Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 The Planets Project Partners. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying * materials are made available under the terms of the * Apache License, Version 2.0 which accompanies * this distribution, and is available at * * *******************************************************************************/ package eu.planets_project.tb.gui.backing.admin.wsclient.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.wsdl.Binding; import javax.wsdl.BindingInput; import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import javax.wsdl.Input; import javax.wsdl.Message; import javax.wsdl.Operation; import javax.wsdl.Output; import javax.wsdl.Part; import javax.wsdl.Port; import javax.wsdl.Service; import javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensibilityElement; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPAddress; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBinding; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody; import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation; import javax.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactory; import javax.wsdl.xml.WSDLReader; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.ComplexType; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.ElementDecl; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.Group; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.Particle; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.Schema; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.SimpleTypesFactory; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.Structure; import org.exolab.castor.xml.schema.XMLType; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder; //import; /** * This class defines methods for building components to invoke a web service * by analyzing a WSDL contract document. * * @author Markus Reis, ARC */ public class ComponentBuilder { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ComponentBuilder.class); /** JWSDL Factory instance */ WSDLFactory wsdlFactory = null; /** Cator simple types factory */ SimpleTypesFactory simpleTypesFactory = null; /** WSDL type schema */ private Schema wsdlTypes = null; /** The default SOAP encoding to use. */ public final static String DEFAULT_SOAP_ENCODING_STYLE = ""; /** * Constructor */ public ComponentBuilder() { try { wsdlFactory = WSDLFactory.newInstance(); simpleTypesFactory = new SimpleTypesFactory(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t.getMessage()); } } /** * Builds a List of ServiceInfo components for each Service defined in a WSDL Document * * @param wsdlURI A URI that points to a WSDL XML Definition. Can be a filename or URL. * * @return A List of SoapComponent objects populated for each service defined * in a WSDL document. A null is returned if the document can't be read. */ public List buildComponents(String wsdlURI) throws Exception { // The list of components that will be returned List serviceList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); // Create the WSDL Reader object WSDLReader reader = wsdlFactory.newWSDLReader(); // Read the WSDL and get the top-level Definition object Definition def = reader.readWSDL(null, wsdlURI); // Create a castor schema from the types element defined in WSDL // This method will return null if there are types defined in the WSDL wsdlTypes = createSchemaFromTypes(def); // Get the services defined in the document Map services = def.getServices(); if (services != null) { // Create a component for each service defined Iterator svcIter = services.values().iterator(); for (int i = 0; svcIter.hasNext(); i++) { // Create a new ServiceInfo component for each service found ServiceInfo serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo(); // Populate the new component from the WSDL Definition read populateComponent(serviceInfo, (Service); // Add the new component to the List to be returned serviceList.add(serviceInfo); } } // return the List of services we created return serviceList; } /** * Creates a castor schema based on the types defined by a WSDL document * * @param wsdlDefinition The WSDL4J instance of a WSDL definition. * * @return A castor schema is returned if the WSDL definition contains * a types element. null is returned otherwise. */ protected Schema createSchemaFromTypes(Definition wsdlDefinition) { // Get the schema element from the WSDL definition org.w3c.dom.Element schemaElement = null; if (wsdlDefinition.getTypes() != null) { ExtensibilityElement schemaExtElem = findExtensibilityElement( wsdlDefinition.getTypes().getExtensibilityElements(), "schema"); //if(schemaExtElem != null && schemaExtElem instanceof UnknownExtensibilityElement) if (schemaExtElem != null && schemaExtElem instanceof javax.wsdl.extensions.schema.Schema) { log.debug(schemaExtElem.getClass().getCanonicalName()); schemaElement = ((javax.wsdl.extensions.schema.Schema) schemaExtElem).getElement(); } /*if(schemaExtElem != null && schemaExtElem instanceof ExtensibilityElement) { schemaElement = ((UnknownExtensibilityElement)schemaExtElem).getElement(); } */ } if (schemaElement == null) { // No schema to read log.error("Unable to find schema extensibility element in WSDL"); return null; } // Convert from DOM to JDOM DOMBuilder domBuilder = new DOMBuilder(); org.jdom.Element jdomSchemaElement =; ; if (jdomSchemaElement == null) { log.error("Unable to read schema defined in WSDL"); return null; } // Add namespaces from the WSDL Map namespaces = wsdlDefinition.getNamespaces(); if (namespaces != null && !namespaces.isEmpty()) { Iterator nsIter = namespaces.keySet().iterator(); while (nsIter.hasNext()) { String nsPrefix = (String); String nsURI = (String) namespaces.get(nsPrefix); if (nsPrefix != null && nsPrefix.length() > 