Java tutorial
/* * JGrass - Free Open Source Java GIS * (C) HydroloGIS - * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.utils; import static eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.utils.Constants.ITEMS_SEPARATOR; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.utils.Utilities; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ACheckBox; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.AComboBox; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.AForm; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ALabel; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ARadioButton; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ASeparator; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ATab; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ATextArea; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.featureeditor.xml.annotated.ATextField; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.FormEditor; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.AWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.CheckBoxWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.ComboBoxWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.LabelWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.RadioButtonWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.SeparatorWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.TextAreaWidget; import eu.hydrologis.jgrass.formeditor.model.widgets.TextFieldWidget; /** * The class that takes care of dumping the {@link AWidget widgets} to disk in proper XML format. * * @author Andrea Antonello ( */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class FormContentSaveHelper { private final List<AWidget> widgets; private final File file; /** * Constructor. * * @param file the file to which to save the widgets. * @param widgets the widgets to dump. */ public FormContentSaveHelper(File file, List<AWidget> widgets) { this.file = file; this.widgets = widgets; } /** * Converts the {@link AWidget widgets} to XML and dumps it to file. * * @throws Exception */ public void save() throws Exception { // divide by tab LinkedHashMap<String, List<AWidget>> widgets4Tab = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<AWidget>>(); List<String> orderedNamesList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> yPositionsList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (AWidget widget : widgets) { String tab = widget.getTab(); List<AWidget> list = widgets4Tab.get(tab); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<AWidget>(); widgets4Tab.put(tab, list); int y = widget.getLocation().y; if (orderedNamesList.size() == 0) { orderedNamesList.add(tab); yPositionsList.add(y); } else { int index = 0; while (index < orderedNamesList.size() && y > yPositionsList.get(index)) { index++; } orderedNamesList.add(index, tab); yPositionsList.add(index, y); } } list.add(widget); // also clean them widget.setMarked(false); } String[] fieldNamesArrays = FormEditor.getFieldNamesArrays(); AForm form = new AForm(); float tabIndex = 0; for (String tabName : orderedNamesList) { List<AWidget> widgetList = widgets4Tab.get(tabName); ATab tab = new ATab(); = tabName; tab.text = tabName; tab.order = tabIndex++; tab.layoutConstraints = "insets 20 20 20 20, fill"; // tab.colConstraints = "[left][fill][left][fill]"; List<ACheckBox> checkboxs = tab.checkbox; List<AComboBox> comboboxs = tab.combobox; List<ALabel> labels = tab.label; List<ARadioButton> radiobuttons = tab.radiobutton; List<ASeparator> separators = tab.separator; List<ATextArea> textareas = tab.textarea; List<ATextField> textfields = tab.textfield; // now define who is on which row float widgetIndex = 0f; for (AWidget widget : widgetList) { int[] rowBounds = widget.getRowBounds(); int[] colBounds = widget.getColBounds(); int widgetStartRow = rowBounds[0]; int widgetEndRow = rowBounds[1]; int widgetStartCol = colBounds[0]; int widgetEndCol = colBounds[1]; if (widget instanceof LabelWidget) { LabelWidget labelWidget = (LabelWidget) widget; ALabel label = new ALabel(); = labelWidget.getName(); label.text = labelWidget.getText(); label.order = widgetIndex++; label.