Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015-2016 - CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *******************************************************************************/ package eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.apache.uima.UimaContext; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import; import; import; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty; import eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistoryResource; import eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance; import eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein; import eu.project.ttc.models.Component; import eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType; import eu.project.ttc.models.Term; import eu.project.ttc.models.Word; import eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder; import eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex; import eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes; import eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure; import eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex; import eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules; import eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource; import eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver; import eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet; import eu.project.ttc.resources.TermIndexResource; import eu.project.ttc.utils.IndexingKey; import eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils; /* * TODO Apply exceptions for derivational suffixes like -aire, -age, etc. */ public class CompostAE extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompostAE.class); public static final String TASK_NAME = "Morphosyntactic analysis (native and neoclassical)"; @ExternalResource(key = ObserverResource.OBSERVER, mandatory = true) protected ObserverResource observerResource; @ExternalResource(key = TermIndexResource.TERM_INDEX, mandatory = true) private TermIndexResource termIndexResource; public static final String LANGUAGE_DICO = "LanguageDico"; @ExternalResource(key = LANGUAGE_DICO, mandatory = true) private SimpleWordSet languageDico; public static final String INFLECTION_RULES = "InflectionRules"; @ExternalResource(key = INFLECTION_RULES, mandatory = true, description = "Inflection rules for the last segment") private CompostInflectionRules inflectionRules; public static final String TRANSFORMATION_RULES = "TransformationRules"; @ExternalResource(key = TRANSFORMATION_RULES, mandatory = true, description = "Inflection rules for all but last segments") private CompostInflectionRules transformationRules; public static final String NEOCLASSICAL_PREFIXES = "NeoClassicalPrefixes"; @ExternalResource(key = NEOCLASSICAL_PREFIXES, mandatory = true) private SimpleWordSet neoclassicalPrefixes; public static final String STOP_LIST = "StopList"; @ExternalResource(key = STOP_LIST, mandatory = true) private SimpleWordSet stopList; @ExternalResource(key = TermHistoryResource.TERM_HISTORY, mandatory = true) private TermHistoryResource historyResource; public static final String ALPHA = "Alpha"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = ALPHA, mandatory = true) private float alpha; public static final String BETA = "Beta"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = BETA, mandatory = true) private float beta; public static final String GAMMA = "Gamma"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = GAMMA, mandatory = true) private float gamma; public static final String DELTA = "Delta"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = DELTA, mandatory = true) private float delta; public static final String SCORE_THRESHOLD = "ScoreThreshold"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = SCORE_THRESHOLD, mandatory = true) private float scoreThreshold; public static final String SEGMENT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = "SegmentSimilarityThreshold"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = SEGMENT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "1") private float segmentSimilarityThreshold = 1f; public static final String MIN_COMPONENT_SIZE = "MinimumComponentSize"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = MIN_COMPONENT_SIZE, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "3") private int minComponentSize; public static final String MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS = "MaxNumberOfComponents"; @ConfigurationParameter(name = MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS, mandatory = false, defaultValue = "3") private int maxNumberOfComponents; private EditDistance distance = new Levenshtein(); private CompostIndex compostIndex; private static IndexingKey<String, String> similarityIndexingKey = TermSuiteUtils.KEY_THREE_FIRST_LETTERS; private CustomTermIndex swtLemmaIndex; private TermMeasure wrMeasure; private LoadingCache<String, SegmentScoreEntry> segmentScoreEntries = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(100000).recordStats().build(new CacheLoader<String, SegmentScoreEntry>() { public SegmentScoreEntry load(String key) { // no checked exception return computeSegmentScore(key); } }); private LoadingCache<String, String> segmentLemmaCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(100000) .recordStats().build(new CacheLoader<String, String>() { public String load(String segment) { // no checked exception return findSegmentLemma(segment); } }); public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException { super.initialize(context); if (segmentSimilarityThreshold != 1.0) LOGGER.warn( "segmentSimilarityThreshold is set to {}. Another value than 1 can make this AE very long to execute.", segmentSimilarityThreshold); }; @Override public void process(JCas aJCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { } @Override public void collectionProcessComplete() throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { SubTaskObserver observer = observerResource.getTaskObserver(TASK_NAME); observer.setTotalTaskWork(termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getWords().size());"Starting morphologyical compound detection for TermIndex {}", this.termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getName()); LOGGER.debug(this.toString()); wrMeasure = termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getWRMeasure(); swtLemmaIndex = termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getCustomIndex(TermIndexes.SINGLE_WORD_LEMMA); buildCompostIndex(); final MutableLong cnt = new MutableLong(0); Timer progressLoggerTimer = new Timer("Morphosyntactic splitter AE"); progressLoggerTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { int total = termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getWords().size();"Progress: {}% ({} on {})", String.format("%.2f", ((float) cnt.longValue() * 100) / total), cnt.longValue(), total); } }, 5000l, 5000l); int observingStep = 100; for (Term swt : termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getTerms()) { if (!swt.isSingleWord()) continue; cnt.increment(); if (cnt.longValue() % observingStep == 0) {; } /* * Do not do native morphology splitting * if a composition already exists. */ Word word = swt.getWords().get(0).getWord(); if (word.isCompound()) continue; Map<Segmentation, Double> scores = computeScores(word.getLemma()); if (scores.size() > 0) { List<Segmentation> segmentations = Lists.newArrayList(scores.keySet()); /* * compare segmentations in a deterministic way. */ segmentations.sort(new Comparator<Segmentation>() { @Override public int compare(Segmentation o1, Segmentation o2) { int comp =, scores.get(o1)); if (comp != 0) return comp; comp =, o2.getSegments().size()); if (comp != 0) return comp; for (int i = 0; i < o1.getSegments().size(); i++) { comp =, o1.getSegments().get(i).getEnd()); if (comp != 0) return comp; } return 0; } }); Segmentation bestSegmentation = segmentations.get(0); // build the word component from segmentation WordBuilder builder = new WordBuilder(word); for (Segment seg : bestSegmentation.getSegments()) { String lemma = segmentLemmaCache.getUnchecked(seg.getLemma()); builder.addComponent(seg.getBegin(), seg.getEnd(), lemma); if (seg.isNeoclassical()) builder.setCompoundType(CompoundType.NEOCLASSICAL); else builder.setCompoundType(CompoundType.NATIVE); } builder.create(); // log the word composition if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { List<String> componentStrings = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Component component : word.getComponents()) componentStrings.add(component.toString()); LOGGER.trace("{} [{}]", word.getLemma(), Joiner.on(' ').join(componentStrings)); } } } //finalize progressLoggerTimer.cancel(); LOGGER.debug("segment score cache size: {}", segmentScoreEntries.size()); LOGGER.debug("segment score hit count: " + segmentScoreEntries.stats().hitCount()); LOGGER.debug("segment score hit rate: " + segmentScoreEntries.stats().hitRate()); LOGGER.debug("segment score eviction count: " + segmentScoreEntries.stats().evictionCount()); termIndexResource.getTermIndex().dropCustomIndex(TermIndexes.SINGLE_WORD_LEMMA); segmentScoreEntries.invalidateAll(); segmentLemmaCache.invalidateAll(); } private void buildCompostIndex() { LOGGER.debug("Building compost index"); compostIndex = new CompostIndex(similarityIndexingKey); for (String word : languageDico.getElements()) compostIndex.addDicoWord(word); for (String word : neoclassicalPrefixes.getElements()) compostIndex.addNeoclassicalPrefix(word); for (Word w : termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getWords()) compostIndex.addInCorpus(w.getLemma()); LOGGER.debug("Compost index size: " + compostIndex.size()); } /* * Compute scores for all segmentations of the word */ private Map<Segmentation, Double> computeScores(String wordStr) { Map<Segmentation, Double> scores = Maps.newHashMap(); List<Segmentation> rawSegmentations = Segmentation.getSegmentations(wordStr, maxNumberOfComponents, minComponentSize); for (Segmentation segmentation : rawSegmentations) { double segmentationScore = computeSegmentationScore(segmentation); if (segmentationScore >= this.scoreThreshold) scores.put(segmentation, segmentationScore); } return scores; } /* * Compute the score of a given segmentation */ private float computeSegmentationScore(Segmentation segmentation) { float sum = 0; int index = 0; for (Segment s : segmentation.getSegments()) { SegmentScoreEntry scoreEntry = index == (segmentation.size() - 1) ? getBestInflectedScoreEntry(s, this.inflectionRules) : getBestInflectedScoreEntry(s, this.transformationRules); sum += scoreEntry.getScore(); s.setLemma(scoreEntry.getDicoEntry() == null ? s.getSubstring() : scoreEntry.getDicoEntry().getText()); index++; } return sum / segmentation.size(); } /* * Returns the best score of a segment considering all its possible inflections or transformations. */ private SegmentScoreEntry getBestInflectedScoreEntry(Segment s, CompostInflectionRules rules) { SegmentScoreEntry bestScoreEntry = this.segmentScoreEntries.getUnchecked(s.getSubstring()); for (String seg : rules.getInflections(s.getSubstring())) { SegmentScoreEntry scoreEntry = this.segmentScoreEntries.getUnchecked(seg); if (scoreEntry.getScore() > bestScoreEntry.getScore()) bestScoreEntry = scoreEntry; } // this.segmentScoreEntries.put(s.getSubstring(), bestScoreEntry); return bestScoreEntry; } /* * Compute the score of a segment */ private SegmentScoreEntry computeSegmentScore(String segment) { if (this.stopList.contains(segment)) return SegmentScoreEntry.SCORE_ZERO; CompostIndexEntry closestEntry = compostIndex.getEntry(segment); double indexSimilarity = 0.0; if (closestEntry == null) { if (segmentSimilarityThreshold == 1) // do not compare similarity of this segment to the index return SegmentScoreEntry.SCORE_ZERO; // Find an entry by similarity Iterator<CompostIndexEntry> it = compostIndex.closedEntryCandidateIterator(segment); int entryLength = segment.length(); double dist = 0; CompostIndexEntry entry; while (it.hasNext()) { entry =; dist = distance.computeNormalized(segment, entry.getText()); if (Math.abs(entry.getText().length() - entryLength) <= 3 && dist >= segmentSimilarityThreshold) { indexSimilarity = dist; closestEntry = entry; } } if (closestEntry == null) { // could not find any close entry in the compost index return SegmentScoreEntry.SCORE_ZERO; } } else { indexSimilarity = 1f; } int inCorpus = 0; int inDico = closestEntry.isInDico() || closestEntry.isInNeoClassicalPrefix() ? 1 : 0; // retrieves all sw terms that have the same lemma Collection<Term> corpusTerm = swtLemmaIndex.getTerms(segment); float wr = 0f; for (Iterator<Term> it = corpusTerm.iterator(); it.hasNext();) wr += wrMeasure.getValue(; float dataCorpus; if (closestEntry.isInCorpus() && !corpusTerm.isEmpty()) { dataCorpus = wr / (float) wrMeasure.getMax(); inCorpus = 1; } else { dataCorpus = 0; inCorpus = closestEntry.isInNeoClassicalPrefix() ? 1 : 0; } float score = this.alpha * (float) indexSimilarity + this.beta * inDico + this.gamma * inCorpus + * dataCorpus; if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Score for {} is {} [alpha: {} beta: {} gamma: {} delta: {}]", segment, score, indexSimilarity, inDico, inCorpus, dataCorpus); } return new SegmentScoreEntry(segment, findSegmentLemma(segment), score, closestEntry); } /* * Finds the best lemma for a segment */ private String findSegmentLemma(String segment) { Collection<String> candidates = this.neoclassicalPrefixes.getTranslations(segment); if (candidates.isEmpty()) return segment; else { TermMeasure wrLog = termIndexResource.getTermIndex().getWRLogMeasure(); TermProperty property = wrLog.isComputed() ? TermProperty.WR_LOG : TermProperty.FREQUENCY; String bestLemma = segment; double bestValue = 0d; for (String candidateLemma : candidates) { for (Term t : swtLemmaIndex.getTerms(candidateLemma)) { if (property.getDoubleValue(termIndexResource.getTermIndex(), t) > bestValue) { bestValue = property.getDoubleValue(termIndexResource.getTermIndex(), t); bestLemma = t.getLemma(); } } } return bestLemma; } } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("a", this.alpha).add("b", this.beta).add("c", this.gamma) .add("d","minCompSize", this.minComponentSize) .add("maxCompNum", this.maxNumberOfComponents).add("similarityTh", this.segmentSimilarityThreshold) .add("scoreTh", this.scoreThreshold).toString(); } }