Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2008 DFKI GmbH. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms -- see license.txt. */ package eu.semaine.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.Templates; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.DOMConfiguration; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.DocumentTraversal; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeFilter; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import eu.semaine.datatypes.xml.EMMA; import eu.semaine.datatypes.xml.EmotionML; import eu.semaine.datatypes.xml.SemaineML; import eu.semaine.exceptions.MessageFormatException; import eu.semaine.exceptions.SystemConfigurationException; /** * Utility methods for working wth XML documents. * @author marc * */ public class XMLTool { private static DOMImplementation dom = null; private static DocumentBuilder docBuilder = null; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLTool.class); // Static constructor: static { try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setExpandEntityReferences(true); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); dom = docBuilder.getDOMImplementation(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { log.error("Cannot start up XML parser", e); } } public static synchronized Document string2Document(String stringRepresentationOfDocument) throws SAXException, IOException { return docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(stringRepresentationOfDocument))); } public static synchronized Document parse(File file) throws SAXException, IOException { return docBuilder.parse(file); } public static synchronized Document parse(InputStream in) throws SAXException, IOException { return docBuilder.parse(in); } /** * Create a new document with the given name and namespace for the root element. * @param rootTagname * @param namespace the namespace URI, e.g. <code></code>, * or null if no namespace is to be associated with the new element. * @return */ public static Document newDocument(String rootTagname, String namespace) { return dom.createDocument(namespace, rootTagname, null); } /** * Create a new document with the given name and namespace for the root element, * and set the 'version' attribute of the root element to the given value. * @param rootTagname * @param namespace the namespace URI, e.g. <code></code>, * or null if no namespace is to be associated with the new element. * @param version a value to add to the 'version' attribute of the root element * @return */ public static Document newDocument(String rootTagname, String namespace, String version) { Document doc = newDocument(rootTagname, namespace); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); root.setAttribute("version", version); return doc; } /** * In the given document, create a new element of the given name, * with the same namespace as the document element. * @param doc a document * @param elementName the name of the new element * @return an element which is not yet included in the tree hierarchy of the document. * @throws NullPointerException if doc or elementName is null. */ public static Element createElement(Document doc, String elementName) { if (doc == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null document"); return createElement(doc, elementName, doc.getDocumentElement().getNamespaceURI()); } /** * In the given document, create a new element with the given name and * the given namespace. * @param doc * @param elementName * @param namespace the namespace URI, e.g. <code></code>, * or null if no namespace is to be associated with the new element. * @return an element which is not yet included in the tree hierarchy of the document. * @throws NullPointerException if doc or elementName is null. */ public static Element createElement(Document doc, String elementName, String namespace) { if (doc == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null document"); if (elementName == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null elementName"); return doc.createElementNS(namespace, elementName); } /** * Create a child element with the given name and append it below node. * The new element will have the same namespace as node. * If node has a namespace prefix, the new element will also use that namespace prefix. * @param node * @param childName * @return the child element */ public static Element appendChildElement(Node node, String childName) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null node"); if (childName == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null childName"); Element child = (Element) node .appendChild(createElement(node.getOwnerDocument(), childName, node.getNamespaceURI())); String parentPrefix = node.getPrefix(); if (parentPrefix != null) { child.setPrefix(parentPrefix); } return child; } /** * Create a child element with the given name and namespace, and append it below node. * @param node * @param childName * @param childNamespace the namespace of the child, or null if no namespace is desired. * @return the child element */ public static Element appendChildElement(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) { if (node == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null node"); if (childName == null) throw new NullPointerException("Received null childName"); return (Element) node.appendChild(createElement(node.getOwnerDocument(), childName, childNamespace)); } /** * Get the direct child of node that is an element with the given * tag name and namespace. * @param node * @param childName * @param childNamespace * @return the child