Java tutorial
package eu.uqasar.service.dataadapter; /* * #%L * U-QASAR * %% * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 U-QASAR Consortium * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.json.JSONArray; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.json.JSONObject; import us.monoid.json.JSONException; import us.monoid.web.JSONResource; import us.monoid.web.Resty; import; import eu.uqasar.adapter.exception.uQasarException; import eu.uqasar.adapter.model.Measurement; import eu.uqasar.adapter.model.uQasarMetric; import eu.uqasar.cubes.adapter.CubesAdapter; import eu.uqasar.model.measure.CubesMetricMeasurement; import eu.uqasar.model.measure.CubesMetricMeasurement_; import eu.uqasar.model.settings.adapter.AdapterSettings; import eu.uqasar.model.tree.Project; import eu.uqasar.qualifier.Conversational; import eu.uqasar.service.AbstractService; import eu.uqasar.util.UQasarUtil; /** * */ @Stateless @Conversational public class CubesDataService extends AbstractService<CubesMetricMeasurement> { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3413935749717004973L; @Inject AdapterSettingsService settingsService; // Counts the number of trials to connect to Rest service, and limits them to 10 // TO BE removed after Cubes adapter integration private Integer counter = 0; private final Integer counterLimit = 10; public CubesDataService() { super(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); } /** * * @return */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getAllCubesMetricObjects() { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } /** * * @param adapter * @return */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getAllByAdapter(AdapterSettings adapter) {"Get measurements for adapter: " + adapter); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.adapter), adapter); query.where(condition); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } /** * */ public void delete(Collection<CubesMetricMeasurement> metrics) { for (CubesMetricMeasurement m : metrics) { delete(m); } } /** * * @param first * @param count * @return */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getAllByAscendingName(int first, int count) { logger.infof("loading all CubesMetricMeasurement ordered by ascending name ..."); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> criteria = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = criteria.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); criteria.orderBy(cb.asc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.self))); return em.createQuery(criteria).setFirstResult(first).setMaxResults(count).getResultList(); } /** * * @param first * @param count * @param adapter * @return */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getAllByAdapter(int first, int count, AdapterSettings adapter) {"Get measurements for adapter: " + adapter); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.adapter), adapter); query.orderBy(cb.asc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.self))); query.where(condition); return em.createQuery(query).setFirstResult(first).setMaxResults(count).getResultList(); } /** * Count the measurement results belonging to a specific adapter * @param adapter * @return */ public int countAllByAdapter(AdapterSettings adapter) { CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.adapter), adapter); query.where(condition); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList().size(); } /** * Get an updated set of adapter data * @param settings * @throws uQasarException */ public void updateAdapterData(AdapterSettings settings) throws uQasarException { String credentials = settings.getAdapterUsername() + ":" + settings.getAdapterPassword(); String boundSystemURL = settings.getUrl(); String project = settings.getAdapterProject(); if (!testConnectionToServer(boundSystemURL, 10000)) return; //TODO: Manu, create Cubes adapter CubesAdapter adapter = new CubesAdapter(); List<String> metricNames = UQasarUtil.getCubesMetricNames(); Date snapshotTimeStamp = new Date(); // Iterate the metric names and fetch results for each of these // create a persistent entity for each measurement for (String metric : metricNames) {"Obtaining CUBES measurements for metric: " + metric); List<Measurement> metricMeasurements = adapter.query(boundSystemURL, credentials, metric); for (Measurement measurement : metricMeasurements) { String json = measurement.getMeasurement(); Gson gson = new Gson(); CubesMetricMeasurement[] CubesMetricMeasurement = gson.fromJson(json, CubesMetricMeasurement[].class); for (eu.uqasar.model.measure.CubesMetricMeasurement aCubesMetricMeasurement : CubesMetricMeasurement) { // Add a timestamp and metric name to the object aCubesMetricMeasurement.setTimeStamp(snapshotTimeStamp); aCubesMetricMeasurement.setCubesMetric(metric); aCubesMetricMeasurement.setProject(settings.getProject()); aCubesMetricMeasurement.setAdapter(settings); create(aCubesMetricMeasurement); } } } // Fetch the actual content in JSON format storeJSONPayload(settings); settings.setLatestUpdate(snapshotTimeStamp); settingsService.update(settings); // Update values of all the Cubes based metrics of the adaptor setting Project } /** * Update the content of a CubesMetricMeasurement that is behind a URL (payload as JSON) * @param settings */ private void storeJSONPayload(AdapterSettings settings) {"Get JSON Payload for all CUBES metrics."); String creds = settings.getAdapterUsername() + ":" + settings.getAdapterPassword(); //encoding byte array into base 64 byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(creds.getBytes()); String encodedString = new String(encoded); // resty.alwaysSend("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedString); Date currentDatasetDate = getLatestDate(); for (String metric : UQasarUtil.getCubesMetricNames()) { List<CubesMetricMeasurement> measurements; try { measurements = getMeasurementsByMetricAndDate(metric, currentDatasetDate); // Iterate for (CubesMetricMeasurement CubesMetricMeasurement : measurements) { String url = CubesMetricMeasurement.getSelf(); String jsonContent = ""; try { JSONResource res = getJSON(url); us.monoid.json.JSONObject jobj = res.toObject();; jsonContent = jobj.toString();"JSON Content: " + jsonContent); // Value that can