Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2014 University of Leeds * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package eu.tango.energymodeller.datasourceclient; import; import static eu.tango.energymodeller.datasourceclient.KpiList.POWER_KPI_NAME; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.ApplicationOnHost; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.ApplicationOnHost.JOB_STATUS; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.EnergyUsageSource; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.GeneralPurposePowerConsumer; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.Host; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.energyuser.VmDeployed; import eu.tango.energymodeller.types.usage.CurrentUsageRecord; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import org.hyperic.sigar.CpuPerc; import org.hyperic.sigar.Mem; import org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar; import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarException; import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarProxy; import org.hyperic.sigar.SigarProxyCache; import; import; import wattsup.jsdk.core.event.WattsUpDataAvailableEvent; import wattsup.jsdk.core.event.WattsUpDisconnectEvent; import wattsup.jsdk.core.event.WattsUpMemoryCleanEvent; import wattsup.jsdk.core.event.WattsUpStopLoggingEvent; import wattsup.jsdk.core.listener.WattsUpDataAvailableListener; import wattsup.jsdk.core.listener.WattsUpDisconnectListener; import wattsup.jsdk.core.listener.WattsUpMemoryCleanListener; import wattsup.jsdk.core.listener.WattsUpStopLoggingListener; import wattsup.jsdk.core.meter.WattsUp; /** * The aim of this class is initially to take data from the Watts Up meter and * to place it into a format that is suitable for the Energy modeller. * * @author Richard Kavanagh */ public class WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor implements HostDataSource { private static final String VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME = "Voltage"; private static final String CURRENT_KPI_NAME = "Current"; private final Host host; private WattsUp meter; private WattsUpTailer fileTailer; private Tailer tailer; private static SigarProxy sigar = getSigar(); private int sigarFailCounter = 0; private HostMeasurement lowest = null; private HostMeasurement highest = null; private HostMeasurement current = null; private final LinkedList<CPUUtilisation> cpuMeasure = new LinkedList<>(); private final Settings settings = new Settings(""); /** * SingletonHolder is loaded on the first execution of * Singleton.getInstance() or the first access to SingletonHolder.INSTANCE, * not before. */ private static class SingletonHolder { private static final WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor INSTANCE = new WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor(); } /** * This creates a new instance of the WattsUp Meter data source adaptor. * This adaptor is intended for using the energy modeller on a local * machine. * * @return A singleton instance of a WattsUp? meter data source adaptor. */ public static WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } /** * This creates a new WattsUp Meter data source adaptor, that is capable of * taking data from a WattsUp Meter, for use inside the ASCETiC * architecture. * */ private WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor() { String port = settings.getString("energy.modeller.wattsup.port", "COM9"); int hostId = settings.getInt("energy.modeller.wattsup.hostId", 1); String hostname = settings.getString("energy.modeller.wattsup.hostname", "localhost"); if (settings.isChanged()) {""); } host = new Host(hostId, hostname); startup(port, -1, 1); try { Mem mem = sigar.getMem(); host.setRamMb((int) (Double.valueOf(mem.getTotal()) / 1048576)); } catch (SigarException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "A problem occured with Sigar", ex); } } /** * This creates a new Sigar instance. */ private static SigarProxy getSigar() { return SigarProxyCache.newInstance(new Sigar(), 8); } /** * This creates a new WattsUp Meter data source adaptor, that is capable of * taking data from a WattsUp Meter, for use inside the ASCETiC * architecture. * * @param port The port to connect to * @param duration The duration to connect for (< 0 means forever) * @param interval The interval at which to take logging data. */ public WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor(String port, int duration, int interval) { host = new Host(1, "localhost"); startup(port, duration, interval); } /** * This is the generic startup code for the WattsUp data source adaptor * * @param port The port to connect to * @param duration The duration to connect for (< 0 means forever) * @param interval The interval at which to take logging data. */ public final void startup(String port, int duration, int interval) { if (port.