Java tutorial
/** * This code is part of the Harmony System implemented in Work Package 1 * of the Phosphorus project. This work is supported by the European * Comission under the Sixth Framework Programme with contract number * IST-034115. * * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Phosphorus WP1 partners. Phosphorus Consortium. * * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.idb.database.hibernate; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.persistence.Basic; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.MapKey; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.annotations.Proxy; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.hibernate.criterion.Property; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.Subqueries; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.CreateReservationType; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.GetStatusResponseType; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.GetStatusType; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.ServiceConstraintType; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.exceptions.EndpointNotFoundFaultException; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.exceptions.InvalidReservationIDFaultException; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.utils.WebserviceUtils; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.utils.Helpers; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.utils.PhLogger; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.utils.Tuple; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.idb.database.TransactionManager; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.idb.database.TransactionManagerDelete; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.idb.database.TransactionManagerLoad; import eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.idb.exceptions.database.DatabaseException; /** * Java representation of of the database entity {@link Reservation}. */ @Entity @Table(name = "Reservation") @Proxy(lazy = false) public class Reservation implements { private static Logger logger = PhLogger.getLogger(); // Fields /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -6417309812831412979L; /** * reservation id. */ private long reservationId; /** * URL of consumer wishing to be notified about changes related to this * reservation. */ private String consumerUrl; /** * timeout of the reservation. */ private Date timeout; /** * job id of the reservation. */ private long jobId; /** * job id of the reservation. */ private String gri; /** * job id of the reservation. */ private String token; /** * services of the reservation. */ private Map<Integer, Service> services = new HashMap<Integer, Service>(0); // Constructors /** Default constructor. */ public Reservation() { // empty } /** * constructor with id and timeout. * * @param reservationIdParam * Reservation ID. * @param timeoutParam * timeout Date. */ public Reservation(final long reservationIdParam, final Date timeoutParam) { super(); this.reservationId = reservationIdParam; this.timeout = timeoutParam; } /** * Constructor with initial values for all fields of primitive type. * * @param reservationIdParam * id of the reservation * @param consumerUrlParam * consumer url * @param timeoutParam * timeout of the reservation * @param jobIdParam */ public Reservation(final long reservationIdParam, final String consumerUrlParam, final Date timeoutParam, final long jobIdParam) { this.reservationId = reservationIdParam; this.consumerUrl = consumerUrlParam; this.timeout = timeoutParam; this.jobId = jobIdParam; } /** * Constructor with initial values for all fields of primitive type. * * @param reservationIdParam * id of the reservation * @param consumerUrlParam * consumer url * @param timeoutParam * timeout of the reservation * @param jobIdParam */ public Reservation(final long reservationIdParam, final String consumerUrlParam, final long jobIdParam) { this.reservationId = reservationIdParam; this.consumerUrl = consumerUrlParam; this.timeout = new Date(); this.jobId = jobIdParam; } // Property accessors /** * Retrieve the Reservation ID, which is also the primary database key. * * @return Reservation ID. */ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) public final long getReservationId() { return this.reservationId; } /** * Set the Reservation ID, which is also the primary database key. * * @param reservationIdParam * Reservation ID. */ public final void setReservationId(final long reservationIdParam) { this.reservationId = reservationIdParam; } /** * @return consumer url */ @Basic(optional = true) public final String getConsumerUrl() { return this.consumerUrl; } /** * @param consumerUrlParam * consumer url */ public