element, or null if there is no such child. */ public static Element getChildElementByTagNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) { NodeList nl = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0, max = nl.getLength(); i < max; i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().equals(childName) && n.getNamespaceURI().equals(childNamespace)) { return (Element) n; } } return null; } /** * Get the direct child of node that is an element with the given * local name and namespace. * @param node * @param childName the child's local name, without a namespace prefix. * @param childNamespace * @return the child element, or null if there is no such child. */ public static Element getChildElementByLocalNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) { NodeList nl = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0, max = nl.getLength(); i < max; i++) { Node n = nl.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getLocalName().equals(childName) && n.getNamespaceURI().equals(childNamespace)) { return (Element) n; } } return null; } /** * Same as {@link #getChildElementByTagNameNS(Node, String, String)}, but * throw a MessageFormatException if there is no such child element. * @param node * @param childName * @param childNamespace * @return a non-null child element * @throws MessageFormatException if there is no such child, * i.e. when getChildElementByTagNameNS() would return null. */ public static Element needChildElementByTagNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) throws MessageFormatException { Element e = getChildElementByTagNameNS(node, childName, childNamespace); if (e == null) { String nodeNamespace = node.getNamespaceURI(); boolean sameNamespace = childNamespace != null && childNamespace.equals(nodeNamespace) || childNamespace == null && nodeNamespace == null; throw new MessageFormatException("Node '" + node.getNodeName() + "' in namespace '" + nodeNamespace + " needs to have a child '" + childName + "' in " + (sameNamespace ? "the same namespace" : "namespace '" + childNamespace + "'")); } return e; } /** * Same as {@link #getChildElementByLocalNameNS(Node, String, String)}, but * throw a MessageFormatException if there is no such child element. * @param node * @param childName * @param childNamespace * @return a non-null child element * @throws MessageFormatException if there is no such child, * i.e. when getChildElementByTagNameNS() would return null. */ public static Element needChildElementByLocalNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) throws MessageFormatException { Element e = getChildElementByLocalNameNS(node, childName, childNamespace); if (e == null) { String nodeNamespace = node.getNamespaceURI(); boolean sameNamespace = childNamespace != null && childNamespace.equals(nodeNamespace) || childNamespace == null && nodeNamespace == null; throw new MessageFormatException("Node '" + node.getNodeName() + "' in namespace '" + nodeNamespace + " needs to have a child '" + childName + "' in " + (sameNamespace ? "the same namespace" : "namespace '" + childNamespace + "'")); } return e; } /** * For the given element, return the value of the given attribute if it exists, * or complain with a MessageFormatException if it doesn't exist. * @param e the element whose attribute to return * @param attributeName the name of the attribute to look up. * @return the String value of the attribute if it exists * @throws MessageFormatException if the attribute doesn't exist. */ public static String needAttribute(Element e, String attributeName) throws MessageFormatException { if (!e.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { throw new MessageFormatException("Element '" + e.getTagName() + "' in namespace '" + e.getNamespaceURI() + "' needs an attribute '" + attributeName + "'"); } return e.getAttribute(attributeName); } /** * For the given element, return the value of the given attribute if it exists, * or null if it doesn't exist. Note that this is different from calling * e.getAttribute(), which will return the empty string both if the attribute * doesn't exist and if it exists and has the empty value. * @param e * @param attributeName * @return the String value of the attribute if it exists, or null */ public static String getAttributeIfAvailable(Element e, String attributeName) { if (!e.hasAttribute(attributeName)) { return null; } return e.getAttribute(attributeName); } /** * Get a list of all direct children with the given tag name and namespace. * Whereas getChildElementByTagNameNS() returns the single first child, * this method returns all the children that match. * @param node * @param childName * @param childNamespace * @return a list containing the children that match, or an empty list if none match. * @throws MessageFormatException */ public static List<Element> getChildrenByTagNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) { List<Element> list = new ArrayList<Element>(); Element e = getChildElementByTagNameNS(node, childName, childNamespace); if (e != null) { list.add(e); Node n = e; while ((n = n.getNextSibling()) != null) { if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && isSameNamespace(n.getNamespaceURI(), childNamespace) && n.getNodeName().equals(childName)) { list.add((Element) n); } } } return list; } /** * Get a list of all direct children with the given local name and namespace. * Whereas getChildElementByTagNameNS() returns the single first child, * this method returns all the children that match. * @param node * @param childName the child's local name * @param childNamespace * @return a list containing the children