Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 The Planets Project Partners. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying * materials are made available under the terms of the * Apache License, Version 2.0 which accompanies * this distribution, and is available at * * *******************************************************************************/ /** * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import eu.planets_project.ifr.core.techreg.formats.FormatRegistry; import eu.planets_project.ifr.core.techreg.formats.FormatRegistryFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utils for handling digital objects. * @author <a href="">Andy Jackson</a> */ public final class DigitalObjectUtils { static final String SYSTEM_TEMP_DIR = System.getProperty(""); private DigitalObjectUtils() { /* Util classes are not instantiated */} private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DigitalObjectUtils.class.getName()); private final static FormatRegistry format = FormatRegistryFactory.getFormatRegistry(); private static final URI zipType = format.createExtensionUri("zip"); private static File utils_tmp = null; static { utils_tmp = new File(SYSTEM_TEMP_DIR, "dig-ob-utils-tmp".toUpperCase()); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(utils_tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @return The total size, in bytes, of the bytestream contained or referred * to by this Digital Object. Does not include the size of any * associated metadata, or the Java objects etc. */ public static long getContentSize(final DigitalObject dob) { long bytes = 0; // Get the size at this level, if set: byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; if (dob.getContent() != null) { InputStream inputStream = dob.getContent().getInputStream(); int length = 0; try { while ((inputStream != null) && ((length = != -1)) { bytes += length; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Return the total: return bytes; } /** * @param object The digital object to copy to a temporary file * @return The temporary file the digital object's byte stream was written to */ public static File toFile(final DigitalObject object) { try { /* TODO: use format registry to set the extension? The framework should not presume user needs or perform preservation actions silently. */ /* TODO: use data registry to store the content? Maybe, but TMP files are needed too: toTmpFile.*/ File file = File.createTempFile("planets", null); file.deleteOnExit(); toFile(object, file); return file; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Could not copy digital object: " + object); } /** * @param object The digital object to copy to a file * @param file The file to copy the digital object's byte stream to * @return The number of bytes copied */ public static long toFile(final DigitalObject object, final File file) { try { FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file); long bytesCopied = IOUtils.copyLarge(object.getContent().getInputStream(), fOut); fOut.close(); return bytesCopied; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } /** * These cases: <br/> * - A compound DO, zip as Content, with MD outside the zip, pointing into * it via Title. This is to pass between services.<br/> * - A zip file containing CDO, MD inside the zip, pointing to the binaries * via the Title. This is an pure file 'IP', in effect.<br/> * - A compound DO, pulled from such a CDO zip file, with inputstreams for * content. Okay, two formats, different contexts and packing/unpacking * options.<br/> * - (CDO[zip] or CDO) i.e. If no Content, look up to root and unpack?<br/> * - DOIP - a special ZIP file containing CDOs. <br/> * Operations:<br/> * - Packing one or more CDOs into a DOIP, optionally embedding referenced * resources. (Value) resources always to be embedded.<br/> * - Unpacking a DOIP and getting N CDOs out, optionally embedding binaries, * using ZipInputStreams, or unpacking into Files?<br/> * TODO Should DO use URI internally got Content.reference, to allow * relative resolution? */ public static void main(String args[]) { try { URI uri = new URI("FAQ.html"); System.out.println("Got " + uri); System.out.println("Got " + uri.isAbsolute()); uri = new URI("http://localhost/FAQ.html"); System.out.println("Got " + uri); System.out.println("Got " + uri.isAbsolute()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * A utility method that creates files for the content of "contained"-DigObs in a DigOb. * This method returns all contained DigObs one level deep. * * @param listOfDigObjs The digital objects to create files from * @param targetFolder The folder to store result files in * @return The child elements of the given digital object as files */ public static List<File> getDigitalObjectsAsFiles(final List<DigitalObject> listOfDigObjs, final File targetFolder) { List<File> containedFiles = new ArrayList<File>();"received list of dig obj with lengh: " + listOfDigObjs.size()); if (listOfDigObjs.size() > 0) { for (DigitalObject currentDigObj : listOfDigObjs) { String name = getFileNameFromDigObject(currentDigObj, null);"name