Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Net7 SRL, <> * * This file is part of Pundit: Annonation Server. * * Pundit: Annonation Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pundit: Annonation Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pundit: Annonation Server. If not, see <http ://>. * * See LICENSE.TXT or visit <> for the full text of the license. */ package eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.repository; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.JSONRDFConverter; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.MediaType; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.SemlibConstants; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.SesameRDFJSONConverter; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.managers.ConfigManager; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.managers.RepositoryManager; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.managers.UtilsManager; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.models.Annotation; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.models.Notebook; import eu.semlibproject.annotationserver.models.User; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.openrdf.model.*; import org.openrdf.model.impl.GraphImpl; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema; import org.openrdf.query.*; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult; import org.openrdf.repository.http.HTTPRepository; import org.openrdf.repository.http.HTTPTupleQuery; import org.openrdf.repository.sail.SailRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openrdf.sail.memory.MemoryStore; /** * Main singleton class that implement the connection to * a Sesame remote repository. * * @author Michele Nucci */ public class SesameRepository implements RDFRepository { // A Sesame HTTPRepository private HTTPRepository sesameHTTPRepository = null; // The Logger private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SesameRepository.class.getName()); /** * Default constructor */ public SesameRepository() { try { initRepository(); } catch (RepositoryInitializationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to intialize the main repository.", ex); throw new WebApplicationException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ private synchronized void initRepository() throws RepositoryInitializationException { // Get configuration from file ConfigManager configManager = ConfigManager.getInstance(); String repositoryURL = configManager.getRepositoryUrl(); String repositoryID = configManager.getRepositoryID(); boolean usingAuthentication = configManager.useAuthenticationForRepository(); // Creating the main HTTPRepository sesameHTTPRepository = new HTTPRepository(repositoryURL, repositoryID); // This string will be parsed only is sesame.useauthentication is YES (little optimization) String repositoryUsername = null; String repositoryPassword = null; if (usingAuthentication == true) { repositoryUsername = configManager.getUsername(); repositoryPassword = configManager.getPassword(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(repositoryUsername) || StringUtils.isBlank(repositoryPassword)) { throw new RepositoryInitializationException( "Username and/or password for main repository/db not specified. See the web.xml file."); } sesameHTTPRepository.setUsernameAndPassword(repositoryUsername, repositoryPassword); } try { // At this the repository configuration shoud be ok so, we will try to initialize it sesameHTTPRepository.initialize(); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Sesame Repository Initialized!"); // Check if the infos about anonymous user already exists. If not, add it to the repository. // The anonymous user is the default user for not logged users. if (!configManager.isAnonymousUserInitialized()) { User anonymousUser = User.createAnonymousUser(); boolean anonymousUserInitialized = this.initOrUpdateUserInfos(anonymousUser); configManager.setAnonymousUserInitialized(anonymousUserInitialized); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Sesame Initialization Exeption", ex); // In this case throw our generic repository exception throw new RepositoryInitializationException(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean publicNotebookExists() throws RepositoryException { RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { boolean result = false; connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); String query = "SELECT ?n WHERE { ?n <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK + "> . " + " ?n <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDFS_LABEL + "> \"" + SemlibConstants.NOTEBOOK_PUBLIC + "\" }"; HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); tupleQuery.setIncludeInferred(false); TupleQueryResult tuples = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (tuples.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value notebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("n"); String notebookID = notebookURI.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(notebookID)) { result = true; break; } } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean annotationExists(String annotationID) throws RepositoryException { String strAnnotationURI = Annotation.getURIFromID(annotationID); RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); boolean result = (connection.hasStatement(null, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES), factory.createURI(strAnnotationURI), true) && connection.hasStatement(factory.createURI(strAnnotationURI), RDF.TYPE, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION), true)); return result; } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean userExists(String userID) throws RepositoryException { String strUserIDURI = User.getURIFromID(userID); RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); boolean result = connection.hasStatement(factory.createURI(strUserIDURI), RDF.TYPE, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_PERSON), true, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_USERSGRAPH)); return result; } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } /** * Used only for test * * @param userID * @return */ public String getCurrentActiveNotebookID(String userID) { try { String notebookID = null; String query = "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK + "> }"; RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); tupleQuery.setIncludeInferred(false); TupleQueryResult notebooks = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (notebooks.