0) { org.jdom.Namespace nsDecl = org.jdom.Namespace.getNamespace(nsPrefix, nsURI); jdomSchemaElement.addNamespaceDeclaration(nsDecl); } } } // Make sure that the types element is not processed jdomSchemaElement.detach(); // Convert it into a Castor schema instance Schema schema = null; try { schema = XMLSupport.convertElementToSchema(jdomSchemaElement); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } // Return it return schema; } /** * Populates a ServiceInfo instance from the specified Service definiition * * @param component The component to populate * @param service The Service to populate from * * @return The populated component is returned representing the Service parameter */ private ServiceInfo populateComponent(ServiceInfo component, Service service) { // Get the qualified service name information QName qName = service.getQName(); // Get the service's namespace URI String namespace = qName.getNamespaceURI(); // Use the local part of the qualified name for the component's name String name = qName.getLocalPart(); // Set the name component.setName(name); // Get the defined ports for this service Map ports = service.getPorts(); // Use the Ports to create OperationInfos for all request/response messages defined Iterator portIter = ports.values().iterator(); while (portIter.hasNext()) { // Get the next defined port Port port = (Port); // Get the Port's Binding Binding binding = port.getBinding(); // Now we will create operations from the Binding information List<?> operations = buildOperations(binding); // Process objects built from the binding information Iterator<?> operIter = operations.iterator(); while (operIter.hasNext()) { OperationInfo operation = (OperationInfo); // Set the namespace URI for the operation. operation.setNamespaceURI(namespace); // Find the SOAP target URL ExtensibilityElement addrElem = findExtensibilityElement(port.getExtensibilityElements(), "address"); if (addrElem != null && addrElem instanceof SOAPAddress) { // Set the SOAP target URL SOAPAddress soapAddr = (SOAPAddress) addrElem; operation.setTargetURL(soapAddr.getLocationURI()); } // Add the operation info to the component component.addOperation(operation); } } return component; } /** * Creates Info objects for each Binding Operation defined in a Port Binding * * @param binding The Binding that defines Binding Operations used to build info objects from * * @return A List of built and populated OperationInfos is returned for each Binding Operation */ private List<OperationInfo> buildOperations(Binding binding) { // Create the array of info objects to be returned List<OperationInfo> operationInfos = new ArrayList<OperationInfo>(); // Get the list of Binding Operations from the passed binding List<?> operations = binding.getBindingOperations(); if (operations != null && !operations.isEmpty()) { // Determine encoding ExtensibilityElement soapBindingElem = findExtensibilityElement(binding.getExtensibilityElements(), "binding"); String style = "document"; // default if (soapBindingElem != null && soapBindingElem instanceof SOAPBinding) { SOAPBinding soapBinding = (SOAPBinding) soapBindingElem; style = soapBinding.getStyle(); } // For each binding operation, create a new OperationInfo Iterator<?> opIter = operations.iterator(); while (opIter.hasNext()) { BindingOperation oper = (BindingOperation); // We currently only support soap:operation bindings // filter out http:operations for now until we can dispatch them properly ExtensibilityElement operElem = findExtensibilityElement(oper.getExtensibilityElements(), "operation"); if (operElem != null && operElem instanceof SOAPOperation) { // Create a new operation info OperationInfo operationInfo = new OperationInfo(style); // Populate it from the Binding Operation buildOperation(operationInfo, oper); // Add to the return list operationInfos.add(operationInfo); } } } return operationInfos; } /** * Populates an OperationInfo from the specified Binding Operation * * @param operationInfo The component to populate * @param bindingOper A Binding Operation to define the OperationInfo from * * @return The populated OperationInfo object is returned. */ private OperationInfo buildOperation(OperationInfo operationInfo, BindingOperation bindingOper) { // Get the operation Operation oper = bindingOper.getOperation(); // Set the name using the operation name operationInfo.setTargetMethodName(oper.getName()); // Set the action URI ExtensibilityElement operElem = findExtensibilityElement(bindingOper.getExtensibilityElements(), "operation"); if (operElem != null && operElem instanceof SOAPOperation) { SOAPOperation soapOperation = (SOAPOperation) operElem; operationInfo.setSoapActionURI(soapOperation.getSoapActionURI()); } // Get the Binding Input BindingInput bindingInput = bindingOper.getBindingInput(); // Get the Binding Output bindingOper.getBindingOutput(); // Get the SOAP Body ExtensibilityElement bodyElem = findExtensibilityElement(bindingInput.getExtensibilityElements(), "body"); if (bodyElem != null && bodyElem instanceof SOAPBody) { SOAPBody soapBody = (SOAPBody) bodyElem; // The SOAP Body contains the encoding styles List<?