of dig obj is: " + name); File file = new File(targetFolder, name); toFile(currentDigObj, file); containedFiles.add(file); } }"Returning %s files", containedFiles.size())); return containedFiles; } /** * Creates a Zip-type DigitalObject either from a given folder or from a zip file. * @param zip_Or_Folder * @param destZipName the name of the created zip file * @param createByReference Create the Content of the DO by reference or by value * @param withChecksum Create a checksum for the zip file to create * @param compress compress the content of the zip file * @return The digital object representing the zipped files */ public static DigitalObject createZipTypeDigitalObject(File zip_Or_Folder, String destZipName, boolean createByReference, boolean withChecksum, boolean compress) { if (zip_Or_Folder.isFile() && ZipUtils.isZipFile(zip_Or_Folder)) { return createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromZip(zip_Or_Folder, createByReference, withChecksum); } else { return createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromFolder(zip_Or_Folder, destZipName, createByReference, withChecksum, compress); } } /** * This method returns a new DigOb, containing a file that is specified by the fragment. The Fragment points to a file inside the zip. * If the passed DigOb is not a ZIP type DigOb, null is returned. * * @param digOb the zip type DigOb to get the fragment from * @param fragment the fragment (file in the zip) to retrieve * @param createByReference create by reference (true) or as stream (false) * @return a new DigitalObject containing the extracted fragment as content */ public static DigitalObject getFragment(DigitalObject digOb, String fragment, boolean createByReference) { if (!isZipType(digOb)) { log.severe( "The DigitalObject you have passed is NOT a Zip type DigOb. No Fragment could be retrieved!"); return null; } // Do all the tmpFolder related stuff.... String tmpfolderName = randomizeFileName(getFolderNameFromDigObject(digOb)); File digObTmp = new File(utils_tmp, tmpfolderName); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(digObTmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } File zip = getZipAsFile(digOb); File target = ZipUtils.getFileFrom(zip, fragment, digObTmp); DigitalObject resultDigOb = createDigitalObject(target, createByReference); return resultDigOb; } public static DigitalObject insertFragment(DigitalObject zipTypeDigOb, File fragmentFile, String targetPathInZip, boolean createByReference) { if (!isZipType(zipTypeDigOb)) { log.severe( "The DigitalObject you have passed is NOT a Zip type DigOb. No Fragment could be retrieved!"); return null; } File zip = getZipAsFile(zipTypeDigOb); File modifiedZip = ZipUtils.insertFileInto(zip, fragmentFile, targetPathInZip); DigitalObject result = createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromZip(modifiedZip, createByReference, false); return result; } public static DigitalObject removeFragment(DigitalObject zipTypeDigOb, String targetPathInZip, boolean createByReference) { if (!isZipType(zipTypeDigOb)) { log.severe( "The DigitalObject you have passed is NOT a Zip type DigOb. No Fragment could be retrieved!"); return null; } File zip = getZipAsFile(zipTypeDigOb); File modifiedZip = ZipUtils.removeFileFrom(zip, targetPathInZip); DigitalObject result = createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromZip(modifiedZip, createByReference, false); return result; } public static List<String> listFragments(DigitalObject digOb) { if (!isZipType(digOb)) { log.severe("This DigitalObject is NOT a Zip-type DigOb! No Fragments to return, sorry!!!"); return null; } return digOb.getFragments(); } /** * test if this is a zip type DigitalObject (format-URL == planets:fmt/ext/zip) * @param digOb the DigitalObject to test * @return "true" if the digOb is of type zip, "false" if not ;-) */ public static boolean isZipType(DigitalObject digOb) { if (digOb.getFormat() == null) { return false; } return digOb.getFormat().equals(zipType); } /** * Gets the title from the passed digOb and returns a proper folder name (e.g. strip the extension etc.) * @param digOb to get the folder name from * @return the folder name based on "title" in the passed digOb. */ public static String getFolderNameFromDigObject(DigitalObject digOb) { String title = digOb.getTitle(); if (title == null) { return null; } if (title.contains(" ")) { title = title.replaceAll(" ", "_"); } if (title.equalsIgnoreCase(".svn")) { return title; } if (title.contains(".")) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } return title; } /** * Gets the title from the passed digOb and returns a proper file name * @param digOb to get the file name from * @param supposedFormatURI This could be the format you believe the file has. Used to create a proper file name. * @return the folder name based on "title" in the passed digOb. */ public static String getFileNameFromDigObject(DigitalObject digOb, URI supposedFormatURI) { String title = digOb.getTitle(); String ext = null; // I know, this is evil, but this is a workaround for the Zip-DigitalObjectUtils if (supposedFormatURI == null) { URI digObFormat = digOb.getFormat(); if (digObFormat == null) { ext = "bin"; } else { ext = format.getFirstExtension(digObFormat); } } else { ext = format.getFirstExtension(supposedFormatURI); } if (title == null) { String defaultTitle = "default_input"; title = defaultTitle + "." + ext; } if (title.contains(" ")) { title = title.replaceAll(" ", "_"); } if (title.contains(".")) { return title; } else { title = title + "." + ext; } return randomizeFileName(title); } public static boolean cleanDigObUtilsTmp() { try { FileUtils.cleanDirectory(utils_tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Generates a ZIP-type DigitalObject from a given folder, containing the zip file itself at the top-level * DigitalObject and a list of the files contained in this zip as "fragments" DigitalObjects. * * @param folder the folder to create a zip from and build the DigitalObject * @param destZipName the name the zip file should have. If no name is specified, the name of the folder will be used. * @param createByReference a flag to set whether you want to create the DigObs by Reference or as stream... * @param withChecksum creates a zip with a checksum. * @param compress compress the zip content or not. * @return a DigitalObject containing the zip file created from "folder" and a list of the files inside the zip as "fragments". */ private static DigitalObject createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromFolder(File folder, String destZipName, boolean createByReference, boolean withChecksum, boolean compress) { String zipName = null; if (destZipName == null) { zipName = folder.getName() + ".zip"; } else { if (destZipName.contains(".")) { String tmpName = destZipName.substring(0, destZipName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".zip"; zipName = tmpName; } else { zipName = destZipName + ".zip"; } } File zip_tmp = new File(utils_tmp, randomizeFileName("zip_from_folder_tmp")); try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(zip_tmp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (withChecksum) { ZipResult zipResult = ZipUtils.createZipAndCheck(folder, zip_tmp, zipName, compress); if (createByReference) { DigitalObject digOb = null; digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(getUrlFromFile(zipResult.getZipFile())) .withChecksum(zipResult.getChecksum())).title(zipName) .format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipResult.getZipFile())).build(); return digOb; } else { DigitalObject digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder( Content.byReference(zipResult.getZipFile()).withChecksum(zipResult.getChecksum())) .title(zipName).format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipResult.getZipFile())).build(); return digOb; } } else { File result = ZipUtils.createZip(folder, zip_tmp, zipName, compress); if (createByReference) { DigitalObject digOb = null; digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(getUrlFromFile(result))).title(zipName) .format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")).fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(result)) .build(); return digOb; } else { DigitalObject digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(result)).title(zipName) .format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")).fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(result)) .build(); return digOb; } } } /** * Generates a ZIP-type DigitalObject from a given zip file, containing the zip file itself at the top-level * DigitalObject and the files contained in this zip as "contained" DigitalObjects. * * @param zipFile the zip file to create a DigitalObject with * @param createByReference a flag to set whether you want to create the DigObs by Reference or as stream... * @param withChecksum create DigOb with checksum or not? * @return a DigitalObject containing the zip file and a list of the contained files in this zip as "fragments". */ private static DigitalObject createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromZip(File zipFile, boolean createByReference, boolean withChecksum) { DigitalObject digOb = null; if (withChecksum) { Checksum checksum = null; try { checksum = new Checksum("MD5", Arrays.toString(Checksums.md5(zipFile))); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (createByReference) { digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder( Content.byReference(getUrlFromFile(zipFile)).withChecksum(checksum)) .title(zipFile.getName()).format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) // lists all entries in this zip file and includes them as "fragments" .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipFile)).build(); } else { digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(zipFile).withChecksum(checksum)) .title(zipFile.getName()).format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) // lists all entries in this zip file and includes them as "fragments" .