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value notebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("s"); notebookID = notebookURI.toString(); break; } connection.close(); // Extract the notebookID int lastIndexOf = notebookID.lastIndexOf("/"); notebookID = notebookID.substring(lastIndexOf + 1, notebookID.length()); return notebookID; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getNotebookMetadata(String notebookID, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { boolean notebookPublic = false; try { notebookPublic = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getCurrentDataRepository() .isNotebookPublic(notebookID); } catch (RepositoryException re) { return null; } String notebookURI = Notebook.getURIFromID(notebookID); String query = "CONSTRUCT { <" + notebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OV_VISIBILITY + "> \"" + ((notebookPublic) ? SemlibConstants.PUBLIC : SemlibConstants.PRIVATE) + "\" . <" + notebookURI + "> ?p ?o . <" + notebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName } WHERE { <" + notebookURI + "> ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {<" + notebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName }}"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, true, true); } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getNotebookAnnotationListAndMetadata(Notebook notebook, int limit, int offset, String orderBy, boolean desc, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { String qOrderBy = getPropertyForOrdering(orderBy); // Check ordering ASC (default), DESC String orderMode; if (desc) { orderMode = "ORDER BY DESC(?c) "; } else { orderMode = "ORDER BY ?c "; } if (limit == -1 && offset == -1) { // queries without limit and offset are faster (only one queries to obtain all statements String annotationsQuery = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName} WHERE { <" + notebook.getURI() + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?s . ?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + qOrderBy + "> ?c . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName} } " + orderMode; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, annotationsQuery); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, true, true); } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } else { // query with limit and offset // 1. get all annotation URI ordered by ORDER BY with LIMIT and OFFSET // 2. for each annotation get all related metadata String annotationsQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT ?a WHERE { <" + notebook.getURI() + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?a; <" + qOrderBy + "> ?c } " + orderMode; if (limit > 0) { annotationsQuery += "LIMIT " + limit + " "; } if (offset > 0) { annotationsQuery += "OFFSET " + offset; } try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, annotationsQuery); TupleQueryResult tupleAnnotations = tupleQuery.evaluate(); int resultsCounter = 0; String metadataQuery = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName} WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName} . FILTER( "; while (tupleAnnotations.hasNext()) { resultsCounter++; BindingSet bindingSet =; Value annotationURI = bindingSet.getValue("a"); metadataQuery += "?s = <" + annotationURI + "> || "; } if (resultsCounter > 0) { if (metadataQuery.endsWith("|| ")) { metadataQuery = metadataQuery.substring(0, metadataQuery.length() - 3); } metadataQuery += ") }"; GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, metadataQuery); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, false, true); } else { return null; } } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String searchMetadataWithParameters(String jsonParams, int limit, int offset, String orderBy, boolean desc, String acceptedFormat, List<String> notebookIDList) throws RepositoryException { // TODO: at the moment this method implement only the step one described in #74 String finalResults = ""; String qOrderBy = getPropertyForOrdering(orderBy); // Check ordering ASC (default), DESC String orderMode = null; if (desc) { orderMode = "ORDER BY DESC(?c) "; } else { orderMode = "ORDER BY ?c "; } try { JSONObject jsonParameters = new JSONObject(jsonParams); // Process "resources" ========= if (jsonParameters.has(SemlibConstants.JSON_RESOURCES)) { JSONArray jResources = jsonParameters.getJSONArray(SemlibConstants.JSON_RESOURCES); if (jResources.length() > 0) { RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { // This is necessary to restrict the query for a list of notebook ID ====== String restrictionToNotebooks = null; if (notebookIDList != null) { int notebooksItem = notebookIDList.size(); Iterator<String> nIterator = notebookIDList.iterator(); if (notebooksItem > 1) { restrictionToNotebooks = "{ "; } else if (notebooksItem > 0) { restrictionToNotebooks = ""; } while (nIterator.hasNext()) { String cNotebook = Notebook.getURIFromID(; restrictionToNotebooks += "{ <" + cNotebook + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?s } "; if (nIterator.hasNext()) { restrictionToNotebooks += "UNION "; } } if (notebooksItem > 1) { restrictionToNotebooks += "}"; } } // ======================================================================= boolean firstResltSetAdded = false; connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < jResources.length(); i++) { String cUrl = jResources.get(i).toString(); String query = null; if (restrictionToNotebooks != null) { query = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName } WHERE { " + "{ ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASTARGET + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . " + restrictionToNotebooks + " . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "UNION " + "{ ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_HASPAGECONTEXT + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . " + restrictionToNotebooks + " . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "UNION " + "{?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASTARGET + "> ?x . ?x <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_ISPARTOF + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . " + restrictionToNotebooks + " . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "} "; } else { query = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName } WHERE { " + "{ ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASTARGET + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "UNION " + "{ ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_HASPAGECONTEXT + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "UNION " + "{?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASTARGET + "> ?x . ?x <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_ISPARTOF + "> <" + cUrl + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } " + "} "; } try { GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); // TODO: for the first step #74 it is ok. Modify this to support limit and offset (refactor method createStringFromRDFWithFormat) try { String tempTriples = createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, false, false); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tempTriples)) { if (i == 0 || !firstResltSetAdded) { firstResltSetAdded = true; // Necessary to avoid to create invalid rdf+xml and multiple closing tags if (acceptedFormat.