that match, or an empty list if none match. * @throws MessageFormatException */ public static List<Element> getChildrenByLocalNameNS(Node node, String childName, String childNamespace) { List<Element> list = new ArrayList<Element>(); Element e = getChildElementByLocalNameNS(node, childName, childNamespace); if (e != null) { list.add(e); Node n = e; while ((n = n.getNextSibling()) != null) { if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && isSameNamespace(n.getNamespaceURI(), childNamespace) && n.getLocalName().equals(childName)) { list.add((Element) n); } } } return list; } /** * Determine whether the two namespaces are the same. * @param namespaceA a string representing a namespace, or null * @param namespaceB a string representing a namespace, or null * @return true if both are null or both are the same string, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isSameNamespace(String namespaceA, String namespaceB) { if (namespaceA != null) return namespaceA.equals(namespaceB); else // namespaceA == null return namespaceB == null; } /** * Merge two XML files using XSLT * @param xmlFileContent1, first XML file content * @param xmlFileContent2, second XML file content * @param xmlStyleSheet, XSL style sheet as a inputstream * @param refCodeName, code name used in xsl sheet to refer xmlFile2 (example: semaine.mary.intonation ) * @return output of merged xml file * @throws Exception * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static String mergeTwoXMLFiles(String xmlFileContent1, final String xmlFileContent2, InputStream xmlStyleSheet, final String refCodeName) throws Exception, FileNotFoundException { Templates mergeXML2IntoStylesheet; TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); //StreamSource stylesheetStream = new StreamSource(new FileReader(xmlStyleSheet)); StreamSource stylesheetStream = new StreamSource(xmlStyleSheet); mergeXML2IntoStylesheet = tFactory.newTemplates(stylesheetStream); StreamSource xml1Source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlFileContent1)); StringWriter mergedWriter = new StringWriter(); StreamResult mergedResult = new StreamResult(mergedWriter); // Transformer is not guaranteed to be thread-safe -- therefore, we // need one per thread. Transformer mergingTransformer = mergeXML2IntoStylesheet.newTransformer(); mergingTransformer.setURIResolver(new URIResolver() { public Source resolve(String href, String base) { if (href == null) { return null; } else if (href.equals(refCodeName)) { return (new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlFileContent2))); } else { return null; } } }); mergingTransformer.transform(xml1Source, mergedResult); return mergedWriter.toString(); } /** * Merge two XML files using XSLT * @param xmlFileContent1, first XML file content * @param xmlFileContent2, second XML file content * @param mergingStylesheet, the XSLT style sheet merging xml2 into xml1. * @param refCodeName, code name used in xsl sheet to refer xmlFile2 (example: semaine.mary.intonation ) * @return output of merged xml file * @throws Exception * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static Document mergeTwoXMLFiles(Document xmlFileContent1, final Document xmlFileContent2, Templates mergingStylesheet, final String refCodeName) throws Exception, FileNotFoundException { DOMSource xml1Source = new DOMSource(xmlFileContent1); DOMResult mergedDR = new DOMResult(); // Transformer is not guaranteed to be thread-safe -- therefore, we // need one per thread. Transformer mergingTransformer = mergingStylesheet.newTransformer(); mergingTransformer.setURIResolver(new URIResolver() { public Source resolve(String href, String base) { if (href == null) { return null; } else if (href.equals(refCodeName)) { return (new DOMSource(xmlFileContent2)); } else { return null; } } }); mergingTransformer.transform(xml1Source, mergedDR); return (Document) mergedDR.getNode(); } /** * Document type to String format conversion * @param document * @return * @throws Exception * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static String document2String(Document document) throws SystemConfigurationException { LSSerializer serializer; DOMImplementationLS domImplLS; try { DOMImplementation implementation = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance() .getDOMImplementation("XML 3.0"); domImplLS = (DOMImplementationLS) implementation.getFeature("LS", "3.0"); serializer = domImplLS.createLSSerializer(); DOMConfiguration config = serializer.getDomConfig(); config.setParameter("format-pretty-print", Boolean.TRUE); //config.setParameter("canonical-form", Boolean.TRUE); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SystemConfigurationException("Problem instantiating XML serializer code", e); } LSOutput output = domImplLS.createLSOutput(); output.setEncoding("UTF-8"); StringWriter buf = new StringWriter(); output.setCharacterStream(buf); serializer.write(document, output); return buf.toString(); } /** * Create a node iterator for the current document, which will provide exactly * the elements below root in the given namespace whose local names are in localNames. * This is independent of any namespace prefixes. * @param doc * @param root * @param namespaceURI * @param localNames the array of local names to be accepted. * @return */ public static NodeIterator createNodeIterator(Document doc, Node root, final String namespaceURI, final String... localNames) { NodeIterator ni = ((DocumentTraversal) doc).createNodeIterator(root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, new NodeFilter() { @Override public short acceptNode(Node n) { if (!isSameNamespace(n.getNamespaceURI(), namespaceURI)) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; } for (String localName : localNames) { if (localName.equals(n.getLocalName())) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; } }, false); return ni; } /** * Create an XML document from the given XPath expression. * The given string is interpreted as a limited subset of XPath expressions and split into parts. * Each part except the last one is expected to follow precisely the following form: * <code>"/" ( prefix ":" ) ? localname ( "[" "@" attName "=" "'" attValue "'" "]" ) ?