Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2010 by the Stratosphere project (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package eu.stratosphere.nephele.instance.ec2;

import java.util.LinkedList;


import eu.stratosphere.nephele.instance.HardwareDescription;
import eu.stratosphere.nephele.instance.InstanceConnectionInfo;
import eu.stratosphere.nephele.instance.InstanceType;
import eu.stratosphere.nephele.topology.NetworkNode;

 * A FloatingInstance is an instance in the cloud allocated for a user. It is idle and carries out no task.
 * However, the owner of a floating instance can employ it for executing new jobs until it is terminated.
class FloatingInstance {

     * Time limit to full next hour when instance is terminate.
    private static final long TIME_THRESHOLD = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 mins in ms.

     * The lease period for this instance of Amazon EC2 in milliseconds.
    private final long leasePeriod;

    /** The instance ID. */
    private final String instanceID;

    /** The information required to connect to the instance's task manager. */
    private final InstanceConnectionInfo instanceConnectionInfo;

    /** The time the instance was launched (in this case, the VM). */
    private final long launchTime;

    /** The AWS Access Key to access this machine */
    private String awsAccessKey;

    /** The AWS Secret Key to access this machine */
    private String awsSecretKey;

    /** The instance type */
    private InstanceType type;

     * The instance's hardware description.
    private final HardwareDescription hardwareDescription;

    /** The last received heart beat. */
    private long lastHeartBeat;

     * Creates a new floating instance.
     * @param instanceID
     *        the instance ID assigned by the cloud management system
     * @param instanceConnectionInfo
     *        the information required to connect to the instance's task manager
     * @param launchTime
     *        the time the instance was allocated in milliseconds since January 1st, 1970
     * @param leasePeriod
     *        the lease period for this floating instances in milliseconds
     * @param type
     *        The type of this instance.
     * @param awsAccessKey
     *        The AWS Access Key to access this machine
     * @param awsSecretKey
     *        The AWS Secret Key to access this machine
    public FloatingInstance(final String instanceID, final InstanceConnectionInfo instanceConnectionInfo,
            final long launchTime, final long leasePeriod, final InstanceType type,
            final HardwareDescription hardwareDescription, final String awsAccessKey, final String awsSecretKey) {

        if (launchTime < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument launchTime must be greater than 0");

        if (leasePeriod <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument leasePeriod be greater than 0");

        this.instanceID = instanceID;
        this.instanceConnectionInfo = instanceConnectionInfo;
        this.launchTime = launchTime;
        this.leasePeriod = leasePeriod;
        this.lastHeartBeat = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.awsAccessKey = awsAccessKey;
        this.awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey;
        this.type = type;
        this.hardwareDescription = hardwareDescription;


     * Checks, if this floating Instance is accessible via the provided credentials.
     * @param awsAccessKey
     * @param awsSecretKey
     * @return
    public boolean isFromThisOwner(String awsAccessKey, String awsSecretKey) {
        if (this.awsAccessKey.equals(awsAccessKey) && this.awsSecretKey.equals(awsSecretKey)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Returns the type of this floating instance.
     * @return
    public InstanceType getType() {
        return this.type;

     * Returns the instance ID.
     * @return the instance ID
    public String getInstanceID() {
        return this.instanceID;

     * Returns the time of last received heart beat.
     * @return the time of last received heart beat
    public long getLastReceivedHeartBeat() {
        return this.lastHeartBeat;

     * Updates the time of last received heart beat to the current system time.
    public void updateLastReceivedHeartBeat() {
        this.lastHeartBeat = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Returns the information required to connect to the instance's task manager.
     * @return the information required to connect to the instance's task manager
    public InstanceConnectionInfo getInstanceConnectionInfo() {
        return this.instanceConnectionInfo;

     * Returns the time the instance was launched.
     * @return the time the instance was allocated
    public long getLaunchTime() {
        return this.launchTime;

     * Returns this instance as Cloud Instance.
     * @return
    public EC2CloudInstance asCloudInstance(final NetworkNode parentNode) {

        return new EC2CloudInstance(this.instanceID, this.type, this.getInstanceConnectionInfo(), this.launchTime,
                this.leasePeriod, parentNode, parentNode.getNetworkTopology(), this.hardwareDescription,
                this.awsAccessKey, this.awsSecretKey);

     * This method checks if this floating instance has reached the end of its life cycle and, if so, terminates
     * itself.
    public boolean hasLifeCycleEnded() {

        final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final long msremaining = this.leasePeriod - ((currentTime - this.launchTime) % this.leasePeriod);

        if (msremaining < TIME_THRESHOLD) {
            // Destroy this instance
            final AmazonEC2Client client = EC2ClientFactory.getEC2Client(this.awsAccessKey, this.awsSecretKey);
            final TerminateInstancesRequest tr = new TerminateInstancesRequest();
            final LinkedList<String> instanceIDlist = new LinkedList<String>();
            return true;

        return false;

     * Returns the hardware description of the floating instance.
     * @return the hardware description of the floating instance
    public HardwareDescription getHardwareDescription() {

        return this.hardwareDescription;