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_RDFXML)) { tempTriples = tempTriples.replaceAll("<\\/rdf:RDF>", ""); } finalResults += tempTriples; } else { if (acceptedFormat.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_RDFXML)) { tempTriples = Pattern .compile("<\\?xml.*\\?>\n?+\r?+<rdf:RDF[^<>]+>", Pattern.DOTALL) .matcher(tempTriples).replaceAll(""); finalResults += "\n" + tempTriples; } else { finalResults += ",\n" + tempTriples; } } } } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); continue; } // ================================================ } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.close(); return null; } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.close(); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.close(); return null; } } connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } } catch (JSONException ex) { // JSON parameters not correct -> return null (BAD REQUEST) logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } // Wrap all JSON result in a block "{ }" but only if finalResults cointains values if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(finalResults)) { if (acceptedFormat.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_RDFXML)) { finalResults += "</rdf:RDF>"; } else if (acceptedFormat.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) { finalResults = "{\n" + finalResults + "}"; } } return finalResults; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getAllAnnotationItems(String annotationID, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { String query = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE { <" + Annotation.getURIFromID(annotationID) + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS + "> ?g . GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, false, true); } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String searchAnnotationItems(String annotationID, String queryParam, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { try { JSONObject jsonParameters = new JSONObject(queryParam); JSONArray jsonResources = jsonParameters.getJSONArray(SemlibConstants.JSON_RESOURCES); if (jsonResources != null && jsonResources.length() <= 0) { // No searching parameter has been specified return null; } else { String dynQueryParam = ""; for (int i = 0; i < jsonResources.length(); i++) { String cResource = jsonResources.getString(i); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cResource)) { dynQueryParam += "<" + cResource + "> ?p" + i + " ?o" + i + " ."; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(dynQueryParam)) { return null; } String query = "CONSTRUCT { " + dynQueryParam + " } WHERE { <" + Annotation.getURIFromID(annotationID) + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS + "> ?g . GRAPH ?g { " + dynQueryParam + "} }"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormat, false, false, true); } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { // JSON parameters not correct -> return null (BAD REQUEST) logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status updateNotebookMetadata(Notebook notebook) { boolean notebookExists = false; try { notebookExists = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getCurrentDataRepository() .notebookExists(notebook.getID()); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } if (notebookExists) { GraphImpl graph = new GraphImpl(); ValueFactory factory = graph.getValueFactory(); try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { Resource rscNotebookURI = factory.createURI(notebook.getURI()); Resource rscDefaultGraph = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); Resource rscModifiedDate = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_MODIFIED); connection.setAutoCommit(false); connection.remove(rscNotebookURI, RDFS.LABEL, null, rscDefaultGraph); if (connection.hasStatement(rscNotebookURI, (URI) rscModifiedDate, null, false, rscDefaultGraph)) { connection.remove(rscNotebookURI, (URI) rscModifiedDate, null, rscDefaultGraph); } connection.add(rscNotebookURI, (URI) RDFS.LABEL, factory.createLiteral(notebook.getName()), rscDefaultGraph); connection.add(rscNotebookURI, (URI) rscModifiedDate, factory.createLiteral(notebook.getModifiedDate(), XMLSchema.DATETIME), rscDefaultGraph); connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } else { return Status.NOT_FOUND; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status writeNotebook(Notebook notebook) { GraphImpl newGraph = new GraphImpl(); ValueFactory factory = newGraph.getValueFactory(); Resource notebookURI = factory.createURI(notebook.getURI()); Resource defaultGraph = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); newGraph.add(notebookURI, RDF.TYPE, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(notebookURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ID), factory.createLiteral(notebook.getID()), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(notebookURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED), factory.createLiteral(notebook.getCreationDate(), XMLSchema.DATETIME), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(notebookURI, RDFS.LABEL, factory.createLiteral(notebook.getName()), defaultGraph); User notebookOwner = notebook.getOwner(); if (notebookOwner != null) { newGraph.add(notebookURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR), factory.createURI(notebookOwner.getUserIDasURI()), defaultGraph); } try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { connection.add(newGraph); return Status.OK; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage().toString(), e); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage().toString(), ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status writeAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { GraphImpl newGraph = new GraphImpl(); ValueFactory factory = newGraph.getValueFactory(); Resource annotationURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getURI()); Resource graphURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getGraph()); Resource notebookURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getNotebookURI()); Resource defaultGraph = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); // Write annotation creator infos String annotationAuthor = annotation.getAuthor(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotationAuthor)) { newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR), factory.createURI(annotationAuthor), defaultGraph); } newGraph.add(annotationURI, RDF.TYPE, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ID), factory.createLiteral(annotation.getID()), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED), factory.createLiteral(annotation.getCreationDate(), XMLSchema.DATETIME), defaultGraph); newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_IS_INCLUDED_IN), notebookURI, defaultGraph); String