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; labels.add(label); } else if (widget instanceof TextFieldWidget) { TextFieldWidget textFieldWidget = (TextFieldWidget) widget; ATextField textField = new ATextField(); = textFieldWidget.getName(); // textField.text = textFieldWidget.getTextValue(); textField.defaultText = textFieldWidget.getDefaultValue(); textField.fieldName = fieldNamesArrays[textFieldWidget.getFieldnameValue()]; textField.valueType = Constants.TEXT_TYPES[textFieldWidget.getTypeValue()]; textField.order = widgetIndex++; textField.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; textfields.add(textField); } else if (widget instanceof TextAreaWidget) { TextAreaWidget textAreaWidget = (TextAreaWidget) widget; ATextArea textArea = new ATextArea(); = textAreaWidget.getName(); // textField.text = textFieldWidget.getTextValue(); textArea.defaultText = textAreaWidget.getDefaultValue(); textArea.fieldName = fieldNamesArrays[textAreaWidget.getFieldnameValue()]; textArea.order = widgetIndex++; textArea.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx, growy"; textareas.add(textArea); } else if (widget instanceof SeparatorWidget) { SeparatorWidget separatorWidget = (SeparatorWidget) widget; ASeparator separator = new ASeparator(); = separatorWidget.getName(); separator.order = widgetIndex++; separator.orientation = Constants.ORIENTATION_TYPES[separatorWidget.getTypeValue()]; separator.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; separators.add(separator); } else if (widget instanceof CheckBoxWidget) { CheckBoxWidget checkboxWidget = (CheckBoxWidget) widget; ACheckBox checkboxField = new ACheckBox(); = checkboxWidget.getName(); checkboxField.fieldName = fieldNamesArrays[checkboxWidget.getFieldnameValue()]; checkboxField.defaultText = Constants.CHECKBOX_TYPES[checkboxWidget.getDefaultValue()]; checkboxField.order = widgetIndex++; checkboxField.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; checkboxs.add(checkboxField); } else if (widget instanceof RadioButtonWidget) { RadioButtonWidget radioButtonWidget = (RadioButtonWidget) widget; ARadioButton radioButton = new ARadioButton(); = radioButtonWidget.getName(); radioButton.defaultText = radioButtonWidget.getDefaultValue(); radioButton.fieldName = fieldNamesArrays[radioButtonWidget.getFieldnameValue()]; radioButton.order = widgetIndex++; radioButton.orientation = Constants.ORIENTATION_TYPES[radioButtonWidget.getTypeValue()]; radioButton.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; if (radioButton.item == null) { radioButton.item = new ArrayList<String>(); } String itemsValue = radioButtonWidget.getItemsValue(); String[] itemsSplit = itemsValue.split(ITEMS_SEPARATOR); for (String item : itemsSplit) { radioButton.item.add(item.trim()); } radiobuttons.add(radioButton); } else if (widget instanceof ComboBoxWidget) { ComboBoxWidget comboBoxWidget = (ComboBoxWidget) widget; AComboBox comboBox = new AComboBox(); = comboBoxWidget.getName(); comboBox.defaultText = comboBoxWidget.getDefaultValue(); comboBox.fieldName = fieldNamesArrays[comboBoxWidget.getFieldnameValue()]; comboBox.order = widgetIndex++; comboBox.constraints = "cell " + widgetStartCol + " " + widgetStartRow + " " + (widgetEndCol - widgetStartCol + 1) + " " + (widgetEndRow - widgetStartRow + 1) + ", growx"; if (comboBox.item == null) { comboBox.item = new ArrayList<String>(); } String itemsValue = comboBoxWidget.getItemsValue(); /* * now this could be a string or a file path where to get the * items from */ if (itemsValue.startsWith("file:")) { if (itemsValue.endsWith(";y")) { comboBox.item.add(itemsValue); } else { String[] split = itemsValue.split(";"); String path = split[0].replaceFirst("file:", ""); int guiNameColumn = -1; try { guiNameColumn = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); } catch (Exception e) { } int attributeValueColumn = -1; try { attributeValueColumn = Integer.parseInt(split[2]); } catch (Exception e) { } String sep = split[3]; File itemsFile = new File(path); List readLines = FileUtils.readLines(itemsFile); for (Object line : readLines) { if (line instanceof String) { String lineStr = (String) line; String[] lineSplit = lineStr.split(sep); String finalString = ""; if (guiNameColumn >= 0) { finalString = finalString + lineSplit[guiNameColumn].trim() + ","; } finalString = finalString + lineSplit[attributeValueColumn].trim(); comboBox.item.add(finalString); } } } } else { String[] itemsSplit = itemsValue.split(ITEMS_SEPARATOR); for (String item : itemsSplit) { comboBox.item.add(item.trim()); } } comboboxs.add(comboBox); } }; } Utilities.writeXML(form, file); } }