWeight() == 0) { continue; } qoValueSum += qo.getValue() * (prj.isFormulaAverage() ? qo.getWeight() : 1); denominator += prj.isFormulaAverage() ? qo.getWeight() : 1; } // bad idea to divide something under 0 if (denominator == 0) { denominator = 1; } Double computedValue = qoValueSum / denominator; if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN() && !computedValue.isInfinite()) { prj.setValue(computedValue); } prj.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); prj.addHistoricValue(); logger.debug(" [" + qoValueSum + "] denominator [" + denominator + "] " + computedValue); // End Project node treatment } // Get a (possible) suggestion for the tree node Multimap<?, ?> suggestions = getSuggestionForNode(node); //TODO: take all the suggestions into account Object[] types = suggestions.keys().toArray(); Object[] suggestionsValues = suggestions.values().toArray(); if (types.length > 0) { // for now use the first item as suggestion SuggestionType stype = (SuggestionType) types[0]; node.setSuggestionType(stype); if (suggestionsValues[0] != null && !suggestionsValues[0].equals("")) { node.setSuggestionValue((String) suggestionsValues[0]); } } treeNodeService.update(node); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } /** * Takes care of computing the tree values (update metrics and * compute QO/QI values based on that) starting from the root node. * @param projectRoot Node */ public static void updateTreeWithParticularNode(TreeNode projectRoot, TreeNode projectTreeNode) { // Create a timestamp at the start of the tree update so that // all the updated entities have the same value for the date. setLatestTreeUpdateDate(new Date());"Updating the QA Project tree..."); postorderWithParticularNode(projectRoot, projectTreeNode); } /** * Traverse the tree in postorder and update tree values * @param node */ private static void postorderWithParticularNode(TreeNode node, TreeNode projectTreeNode) { if (node == null) { return; } if (projectTreeNode == null) { return; } logger.debug("------------postorder: " + projectTreeNode.getName() + "---------------"); logger.debug("Traversing project tree in postorder..." + projectTreeNode.toString()); // Update the value try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); AdapterDataService adapterDataService = new AdapterDataService(); TreeNodeService treeNodeService = (TreeNodeService) ic.lookup("java:module/TreeNodeService"); if (projectTreeNode instanceof Metric) { Metric metric = (Metric) projectTreeNode; logger.debug("Recomputing the value of the Metric " + projectTreeNode); Float value = null; if (metric.getMetricSource() == MetricSource.Manual) { metric.updateQualityStatus(); } else { value = adapterDataService.getMetricValue(metric.getMetricSource(), metric.getMetricType(), metric.getProject()); metric.setValue(value); } metric.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); metric.addHistoricValue(); // End Metric node treatment } else if (projectTreeNode instanceof QualityIndicator) {"Recomputing the value of the Quality Indicator " + projectTreeNode); QualityIndicator qi = (QualityIndicator) projectTreeNode; if (qi.getUseFormula()) { String formulaToEval = Formula.parseFormula(qi.getViewFormula()); if (formulaToEval != null && !formulaToEval.isEmpty()) { Float computedValue = Formula.evalFormula(formulaToEval); if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN()) { qi.setValue(computedValue); qi.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); treeNodeService.update(qi); } } } else { float achieved = 0; float denominator = 0; for (final TreeNode me : qi.getChildren()) { float weight = ((Metric) me).getWeight(); if (me.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.Green) { achieved += weight; } denominator += weight; } if (denominator == 0) qi.getChildren().size(); qi.setValue(achieved * 100 / denominator); } qi.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); qi.addHistoricValue(); // End Q.Indicator node treatment } else if (projectTreeNode instanceof QualityObjective) {"Recomputing the value of the Quality Objective " + projectTreeNode); QualityObjective qo = (QualityObjective) projectTreeNode; if (qo.getUseFormula()) { String formulaToEval = Formula.parseFormula(qo.getViewFormula()); if (formulaToEval != null && !formulaToEval.isEmpty()) { Float computedValue = Formula.evalFormula(formulaToEval); if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN()) { qo.setValue(computedValue); qo.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); } } } else { float denominator = 0; float achieved = 0; for (final TreeNode qi : qo.getChildren()) { float weight = ((QualityIndicator) qi).getWeight(); if (qi.getQualityStatus() == QualityStatus.Green) { achieved += weight; } denominator += weight; } qo.setValue(achieved * 100 / denominator); } qo.