additionalMetadata = annotation.getAdditionalContext(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(additionalMetadata)) { try { JSONObject newJSONMetadata = new JSONObject(additionalMetadata); if (newJSONMetadata.has(SemlibConstants.JSON_TARGETS)) { JSONArray targetsAsJSON = newJSONMetadata.getJSONArray(SemlibConstants.JSON_TARGETS); if (targetsAsJSON != null) { for (int i = 0; i < targetsAsJSON.length(); i++) { String currentTarget = targetsAsJSON.getString(i); if (currentTarget != null) { newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASTARGET), factory.createURI(currentTarget), defaultGraph); } } } } if (newJSONMetadata.has(SemlibConstants.JSON_PAGE_CONTEXT)) { String pageContext = newJSONMetadata.getString(SemlibConstants.JSON_PAGE_CONTEXT); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pageContext)) { newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_HASPAGECONTEXT), factory.createURI(pageContext), defaultGraph); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Additional Data Context invalid!"); return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } } newGraph.add(annotationURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASBODY), graphURI, defaultGraph); newGraph.add(notebookURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES), annotationURI, defaultGraph); try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); Status result = null; Annotation.AnnotationModelVersion annotationModelVersion = annotation.getAnnotationModelVersion(); if (annotationModelVersion == Annotation.AnnotationModelVersion.ANNOTATION_MODEL_VERSION_1) { result = writeAnnotationInGraph(annotation.getGraph(), annotation, Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_TRIPLES, connection); } else if (annotationModelVersion == Annotation.AnnotationModelVersion.ANNOTATION_MODEL_VERSION_2) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotation.getAnnotationItemsAsString())) { URI rscItems = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS); Resource rscItemGraph = factory.createURI(annotation.getAnnotationItemGraph()); newGraph.add(annotationURI, rscItems, rscItemGraph, defaultGraph); } result = writeAnnotationInGraph(annotation.getGraph(), annotation, Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_TRIPLES_ITEMS, connection); } else { // Strange case...bad data result = Status.BAD_REQUEST; } if (result != Status.OK) { connection.rollback(); return result; } connection.add(newGraph); // Commit data connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage().toString(), ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage().toString(), ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status addNewTriplesToAnnotation(Annotation annotation, boolean clearExistingNamedGraph) { try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { String queryForNotebook = "SELECT DISTINCT ?notebook WHERE { ?notebook " + "<" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> <" + annotation.getURI() + "> }"; HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery; tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForNotebook); TupleQueryResult data = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (data.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; String tNotebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("notebook").toString(); if (tNotebookURI != null && tNotebookURI.length() > 0) { annotation.setNotebook(tNotebookURI); break; } } if (annotation.getNotebookURI() == null) { // The specified annotation does not exists return Status.NOT_FOUND; } // at this point everything should be ok so add triples to the specific annotation // and update it adding the metada modified connection.setAutoCommit(false); ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); if (clearExistingNamedGraph) { Resource rscGraph = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); if (connection.hasStatement(factory.createURI(annotation.getURI()), factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASBODY), factory.createURI(annotation.getGraph()), false, rscGraph)) { connection.clear(factory.createURI(annotation.getGraph())); } } Status result = writeAnnotationInGraph(annotation.getGraph(), annotation, Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_TRIPLES, connection); if (result != Status.OK) { connection.rollback(); return result; } Resource rscAnnotationURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getURI()); Resource rscModifiedURI = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_MODIFIED); Resource rscDefgraphURI = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); if (connection.hasStatement(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, null, false, rscDefgraphURI)) { connection.remove(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, null, rscDefgraphURI); } connection.add(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, factory.createLiteral(annotation.getModifiedDate(), XMLSchema.DATETIME), rscDefgraphURI); connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (RDFParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status addItemsToAnnotation(Annotation annotation, boolean clearExistingNamedGraph) { try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { boolean annotationExists = this.annotationExists(annotation.getID()); if (!annotationExists) { return Status.NOT_FOUND; } ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); URI rscItems = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS); Resource rscDefGraph = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_DEFGRAPH); Resource rscItemGraph = factory.createURI(annotation.getAnnotationItemGraph()); if (clearExistingNamedGraph) { if (connection.hasStatement(factory.createURI(annotation.getURI()), rscItems, rscItemGraph, false, rscDefGraph)) { connection.clear(rscItemGraph); } } // at this point everything should be ok so add triples to the specific annotation // and update it adding the metada modified connection.setAutoCommit(false); Status result = writeAnnotationInGraph(annotation.getAnnotationItemGraph(), annotation, Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_ITEMS, connection); if (result != Status.OK) { connection.rollback(); return result; } Resource rscAnnotationURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getURI()); Resource rscModifiedURI = factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_DC_MODIFIED); if (!connection.hasStatement(rscAnnotationURI, rscItems, rscItemGraph, false, rscDefGraph)) { connection.add(rscAnnotationURI, rscItems, rscItemGraph, rscDefGraph); } if (connection.hasStatement(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, null, false, rscDefGraph)) { connection.remove(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, null, rscDefGraph); } connection.add(rscAnnotationURI, (URI) rscModifiedURI, factory.createLiteral(annotation.getModifiedDate(), XMLSchema.DATETIME), rscDefGraph); connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (RDFParseException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } catch (RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); if (connection != null) { connection.rollback(); } return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public List<String> getAnnotationsIDsInNotebook(String notebookId, int limit, int offset, boolean desc) throws RepositoryException { String orderingMode; if (desc) { orderingMode = "ORDER BY DESC(?c) "; } else { orderingMode = "ORDER BY ?c "; } String notebookURI = Notebook.getURIFromID(notebookId); String query = "SELECT ?s WHERE {" + "<" + notebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK + "> . " + "<" + notebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?s . " + "?