Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 NumberFour AG. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * NumberFour AG - Initial API and implementation */ package eu.numberfour.n4js.utils.resources; import static; import static; import static eu.numberfour.n4js.utils.Arrays2.transform; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Project; import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.ProjectBuildConfigOrder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IBuildConfiguration; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import; import; import eu.numberfour.n4js.utils.resources.ComputeProjectOrder.VertexOrder; /** * Utility class for providing build order (as {@link IBuildConfiguration build configuration} instances) for external * projects. */ @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public abstract class ExternalProjectBuildOrderProvider { /** * Computes the build order among specified projects given as the argument. * * @param first * the first mandatory project. * @param second * the second project. * @param rest * the rest of the projects. Can be omitted but must not be {@code null}, or must not contain * {@code null} elements. * * @return the build order as an array of build configuration instances. */ public static IBuildConfiguration[] getBuildOrder(final ExternalProject first, final ExternalProject second, final ExternalProject... rest) { return getBuildOrder(newHashSet(Lists.asList(first, second, rest))); } /** * Computes the build order among specified projects given as the argument. * * @param projects * the projects. * @return the build order as an array of build configuration instances. */ public static IBuildConfiguration[] getBuildOrder(final Iterable<ExternalProject> projects) { return vertexOrderToProjectBuildConfigOrder(computeActiveBuildConfigOrder(projects)).buildConfigurations; } /** * Computes the global total ordering of all open projects' active buildConfigs in the workspace based on build * configuration references. If an existing and open project's build config P references another existing and open * project's build config Q, then Q should come before P in the resulting ordering. If a build config references a * non-active build config it is added to the resulting ordered list. Closed and non-existent projects/buildConfigs * are ignored, and will not appear in the result. References to non-existent or closed projects/buildConfigs are * also ignored, as are any self-references. * <p> * When there are choices, the choice is made in a reasonably stable way. For example, given an arbitrary choice * between two project buildConfigs, the one with the lower collating project name and build config name will appear * earlier in the list. * </p> * <p> * When the build configuration reference graph contains cyclic references, it is impossible to honor all of the * relationships. In this case, the result ignores as few relationships as possible. For example, if P2 references * P1, P4 references P3, and P2 and P3 reference each other, then exactly one of the relationships between P2 and P3 * will have to be ignored. The outcome will be either [P1, P2, P3, P4] or [P1, P3, P2, P4]. The result also * contains complete details of any cycles present. * </p> * * @param projects * the projects to calculate the active build configuration order among them. * * @return result describing the global active build configuration order */ public static VertexOrder computeActiveBuildConfigOrder(final Iterable<ExternalProject> projects) { // Determine the full set of accessible active project buildConfigs in the workspace, // and all the accessible project buildConfigs that they reference. This forms a set // of all the project buildConfigs that will be returned. // Order the set in descending alphabetical order of project name then build config name, // as a secondary sort applied after sorting based on references, to achieve a stable // ordering. final SortedSet<IBuildConfiguration> allAccessibleBuildConfigs = new TreeSet<>( new BuildConfigurationComparator()); // For each project's active build config, perform a depth first search in the reference graph // rooted at that build config. // This generates the required subset of the reference graph that is required to order all // the dependencies of the active project buildConfigs. final ExternalProject[] allProjects = Iterables.toArray(projects, ExternalProject.class); final List<IBuildConfiguration[]> edges = new ArrayList<>(allProjects.length); for (int i = 0; i < allProjects.length; i++) { final ExternalProject project = allProjects[i]; // Ignore projects that are not accessible if (!project.isAccessible()) { continue; } // If the active build configuration hasn't already been explored // perform a depth first search rooted at it if (!allAccessibleBuildConfigs.contains(project.unsafeGetActiveBuildConfig())) { allAccessibleBuildConfigs.add(project.unsafeGetActiveBuildConfig()); final Stack<IBuildConfiguration> stack = new Stack<>(); stack.push(project.unsafeGetActiveBuildConfig()); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { final IBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration = stack.pop(); // Add all referenced buildConfigs from the current configuration // (it is guaranteed to be accessible as it was pushed onto the stack) final Project subProject = (Project) buildConfiguration.getProject(); final IBuildConfiguration[] refs = subProject .internalGetReferencedBuildConfigs(buildConfiguration.getName(), false); for (int j = 0; j < refs.length; j++) { final IBuildConfiguration ref = refs[j]; // Ignore self references and references to projects that are not accessible if (ref.equals(buildConfiguration)) { continue; } // Add the referenced accessible configuration edges.add(new IBuildConfiguration[] { buildConfiguration, ref }); // If we have already explored the referenced configuration, don't explore it again if (allAccessibleBuildConfigs.contains(ref)) { continue; } allAccessibleBuildConfigs.add(ref); // Push the referenced configuration onto the stack so that it is explored by the depth first // search stack.push(ref); } } } } return ComputeProjectOrder.computeVertexOrder(allAccessibleBuildConfigs, edges); } /** * Computes the global total ordering of all project buildConfigs in the workspace based on build config references. * If an existing and open build config P references another existing and open project build config Q, then Q should * come before P in the resulting ordering. Closed and non-existent projects/buildConfigs are ignored, and will not * appear in the result. References to non-existent or closed projects/buildConfigs are also ignored, as are any * self-references. * <p> * When there are choices, the choice is made in a reasonably stable way. For example, given an arbitrary choice * between two project buildConfigs, the one with the lower collating project name and build config name will appear * earlier in the list. * </p> * <p> * When the build config reference graph contains cyclic references, it is impossible to honor all of the * relationships. In this case, the result ignores as few relationships as possible. For example, if P2 references * P1, P4 references P3, and P2 and P3 reference each other, then exactly one of the relationships between P2 and P3 * will have to be ignored. The outcome will be either [P1, P2, P3, P4] or [P1, P3, P2, P4]. The result also * contains complete details of any cycles present. * </p> * * @return result describing the global project build configuration order */ public static VertexOrder computeFullBuildConfigOrder(IBuildConfiguration[] preCalculatedConfigs) { // Compute the order for all accessible project buildConfigs SortedSet<IBuildConfiguration> allAccessibleBuildConfigurations = new TreeSet<>( new BuildConfigurationComparator()); IProject[] allProjects = from(transform(preCalculatedConfigs, config -> config.getProject())) .toArray(IProject.class); List<IBuildConfiguration[]> edges = new ArrayList<>(allProjects.length); for (int i = 0; i < allProjects.length; i++) { Project project = (Project) allProjects[i]; // Ignore projects that are not accessible if (!project.isAccessible()) continue; IBuildConfiguration[] configs = project.internalGetBuildConfigs(false); for (int j = 0; j < configs.length; j++) { IBuildConfiguration config = configs[j]; allAccessibleBuildConfigurations.add(config); IBuildConfiguration[] refs = project.internalGetReferencedBuildConfigs(config.getName(), false); for (int k = 0; k < refs.length; k++) { IBuildConfiguration ref = refs[k]; // Ignore self references if (ref.equals(config)) continue; // Add the reference to the set of reachable configs + add an edge allAccessibleBuildConfigurations.add(ref); edges.add(new IBuildConfiguration[] { config, ref }); } } } return ComputeProjectOrder.computeVertexOrder(allAccessibleBuildConfigurations, edges); } /** * Converts the {@link VertexOrder vertex order} into the appropriate {@link ProjectBuildConfigOrder build * configuration order}. * * @param order * the order to convert. * @return the converted vertex order as a build configuration order. The returning configuration can be consumed by * the Eclipse build framework. */ public static ProjectBuildConfigOrder vertexOrderToProjectBuildConfigOrder(final VertexOrder order) { final IBuildConfiguration[] buildConfigs = new IBuildConfiguration[order.vertexes.length]; System.arraycopy(order.vertexes, 0, buildConfigs, 0, order.vertexes.length); final IBuildConfiguration[][] knots = new IBuildConfiguration[order.knots.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < order.knots.length; i++) { knots[i] = new IBuildConfiguration[order.knots[i].length]; System.arraycopy(order.knots[i], 0, knots[i], 0, order.knots[i].length); } return new ProjectBuildConfigOrder(buildConfigs, order.hasCycles, knots); } // Comparator used to provide a stable ordering of project buildConfigs private static class BuildConfigurationComparator implements Comparator<IBuildConfiguration> { @Override public int compare(final IBuildConfiguration px, final IBuildConfiguration py) { int cmp = py.getProject().getName().compareTo(px.getProject().getName()); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = py.getName().compareTo(px.getName()); } return cmp; } } }