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); qo.addHistoricValue(); // End Quality Objective node treatment } else if (projectTreeNode instanceof Project) {"Recomputing the value of the Project " + projectTreeNode); Project prj = (Project) projectTreeNode; double qoValueSum = 0; double denominator = 0; for (Object o : projectTreeNode.getChildren()) { QualityObjective qo = (QualityObjective) o; if (qo.getWeight() == 0) { continue; } qoValueSum += qo.getValue() * (prj.isFormulaAverage() ? qo.getWeight() : 1); denominator += prj.isFormulaAverage() ? qo.getWeight() : 1; } // bad idea to divide something under 0 if (denominator == 0) { denominator = 1; } Double computedValue = qoValueSum / denominator; if (computedValue != null && !computedValue.isNaN() && !computedValue.isInfinite()) { prj.setValue(computedValue); } prj.setLastUpdated(getLatestTreeUpdateDate()); prj.addHistoricValue(); logger.debug(" [" + qoValueSum + "] denominator [" + denominator + "] " + computedValue); // End Project node treatment } // Get a (possible) suggestion for the tree node Multimap<?, ?> suggestions = getSuggestionForNode(projectTreeNode); //TODO: take all the suggestions into account Object[] types = suggestions.keys().toArray(); Object[] suggestionsValues = suggestions.values().toArray(); if (types.length > 0) { // for now use the first item as suggestion SuggestionType stype = (SuggestionType) types[0]; projectTreeNode.setSuggestionType(stype); if (suggestionsValues[0] != null && !suggestionsValues[0].equals("")) { projectTreeNode.setSuggestionValue((String) suggestionsValues[0]); } } treeNodeService.update(projectTreeNode); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Iterate the node children TreeNode nodeChild = projectTreeNode.getParent(); UQasarUtil.postorderWithParticularNode(projectTreeNode, nodeChild); return; } /** * * @param node Node whose value is studied * @return */ private static Multimap<SuggestionType, Object> getSuggestionForNode(TreeNode node) { // For storing the suggestion type and the payload Multimap<SuggestionType, Object> suggestionsMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); final String EMPTY = ""; try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); ProjectSimilarityService projectSimilarityService = (ProjectSimilarityService) ic .lookup("java:module/ProjectSimilarityService"); QualityObjectiveSimilarityService qoSimilarityService = (QualityObjectiveSimilarityService) ic .lookup("java:module/QualityObjectiveSimilarityService"); //TODO: Finding similar metrics if (node instanceof QualityObjective) { QualityObjective qo = (QualityObjective) node; Float value = qo.getValue(); // If the value of a quality objective cannot be computed, // attempt to obtain a suggestion if (value == null || value.isNaN()) { // Attempt to find a suitable project Project proj = qo.getProject(); Project similarProject = null; if (proj != null) { // Get a list of similar projects List<Project> similarProjects = projectSimilarityService.getSimilarProjects(proj); if (similarProjects != null && similarProjects.size() > 0) { // For now obtain the first suitable project similarProject = similarProjects.get(0); } } // If a suitable similar project was found, search for similar Quality Objective(s) to be suggested if (similarProject != null) { // Get similar QOs from a similar project List<QualityObjective> qos = qoSimilarityService.getSimilarQOs(qo, similarProject); // If results were found, construct a suggestion (for now obtain the first one). if (qos != null && qos.size() > 0) { suggestionsMultimap.put(SuggestionType.QO_REPLACE, qos.get(0)); return suggestionsMultimap; } } // Otherwise suggest the QO to be removed suggestionsMultimap.put(SuggestionType.QO_REMOVE, null); return suggestionsMultimap; } } // if a metric has no value / the value is 0, return a suggestion to // remove the metric if (node instanceof Metric) { Metric metric = (Metric) node; Float value = metric.getValue(); if (value == null || value.isNaN() || value.isInfinite()) { suggestionsMultimap.put(SuggestionType.METRIC_REMOVE, null); return suggestionsMultimap; } } } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // If no suggestion is to be provided, return an empty string // (overwrite the possible existing suggestion). suggestionsMultimap.put(SuggestionType.NO_SUGGESTION, ""); return suggestionsMultimap; } /** * Get a list of Jenkins metrics * @return */ public static List<String> getJenkinsMetricNames() { String metrics[] = { "JENKINS_PROJECTS", // Jenkins