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . " + "?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED + "> ?c } " + orderingMode; if (limit != -1) { query += "LIMIT " + limit + " "; } if (offset != -1) { query += "OFFSET " + offset + " "; } List<String> annotationIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); TupleQueryResult tuples = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (tuples.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value annotationURI = bindingSet.getValue("s"); if (annotationURI == null) { continue; } String strAnnotationURI = annotationURI.stringValue(); int indexSlash = strAnnotationURI.lastIndexOf("/"); if (indexSlash != -1) { String annID = strAnnotationURI.substring(indexSlash + 1); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(annID)) { annotationIDs.add(annID); } } } return annotationIDs; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(ex.toString()); } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(ex.toString()); } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(ex.toString()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getAnnotationMetadata(String annotationID, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { if (annotationID != null && acceptedFormat != null) { String strAnnotationURI = Annotation.getURIFromID(annotationID); String queryForMetadata = "CONSTRUCT { <" + strAnnotationURI + "> ?p ?o . <" + strAnnotationURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DCELEMENT_CREATOR + "> ?authorName } " + "WHERE { { <" + strAnnotationURI + "> ?p ?o . OPTIONAL {<" + strAnnotationURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?author . ?author <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?authorName } } . }"; return getAnnotationData(acceptedFormat, queryForMetadata); } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getAnnotationTriples(String annotationID, String acceptedFormat) throws RepositoryException { if (annotationID != null && acceptedFormat != null) { String queryForTriples = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} FROM <" + Annotation.getGraphURIFromID(annotationID) + "> WHERE {?s ?p ?o}"; return getAnnotationData(acceptedFormat, queryForTriples); } return null; } /** * Get data about annotation given a SPARQL query * * @param acceptedFormat the output format * @param query the SPARQL query used to extract the annotation data * @return a string cointaining the annotation data formatted with the specified format * * @throws RepositoryException */ private String getAnnotationData(String acceptedFormat, String query) throws RepositoryException { try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery graphQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); return createStringFromRDFWithFormat(graphQuery, acceptedFormat, false, false, true); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException("Unable to connect to the triplestore!"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getAllTriplesAnnotations(String notebookID, String acceptedFormats) { String strNotebookURI = Notebook.getURIFromID(notebookID); // We need two quries: // 1) to extract all namegraph in the specified notebook to which the current user has the read or read/write access // 2) to extract all triples from the previous extracted named graph String querygraph = "SELECT DISTINCT ?graph WHERE { <" + strNotebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?annotation . ?annotation <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASBODY + "> ?graph }"; String queryTriples = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } %%FROM%% WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, querygraph); TupleQueryResult graphs = tupleQuery.evaluate(); String namedGraphsFound = ""; while (graphs.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value graphURI = bindingSet.getValue("graph"); if (graphURI != null) { namedGraphsFound += "FROM <" + graphURI.toString() + "> \r\n"; } } String finalResults = null; if (!namedGraphsFound.equals("")) { queryTriples = queryTriples.replaceAll("%%FROM%%", namedGraphsFound); // Perform the query to get all triples GraphQuery triplesQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryTriples); finalResults = createStringFromRDFWithFormat(triplesQuery, acceptedFormats, false, false, true); } // Close the connection and return the results connection.close(); return finalResults; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "GetAllTriplesAnnotation: RDFHandler Exception", ex); return null; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "GetAllTriplesAnnotation: Query Evaluation Eception", ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "GetAllTriplesAnnotation: Malformed query", ex); return null; } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "GetAllTriplesAnnotation: Repository Connection Exception", ex); return null; } } /** * Get the Sesame data format from a simple Content-Type String * * @param contentType the Content-Type String * @return a Sesame's RDFFormat object */ public RDFFormat getSesameDataFormatFromContetType(String contentType) { // Note: when checking the String for ContentType it is necessary // to use "contains" and not methods based on equals 'cos sometime // the clients add other data in ContentType (e.g. charset=). // In this case contains is the only safe method if (contentType.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_RDFXML)) { return RDFFormat.RDFXML; } else if (contentType.contains(MediaType.TEXT_TURTLE)) { return RDFFormat.TURTLE; } else if (contentType.contains(MediaType.TEXT_RDFN3)) { return RDFFormat.N3; } else { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status deleteAnnotation(String annotationID) { Value notebookURI = null; Value annGraphURI = null; Value annItemsGraphURI = null; String strAnnotationURI = OntologyHelper.SWN_NAMESPACE + annotationID; String queryForNotebookBodyAndGraph = "SELECT DISTINCT ?n ?g ?ig WHERE { ?n <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> <" + strAnnotationURI + "> . <" + strAnnotationURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASBODY + "> ?g . OPTIONAL { <" + strAnnotationURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS + "> ?ig } }"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); Resource rscAnnotationURI = factory.createURI(strAnnotationURI); HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForNotebookBodyAndGraph); TupleQueryResult graphs = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (graphs.