</code> * The last part must be either * <code> "/" "text()"</code> * or * </code> "/" "@" attributeName </code>. * @param xpathExpression an xpath expression from which the given document can be created. must not be null. * @param value the value to insert at the location identified by the xpath expression. if this is null, the empty string is added. * @param namespaceContext the namespace context to use for resolving namespace prefixes. * If this is null, the namespace context returned by {@link #getDefaultNamespaceContext()} will be used. * @param document if not null, the xpath expression + value pair will be added to the document. * If null, a new document will be created from the xpathExpression and value pair. * @return a document containing the given information * @throws NullPointerException if xpathExpression is null. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the xpath expression is not valid, or if the xpath expression is incompatible with the given document (e.g., different root node) */ public static Document xpath2doc(String xpathExpression, String value, NamespaceContext namespaceContext, Document document) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException { if (xpathExpression == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null argument"); } if (value == null) { value = ""; } if (namespaceContext == null) { namespaceContext = getDefaultNamespaceContext(); } String[][] parts = splitXPathIntoParts(xpathExpression); Element currentElt = null; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++) { String[] part = parts[i]; assert part != null; assert part.length == 4; String prefix = part[0]; String localName = part[1]; String attName = part[2]; String attValue = part[3]; String namespaceURI = prefix != null ? namespaceContext.getNamespaceURI(prefix) : null; if (prefix != null && namespaceURI.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown prefix: " + prefix); } // Now traverse to or create element defined by prefix, localName and namespaceURI if (currentElt == null) { // at top level if (document == null) { // create a new document try { document = XMLTool.newDocument(localName, namespaceURI); } catch (DOMException de) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create document for localname '" + localName + "' and namespaceURI '" + namespaceURI + "'", de); } currentElt = document.getDocumentElement(); currentElt.setPrefix(prefix); } else { currentElt = document.getDocumentElement(); if (!currentElt.getLocalName().equals(localName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Incompatible root node specification: expression requests '" + localName + "', but document already has '" + currentElt.getLocalName() + "'!"); } String currentNamespaceURI = currentElt.getNamespaceURI(); if (!(currentNamespaceURI == null && namespaceURI == null || currentNamespaceURI != null && currentNamespaceURI.equals(namespaceURI))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Incompatible root namespace specification: expression requests '" + namespaceURI + "', but document already has '" + currentNamespaceURI + "'!"); } } } else { // somewhere in the tree // First check if the requested child already exists List<Element> sameNameChildren = XMLTool.getChildrenByLocalNameNS(currentElt, localName, namespaceURI); boolean found = false; if (attName == null) { if (sameNameChildren.size() > 0) { currentElt = sameNameChildren.get(0); found = true; } } else { for (Element c : sameNameChildren) { if (c.hasAttribute(attName)) { if (attValue == null || attValue.equals(c.getAttribute(attName))) { currentElt = c; found = true; break; } } } } if (!found) { // need to create it currentElt = XMLTool.appendChildElement(currentElt, localName, namespaceURI); if (prefix != null) currentElt.setPrefix(prefix); if (attName != null) { currentElt.setAttribute(attName, attValue != null ? attValue : ""); } } } } if (currentElt == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No elements or no final part created from XPath expression '" + xpathExpression + "'"); } String[] lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1]; assert lastPart.length <= 1; if (lastPart.length == 0) { // text content of the given node currentElt.setTextContent(value); } else { String attName = lastPart[0]; currentElt.setAttribute(attName, value); } return document; } /** * The given string is interpreted as a limited subset of XPath expressions and split into parts. * Each part except the last one is expected to follow precisely the following form: * <code>"/" ( prefix ":" ) ? localname ( "[" "@" attName "=" "'" attValue "'" "]" ) ?