Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015-2016 - CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package eu.project.ttc.models.index; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang; import eu.project.ttc.models.Document; import eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore; import eu.project.ttc.models.Term; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation; import eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord; import eu.project.ttc.models.Word; import eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.TermSelector; import eu.project.ttc.types.SourceDocumentInformation; import eu.project.ttc.types.TermOccAnnotation; import eu.project.ttc.types.WordAnnotation; import eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils; import eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils; /** * The in-memory implementation of a {@link TermIndex}. * * @author Damien Cram * */ public class MemoryTermIndex implements TermIndex { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MemoryTermIndex.class); private static final String MSG_NO_SUCH_PROVIDER = "No such value provider: %s"; public static final String MSG_NO_SUCH_TERM = "No such term in term index: %s"; private static final String MEASURE_WR = "wr"; private static final String MEASURE_WRLOG = "wrLog"; private static final String MEASURE_FREQUENCY = "frequency"; /** * The occurrence store */ private OccurrenceStore occurrenceStore; /* * The root index of terms. Variants must not be referenced at * this level of index. They me be indexed from their base-term * instead. */ private Map<Integer, Term> termsById = Maps.newHashMap(); private List<Term> rankedTerms = Lists.newArrayList(); private Map<String, Term> termsByGroupingKey = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<String, CustomTermIndex> customIndexes = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<String, TermMeasure> termMeasures = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<String, Word> wordIndex = Maps.newHashMap(); private Map<String, Document> documents = Maps.newHashMap(); private Set<TermClass> termClasses = Sets.newHashSet(); private String name; private Lang lang; private String corpusId; private int currentDocumentId = 0; private int currentId = 0; private int nbWordAnnotations = 0; private int nbSpottedTerms = 0; public MemoryTermIndex(String name, Lang lang, OccurrenceStore occurrenceStore) { this.lang = lang; = name; this.occurrenceStore = occurrenceStore; this.termMeasures.put(MEASURE_WR, new WRMeasure(this)); this.termMeasures.put(MEASURE_WRLOG, new WRLogMeasure(this)); this.termMeasures.put(MEASURE_FREQUENCY, new FrequencyMeasure(this)); } @Override public void addTerm(Term term) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!this.termsByGroupingKey.containsKey(term.getGroupingKey())); Preconditions.checkNotNull(term.getId()); Preconditions.checkArgument(!this.termsById.containsKey(term.getId())); this.termsByGroupingKey.put(term.getGroupingKey(), term); this.termsById.put(term.getId(), term); for (CustomTermIndex termIndex : this.customIndexes.values()) termIndex.indexTerm(this, term); for (TermWord tw : term.getWords()) privateAddWord(tw.getWord(), false); } @Override public void addWord(Word word) { privateAddWord(word, true); } private void privateAddWord(Word word, boolean failIfAlredyPresent) { if (failIfAlredyPresent) Preconditions.checkArgument(!this.wordIndex.containsKey(word.getLemma())); this.wordIndex.put(word.getLemma(), word); } @Override public Collection<Term> getTerms() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.termsByGroupingKey.values()); } @Override public Word getWord(String wordId) { return this.wordIndex.get(wordId); } public Word addWord(WordAnnotation anno) { String swKey = anno.getLemma(); Word word = this.wordIndex.get(swKey); if (word == null) { word = new Word(anno.getLemma(), anno.getStem()); this.wordIndex.put(swKey, word); } return word; } @Override public Term addTermOccurrence(TermOccAnnotation annotation, String fileUrl, boolean keepOccurrence) { this.nbSpottedTerms++; String termGroupingKey = TermSuiteUtils.getGroupingKey(annotation); Term term = this.termsByGroupingKey.get(termGroupingKey); if (term == null) { TermBuilder builder = TermBuilder.start(this); for (int i = 0; i < annotation.getWords().size(); i++) { WordAnnotation wa = annotation.getWords(i); Word w = this.addWord(wa); builder.addWord(w, annotation.getPattern(i)); } builder.setSpottingRule(annotation.getSpottingRuleName()); term = builder.createAndAddToIndex(); } term.addOccurrence(new TermOccurrence(term, annotation.getCoveredText(), this.getDocument(fileUrl), annotation.getBegin(), annotation.getEnd()), keepOccurrence); return term; } @Override public Iterator<Term> singleWordTermIterator() { return new SingleMultiWordIterator(true); } @Override public Iterator<Term> multiWordTermIterator() { return new SingleMultiWordIterator(false); } @Override public Iterator<Term> compoundWordTermIterator() { return new CompoundIterator(); }; private abstract class TermIterator extends AbstractIterator<Term> { protected Term t; protected Iterator<Term> it; private TermIterator() { super(); = MemoryTermIndex.this.termsByGroupingKey.values().iterator(); } } private class SingleMultiWordIterator extends TermIterator { /* * Single word it if false, multiword if true */ private boolean singleMultiWordToggle; private SingleMultiWordIterator(boolean singleMultiWordToogle) { super(); this.singleMultiWordToggle = singleMultiWordToogle; } @Override protected Term computeNext() { while (it.hasNext()) { if ((t = == this.singleMultiWordToggle) return t; } return endOfData(); } } private class CompoundIterator extends TermIterator { @Override protected Term computeNext() { while (it.hasNext()) { if ((t = && t.isCompound()) return t; } return endOfData(); } } @Override public int newId() { while (this.termsById.containsKey(currentId)) this.currentId++; return this.currentId; } // @Override // public TermBuilder newTerm(String termId) { // return new TermBuilder(this).setGroupingKey(termId); // } @Override public CustomTermIndex getCustomIndex(String