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; notebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("n"); annGraphURI = bindingSet.getValue("g"); annItemsGraphURI = bindingSet.getValue("ig"); if (notebookURI != null && annGraphURI != null) { break; } } if (notebookURI == null || annGraphURI == null) { return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } // Init transaction connection.setAutoCommit(false); // Remove the annotation from the notebook connection.remove((Resource) notebookURI, factory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES), rscAnnotationURI); // Remove all annotation metadata connection.remove(rscAnnotationURI, null, null); // Remove all annotation triples connection.clear((Resource) annGraphURI); // Remove all annotation items if (annItemsGraphURI != null) { connection.clear((Resource) annItemsGraphURI); } // Commit transaction connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Status deleteNotebook(String notebookID) { String strNotebookURI = Notebook.getURIFromID(notebookID); String queryForAllAnnotationBodyAndGraph = "SELECT DISTINCT ?ann ?graph ?ig WHERE { <" + strNotebookURI + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_INCLUDES + "> ?ann . ?ann <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_HASBODY + "> ?graph . OPTIONAL { ?ann <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_ITEMS + "> ?ig } }"; // The notebook exists so...start deleting it try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory factory = connection.getValueFactory(); Resource rscNotebookURI = factory.createURI(strNotebookURI); // Start transaction connection.setAutoCommit(false); HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryForAllAnnotationBodyAndGraph); TupleQueryResult graphs = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (graphs.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value annotationID = bindingSet.getValue("ann"); Value graphID = bindingSet.getValue("graph"); Value itemsID = null; if (bindingSet.hasBinding("ig")) { itemsID = bindingSet.getValue("ig"); } if (annotationID == null || graphID == null) { continue; } // Remove all annotaton metadata connection.remove((Resource) annotationID, null, null); // Remove all annotation triples connection.clear((Resource) graphID); if (itemsID != null) { connection.clear(((Resource) itemsID)); } } // Delete the notebook connection.remove(rscNotebookURI, null, null); // Commit all deletion operation connection.commit(); return Status.OK; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); connection.rollback(); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } /** * Create a string cointainig RDF triples formatted using a specific format * and a specific prepared SPARQL query * * @param triplesQuery the prepared GraphQuery * @param format the output format * @return a string with RDF data formatted with the specified format * or <code>null</code> in case of error/problems * @throws QueryEvaluationException * @throws RDFHandlerException * @throws org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException */ private String createStringFromRDFWithFormat(GraphQuery triplesQuery, String format, boolean includesDuplicatedStatements, boolean orderedTriples, boolean wrapInBlockIfJSON) throws QueryEvaluationException, RDFHandlerException, org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException { GraphQueryResult results = triplesQuery.evaluate(); if (format.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) { String finalResult = null; String psubject = null; GraphImpl newGraph = new GraphImpl(); if (!orderedTriples) { while (results.hasNext()) { Statement currentStatement = (Statement); if (!includesDuplicatedStatements) { if (!newGraph.contains(currentStatement)) { newGraph.add(currentStatement); } } else { newGraph.add(currentStatement); } } if (!newGraph.isEmpty()) { finalResult = SesameRDFJSONConverter.getInstance().RDFGraphToJson(newGraph); if (!wrapInBlockIfJSON) { finalResult = finalResult.substring(1, finalResult.length() - 1); } } else { finalResult = ""; } } else { boolean firstResultAdded = false; while (results.hasNext()) { Statement currentStatement = (Statement); String currentSubject = currentStatement.getSubject().toString(); if (psubject == null) { psubject = currentSubject; } if (psubject.equalsIgnoreCase(currentSubject)) { if (!includesDuplicatedStatements) { if (!newGraph.contains(currentStatement)) { newGraph.add(currentStatement); } } else { newGraph.add(currentStatement); } if (!results.hasNext()) { if (!newGraph.isEmpty()) { if (finalResult == null) { if (wrapInBlockIfJSON) { finalResult = "{\n"; } else { finalResult = ""; } } String partialResult = SesameRDFJSONConverter.getInstance() .RDFGraphToJson(newGraph); partialResult = partialResult.substring(1, partialResult.length() - 1); finalResult += " " + partialResult; if (wrapInBlockIfJSON) { finalResult += "\n}"; } } } } else { String partialResult = SesameRDFJSONConverter.getInstance().RDFGraphToJson(newGraph); partialResult = partialResult.substring(1, partialResult.length() - 1); if (finalResult == null) { if (wrapInBlockIfJSON) { finalResult = "{\n"; } else { finalResult = ""; } } if (partialResult != null && partialResult.length() > 1) { finalResult += " " + partialResult; firstResultAdded = true; } if (results.hasNext() && firstResultAdded) { finalResult += ",\n"; } newGraph.clear(); psubject = currentSubject; newGraph.add(currentStatement); } } } // This is necessary to free any resources it keeps hold of results.close(); return finalResult; } else { // In order to output a correct RDF/XML or RDF/N3 format efficently // we use a temporary in Memory reporitory to manupulate the statements // returned by the query avoiding to include duplicate statements SailRepository tempRepository = new SailRepository(new MemoryStore()); tempRepository.initialize(); RepositoryConnection tempRepositoryConnection = tempRepository.getConnection(); // Add the query result to the tempRepository int counter = 0; for (; results.hasNext(); counter++) { Statement currentStatement =; if (!includesDuplicatedStatements) { if (!tempRepositoryConnection.hasStatement(currentStatement, true)) { tempRepositoryConnection.add(currentStatement); } } else { tempRepositoryConnection.add(currentStatement); } } if (counter > 0) { // export triples basing and the requested format RDFWriter rdfWriter = null; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); if (format.contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_RDFXML)) { rdfWriter = new RDFXMLPrettyWriter(stringWriter); } else