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { String filename = settings.getString("energy.modeller.wattsup.scrape.file", "testnodex-wattsup.log"); if (settings.isChanged()) {""); } File scrapeFile = new File(filename); fileTailer = new WattsUpTailer(); tailer = Tailer.create(scrapeFile, fileTailer, (interval * 1000) / 16, true); Thread tailerThread = new Thread(tailer); tailerThread.setDaemon(true); tailerThread.start(); System.out.println("Scraping from WattsUp meter file"); } else { try { WattsUpConfig config = new WattsUpConfig().withPort(port).scheduleDuration(duration) .withInternalLoggingInterval(interval).withExternalLoggingInterval(interval); meter = new WattsUp(config); System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Created"); registerEventListeners(meter); System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Connecting"); meter.connect(false); meter.setLoggingModeSerial(1); System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Connected " + meter.isConnected()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } /** * This registers the required meters for the energy modeller. * * @param meter The meter to register the event listeners for */ private void registerEventListeners(WattsUp meter) { meter.registerListener(new WattsUpDataAvailableListener() { @Override public void processDataAvailable(final WattsUpDataAvailableEvent event) { GregorianCalendar calander = new GregorianCalendar(); long clock = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(calander.getTimeInMillis()); HostMeasurement measurement = new HostMeasurement(host, clock); WattsUpPacket[] values = event.getValue(); String watts = values[0].get("watts").getValue(); String volts = values[0].get("volts").getValue(); String amps = values[0].get("amps").getValue(); String wattskwh = values[0].get("wattskwh").getValue(); watts = "" + changeOrderOfMagnitude(watts, 1); volts = "" + changeOrderOfMagnitude(volts, 1); amps = "" + changeOrderOfMagnitude(amps, 3); measurement .addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.POWER_KPI_NAME, KpiList.POWER_KPI_NAME, watts, clock)); measurement.addMetric( new MetricValue(KpiList.ENERGY_KPI_NAME, KpiList.ENERGY_KPI_NAME, wattskwh, clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME, VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME, volts, clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(CURRENT_KPI_NAME, CURRENT_KPI_NAME, amps, clock)); try { CpuPerc cpu = sigar.getCpuPerc(); cpuMeasure.add(new CPUUtilisation(clock, cpu)); Mem mem = sigar.getMem(); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_IDLE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_IDLE_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIdle() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_INTERUPT_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_INTERUPT_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIrq() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_IO_WAIT_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_IO_WAIT_KPI_NAME, cpu.getWait() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_NICE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_NICE_KPI_NAME, cpu.getNice() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_SOFT_IRQ_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_SOFT_IRQ_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIrq() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_STEAL_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_STEAL_KPI_NAME, cpu.getStolen() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_SYSTEM_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_SYSTEM_KPI_NAME, cpu.getSys() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_USER_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_USER_KPI_NAME, cpu.getUser() * 100 + "", clock)); measurement.addMetric( new MetricValue(KpiList.MEMORY_AVAILABLE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.MEMORY_AVAILABLE_KPI_NAME, (int) (Double.valueOf(mem.getActualFree()) / 1048576) + "", clock)); measurement .addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.MEMORY_TOTAL_KPI_NAME, KpiList.MEMORY_TOTAL_KPI_NAME, (int) (Double.valueOf(mem.getTotal()) / 1048576) + "", clock)); } catch (SigarException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } current = measurement; if (lowest == null || measurement.getPower() < lowest.getPower()) { lowest = measurement; } if (highest == null || measurement.getPower() > highest.getPower()) { highest = measurement; } } }); meter.registerListener(new WattsUpMemoryCleanListener() { @Override public void processWattsUpReset(WattsUpMemoryCleanEvent event) { System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Memory Just Cleaned"); } }); meter.registerListener(new WattsUpStopLoggingListener() { @Override public void processStopLogging(WattsUpStopLoggingEvent event) { System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Logging Stopped"); } }); meter.registerListener(new WattsUpDisconnectListener() { @Override public void onDisconnect(WattsUpDisconnectEvent event) { System.out.println("WattsUp Meter Client Exiting"); } }); } /** * The output of a WattsUp? meter has no decimal places. This shifts the * output by the correct magnitude in order that the value makes sense. * * @param meterOutput The output from the