projects "JENKINS_LATEST_BUILD_SUCCESS", // State of the latest build "JENKINS_BUILD_HISTORY", }; return Arrays.asList(metrics); } /** * Uses the classes from the DB to write the RDF files based on those. */ public static void writeSemanticModelFiles() { logger.debug("Writing the context model to a file"); // TODO: Complement the model with the other required entities OntModel usersModel = writeUserEntries(); OntModel projectsModel = writeProjectEntries(); OntModel metadataModel = writeMetaDataModelEntries(); // uqModel.write(System.out, "RDF/XML"); // RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, uqModel, RDFFormat.RDFXML_PRETTY); // Write the individual models to a single file // holding all the triples final OntModel combined = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); for (final OntModel part : new OntModel[] { usersModel, projectsModel, metadataModel }) { combined.add(part); } try { String dataDir = UQasarUtil.getDataDirPath(); // TODO: Find out why this does not work in Linux // String modelPath = "file:///" + dataDir + ONTOLOGYFILE; String modelPath = dataDir + ONTOLOGYFILE; combined.write(new FileOutputStream(modelPath, false)); logger.debug("Context Model written to file " + modelPath); UQasarUtil.setUqModel(combined); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Writes the user entities to rdf */ private static OntModel writeUserEntries() { OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); try { thewebsemantic.Bean2RDF writer = new Bean2RDF(model); InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); UserService userService = (UserService) ic.lookup("java:module/UserService"); List<User> users = userService.getAll(); for (User u : users) {; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return model; } /** * Writes the project entities to rdf */ private static OntModel writeProjectEntries() { OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); try { thewebsemantic.Bean2RDF writer = new Bean2RDF(model); InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); TreeNodeService treeNodeService = (TreeNodeService) ic.lookup("java:module/TreeNodeService"); List<Project> projects = treeNodeService.getAllProjects(); for (Project proj : projects) {; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return model; } /** * Write metadata entities from the beans to rdf model */ private static OntModel writeMetaDataModelEntries() { OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); thewebsemantic.Bean2RDF writer = new Bean2RDF(model); try { InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); for (final Class clazz : MetaData.getAllClasses()) { if (ContinuousIntegrationTool.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { ContinuousIntegrationToolService cits = (ContinuousIntegrationToolService) ic .lookup("java:module/ContinuousIntegrationToolService"); List<ContinuousIntegrationTool> continuousIntegrationTools = cits.getAll(); for (ContinuousIntegrationTool continuousIntegrationTool : continuousIntegrationTools) {; } } else if (CustomerType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { CustomerTypeService cts = (CustomerTypeService) ic.lookup("java:module/CustomerTypeService"); List<CustomerType> customerTypes = cts.getAll(); for (CustomerType customerType : customerTypes) {; } } else if (IssueTrackingTool.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { IssueTrackingToolService itts = (IssueTrackingToolService) ic .lookup("java:module/IssueTrackingToolService"); List<IssueTrackingTool> issueTrackingTools = itts.getAll(); for (IssueTrackingTool issueTrackingTool : issueTrackingTools) {; } } else if (ProgrammingLanguage.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { ProgrammingLanguageService pls = (ProgrammingLanguageService) ic .lookup("java:module/ProgrammingLanguageService"); List<ProgrammingLanguage> programmingLanguages = pls.getAll(); for (ProgrammingLanguage programmingLanguage : programmingLanguages) {; } } else if (ProjectType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { ProjectTypeService pts = (ProjectTypeService) ic.lookup("java:module/ProjectTypeService"); List<ProjectType> projectTypes = pts.getAll(); for (ProjectType projectType : projectTypes) {; } } else if (SoftwareLicense.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { SoftwareLicenseService sls = (SoftwareLicenseService) ic .lookup("java:module/SoftwareLicenseService"); List<SoftwareLicense> softwareLicenses = sls.getAll(); for (SoftwareLicense softwareLicense : softwareLicenses) {; } } else if (SoftwareType.