Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of kicker ( * Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Graegger. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package eu.m6r.kicker.slack; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.websocket.ClientEndpoint; import javax.websocket.CloseReason; import javax.websocket.ContainerProvider; import javax.websocket.DeploymentException; import javax.websocket.OnClose; import javax.websocket.OnError; import javax.websocket.OnMessage; import javax.websocket.Session; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientProperties; import eu.m6r.kicker.Controller; import eu.m6r.kicker.models.Player; import eu.m6r.kicker.models.PlayerQueue; import eu.m6r.kicker.slack.models.ChannelJoined; import eu.m6r.kicker.slack.models.Message; import eu.m6r.kicker.slack.models.RtmInitResponse; import eu.m6r.kicker.slack.models.SlackUser; import eu.m6r.kicker.utils.JsonConverter; import eu.m6r.kicker.utils.ZookeeperClient; @ClientEndpoint public class Bot implements Watcher { private static final Pattern COMMAND_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+"); private static final Pattern USER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<@([^>]*)>"); private static final String ZOO_KEEPER_PARENT_PATH = ZookeeperClient.ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_PATH + "/bot"; private static final String ZOO_KEEPER_PATH = ZOO_KEEPER_PARENT_PATH + "/slack_"; private static final String BOT_ID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); private final Logger logger; private final String token; private final JsonConverter jsonConverter; private final Controller controller; private final Client client; private final ZookeeperClient zookeeperClient; private final String lockNode; private final MessageWriter messageWriter; private Session socketSession; private String botUserId; private Pattern botUserIdPattern; public Bot(final String token, final ZookeeperClient zookeeperClient) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException, StartSocketSessionException, IOException { this.logger = LogManager.getLogger(); if (token == null) { logger.error("Slack token is not set."); throw new RuntimeException("Slack token cannot be null"); } this.client = ClientBuilder.newClient();, 30000);, 30000); this.token = token; this.controller = Controller.getInstance(); this.zookeeperClient = zookeeperClient; this.messageWriter = new MessageWriter(token); this.jsonConverter = new JsonConverter(Message.class, ChannelJoined.class, SlackUser.class); zookeeperClient.createPath(ZOO_KEEPER_PARENT_PATH); this.lockNode = zookeeperClient.createEphemeralSequential(ZOO_KEEPER_PATH, BOT_ID);"Creating lock {} for ID {}", lockNode, BOT_ID); if (zookeeperClient.checkLock(lockNode, this)) {"Obtained lock {} and starting new slack session.", lockNode); startNewSession(); } } private void startNewSession() throws StartSocketSessionException { final var target ="").path("/api/rtm.connect").queryParam("token", token); final var response = target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(RtmInitResponse.class); if (response == null) { throw new StartSocketSessionException("Failed to parse response object"); } if (!response.ok) { throw new StartSocketSessionException(response.error); } if (response.warning != null) { logger.warn(response.warning); } final var botMention = String.format("<@%s>",; this.botUserIdPattern = Pattern.compile(botMention); this.botUserId =; final var socketClient = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer(); try {"Starting new web socket session with {}", response.url); this.socketSession = socketClient.connectToServer(this, URI.create(response.url)); } catch (final DeploymentException | IOException e) { throw new StartSocketSessionException(e); } } @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) {"Zookeeper event: {}", event); try { if (this.socketSession == null && zookeeperClient.checkLock(lockNode, this)) {"Obtained lock {} and starting new slack session.", lockNode); startNewSession(); } } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException | StartSocketSessionException e) { logger.error("Failed to process zookeeper event.", e); } } @OnMessage public void onMessage(final String messageString, final Session session) throws IOException {; if (messageString.contains("\"type\":\"channel_joined\"")) { final var channelJoined = jsonConverter.fromString(messageString, ChannelJoined.class); final