</code> * The last part must be either * <code> "/" "text()"</code> * or * </code> "/" "@" attributeName </code>. * @param expr the string to be split as an xpath expression * @return an array of string arrays. All except the last entry in this array is guaranteed to have * four elements, with the meaning: * <ul> * <li>[0]: prefix (can be null)</li> * <li>[1]: localname (guaranteed not to be null)</li> * <li>[2]: attributeName (can be null)</li> * <li>[3]: attributeValue (is guaranteed to be null when attributeName is null; * when attributeName is non-null, and attributeValue is null, * then the attribute must be present but there are no constraints about its value)</li> * </ul> * The last element in the returned array has either length 1 or length 0. If it is of length 0, then the XPath expression ended in "text()", * i.e. the value to be referenced is the text content of the enclosing Element; if it is of length 1, the String * contained is guaranteed to be non-null and represents the name of the attribute to be referenced on the enclosing Element. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if expr does not match the expected format. */ public static String[][] splitXPathIntoParts(String expr) throws IllegalArgumentException { ArrayList<String[]> parts = new ArrayList<String[]>(); if (!expr.startsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("XPath expression does not start with a slash: " + expr); } int pos = 1; // Structure of each part except the last part: // "/" ( prefix ":" ) ? localname ( "[" "@" attName "=" "'" attValue "'" "]" ) ? // Avoid regular expression code so it is easier to port to C++. // Strategy: // find first of ":[/"; // - if ":", detach prefix, find first of "[/", and continue in next line: // - if "/", there is no attribute; // - if "[", require "@", find "=" followed by "'", then find next "'", require "]" and "/". while (true) { // We loop until we cannot match a '/' anymore, because last part is different String prefix = null; String localname = null; String attName = null; String attValue = null; int nextColonPos = expr.indexOf(':', pos); int nextSlashPos = expr.indexOf('/', pos); int nextOpenSqB = expr.indexOf('[', pos); if (nextSlashPos == -1) { break; // pos is start of last part } if (nextColonPos != -1 && nextColonPos < nextSlashPos) { prefix = expr.substring(pos, nextColonPos); pos = nextColonPos + 1; } // Attributes? if (nextOpenSqB != -1 && nextOpenSqB < nextSlashPos) { if (nextOpenSqB <= pos) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong square bracket location in XPath expression " + expr); } localname = expr.substring(pos, nextOpenSqB); if (expr.charAt(nextOpenSqB + 1) != '@') { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected '@' character after '[' in XPath expression " + expr); } int equalPos = expr.indexOf('=', nextOpenSqB); int nextCloseSqB = expr.indexOf(']', nextOpenSqB); if (equalPos != -1 && equalPos + 2 < nextCloseSqB) { // we have an attribute value attName = expr.substring(nextOpenSqB + 2, equalPos); if (expr.charAt(equalPos + 1) != '\'' || expr.charAt(nextCloseSqB - 1) != '\'') { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute value for attribute '" + attName + "' must be in single quotes, in XPath expression " + expr); } attValue = expr.substring(equalPos + 2, nextCloseSqB - 1); } else { // only attribute name, no value attName = expr.substring(nextOpenSqB + 2, nextCloseSqB); } nextSlashPos = nextCloseSqB + 1; if (nextSlashPos >= expr.length() || expr.charAt(nextSlashPos) != '/') { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XPath expression seems malformed: no slash after closed square bracket: " + expr); } } else { // no attribute localname = expr.substring(pos, nextSlashPos); // attName and attValue stay null } if (localname.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found empty localname in expression: " + expr); } parts.add(new String[] { prefix, localname, attName, attValue }); pos = nextSlashPos + 1; } // Last part: expect either 'text()' or '@attributeName' if (pos >= expr.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XPath expression is expected to contain as final part either 'text()' or '@attributeName': " + expr); } if (expr.charAt(pos) == '@') { String attName = expr.substring(pos + 1); parts.add(new String[] { attName }); } else if (expr.substring(pos).equals("text()")) { parts.add(new String[0]); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "XPath expression is expected to contain as final part either 'text()' or '@attributeName': " + expr); } return (String[][]) parts.toArray(new String[0][]); } /** * Create a namespace context from the given mapping bewteen prefixes and namespace uris. * @param prefixes2NamespaceURIs * @return a namespace context */ public static NamespaceContext createNamespaceContext(final Map<String, String> prefixes2NamespaceURIs) { return new NamespaceContext() { public String getNamespaceURI(String prefix) { if (prefix == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null prefix"); else if (prefixes2NamespaceURIs.containsKey(prefix)) return prefixes2NamespaceURIs.get(prefix); else if ("xml".equals(prefix)) return XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI; return XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI; } // This method isn't necessary for XPath processing. public String getPrefix(String uri) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // This method isn't necessary for XPath processing either. public Iterator<Object> getPrefixes(String uri) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } /** * Get a default namespace context. Its namespace definitions include at least the prefixes "semaine", "emma" and "emotion". * @return */ public static NamespaceContext getDefaultNamespaceContext() { Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(); m.put("semaine", SemaineML.namespaceURI); m.put("emma", EMMA.namespaceURI); m.put("emotion", EmotionML.namespaceURI); return createNamespaceContext(m); } }