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { SoftwareTypeService sts = (SoftwareTypeService) ic.lookup("java:module/SoftwareTypeService"); List<SoftwareType> softwareTypes = sts.getAll(); for (SoftwareType softwareType : softwareTypes) {; } } else if (SourceCodeManagementTool.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { SourceCodeManagementToolService scmts = (SourceCodeManagementToolService) ic .lookup("java:module/SourceCodeManagementToolService"); List<SourceCodeManagementTool> sourceCodeManagementTools = scmts.getAll(); for (SourceCodeManagementTool sourceCodeManagementTool : sourceCodeManagementTools) {; } } else if (StaticAnalysisTool.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { StaticAnalysisToolService sats = (StaticAnalysisToolService) ic .lookup("java:module/StaticAnalysisToolService"); List<StaticAnalysisTool> staticAnalysisTools = sats.getAll(); for (StaticAnalysisTool staticAnalysisTool : staticAnalysisTools) {; } } else if (TestManagementTool.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { TestManagementToolService tmts = (TestManagementToolService) ic .lookup("java:module/TestManagementToolService"); List<TestManagementTool> testManagementTools = tmts.getAll(); for (TestManagementTool testManagementTool : testManagementTools) {; } } else if (Topic.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { TopicService ts = (TopicService) ic.lookup("java:module/TopicService"); List<Topic> topics = ts.getAll(); for (Topic topic : topics) {; } } else if (SoftwareDevelopmentMethodology.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { SoftwareDevelopmentMethodologyService sdms = (SoftwareDevelopmentMethodologyService) ic .lookup("java:module/SoftwareDevelopmentMethodologyService"); List<SoftwareDevelopmentMethodology> softwareDevelopmentMethodologies = sdms.getAll(); for (SoftwareDevelopmentMethodology softwareDevelopmentMethodology : softwareDevelopmentMethodologies) {; } } else if (QModelTagData.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { QModelTagDataService qmtds = (QModelTagDataService) ic .lookup("java:module/QModelTagDataService"); List<QModelTagData> qmodelTagData = qmtds.getAll(); for (QModelTagData qmtd : qmodelTagData) {; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return model; } /** * Read the RDF model from files. */ public static void readSemanticModelFiles() { logger.debug("Reading the model from a file"); // Read the model to an existing model String dataDir = UQasarUtil.getDataDirPath(); String modelPath = "file:///" + dataDir + ONTOLOGYFILE; // String modelPath = "file:///C:/nyrhinen/Programme/jboss-as-7.1.1.Final/standalone/data/uq-ontology-model.rdf"; OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM);, modelPath); // Test output to standard output // RDFDataMgr.write(System.out, uqModel, RDFFormat.RDFXML_PRETTY); logger.debug("Model read from file " + modelPath); UQasarUtil.setUqModel(model); System.out.println("Reading done."); } public static String execSparQLQuery(String query) { System.out.println("execSPINQuery"); Model model = getUqModel(); // Register system functions (such as sp:gt (>)) SPINModuleRegistry.get().init(); Query arqQuery = ARQFactory.get().createQuery(model, query); ARQ2SPIN arq2SPIN = new ARQ2SPIN(model); Select spinQuery = (Select) arq2SPIN.createQuery(arqQuery, null); System.out.println("SPIN query in Turtle:"); model.write(System.out, FileUtils.langTurtle); System.out.println("-----"); String str = spinQuery.toString(); System.out.println("SPIN query:\n" + str); // Now turn it back into a Jena Query Query parsedBack = ARQFactory.get().createQuery(spinQuery); System.out.println("Jena query:\n" + parsedBack); com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query arq = ARQFactory.get().createQuery(spinQuery); QueryExecution qexec = ARQFactory.get().createQueryExecution(arq, model); QuerySolutionMap arqBindings = new QuerySolutionMap(); arqBindings.add("predicate", RDFS.label); qexec.setInitialBinding(arqBindings); // Pre-assign the arguments ResultSet rs = qexec.execSelect(); // System.out.println("#####################################################################"); // // if (rs.hasNext()) { // QuerySolution row =; // System.out.println("Row: " +row.toString()); // RDFNode user = row.get("User"); // Literal label = row.getLiteral("label"); // System.out.println(user.toString()); // } // RDFNode object ="object"); // System.out.println("Label is " + object); Collection<User> users = Sparql.exec(getUqModel(), User.class, query); String usersString = ""; for (User user : users) { System.out.println("User: " + user.toString()); usersString += user.toString() + "<br/>"; } System.out.println("execSPINQuery() done."); return usersString; } }