final void setConsumerUrl(final String consumerUrlParam) { this.consumerUrl = consumerUrlParam; } /** * @return timeout of the reservation */ @Basic(optional = true) public final Date getTimeout() { return this.timeout; } /** * @param timeoutParam * timeout of the reservation */ public final void setTimeout(final Date timeoutParam) { this.timeout = timeoutParam; } /** * @return job id */ public final long getJobId() { return this.jobId; } /** * @param jobIdParam * job id */ public final void setJobId(final long jobIdParam) { this.jobId = jobIdParam; } /** * @return the gri */ @Basic(optional = true) public final String getGri() { return this.gri; } /** * @param gri * the gri to set */ public final void setGri(final String gri) { this.gri = gri; } /** * @return the token */ @Basic(optional = true) public final String getToken() { return this.token; } /** * @param token * the token to set */ public final void setToken(final String token) { this.token = token; } /** * @return set of services */ @OneToMany(mappedBy = "reservation", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = { javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL }) @MapKey(name = "serviceId") public final Map<Integer, Service> getServices() { return; } /** * @param servicesParam * set of services */ public final void setServices(final Map<Integer, Service> servicesParam) { = servicesParam; } /** * Add a service to this reservation. * * @param service * Service to be added. */ public final void addService(final Service servicesParam) { servicesParam.setReservation(this); getServices().put(new Integer(servicesParam.getServiceId()), servicesParam); } /** * Retrieve service with a specific ID. If the reservation was previously * loaded from the database, an additional loadServices() call must be made * to actually load the services associated with this reservation. * * @param serviceId * Service ID of requested service. * @return Service with the given Service ID, or null if not found. */ @Transient public final Service getService(final int serviceId) { return getServices().get(new Integer(serviceId)); } /** * @param resParam * reservation to be checked * @return true if equals */ public final boolean isEqual(final Reservation resParam) { if (this.hashCode() == resParam.hashCode()) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param o * @return */ @Override public final boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o.getClass() == Reservation.class) { return isEqual((Reservation) o); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = new Long(this.getReservationId()).hashCode() ^ new Long(this.getJobId()).hashCode() ^ ((this.getConsumerUrl() == null) ? 0 : this.getConsumerUrl().hashCode()) ^ new Long(Helpers.trimDateToSeconds(this.getTimeout())).hashCode(); // in the underlying objects, don't use the hashCode()-method, because // this can end in // dependency-circles. Instead only use the DB-primary key for the hash. // for (Service s : getServices().values()) { // result ^= new Long(s.getPK_service()).hashCode(); // } return result; } /** * @return copy of Reservation */ @Transient public final Reservation getCopy() { Reservation copy = new Reservation(this.reservationId, this.consumerUrl, this.timeout, this.jobId); for (Service s : getServices().values()) { copy.addService(s); } return copy; } @Override public final String toString() { return "<reservationId>" + getReservationId() + "</reservationId>" + "<consumerUrl>" + getConsumerUrl() + "</consumerUrl><timeout>" + getTimeout() + "</timeout><jobId>" + getJobId() + "</jobId>"; } /** * @param resParam * reservation to be compared to * @return -1 0 or 1 * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public final int compareTo(final Reservation resParam) { if (this.reservationId < resParam.getReservationId()) { return -1; } else if (this.reservationId == resParam.getReservationId()) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } /** * Create Reservation object from JAXB input. * * @param jaxb * JAXB input * @return Reservation object created from JAXB input. * @throws DatabaseException * @throws EndpointNotFoundFaultException */ public static Reservation fromJaxb(final CreateReservationType jaxb) throws EndpointNotFoundFaultException, DatabaseException { Reservation result = new Reservation(); result.setReservationId(0l); result.setConsumerUrl(jaxb.getNotificationConsumerURL()); if (jaxb.isSetJobID()) { result.setJobId(jaxb.getJobID()); } else { result.setJobId(0); } result.setTimeout(new Date()); result.setServices(new HashMap<Integer, Service>(0)); for (ServiceConstraintType jaxbService : jaxb.getService()) { Service s = Service.fromJaxb(jaxbService); s.setReservation(result); result.addService(s); } if (null != jaxb.getGRI()) { result.setGri(jaxb.getGRI()); } if (null != jaxb.getToken()) { result.setToken(jaxb.getToken()); } return result; } /** * Create Reservation object from JAXB input. * * @param jaxb * JAXB input * @return Reservation object created from JAXB input. * @throws DatabaseException * @throws EndpointNotFoundFaultException */ public static Reservation fromJaxb( final eu.ist_phosphorus.harmony.common.serviceinterface.databinding.jaxb.IsAvailableType jaxb) throws EndpointNotFoundFaultException, DatabaseException { Reservation result = new Reservation(); result.setReservationId(0L); result.setJobId(0); result.setTimeout(new Date()); result.setServices(new HashMap<Integer, Service>(0)); for (ServiceConstraintType jaxbService : jaxb.getService()) { result.addService(Service.fromJaxb(jaxbService)); } return result; } /** * Load reservation from the DB. This function does not load the services * that belong to the reservation - there is an additional method for doing * this! * * @param domainName * ID of domain to be retrieved from the database. * @return {@link Domain} for given ID, or null if domain was not found. * @throws DatabaseException */ public static final Reservation load(long resvID) throws DatabaseException { return (Reservation) (new TransactionManagerLoad(Reservation.class, Long.valueOf(resvID))).getResult(); } /** * Load reservation from the DB. This function does not load the services * that belong to the reservation - there is an additional method for doing * this! * * @param domainName * ID of domain to be retrieved from the database. * @return {@link Domain} for given ID, or null if domain was not found. * @throws DatabaseException * @throws InvalidReservationIDFaultException */ public static final Reservation load(String resvID) throws DatabaseException, InvalidReservationIDFaultException { return load(WebserviceUtils.convertReservationID(resvID)); } /** * load all existing reservations from DB * * @return * @throws DatabaseException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final Set<Reservation> loadAll() throws DatabaseException { return (Set<Reservation>) (new TransactionManager() { @Override protected void dbOperation() { Set<Reservation> result = new HashSet<Reservation>(); final List<Reservation> tmpReservation = this.session.createCriteria(Reservation.class) .setFetchMode("Reservation", FetchMode.SELECT).list(); for (Reservation r : tmpReservation) { result.add(r); } this.result = result; } }).getResult(); } /** * load all reservations from DB which lie in a given time-period. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final Set<Reservation> loadAllInPeriod(Date startTime, Date endTime) throws DatabaseException { return (Set<Reservation>) (new TransactionManager(new Tuple<Date, Date>(startTime, endTime)) { @Override protected void dbOperation() { Set<Reservation> result = new HashSet<Reservation>(); Tuple<Date, Date> times = (Tuple<Date, Date>) this.arg; // select all reservation-IDs from ReservationPeriod-view, which // lie in the given time-period DetachedCriteria ids = DetachedCriteria.forClass(VIEW_ReservationPeriod.class) .setProjection(Property.forName("reservationId")) .add(Restrictions.disjunction() .add(Restrictions.between("startTime", times.getFirstElement(), times.getSecondElement())) .add(Restrictions.between("endTime", times.getFirstElement(), times.getSecondElement())) .add(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.le("startTime", times.getFirstElement()),"endTime", times.getSecondElement())))); // select all reservations from DB accoring to the IDs from step // one final List<Reservation> tmpReservation = this.session.createCriteria(Reservation.class) .add(Subqueries.propertyIn("reservationId", ids)) // use join-select, because all infos will be // needed later .setFetchMode("Reservation", FetchMode.JOIN).list(); for (Reservation r : tmpReservation) { result.add(r); } this.result = result; } }).getResult(); } /** * Get reservations summarized under one job-Id. * * @param jobId * Id which summarizes reservations * @return List of Reservations summarized under the committed job-Id * @throws DatabaseException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final List<Reservation> loadJob(final long jobId) throws DatabaseException { return (List<Reservation>) (new TransactionManager("jobID=" + jobId) { @Override protected void dbOperation() { this.result = this.session.createCriteria(Reservation.class).setFetchMode("", FetchMode.SELECT) .add(Expression.sql((String) this.arg)).list(); } }).getResult(); } public final void save(Session session) { session.saveOrUpdate(this); } public final void save() throws DatabaseException { new TransactionManager() { @Override protected void dbOperation() throws