WattsUp? meter. * @param position The order of magnitude to reduce the size of the value * by. * @return The double value of the meters output string. */ private static double changeOrderOfMagnitude(String meterOutput, int position) { double answer = Double.valueOf(meterOutput); if (position > 0) { answer = answer / Math.pow(10, position); } return answer; } @Override public Host getHostByName(String hostname) { //ignore hostname and just return the current localhost if (hostname.equals(host.getHostName())) { return host; } else { return new Host(1, hostname); } } @Override public GeneralPurposePowerConsumer getGeneralPowerConsumerByName(String hostname) { return null; } @Override public VmDeployed getVmByName(String name) { return null; } @Override public List<Host> getHostList() { List<Host> answer = new ArrayList<>(); answer.add(host); return answer; } @Override public List<GeneralPurposePowerConsumer> getGeneralPowerConsumerList() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public List<VmDeployed> getVmList() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public List<EnergyUsageSource> getHostAndVmList() { List<EnergyUsageSource> answer = new ArrayList<>(); answer.add(host); return answer; } @Override public List<ApplicationOnHost> getHostApplicationList(JOB_STATUS state) { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public List<ApplicationOnHost> getHostApplicationList() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public HostMeasurement getHostData(Host host) { while (current == null) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return current; } @Override public List<HostMeasurement> getHostData() { List<HostMeasurement> answer = new ArrayList<>(); answer.add(getHostData(host)); return answer; } @Override public List<HostMeasurement> getHostData(List<Host> hostList) { List<HostMeasurement> answer = new ArrayList<>(); if (hostList.contains(host)) { answer.add(getHostData(host)); } return answer; } @Override public VmMeasurement getVmData(VmDeployed vm) { return null; } @Override public List<VmMeasurement> getVmData() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public List<VmMeasurement> getVmData(List<VmDeployed> vmList) { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public CurrentUsageRecord getCurrentEnergyUsage(Host host) { CurrentUsageRecord answer = new CurrentUsageRecord(host); HostMeasurement measurement = getHostData(host); answer.setPower(measurement.getMetric(POWER_KPI_NAME).getValue()); answer.setVoltage(current.getMetric(VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME).getValue()); answer.setCurrent(current.getMetric(CURRENT_KPI_NAME).getValue()); return answer; } @Override public double getLowestHostPowerUsage(Host host) { return lowest.getPower(); } @Override public double getHighestHostPowerUsage(Host host) { return highest.getPower(); } @Override public synchronized double getCpuUtilisation(Host host, int lastNSeconds) { double count = 0.0; double sumOfUtil = 0.0; GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); long now = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(cal.getTimeInMillis()); long nowMinustime = now - lastNSeconds; CopyOnWriteArrayList<CPUUtilisation> list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); list.addAll(cpuMeasure); for (Iterator<CPUUtilisation> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { CPUUtilisation util =; if (util.isOlderThan(nowMinustime)) { list.remove(util); cpuMeasure.remove(util); } else { sumOfUtil = sumOfUtil + util.getCpuBusy(); count = count + 1; } } if (count == 0) { return 0.0; } return sumOfUtil / count; } /** * This is a CPU utilisation record for the WattsUp Meter data source * adaptor. */ private class CPUUtilisation { private final long clock; private final CpuPerc cpu; /** * This creates a new CPU Utilisation record * * @param clock the time when the CPU Utilisation was taken * @param cpu The CPU utilisation record. */ public CPUUtilisation(long clock, CpuPerc cpu) { this.clock = clock; this.cpu = cpu; } /** * The time when this record was taken * * @return The UTC time for this record. */ public long getClock() { return clock; } /** * This returns the Sigar object representing CPU load information. * * @return The sigar CPU object */ public CpuPerc getCpu() { return cpu; } /** * This returns the percentage of time the CPU was idle. * * @return 0..1 for how idle the CPU was at a specified time frame. */ public double getCpuIdle() { return cpu.getIdle(); } /** * This returns the percentage of time the CPU was busy. * * @return 0..1 for how busy the CPU was at a specified time frame. */ public double getCpuBusy() { return 1 - cpu.getIdle(); } /** * This indicates if this CPU utilisation object is older than a * specified time. * * @param time The UTC time to compare to * @return If the current item is older than the date specified. */ public boolean isOlderThan(long time) { return clock < time; } } /** * In the event the WattsUp Meter port is captured already and the output is * being placed in a log file this can read the file and get the required * data. */ private class WattsUpTailer