indexName) { if (this.customIndexes.get(indexName) == null) { TermValueProvider valueProvider = TermValueProviders.get(indexName, this); createCustomIndex(indexName, valueProvider); } return this.customIndexes.get(indexName); } @Override public CustomTermIndex createCustomIndex(String indexName, TermValueProvider valueProvider) { // Preconditions.checkArgument( // !this.customIndexes.containsKey(indexName), // String.format("Custom term index %s already exists.", indexName)); Preconditions.checkArgument(valueProvider != null, MSG_NO_SUCH_PROVIDER, indexName); CustomTermIndexImpl customIndex = new CustomTermIndexImpl(valueProvider); this.customIndexes.put(indexName, customIndex); LOGGER.debug("Indexing {} terms to index {}", this.getTerms().size(), indexName); for (Term t : this.getTerms()) customIndex.indexTerm(this, t); return customIndex; } @Override public void dropCustomIndex(String indexName) { this.customIndexes.remove(indexName); } @Override public Collection<Word> getWords() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.wordIndex.values()); } @Override public Term getTermByGroupingKey(String groupingKey) { // Preconditions.checkArgument(this.termsByGroupingKey.containsKey(groupingKey),MSG_NO_SUCH_TERM, groupingKey); return this.termsByGroupingKey.get(groupingKey); } @Override public Term getTermById(int id) { return this.termsById.get(id); } @Override public void cleanOrphanWords() { Set<String> usedWordLemmas = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Term t : getTerms()) { for (TermWord tw : t.getWords()) usedWordLemmas.add(tw.getWord().getLemma()); } Iterator<Entry<String, Word>> it = wordIndex.entrySet().iterator(); Entry<String, Word> entry; while (it.hasNext()) { entry =; if (!usedWordLemmas.contains(entry.getValue().getLemma())) it.remove(); } } @Override public void removeTerm(Term t) { removeTermOnly(t); occurrenceStore.removeTerm(t); } private void removeTermOnly(Term t) { termsByGroupingKey.remove(t.getGroupingKey()); termsById.remove(t.getId()); // remove from custom indexes for (CustomTermIndex customIndex : customIndexes.values()) customIndex.removeTerm(this, t); // remove from variants Set<TermVariation> toRem = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TermVariation v : t.getVariations()) toRem.add(v); for (TermVariation v : toRem) t.removeTermVariation(v); // remove from variants toRem = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TermVariation v : t.getBases()) toRem.add(v); for (TermVariation v : toRem) v.getBase().removeTermVariation(v); /* * Removes from context vectors. * * We assumes that if this term has a context vector * then all others terms may have this term as co-term, * thus they must be checked from removal. * */ if (t.isContextVectorComputed()) { for (Term o : termsById.values()) { if (o.isContextVectorComputed()) o.getContextVector().removeCoTerm(t); } } } @Override public String getName() { return; } @Override public int hashCode() { return; } @Override public Document getDocument(String url) { Document document = documents.get(url); if (document == null) { document = new Document(currentDocumentId++, url); documents.put(url, document); } return document; } @Override public Collection<Document> getDocuments() { return this.documents.values(); } @Override public void createOccurrenceIndex() { for (Term t : this.getTerms()) { for (TermOccurrence o : t.getOccurrences()) { /* * Explicitely index all occurrences within each source document. The context * generation would not work without that step. * * FIXME Move these occurrence indexes inside the present AE (because the * indexes are never used anywhere else). */ o.getSourceDocument().indexTermOccurrence(o); } } } @Override public void clearOccurrenceIndex() { for (Document d : this.getDocuments()) d.clearOccurrenceIndex(); } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).addValue(name).add("terms", this.termsById.size()).toString(); } @Override public Lang getLang() { return this.lang; } @Override public String getCorpusId() { return corpusId; } @Override public void setCorpusId(String corpusId) { this.corpusId = corpusId; } @Override public Collection<TermClass> getTermClasses() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(termClasses); } @Override public void classifyTerms(Term classHead, Iterable<Term> classTerms) { Preconditions.checkArgument(Iterables.contains(classTerms, classHead), "head must be contained in class terms"); TermClass termClass = new TermClass(classHead, classTerms); this.termClasses.add(termClass); for (Term t2 : termClass) t2.setTermClass(termClass); } @Override public void setWordAnnotationsNum(int nbWordAnnotations) { this.nbWordAnnotations = nbWordAnnotations; } @Override public int getWordAnnotationsNum() { return this.nbWordAnnotations; } @Override public TermMeasure getWRMeasure() { return this.termMeasures.get(MEASURE_WR); } @Override public TermMeasure getWRLogMeasure() { return this.termMeasures.get(MEASURE_WRLOG); } @Override public TermMeasure getFrequencyMeasure() { return this.termMeasures.get(MEASURE_FREQUENCY); } @Override public Iterable<TermMeasure> getMeasures() { return this.termMeasures.values(); } @Override public int getSpottedTermsNum() { return nbSpottedTerms; } @Override public void setSpottedTermsNum(int spottedTermsNum) { this.nbSpottedTerms = spottedTermsNum; } @Override public OccurrenceStore getOccurrenceStore() { return this.occurrenceStore; } @Override public void deleteMany(TermSelector selector) { List<Term> rem = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Term t : termsById.values()) { if ( rem.add(t); } for (Term t : rem) removeTermOnly(t); occurrenceStore.deleteMany(selector); } @Override public void importCas(JCas cas, boolean keepOccurrence) { SourceDocumentInformation sdi = JCasUtils.getSourceDocumentAnnotation(cas).get(); FSIterator<Annotation> iterator = cas.getAnnotationIndex().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Annotation anno =; if (anno instanceof WordAnnotation) { this.nbWordAnnotations++; } else if (anno instanceof TermOccAnnotation) { addTermOccurrence((TermOccAnnotation) anno, sdi.getUri(), keepOccurrence); } } } }