be select as metric - ONLY for cut CubesMetricMeasurement.setValue(jobj.getJSONObject("summary").getString("count")); // TBR, JSON with collection of Values will be used within Analytic Workbench // This stores all the JSON info, maybe is too much and contains unneeded info //CubesMetricMeasurement.setJsonContent(jsonContent); // This ONLY stores the cells data, CubesMetricMeasurement.setJsonContent(jobj.getJSONArray("cells").toString()); // Persist in database update(CubesMetricMeasurement); } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (uQasarException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public List<Measurement> cubesAdapterQuery(String bindedSystem, String cubeName, String queryExpression) throws uQasarException { URI uri = null; LinkedList<Measurement> measurements = new LinkedList<>(); try { uri = new URI(bindedSystem + "/" + queryExpression); String url = uri.toASCIIString(); JSONResource res = getJSON(url); us.monoid.json.JSONObject json = res.toObject();; JSONArray measurementResultJSONArray = new JSONArray(); JSONObject bp = new JSONObject(); bp.put("self", url); bp.put("key", cubeName); bp.put("name", queryExpression); measurementResultJSONArray.put(bp);; measurements.add(new Measurement(uQasarMetric.PROJECTS_PER_SYSTEM_INSTANCE, measurementResultJSONArray.toString())); } catch (URISyntaxException | org.apache.wicket.ajax.json.JSONException | JSONException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return measurements; } // To be deleted after CubesAdapter integration /** * @param url * @return Returns the JSON as JSON Resource */ private JSONResource getJSON(String url) throws uQasarException { JSONResource res = null; Resty resty = new Resty(); // Connection counter +1 counter += 1; // Replaces spaces in URL with char %20 url = url.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); try { res = resty.json(url); } catch (IOException e) { // Check if the limit of trials has been reached if (counter < counterLimit) { return getJSON(url); } else throw new uQasarException( "Cubes Server is not availabe at this moument, error to connect with " + url); } // Reset the connection counter to 0 counter = 0; return res; } public void printMeasurements(List<Measurement> measurements) { String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); for (Measurement measurement : measurements) { System.out.println(measurement.getMeasurement() + newLine); } } /** * Check if the connection to the provided URL is possible within the provided timeout * * @param url * @param timeout * @return True or False according to the connection success * */ private static boolean testConnectionToServer(String url, int timeout) { try { URL myUrl = new URL(url); URLConnection connection = myUrl.openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(timeout); connection.connect(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * * @param metric * @return * @throws uQasarException */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getMeasurementsForMetric(String metric) throws uQasarException {"Get measurements for metric: " + metric); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.cubesMetric), metric); query.where(condition); query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } /** * Get the latest date of measurement snapshots * @return */ private Date getLatestDate() {"Get the latest date from CUBES measurements..."); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class);; query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); return em.createQuery(query).setMaxResults(1).getSingleResult().getTimeStamp(); } /** * * @param metric * @return * @throws uQasarException */ private List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getMeasurementsByMetricAndDate(String metric, Date date) throws uQasarException {"Get measurements for metric: " + metric); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.cubesMetric), metric); Predicate condition2 = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp), date); Predicate condition3 = cb.and(condition, condition2); query.where(condition3); query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } /** * @param project * @param metric * @return */ public CubesMetricMeasurement getLatestMeasurementByProjectAndMetric(String project, String metric) {"Obtaining measurements for the project: " + project + " and metric: " + metric); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.cubeName), project); Predicate condition2 = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.cubesMetric), metric); Predicate condition3 = cb.and(condition, condition2); query.where(condition3); query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); List<CubesMetricMeasurement> measurements = em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); CubesMetricMeasurement measurement = null; if (measurements != null && measurements.size() > 0 && measurements.get(0) != null) { measurement = measurements.get(0); // Get the most "fresh" result } return measurement; } /** * @param project * @return List with all the measurements of a project */ public List<CubesMetricMeasurement> getMeasurementByProject(Project project) {"Obtaining measurements for the project: " + project); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.project), project); query.where(condition); query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList(); } /** * * @param metric * @param date * @return * @throws uQasarException */ public int countMeasurementsByMetricAndDate(String metric, Date date) throws uQasarException {"Count measurements for metric: " + metric + "and date: " + date); CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<CubesMetricMeasurement> query = cb.createQuery(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Root<CubesMetricMeasurement> root = query.from(CubesMetricMeasurement.class); Predicate condition = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.cubesMetric), metric); Predicate condition2 = cb.equal(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp), date); Predicate condition3 = cb.and(condition, condition2); query.where(condition3); query.orderBy(cb.desc(root.get(CubesMetricMeasurement_.timeStamp))); return em.createQuery(query).getResultList().size(); } }