extends TailerListenerAdapter { @Override public void handle(String line) { try { //This avoids looking at the header of the file if (line.startsWith("W")) { return; } boolean valid = true; GregorianCalendar calander = new GregorianCalendar(); long clock = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(calander.getTimeInMillis()); CpuPerc cpu = sigar.getCpuPerc(); /** * Test an arbritrary value to check to see if NaN has been * produced. This occurs when Sigar's internal state has not * been prepared sufficiently quickly. i.e. concurrency issues. */ if (Double.isNaN(cpu.getSys())) { try { //Delay for a short while and retry Thread.sleep(500); cpu = sigar.getCpuPerc(); if (Double.isNaN(cpu.getSys())) { System.out.println("The measurement taken was invalid - Sigar getCPU"); restartSigar(); return; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "The thread sleep was interupted", ex); } } Mem mem = sigar.getMem(); cpuMeasure.add(new CPUUtilisation(clock, cpu)); String[] values = line.split(","); /** * The Watts up meter column order is: W,V, A, WH, COST, WH/Mo, * Cost/Mo, Wmax, Vmax, Amax, Wmin, Vmin, Amin, PF, DC, PC, Hz, * VA */ String watts = values[0]; String volts = values[1]; String amps = values[2]; String wattskwh = values[3]; HostMeasurement measurement = new HostMeasurement(host, clock); measurement .addMetric(new MetricValue(KpiList.POWER_KPI_NAME, KpiList.POWER_KPI_NAME, watts, clock)); measurement.addMetric( new MetricValue(KpiList.ENERGY_KPI_NAME, KpiList.ENERGY_KPI_NAME, wattskwh, clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME, VOLTAGE_KPI_NAME, volts, clock)); measurement.addMetric(new MetricValue(CURRENT_KPI_NAME, CURRENT_KPI_NAME, amps, clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_IDLE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_IDLE_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIdle() * 100 + "", clock)); if (!valid) { System.out.println("The measurement taken was invalid - Sigar"); /** * This quickly exits if Sigar produces a Double.NaN value * due to its internal state not been ready. */ restartSigar(); return; } valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_INTERUPT_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_INTERUPT_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIrq() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_IO_WAIT_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_IO_WAIT_KPI_NAME, cpu.getWait() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_NICE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_NICE_KPI_NAME, cpu.getNice() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_SOFT_IRQ_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_SOFT_IRQ_KPI_NAME, cpu.getIrq() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_STEAL_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_STEAL_KPI_NAME, cpu.getStolen() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_SYSTEM_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_SYSTEM_KPI_NAME, cpu.getSys() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.CPU_USER_KPI_NAME, KpiList.CPU_USER_KPI_NAME, cpu.getUser() * 100 + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.MEMORY_AVAILABLE_KPI_NAME, KpiList.MEMORY_AVAILABLE_KPI_NAME, (int) (Double.valueOf(mem.getActualFree()) / 1048576) + "", clock)); valid = valid && validatedAddMetric(measurement, new MetricValue(KpiList.MEMORY_TOTAL_KPI_NAME, KpiList.MEMORY_TOTAL_KPI_NAME, (int) (Double.valueOf(mem.getTotal()) / 1048576) + "", clock)); if (!valid) { restartSigar(); return; } current = measurement; if (lowest == null || measurement.getPower() < lowest.getPower()) { lowest = measurement; } if (highest == null || measurement.getPower() > highest.getPower()) { highest = measurement; } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { //Ignore these errors and carry on. It may just be the header line. Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "The parsing of metric data failed", ex); } catch (SigarException ex) { Logger.getLogger(WattsUpMeterDataSourceAdaptor.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "An exception occured when obtaining data from Sigar", ex); } } /** * This ensures that metric values are not added in cases where NaN etc * is given as an output from Sigar. * * @param measurement The measurement to add the value to * @param value The value to add. * @return The measurement with the added metric only in cases where the * values correct. */ private boolean validatedAddMetric(Measurement measurement, MetricValue value) { if (Double.isNaN(value.getValue()) || Double.isInfinite(value.getValue())) { return false; } measurement.addMetric(value); return true; } } /** * This corrects Sigar in cases where its internal state becomes an issue. * The result of which is that this adaptor no longer reports out data, without * Sigar been restarted. */ private void restartSigar() { sigarFailCounter = sigarFailCounter + 1; System.out.println("The measurement taken was invalid - Sigar getCPU"); if (sigarFailCounter >= 2) { System.out.println("Sigar reset"); sigar = getSigar(); sigarFailCounter = 0; } } }