> styles = soapBody.getEncodingStyles(); String encodingStyle = null; if (styles != null) { // Use the first in the list encodingStyle = styles.get(0).toString(); } if (encodingStyle == null) { // An ecoding style was not found, give it a default encodingStyle = DEFAULT_SOAP_ENCODING_STYLE; } // Assign the encoding style value operationInfo.setEncodingStyle(encodingStyle.toString()); // The SOAP Body contains the target object's namespace URI. operationInfo.setTargetObjectURI(soapBody.getNamespaceURI()); } // Get the Operation's Input definition Input inDef = oper.getInput(); if (inDef != null) { // Build input parameters Message inMsg = inDef.getMessage(); if (inMsg != null) { // Set the name of the operation's input message operationInfo.setInputMessageName(inMsg.getQName().getLocalPart()); // Set the body of the operation's input message operationInfo.setInputMessageText(buildMessageText(operationInfo, inMsg)); } } // Get the Operation's Output definition Output outDef = oper.getOutput(); if (outDef != null) { // Build output parameters Message outMsg = outDef.getMessage(); if (outMsg != null) { // Set the name of the output message operationInfo.setOutputMessageName(outMsg.getQName().getLocalPart()); // Set the body of the operation's output message operationInfo.setOutputMessageText(buildMessageText(operationInfo, outMsg)); } } // Finished, return the populated object return operationInfo; } /** * Builds and adds parameters to the supplied info object * given a SOAP Message definition (from WSDL) * * @param operationInfo The component to build message text for * @param msg The SOAP Message definition that has parts to defined parameters for */ private String buildMessageText(OperationInfo operationInfo, Message msg) { // Create the root message element Element rootElem = null; if (msg.getQName() != null) { if (msg.getQName().getNamespaceURI() != null) { if (msg.getQName().getNamespaceURI().length() > 0) { rootElem = new Element(operationInfo.getTargetMethodName(), "ns1", msg.getQName().getNamespaceURI()); } else new Element(operationInfo.getTargetMethodName()); } else new Element(operationInfo.getTargetMethodName()); } else new Element(operationInfo.getTargetMethodName()); // Get the message parts List<?> msgParts = msg.getOrderedParts(null); // Process each part Iterator<?> iter = msgParts.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // Get each part Part part = (Part); // Add content for each message part String partName = part.getName(); if (partName != null) { // Determine if this message part's type is complex XMLType xmlType = getXMLType(part); if (xmlType != null && xmlType.isComplexType()) { // Build the message structure buildComplexPart((ComplexType) xmlType, rootElem); } else { // Build the element that will be added to the message Element partElem; if (part.getElementName() != null) { if ((part.getElementName().getLocalPart() != null) && (part.getElementName().getNamespaceURI() != null)) partElem = new Element(part.getElementName().getLocalPart(), part.getElementName().getNamespaceURI()); else partElem = new Element(partName); } else partElem = new Element(partName); // Add some default content as just a place holder partElem.addContent("?"); if (operationInfo.getStyle().equalsIgnoreCase("rpc")) { // If this is an RPC style operation, we need to include some type information partElem.setAttribute("type", part.getTypeName().getLocalPart()); } // Add this message part rootElem.addContent(partElem); } } } return XMLSupport.outputString(rootElem); } /** * Populate a JDOM element using the complex XML type passed in * * @param complexType The complex XML type to build the element for * @param partElem The JDOM element to build content for */ protected void buildComplexPart(ComplexType complexType, Element partElem) { // Find the group Enumeration<?> particleEnum = complexType.enumerate(); Group group = null; while (particleEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Particle particle = (Particle) particleEnum.nextElement(); if (particle instanceof Group) { group = (Group) particle; break; } } if (group != null) { Enumeration<?> groupEnum = group.enumerate(); while (groupEnum.hasMoreElements()) { Structure item = (Structure) groupEnum.nextElement(); if (item.getStructureType() == Structure.ELEMENT) { ElementDecl elementDecl = (ElementDecl) item; Element childElem; if (elementDecl.getSchema() != null) { if (elementDecl.getSchema().getElementFormDefault() != null) { if (elementDecl.getSchema().getElementFormDefault().isQualified()) { childElem = new Element(elementDecl.getName(), "ns1", partElem.getNamespaceURI()); } else childElem = new Element(elementDecl.getName()); } else childElem = new Element(elementDecl.getName()); } else childElem = new Element(elementDecl.getName()); XMLType xmlType = elementDecl.getType(); if (xmlType != null && xmlType.isComplexType()) { buildComplexPart((ComplexType) xmlType, childElem); } else { childElem.addContent("?"); } partElem.addContent(childElem); } } } } /** * Gets an XML Type from a SOAP Message Part read from WSDL * * @param part The SOAP Message part * * @return The corresponding XML Type is returned. * null is returned if not found or if a simple type */ protected XMLType getXMLType(Part part) { if (wsdlTypes == null) { // No defined types, Nothing to do return null; } // Find the XML type XMLType xmlType = null; // First see if there is a defined element if (part.getElementName() != null) { // Get the element name String elemName = part.getElementName().getLocalPart(); // Find the element declaration ElementDecl elemDecl = wsdlTypes.getElementDecl(elemName); if (elemDecl != null) { // From the element declaration get the XML type xmlType = elemDecl.getType(); } } return xmlType; } /** * Returns the desired ExtensibilityElement if found in the List * * @param extensibilityElements The list of extensibility elements to search * @param elementType The element type to find * * @return Returns the first matching element of type found in the list */ private static ExtensibilityElement findExtensibilityElement(List extensibilityElements, String elementType) { if (extensibilityElements != null) { Iterator iter = extensibilityElements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ExtensibilityElement element = (ExtensibilityElement); if (element.getElementType().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase(elementType)) { // Found it return element; } } } return null; } }