var id = controller.joinChannel(,; sendChannelJoinedMessage(, id); } else if (messageString.contains("\"type\":\"message\"")) { final var message = jsonConverter.fromString(messageString, Message.class); if (message.text == null) { return; } final var matcher = botUserIdPattern.matcher(message.text); if (message.type != null && message.type.equals("message") && matcher.find()) { final var command = message.text.substring(matcher.end()).trim(); onCommand(command,, message.user); } } } @OnClose public void onClose(final Session session, final CloseReason closeReason) { logger.error("Session closed: {}", closeReason); System.exit(1); } @OnError public void onError(final Session session, final Throwable throwable) { logger.error("Websocket error.", throwable); System.exit(1); } private void onCommand(final String command, final String slackChannelId, final String sender) throws IOException { final var commandMatcher = COMMAND_PATTERN.matcher(command); if (commandMatcher.find()) { final var action =; final var userMatcher = USER_PATTERN.matcher(command); final var channelId = controller.getChannelId(slackChannelId); List<String> userIds = new ArrayList<>(); while (userMatcher.find()) { userIds.add(; } if (userIds.isEmpty()) { userIds.add(sender); } try { switch (action) { case "add": case "play": for (final String userId : userIds) { try { final var player = getUser(userId); controller.addPlayer(channelId, player); } catch (PlayerQueue.PlayerAlreadyInQueueException e) { sendMessage(e.getMessage(), slackChannelId); } catch (final PlayerQueue.TooManyUsersException e) { sendMessage(e.getMessage(), slackChannelId); break; } } final var playersInQueue = controller.getPlayersString(channelId); if (!playersInQueue.isEmpty()) { sendMessage(String.format("Current queue: %s", playersInQueue), slackChannelId); } break; case "reset": controller.resetPlayers(channelId); sendMessage("Cleared queue.", slackChannelId); break; case "remove": for (final var userId : userIds) { final var playerToRemove = getUser(userId); controller.removePlayer(channelId, playerToRemove); sendMessage(String.format("Removed <@%s> from the queue",, slackChannelId); } break; case "queue": final String queueMessage; if (controller.getPlayersInQueue(channelId).isEmpty()) { queueMessage = "Queue is empty!"; } else { queueMessage = "Current queue: " + controller.getPlayersString(channelId); } sendMessage(queueMessage, slackChannelId); break; case "cancel": if (controller.cancelRunningTournament(channelId)) { sendMessage("Canceled the running match!", slackChannelId); } else { sendMessage("No match running!", slackChannelId); } break; case "fixedMatch": if (userIds.size() != 4) { sendMessage("To start a game I need 4 players :(", slackChannelId); } else { try { controller.resetPlayers(channelId); for (final var userId : userIds) { final var player = getUser(userId); controller.addPlayer(channelId, player); } controller.startTournament(channelId, false, 3); } catch (PlayerQueue.PlayerAlreadyInQueueException | Controller.TournamentRunningException e) { sendMessage(e.getMessage(), slackChannelId); } } break; case "url": sendChannelUrlMessage(channelId, slackChannelId, sender); break; case "help": sendHelpMessage(slackChannelId, sender); break; default: sendMessage(String.format( "I'm sorry <@%s>, I didn't understand that. " + "If you need help just ask for it.", sender), slackChannelId); } } catch (final PlayerQueue.TooManyUsersException | UserExtractionFailedException e) { sendMessage(e.getMessage(), sender); } } else { sendMessage("That doesn't make any sense at all.", slackChannelId); } } private void sendHelpMessage(final String channel, final String sender) { final var text = "Supported slack commands:"; final var message = new Message(channel, text, sender); final var addCommand = new Message.Attachment("add", "_Adds new player(s) to the queue._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> addFields = new ArrayList<>(); addFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field("Add yourself", String.format("<@%s> add", botUserId))); addFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field("Add others", String.format("<@%s> add <@U12G6EUSZ> <@U12RUGB7E>", botUserId))); addCommand.fields = addFields; message.attachments.add(addCommand); final var removeCommand = new Message.Attachment("remove", "_Removes player(s) from the queue._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> removeFields = new