Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Obeo. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package eu.opensourceprojects.mondo.benchmarks.transformationzoo.instantiator; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.IntegerDistribution; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.opensourceprojects.mondo.benchmarks.transformationzoo.instantiator.internal.EPackagesData; import eu.opensourceprojects.mondo.benchmarks.transformationzoo.instantiator.internal.Gpw; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * @author <a href="">Mikael Barbero</a> * */ public class SpecimenGenerator { protected final Random generator; protected final ISpecimenConfiguration c; protected final EPackagesData ePackagesData; /* inner Variable state */ private int currentDepth; private int currentMaxDepth; public SpecimenGenerator(ISpecimenConfiguration configuration) { c = configuration; ePackagesData = new EPackagesData(c.ePackages(), c.ignoredEClasses()); if (c.getSeed() != 0L) { generator = new Random(c.getSeed()); } else { generator = new Random(); } } public List<EObject> generate(ResourceSet resourceSet) { Gpw.setSeed(c.getSeed()); List<EObject> ret = newArrayList(); ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind = ArrayListMultimap.create(); currentDepth = 0; currentMaxDepth = 0; for (EClass eClass : c.possibleRootEClasses()) { currentMaxDepth = c.getDepthDistributionFor(eClass).sample(); int nbInstance = c.getRootDistributionFor(eClass).sample(); for (int i = 0; i < nbInstance; i++) { Optional<EObject> generateEObject = generateEObject(eClass, indexByKind); if (generateEObject.isPresent()) { ret.add(generateEObject.get()); } } } //System.out.println("Generating XRef"); for (EObject eObjectRoot : ret) { TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = eObjectRoot.eAllContents(); while (eAllContents.hasNext()) { EObject eObject =; generateCrossReferences(eObject, indexByKind); } } Map<EClass, Integer> resourcesSize = newHashMap(); for (EClass eClass : c.possibleRootEClasses()) { setNextResourceSizeForType(resourcesSize, eClass); } // Avoid the generation of several resources // // System.out.println("Generating resources"); // // for (EObject eObjectRoot : ret) { // TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents = eObjectRoot.eAllContents(); // createResource(resourceSet, resourcesSize, eAllContents, eObjectRoot, // ret); // while (eAllContents.hasNext()) { // EObject eObject =; // createResource(resourceSet, resourcesSize, eAllContents, eObject, // ret); // } // } // // System.out.println("#EObject=" + // ImmutableSet.copyOf(indexByKind.values()).size()); // System.out.println("#Resource=" + resourceSet.getResources().size()); // // for (Map.Entry<EClass, Collection<EObject>> entry : // indexByKind.asMap().entrySet()) { // EClass eClass = entry.getKey(); // System.out.println("#" + eClass.getEPackage().getNsURI() + "::" + // entry.getKey().getName() + "=" // + entry.getValue().size()); // } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void createResource(ResourceSet resourceSet, Map<EClass, Integer> resourcesSize, TreeIterator<EObject> eAllContents, EObject eObject, List<EObject> ret) { TreeIterator<EObject> properContents = EcoreUtil.getAllProperContents(eObject, true); int allProperContentsSize = Iterators.size(properContents); EClass eClass = eObject.eClass(); Integer integer = resourcesSize.get(eClass); if (integer != null && allProperContentsSize <= integer.intValue()) { createResource(resourceSet, eObject); setNextResourceSizeForType(resourcesSize, eClass); eAllContents.prune(); } else if (eObject.eContainer() == null) { List<EObject> precedingSibling = ret.subList(0, ret.indexOf(eObject)); TreeIterator<Object> allPrecedingSiblingContents = EcoreUtil.getAllProperContents(precedingSibling, true); int allPrecedingSiblingContentsSize = Iterators.size(allPrecedingSiblingContents); if (integer != null && allPrecedingSiblingContentsSize >= integer.intValue()) { createResource(resourceSet, eObject); setNextResourceSizeForType(resourcesSize, eClass); eAllContents.prune(); } } } private void setNextResourceSizeForType(Map<EClass, Integer> resourcesSize, EClass eClass) { IntegerDistribution sizeDistribution = c.getResourceSizeDistribution(eClass); int desiredSize = sizeDistribution.sample(); resourcesSize.put(eClass, desiredSize); } /** * @param eObject * @param indexByKind */ private void generateCrossReferences(EObject eObject, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind) { Iterable<EReference> eAllNonContainment = ePackagesData.eAllNonContainment(eObject.eClass()); for (EReference eReference : eAllNonContainment) { EClass eReferenceType = eReference.getEReferenceType(); IntegerDistribution distribution = c.getDistributionFor(eReference); if (eReference.