if (format.contains(MediaType.TEXT_RDFN3)) { rdfWriter = new N3Writer(stringWriter); } tempRepositoryConnection.export(rdfWriter); // Close the connection and free all temporary resources tempRepositoryConnection.clear(); tempRepositoryConnection.close(); tempRepository.shutDown(); results.close(); return stringWriter.toString(); } else { results.close(); return null; } } } /** * Utility method used to write annotation triples into a specific context * * @param annotation the annotation to write * @param currentRepositoryConnection the current RepositoryConnection already setted and initialized * @return a Status (@see Status) * * @throws IOException * @throws RDFParseException * @throws org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException */ private Status writeAnnotationInGraph(String graphURI, Annotation annotation, Annotation.DataToWrite dataType, RepositoryConnection currentRepositoryConnection) throws IOException, RDFParseException, org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException { String annotationContent = null; String annotationItems = null; ValueFactory factory = currentRepositoryConnection.getValueFactory(); Resource rscGraphURI = factory.createURI(graphURI); String graphToWrite = null; String itemsToWrite = null; if (dataType == Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_TRIPLES_ITEMS) { graphToWrite = annotation.getAnnotationDataAsString(); itemsToWrite = annotation.getAnnotationItemsAsString(); } else if (dataType == Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_TRIPLES) { graphToWrite = annotation.getAnnotationDataAsString(); } else if (dataType == Annotation.DataToWrite.ANNOTATION_ITEMS) { graphToWrite = annotation.getAnnotationItemsAsString(); } else { // Strange case...bad data; return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } if (annotation.getContentType().contains(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) { annotationContent = JSONRDFConverter.getInstance().ConvertJSONToTurtle(graphToWrite); if (StringUtils.isBlank(annotationContent)) { return Status.BAD_REQUEST; } currentRepositoryConnection.add(new StringReader(annotationContent), OntologyHelper.SWN_NAMESPACE, RDFFormat.TURTLE, rscGraphURI); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(itemsToWrite)) { Resource rscItemsURI = factory.createURI(annotation.getAnnotationItemGraph()); annotationItems = JSONRDFConverter.getInstance().ConvertJSONToTurtle(itemsToWrite); currentRepositoryConnection.add(new StringReader(annotationItems), OntologyHelper.SWN_NAMESPACE, RDFFormat.TURTLE, rscItemsURI); } return Status.OK; } else { RDFFormat dataFormat = getSesameDataFormatFromContetType(annotation.getContentType()); if (dataFormat != null) { annotationContent = annotation.getAnnotationDataAsString(); currentRepositoryConnection.add(new StringReader(annotationContent), OntologyHelper.SWN_NAMESPACE, dataFormat, rscGraphURI); return Status.OK; } else { return Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } } /** * Check ang get the correct property for ordering * * @param orderBy the property to use for ordering triples * @return the correct property for orderBy */ private String getPropertyForOrdering(String orderBy) { // Default value for order by "created" String qOrderBy = OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderBy)) { // Check if the orderBy string is a valid property GraphImpl graph = new GraphImpl(); ValueFactory factory = graph.getValueFactory(); try { Resource propertyForOrdering = factory.createURI(orderBy); // if no exception is thrown we have a valid URI/property qOrderBy = orderBy; } catch (Exception e) { // The specified orderby property is not valid or is not a valid URI, so log this and use the default value logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, "The specified properties (" + orderBy + ") for ORDER BY is not a valid URI."); } } return qOrderBy; } // User management implementation methods ====== /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean initOrUpdateUserInfos(User user) { if (user == null) { return false; } try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); ValueFactory valueFactory = connection.getValueFactory(); Resource rscUserID = null; Resource usersNamedGraph = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_SWN_USERSGRAPH); try { String userID = user.getUserID(); if (userID != null) { rscUserID = valueFactory.createURI(user.getUserIDasURI()); Statement userIDStatement = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE), valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_PERSON)); if (!connection.hasStatement(userIDStatement, false, usersNamedGraph)) { connection.add(userIDStatement, usersNamedGraph); } String strOpenID = user.getOpenIDIdentifierAsString(); if (strOpenID != null) { URI rscOpenID = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_OPENID); URI rscObjOpenIDValue = valueFactory.createURI(strOpenID); Statement openIDStatement = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscOpenID, rscObjOpenIDValue); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, openIDStatement, usersNamedGraph); } } String firstName = user.getFirstName(); if (firstName != null) { URI rscFamilyName = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_GIVENNAME); Literal ltrFamilyName = valueFactory.createLiteral(firstName); Statement stmForWriting = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscFamilyName, ltrFamilyName); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, stmForWriting, usersNamedGraph); } String lastName = user.getLastName(); if (lastName != null) { URI rscGivenName = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_FAMILYNAME); Literal ltrGivenName = valueFactory.createLiteral(lastName); Statement stmForWriting = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscGivenName, ltrGivenName); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, stmForWriting, usersNamedGraph); } String fullName = user.getFullName(); if (fullName != null) { URI rscFullName = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME); Literal ltrFullName = valueFactory.createLiteral(fullName); Statement stmForWriting = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscFullName, ltrFullName); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, stmForWriting, usersNamedGraph); } String mailBox = user.getEmail(); if (mailBox != null) { if (!mailBox.startsWith("mailto:")) { mailBox = "mailto:" + mailBox; } URI rscMailBox = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_MBOX); URI rscMailValue = valueFactory.createURI(mailBox); Statement stmForWriting = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscMailBox, rscMailValue); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, stmForWriting, usersNamedGraph); String sha1Mbox = UtilsManager.getInstance().SHA1(mailBox); URI rscSHA1Mbox = valueFactory.createURI(OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_SHA1SUM); Literal ltrSHA1Mbox = valueFactory.createLiteral(sha1Mbox); Statement stmForWritingMboxSha1 = valueFactory.createStatement(rscUserID, rscSHA1Mbox, ltrSHA1Mbox); this.checkAndWriteUserStatement(connection, stmForWritingMboxSha1, usersNamedGraph); } return true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); return false; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getUserData(String userID, String acceptedFormats) { String userIDURI = User.getURIFromID(userID); if (UtilsManager.getInstance().isValidURI(userIDURI)) { String query = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o} WHERE {?s ?p ?o . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_PERSON + "> . filter (?s = <" + userIDURI + ">)}"; try { RepositoryConnection connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); try { GraphQuery graphQuery = connection.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); graphQuery.setIncludeInferred(false); String finalResults = createStringFromRDFWithFormat(graphQuery, acceptedFormats, false, false, true); connection.close(); return finalResults; } catch (QueryEvaluationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (RDFHandlerException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (MalformedQueryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } finally { connection.close(); } } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getSPARQLEndPointUrl() { ConfigManager configManager = ConfigManager.getInstance(); return configManager.getRepositoryUrl() + "repositories/" + configManager.getRepositoryID(); } private void checkAndWriteUserStatement(RepositoryConnection connection, Statement stmForWriting, Resource usersNamedGraph) throws org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException { // Check if there is already a first name defined for this user RepositoryResult<Statement> results = connection.getStatements(stmForWriting.getSubject(), stmForWriting.getPredicate(), null, true, usersNamedGraph); List<Statement> cResults = results.asList(); boolean writeStatement = false; if (cResults.size() > 1) { // we have more value for the same person...delete all and update writeStatement = true; connection.remove(stmForWriting.getSubject(), stmForWriting.getPredicate(), null, usersNamedGraph); } else if (cResults.size() == 1) { // check if the value is the same Statement stmValue = cResults.get(0); String storedValue = stmValue.getObject().stringValue(); if (!stmForWriting.getObject().stringValue().equals(storedValue)) { writeStatement = true; connection.remove(stmForWriting.getSubject(), stmForWriting.getPredicate(), null, usersNamedGraph); } } else { writeStatement = true; } if (writeStatement) { connection.add(stmForWriting, usersNamedGraph); } } // Administrations Methods ============= public List<String> getIDsOfNotebooksWithName(String name, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { return this.getIDsOfNotebooksSearchingWithData(false, name, desc, limit, offset); } public List<String> getIDsOfNotebooksWithOwnerName(String name, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { return this.getIDsOfNotebooksSearchingWithData(true, name, desc, limit, offset); } public List<String> getIDsOfAnnotationsWithID(String id, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { return this.getIDsOfAnnotationsSearchingWithData(false, id, desc, limit, offset); } public List<String> getIDsofAnnotationsWithOwnerName(String name, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { return this.getIDsOfAnnotationsSearchingWithData(true, name, desc, limit, offset); } private List<String> getIDsOfNotebooksSearchingWithData(boolean byowner, String name, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); String orderMode; if (desc) { orderMode = "ORDER BY DESC(?date) "; } else { orderMode = "ORDER BY ?date "; } RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); String query; if (byowner) { query = "SELECT ?s where { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?n . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED + "> ?date . ?n <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?name} filter regex(?name, \"" + name + "\", \"i\") } " + orderMode; } else { query = "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_SEMLIB_NOTEBOOK + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDFS_LABEL + "> ?n . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED + "> ?date} filter regex(?n, \"" + name + "\", \"i\") } " + orderMode; } if (limit != -1 && offset != -1) { query += "LIMIT " + limit + " OFFSET " + offset; } HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); tupleQuery.setIncludeInferred(false); TupleQueryResult tuples = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (tuples.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value notebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("s"); String notebookID = notebookURI.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(notebookID)) { String id = notebookID.substring(notebookID.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); ids.add(id); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } return ids; } private List<String> getIDsOfAnnotationsSearchingWithData(boolean byowner, String name, boolean desc, int limit, int offset) throws RepositoryException { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); String orderMode; if (desc) { orderMode = "ORDER BY DESC(?date) "; } else { orderMode = "ORDER BY ?date "; } RepositoryConnection connection = null; try { connection = sesameHTTPRepository.getConnection(); String query; if (byowner) { query = "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> ?n . OPTIONAL {?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED + "> ?date . ?n <" + OntologyHelper.URI_FOAF_NAME + "> ?name} FILTER regex(?name, \"" + name + "\", \"i\") } " + orderMode; } else { query = "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_RDF_TYPE + "> <" + OntologyHelper.URI_OAC_ANNOTATION + "> . ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATOR + "> <" + User.getURIFromID(name) + "> . OPTIONAL { ?s <" + OntologyHelper.URI_DC_CREATED + "> ?date } } " + orderMode; } if (limit != -1 && offset != -1) { query += "LIMIT " + limit + " OFFSET " + offset; } HTTPTupleQuery tupleQuery = (HTTPTupleQuery) connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query); tupleQuery.setIncludeInferred(false); TupleQueryResult tuples = tupleQuery.evaluate(); while (tuples.hasNext()) { BindingSet bindingSet =; Value notebookURI = bindingSet.getValue("s"); String notebookID = notebookURI.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(notebookID)) { String id = notebookID.substring(notebookID.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); ids.add(id); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } finally { try { connection.close(); } catch (org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RepositoryException(); } } return ids; } }