Exception { save(this.session); } }; } public final void delete() throws DatabaseException { new TransactionManagerDelete(this); } public final void delete(Session session) throws DatabaseException { new TransactionManager() { @Override protected void dbOperation() throws Exception { delete(this.session); } }; } public final void loadOrCreateUserEndpoints() throws DatabaseException, EndpointNotFoundFaultException { for (Service s : getServices().values()) { s.loadOrCreateUserEndpoints(); } } @Transient public HashMap<Domain, Reservation> getReservationsForDomains() { HashMap<Domain, Reservation> domainReservations = new HashMap<Domain, Reservation>(); for (Service service : this.getServices().values()) { for (Connections connections : service.getConnections().values()) { for (NrpsConnections nrpsConnection : connections.getNrpsConnections().values()) { Reservation reservationForDomain = domainReservations.get(nrpsConnection.getDomain()); if (null == reservationForDomain) { reservationForDomain = new Reservation(); // transfer GRI and token reservationForDomain.setGri(this.getGri()); reservationForDomain.setToken(this.getToken()); domainReservations.put(nrpsConnection.getDomain(), reservationForDomain); } Service serviceForDomain = reservationForDomain.getService(service.getServiceId()); if (null == serviceForDomain) { serviceForDomain = service.getCopy(); serviceForDomain.getConnections().clear(); reservationForDomain.addService(serviceForDomain); } serviceForDomain.addConnection(nrpsConnection.toConnnections(connections)); } } } return domainReservations; } public final CreateReservationType toJaxb() { CreateReservationType createReservationType = new CreateReservationType(); for (Service service : this.getServices().values()) { createReservationType.getService().add(service.toJaxb()); } if (this.gri != null) { createReservationType.setGRI(this.gri); } if (this.token != null) { createReservationType.setToken(this.token); } return createReservationType; } @Transient public final String getDebugInfo() { String serviceOut = ""; for (Service service : getServices().values()) { serviceOut += service.getDebugInfo(); } return "JobId: " + this.jobId + "\n ReservarionId: " + this.reservationId + "\n ConsumerUrl: " + this.consumerUrl + "\n Timeout: " + this.timeout + "\n Services" + serviceOut; } @Transient public final Hashtable<Domain, GetStatusType> getGetStatusType() { HashMap<String, GetStatusType> getStatusTypeMap = new HashMap<String, GetStatusType>(0); HashMap<String, MAPNRPSResvID> mappingNrps = new HashMap<String, MAPNRPSResvID>(0); Hashtable<Domain, GetStatusType> returnType = new Hashtable<Domain, GetStatusType>(); HashMap<String, Domain> domainMap = new HashMap<String, Domain>(); logger.trace("Current status of Reservation: \n" + getDebugInfo()); try { for (MAPNRPSResvID resvID : MAPNRPSResvID.getMappingForReservation(this)) { mappingNrps.put(resvID.getDomain().getName(), resvID); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { logger.error("could not load mapping for reservation: " + getReservationId(), e); return returnType; } for (Service service : getServices().values()) { // build get Status type for (Connections connection : service.getConnections().values()) { for (NrpsConnections nc : connection.getNrpsConnections().values()) { domainMap.put(nc.getDomain().getName(), nc.getDomain()); if (!WebserviceUtils.isFinalStatus(nc.getStatusType())) if (!getStatusTypeMap.containsKey(nc.getDomain().getName())) { GetStatusType gs = new GetStatusType(); gs.setReservationID(WebserviceUtils.convertReservationID( mappingNrps.get(nc.getDomain().getName()).getnrpsReservationId())); gs.getServiceID().add(new Integer(service.getServiceId())); getStatusTypeMap.put(nc.getDomain().getName(), gs); } else { GetStatusType gs = getStatusTypeMap.get(nc.getDomain().getName()); if (!Helpers.isInList(gs.getServiceID(), service.getServiceId())) { gs.getServiceID().add(new Integer(service.getServiceId())); } } } } } for (Entry<String, GetStatusType> entry : getStatusTypeMap.entrySet()) { returnType.put(domainMap.get(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } return returnType; } @Transient public GetStatusResponseType getGetStatusResponseType(List<Integer> serviceIds) { if (!(null == serviceIds)) { GetStatusResponseType gsrt = new GetStatusResponseType(); for (Integer integer : serviceIds) { gsrt.getServiceStatus().add(getService(integer.intValue()).getServiceStatus()); } return gsrt; } return getGetStatusResponseType(); } @Transient public GetStatusResponseType getGetStatusResponseType() { GetStatusResponseType gsrt = new GetStatusResponseType(); for (Service service : getServices().values()) { gsrt.getServiceStatus().add(service.getServiceStatus()); } return gsrt; } }