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipFile)).build(); } } else { if (createByReference) { digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(getUrlFromFile(zipFile))) .title(zipFile.getName()).format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) // lists all entries in this zip file and includes them as "fragments" .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipFile)).build(); } else { digOb = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(zipFile)).title(zipFile.getName()) .format(format.createExtensionUri("zip")) // lists all entries in this zip file and includes them as "fragments" .fragments(ZipUtils.getAllFragments(zipFile)).build(); } } return digOb; } private static File getZipAsFile(DigitalObject digOb) { String folderName = randomizeFileName(getFolderNameFromDigObject(digOb)); File tmpFolder = new File(utils_tmp, folderName); File zip = null; try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(tmpFolder); zip = new File(tmpFolder, getFileNameFromDigObject(digOb, null)); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(zip); IOUtils.copyLarge(digOb.getContent().getInputStream(), out); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return zip; } static String randomizeFileName(String name) { Random random = new Random(); String prefix = null; String postfix = null; String randomName = null; if (name == null) { name = ""; } if (name.contains(".")) { prefix = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) + "_"; postfix = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")); randomName = prefix + random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + postfix; } else { randomName = name + "_" + random.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } return randomName; } /** * Creates a ZIP-type DigitalObject from a given file, by reference or as stream * @param file the file to create the DigitalObject from * @param createByReference create by reference (true) or as stream (false) * @return */ private static DigitalObject createDigitalObject(File file, boolean createByReference) { DigitalObject result = null; if (file.isDirectory()) { result = createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromFolder(file, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()), createByReference, true, true); return result; } else if (ZipUtils.isZipFile(file)) { result = createZipTypeDigitalObjectFromZip(file, createByReference, false); return result; } else { if (createByReference) { result = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(getUrlFromFile(file))).title(file.getName()) .build(); } else { result = new DigitalObject.Builder(Content.byReference(file)).title(file.getName()).build(); } } return result; } /** * Convenience method that creates a URL from a file in a proper (i.e. not deprecated) way, using the toURI().toURL() way. * Hiding the Exception, so you don't have to put it in a try-catch block. * @param file * @return The URL for the given file */ private static URL getUrlFromFile(File file) { try { return file.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * @param digitalObject * The digital object to be updated * @param newEvent * The event to add to the digital object * @return changed digital object with new event */ public static DigitalObject addEvent(DigitalObject digitalObject, Event newEvent) { DigitalObject res = null; if (digitalObject != null && newEvent != null) { DigitalObject.Builder b = new DigitalObject.Builder(digitalObject.getContent()); if (digitalObject.getTitle() != null) b.title(digitalObject.getTitle()); if (digitalObject.getPermanentUri() != null) b.permanentUri(digitalObject.getPermanentUri()); if (digitalObject.getFormat() != null) b.format(digitalObject.getFormat()); if (digitalObject.getManifestationOf() != null) b.manifestationOf(digitalObject.getManifestationOf()); if (digitalObject.getMetadata() != null) b.metadata((Metadata[]) digitalObject.getMetadata().toArray(new Metadata[0])); if (digitalObject.getEvents() != null) { List<Event> eventList = digitalObject.getEvents(); eventList.add(newEvent);[]) eventList.toArray(new Event[0])); } res =; } return res; } /** * This method returns event by summary * * in the targetObj * @param initObj * The initial digital object * @param summary * Event property we are looking for * @return res * The found event for particular summary */ public static Event getEventBySummary(DigitalObject initObj, String summary) { Event res = null; if (summary != null && initObj != null) { // search for the right event for (Event event : initObj.getEvents()) { if (event != null) { if (event.getSummary().equals(summary)) { res = event; } } } } return res; } /** * This method evaluates if particular digital object contains an ingest event * * @param obj * The digital object * @param summary * The summary of the event * @return res * Returns true if digital object contains ingest event otherwise false */ public static boolean hasEvent(DigitalObject obj, String summary) { boolean res = false; if (obj != null && summary != null) { // search for the right event for (Event event : obj.getEvents()) { if (event != null) { if (event.getSummary().equals(summary)) { res = true; } } } } return res; } }