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> values = (List<Object>) eObject.eGet(eReference); int sample; do { sample = distribution.sample(); } while (sample < eReference.getLowerBound()); for (int i = 0; i < sample; i++) { List<EObject> possibleValues = indexByKind.get(eReferenceType); if (!possibleValues.isEmpty()) { final EObject nextEObject = possibleValues.get(generator.nextInt(possibleValues.size())); values.add(nextEObject); } } } else { if (eReference.getLowerBound() != 0 || booleanInDistribution(distribution)) {//eReference.getLowerBound() == 1 List<EObject> possibleValues = indexByKind.get(eReferenceType); if (!possibleValues.isEmpty()) { final EObject nextEObject = possibleValues.get(generator.nextInt(possibleValues.size())); eObject.eSet(eReference, nextEObject); } } } } } private Optional<EObject> generateEObject(EClass eClass, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind) { final EObject eObject; if (currentDepth <= currentMaxDepth) { eObject = createEObject(eClass, indexByKind); generateEAttributes(eObject, eClass); generateEContainmentReferences(eObject, eClass, indexByKind); } else { eObject = null; } return Optional.fromNullable(eObject); } private EObject createEObject(EClass eClass, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind) { EObject eObject = eClass.getEPackage().getEFactoryInstance().create(eClass); indexByKind.put(eClass, eObject); for (EClass eSuperType : eClass.getEAllSuperTypes()) { indexByKind.put(eSuperType, eObject); } return eObject; } /** * @param eObject * @return */ private Resource createResource(ResourceSet resourceSet, EObject root) { Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI(Gpw.generate(16) + ".xmi")); resource.getContents().add(root); return resource; } /** * @param eObject * @param eClass * @param indexByKind */ private void generateEContainmentReferences(EObject eObject, EClass eClass, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind) { for (EReference eReference : ePackagesData.eAllContainment(eClass)) { generateEContainmentReference(eObject, eReference, indexByKind); } } /** * @param eObject * @param eReference * @param indexByKind */ private void generateEContainmentReference(EObject eObject, EReference eReference, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind) { currentDepth++; ImmutableList<EClass> eAllConcreteSubTypeOrSelf = ePackagesData.eAllConcreteSubTypeOrSelf(eReference); ImmutableMultiset<EClass> eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf = getEReferenceTypesWithWeight(eReference, eAllConcreteSubTypeOrSelf); // System.out.println(eReference.getName()); if (!eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf.isEmpty()) { if (eReference.isMany()) { generateManyContainmentReference(eObject, eReference, indexByKind, eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf); } else { generateSingleContainmentReference(eObject, eReference, indexByKind, eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf); } } currentDepth--; } private void generateSingleContainmentReference(EObject eObject, EReference eReference, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind, ImmutableMultiset<EClass> eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf) { // DONE look if the lowerbound is 1 IntegerDistribution distribution = c.getDistributionFor(eReference); if (eReference.getLowerBound() != 0 || booleanInDistribution(distribution)) {//eReference.getLowerBound() == 1 int idx = generator.nextInt(eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf.size()); final Optional<EObject> nextEObject = generateEObject(get(eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf, idx), indexByKind); if (nextEObject.isPresent()) { eObject.eSet(eReference, nextEObject.get()); } } } private void generateManyContainmentReference(EObject eObject, EReference eReference, ListMultimap<EClass, EObject> indexByKind, ImmutableMultiset<EClass> eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf) { // DONE look if the lowerbound is 1 IntegerDistribution distribution = c.getDistributionFor(eReference); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<EObject> values = (List<EObject>) eObject.eGet(eReference); int sample; do { sample = distribution.sample(); } while (sample < eReference.getLowerBound()); for (int i = 0; i < sample; i++) { int idx = generator.nextInt(eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf.size()); final Optional<EObject> nextEObject = generateEObject(get(eAllConcreteSubTypesOrSelf, idx), indexByKind); if (nextEObject.isPresent()) { values.add(nextEObject.get()); } } } private ImmutableMultiset<EClass> getEReferenceTypesWithWeight(EReference eReference, ImmutableList<EClass> eAllSubTypesOrSelf) { ImmutableMultiset.Builder<EClass> eAllSubTypesOrSelfWithWeights = ImmutableMultiset.builder(); for (EClass eClass : eAllSubTypesOrSelf) { eAllSubTypesOrSelfWithWeights.addCopies(eClass, c.getWeightFor(eReference, eClass)); } return; } /** * @param eObject * @param eClass */ private void generateEAttributes(EObject eObject, EClass eClass) { for (EAttribute eAttribute : ePackagesData.eAllAttributes(eClass)) { generateAttributes(eObject, eAttribute); } } private void generateAttributes(EObject eObject, EAttribute eAttribute) { IntegerDistribution distribution = c.getDistributionFor(eAttribute); EDataType eAttributeType = eAttribute.getEAttributeType(); Class<?> instanceClass = eAttributeType.getInstanceClass(); // System.out.println(eAttribute.getName()); if (eAttribute.isMany()) { generateManyAttribute(eObject, eAttribute, distribution, instanceClass); } else { generateSingleAttribute(eObject, eAttribute, distribution, instanceClass); } } private void generateSingleAttribute(EObject eObject, EAttribute eAttribute, IntegerDistribution distribution, Class<?> instanceClass) { boolean bool = booleanInDistribution(distribution); // DONE look if the lowerbound is 1 if (eAttribute.getLowerBound() != 0 || bool) {//eAttribute.getLowerBound() == 1 final Object value = nextValue(instanceClass); eObject.eSet(eAttribute, value); } } private void generateManyAttribute(EObject eObject, EAttribute eAttribute, IntegerDistribution distribution, Class<?> instanceClass) { // DONE look if the lowerbound is 1 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> values = (List<Object>) eObject.eGet(eAttribute); int lowerbound; do { lowerbound = distribution.sample(); } while (lowerbound < eAttribute.getLowerBound()); for (int i = 0; i < lowerbound; i++) { final Object value = nextValue(instanceClass); values.add(value); } } private Object nextValue(Class<?> instanceClass) { final Object value; if (instanceClass.isPrimitive() || isWrapperType(instanceClass)) { value = nextPrimitive(unwrap(instanceClass)); } else { value = nextObject(instanceClass); } //System.out.println(value); return value; } /** * @param instanceClass */ private Object nextObject(Class<?> instanceClass) { if (instanceClass == String.class) { return Gpw.generate(generator.nextInt(24) + 1); } else if (instanceClass == java.util.Date.class) { long dummyTime = generator.nextLong(); long generatedTime = dummyTime + 2 * 60 * 1000 + generator.nextInt(60 * 1000) + 1; return new Date(generatedTime); } else { log("Do not know how to randomly generate " + instanceClass.getName() + " object"); } return null; } /** * @param string */ private void log(String string) { System.out.println(string); } /** * @param eObject * @param eAttribute * @param instanceClass */ private Object nextPrimitive(Class<?> instanceClass) { if (instanceClass == boolean.class) { return generator.nextBoolean(); } else if (instanceClass == byte.class) { byte[] buff = new byte[1]; generator.nextBytes(buff); return buff[0]; } else if (instanceClass == char.class) { char nextChar = (char) generator.nextInt(); return nextChar; } else if (instanceClass == double.class) { return generator.nextDouble(); } else if (instanceClass == float.class) { return generator.nextFloat(); } else if (instanceClass == int.class) { return generator.nextInt(); } else if (instanceClass == long.class) { return generator.nextLong(); } else if (instanceClass == short.class) { short nextShort = (short) generator.nextInt(); return nextShort; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private boolean booleanInDistribution(IntegerDistribution distribution) { int sample = distribution.sample(); //System.out.println(sample < distribution.getNumericalMean()); return sample < distribution.getNumericalMean(); } }