ArrayList<>(); removeFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field("Remove yourself", String.format("<@%s> remove", botUserId))); removeFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field("Remove others", String.format("<@%s> remove <@U12GTAA49> <@U5GEP6RMM>", botUserId))); removeCommand.fields = removeFields; message.attachments.add(removeCommand); final var queueCommand = new Message.Attachment("queue", "_Shows the current queue._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> queueFields = new ArrayList<>(); queueFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field(String.format("<@%s> queue", botUserId))); queueCommand.fields = queueFields; message.attachments.add(queueCommand); final var fixedMatchCommand = new Message.Attachment("fixedMatch", "_Creates a new match. Keeps the order of the players. " + "First and last two players will play together._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> fixedMatchFields = new ArrayList<>(); fixedMatchFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field(String .format("<@%s> fixedMatch <@U6WRKPL6P> <@U12G6EUSZ> <@U3ZCMB9SR> " + "<@U2D3PT6JK>", botUserId))); fixedMatchCommand.fields = fixedMatchFields; message.attachments.add(fixedMatchCommand); final var resetCommand = new Message.Attachment("reset", "_Reset the queue._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> resetFields = new ArrayList<>(); resetFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field(String.format("<@%s> reset", botUserId))); resetCommand.fields = resetFields; message.attachments.add(resetCommand); final var cancelCommand = new Message.Attachment("cancel", "_Cancel a running match._"); final List<Message.Attachment.Field> cancelFields = new ArrayList<>(); cancelFields.add(new Message.Attachment.Field(String.format("<@%s> cancel", botUserId))); cancelCommand.fields = cancelFields; message.attachments.add(cancelCommand); messageWriter.postEphemeral(message); } private Message.Attachment getQRCodeAttachment(final String channelId) { final var attachment = new Message.Attachment("Your Channel QR-Code", "You can scan this code from on " + controller.getBaseUrl()); attachment.imageUrl = controller.getChannelQRCodeUrl(channelId); return attachment; } private void sendMessage(final String text, final String channel) { final var message = new Message(channel, text, botUserId); sendMessage(message); } private void sendMessage(final Message message) { try { socketSession.getAsyncRemote().sendText(jsonConverter.toString(message)); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.error("Failed to process message json.", e); } } private Player getUser(final String userId) throws UserExtractionFailedException { final var target ="").path("/api/").queryParam("token", token) .queryParam("user", userId); try { final var userString = target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(String.class); final var slackUser = jsonConverter.fromString(userString, SlackUser.class); final var player = new Player(); =; =; player.avatarImage = slackUser.user.profile.image192; return player; } catch (final ResponseProcessingException | IOException e) { throw new UserExtractionFailedException(userId, e); } } private void sendChannelJoinedMessage(final String channel, final String id) { final var url = controller.getChannelUrl(id); final var messageText = String.format("Nice to meet you! I'm your new favourite kicker-bot. Go to %s to " + "find your team stats and to enter your results.", url); final var message = new Message(channel, messageText, botUserId); message.attachments.add(getQRCodeAttachment(channel)); messageWriter.postMessage(message); } private void sendChannelUrlMessage(final String channel, final String id, final String userId) { final var url = controller.getChannelUrl(channel); final var message = new Message(id, url, userId); message.attachments.add(getQRCodeAttachment(channel)); messageWriter.postEphemeral(message); } public static class StartSocketSessionException extends Exception { StartSocketSessionException(final Throwable cause) { super("Failed to establish web socket connection.", cause); } StartSocketSessionException(final String error) { super(String.format("Failed to establish web socket connection. Cause: %s", error)); } } public static class UserExtractionFailedException extends Exception { UserExtractionFailedException(final String userId, final Throwable cause) { super(String.format("Failed to get user informations for '%s' from slack API.", userId), cause); } } }